2005-01-01 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Santosh Helekar wrote:
I say that both Hindus and Christians in Goa are
susceptible to the same mindset. All you need is a
sufficiently depraved politician to incite hatred and
trigger destructive mob behavior in a small percentage
of people, in either the Hindu or the Christian
That's true! I couldn't agree more. FN


2005-01-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>RESPONSE: Are you by any chance Halur ? Yes or NO


Hopefully, Halur will tell you that he is not Santosh.

Are you Bernardo Colaco? Yes, No, May be or Unsure?

>It is to do with demography and nothing to do with
>playing a slant card. It is known all over India that
>the Bengalis are the most ardent sports fans in the
>whole of India. .
>Similarly I am of the mindset that Goan Hindus would
>be more tolerant than from some >other parts of
>India -Gujarat springs readily to mind.

I submit to you that you are using a false analogy.
Anti-social criminal behavior, even a religiously or
ideologically motivated one, is fairly rare in any
society, except in times of war. Socially acceptable
and desirable behavior such as love of sports or
financial activity is very common. One is therefore
justified in generalizing a trait based on the
cultivation of the latter type of behavior to an
entire community, region, culture, religion or nation
based on their success at cultivating it.  If 80% of
the people of a group engage in a particular type of
behavior (which is the case with a socially desirable
behavior), then it is not much of a stretch to make
that behavior a characteristic of 100% of the people
of that group. However, one cannot stereotype an
entire group of people just because 1% of them
exhibited a particular type of behavior (which is the
case with criminal behavior) at one time.

That is why I find your characterization of "the
average non-Goan Hindu" offensive, as you have done in
your following quote:

"I put it to you, that the average Hindu is  easily
led, they can then be coerced with litttle compulsion
to do the unthinkable!"

It is the same thing as stereotyping the average Goan
as a drunkard, or the average Goan Catholic girl as
exhibiting loose morals, something that has been a
staple of a popular genre of Bollywood films.

>Since you are the self proclaimed ruler of Chimbel, I
>will bow to your superior knowledge, if you can
>categorically inform me that all Christians, Jews,
>Muslims are of the same Hue vis a vis their own?

I submit to you that the average Hindu from any part
of the world is no more or less criminal minded than
the average Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Atheist,
Agnostic, etc of any other part of the world. We are
all on an average equally susceptible to religious
frenzy or mob psychology. I know of gangs in Goa,
Hindu, Christian and mixed, some in my own beloved
Chimbel or very near to it, who have engaged in
various forms of criminal mob behaviors, albeit on a
smaller scale.

>That in effect all Hindus are of the same mindset (in
>the same vein as those who committed atrocities in
>Gujarat).  If this is the case than God spare the
>Christian Goans in Goa.

I say that both Hindus and Christians in Goa are
susceptible to the same mindset. All you need is a
sufficiently depraved politician to incite hatred and
trigger destructive mob behavior in a small percentage
of people, in either the Hindu or the Christian

Happy New Year!



P.S. I think Halur Rasho is an anagram for Rahul Rosha


2005-01-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 4:24 PM

--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I put it to you, that the average Hindu is  easily
led, they can then be coerced with litttle compulsion
to do the unthinkable!

Thankfully the Goan Hindus know better, alas it
appears that the Govt. is playing this card for the
immigrant populace or for the whole population of

The average Goan Hindu is better than average non-Goan
Hindu? What card are we playing here?
RESPONSE: Are you by any chance Halur ? Yes or NO
It is to do with demography and nothing to do with playing a slant card. It 
is known all over India that the Bengalis are the most ardent sports fans in 
the whole of India. Similarly it is also known the Mumbai is the Financial 
capital of India and even though the Shiv Senna have changed the name of the 
city to Mumbai the Bombay Stock exchange still rules O.K.

Similarly I am of the mindset that Goan Hindus would be more tolerant than 
from some other parts of India - Gujarat springs readily to mind.
To make a comparison, the rest of the U.K. is more tolerant of religions 
than the bigotry shown in Northern Ireland. Try as we may to say there is no 
difference, the stark reality is that there is.

Perhaps I am wrong having not been born in Goa and having not lived in 
India. Since you are the self proclaimed ruler of Chimbel, I will bow to 
your superior knowledge, if you can categorically inform me that all 
Christians, Jews, Muslims are of the same Hue vis a vis their own. ?  That 
in effect all Hindus are of the same mindset (in the same vein as those who 
committed atrocities in Gujarat).  If this is the case than God spare the 
Christian Goans in Goa.

Happy New You and to Halur and to all Goanetters.
P.S. The British as a whole have a different mindset as far as disasters are 
concerened - the people of this Country have now coughed up 50 million 
matching the Biritish Govt's. aid. This amount will surely go higher, taking 
into account that almost 1/3 more will be offered through the tax incentive 
if tax payers have opted to have the tax portion redeemed. 


2004-12-29 Thread Sachin Phadte
I think Gabe misses the point that I am making and that is why he says: 
"Please give us guidance on what you expect Christian Goans to do - just 
accept the VCD and a few days, weeks, months or years later, we can be 
brought to accept the yoke or taken to the slaughter house?" Nowhere in my 
message have I even given a hint that I want to take the Christian Goans to 
be taken to slaughter house.

The editorial in Goa is titled: "A Civilized Society Does Not Reopen 
Wounds". The issue is whether a civilised society should change its history 
because some may feel hurt with the truth. And I said that the editorial 
does not give any indication that facts have been wrongly stated.

Gabe says: "I do not know, which Religion you espouse to but if you are a 
Hindu and a similar VCD was made which shows that the Hindus created a lot 
of atrocities - ala Gujarat, I am sure you would not want to be associated 
with this extremity!" And this is exactly the point. I denounce the 
atrocities committed against the Muslims in Gujarat. Just as I denounce the 
burning of the Hindus in Godhra. And this I do not because I am a Hindu, but 
because I am a human being.

I would like to end this message form quoting what Halur had written in 
context of this thread. "Hindus are not total idiots, inspite of what you 
may think. They can distinguish between cruelty committed by Portuguese 
conquerors hundreds of years ago, with the bible in one hand and the sword 
in the other, and the present day catholic inhabitants."

Sachin Phadte
Don't know where to look for your life partner? Trust


2004-12-28 Thread Gabe Menezes
From: "Sachin Phadte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote:-
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:51 AM

I would like to respectfully disagree with the tone of the editorial in 
Gomantak Times. History has to be narrated the way it is, and it should not 
be falsified because some group may find it uncomfortable. The atrocities 
committed by the Portuguese in Goa, and many other places in the world, did 
happen. Not talking about them in fact makes things worse as far as the 
memory of the sufferers is concerned. In the editorial, a question is posed 
as follows: "Are scenes of Nazi brutality shown to young Jews?"

The answer is: "No, it is shown not only to the young Jews, but also to 
all the people, Jews and non-Jews, old and young." And there is a huge 
holocaust museum where people can see the brutality.

Dear Sachin Phadte,
I am not in Goa and have not seen the VCD nor had an expose about it. From 
what I can garner, it is not the fact that the Portuguese may have butchered 
our fore parents. It is about the fact that this VCD is clearly out to 
create a communal divide! I do not know, which Religion you espouse to but 
if you are a Hindu and a similar VCD was made which shows that the Hindus 
created a lot of atrocities - ala Gujerat, I am sure you would not want to 
be associated with this extremity! If the Christians were a majority and we 
prepetrated the same sort of proprganda on you, the whole lot of you would 
be outraged.

It abhors us all, if we are to believe that we (Christian Goans) were 
converted at the point of the sword. So what would you have us do? We should 
all renounce Christianity and return to the Mother faith - Hinduism - and 
may be some of us were Muslims before that and some, from other Religions 
before Hinduism took hold of Goa. Please give us guidance on what you expect 
Christian Goans to do - just accept the VCD and a few days, weeks, months or 
years later, we can be brought to accept the yoke or taken to the slaughter 


[Goanet]A civilized society does not reopen wounds

2004-12-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I havent seen the film myself, so can't comment on the scenes depicted in
the film, but tell me what is the intent of the RSS guys in making this
film? Dont tell me that they dont have a saffornizing agenda?

Samir Kelekar

>I would like to respectfully disagree with the tone of the editorial in 
Gomantak Times. History has to be narrated the way it is, and it should not 
be falsified because some group may find it uncomfortable. The atrocities 
committed by the Portuguese in Goa, and many other places in the world, did 
happen. Not talking about them in fact makes things worse as far as the 
memory of the sufferers is concerned. In the editorial, a question is posed 
as follows: "Are scenes of Nazi brutality shown to young Jews?"

>Sachin Phadte.

[Goanet]A civilized society does not reopen wounds

2004-12-27 Thread graceful
I havent seen the film myself, so can't comment on the scenes depicted in
the film, but tell me what is the intent of the RSS guys in making this
film? Dont tell me that they dont have a saffornizing agenda?

Samir Kelekar

>I would like to respectfully disagree with the tone of the editorial in 
Gomantak Times. History has to be narrated the way it is, and it should not 
be falsified because some group may find it uncomfortable. The atrocities 
committed by the Portuguese in Goa, and many other places in the world, did 
happen. Not talking about them in fact makes things worse as far as the 
memory of the sufferers is concerned. In the editorial, a question is posed 
as follows: "Are scenes of Nazi brutality shown to young Jews?"

The answer is: "No, it is shown not only to the young Jews, but also to all 
the people, Jews and non-Jews, old and young." And there is a huge holocaust 
museum where people can see the brutality.

And the ones who are in the forefront of this effort of not forgetting are 
the descendants of the very people who indulged in the brutality - the 
Germans. And they do so because it is their way of showing that they 
distance away from the actions of their ancestors.

Some time ago, a member on this list had posted that the BJP in Goa is 
asking for the return of the temple sites which were forcibly converted to 
churches. When I asked when this demand was made, the member did not respond 
- Fred, after some five days, said that perhaps it was a tounge-in-cheek 
statement. I found this strange.

The discussion also involved in denial that temples were destroyed. To the 
credit of many Christians on this list, they provided the list of such 
destructions. Even then, those who were denying, did not accept the 
information provided as facts.

The Pope has rightly apologised to the indigenous people in the Americas for 
the atrocities committed against them in the name of Christianity. The Pope 
has also rightly apologised to the non-Catholics for the atrocities 
committed against them in the name of the Roman Catholic Church. Such 
apologies can happen only when it is accepted that the events did happen.

Many in Japan did not want to teach their children about the atrocities 
committed by their army during the Second World War. The Chinese and the 
Koreans are upset about this. And every time a Japanese leader visits China 
and Korea, he has to make a formal apology for the events. In fact, normal 
diplomatic relationship between China and Japan happened when Japan made a 
formal apology. If there was no attempt to denial in the beginning, I do not 
think that the Japanese leaders would have needed to make the apology time 
and time again.

I know my Christian friends do not even mildly approve the atrocities. After 
all their ancestors suffered as much as my ancestors who did not convert. If 
there are facts in the video, it should be definitely deleted. I myself have 
not seen it. However, from the tone of the editorial, it would appear to me 
that the facts are correct.

>Sachin Phadte.

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2004-12-27 Thread Sachin Phadte
I would like to respectfully disagree with the tone of the editorial in 
Gomantak Times. History has to be narrated the way it is, and it should not 
be falsified because some group may find it uncomfortable. The atrocities 
committed by the Portuguese in Goa, and many other places in the world, did 
happen. Not talking about them in fact makes things worse as far as the 
memory of the sufferers is concerned. In the editorial, a question is posed 
as follows: "Are scenes of Nazi brutality shown to young Jews?"

The answer is: "No, it is shown not only to the young Jews, but also to all 
the people, Jews and non-Jews, old and young." And there is a huge holocaust 
museum where people can see the brutality.

And the ones who are in the forefront of this effort of not forgetting are 
the descendants of the very people who indulged in the brutality - the 
Germans. And they do so because it is their way of showing that they 
distance away from the actions of their ancestors.

Some time ago, a member on this list had posted that the BJP in Goa is 
asking for the return of the temple sites which were forcibly converted to 
churches. When I asked when this demand was made, the member did not respond 
- Fred, after some five days, said that perhaps it was a tounge-in-cheek 
statement. I found this strange.

The discussion also involved in denial that temples were destroyed. To the 
credit of many Christians on this list, they provided the list of such 
destructions. Even then, those who were denying, did not accept the 
information provided as facts.

The Pope has rightly apologised to the indigenous people in the Americas for 
the atrocities committed against them in the name of Christianity. The Pope 
has also rightly apologised to the non-Catholics for the atrocities 
committed against them in the name of the Roman Catholic Church. Such 
apologies can happen only when it is accepted that the events did happen.

Many in Japan did not want to teach their children about the atrocities 
committed by their army during the Second World War. The Chinese and the 
Koreans are upset about this. And every time a Japanese leader visits China 
and Korea, he has to make a formal apology for the events. In fact, normal 
diplomatic relationship between China and Japan happened when Japan made a 
formal apology. If there was no attempt to denial in the beginning, I do not 
think that the Japanese leaders would have needed to make the apology time 
and time again.

I know my Christian friends do not even mildly approve the atrocities. After 
all their ancestors suffered as much as my ancestors who did not convert. If 
there are facts in the video, it should be definitely deleted. I myself have 
not seen it. However, from the tone of the editorial, it would appear to me 
that the facts are correct.

Sachin Phadte.
Citibank Suvidha account at No Minimum Balance! 
Apply & get FREE watch!


2004-12-25 Thread goasuraj
Sujay Gupta- Editor Gomantak Times.
25 December 2004

Dear Readers,

When trouble is created by a misguided mind, there is still hope. But when
mischief is created by a devious mind, there is inevitable hell. The act of
forcing a communally charged, gory VCD supposedly on Goa's  freedom
struggle, down the throats of children, seeks to divide, destroy and
decimate young minds.
This isn't an educational exercise. This is a stab into the ribs of secular
polity of Goa. The  fact that this exercise was "inspired" (as mentioned in
the credits of the film) by the Chief Minister, who is also the Education
Minister and orchestrated by the Education department, is scary.

Scary: because people in power are expected to be responsible. Though there
have been instances when such pretences of responsibility have been done
away with, the present ploy of poisoning  minds and hearts breaks all limits
of civility and common sense.
Please note that the issue here is not whether every frame, word or shot in
the film confirms to history. That is debatable though there is considered
and overwhelming opinion that history has not only been tampered but also
butchered. But that is not the point. Why has brutality been fleshed out,
spiced up marinated and thrown into the faces of children? Are scenes of
Nazi brutality shown to young Jews? Are the barbaric tortures of the
apartheid regime in the Natal province shown to kids in the schools of South
Africa? Are the post partition riots filmed and served as a staple diet to
young children for customary viewing in schools in India? They are not.

If this government still needs to know why they are not, here is the answer.
These events are not shown because a civilized world does not open wounds.
Because time is a healer and no civil human leadership traverses back in
time to spread hurt and anguish. Just imagine what this film does to a young
mind. A child, without even grasping  the full facts of history sees priests
in black hoods, looking like monsters murdering and raping. He  sees dead
bodies, he sees blood, and he sees women getting their clothes ripped off.
Forget history. This is fear being drilled.

If children in Goa become mental wrecks, this government will be solely
responsible. We waited till we actually said this. But scores of calls,
mails and messages proved that Goan parents cutting across religious lines
are scared and worried. One  of them, incidentally a Hindu said. "When I was
growing up, I didn't  even realize whether my friends in class were Hindus
and Christians. Now  my daughter who is old enough to read papers asks if
Christians are bad.

Is this a legacy you would like to leave behind Mr. Chief Minister? When
instead of love and trust, hatred blooms, when friendship gives way to fear.

Any government must learn to respect  public opinion. This is not the case
of one section of the society or media being critical or reactionary. School
principals, common folks, historians, poets and most importantly parents
have been hurt by this cultural violence. From the Governor to the gas
station attendant, all have been shocked both at the film and the manner in
which it was forced to be shown. If forcible conversion needs to be
condemned, then this forcible indoctrination of young minds needs to be
despised, challenged and attacked in no uncertain terms.

If a film on the freedom struggle had to be made and shown, why was it
stealthily and slyly sneaked into schools without  giving Males, ministers
and a broad based political spectrum to view it? We know that the counter
argument to this will be that it was shown on Doordarshan a year ago. But
how many people saw it? And shouldn't  the government have had the
sensitivity to realize that a film fit for Doordarshan need not be fit for
young children who are almost raw? Moreover,  the length of the film has
changed, perhaps some of the contents. Why, even people in the script
committee of the original film were shown the VCD version and were calling
up our offices to ask for a copy of the CD. What a shame.

But these incidents may be shocking, but not surprising. There is very
little opposition to these incidents. When the leader of the Congress
Legislature Party, Pratap Singh Rane remains mum as always and the Tourism
Minister who prides himself for calling a spade a spade remains suspiciously
silent, where is the hope? We are  singling out Matany Saldanha since he is
known to be firebrand and we know he is hurt. If he has the guts, ask him to
either condemn this act or come out openly saying that the film is justified
and necessary.

It is high time Goa is freed from fence sitters like Rane and Matany
Saldanha tostart with. Of course, the larger issue of how to respond to
cultural atrocities should be dealt with by the people of Goa because
politicians have failed. The  Congress and the clergy have reacted strongly
but that isn't  enough. Let the people of Goa be the judge as a