Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-24 Thread Seb dc
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- Original Message -
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been
> removed by the evil George Bush, you must think he was
> a great guy and you must therefore also be opposed
> to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.
> > >
> >
> Santosh:
> This is a pathetic attempt by Mario Goveia to smear
> someone who disagrees with him.
> >
> Response:
> Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
> debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm afraid I
> must ask you to wear it.

The above seems to be getting out of hand between the two gentlemen. Is it
the same logic being followed here? 'You are either with us or not with us'
remember these words?? I feel alot of crap is being fed to the citizens of
US by the media. But those who have their basic rights, know how all this

So plz spare us. I have trouble even segregating and using the delete
button. I suppose fellow netters would agree; that there is nothing Goan
about IT:)


Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
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You have not answered the main question which puzzles
me more than any detail that we may discuss, which is
THE IRAQIS, while enjoying it for yourself?

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator,
> b)
> > We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441
> as a
> > legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him,
> c)
> > We all now know that the key members of the UN
> that
> > opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest
> and
> > were involved with Saddam in looting the country
> to
> All very good reasons, but these were not the
> reasons that GW Bush put forth as a 
> reason for the war. 
> What you talk about is what the neocons now say when
> their reason for the war has 
> been exposed to be a lie. 
> -Tariq
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cute answer, Tariq, but lacking in any substance.  
> Wouldn't your case be a lot stronger if you could
> advance a theory that fits ALL the actual and
> circumstantial evidence that I have listed, about what
> may have happened to Iraq's WMD?
> Since we know the WMDs were used previously, and they
> admitted having them in 1991, but neither accounted
> for thereafter nor found by the coalition as yet, what
> do you think could have happened to them?

I do not have to think about what happened to them. The IAEA does a good job 
here is what they said

"As of 16 December 1998, the following assessment could be made of Iraq's 
clandestine programme:

There were no indications to suggest that Iraq was successful in its attempt to 
produce nuclear weapons. Iraq's explanation of its progress towards the 
a workable design for its nuclear weapons was considered to be consistent with 
resources and time scale indicated by the available programme documentation.

Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the 
of HEU through the EMIS process, the production and pilot cascading of 
single-cylinder sub-critical gas centrifuge machines, and the fabrication of the
explosive package 
for a nuclear weapon

There were no indications to suggest that Iraq had produced more than a few 
grams of

weapons-grade nuclear material through its indigenous processes.

There were no indications that Iraq otherwise clandestinely acquired 

All the safeguarded research reactor fuel was verified and fully accounted for 
the IAEA and removed from Iraq.

There were no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical capability 
for the

production of amounts of weapons-usable nuclear material of any practical 

The link for this is provided here:

The same report also provides account of the Nuclear Material that you believe 


In addition, please refer to Santosh Helekar's mail for the US report.


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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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For the second time today I'm going to surprise you by
agreeing with some, but not all, that you have said in
this post.  There is much to criticize the US for for
policies throughout history.  We who live in the US do
it all the time as you would know if you followed the
recent campaign.

However, for being such an evil place as you try and
make it out to be based on a few selected examples
that you obviously think are critical to the overall
record, the fact remains that it is one of the few
places in the world that people risk their lives to
get into, to the tune of around 3 million a year
illegally, and a couple of million legally.  If it
were all that you would like to believe, people would
be risking their lives to get the hell out.

I will give you one example that will DRIVE YOU AND
OTHER ANTI-AMERICANS NUTS, but it was spoken by a
European leader who obviously disagrees with you,
BASED ON THE TOTAL RECORD.  Silvio Berlusconi, Prime
Minister of Italy, said this and I quote:

"We don't see the US just as a friend, but as the
guarantor of our security.  We don't see the Stars and
Stripes as just the US flag, but as a symbol of
freedom and democracy around the world".

And at the Memorial Services at Normandy on June 6, he
said again, and I quote:

"These are people who gave thgeir lives to set us
free.  Visit any one of our military cemeteries in
Italy, at Anzio, Montereggio, Palermo and all the
others, and read the names on the headstones, names
like Bradley and O'Connor, Jackson and Sanchez.  Look
at their ages.  These young Americans came to rescue
us and gave their lives so we could be free.  Then
come and talk to me about America".

As an America-hater, Cornel, I will excuse so you can
go puke.

So, Cornel, I will now ask you the same question I am
posing to those who oppose the action in Iraq.  See if
you can focus and respond with specifics if you choose

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> Mario,
> Many thanks for your considered reply.
> Unfortunately, I simply do not have
> the time at present,  much as I would like, to
> pursue this thread of our
> discussion. Clearly, we are poles apart about the
> virtues of the USA as a
> super power, minimally, because for me, the USA is
> ready to uphold many a
> tyrant and eliminate even democratically elected 
> governments it does not
> approve of and Chile comes readily to mind. You may
> recall the American
> general saying about Samoza (or some other right
> wing tyrant) that "he may
> be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch". 
> As to spreading
> democracy, Bush coos over this about Afghanistan but
> all that has happened
> there is that an American puppet has been installed 
> and the warlords are
> really in charge. And do try telling the displaced
> people of Diego Garcia
> that Bush and his poodle, Blair, are promoting their
> freedom!!
> There is much for  America to be proud of itself,
> even though it is unfairly
> consuming the world's resources like there is no
> tomorrow. I happen to share
> the views of those Americans (almost 50%) who do not
> share your rose-tinted
> view of America but have hopes that it will change
> for the better.
> Regards,
> Cornel

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

You are so full of [EMAIL PROTECTED], pardon my French, that it is
a waste of time arguing with you about an attitude we
can all read in your words.  So, let me focus your
mind and ask you to respond.  Forget the rest. 
Believe me, I have nothing against you personally.  I
don't even know you, for Christ's sake. (Saiba bogus!)
I have asked Tariq the same question, so I am not
discriminating against you.

Here's the bottom line, and I'm going to repeat it
until I get a straight answer:

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
> >debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm
> afraid
> >I must ask you to wear it.  
> >
> It is clear from the above post, and the abuses,
> character assassination, prejudices and lies
> contained
> in it that Mario Goveia is incapable of defending
> against my charge that the Iraq war was based on a
> lie. He fails to defend the casus belli for this
> illegal war, namely the existence of WMDs and the
> purported imminent threat that they posed to the
> U.S.
> Like the politicians that he supports, Mr. Goveia
> does
> not have the honesty and the decency to
> unconditionally admit that it is now well
> established
> that there were no WMDs in Iraq just before the war,
> and there are none there at present.  He has been
> reduce to demonizing me, calling me names, making
> baseless prejudiced statements against me, and lying
> and distorting the facts. And despite all this he
> fancies himself to be a superior logician and
> custodian of the choicest facts.
> In this post I will avoid, as far as possible,
> responding to Mr. Goveia’s abusive personal attacks
> against me. Suffice it to say that this aspect of
> his
> post illustrates how well he has been indoctrinated
> in
> the tactics and practices of the right wing hate mob
> in the U.S. His post is a poignant example – almost
> a
> caricature - of the intellectual dishonesty and
> bankruptcy that afflicts partisan hacks on either
> side
> of the political divide in this country.
> I will mostly address below only the factual
> contradictions, distortions and post-hoc
> rationalizations that he has propagated in his post.
> >
> > mount a vicious and relentless attack on the
> >liberation of a country that has been brutalized by
> >dictator, has never known freedom and democracy,
> >hasthen yell "Bloody murder!" when 
> >someone wonders why. 
> > 
> The above is a load of gratuitous hogwash designed
> to
> disguise the fact that the Iraq war was based on a
> lie.
> > 
> > Not knowing you makes me more objective, don't you
> >think?
> >
> I wonder which part of Mr. Goveia’s post reveals
> himself to be objective. The part where he calls me
> a
> huge supporter of Saddam Hussein? Or the one where
> he
> calls me a diehard anti-American and anti-Semite?
> >
> > Here is a classic example of why I think you are a
> >huge supporter of Saddam Hussein.  If you don't
> know
> >that Iraq used WMDs against Iran, the Kurds at
> >Halabja (5,000 innocent civilians dead in one day)
> >and the Marsh Shia in the Tigris-Euphrates delta
> >then you need to do some research and PLEASE stop
> >embarrassing yourself.
> > 
> Here Mr. Goveia fantasizes that my knowledge is more
> limited than his. His ignoran

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Nice try, but isn't it you, and the others who support
your point of view, who are opposing dissent by
opposing freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people? 
You don't like it when I mention it, but you are
mounting such a die-hard attack on anything or anyone
who supports freedom and democracy for the Iraqis that
I am at a loss for any other description that fits.

Here's the bottom line, and I'm going to repeat it
until I get a straight answer:

a) We all know that Saddam was a brutal dictator, b)
We all know that the US, using UN resolution 1441 as a
legal excuse, formed a coalition and deposed him, c)
We all now know that the key members of the UN that
opposed the coalition had a conflict of interest and
were involved with Saddam in looting the country to



Tariq, you have to know that there are some
non-Muslims who believe that democracy is not good
enough for Muslims.  But how the hell can you, as a
Muslim, oppose freedom and democracy for fellow
Muslims, well knowing that there are very few Muslim
democracies, and well knowing that Muslims who live in
true democracies like Britain, Canada, the US,
Australia, NZ and India all agree that they are better
of in every possible way than living under the heel of
the militants that control daily life in all the
Muslim countries?  If its good enough for you, why not
for the Iraqis, and all the others?

Notice that I have excluded the European countries
because I believe their committment to democracy is
skin deep, based on the recent OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT
reactions to Muslims in France and the Netherlands.

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > See my comments below under Responses.
> > 
> > By the way, since you are such a staunch defender
> of
> > Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
> > sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really
> be
> > opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi
> people.
> Therein lies the problem with people like you. You
> cannot comprehend the fact that
> there exist ordinary people around the world whose
> opposition to a certain policy
> does not make them supportive of the opposite of
> that policy. 
> Just because I did not support the war in Iraq, does
> not make me, or the millions
> like me, a supporter of Saddam Hussein.
> You prefer to see things that way only because you
> cannot tolerate dissent or
> comprehend objectivity.
> -Tariq
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Cute answer, Tariq, but lacking in any substance.  

Wouldn't your case be a lot stronger if you could
advance a theory that fits ALL the actual and
circumstantial evidence that I have listed, about what
may have happened to Iraq's WMD?

Since we know the WMDs were used previously, and they
admitted having them in 1991, but neither accounted
for thereafter nor found by the coalition as yet, what
do you think could have happened to them?

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Santosh,
> >  
> > Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been
> removed by the evil George Bush, you
> > must think he was a great guy and you must
> therefore also be opposed to freedom
> > and democracy for the Iraqi people.
> >  
> > 
> > You seem to be one of those people who is too
> intelligent by half.
> >  
> > See if you can follow this simple sequential
> logic:
> >  
> > 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
>  Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and
> > Shia that these were used on.
> > 2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the
> UN has a signed agreement by
> > Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to
> destroy these and provide the UN
> > with an accounting.
> > 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council
> passed 17 resolutions asking for the
> > accounting that Saddam never provided, even though
> the consequence of the first 16
> > were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the
> loss of his dictatorship and his
> > sadistic sons.
> > 4. Physics tells us that matter does not
> disappear.  It has to be accounted for.
> > 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
> > 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared,
> they have not been accounted for,
> > they have not been found as yet, so they must be
> either still hidden somewhere in
> > Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.
> > 
> I am suprised you did not say that they could have
> also been taken by UFOs 
> .
> -Tariq
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread cornel
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Many thanks for your considered reply. Unfortunately, I simply do not have
the time at present,  much as I would like, to pursue this thread of our
discussion. Clearly, we are poles apart about the virtues of the USA as a
super power, minimally, because for me, the USA is ready to uphold many a
tyrant and eliminate even democratically elected  governments it does not
approve of and Chile comes readily to mind. You may recall the American
general saying about Samoza (or some other right wing tyrant) that "he may
be a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch".  As to spreading
democracy, Bush coos over this about Afghanistan but all that has happened
there is that an American puppet has been installed  and the warlords are
really in charge. And do try telling the displaced people of Diego Garcia
that Bush and his poodle, Blair, are promoting their freedom!!

There is much for  America to be proud of itself, even though it is unfairly
consuming the world's resources like there is no tomorrow. I happen to share
the views of those Americans (almost 50%) who do not share your rose-tinted
view of America but have hopes that it will change for the better.

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See my comments below under Responses.
> By the way, since you are such a staunch defender of
> Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
> sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really be
> opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.

Therein lies the problem with people like you. You cannot comprehend the fact 
there exist ordinary people around the world whose opposition to a certain 
does not make them supportive of the opposite of that policy. 

Just because I did not support the war in Iraq, does not make me, or the 
like me, a supporter of Saddam Hussein.

You prefer to see things that way only because you cannot tolerate dissent or
comprehend objectivity.


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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
>debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm afraid
>I must ask you to wear it.  

It is clear from the above post, and the abuses,
character assassination, prejudices and lies contained
in it that Mario Goveia is incapable of defending
against my charge that the Iraq war was based on a
lie. He fails to defend the casus belli for this
illegal war, namely the existence of WMDs and the
purported imminent threat that they posed to the U.S.

Like the politicians that he supports, Mr. Goveia does
not have the honesty and the decency to
unconditionally admit that it is now well established
that there were no WMDs in Iraq just before the war,
and there are none there at present.  He has been
reduce to demonizing me, calling me names, making
baseless prejudiced statements against me, and lying
and distorting the facts. And despite all this he
fancies himself to be a superior logician and
custodian of the choicest facts.

In this post I will avoid, as far as possible,
responding to Mr. Goveia’s abusive personal attacks
against me. Suffice it to say that this aspect of his
post illustrates how well he has been indoctrinated in
the tactics and practices of the right wing hate mob
in the U.S. His post is a poignant example – almost a
caricature - of the intellectual dishonesty and
bankruptcy that afflicts partisan hacks on either side
of the political divide in this country.

I will mostly address below only the factual
contradictions, distortions and post-hoc
rationalizations that he has propagated in his post.

> mount a vicious and relentless attack on the
>liberation of a country that has been brutalized by
>dictator, has never known freedom and democracy,
>hasthen yell "Bloody murder!" when 
>someone wonders why. 

The above is a load of gratuitous hogwash designed to
disguise the fact that the Iraq war was based on a

> Not knowing you makes me more objective, don't you

I wonder which part of Mr. Goveia’s post reveals
himself to be objective. The part where he calls me a
huge supporter of Saddam Hussein? Or the one where he
calls me a diehard anti-American and anti-Semite?

> Here is a classic example of why I think you are a
>huge supporter of Saddam Hussein.  If you don't know
>that Iraq used WMDs against Iran, the Kurds at
>Halabja (5,000 innocent civilians dead in one day)
>and the Marsh Shia in the Tigris-Euphrates delta
>then you need to do some research and PLEASE stop
>embarrassing yourself.

Here Mr. Goveia fantasizes that my knowledge is more
limited than his. His ignorance about what I know and
what I don’t know does not prevent him from drawing a
prejudiced conclusion, complete with a stale and a
rather childish slur.

>Yes there is.  If Saddam had really destroyed his
>WMDs as he had agreed to do, he would have been able
>to show the UN inspectors that he had done so, and
>the UN resolutions would have been complied with and
>the crippling UN sanctions for not complying would
>have been removed and everyone in the Baath party
>could have lived happily ever after, but not the
>Kurds and the Shia that make up about 75% of Iraq.

More hyper-defensive claptrap designed to disguise the
fact that the Iraq war was based on a lie.  A confused
statement that goes beyond the rationale of
international consensus, and appears to suggest that
100,000 more Iraqis would have had to be killed, no
matter what, in the interest of democracy and freedom.

> No, I don't.  Yes the UN inspectors destroyed some
>that they found...Don't you think the UN knew
>what its own inspectors had destroyed and what had
>not been accounted for?

The final report on WMDs, namely the Duelfer report,
commissioned by the U.S. government stated that:

1. "When the United States invaded Iraq to disarm
Saddam Hussein's regime, there were no weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq or any facilities to build them."

2. "Saddam ordered his arsenal of chemical and
biological weapons destroyed in 1991 and 1992 and
halted nuclear weapons development."

3. "Saddam Hussein ended the nuclear program in 1991
following the Gulf War."

4. "Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared
chemical weapons stockpile in 1991 and the survey team
found no credible indications that Baghdad resumed

5. "The former (Iraqi) regime had no formal written
strategy or plan for the revival of WMD after

The above is taken from an article in USA Today posted
just after the Duelfer Report was released in October


Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Santosh,
> Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been removed by the evil George Bush, 
> you
> must think he was a great guy and you must therefore also be opposed to 
> freedom
> and democracy for the Iraqi people.
> You seem to be one of those people who is too intelligent by half.
> See if you can follow this simple sequential logic:
> 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.  Just ask the Iranis, 
> Kurds and
> Shia that these were used on.
> 2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the UN has a signed agreement 
> by
> Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to destroy these and provide the 
> UN
> with an accounting.
> 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council passed 17 resolutions asking for 
> the
> accounting that Saddam never provided, even though the consequence of the 
> first 16
> were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the loss of his dictatorship and 
> his
> sadistic sons.
> 4. Physics tells us that matter does not disappear.  It has to be accounted 
> for.
> 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
> 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared, they have not been accounted 
> for,
> they have not been found as yet, so they must be either still hidden 
> somewhere in
> Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.

I am suprised you did not say that they could have also been taken by UFOs 

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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-22 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Cornel, some of the best anti-American critics in the
world have tried to trip me up, so don't worry about
it.  I know it's nothing personal.  We can still share
a bottle of feni some day.  Please see my comments
below under Responses: and please understand that I am
not trying to be flip, just candid.  You may not like
some of my comments, but I know your queries are
serious, which is why I am taking the time to respond
in such detail.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> Mario,
> These are sincere queries and I am definitely not
> trying to trip you, nor
> trying to be personal nor clever.
> The USA has Weapons of Mass Destruction--indeed,
> more than the rest of the
> world put together and the ability to exterminate
> life, as we know it, on
> this planet.  What therefore justifies the USA to
> demand that other
> countries give up their WMDs when its own weapons
> are never on the agenda in
> this debate at all? Likewise, what gives the US and
> nuclear powers like
> Britain and Israel  the right to demand that Iran
> should not develop a
> nuclear arsenal to protect itself from the existing
> nuclear powers?

If I am not mistaken, it is the UN's Atomic Agency
that is involved, not just the US, Britain and Israel.
 I'm sure you will agree, Cornel, that these are just
three countries among hundreds in the UN.

Furthermore, you may not like to hear this, but some
of this has to do with the fact that the US has
survived the Cold War as the world's only superpower.
With Britain, and with consistent support from
Australia, they have been in the forefront of
voluntarily shedding their blood to stop brutal
tyrants from dominating the world, going back to WW-I,
WW-II, Korea, tha Cold War etc.  If not for these
countries the Europeans would have all been speaking
German by now, the Indians would have been speaking
Japanese, and you would not have been enjoying the
freedom and democracy to continue such debates.

So, what one Indian friend saw as American "dadagiri"
is actually trying to prevent problems from
developing, because it is the US, which by its history
and development, belongs to the world, that is always
forced to clean up the mess.  You may not remember
this, Cornel, but George Bush was roundly criticized
by the world community when he said during the 2000
presidential campaign that he was not interested in
"nation building".  They were all afraid that the US
was going to be isolationist.  Then 9/11 happened, and
Bush realized that there was a gathering menace that
had to be confronted, just as surely as the Germans
and Japanese had to be in another era.

Whether you like it or not, Cornel, as Silvio
Berlusconi of Italy said recently, "America
underwrites the security of the free world", and
unless you believe that countries it has rescued like
Britain, Italy, Germany, Japan, Poland and the Warsaw
pact countries, etc. are all American colonies, you
would know that the US always gives the liberated
country back to its people.

Why the
> double standards and hypocrisy? What justifies the
> USA to be the arbiter of
> who does (especially the pariah state of Israel at
> the heart of the Middle
> East),  and does not have nuclear weapons?

I just answered most of this above, Cornel.  America
now sets the standard.  Whether you think it is single
or double is up to you.  Help your country become a
superpower and then challenge the US if you can.  It
is justified because a superpower is using its power
to spread freedom and democracy, now and into the
future.  Do you have a problem with that, Cornel,
given that you live in freedom and democracy yourself?
 Do you want to deny it to others?

To call Israel a pariah country I'm afraid makes one
an anti-Semite with no knowledge of the history of the
region.  If the Arabs had accepted Israel's right to
exist in 1947, just as India accepted Pakistan's right
to exist, the combination of Palestine and Israel
would have been an island freedom and economic
progress in the blighted middle-east, Cornel.  If you
know any Palestinians or Jews you know how smart,
educated and hard-working they are.  Unfortunately,
the fact that all the Arab countries want to eliminate
Israel, though Egypt and J

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-22 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

My comments are shown below under Responses:

--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Santosh,
> >  
> > Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been
removed by the evil George Bush, you must think he was
a great guy and you must therefore also be opposed
to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.
> >  
This is a pathetic attempt by Mario Goveia to smear
someone who disagrees with him.
Santosh, I have no intentions of smearing you, just
debating the issues, but if the shoe fits I'm afraid I
must ask you to wear it.  You cannot on the one hand
mount a vicious and relentless attack on the
liberation of a country that has been brutalized by
dictator, has never known freedom and democracy, has
pre-emptively attacked two of its neighbors, has been
looted to the tune of an estimated US$21 BILLION by
the dictator and countries like France, Russia and
China, has paid bounties to the families of suicide
bombers against innocent Israeli civilians, and
thumbed its nose at the world community you so revere
from the safety of a democracy that you seem to take
for granted, and then yell "Bloody murder!" when
someone wonders why. 

> >You seem to be one of those people who is too
> >intelligent by half.
> >
Another sorry effort by Mr. Goveia at ridiculing
someone whom he does not know.

Not knowing you makes me more objective, don't you
think?  I am going strictly by what you say and how
you say it.
> >
> > See if you can follow this simple sequential
> logic:
> > 
> Here Mr. Goveia appears to be very sure of his
> command
> over logic, and is preparing for another put down. 
> >
> > 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
> > Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and Shia that these
> were
> > used on.
> >
Hearsay does not constitute objective physical
evidence. Hearsay of the Chalabi variety is even

Here is a classic example of why I think you are a
huge supporter of Saddam Hussein.  If you don't know
that Iraq used WMDs against Iran, the Kurds at Halabja
(5,000 innocent civilians dead in one day)and the
Marsh Shia in the Tigris-Euphrates delta then you need
to do some research and PLEASE stop embarrassing
> >
> > 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council
> passed 17 resolutions asking for the accounting that
> Saddam never provided, even though the consequence
of the first 16 were crippling sanctions and of the
17th was the loss of his dictatorship and his sadistic
> >
> > 4. Physics tells us that matter does not
> disappear.  It has to be accounted for.
> >
There is no logical connection between the above two

Yes there is.  If Saddam had really destroyed his WMDs
as he had agreed to do, he would have been able to
show the UN inspectors that he had done so, and the UN
resolutions would have been complied with and the
crippling UN sanctions for not complying would have
been removed and everyone in the Baath party could
have lived happily ever after, but not the Kurds and
the Shia that make up about 75% of Iraq.
> >
> > 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
> >
It is wellknown that weapons inspectors destroyed a
lot (all, according to some) of these weapons in the
90s, and many respected inspectors have concluded
after examining actual physical evidence that it is
highly unlikely that there were any WMDs at the time
that this war began. But Mr. Goveia conveniently
ignores or hides these facts from us.

No, I don't.  Yes the UN inspectors destroyed some
that they found.  Everyone knows that so I did not
think it was necessary to repeat this.  However, what
is your explanation for the repeated UN resolutions,
16 over 12 years since 1991 that threatened economic
sanctions, and the 17th in early 2003 threatening
"serious consequences" not just more sanctions?  These
were UN Security Council sanctions, Santosh, starting
way before George Bush came to office.  Don't you
think the UN knew what its own inspectors had
destroyed and what had not been accounted for?
> >
> > 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared,
> >

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-22 Thread cornel
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

These are sincere queries and I am definitely not trying to trip you, nor
trying to be personal nor clever.
The USA has Weapons of Mass Destruction--indeed, more than the rest of the
world put together and the ability to exterminate life, as we know it, on
this planet.  What therefore justifies the USA to demand that other
countries give up their WMDs when its own weapons are never on the agenda in
this debate at all? Likewise, what gives the US and nuclear powers like
Britain and Israel  the right to demand that Iran should not develop a
nuclear arsenal to protect itself from the existing nuclear powers? Why the
double standards and hypocrisy? What justifies the USA to be the arbiter of
who does (especially the pariah state of Israel at the heart of the Middle
East),  and does not have nuclear weapons?
Please do not get me wrong. I am opposed to nuclear arms totally but should
not those countries which developed them and have a head-start, minimally
and progressively reduce their stockpiles in good faith before making
demands on others?
Just curious,
PS I agree with you that weapons do not just disappear. In the most recent
case in Iraq,  some forty truck loads of weapons were quietly whisked away
while they were under the noses of USA security control. Those who had
argued that the illegal invasion of Iraq by the motley Coalition Forces
would exacerbate terror through the dissemination of weapons in Iraq were
surely right, and surely too, that a brutal war against the Iraqi people was
unnecessary to get rid of Sadaam, formerly, the blue eyed boy of the USA!
There were cleverer ways to do so, if justified and required, but perhaps
beyond USA intelligence capability which also led to the 'success' of Bin
Laden on the twin towers.

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-22 Thread Santosh Helekar
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Santosh,
> Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been removed
> by the evil George Bush, you must think he was a
> great guy and you must therefore also be opposed to
> freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.

This is a pathetic attempt by Mario Goveia to smear
someone who disagrees with him.

>You seem to be one of those people who is too
>intelligent by half.

Another sorry effort by Mr. Goveia at ridiculing
someone whom he does not know.

> See if you can follow this simple sequential logic:

Here Mr. Goveia appears to be very sure of his command
over logic, and is preparing for another put down. 

> 1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq. 
> Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and Shia that these were
> used on.

Hearsay does not constitute objective physical
evidence. Hearsay of the Chalabi variety is even

> 3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council passed
> 17 resolutions asking for the accounting that Saddam
> never provided, even though the consequence of the
> first 16 were crippling sanctions and of the 17th
> was the loss of his dictatorship and his sadistic
> sons.
> 4. Physics tells us that matter does not disappear. 
> It has to be accounted for.

There is no logical connection between the above two

> 5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.

It is wellknown that weapons inspectors destroyed a
lot (all, according to some) of these weapons in the
90s, and many respected inspectors have concluded
after examining actual physical evidence that it is
highly unlikely that there were any WMDs at the time
that this war began. But Mr. Goveia conveniently
ignores or hides these facts from us.

> 6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared,

Caveat emptor! They could have been destroyed by the
inspectors in the 90's, and the accounting could have
been inflated. Or Chalabi could have lied. Or the
other Shia, Kurds and Iranians could have been
mistaken, or they could have lied, as well. The U.S.
administration certainly lied about the alluminum
tubes, the Niger yellow cake, the unmanned balsa wood
planes that could cross the Atlantic with nuclear
missiles, the chemical weapons producing carnival
floats, etc, etc.

> they have not been accounted for, they have not been
> found as yet, so they must be either still hidden
> somewhere in Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.

Looks like logic morphed into fantasy here. No doubt
freedom and democracy would soon be showered upon
Syria based on this sound "logic".  

The rest of Mr. Goveia's post is an attempt to draw
his detractors into an extraneous argument.

As far as I am concerned, Mr. Goveia's argument for
WMDs in Iraq is utterly illogical and factually



Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-21 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

See my comments below under Responses.

By the way, since you are such a staunch defender of
Saddam Hussein, you must have thought he and his
sadistic sons were great guys, and you must really be
opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The evidence is Saddam's acknowledgement in the
> 1991
> > ceasefire agreement of 1991 that he had WMDS, his
> > previous use of these against Iran, the Kurds and
> > Marsh Shia, and the fact that the stockpile have
> never
> > been accounted for.  If you remember your physics
> you
> > know that matter cannot disappear.  It is up to
> you,
> > if you even understand what I have just listed, to
> > explain what happened to the WMDs.  I think they
> are
> > either still hidden or moved to Syria.
> Tariq: As with all Republicans, you continue to
shift the goalpost. What you talk about was
not the basis for the invasion of Iraq.
Its quite ironic to note that the Iraqis were
actually telling the truth. Something
that you cannot do.

Response: I am not shifting any goalpost.  The legal
basis for the regime change in Iraq was UN resolution
1441.  Read it sometime.
> > If you are too lazy to do the research you will
> > continue to be uninformed and continue to
> embarrass
> > yourself.  I gave you the source.  You look up the
> > findings.
Tariq: That is because I did the research and could
not find anything remotely connected to
what you claimed. As I said, please quote the pages
Response: Nice try, but you have not done any research
as your comments prove.  If you have done the research
then show how the 36 or so falsehoods listed and
debunked on are really

> > It is your attempt to twist the truth that pisses
> me off.  The Media Fund ads specifically said that
> the Bush administration sent a plane to pick up all
> the Bin Laden family members and specifically said
> they were flown out of the US BEFORE the embargo was
> lifted.
Tariq: No they did not. Now please get pissed off even
> more.

Response: Yes, they did, and we have an audio tape of
the ad to prove it.  Unlike you we do the research.
> -Tariq
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-21 Thread Mario Goveia

Since you seem so upset that Saddam has been removed by the evil George Bush, you must think he was a great guy and you must therefore also be opposed to freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.
You seem to be one of those people who is too intelligent by half.
See if you can follow this simple sequential logic:
1. Before 1991 there was evidence of WMDs in Iraq.  Just ask the Iranis, Kurds and Shia that these were used on.
2. In 1991 there was evidence of WMDs, because the UN has a signed agreement by Saddam acknowledging his WMDs and promising to destroy these and provide the UN with an accounting.
3. From 1991 to 2003 the UN Security Council passed 17 resolutions asking for the accounting that Saddam never provided, even though the consequence of the first 16 were crippling sanctions and of the 17th was the loss of his dictatorship and his sadistic sons.
4. Physics tells us that matter does not disappear.  It has to be accounted for.
5. The coalition has not found the WMDs as yet.
6. Ipso facto, the WMDs cannot have disappeared, they have not been accounted for, they have not been found as yet, so they must be either still hidden somewhere in Iraq, or in Syria as suspected.
Samjha, na?
Alternatively, Saddam was as smart as some of his supporters who shall remain nameless, and destroyed the WMDs but refused to disclose this to the UN and put his country through crippling economic sanctions for 12 years when thousands died from a lack of food and medicines, and finally lost everything he had, just for the heck of it.
Hey, maybe you also think that the US$21 billion (that's billion with a b) of money looted through the oil-for-food program by Saddam, aided and abetted by France, Russia and China, and currently being investigated by the UN and others, is also a fiction of George Bush's imagination.
Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
### If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] # # Want to check the archives? # # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others ###--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:>>If you remember your physics you know that matter>cannot disappear. It is up to you, if you even>understand what I have just listed, to explain what>happened to the WMDs. I think they are either still>hidden or moved to Syria.> Physics - indeed, all of science - teaches us that weneed to rely on physical evidence alone, and notsomeone's thoughts, beliefs, ideology or fantasies.
 There is no physical evidence for the presence ofweapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The Iraq war isbased on a lie. If there were any fairness and justicein this world, those responsible for this war wouldhave been tried for war crimes along with SaddamHussein. Alas, we are not so fortunate. Cheers,Santosh

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-21 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The evidence is Saddam's acknowledgement in the 1991
> ceasefire agreement of 1991 that he had WMDS, his
> previous use of these against Iran, the Kurds and
> Marsh Shia, and the fact that the stockpile have never
> been accounted for.  If you remember your physics you
> know that matter cannot disappear.  It is up to you,
> if you even understand what I have just listed, to
> explain what happened to the WMDs.  I think they are
> either still hidden or moved to Syria.

As with all Republicans, you continue to shift the goalpost. What you talk 
about was
not the basis for the invasion of Iraq.

Its quite ironic to note that the Iraqis were actually telling the truth. 
that you cannot do.

> If you are too lazy to do the research you will
> continue to be uninformed and continue to embarrass
> yourself.  I gave you the source.  You look up the
> findings.

That is because I did the research and could not find anything remotely 
connected to
what you claimed. As I said, please quote the pages

> Response:
> It is your attempt to twist the truth that pisses me
> off.  The Media Fund ads specifically said that the
> Bush administration sent a plane to pick up all the
> Bin Laden family members and specifically said they
> were flown out of the US BEFORE the embargo was
> lifted.

No they did not. Now please get pissed off even more.


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Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If you remember your physics you know that matter
>cannot disappear.  It is up to you, if you even
>understand what I have just listed, to explain what
>happened to the WMDs.  I think they are either still
>hidden or moved to Syria.

Physics - indeed, all of science - teaches us that we
need to rely on physical evidence alone, and not
someone's thoughts, beliefs, ideology or fantasies. 

There is no physical evidence for the presence of
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The Iraq war is
based on a lie. If there were any fairness and justice
in this world, those responsible for this war would
have been tried for war crimes along with Saddam
Hussein. Alas, we are not so fortunate. 



Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-21 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

See my detailed and specific point-by-point responses

--- Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am on vacation right now so I don't have all the
> details.  However, I 
> > remember some:
> >  
> > 1. Iraq had no WMDs.  All we know is that no
> stockpiles were found in Iraq.  
> > We do NOT have an accounting of the stockpiles
> Saddam admitted having in the 
> > ceasefire agreement of 1991.  This is what the 17
> UN resolutions over 12 years 
> > since 1991 were all about, culminating with UN
> resolution 1441.  Look it up 
> > and see what it says.
> Perhaps the person who needs to do some "looking up"
> is you. Until you can provide > some evidence of
WMDs, found after March 2003, it is you who is lying,
not Michael Moore.

The evidence is Saddam's acknowledgement in the 1991
ceasefire agreement of 1991 that he had WMDS, his
previous use of these against Iran, the Kurds and
Marsh Shia, and the fact that the stockpile have never
been accounted for.  If you remember your physics you
know that matter cannot disappear.  It is up to you,
if you even understand what I have just listed, to
explain what happened to the WMDs.  I think they are
either still hidden or moved to Syria.

> > 2. Saddam had no links with al Qaeda.  The 9/11
> Commission report documented 
> > many close links.  However, they did not find that
> Saddam had a hand in 9/11.  
> > Go to and read the 9/11 Commission
> report.
> Please quote from the document the exact words. You
> are the one who is making the
> accusation of lies. Please show us the evidence.

If you are too lazy to do the research you will
continue to be uninformed and continue to embarrass
yourself.  I gave you the source.  You look up the

> >  
> > 3. During the recent election The Media Fund was
> running radio ads claiming 
> > that the Bush administration rounded up the Bin
> Laden family after 9/11 and 
> > flew them out of the country during the flight
> embargo so they could not be 
> > interrogated.  This was being said in spite of the
> 9/11 Commission finding 
> > several months ago that these family members had
> been investigated by the FBI, 
> > had no ties to Bin Laden, and were flown out for
> their protection after the 
> > embargo was lifted.
> The ads did not say what you say above. The ads said
> that the Bush administration
> allowed the Bin Ladens to leave. That is factually
> correct. What you are pissed
> about is the typical Republican ambiguity being used
> by the Democrats.

It is your attempt to twist the truth that pisses me
off.  The Media Fund ads specifically said that the
Bush administration sent a plane to pick up all the
Bin Laden family members and specifically said they
were flown out of the US BEFORE the embargo was
> >  
> > 4. There is a whole internet industry that has
> developed to debunk Michael 
> > Moore's lies.  One URL that has documented over 35
> deliberate distortions and 
> > falsehoods is,
> complete with sources and 
> > footnotes.  There are several others listed on

> So is that why no credible media outlet has
> published any of this? The problem you
> face is that you refuse to see the other side of the
> story and prefer to be fed on a
> steady diet of Fox News.

Again you are being lazy.  I have given you a source
that gets its credibility from all the footnotes and
sources of information that they have used.  Why don't
you check these out yourself if you are really
interested in the truth?  I have done so.  Many
credible media sources in addition to Fox News have
reported on these falsehoods.  You just don't want to
know the truth.
> -Tariq
> __ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! 

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-20 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am on vacation right now so I don't have all the details.  However, I 
> remember some:
> 1. Iraq had no WMDs.  All we know is that no stockpiles were found in Iraq.  
> We do NOT have an accounting of the stockpiles Saddam admitted having in the 
> ceasefire agreement of 1991.  This is what the 17 UN resolutions over 12 
> years 
> since 1991 were all about, culminating with UN resolution 1441.  Look it up 
> and see what it says.

Perhaps the person who needs to do some "looking up" is you. Until you can 
some evidence of WMDs, found after March 2003, it is you who is lying, not 

> 2. Saddam had no links with al Qaeda.  The 9/11 Commission report documented 
> many close links.  However, they did not find that Saddam had a hand in 9/11. 
> Go to and read the 9/11 Commission report.

Please quote from the document the exact words. You are the one who is making 
accusation of lies. Please show us the evidence.

> 3. During the recent election The Media Fund was running radio ads claiming 
> that the Bush administration rounded up the Bin Laden family after 9/11 and 
> flew them out of the country during the flight embargo so they could not be 
> interrogated.  This was being said in spite of the 9/11 Commission finding 
> several months ago that these family members had been investigated by the 
> FBI, 
> had no ties to Bin Laden, and were flown out for their protection after the 
> embargo was lifted.

The ads did not say what you say above. The ads said that the Bush 
allowed the Bin Ladens to leave. That is factually correct. What you are pissed
about is the typical Republican ambiguity being used by the Democrats.

> 4. There is a whole internet industry that has developed to debunk Michael 
> Moore's lies.  One URL that has documented over 35 deliberate distortions and 
> falsehoods is, complete with sources and 
> footnotes.  There are several others listed on 

So is that why no credible media outlet has published any of this? The problem 
face is that you refuse to see the other side of the story and prefer to be fed 
on a
steady diet of Fox News.


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[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

We weep for every one of our heroes, especially because they VOLUNTEERED to 
shed their blood to liberate others.  This has always been America's 
contribution to world peace, throughout history.  They instinctively 
understand that freedom is not free, which most others take for granted.  So, 
please don't shed crocodile tears for our 1,200 heroes in Iraq unless you did 
the same for the well over a million Iraqis, Iranis and Kuwaitis that Saddam 
Hussein was responsible for killing.  Our heroes have liberated 50 million 
Afghans and Iraqis, and Libya, where their leader was considered even worse 
than Saddam, has decided to join the civilized world.  It took 4 to 7 years to 
pacify and democratize Japan and Germany and our troops protect them to this 
day.  I always wonder whether there is some subliminal racism in play when 
people want to deny Muslims the same freedom and democracy that every one of 
us enjoys.

Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Don't know about the world dodging... but the thousand souls, that died
earlier did weep on this day and for the ones joining them from present day
Iraq. Really sad!

[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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I am on vacation right now so I don't have all the details.  However, I 
remember some:
1. Iraq had no WMDs.  All we know is that no stockpiles were found in Iraq.  
We do NOT have an accounting of the stockpiles Saddam admitted having in the 
ceasefire agreement of 1991.  This is what the 17 UN resolutions over 12 years 
since 1991 were all about, culminating with UN resolution 1441.  Look it up 
and see what it says.
2. Saddam had no links with al Qaeda.  The 9/11 Commission report documented 
many close links.  However, they did not find that Saddam had a hand in 9/11.  
Go to and read the 9/11 Commission report.
3. During the recent election The Media Fund was running radio ads claiming 
that the Bush administration rounded up the Bin Laden family after 9/11 and 
flew them out of the country during the flight embargo so they could not be 
interrogated.  This was being said in spite of the 9/11 Commission finding 
several months ago that these family members had been investigated by the FBI, 
had no ties to Bin Laden, and were flown out for their protection after the 
embargo was lifted.
4. There is a whole internet industry that has developed to debunk Michael 
Moore's lies.  One URL that has documented over 35 deliberate distortions and 
falsehoods is, complete with sources and 
footnotes.  There are several others listed on 

Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am still waiting to hear what are the "deliberate falsehoods" being talked 
about here. Please clarify with examples.


[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-11 Thread Mario Goveia
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They like to think of themselves as more educated an "progressive", which is 
why the Democrats chose a supercilious candidate like John Kerry, and they 
will continue to lose elections.  If you look at the electoral map BY COUNTY 
you will see that it's NOT red states versus blue states but major urban 
centers versus everyone else.
So maybe it will be a win-win situation.  We don't need people with such 
attitudes and Canada will get people who think of themselves as more educated 
and progressive.

Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Those pushing for Canada to accept the Americans from "Blue" states, ALWAYS 
point out that these Americans are the more educated and progressive 
components of the US population.


Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-09 Thread Seb dc
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Don't know about the world dodging... but the thousand souls, that died
earlier did weep on this day and for the ones joining them from present day
Iraq. Really sad!

[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2 - Fair elections?

2004-11-08 Thread George Pinto
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Santosh Helekar wrote... 
> Even though I thought initially that this was an election that was  
> legitimately won by Bush, it
> now appears that there is growing doubt about the voting procedures and the 
> actual vote counts.

Santosh,  I saw the article below on another d-list.


Was the Ohio Election Honest and Fair?

Excerpts From: Institute for Public Accuracy 
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TERESA FEDOR, [via Greg Lestini, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ohio State Senator Teresa 
said today: "There was trouble with our elections in Ohio at every stage. It's 
been a battle
getting people registered to vote, getting to the ballot on voting day and 
getting that  vote to
count. There is a pattern of voter suppression; that's why I called  for [Ohio 
Secretary of State]
Blackwell's resignation more than a month ago. Blackwell, while claiming to run 
an unbiased
elections process, was also the co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign in Ohio. 
Additionally, he was

the spokesperson for the anti-business, anti-family constitutional amendment 
'Issue 1,' and a
failed initiative to repeal a crucial sales-tax revenue source for the state. 
Blackwell learned
his moves from the Katherine Harris playbook of Florida 2000, and we won't 
stand for it."

Executive vice president of HBCU Connect, which works to connect historically 
black colleges and
universities, Moss said today: "I stayed in line two and a half hours. I've 
never seen anything
like this in my life. There were fewer voting machines in the highly 
concentrated black areas,
creating the long lines so as to frustrate the voters. But we knew the 
Republicans -- many of whom
became Republicans because they opposed equal rights for blacks -- would try to 
drive down black
turnout. ... [Ohio Secretary of State] Blackwell was confusing things by 
raising issues like 
the paper weight of cards."

Co-founder of the Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections, Truitt said today: 
"Seven counties in
Ohio have electronic voting machines and none of them have paper trails. That 
alone raises issues
of accuracy and integrity as to how we can verify the count. A recount without 
a paper trail is 
meaningless; you just get a regurgitation of the data. Last year, Blackwell 
tried to get the
entire state to buy new machines without a paper trail. The exit polls, 
virtually the only check
we have against tampering with a vote without a paper trail, had shown Kerry 
with a lead. ... A
poll worker told me this morning that there were no tapes of the results posted 
on some machines;
on other machines the posted count was zero, which obviously shouldn't be the 

DAN WALLACH, [EMAIL PROTECTED],, Wallach is an assistant 
professor of Computer
Science at Rice University in  Houston specializing in building secure and 
robust software systems
for the Internet. Along with colleagues at Johns Hopkins, Wallach co-authored a 
study that revealed significant flaws in electronic voting systems. He appeared 
on an Institute
for Public Accuracy news release in June entitled "Electronic Voting -- Danger 
for Democracy."

An attorney who monitored the election with the Election Protection Coalition, 
Fitrakis said
today: "There were far fewer machines in the inner-city districts than in the 
suburbs. I
documented at least a dozen people leaving because the lines were so long in 
areas. Blackwell did a great deal of suppressing before the election -- like 
attempting to refuse
to process voter registration forms. The absentee ballots were misleading in 
Franklin County.
Kerry was the third line down, but you had to punch number four to vote for 
him. Bush was getting
both his votes as well as Kerry's."

Senior editor of, an Ohio-based web site, and co-author with 
Fitrakis of the recent
article "Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote," Wasserman said today: 
"There was a huge
fight around ensuring that the electronic voting machines had paper trails and 
there was
resistance by the secretary of state, so there is no paper trail. There were 
some victories to
ensure a paper trial -- by 2006. There were limited numbers of voting m

[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread George Pinto
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please show me a web site that denies that President Bush won 3,000 out of 
> the 3,500 counties in
> the US on November 2. 

Evidence Mounts that the Vote Was Hacked

  By Thom Hartmann

  Saturday 06 November 2004

 When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning (Saturday, November 06, 2004), the 
candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's 16th District 
said he was waiting
for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida 
election was
hacked, but of who hacked it  and how. And not just this year, he said, but 
that these same people
had  previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush 
would not  have to run
against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead  against 
Bill McBride, who Jeb

  "It was practice for a national effort," Fisher told me.

  And some believe evidence is accumulating that the national effort happened 
on November 2, 2004.

  The State of Florida, for example, publishes a county-by-county record of 
votes cast and people
registered to vote by party affiliation. Net denizen Kathy Dopp compiled the 
official state
information into a table, available at, and noticed
something startling.

  While the heavily scrutinized touch-screen voting machines seemed to produce 
results in which
the registered Democrat/Republican ratios largely matched the Kerry/Bush vote, 
in Florida's
counties using results from optically scanned paper ballots - fed into a 
central tabulator PC and
thus vulnerable to hacking - the results seem to contain substantial anomalies.

  In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them 
Democrats and 24.3%
of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the 
opposite of what is
seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted 
for Kerry.

  In Dixie County, with 4,988 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a 
mere 15% registered
as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.

  The pattern repeats over and over again - but only in the counties where 
optical scanners were
used. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes 
County, 72.7%
registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.

  Yet in the touch-screen counties, where investigators may have been more 
vigorously looking for
such anomalies, high percentages of registered Democrats generally equaled high 
percentages of
votes for Kerry. (I had earlier reported that county size was a variable - this 
turns out not to
be the case. Just the use of touch-screens versus optical scanners.)

  More visual analysis of the results can be seen at, and Note the trend line - the only 
variable that 
determines a swing toward Bush was the use of optical scan machines.

  One possible explanation for this is the "Dixiecrat" theory, that in Florida 
white voters
(particularly the rural ones) have been registered as Democrats for years, but 
voting Republican
since Reagan. Looking at the 2000 statistics, also available on Dopp's site, 
there are similar
anomalies, although the trends are not as strong as in 2004. But some suggest 
the 2000 election
may have been questionable in Florida, too.

  One of the people involved in Dopp's analysis noted that it may be possible 
to determine the
validity of the "rural Democrat" theory by comparing Florida's white rural 
counties to those of
Pennsylvania, another swing state but one that went for Kerry, as the exit 
polls there predicted.
Interestingly, the Pennsylvania analysis, available at, doesn't show the same kind 
of swings as does 
Florida, lending credence to the possibility of problems in Florida.

  Even more significantly, Dopp had first run the analysis while filtering out 
smaller (rural)
counties, and still found that the only variable that accounted for a swing 
toward Republican
voting was the use of optical-scan machines, whereas counties with touch-screen 
machines generally
didn't swing - regardless of size.

  Others offer similar insights, based on other data. A professor at the 
University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, noted that in Florida the vote to raise the minimum 
wage was approved by
72%, although Kerry got 48%. "The correlation between voting for the minimum 
wage increase and
voting for Ker

Re: [Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Mario Goveia
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Hey, George,
1. Get a grip, man.  Your brilliant
observation that George Bush received more NO votes
than any president in history is absolutely correct,
but it is also meaningless to any sensible debate,
because Bush still WON.  Don't you GET IT?  The
Republicans also INCREASED their leads in the House,
the Senate and the Governorships.  Can you send me a
web site that denies these facts?
2. I don't know about the pigs, but you seem to be
flying already.  
3. Since you seem to have a problem understanding what
is being said, I did not ask you to believe anything
Sean Hannity has said.  This would be a waste of time
because you probably believe everything Michael Moore
However, his web site,, as well as
several others, has a map showing who won all the
counties in the country.  It was this map that I was
drawing your attention to.  Please show me a web site
that denies that President Bush won 3,000 out of the
3,500 counties in the US on November 2.

The bottom line is that the US, India and the world,
dodged a bullet on November 2.

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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--- Mario Goveia wrote:
> Democrat hero, Bill Clinton, could never manage
higher than 49% of the vote.  

George Bush received more NO votes than any President
in history - over 55 million. He has a 51%

> I predict that Bush will now reach out to the

Based on the above fantasy, I predict pigs will fly

> please take a look at among
other sources.

Please ignore the radical right-wing gang if you are
interested in truth. For the lies,
half-truths, distortions of Sean Hannity, see the
following links (I already provided some links
for Rush and O'Reilly previously):


[Goanet]Re: The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread George Pinto
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Democrat hero, Bill Clinton, could never manage higher than 49% of the vote.  

George Bush received more NO votes than any President in history - over 55 
million.  He has a 51%

> I predict that Bush will now reach out to the Democrats.

Based on the above fantasy, I predict pigs will fly soon.

> please take a look at among other sources.

Please ignore the radical right-wing gang if you are interested in truth.  For 
the lies,
half-truths, distortions of Sean Hannity, see the following links (I already 
provided some links
for Rush and O'Reilly previously):
