2006-03-27 Thread Santos Carmo




The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA), 
Government of India is organizing the fifth Internship Programme for Diaspora 
Youth (IPDY), now renamed as “Know India Programme” from 15th May to 12th June 
2006.   Cast in the nature of an Orientation Programme, it will enable 
participants to get exposure to various facets of Indian way of life, culture, 
spirituality, adventure and sports, creativity and composite character of 
India and interaction with youth from different parts of the country. 

The Programme will be held in Delhi and Himachal 
Pradesh over a period of four weeks and will be organised by MOIA with the 
support of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and in coordination with the 
Government of Himachal Pradesh as the partner State. 

The qualifying age for the Programme will be 18-25 
years.  The participants should have distinguished himself/herself in a 
particular field, should have an abiding interest in India and links with 
India through parentage.

The participants will be required to pay for their 
international travel costs to Delhi and back, while the expenditure on 
internal travel, boarding/lodging, etc relating to the Programme will be met 
by MOIA.  

The broad features of the Programme will be as follows

Acclimatization with urban India in New Delhi for two days (May 16 & 17 and 
again on June 12, & 13) each during the starting and finishing of the 
Programme. Exposure to MOIA, calls on Ministers/PM/President, sight-seeing, 
shopping, etc.  will also be arranged during this period after which the 
participants will be taken to Himachal Pradesh;
Home stay in a village for one week, exposure to the Heritage Camp including 
national integration camp being organized by NYKS.  (Activities in the camp 
include lectures on ethics, Indian culture and values, adventure sports, 
cultural programmes, yoga, meditation, ayurveda and naturopathy). Opportunity 
and exposure for participants to develop their skills in the areas of 
sculpture, painting, photography, musical instruments, etc.  according to 
their choice is also being arranged;
One week trekking programme and local sightseeing;
Calls on important dignitaries in the State Government;
Visits to industrial establishments in Himachal Pradesh.
Interested candidates may send in their nomination along with a detailed bio-
data mentioning areas of special interest and achievements, if any, addressed 
to the Embassy of India, Kuwait {Attention: Shri P.M. Thomas, First Secretary 
(E&P)} not later than Sunday, April 2, 2006.  

  Additional details of the programme is available in the MOIA 
website : http://www.moia.gov.in


Embassy of India, Kuwait

March 26, 2006

[Goanet] Press Release of NRI/NRG Association website goa500.com.

2006-03-14 Thread Manuel Studio
Press Release
The Non Resident Indians (NRIs) of Goan origin and Non Resident Goans (NRGs) 
who have been interacting with the NRI Facilitation Center set-up by the 
Government of Goa for the past three years through NRI Conventions (Samelans), 
first held at the Menezes Braganza Hall and thereafter at the Kala Academy, 
Panjim, are happy to announce the release of their website www.goa500.com.  
The website will be fully operational shortly, as work in this direction is 

The name for this website 'goa500.com' is a tribute to the glorious Goa of 
past 500 years  and for the distinct identity of Goans in the Indian 

Fifty years ago, overseas Goan would send a letter or a telegram and the post 
man would deliver.  But now goa500.com is here to unite us with ease and make 
us feel readily at home.

Goa has been called by distant admirers as the 'Pearl of the Orient', and 
Goans everywhere throughout the world are proud of their heritage. But never 
before  could they communicate like today using  the e-technology.

Every one of us Goans could be struck by thunder and lightning of Goan 
jealousy, clan mentality, and recently, since 1961, by corruption. Today, 
despite these counter productive signs, we have Goan youth like this web 
designer Mr. Warren Rodrigues of Warren Designz.com and his teammates that put 
together this website without receiving any payment so far for their efforts, 
just to contribute for a better and a united Goa. There are strong elements in 
our Goan society who are eager to revive Goa's glory of ante-Portuguese era 
and make Goa of today another Singapore in the Indian subcontinent.

Like Mahtma Gandhi, who was an NRI himself and who had come back to his 
homeland to be the cog in the wheel of the demise of the British rule in 
India, it is now the turn of us NRIs and NRGs to put our energies together to 
build a better, united  and a strong Goa.

Ground zero of Goa's glorious past, its identity,  can be found engraved in 
history even to this day after 500 years,  in its ancient  'Royal Capital'  in 
South Goa, earlier known as Chandrapura and today  CHANDOR to us.  As a mark 
of history, one  still witnesses the 'Musol Dance' executed in Cotta, Chandor, 
on the  second day of Carnaval each year,  where Goans dressed in original 
dresses of  500 years ago  perform  in front of  each household, displaying a 
lit oil lamp, chanting  " WE SHALL MAKE POWDER OF OUR ENEMIES". Chandor is the 
lost Mecca of glorious Goan past where one still finds, at least in one 
household,  holed cellar walls to accommodate gun muzzles and intriguing 
hidden passages, a means of defense and escape against enemy  intruders.

Beautiful, friendly, peaceful and rich in natural resources and cultural 
heritage is  Goa, now the home to new comers,  looking for a better and 
peaceful living. And it is here that the revival of Goan identity is a must to 
preserve the good in life and to prosper in the global economy. Let goa500.com 
be a vehicle to take us in this direction and be a 'forum', like never before, 
to address NRI's and NRG's concerns, problems, aches and pains and to share 
constructive opinions and ideas for a result oriented and progressive 
objectives, always remaining a galvanizing force for unity among Goans for a 
better and a strong GOA.

The only hidden agenda behind goa500.com is to preserve the   Goan identity, 
to foster Goan unity, to protect the interests in Goa of  NRI's and NRG's  and 
for the overall contribution towards excellence of our combined Goan society. 

Let us all Goans in diaspora in particular and Goans in Goa at large unite 
under one banner and one mind through goa500.com 

Manuel Caldeira

(First appointed representative of NRIs & NRGs
at the NRI Convention at Kala Academy,
Panji on 4-1-2006.)

Novo Portugal,
Moira-Bardez-Goa - 403 514
Ph. 91-832-2470493 

[Goanet] Press release to Saad

2005-10-09 Thread Albertina Almeida
9th October, 2005.

Bailancho Saad has stated that the recent incidents in the casino are
symbolic of the lawlessness of casino operators. Bailancho Saad has further
pointed out that the history of the casinos in Goa is in fact a saga of
lawlessness, with the effective patronage of successive Governments.

The Saad has taken objection to the statement by Mr.Sunder Advani of Casino
Caravela in the visual media that gambling is not yet socially acceptable,
implying an intention to make it so. The Saad has pointed out that the
public in Goa and more particularly women will never allow casinos to become
socially acceptable. The Saad has reminded that in fact the present Chief
Minister under whose rule the amendments to the Goa Public Gambling Act were
passed permitting casinos had been compelled by the swelling agitation led
by the women's movement then to commit that he would not issue a licence for
any casino. That the casinos enjoy substantial political clout was
established when the subsequent Sardinha Government actually issued a
licence for an offshore casino. The casinos were further supported by the
BJP Government. The Saad has stated that if the present Chief Minister is
serious about the assurance he gave the women's movement, he should take
lawlessness by the casinos seriously and repeal the amendments to the Goa
Public Gambling Act permitting casinos.

The Saad has stated that despite the Constitutional amendments for local
self-Government Raj, there was no say sought of the Municipality or
Panchayat on the matter of issuing a licence to any casino. Similarly, the
Police and the Collectorate had no say in the matter as well. The Saad has
stated that violations of legal provisions relating to Inland Waterways  and
operation of casinos in violation of the Goa Public Gambling (Prevention)
Act and the Excise law and misrepresentation as to who are the owners and
operators are the order of the day with casinos. The Saad has pointed out
that thus it is apparent that lawlessness is inherent to casinos.The Saad
has called upon the State to repeal the amendments permitting casinos
forthwith, stating that Goa does not need casinos to promote tourism in Goa.

The Saad has further stated that more and more questionable
policies/legislation are being enacted to nullify the applicability of
pro-people laws, including labour laws, in more and more areas and that this
calls for serious introspection.

A meeting of the anti-casino movement has been convened to take stock of the
developments and draw up a further plan of action.

For Bailancho Saad


2005-08-23 Thread Albertina Almeida

People from different parts of Goa converged at 
T.B.Cunha Hall on 23rd August on a call from Bailancho Saad to protest the 
derogatory representation of women in the advertisements and the objectionable 
projection of women in Goa in advertisements.
The meeting took stock of the removal of 
advertisements following the campaign which sparked off after a barrage of 
derogatory advertisements in newspapers and hoardings appeared. Ms. Sabina 
Martins of Bailancho Saad informed about steps taken by Bailancho Saad. Ms. 
Martins further stated that the DIG had responded to the complaint lodged by 
Bailancho Saad stating that the matter had to be referred for legal opinion and 
that he had requested the companies to keep the ads on hold. Ms. Martins 
emphasised that neither should a taboo be created about a woman's sexuality nor 
should a woman be reduced to a sex object. The context in which a woman's body 
is used in an advertisement has to be seen, Ms. Martins stressed.
Ms. Prashanti Talpankar enacted a monologue which 
poignantly raised the impressions with which tourists come to Goa on account of 
the imagery created by such advertisements. She further highlighted the 
assertion by various sections of women in Goa about their sense of 
Ms. Dipti Arolkar elaborated on the provisions in 
the law that could help book those responsible for such advertisements. Ms. 
Arolkar pointed out that even where there are ample provisions in the law, where 
they are not implemented the public is forced to mount pressure and keep up the 
spirit of the law.
Dr. Pramod Dukle remarked that we should emulate 
the positive aspects of laws in other countries such as the UK ban on use of 
models for alcohol promotion.
Various suggestions were made as to ways of taking 
the campaign forward. Prominent among them were a week-long concerted action 
programme to identify derogatory advertisements, create awareness and take 
action against the derogatory advertisements, besides critically looking at 
the implementation of the Indecent Representation of Women ( Prohibition) 
For Bailancho Saad 


2005-07-26 Thread goasuraj
Jul 26, 2005

The Administrator,

For kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson.

Subject:  CBI Investigation into IFFI Projects.
The Goa Su-Raj Party is concerned about the reluctance of the Chief Minister
Mr. Pratapsing Rane to initiate the CBI inquiry/investigations into the IFFI
projects, inspite of the Congress Party having made this as its election
plank during the recent bye-elections in five constituencies.
The Goa Su-Raj Party  congratulates Lokshakti for having organized the
public meet on July 25, 2005 at Menezes Brangaza Hall,  where naked facts of
gross mismanagement and wastage of public funds have been professionally
explained to the full house of concerned citizens of Goa. The Party concurs
with the mindset of each and every speaker at this meet, more so, that the
culprits must be brought to book through a thorough time-bound CBI
investigation. The Party is with the  people who believe that such acts of
'rape' of the people of Goa through misinformation and gross
misappropriation of public funds must not go unchallenged and that if Mr.
Rane is reluctant to initiate the time-bound CBI inquiry at the earliest, he
is to be considered as 'persona non-grata, being accessory  to the 'rape'
and therefore demand that he vacates the august chair of the Chief Minister
of Goa.
The Goa Su-Raj Party which was initially against holding of the IFFI in Goa
at such a short notice is of the opinion that:
a)  IFFI 2005 must be held at all costs so that not-holding the IFFI
after putting in place the required infrastructure (overpaid or not) will
only immortalize Mr. Manohar Parrikar.
b)  That IFFI 2005 and subsequent IFFIs can be held for not more than
Rs. 2 to 3 crores, where one hundred crores demanded by the Rane Government
of the center is absurd.
c)  Having awakened the aspirations of Goan talents, example of which is
Konkani film "ALISHA' which has earned National recognition, it would be a
sheer let down. Besides, the Congress party now in power has a chance to
show to the world that Goa can organize IFFI on professional basis minus
unwanted funfare.
d)  Rane's government which is sweet on the Convention Centre in Goa
which is estimated to cost Rs. 250  plus crores would be a disservice to Goa
if IFFI is not held in 2005 and subsequently held at the convention center
on its completion.
e)  The convention center should not be another rape of Goa and its
people considering the new thinking of popular governments that mega
projects offer mega commissions to be pocketed by the powers that be.
f)That HOK, the Canadian Consultants engaged by Mr. Manohar Parrikar
's government for IFFI must be sued for breach of trust.
g)  Clarification sought from Congress government in Goa vide a White
Paper with respect to MOPA Airport, proposed Pednem-Pollem Highway and the
Goa Convention Centre, their priority benefits to Goa, remembering that the
people will want accountability of each and every rupee spent on these
projects so that the rape such as the IFFI-2004 does not happen again and
culprits going scot free.


2005-07-15 Thread goasuraj
July 15, 2005

The Administrator,

Via e-mail.


Please find herewith the Press Release for kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
(Floriano Lobo)
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson


Press Release

The Goa Su-Raj Party appreciates the concern shown by Mr. Jose Philip D'
Souza, Vive President of the NCP regarding the hazard posed by the petrol
pump located in the Vasco's inner city area to the citizens of Vasco as well
as to the environment (NT July 11, 2005). Not only this petrol pump but the
entire petrol tanking operations within the city of Vasco must be the
priority for concern for the safety of the citizens and have to be shifted

The Goa Su-Raj party feel that this is more of a grievance against the BJP,
even more so against its president Mr. Rajendra Arlekar who has become the
owner of the pump in question through clandestine dealings with the IOC. If
the residents of Vasco are threatened by the existence of this pump, then
the present government and the Environment Minister,  Dr Wilfred D'Souza in
particular must assess the hazard posed by all petrol pump installations in
the cities and towns of Goa and pass an appropriate legislation to free the
cities and towns of such hazardous installations.

The Goa Su-Raj Party also wishes to bring to the attention of the
Environment Minister, Dr. Wilfred D'Souza the controversial Caranzalem
petrol pump which has changed hands clandestinely through the connivance of
the BJP and the IOC to benefit another BJP office bearer, Mr. Satish Dhond.
This place was originally kept for a children's park and it was the
congressman Mr. Zuwarkar who usurped this land for his ulterior motives
ultimately benefiting the BJP's agenda. Only the children and senior
citizens of Caranzalem have lost.

Similarly, the Goa Su-Raj Party feels that there is a need to have a re-look
at the petrol pump owned by M/s Ticklo & Sons at Guirim on the NH-17 which
again is a controversial land conversion case where the undeniable hand of
ex-minister Mr. Mauvin Godinho is prominent with the BJP cashing in on his



2005-05-05 Thread Goa-World.Com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|   3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005|
|  Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and|
|  Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net |
From: "Goan Welfare Association, Qatar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The 5th Annual May Queen Ball 2005 (dinner dance) scheduled for today has been 
postponed by a day. It will be held tomorrow at 7.00 pm at the Diplomatic 
Club, the organizers announced yesterday.

The postponement was “because the reasons beyond our control,” said Simon 
D’Silva, president of the Goan Welfare Association which is organizing the 
annual event.   The dinner-dance programme will see the crowning of a ‘May 
Queen 2005’ by the Bollywood Stars.

More details about the new schedule are available from Mob: 5550491, 5529823 
and 5807019. Ticket are available from Designer Tailors on 4325478 and Kebab 
King on 4433119.

The managing committee regrets for the inconvenience.

- The above message was also conveyed on the phone to the http://www.goa-
world.com/ team by the GWA President.

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Make your mother in Goa happy on Mothers' Day.

Limited "Mother's Happiness" packages. First come, first serve.

[Goanet]press release

2005-01-31 Thread Jazz Goa
Joe Pereira popularly known as 'Jazzy Joe' has come a
long way since he picked up a violin in Goa way back
in 1934. Little Jazzy Joe, all of seven, set out for
his first music lessons under the Portuguese solfegio
system. Lessons that would see him through show
business for the next seventy years and more! One of
the pillars in the foundation of Indian film's music
industry and featured soloist in countless commercial
recordings, today virtuoso saxophonist Jazzy Joe is
India's most popular and accomplished jazz musician.
His long and eventful career has spanned just about
every live jazz avenue from clubs and hotels to
concerts and festivals worldwide. He takes the stage
to enthrall audiences with an exuberance that has to
be seen to be believed. Co-produced by Colin D'Cruz
and Orlando Fernandes, this album features some of the
most popular jazz standards laced with flavours of
Goa. Seventy years of Jazzy Joe is finally recorded
with strong support from virtuosos in their own right,
George Fernandez on piano, Colin D'Cruz on bass and
Lester Godinho on drums. Hear sample sounds from this
album at the CD section of www.jazzgoa.com

>>> live jazz promoted by www.jazzgoa.com <<<

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! 


2004-12-03 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa -
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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“Theatre is a quest, it is  communication, it creates community, as it is the 
most collaborative of the arts” said, Miss Isabel Santa Rita Vaz as she donned 
a number of colourful hats to dramatise the various  `persona’ of theatre, 
while inaugurating the St. Xavier’s College Theatre Festival on 25th November, 

‘Give Life a Chance’ is the theme of the three-day drama festivel - The 
Masque, organised by St. Xavier’s College Theatre Club from the 25th to 27th 
November, 2004.

The festival is a bonanza of All-Goa Inter-College drama contests under the 
One-Act, Mime and Mono-Act categories; followed by workshops on music in 
drama, voice and make-up artistry and fine performances by the theatre club 
members themselves.

Ms. Vaz who was the Chief Guest is a well known and highly esteemed theatre 
personality and the founder of the Mustard Seed Art Company. A Playwright and 
Director herself, she shared her thoughts on the various facets of drama.

Ms. Yvonne Nunes, the Vice-Principal and senior teacher of English of St. 
Xavier’s H.S.S., along with Mr. Leslie Menezes, a former professor of English 
in Australia and a director of several English plays, and Mr. Alfwold 
Silveira, Goa’s popular playwright and director, and FM’s favourite voice, 
were the judges for the one-act play competitions on the 25th, November, 2004.

Prof. Newman Fernandes, Principal of the College commended the participants 
for their interest in theatre at a time when TV and computer are holding 
centre stage  with a highly captive audience. He asserted that, we are all 
actors  in this world and we play varied  roles throughout our lives.

The students of Dempe College, Miramar and Damodar College, Margao, were 
highly commended for their original and bold handling of the themes of 
homosexuality and prostitution thus doing justice to the social theme of the 
festival. Mr. Alfwold and Mr. Leslie brought the curtains down on the 
programme with a brief critique of the performances. Mrs. Alice de Cruz, Head 
of the Department of English is the co-ordinator  of the three day Theatre 

[Goanet]press release

2004-06-23 Thread colin d'cruz
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Jazz Junction  made its debut at Panjim's fashion and jazz show L'affaire 
Xtraordinaire in April this year and soon after made waves at the 'Down to 
Earth' jazz festival in Panjim.  Since then the band has been performing to 
rave reviews all over the country and is ready to release a debut album 
recorded live at the Razberry Rhinoceros in Mumbai. The band will be back in 
Goa To perform at the Marriott Resort's 'Ozone' on the 26th and at Goa's 
jazz club 'Jazz Goa'  on the 27th. The current edition of Jazz Junction 
features virtuoso saxophonist Neelamjit Singh Dhillon a graduate from 
Canada's Hamber jazz college. The rest of the band includes UK jazz vocalist 
Helen Louise Jones, Goa's George Fernandez and Lester Godinho on piano and 
drums respectively and founding member Colin D'Cruz on bass. Jazz Junction's 
performance in Goa this time around is courtesy Jazz Goa, the organisation 
that will feature worldwide visiting jazz musicians  in an informal  club 
setting at Gonsalves Mansion, Campal. Jazz Goa plans on making these 
informal live jazz sessions a regular affair on the last sunday of every 
month. Membership to Jazz Goa is open to all music lovers and not only jazz 
connoisseurs. Contact Arman Gonsalves on 9822487818 for membership details.

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[Goanet]PRESS RELEASE from St. Xavier's College

2003-11-27 Thread Viviana

From:  Prof. Newman Fernandes, Principal  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Be Your Own Master

A three day entrepreneurship awareness camp was conducted by
Fr. Agnel Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Verna, Goa,
in association with the Commerce Department of St. Xavier's
College, recently, in the College hall for the students of
T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial Chemistry. 
The camp was officially inaugurated by Principal Newman
Fernandes who, in his inaugural address, stressed the importance
of value addition to the academic subjects taught in College so
as to prepare students for employment.  He also highlighted the
fact that the current generation of Goan Youth aren't venturing
as entrepreneurs, as a result of which many entrepreneurs from
outside the State are taking the initiative to do so, thus having
the Goans no choice but to work under these entrepreneurs.   Mr.
B. Rajasekhar, HOD  of  Commerce, welcomed the faculty and

Mr. Anthony Pacheco, the speaker for the first day, explained
the concept of entrepreneurship and the current trends in
opportunities for employment in the State.  He urged them to
develop a positive attitude and to seek entrepreneurship
opportunities.   He enlightened the students about the fact that
the opportunities for jobs, specially government jobs, is almost
nil - thanks to the large number of professionals being churned
out from Goa's many professional Colleges.
In inspiring the students, he urged them to be motivated and
encouraged them to motivate others.   Mr. Pacheco advocated
"Positive thinking" among the students and show to make the best
of a bad situation,  and to seek opportunity under such
circumstances.  He encouraged students to look out for all
possible prospects and develop the right attitude and hinking
Mr.  A. C. Kamat, a retired Gazetted officer  addressed  the
students  on how to set up SSI (Small Scale Industry) units,  the
regulations   and   formalities   involved,   financial   schemes
available,  subsidies granted, etc.  He spoke to the students  of
the  emerging  importance  of  small  scale  industries  and  the
opportunities available through various schemes of the government
and  of  private firms in providing finance.   Among  these  were
government  schemes by EDC and NSIC and various other  government
undertakings which provide financial aid.  Private  organizations
include commercial banks and other institutions.  He later guided
the gathering through the entire process of how one could set  up
a  small industry and the legal formalities involved  along  with
the  break  up  of the loans that can be  given  for  setting  up
cottage,  small,  medium  and large scale  industries  and  other
procedures  followed.   Mr.  A.  Gracias  shared  his  views   on
identification  of  opportunities  for  entrepreneurship  through
different means such as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunity,
threats) analysis and Mish Mash questionnaire. He stated that the
requirements  for a successful entrepreneur are 85%.   Enterprise
management  skills and 15% technical skills.  He stated a  number
of  technical  approaches for finding the  opportunities  for  an
entrepreneurship  endeavour. He also stressed the  importance  of
visiting exhibitions organized in order to gain information about
different trends and new ventures that could be undertaken.   Mr.
Gracias  encouraged students to read newspapers, which provide  a
wide window of ideas and opportunities.
Mr. Karapurkar enlightened the students further on the government
schemes  for  loans, financial aid and  technical  assistance  to
small scale industries.
Mr.  Atul,  a successful entrepreneur, the last speaker  for  the
final day shared his personal experiences; as an entrepreneur  of
a  unit that manufactures generators.  He briefly  described  the
management of his establishment, and its remarkable achievements. 
He  also  shared  the  trials  and  tribulations  he  encountered
throughout  the process of setting up the company.  He  advocated
private  firms for loan facilities over government  schemes,  for
their assurance, as compared to government facilities.

The  end of this session marked the conclusion of  the  camp
which  was  indeed  successful in  providing  the  students  with
informationabout   "Be   Your   Own   Master"   conceptof

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


2003-11-19 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 11:21:12 +0530, "Prof. Newman Fernandes"


The Rain Water Harvesting Cell of St. Xavier's College, Mapusa, Goa, released
recently a Ten Point Programme for Water Harvesting and Conservation, to be put
into execution by all the citizens and in a special way by the local bodies,
educational institutions and other organisations. Any suggestions, may be sent

1.   Tell everybody about rainwater harvesting.

2.   The Government must provide know-how and aid for  Government
 buildings  and   private   buildings  to   install   Rooftop
 harvesting structures.

3.   Avoid  cement/tiles/asphalt   paving of  vast  areas,  which
 speeds   up  the  draining  of  water  into  the  sea.If
 unavoidable,leave  enough  spaces  to  trap  water   for
 percolation for groundwater recharge.

4.   After  every three or four metres, sink holes in  the  storm
 drains   (specially   when  they  are  cemented)   to   help
 percolation for groundwater recharge.

5.   Dig  percolation pits in your property,  wherever  possible,
 and construct check-dams.

6.   Existing  lakes/tanks  should be desilted to hold  water  to
 full capacity.

7.   Don't  assume  that water is free or almost  free.   Several
 things  must happen before clean water comes.   Think  twice
 before opening the tap.

8.   Remember  that  slow leakage wastes 400 litres per  day  and
 fast leakage wastes 3000 litres per day.  Check for leakages
 and stop them.

9.   May  we  suggest  a bucketful of water  bath  instead  of  a
 shower.   And a shower instead of tub bath?  You  will  save
 100 litres.

10.  Use  tumbler for brushing teeth instead of running  tap  and
 you  will  save  30 litres.  Use mug of  water  for  shaving
 instead of running tap and you will save 10 litres.

November 20, 2003 - 76th death anniversary of Venerable Agnelo DeSouza

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