Re: [Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-26 Thread marlon menezes

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
The request was for numbers.
I live in a world where numbers are everything, and sentiment is not worth a 
In simple terms, it is much easier to understand a salesman who informs you 
that your investment will make 4% annually
verses a salesman who tells you, "I will make you lots of money."  
I think you missed out my comment that 70% of the world's venture capital was 
being invested in America. Technological innovation and its commercialization 
is what ultimately determines a nation's standard of living.

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
WRT your two points:
1) The Chinese have and are marketing an electric car that is far more advanced 
than anything the US has to offer. This is 
just the beginning of inovation that will surely come out of China. Here is the 
link to the NPR program.
BYD is a good company, but the details on this car remain sketchy. Lithium ion 
has several issues: cost, safety, recharge speed and energy density . Except 
via fuzzy accounting or excessive govt. subsidies, I do not see how anyone can 
make these cars so cheap ($22K). Toyota, a company that is acknowledged to be 
the most efficient auto manufacturer in the world, loses money on every hybrid 
car its sells - and hybrids are far cheaper than plug in electrics.

For now, they are a marketing halo product. Even GM's soon to be released and 
much acclaimed plug in electric car, the "Volt", is a dubious proposition. GM 
is marketing this car as something that will save it. It will not. In the next 
10 years, I believe the biggest bang for the buck in engine efficiency will 
come from the implementation of "Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition" 
(HCCI) technology - and not from the more sexy hybrid or battery technology. 
Perhaps by then, battery technology will become more mainstream.

As far as battery research is concerned, most of the cutting edge work is 
happening in America - not China. Ironically, the future may be in the use of a 
variation of the common lead acid battery known as the lead carbon battery.

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
2) When you report false numbers in China, the Govt takes you outside and 
shoots you. When you report false numbers
in the USSA, the govt gives you a bonus, prints money to pay the bonus and then 
passes legislation to tax 90% of
the bonus. The final part of this process is for the USSA govt to appoint 
managers to run the companies that have fantasy
profits/losses. In this regard, it feel that the Chinese method promotes far 
more fiscal responsibility than the USSA's  
'democratic' method. 

In China, anything is the truth - so long as the government says it is so. Your 
understanding of China is rather naive.

Regarding the much maligned issue of the AIG bonuses, the fact is that the 
original core team responsible for this mess, were fired, forced out or had 
quit a long time ago. The current staff that were supposed to get the bonuses 
were brought in at the government's request to clean up house and many of the 
executives were receiving no salaries. But yes, fundamentally, the US is wrong 
in letting these companies live. They should have been shut down in the first 


Re: [Goanet] Kala Academy, programmes Mar 28-Apr 3, 2009

2009-03-26 Thread Silvia Bragan�a
thanks a lot for the programs of kala Academy,


[Goanet] Kamat lands in trouble as SC stays ordinance, Silly excuses to protect Timblo....

2009-03-26 Thread Hartman de Souza
This posting refers to two recent ones; by Marshall pointing us to the
news-report on The Supreme Court staying the infamous Cidade Ordinance (also
carried by Goanet in its news service), and to Arwin's short but angry
outburst against the villains of the piece, the now infamous Timblos who own
the hotel.

Marshall erroneously reads victory in the stay order issued by our apex
court. I do not feel this is warranted. While Claude states the obvious in
his comments, namely, that following the Court order, the Timblos will have
to demolish the illegal structures before April 30th or whatever, it is
quite obvious, from the same report, that Timblo's lawyers are totally
unfazed and are preparing themselves for a long haul in the courts.

I think it should be made clear that it was never in doubt that The Supreme
Court was going to sit back and allow itself to be shown disrespect. The
writ of the law in Taleigao and its environs up to Dona Paula does not,
thank God, run all the way to Delhi.

In this respect though, my sympathies are more with Arwin. The Timblo's
lawyers are paid the handsome fees they are, to do exactly as they have done
admirably, namely, find loopholes to push through the Timblo writ and delay
matters as long as possible. There is a shamelessness inherent in this ugly
episode that is disgusting beyond belief, and in this regard, readers may
want to revisit a very eloquent letter by Dr. Anil Desai from London, who
asked the very same question, albeit more politely: Is there no hounour left
in the Timblos?

I think we have to take this to another level, one that will hit them where
it hurts. The net belongs to the people thus far, and the people have truth
on their side.

We need some concerned Goans abroad, particularly the UK to make the
Timblos' dishonesty and greed public, and lobby with chartered tours
operating from the UK and Europe to boycott the Cidade de Goa hotel. Young
Goans would do all of us a great service if they put this issue up on
Facebook. If someone can get us telephone numbers, email IDs of senior
managers at the Cidade de Goa, one could send them mails protesting their

Some will immediately say that this is a piecemeal solution, but it has its
advantages. It helps build our solidarity and will allow us to remain
optimistic, while, on the other hand, also showing the Timblos, that Goans
are not as stupid as they think we are!



[Goanet] Guns of Navarone

2009-03-26 Thread Antonio Menezes
They are the MAGNIFICENT SEVEN  of Salcete with their blazing guns in all
directions like
Digamber of Margao, Churchill of Navelim/Varca, Filipe Neri
ofVelim/Chinchinim, Joaquim of
Cuncolim/Chandor, Micky Pacheco of Benaulim/Majorda, Aleixo of
Loutulim/Verna, and
John Philip of Vasco. These Sashthikars have been terrorising all opposition
members  like
Parrikar and his fellow Hindutvawaddis who are at present cowering with fear
like scalded cats.
In case one of these guns falls silent  because he has been sent to New
Delhi, still Digamber
and co. can still rule the roost as one of the magificent seven was not of
much use anyway.

In any case let us  all Sashthikars hope and pray  that they do not meet the
fate of  the
Guns of Navarone which ultimately fell silent  due to the machinations of
Parrikar, Modi and

Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Taking caste seriously: being anti-brahmin is not enough

2009-03-26 Thread zafar ali farooqui
Dear Adv.Jason Keith Fernanades,

I read your article and found it interesting.

I request you to avoid these words or provide meaning of the words in your 

Obfuscates ( obscure,confuse)   edifice ,  succinctly ,critique, plethora 
and fitna.

Your articles are meant for common man ( who understand little English)  ie 
Dalits,Sudra,Muslims,Christians,Brahmins,Hindus etc.

Please remember the only draw back with Sanskrit language today is that... only 
Brahmins learn and understand it and sometimes use it to control or show 
over other castes.

All the best please keep the good work going.

Allah Hafiz,

Jaffar Ali Bin Mohamad Yusuf Farokhi

Read all Goanet messages at:


Re: [Goanet] American (USA) 'socialism' (2) (Rens Metaal)

2009-03-26 Thread Patrice Riemens
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 09:29:37AM -0700, Mario Goveia wrote:
> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 07:34:21 +0100
> From: Patrice Riemens 
> Rens wrote:
> Bah, Bah en Bah,
> This is some sloppy writing. 
> Mario observes:
> I agree.  For you to introduce yourself to us with what sounds like passing 
> gas, is beyond sloppy:-))
> Rens wrote:

Just one thing, Mario, and others:

I had said I'd fwd (with permission) Rens' pvt mail to me commenting 
to the thread on Goanet (that's a public list, so I don't need perm to 
fwd) I had send to him. He belonged to the Dutch laughteres (though 
he's either in Beijing or in Jeddah ;-)

Hence Rens needs no to introduce himself to this list. He's my guest 
as it where. 

This completely asides from the merits of Mario's answer (which I'll 
dully fwd), and which appear to me, at first (sloppy of course) sight
to fall under the header 'another demented libertarian rant' ...

But Cheers all the same, we're on IMFL! (speak of taxes, Karnataka is 
horrendous - with booze) 
patrizio & the Dinosaurs! (real socialists, them!)

Re: [Goanet] American 'socialism' (Rens Metaal)

2009-03-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Patrice Riemens forwarded this message from Laurentius Metaal:
> This is some sloppy writing. First of all there is nothing wrong with a
> bit of socialism but in the US context that is not the case. Socialism
> US style has very often to do with lobbyists and is thus not socialist
> at all. With the exception of socialized medicine, in my humble opinion
> a basic human right, which should finally be taken serious there is at
> present only something at work which is called a desperate attempt to
> nationalize some parts of the system since it has been proven that the
> so called free market of lobbyists does not work and the tax dollars at
> least have not resulted in government bodies that do what they are
> supposed to do: regulate. 

Rest assured that Obama (blessed be, his name) has made it crystal clear that 
he is going to turn the
USSA health system upside down. Health reform was one of his main campaign 
promises. A few days
ago, he said the health situation in the US is so deplorable that every minute 
of the day a US family
has to file for bankruptcy because they can no longer afford to pay their 
medical bills. Imagine this, 
a person works his/her whole life to provide for the family and then the family 
is forced to sell all their
assets to pay for one family members health care. 

Any progressive society will work to insure safety nets are available for its 
most vulnerable citizens. The 
society that puts profits before health, is a society that produces bankrupts. 
The real tragedy is
when a society spends taxpayers money in foreign countries at the costs 
of debauching its currency, 
its infrastructure and the basic services it provides to its citizens.


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[Goanet] Marshal of Communalism

2009-03-26 Thread marlon menezes

I find it really amazing that Marshall can use such a broad brush to make a 
generic claim that Indian Americans support the BJP and furthermore support 
hindutva violence. It is becoming rather transparent that Marshall is rather 
paranoid about the larger world around him. Perhaps Marshall was an unfortunate 
victim of communalism which has resulted in him unwittingly emulating those he 
so despises.

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

It is indeed reassuring to hear from Marlon that all is hunky dory with the
Indian Americans and that they do not love the BJP because of its ideology.
I request him to carry this message to all the victims of hindutva violence
especially in Gujarat, Orissa and Mangalore, while distributing his

Re: [Goanet] Nasci's western non-vegetarian food for thought

2009-03-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Hi all,
I do not wish to respond to Santosh, since his 'change of subject title' in 
this email is malafides! 
Santosh has thus exposed himself as to how 'manipulative' and 'ugly debater' he 
has become; and has done so several times. Hah Ha!
Santosh it seems, has yet to learn to consume and appreciate 'good Food', 
whether veg or non veg, primitive Indian or modern Indian or western 
traditional or sophisticated food! 
Is he like those many Indians who are primitively conservative??
Looks like; or else he would not be so absurd in his thoughts.
Nascy Caldeira

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
> It is 'not for man to decide who should live and who should
> not'???
> Then why 'medicate at all';  why medicine and surgeons,
> nurses et al??
> What will Santosh do for a living? Mario G will not have
> survived up to now! 


Can you explain your logic behind your above statement? 

Your answers would give us some good non-vegetarian food for thought, not 
prepared and consumed the lowly primitive Indian way.



--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
>By all means, do allow contraceptives but strictly disallow and prevent 
>>'abortion' of known healthy babies. Food for Thought?

  Enjoy a better web experience. Upgrade to the new Internet Explorer 8 
optimised for Yahoo!7. Get it now.

Re: [Goanet] Obsession with other people's religion

2009-03-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
>For once Santosh and Vijay Prashad are on the same wavelength.

Marshall is giving you bogus information as usual. Vijay Prashad's wavelength 
is on the extreme left fringe of the invisible spectrum. I trust only those who 
are in the neutral center of broad daylight. But more importantly, Prashad 
spreads lies about others for political reasons. I would not trust anything he 
says or writes, knowing that he tried to shill for communist criminals who 
murdered a girl, and that he falsely claimed that her innocent father and 
brother were her murderers, instead.

Please see his slanderous hearsay accusation below:

Here is the relevant quote:

"Stories were blown out of context, and allegations flew around
(sexual assaults, murders) that have since been shown to be false. The
most sensational was the murder of a young woman, Tapasi Malik, who
had been a leader in the Singur struggle against the land acquisition.
The blogs and the capitalist media blamed this death on the CPM. The
Central Bureau of Investigation is now of the view that she was killed
by her father and brother."
Sudhanva Deshpande and Vijay Prashad

Now here are the real convicted murderers:

"GUILTY: CPM’s Suhrid Dutta, ally Debu Malik for killing Tapasi
Express News Service Posted: Nov 12, 2008 at 0306 hrs"

"Life term for Suhrid, Debu in Tapasi case
Express News Service Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 0331 hrs IST"

Given this evidence, which was provided earlier, I do not understand why 
anybody would copy and paste in this forum any garbage that Vijay Prashad 
writes. I would have been ashamed of myself if I did so.



[Goanet] Roman catholic & Hindu

2009-03-26 Thread damodar vinayak bale
 Respected editor,
 All religions came to this land.They were never brought nor invited.
 The local population followed certain traditions of living.The 
 cultural traditions existed in this part of continent from the Himalayas to 
Rama-setu and from Assam to Sourashtra.The common language of these traditions 
was Sanskrit.The outsiders who came with their religion called the locals as 
Hindu as they could not pronounce Sindhu,(name of the river they crossed).Thus 
the traditional way of living was known as Hinduism.All the sanskrit 
literature,rich in Arts,Science,Economics and Philosophy was plundered by the 
outsiders.Much of the literature then had no Authors,as everything was written 
in the interest of better human living.The very pronounciations of Sanskrit 
words created healthy vibrations on human body.Take the example of single 
letter "OUM".
 The existance of various age old temples in this part of world,proves 
 the history.The language Sanskrit was made non-existant for selfish
 interest by the outsiders without any foresight losing the values of
 human living.
 With best regards,
 Damodar Bale.

[Goanet] Hindu Janajagruti Samiti backs Sri Ram Sena in Goa

2009-03-26 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti backs Sri Ram Sena in Goa

Iran before the Islamic Revolution was a nation envied by nations around the
world, as a kingdom under the then Shah that prospered in leaps and bounds. But
what do we see of Iran in around four decades of Islamic law run by their
powerful culture protecting clerics? Is Iran even a shadow of its former self?
No doubt, the wars with Saddam's Iraq took its toll of the entire region but the
woes of Iran multiplied under the guise of protecting Islamic culture from the
influence of western culture supported by the Shah. Will it ever reach the
pinnacle that it once achieved under the Shah? I doubt it.

Ram Sena in the South has evolved with a similar ideology of protecting India
from the influence of western culture. Supported by the communal BJP and it's
more action oriented saffron brigade, they have taken on themselves to be, not
just the moral policemen, but also the judge, jury and the executioner, all in
one, with scant respect for democracy or the basic fundamental rights of a
democratic society. 

The attack on the girls in Mangalore has clearly exemplified their visceral
hatred and distorted perceptions. With perverse delight, they got it all on
tape, isn't that audacity at its highest? What sort of a society do we live in,
where girls are pulled out, abused and bashed?  It is even more disgusting to
know that the law and the Government did nothing about it. It is really

Now the Ram Sena has set its sight on our beloved Goa, and a few loonies from
our side of the fence, with similar feathers, have pledged their support. Mr.
Ravi Naik has been aggressive in barring the "cultural march" of the Ram Sena
into Goa, I hope and pray that he sticks to his word and does all he can to
prevent these contaminated creatures from entering Goa. At the moment we have
enough monkeys on our backs, whom we are fighting to tackle and contain, and
could very well do without adding some more.

History is history and one cannot change it even with our irrational thinking.
The Mughals have had a long history in the sub continent of which Shivaji's was
only a fraction of that time. No doubt he was a great Maratha fighter but
certainly not bigger than the Mughals, and the facts will not change even if we
think otherwise. But what has Shivaji got to do with Goa to change our history
books? If the information is wrong or deceptive then a change is required but
for the sake of a few loonies you can't change history. I don't think we Goans
have to run for cover every time these loonies have an itch. 

I just can't understand why the Government bows down to these slimy characters
and does not react to the mass protests all over Goa against mining and mega
housing, RP2021 and SEZ, where a lot more, is at stake than mere history books.
Is the Government concerned only of the selected few stray dogs that bark at the
sight of their own shadow? And not at all interested in what most if not whole
of Goa wants?

We just cannot allow these sort of distorted ideologies breeding cultural and
communal resentment in our beloved Goa. Beware Goans, we have heard a lot of
promises from our politicians in the past, which have been waylaid most of the
times, so lets all stay awake and not let Ram or any other Sena tell us what we
should do with our lives or we will surely be what Iran is today. A chaotic


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] URGENT PRAYERS REQUIRED for Kennedy D'Souza

2009-03-26 Thread Dr.Joyce D'Souza Shamshudin
Dear Members and Friends,

This is an appeal for Prayers.

You might be aware that Kennedy D'Souza (husband of Shanti, father of Kyle and 
son of Annette and Henry D'Souza) is in Mumbai for treatment.

Kennedy underwent one operation to remove a tumour in the head about 2 weeks 
back and was recovering well, unfortunately his condition suddenly detoriated 
as he developed a swelling in the operated area and was admitted into the ICU 
with related complications.

The 2nd tumour lies in a very delicate position and cannot be operated. He 
requires to have injections to shrink the tumour at a cost of approx. 3Million 
Kenyan Shillings - this is in addition to the operation that he has already 
undergone.  We understand this morning that he is responding to treatment.

We are therefore appealing for prayers in unison.  Kindly say a Rosary and 
Prayer for Healing at 7.15 pm tonight (26/3/09) that Jesus, Mother Mary and the 
Holy Spirit may perform a miracle healing and avail the funds required for his 


"Jesus, may Your healthy blood circulate in Kennedy's ailing body, and may Your 
pure and healthy body transform his weak body, and may a healthy and vigorous 
life throb within Kennedy, if it truly Your holy will.

Mary, Our Mother, we seek your protection and intercession with your Divine Son 
for Kennedy's miracle healing.

O Holy Spirit, soul of our soul, life of our life, we adore You, worship You 
and bow down before You.  Strengthen Kennedy in all his weakness, heal him of 
his tumours.

We prayer all this through Jesus', Mary and the Holy Spirit ... AMEN

Thank you and God Bless you all.

For and on behalf of the family


[Goanet] Calling for a class action suit against Fomentos asking for compensation

2009-03-26 Thread Save Goa
Denial of beach access to me for thirty years --- what price ?
Now that the Supreme court has upheld the public trust doctrine, it is time
to hit while
the iron is hot. Consider --- lack of beach access for a whole generation
has had serious
detrimental effects on Taleigaon and the surroundings. For all you know,
Babush might
not have turned into a monster if he had got enough beach air in the

Consider the price of beach access at a minimal Rs. 10 K a year. For 50,000
in the surroundings of Taleigaon, Dona Paula, Panjim a fact already
by the Supreme court, thirty years of denial of beach access amounts to
Rs. 1500 crores.

It is time to file a class action suit in the supreme court right now itself
and get this
money which is due to us from the Fomentos. Let us gather
signatures and do this as soon as possible.

Contact me offline for any help.

Save Goa Campaigner

[Goanet] 7 Ways to Deal with Annoying People and Still Get Things Done - Stepcase Lifehack

2009-03-26 Thread Con Menezes

Some advice to annoying Goanetters to the annoyed ones!

How about that!!!


Re: [Goanet] Nirmala Sawant slated for NCP ticket for North

2009-03-26 Thread goasuraj
The Goa Su-Raj Party has taken note of the news reports that the NCP will be 
given the North Goa seat for the 15th. Lok Sabha Elections to be held on April 
23, 2009. 

The Goa Su-Raj Party has also taken note that Ms. Nirmala Sawant has been 
shortlisted for the Ticket and that she will be formally joining the NCP on 
Guddi Padwa day.

In the wake of the rumours that NCP Chief Pawar had Ms. Nirmala Sawant in mind 
for the North Goa seat after having had talks with her, we quizzed the Goa 
Chief of the NCP, Dr. Wilfred D'Souza to shed light on the rumour. His  
response was "I don't Know - No body has told me"

There is a reason why Goa Su-Raj is interested, not, in that sense, to know who 
 gets the  NCP's ticket, but to know if Nirmala Sawant will get it.  And the 
reason is linked to the visit that the undersigned paid to Nirmala Sawant at 
her residence at Marcela the day after (Sunday) the mammoth Congress meet at 
the Lohia Maidan  was held with big-shorts of the Congress such as Mani Shankar 
Iyer, Priyaranjan Dasmunsi in attendance, just before the assembly by-elections 
were held in 2005. The Goa Su-Raj had noted with keen interest the conspicuous 
absence of the only lady ex Congress Minister on the dais Ms. Nirmala 

The half-hour meet was cordial covering a lot of ground, especially about the 
strategy of mounting an effective campaign in the Cumbarjua Constituency 
basically to see the defeat of  Pandurang Madkaikar who was slated for the 
Congress Ticket. As a Congress woman still, it was expected that she will fight 
Madkaikar tooth and nail but clandestinely, with Goa Su-Raj intending to be in 
the fray. Would she support  our candidate? Would she suggest  a suitable 
candidate? Would she join Goa Su-Raj and contest on its ticket? where many such 
questions asked. And her forthright answer to our offer was  thus:

"Mr. Lobo, I appreciate your offer. But I must decline it. IF AT ALL I LEAVE 

To that the undersigned has told her this:

Ms. Sawant, we respect your decision and we rather anticipated it. Our offer is 
made out to you by me  in the capacity as the President of the Party and does 
not have the official sanction of the Party's  Executive, especially when the 
Party is bound by the unwritten rule that Goa Su-Raj shall not give entry to 
any Ex-Mla. I am taking the chance in the understanding that I may be able to 
convince the Executive to make this one-time exception. I am not sure if I will 
succeed or not. Therefore, please do not throw this offer out of the window. 
Rather tie it to your 'SHENDO' [hair knot] so that it reminds you every time 
you shake your head"

Ms. Sawant had just laughed as a response.

It so turned out that Nirmala Sawant resigned from the Congress and 
subsequently contested the by-elections against Pandurang Madkaikar as an 
'Independent' with Goa Su-Raj supporting her through not fielding its 
candidate. The Goa Su-Raj Executive member was in the fore-front of being one 
of her  main campaign managers.

The unfortunate tally was:
Madkaikar  at 10016  against Nirmala's  9445, a mere shortfall of 571 votes.

Therefore, in the wake of the above news reports about Nirmala's impending 
entry into the NCP, we at Goa Su-Raj believe that Nirmala must tread carefully. 
'A WORD' of a serious person, a serious politician, is expected to be the 'WORD 
OF HONOUR', never to be discarded or forgotten for whatever reason at all. 
Nirmala has one option though. She can deny that anything like the above has 
ever transpired and we on our part shall not pursue the matter as this chapter 
has been closed. But hopefully, she will be able to ignore the ever louder 
growing knocks at the 'SHENDO' should she accept the NCP's offer. The Goa 
Su-RajParty wishes her well and would like to see her in Delhi, soon. 

It is a matter of fact that the Goa Su-Raj Executive has since completely 
closed the doors to Ex-MLAs with the passing of a BY-LAW banning  the entry of 
Ex-MLAs into the Party.

The understanding is that " WE AT GOA SU-RAJ DO NOT NEED TO LEARN  FROM EX MLAs 


[Goanet] Supreme Court stays Ordinance

2009-03-26 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Hartman D'Souza:
Marshall erroneously reads victory in the stay order issued by our apex
court. I do not feel this is warranted. While Claude states the obvious in
his comments, namely, that following the Court order, the Timblos will have
to demolish the illegal structures before April 30th or whatever, it is
quite obvious, from the same report, that Timblo's lawyers are totally
unfazed and are preparing themselves for a long haul in the courts.

Hartman, I am well aware that the SC has only issued an ad interim
injunction on the operation of the Ordinance. Being well versed with the
functioning of courts, I can assure you that it is a major decision.
Generally the HC and SC are averse to passing any ad interim injunctions
against the government at the admission of appeal stage. They prefer a
preliminary hearing of the case before passing any ad interim injunction
orders. The very fact that the SC made adverse comments on the Goa govt is
itself significant. It gives an indication of the direction of the thinking
of the court. I know that this is a small victory and that there is a long
haul ahead. The government and Ciadade have the money, resources and
influence to get what they want. It is equally important for the people to
bring pressure on all the 40 MLA's to sign their opposition to the Ordinance
/ Bill.

In a struggle of this kind, we should celeberate even small victories as
they act as morale boosters and bring out the fence sitters into the



[Goanet] The Hindu-isation of politics by Meghnad Desai

2009-03-26 Thread Marshall Mendonza

[Goanet] Cost of Member of Parliament

2009-03-26 Thread balubhai solanki

Politics is not a SERVICE anymore but a PROFESSION.

An Important Issue!

Salary & Govt. Concessions for a Member of Parliament (MP) 

Monthly Salary: Rs. 12,000/- 

Expense for Constitution per month: Rs. 10,000/-

Office expenditure per month: Rs. 14,000/- 

Traveling concession (Rs. 8 per km): Rs. 48,000/-
(eg. For a visit from South India to Delhi & return: 6000 km) 

Daily DA TA during parliament meets: Rs. 500/day 

Charge for 1 class (A/C) in train: Free (For any number of times)   
(All over India )   

Charge for Business Class in flights: Free for 40 trips / year (With wife or 

Rent for MP hostel at Delhi: Free.

Electricity   costs at home: Free up to 50,000 units.

Local phone call charge: Free up to 1, 70,000 calls... 

TOTAL expense for a MP [having no qualification] per year:  Rs.32, 00,000/-
[i.e. 2.66 lakh/month] 
TOTAL expense for 5 years:   Rs. 1, 60, 00,000/-
For 534 MPs, the expense for 5 years: 
Rs. 8,54,40,00,000/- 
 (Nearly 855 crores) 
This is how all our tax money is been swallowed and price hike on our regular 
And this is the present condition of our country: 

855 crores could make their life livable!!   
Think of the great democracy we have… 
I know hitting the Delete button is easier...but...try to press the Fwd button 
& make people aware! 

Re: [Goanet] Nasci's western non-vegetarian food for thought

2009-03-26 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
> I do not wish to respond to Santosh, since his 'change of
> subject title' in this email is malafides! 
> Is he like those many Indians who are primitively
> conservative??

Hi Nasci,

Thanks for responding to me. Please do so again. Let us continue this 
nutritious (western non-vegetarian) discussion. Who are these many primitively 
conservative Indians? Are they vegetarians? Do they change the subject title of 
emails, which is "malafides"?



Re: [Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo

>>> The US is still the most dynamic economy in the world, given that it is 
>>> still the most free market economy. 

>> The above statement only works when you provide the numbers. For example, 
>> the numbers that compares the 
>> dynamics of the economy of China v/s that of the USSA. With out the numbers, 
>> your contention is pure sentiment.

Marlon wrote:
> Two points:
> 1) A nation's long term standard of living is determined by technological 
> innovation. Around 70% of the world's venture
> funding still goes to the US. In the two emerging fields of clean energy and 
>bio tech, I expect an onslaught of innovation 
> to be unleashed in the US in the next few years. 

> 2) The Communist party of China cannot be considered to be a reliable source 
> of statistics. Its over reliance on exports 
> (specially to the US), its now imploding real estate bubble, its party 
> controlled banking sector as well as its obvious 
> political risks suggest to me that China has even worse problems ahead. All 
> nations have their problems - the difference 
> is that the US being an active democracy means that its problems are more 
> easily identifiable and addressed.  

The request was for numbers. 
I live in a world where numbers are everything, and sentiment is not worth a 
In simple terms, it is much easier to understand a salesman who informs you 
that your investment will make 4% annually
verses a salesman who tells you, "I will make you lots of money."  

WRT your two points:
1) The Chinese have and are marketing an electric car that is far more advanced 
than anything the US has to offer. This is 
just the beginning of inovation that will surely come out of China. Here is the 
link to the NPR program.

2) When you report false numbers in China, the Govt takes you outside and 
shoots you. When you report false numbers 
in the USSA, the govt gives you a bonus, prints money to pay the bonus and then 
passes legislation to tax 90% of
the bonus. The final part of this process is for the USSA govt to appoint 
managers to run the companies that have fantasy
profits/losses. In this regard, it feel that the Chinese method promotes far 
more fiscal responsibility than the USSA's  
'democratic' method. 



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Re: [Goanet] Roman catholic & Hindu

2009-03-26 Thread Seb dc

Thanks for alightening
but i find 3 letters in your word below:-)


- Original Message - 
From: "damodar vinayak bale" Authors,as everything was written in the interest of better 
human living.
The very pronounciations of Sanskrit words created healthy vibrations on 
human body.

Take the example of single letter "OUM".
The existance of various age old temples in this part of world,proves
the history.The language Sanskrit was made non-existant for selfish
interest by the outsiders without any foresight losing the values of
human living.
With best regards,
Damodar Bale.

[Goanet] STT: Will you forgive him?

2009-03-26 Thread JoeGoaUk

STT:   Will you forgive him?

- Ok, will you forgive your wife?

What for? What she has done?

- She cheated on you.. she slept with some one…, will your forgive her?

I don’t believe you, I know  she will never do this to me..we are 
together for 10 years with 2 kids…

- What if it is true?

Well, she is finished. End of our marriage.

- Come on, it’s a mistake she feel guilty about it now, 
she wants to confess.. she loves you

No means no, I will never forgive her


- Ok, what about you? Did you remain faithful to your wife? 
I mean, you never slept with anybody during the 10 years?

‘Uloi re ogi kiteak asa?’


In this world, as a husband or wife, we often  face so many problems. 
We are human beings so we are bound to make mistakes. Most mistakes 
are easily forgiven and forgotten but there are certain mistakes which 
are very hard to forget or forgive such as the one mentioned above.  
Often we men think, it’s Ok for we are men or some may even say, 
it’s OK as we have to live away from our wives for years and so it’s  
not a big deal  if  we sometimes pay  Friday or Sunday visits  
to Srilankans/ Philippines or other nationalities  onshore or at office 
or workplace etc

How about the wives? They too live away from their husbands for 
years. It’s OK for them too?   Women wants or their expectations 
are same as men. Infact, where we were in our teens,  we understood
 from our seniors that women need more than men.


Marriage is built on love, sharing, trust, loyalty, 
sacrifices, understanding, forgiveness etc

There is no one superior or inferior in the marriage.

If she betrays him, then he has every reasons to be angry, upset, 
feel rejected, frustrated etc  Similarly, if he has done any act 
of betrayal then she too has the very same reasons (nothing less) 
to be angry, upset etc. She too has a right to take extreme decisions

An advice:
If you have gone wrong somewhere (perhaps due to temptation) and
 this being your one off blunder and you regret it immediately after 
and vow never to do it again..

Take my peace of advice: Never confess it to him (Husband) or her 
(Wife) because you never know how he/she might take it or what it may 
end up with.

Because some betrayals have not forgiveness.

Something like this such as LOVE, MARRIAGE, TRUST, BETRAYAL, 
FORGIVENESS etc is beautifully brought up by Joywin in his new Film ‘FAMILY

With Annie Quardros, Ulhas Tari, Jane, Kids Kish, Kerensky, 
Antonette de Maina, Comedian Marcus, Comedian Selvy etc. Rs.150 VCD.


It’s a family film not to be missed, a must to every husband 
and wife

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[Goanet] Happy Gudi Padwa & new years & years to come to all

2009-03-26 Thread Sanjay Barve
Happy Gudi Padwa

A happy new year to all and also a happy years to come to all of you

With regards
Sanjay Barve

[Goanet] Goa news for March 27, 2009

2009-03-26 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Naval chopper crashes off Goa - Times of India

*** Bullfighting is now a legal sport in Goa - Business

*** Parents protest arbitrary fee hikes - Times of India

*** German whistle-blower\'s complaint not registered by Goa
police - Sify
ff led to the arrest of a Polish hit man this month, complained
of harassment and threats by local politicians, the Goa police
have failed to register his complaint, an official of the ...

*** Goan to be sworn in as HC judge - Herald Publications
rald Publications, IndiaA Goan lawyer along with two others
will be elevated as additional judges of the Bombay High Court
onThursday morning. President Pratibha Patil issued orders for
the appointments of Filomeno Lopo Sales Rosario Dos Reis, Rajesh
Govind Ketkar and Ravi ...

*** Virbhadra folk dance reflects martial arts tradition -
Times of India
mes of India, IndiaGoa is a land where Lord Shiva is worshipped
in varied forms. Virbhadrais one of the attendants of Lord Shiva
who is regarded in Goa as one of the sons of Parvati and Lord
Shiva. Although there is no temple or a shrine dedicated to
Virbhadra in Goa, ...

*** Goa gets EC nod to term Princess state disaster - Times of
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: In a significant development the
Election Commission of India approved the Goa governments plea
to declare the River Princess a state disaster, but in view of
the prevailing code of conduct, warned against any "ostentatious
publicity" to the ...

*** Qatar Airways to fly to Goa, Amritsar -
(press release)
0. ...

*** Goa to crack down on beachwear \'hurting religious
sentiments\' - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The Goa government will crack down
on the sale of clothes, particularly beachwear, carrying images
of Hindu deities and quotations of scriptures on them. The
action follows a representation made to the North Goa collector
by the Hindu ...

*** Retirement treat: Cycling around Goa and the world - Times
of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: They're discovering Goa at every
bend and turn, drawing attention wherever they go. Friends, six
of them from Europe, have hopped onto mountain bikes and are
riding around the world. Right now they are in Goa. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Nasci's western non-vegetarian food for thought

2009-03-26 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear Santosh,

What is wrong with you? Why are you asking questions - the answers of
which I already gave you yesterday?

I repeat:

MalaFides: Origin - Fontainhas (Mala). There the first email (Fides)
changed the title to femail (Fidelia). Hence the words Malafides.
Inappropriate use follows: Mala fides, Tuka Urrack

Primitively Conservative: Origin - Ilhas (Tiswadi). From the original
founder of this territory who was our cousin (Primo) and his uncle
(Tio) both of whom were known to be the first Goveian (Goan) fiscal
conservatives. This Primo and Tio company were later known in English
as PrimiTive. After that (somewhere when I was a teenager so
should be in the early 18th century) all conservatives who practiced
their fiscality (fiscal + rascality) were known as Primitive

good afternoon from here


 Nascy Caldeira  wrote:

 I do not wish to respond to Santosh, since his 'change of subject
title' in this email is malafides!

 Is he like those many Indians who are primitively conservative??

Santosh wrote:

Hi Nasci,

Thanks for responding to me. Please do so again. Let us continue this
nutritious (western non-vegetarian) discussion. Who are these many
primitively conservative Indians? Are they vegetarians? Do they change
the subject title of emails, which is "malafides"?

Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Taking caste seriously: being

2009-03-26 Thread Venantius Pinto
Why do you use two spellings in two cases? Are these errors?
Zafar and Jaffar
Farooqui (quite unusual) and Forokhi.

At least you are using the standard spelling  for Hafiz, although it is
spelt in different ways. Btw that a nice gesture—Allah Hafiz. May you too be

While your point is laudable, Jason is using pretty straight English. People
can make that effort. Certain things may only be said in certain ways.
People who do not understand "fitna" could ask their Muslim friends.

venantius j pinto

From: "zafar ali farooqui" 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] DEBATE: Taking caste seriously: being
>anti-brahmin is not enough
> (del)
> I request you to avoid these words or provide meaning of the words in your
> future
> articles.
> Obfuscates ( obscure,confuse)   edifice ,  succinctly ,critique, plethora
> ,upheaval
> and fitna.
> Your articles are meant for common man ( who understand little English)  ie
> Dalits,Sudra,Muslims,Christians,Brahmins,Hindus etc.
> Allah Hafiz,
> Jaffar Ali Bin Mohamad Yusuf Farokhi

Re: [Goanet] Nasci's western non-vegetarian food for thought

2009-03-26 Thread Nascy Caldeira
Laughter is good for all; vegans and non vegans! Specially for those many 
Indians who may be primitively conservative! These 'many' could be either, 
based on their degree of enlightenment and immediate environment. 
I am 'laughing'. I now feel as though I 'will live and live it up' past a 
century of life.

--- On Thu, 26/3/09, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

--- On Wed, 3/25/09, Nascy Caldeira  wrote:
> I do not wish to respond to Santosh, since his 'change of
> subject title' in this email is malafides! 
> Is he like those many Indians who are primitively
> conservative??

Hi Nasci,

Thanks for responding to me. Please do so again. Let us continue this 
nutritious (western non-vegetarian) discussion. Who are these many primitively 
conservative Indians? Are they vegetarians? Do they change the subject title of 
emails, which is "malafides"?

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[Goanet] LINK: The Better India

2009-03-26 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
The Better India is an attempt to bring out the happy stories, the
unsung heroes/ines...

FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
On Facebook:

[Goanet] Planes, choppers in the skies

2009-03-26 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
The media here had a story about a chopper crash. Was it the usual
(and uncritically-met) spindoctoring which allowed the reports to
focus on the "crew of three rescued safely" and "no civilian damage"
angles? As usual, reports of this kind end with the statement that a
court of inquiry has been ordered. Of course, we never learn of what
emerges from this! See the reports here:

Sometime ago, using the Right to Information Act, help from a friend
in Kerala, and the support of the edition of a national magazine, one
managed to dig-up some shocking information about the Sea Harriers
that the Indian Navy purchased from the UK.
Put briefly (quoting the emerging article): "The aircrafts have not
been in a single war, but in the past two decades, 16 out of 31
Harriers have crashed."

Something serious going on here! FN
FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
On Facebook:

"All the sugar, Twice the caffeine" - Ad slogan for Jolt Cola

[Goanet] shubhescha

2009-03-26 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Navya Varshachi shubhescha to all members of GN forum 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] America - A Socialist Economy

2009-03-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo

marlon menezes wrote:
> I think you missed out my comment that 70% of the world's venture capital was 
> being invested in America. 
> Technological innovation and its commercialization is what ultimately 
> determines a nation's standard of living.

For a moment there, I was under the impression that you were taking the 
road most people here do i.e. when the 
numbers are hard to find, they take the easy way and find them in the most 
convenient blog. The blog writers 
haven earlier taken the easier way and just manufactured the numbers.

> BYD is a good company, but the details on this car remain sketchy. Lithium 
> ion has several issues: cost, safety, 
> recharge speed and energy density . Except via fuzzy accounting or excessive 
> govt. subsidies, I do not see how 
> anyone can make these cars so cheap ($22K). Toyota, a company that is 
> acknowledged to be the most efficient 
> auto manufacturer in the world, loses money on every hybrid car its sells - 
> and hybrids are far cheaper than plug 
> in electrics.

I am sure you are aware that the Japanese Govt has been financing the research 
for the hybrid cars of Toyota and 
Nissan for the past ten years. Japan wants to clean up the air in its cities. 
The US car manufacturers, on the other hand, 
put all their money and efforts into lobbying the US govt NOT to improve 
emission standards. For that reason alone, 
people want the US car manufacturers to pay the price. They are voting with 
their wallets, buying hybrids instead 
of gas guzzlers.

> As far as battery research is concerned, most of the cutting edge work is 
> happening in America - not China. 
> Ironically, the future may be in the use of a variation of the common lead 
> acid battery known as the lead carbon battery.

Just this morning, Bloomberg had a slew of reports about the Chinese Govt 
introducing subsidies to promote 
alternative energy production. Here are the numbers, the Chinese Govt will 
provide a subsidy of US$2.93 per
watt for solar projects with a generation capacity of at least 50 kilowatts. 
Note the price is per watt. This is a heck of a lot 
of money. All the Chinese solar stocks prices jumped (went thru the roof?) 
today. If you are interested, the ones 
that trade in N. America are:
Suntech Power Holdings, STP
Yingli Green Energy,   YGE 
JA Solar Holdings,  JASO
LDK Solar Co,    LDK

> In China, anything is the truth - so long as the government says it is so. 
> Your understanding of China is rather naive.

My understanding of China is limited to the prospects of making money :-) I 
think every American does the same, being
happy as long as China is providing cheap goods and buying the US debt.

> Regarding the much maligned issue of the AIG bonuses, the fact is that the 
> original core team responsible for this mess, 
> were fired, forced out or had quit a long time ago. The current staff that 
> were supposed to get the bonuses were brought in 
> at the government's request to clean up house and many of the executives were 
> receiving no salaries. But yes, fundamentally, 
> the US is wrong in letting these companies live. They should have been shut 
> down in the first place.

In addition, this morning, Hussein bin Obama said on his Internet Town Hall 
meet that the US auto industry must be preserved, 
not symbolically but so that people could have jobs.  Socialism at its best.  


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2009-03-26 Thread mario rodrigues


Blatant irregularities of the State government in the allotment of 
to seven special economic zones (SEZs) in three industrial estates have been 
thoroughly exposed by the findings of  the Comptroller  and  Auditor General  
India (CAG).
The CAG report tabled in the Goa assembly on Tuesday has listed out 
numerous irregularities indulged in by Goa Industrial Development Corporation 
in allotting  38,40,886 square metres of  land to seven SEZs  - in its five 
industrial estates.
Allotment made for SEZs not only lacked transparency but  GIDC 
sacrificed land acquired for small and medium scale industries  under the 
Growth Center (IGC) Scheme  for the advantage of SEZ companies, the report 
"Allotment  to SEZs  was made  without  publicizing, that  too 
the State  government  formulated   its  SEZ policy",  ; says the CAG.
Verna industrial estate (VIE) was established  under  the IGC 
scheme of 
government of India  for which  financial assistance  of Rs 10 crore was 
But shockingly,  area to the extend of 24.05 lakh square metres allotted   for 
companies  for SEZs  in Verna formed  part of the total area of 65.81 lakh 
metres acquired  for IGC.
UNDUE CONCESSION: Making a special concession for SEZ allottees, 
GIDC also removed a clause  from the lease  deed that enables revision  of the 
annual lease rent (ALR) as  and when premium  rates are revised .  "This was an 
undue concession to SEZ allottees"  remarked the CAG report.
LOWER LAND RATES: Sins committed by GIDC do not end  here.   
over backwards to  satisfy  the SEZ promoters,  the GIDC allotted  land  at a 
"Revision of  premium  rate  at Verna phase IV,  effected only 
major  chunk was  allotted at lower  rate , tentatively fixed, resulted in  a 
of Rs 36.89 crores."
GIDC had in March 2004 acquired 35.88 lakh square metres of land in 
Verna and Loutolim villages for expansion of phase IV of Verna industrial 
It commenced allotment in September 2005 in the areas even before  
layout plan was prepared and sub-divisions completed at tentatively fixed 
2005) premium rate of Rs 600 per square metre .The rate was subsequently 
revised in 
August 2006 to Rs 750 per square metre but allotted 24.6 lakh at Rs 600 per 
metre and  only 15,365 square metres for Rs 750, CAG said.
Based on the board's decision, GIDC allotted land admeasuring 16.73 
square metres to four companies  at premium rate of Rs 600 - namely K Raheja 
Paradigm Logistics, Inox Mercantile and Planetview, for setting up  SEZ s.
EXTRA ALLOTTMENT: The GIDC is  also  guilty of excess   allotment  
land to the four SEZ companies that  were  allotted land in phase IV of VIE.
Inclusion of area to the extent  of 5.28 lakh  square metres 
in the  deeds  over and above  the allotted  area was  irregular.   The 
unauthorized  inclusion  of additional land  was  an undue  favour  to the 
which helped  them to obtain SEZ  approval , the CAG noted.
KERI: Based on requests (March 2006), GIDC allotted 12.32 lakh 
metres in March/April 2006 in Keri, to Meditab Specialities - a subsidiary of 
at premium rate of Rs 80 per square metre while 2.04 lakh square metres land 
allotted in Sancoale at a lease premium of Rs 270 per square metre.
Meditab was allotted land at a time when GIDC was in the process of 
implementing a pharma park by itself on land available at Keri and a consultant 
already been appointed for the purpose.
NO PERSPECTIVE PLAN: GIDC had been pursuing industrial development 
on an 
adhoc basis with no perspective plan.
The auditors found that GIDC had no system to assess the 
requirement in 
accordance with any specific project of its own or local demand of industries.
It deviated from its established role of acquiring and allotting 
directly to the entrepreneur by allotting land to developers for further 
by them.
GIDC, CAG found, allotted land before completing  basic development 
activities, paving the way for faxing arbitrary rate of lease premium.
It also revealed that allotments were made without transparent 
selection procedures.

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[Goanet] songs with mog

2009-03-26 Thread JANE ALPHONSO
Hi guys I hope you will like this pls have fun mog to all from jjandson

NostalgiaTurely Goan Restaurant part 1
Nostalgia part 2 Goan New Konkani love song 2009 
sergio play guitar
Dhavon Yho - Edwin-- Goan Konkani Love Song 2009 save goa save konkani

[Goanet] Cognitive Daily: The anatomy of an illusion -- and what it tells us about the visual system

2009-03-26 Thread Con Menezes

Goanetters.heres something different from the subjects you normally 
air.this concerns your dimming vision!

Re: [Goanet] Goa traditional markets...

2009-03-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Frederick Noronha wrote: 
> Dear all: Was just putting together a list of traditional weekly
> markets. The list below has obvious gaps, specially in central and
> south Goa. Any inputs would be appreciated... FN

> Siolim, Wednesday market 7.30 am to 10 am, near St Anthony's Chapel

Before you get blacklisted by the people of Siolim, and they refuse to sell you 
let me remind you that St. Anthony's is a church.

A church with two steeples.


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[Goanet] Salt... in Gujarat and in Goa

2009-03-26 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
Came across this article on Gujarat recently: Bleak future for traditional salt
It says, "In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi turned salt into a powerful symbol
of freedom for Indians. In Independent India, the traditional salt pan
workers of Gujarat say they are living like slaves, thanks to the
government’s negligence and privatisation policies."

And this is what I read about the situation in Goa... amazing:

>From a net exporter of salt, Goa today has turned into a net importer
as the traditional salt industry is now on the verge of collapse.
During earlier times, salt from Goa was exported to Thailand, Burma
and even African countries, while in 1855 Goa dominated Asian market
as regards to the salt export. In 1964-65, 200 salt pans were
operational in Goa, in 13 villages of four talukas of Pernem, Bardez,
Tiswadi and Salcete, which produces around 25,000 metric tones of salt
annually and by 2002, the number came down to around 16.

FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
On Facebook:

"Always drink upstream from the herd." - Will Rogers

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (26Mar09)

2009-03-26 Thread alexyz fernandes
   ACID Party in Anjuna   

"...A New Political Party?"

"No Dear...But it seems like a Party that has Political Support...!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] Five Points Election Demand by Dalit Christians

2009-03-26 Thread R.L. Francis

Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM)
Office:- IIIA/145, Rachana, Vashali – 201010 (NCR) India
Telefax 0120, 4569131 Cell. 9810108046
Five Points Election Demand by Dalit Christians
New Delhi: March 27, 2009:- The Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) 
strongly condemns interference by the Church in the Lok Sabha election process 
by declaring that it will field Church candidates. It urges all the political 
parties to take note of the statement issued by the Kerala Bishop‘s. The PCLM 
is shocked at the statement and demands that the election commission should 
issue show cause notice in this matter. 
The PCLM makes the following demands to the political parties:
-  In view of lot of controversy on conversion the PCLM urges the 
political parties to commit to bring an all India level Freedom of Religion 
Bill to check fraudulent and allurement conversion. All political parties must 
make their stand clear on this point before the elections. 
- That the political parties in India should include formation of a 
Waqf like board for the protection of mission property of heritage nature in 
- The PCLM urges that no ordained priest or nun should be appointed 
member of a government commission. Instead lay Christian must be appointed in 
such bodies. Currently the bishops are appointed by the Vatican and can be 
removed by the Vatican only. The local bodies or Christians have no say in it. 
This is undemocratic process. This must be changed.
- Several reports have indicated that large section of poor Christians 
of Dalit and tribal backgrounds are still suffering from the discrimination, 
outside and within the Church. So the PCLM demands that a development board for 
financial and social upliftment of Christians be formed after the elections. 
The political parties in their manifestoes must indicate their position on this 
- The Church in India owns large number of educational and health 
institutions under minority status. The Church is demanding reservation from 
the Government for the Dalit Christians .The PCLM demands that the Church must 
reserve 60 per cent of jobs for the poor Christians in the Christian 
institutions. It further urges the political parties that in case in any 
Christian institution the number of Christian’s beneficiaries are less than 50 
percent the minority status of such institutions should be cancelled and it 
must be put “other Charitable Institutions” category. 
It has been observed that some individuals are secretly negotiating with the 
political parties on behalf of the community. The PCLM wants such elements to 
refrains from nefarious activities.
Issued R.L. Francis, President, PCLM