[Goanet] Benefits of eating Avacado

2010-05-21 Thread Con Menezes
The Benefits of eating  Avocado.
>From HSI

[Goanet] Daily Grook #703

2010-05-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

at a soup shower
everybody pants,
'cause they are
stirring events!

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Re: [Goanet] The Goanese Fusion Flavours - cookery manual

2010-05-21 Thread Alda Figueiredo

Dear Readers

The Goanese Fusion Flavours - ISBN 0951901931

Recently, I have received several telephone requests for the above cookery book 
published in 2005.  Anyone interested in purchasing it can contact Waterstone 
bookshop in your vicinity.  Most of the Waterstone branches in the UK do stock 
the book.  The attachment will give further info.

Alda Figueiredo 

[Goanet] Portuguese language.

2010-05-21 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
I appeal to you after reading an article in Goanet to divulge the
possibility of Portuguese speaking scholars and researchers meeting a high
level delegation of academics, next year around April 18, when the Colóquios
da Lusofonia going to its XV Colloquium (this time to be held in  Macao)
make a stopover to hear the Goans and share with them the latest changes to
Portuguese language.
We have currently no contact with any Portuguese speaking Goans but would be
interested in organising a one day  Seminar for them, if there is local
interest in such a meeting
Best Regards

O Presidente da Comissão Executiva, Colóquios da Lusofonia,
Telefone:(351) 296446940,Telemóvel:(351)919287816/ 916755675 E-fax
(faxe):+ (00) 16305631902
Correio eletrónico: coloquioslusofo...@gmail.com  , lusofo...@sapo.pt
; lusofoniazo...@gmail.com  ,
* *Todos os colóquios: http://www.lusofonias.net *
(próximo) XIV Colóquio:
Tudo sobre o Acordo Ortográfico
Cadernos/Estudos Açorianos
Malaca Casteleiro Academia Ciências de Lisboa e Evanildo Cavalcante
Bechara Academia Brasileira de Letras
* Protocolos e Parcerias:
Direção Regional das Comunidades da Presidência do Governo Regional dos Açores

[Goanet] Fwd: Fw: Wolves in sheep clothing (Reply to Lies of Churchill Alemao)

2010-05-21 Thread Arwin Mesquita
  *Refer: Churchill backs Raheja’s projecturchill backs Raheja’s project*
-- Forwarded message --
From: Orlando Silva 
Date: 20 May 2010 08:54
Subject: Fw: Wolves in sheep clothing -Bledy goan politicos
To: arwinmesqu...@gmail.com

Carmona Panch Orlando answers to Churchils  Bab lies.

While appreciating that the PWD Minister at last realized that the state of
Goa requires a Policy on Mega Hosuing projects in the state and that at
present Goans cannot afford housing in their own land,  Mr Da Silva informed
that Churchil press briefing on the Carmona project is full of blatant lies.
He say that Mr. Churchil should first  lay his hands on the official records
of the Carmona Panchyat Minutes books, and ascertain for himself the factual
reports rather than relying on the parrot  sarpanch installed by him in the
Carmona panchayat.  To put facts rights Mr. Da silva pointed out that the
Rahejas  has purchased the property in the  year 2007 and that there was no
shadow of Rahejas in Carmona in the Year2005.  At that time it was the
original owners of the property M/s Aurora & family  from Margao who has
applied for development permission  for subdividing their property into 71
plots  of average area of 350 to 400 square meters.  Considering there was
shortage of developed plots  in the village to meet local demands, I  as a
responsible ward member  consented to the sarpanch Mr. Sony Noronha that
permission could be given to the owners since the owners orally  promised
the Sarpanch and me  to give first preference to the locals for purchase of
these plots.  Mr. Sony  openly declared at the gramsabha  dated 30.03.2008
that It was not his body which granted the permission to the Rahejas  but
license  was issued  to the owners after taking  consent of ward
member.  Regarding
the ministers submission that he is  the  right hand men of his bet noir
shri Luizinho Faleiro, Mr Da Silva submitted that Mr. Alemao  himself was
also a close lieutenant of faleiro  who  now has forgotten that it was
Faleiro who has introduced him to Goan politics and prominence and that this
a fact that Mr Alemao made Faleiro the Kupar. Mr. da Silva said that he
wants to  tell Mr. Alemao that he never  personally was a supporter of
Faleiro but he was and heis a supporter of the Indian National Congress
party  which Mr Alemao  time again accused and abused  of working against
the interest of the Goans. Mr. Alemao recent turncoat of the Save Goa party
is glaring proof of what Mr. Alemao preaches and practices.   Whenever Mr.
Alemao was fielded as a candidate of the Party he as an obedient
soldier  worked
for the party candidate. Mr. Alemao only succeeded in buying the balance
Panch members and not him and the people of Carmona opposing this lopsided

Mr. Da Silva  also pointed out that People of Carmona are supporting  the
Raheja project is a dream Mr. Alemao  is dreaming and the unanimous
resolution dated 30.03.2008 is a documentary proof in the records of Carmona
Panchayat and that a writ petition is already filed to challenge the
provisional NOC issued at the behest of Mr. Alemao. It was the  Sarpanch  who
proposed this unanimous resolution  sensing the mood of the gramsabha. The
news report dated 22.03.2010 published by a section of the press that
Carmona gramsabha dated 21.03.2010 approved the Raheja project is a false
and a mischievous  briefing by the Sarpanch and this fact can be checked
from the observers report obtained by him under the RTI act and the Gram
sabha resolution  of date 21.03.2010 recorded by the secretary.  Mr. Alemao
submission that people of Carmona has even confronted Da silva for opposing
the Rahejas project is also a blatant lie and if at all there was a  confusion
created it was a law and order  problem that  was created by relatives of
the minister. At Gramsabha dated 30.03.2008 villagers who gathered were
assaulted  and that these persons are facing criminal charges in the court
of law.

If Mr. Alemao can prove me wrong on any one of his  above submission he will
resign from his Panchyat membership and so also social activities, otherwise
he expect Mr. Alemao to do the same and even suggest  retirement.  Mega
Housing projects does not mean development of local people, Locals are
robbed of their purchasing power and only the Minister benefit by such

 Orlando S. A. Da Silva

Member V. P. Carmona

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/

Re: [Goanet] First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

2010-05-21 Thread edpinto
Ever since the scrapping of the contentious RP 2011, the hopes of ordinary 
Goans have been kept alive on a diet of empty promises and assurances by the 
Digambar Kamat government, even as they painstakingly sat together and came up 
with suggestions for each of their villages for the proposed RP 2021. Two years 
later, the assurances and promises keep coming, laced with excuses and 
evasiveness in lieu of the immediate and decisive action that the present dire 
situation calls for. RP 2021 still remains a pipe dream. In the meantime, the 
decimation and plunder of the land continues unabated. Hills are ruthlessly 
cut, paddy fields are filled, eco sensitive zones are treated with total 
disrespect and the woes of the people in the mining belt continue to overflow, 
while their tears go unheeded by the ruling dispensation.
Goa’s sorry plight motivated groups from villages all over the state to come 
together on the platform of VILLAGE GROUPS OF GOA in an endeavour to try and 
protect our little homeland from the assaults of vested interests. The newly 
constituted Village Groups of Goa decided to approach Chief Minister Digambar 
Kamat at the Porvorim Secretariat  on May 17th, to put forward  the 
longstanding and legitimate concerns and demands of the people of Goa and to 
make known to him that this time the people expected action instead of mere 
assurances and promises that were never implemented.

A group of around 100 or so of us, some of whom were equipped with passes, 
wended their way to the Ministerial Block in the Secretariat, passed through 
the metal detector and were stopped by the Security. While the people were 
explaining their mission, a police inspector whose name tag pronounced him to 
be Devendra Gad, pushed passed me to the front and began shoving the people to 
the back. I felt a growing sense of unease as I stood to one side and watched 
the manner in which he was touching and handling the women in the group. In a 
couple of minutes, PI Gad had succeeded in evicting the people from the 
building and he stood on the steps with his arms across his chest guarding the 
entrance against the people.

The group requested that they be allowed to meet the CM since it was the day 
when he heard public grievances. Finally PI Gad agreed to let 5 persons up to 
meet the CM, provided they were all women. The delegation of five ladies came 
back from their mission extremely disappointed with the CM’s comment that he 
did not need our votes. The people vociferously expressed their displeasure at 
this offhand dismissal of Goan votes by the CM. Needless to say, the CM's 
attitude left the people with no other option than to present these issues of 
crucial importance for the survival of Goa and Goans before the Leader of the 
Opposition, since he would be better equipped to take up the opposition role in 
these issues that the people have been trying so hard to perform for so long 

When contacted telephonically, Leader of the Opposition Mr. Manohar Parrikar 
explained that he was around 25 kms. Away, but assured us that he would turn 
around and come back to the Secretariat. In the meantime, PI Gad who had called 
for a further posse of policemen armed with lathis and a police van, suddenly 
swung into action. He began pushing and jostling the people roughly and ordered 
them to leave the Secretariat immediately, even though they explained that they 
were only waiting for the Leader of the Opposition to arrive. My husband and I 
were standing around 6 metres from the crowd observing the ugly situation with 
a growing sense of alarm and wondering what would be the best course of action 
under the circumstances. Suddenly PI Gad strode up to my husband unprovoked and 
began physically assaulting him while screaming that he was under arrest. I 
instinctively put my arm between them and implored him to stop. In what I felt 
was a very crude and insulting manner, PI Gad grabbed the front of my blouse 
and flung me against the wall behind. I hit my head on the wall and blacked out 
for a while. When I came to, two of my co villagers were throwing water on me 
and I could hear PI Gad scream to the women constables who must have arrived in 
the interim and were now standing around with lathis to arrest me and put me in 
the van. The women constables lifted me and were moving towards the police van, 
when the Leader of the Opposition arrived. On seeing him, they put me down and 
moved back. Mr. Parrikar heard us out and then, as I was not feeling too well, 
some of us, along with a number of media persons went to his chambers, where 
someone was kind and humane enough to provide me with an ice pack to place on 
the bump on my head. In the meantime, PI Gad had apparently shanghaied the rest 
of the villagers into the van, allegedly roughing up many in the process and I 
am told, allegedly touching and tearing the blouse of a lady who was coming 
towards me when I was unconscious. The manner in which he

Re: [Goanet] ResearchLink: History and the (un)making of identifications in literary representations of Anglo-Indians and Goan Catholics (Marian Josephine Gracias)

2010-05-21 Thread Eugene Correia
On the subject of Godfrey's piece, the issue went from East Indians to 
Anglo-Indians. i happen to come across a piece by a Toronto-based scholar Megan 
Mills who got her Ph.D with her these on the Anglo-Indian community in Bengal 
in my collection. It is in a journal edited by an old friend under the title, 
The Anglo-Indian -- an Ongoing Community of Bengal.
She writes, "Misunderstanding abounds on question of the Anglo-Indians' 
origins. Other Indians and westerns can share most assuming notions of 
Anglo-Indian descent from illicit relationships between Indian women of humble 
origins and unsavoury Europeans. Certainly, these were not more prevalent than 
convention alliances in the 17th and 18th centuries witnessing the rise of the 
greater part of Bengal's Anglo-Indian population. Moreover, it is seldom 
realized that the term Anglo-Indian in use since 1911 is rather a stunnng 
misnomer, for the community's European ancestry is simply not very Anglo (word 
in italics). Bengal's Anglo-Indians possess a great many Scottish and Irish 
progenitors in keeping with different 'colonial cocktail' populations to emerge 
elsewhere in the early British empire."
In the debased and hate-infused racial and communal conflict in Indian society, 
the Anglo-Indians were called "the bastard children of the British empire."  It 
must be said that both the British and Portuguese powers in India promoted the 
marriages of their men with local women. The Portuguese had a settlements in 
Satgoan and Bandel de Hoogly in the Bengal and many of Anglo-Indians in Bengal 
could be of Portuguese blood. In some parts of India where the Anglo-Indians 
were in substantial numbers, particularly at railway junctions, they were also 
known as "Indo-Britons." 
Other Indians saw the Anglo-Indians as pro-British and felt that they enjoyed a 
special status. They had access to good jobs and were higher than other 
Indians. But they were also subject to discrimination from the British because 
some British clubs would not give them memberships. Remember, the notorious 
"Dogs and Indian not allowed" signposts that hung at the entrance of some 
exclusively British clubs?  
Closer home to Goa, we has the mestizos (spelling?), those born of Portuguese 
fathers and Goan mothers. There is a word, mestizaje, which means the mixing of 
Amerindians and Europeans though I am not sure if the word also refers to 
offsprings from these two races Mestizaje is a word that comes up often in the 
discussion of post-colonialism, just as the word mestizo comes in the debate on 
the children of Portuguese-Goan sexual relations. In some quarters of today's 
Goan society, the mestizos are thought to be of a privileged class and in some 
quarters as the "leftovers" of Portuguese rule. Both the Anglo-Indians and the 
mestizos are the product of colonial hybridity. When cultures come together , 
more so during the colonization of one country by another, creolisation takes 
place. The creolisation of the Caribbean is one good example.
The Anglo-Indian and the mestizo created their own unique sub-culture in the 
societies they lived. In postcolonial Goa, the mestizo culture lies submerged 
in the dominant local culture. We find it hard to locate the mestizo culture in 
the mainstream Goan society and could be ideally found to live in some parts of 
Panaji, notably Fountainhas. Colonialism has shaped Goa's history and its 
identity to the extent that Portuguese strands run into our cultural, literary 
and social streams. The anti-colonial struggle created another class of its 
own, disowning the Portuguese language and contribution and embracing 
everything Indian. Indian nationalism spread largely among the Hindus and to a 
little extent among the Catholics. During the Portuguese reign, the 
lowly-placed Hindus and the Catholics should have their voices heard. In 
post-Independent Goa, these sections of society are vociferous and demanding. 
If not allo, but many of the political powers that rule
 Goa come from this sections of society. Their muted silence during the 
Portuguese presence in Goa has now become a crescendo. 
Goans in Goa today live in a post-structuralist society. From being 
postcolonial subjects, Goans now in position to determine their own future. We 
are still a fragmented society, and may be so for a long time. The differences 
among the communities will not go away but the process to mend and blend the 
differences into a progressive force could be undertaken on both the 
idealogical and political planes. It is in the pursuit of the common good that 
those who still have "colonized minds" can be free. There should be no cultural 
hegemony of one community over another. Tolerance must be the norm, and each 
community must have the right to be different. Modern Goa must reconcile the 
past with the present. 

Eugene Correia


[Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend ’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician from So uth Goa?)

2010-05-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
Attempted suicide:  Hem ‘Girlfriend’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician 
from South Goa?)

Whose girlfriend is she?
I mean, who the high ranking  politician?
If the name of the girlfriend can be disclosed, why not 
the politician’s?
Apna Khas aadmi hai kya?
17.5.10 -  TOI
I think I read it for the first time on TOI on  
Monday the 17th May 2010
Under captions ‘POLITICIAN’S Lady Friend attempts suicide’

A 28 year old lady believed to be close to prominent 
South Goa politician allegedly attempted suicide 
on Saturday evening ( May 15).
The woman had returned from an overseas trip along with 
the politician recently and had later gone into a depression.

..Shifted to a Delhi-based hospital on Sunday, earlier, 
late Saturday, she was  rushed to Bombay based hospital 
with the politician accompanying her.
GOA POLICE in Mumbai to probe eve’s poisoning (H)
20.5.10  TOI
A case was registered by Maina Curtorim Police  on 
19th May? for attempted suicide .
Special Executive Magistrate has already recorded
 statement at Jupitor Hospital Mumbai.
‘I consumed Ratol mistaking it for toothpaste’ says 
the girl in her statement..
However, at Apollo Victor Hospital in Margao, where 
she was earlier admitted,  Medical records reveal that 
she consumed the entire tube of Ratol (Rat Poison) 
see pic...  indicating her act was deliberate and not 
accidental registered an offence of attempting suicide- 
PI Sidhant shirodkar of Maina Curtorim PS.
Nadia Dourado is now been charged under section 309 of IPC
Case of attempted suicide Filed -  NT
Sanguem PI to probe case of attempted suicide  - TOI
PI Shirodkar who is also incharge of Margao (to cover PI 
who was on leave) filed the complaint on behalf of 
State. Complainant cannot be investigating Officer  hence 
the case handed over to Sanguem PI Raju Raut Desai.
Loutolim Eve Case Transferred – H
Attempted suicide case handed to Sanguem Police – NT
..they are investigating as to who paid the bills of the 
hospital in Goa and other related issues were also 
being investigated. Police sources also said that  she 
has links with a high ranking politician in South Goa.
It also referred to ‘Nadia Torreado’  in NT today and 
on 20.5.10 it was ‘Nadya Torodo’
Mystery of suicide by politoco’s gal lingers – GT
The mystery involving the case of the attempted suicide 
by a ‘girlfirend’ of top south Goa politician deepened as 
it was shifted out of Maina-Curtorim..
.. a case registered on Tuesday night against the 
Loutolim based paramour of a top politician
In Goa it changed two hospitals before shifting  to 
Mumbai. Police had to return empty handed a second 
time after learning that the girl was again shifted to 
The visible difference between a toothpaste and the Ratol
Tem konnacheim-i ‘girl friend’  zaum
We wished her speedy recovery

I think, I remember the 3 South goa ministers who 
return from a foreign trip recently are:
Churchill, Joaquim and Mikky 
But they are all happily married men


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] PARRIKAR to bathe in PWD office?

2010-05-21 Thread Mauricio Pereira

Around 80 people with empty buckets in hand, mostly residents of Porvorim, 
Socorro and Guirim, gathered outside the PWD office at Altinho, Panaji on 
Thursday protesting the shortage of water in their villages. 

The protesters sought to meet principal chief engineer A M Wachasundar, but in 
his absence placed their demands before chief engineer J Chimulkar. 

Opposition leader Manohar Parrikar who was leading the protest said that if the 
issue is not settled by May 30, he would go to the chief engineer's office on 
May 31 and take a bath there. 
Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

[Goanet] Need for developing credibility in activism

2010-05-21 Thread soter
Once again Soter, Rajan and their group have been accused of slander by a 
celebrity architect. An editorial in one of the local corporate mouthpieces 
mentions campaigner disunity. Why is Soter attacking the poor architect (before 
this it was the poor doctor) has been the question asked to Soter's friends but 
not to Soter. Some others express fear that such exposures will embolden the 
corrupt political establishment and must not be done in larger interest. Whose 
interest we do not know?

Goa is a small place and if one is observant then double standards in activism 
gets noticed very easily. Whether these are mere contradictions or betrayals is 
left for the people of Goa to decide. In some cases it is not less than an 
irreversible sell out. Activists sometimes have no inhibitions in receiving 
awards instituted by agencies with controversial or dubious reputation.

To err is human but what about these double standards which get marketed as 
normal and beneficial to the community? These contradictions are something like 
one consuming poison and also telling others to keep away from the poison. It 
is a contradiction where corruption by politicians is condemned by 
professionals but corruption in their own professional dealings gets marketed 
as entrepreneurship. This contradiction is of a type where one participates 
(directly or indirectly) in an activity that destroys the environment and at 
the same time also claims to be an environmental campaigner. This contradiction 
is of a type where a campaigner demands upholding the freedom of expression by 
the government but supports the suppression of truth in the media. 

And while all this goes on, anyone who exposes this contradiction or duplicity 
gets quickly accused of slander. They get accused of fostering disunity. This 
double standard club is no small club. Like the politicians, it has influence 
over the information machinery to distort the truth and portray villains as 
angels and angels as villains. This is a class that create their own publicity 
as impeccable champions of the masses. When their contradictions are pointed 
out it becomes slander. When they expose the double standards of others it 
becomes a social change campaign.

Just as exposing corruption strengthens the nation, similarly exposing double 
standards of campaigners can only help develop the credibilty of social 
movements. If not, social activism will also become the refuge for scoundrels 
which appears to be the case today. 


Re: [Goanet] Digu to Goans - "Get lost, I don't need you"

2010-05-21 Thread Venantius J Pinto
We have verbs that arose from place names--as in Sodomized, Shanghaied
and also Bangalored. The latter is expressed in a neat piece by
Michael Quinion on his World Wide Words


So, will we soon have Goa the place lending itself to a verb construct.
If so will it be Goaized, or Goaed.

Or should we use the Zulu stem enz and come up with Goaenz (to do a Goa).
-enz-to make, to do; Goaenz (to do a Goa)
-enzan-to do something together; Goaenzan (as in the for and against
talking about doing something together for/ to Goa)
-enzek-to be doable i.e. possible; Goaenzek (as in what more is
possible, for/ with/against Goa, Goanity)
-enzel-to do something for someone; Goaenzel (to do a Goa (allegria,
bhav-bhoinponn) for someone)
-enzis-to bring someone for doing something; Goaenzis (bring Goan
political AANDs to power)
-enziw-to be made, to be done; Goaenziw (time to pass the rag (water
and vinegar) on the hissop; made into a swamp, slums)

I am trying not to get too close to the fact that Zulu is a Bantu
language and any lingusitic associations stemming from that fact.

Also, will Digambar and Diggu both become allusions?! Try thinking of
what they would allude to. Imagine if someone dumped a load of feces on the
shitheads' head.
At least imagine that.

All, please start sending me your favorite images of our Goan Tyrannus
Potissimus Minister.

venantius j pinto

> From: George Pinto 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Digu to Goans - "Get lost, I don't need you"
> Goa, RIP (Rest in peace).
> George
> --- On Wed, 5/19/10, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:
> > Is anyone surprised at Digu asking you Goans to
> > vamoose?? Why?
> >
> > Many moons ago I had reported here how the Deputy Mayor of

[Goanet] In Goa - Upas Nagar, Ram Nagar, Indira Nagar etc - how many more?

2010-05-21 Thread JoeGoaUk

Please add more if you know any
Zuari nagar – Birla/Sancoale
Ulhas/upas Nagar – Birla/Sancoale
Jairam Nagar – Panjim- Bhatulem/Mala
Funkat Nagar –Mapusa/Sancoale
Azad Nagar - Margao
Ram Nagar –Betim
Shanti Nagar –Porvorim
Indra Nagar –Chimbel
Amruth Nagar – Margao-Fatorda


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2010-05-21 Thread mike fernandes
 Dear Goanetters

What should the marginal farmers, peasants and tribals do when inspite of
peaceful demonstrations the government is hell bent on taking over their
lands and pass on the lands to the corporate lobby – builders lobby – mining
lobby ?

What should the environmentalist do who daily face threats from the goons
hired by the builder – mining – sand and other lobbies ?

Why do the right wing facist hindu terror groups ( rashtriya swamyamsevak
sangh, vishwa hindu parishad, bajrang dal and their 100 other different
terror networks ) NEVER target the corporate – builder – mining lobby ?

What can the native stock ( tribals, dalits, other backward class/castes )
who have a mixture of brown-dark complexion and less IQ do to challenge the
indo aryans ( upper castes and Brahmins ) who have a fair complexion and
better IQ ?

What should the common man whose value is only on the voting day do to
decimate the brasht neta and babus i.e. corrupt politicians and government
servants ?

What should the Indian Government do to abolish caste based reservations and
replace it with a economic based reservations so that an individual
irrespective of which caste or religion he/she belongs to can get government
jobs and facilities based on his/her economic backwardness ?

What should the Indian Government do to control the population which is soon
going to overtake China’s population ?

What should the Indian government do to stop Hindus from indulging in female
foeticide / infanticide ?

Dara Singh (real name Ravinder Kumar Pal) committed a gruesome crime in 1999
by making Tandoori of One Australian Protestant Missionary Graham Staines as
well as his two children Timothy & Philip. Afzal Guru masterminded the
mission of making Tandoori of Indian Politicians in the Parliament Attack of
2001 but only succeeded in bumping off a few security personnel. Ajmal Kasab
bumped off a few police officers and some 50 innocent civilians in 2008.
FIFO First in First out. The Indian govt. should first hang Dara Singh and
then Afzal and then Ajmal.

The Congress led United Progressive Alliance controlled Indian Government
has taken serious measures to decimate Maoists, Naxalites and Islamic Terror
Groups but no measures to decimate the right wing facist hindu terror
groups. Under such circumstances it is the responsibility of the United
Nations Security Council to deploy an International Military force into
India to decimate the right wing facist hindu terror groups.

Rajiv Gandhi (when he was alive) had said that out of every 1 Rupee
sanctioned to serve poor people only 15 paise reaches them. The UPA/Indian
Govt. claims that the purpose behind the Biometric / National Population
Register / Unique Identification Number / Census PROJECT is to serve the
poor people better. What Nonsense. If the UPA/Indian govt. wanted to serve
the poor people better then why it is not tracking down the politicians and
govt. servants in whose pockets the 85 paise out of every 1 Rupee sanctioned
to serve poor people goes.

The real purpose behind the Biometric- National Population Register- Unique
Identification Number - Census PROJECT is to track down tax evaders,
criminals, anti-social elements, terrorists, maoists, naxalites, underworld,
illegal migrants & whistle blowers the sad part is honest and law abiding
citizens are going to loose their privacy.

Apart from the Union Home Minister ( who was ready to resign on the bad
handling of the maoist issue but whose resignation was opposed by the hindu
nationalist party BJP which is happy with the union home minister going soft
on hindu terror groups ) which are the other ministers who came up with the
idea of setting up the Biometric- National Population Register- Unique
Identification Number - Census PROJECT which is going to cost billions of
dollars of tax payers money ?

People in India voted the Congress merely because there was no alternative.
With price rise, invasion of privacy, forcible acquisition of lands of
farmers & tribals the people of India have realized what type of government
they have elected. Fortunately for the congress there are no national
elections for the next four years and hence they can do whatever they want
without being challenged by common man and civil liberties groups.

The entry into politics by One Italian woman brought curse on Christians in
India. The day she entered politics the right wing facist hindu terror
groups began their campaign against Christians in India. That Italian woman
does not attend church service in any church in delhi neither she has been
seen celebrating Christmas and Easter. Either she is ashamed to disclose her
christian/catholic faith just like some coward christians who operate with
Hindu names or either she has abandoned the christian/catholic faith. Unlike
some muslim ministers and politicians who have demanded reservations in
govt. jobs for muslims the Italian woman has never demanded reservations in
govt. jobs for Christians. She would be do

Re: [Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend ’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician from S outh Goa?)

2010-05-21 Thread edward rodrigues

Another article in the Mid-day Newspaper


--- On Fri, 21/5/10, JoeGoaUk wrote:

Attempted suicide:  Hem ‘Girlfriend’ konnachem? (Which high profile 
Politician from South Goa?)

Whose girlfriend is she?
I mean, who the high ranking  politician?

Re: [Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem 'Girlfriend ' konnachem? (Which high profile Politician f rom South Goa?)

2010-05-21 Thread Eddie Fernandes
-Original Message-
Attempted suicide:  Hem ‘Girlfriend’ konnachem? (Which high profile
Politician from South Goa?) Whose girlfriend is she?
I mean, who the high ranking  politician?  If the name of the girlfriend can
be disclosed, why not  the politician’s?
>From Goan Voice 21 May 2010:

Suicide bid or accident?
21 May: MidDay. Viola Fernandes (27)  who has been admitted in critical
state to intensive care unit of a Mumbai hospital, Goan businesswoman had
been  named by 'Mickky' Pacheco's wife in a case of bigamy … the reason she
consumed rat poison in the first place still remains a subject of
controversy…  Mickky’s wife, Sara, had alleged that the minister had left
her penniless and even married Fernandes… 426 words.

[Goanet] Devanagri

2010-05-21 Thread Peter Fernandes
Ref: Konkani in Devnagiri script will kill Konkani
Mr Camilo,
Learning Konkani in Devanagri is not for you and Me, but it is for future
If we want our children and grand children just to talk Konkani then its ok.
If you and me wants them to learn konkani, then Devanagri is must.
I want to send my sondex to every family, first to talk in your house in
Teach your child to talk in Konkani.

Mog assundi
Peter Fernandes

[Goanet] Ignore This Super Fruit at Your Own Peril!

2010-05-21 Thread Con Menezes
Humble Apple.a super fruit??
Keep  reading.
'Healthier Talk'

[Goanet] Workshop for Tiatr Artistes

2010-05-21 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

Workshop for Tiatr Artistes

Tiatr Academy Goa has organized a workshop for writers of scripts of 
tiatr & lyrics of songs on Monday, 07th June 2010 from 10:00 am onwards 
at TAG’s Conference Hall, Campal Trade Centre, Campal, Panaji Goa.

The workshop will deal with the correct method of writing in Konkani in 
Roman script. It is a fact that in the present times, no tiatr artiste 
has taken formal education in Konkani in Roman script. This is the main 
reason why different script writers and lyricists write Konkani in Roman 
script in different ways.

TAG aims at bringing uniformity in the writing of Konkani in Roman 
script among the tiatr artistes by organizing series of workshops to 
that effect. The first workshop scheduled on 07th June will be conducted 
by Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG. Tiatr artistes interested 
in attending the workshop should confirm their participation by 
informing TAG by writing or through phone nos. 2230738/2230739 on of 
before 04th June 2010..

TAG requests the tiatr artistes to take benefit of the workshop so that 
the standard of writing Konkani in Roman Script is improved.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend ’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician from So uth Goa?)

2010-05-21 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
lokmat grafiti   ‘aajacha buzz’ has disclosed the name bice way
it reads like this.

Pahili sodun dusari asataana,
tisarine ‘rattol’ pilyachi batami ahe
disney cha undarache an ;hyanche’ 
naav mhane ekach ahe.

Vishal Pai Kakode.

When there is second after leaving first
the news is the third has drank rattol 
Name of the Rat in disney 
and this guys name is same

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

[Goanet] Goan author to present in Montreal, Canada

2010-05-21 Thread Goanet Events
Goan-American author and researcher will be among 60 invited specialists 
on science and spirituality who will present at the 35th Conference of 
the Int'l Institute of Integral Human Sciences in Montreal in July 2010.


The power systems relay engineer Nelson Abreu, whose parents are from 
Chorao and Bardez, is currently a faculty member of the International 
Academy of Consciousness in Miami, USA.

He will present scientific and personal perspectives on the Out-of-Body 
Experience and other thought-provoking phenomena. Readers can learn more 
about his work at the June 8th presentation, the book Filters and 
Reflections: Pespectives on Reality (ICRL Press, 2009) or the homepage, 
Facebook, or Youtube sites of the International Academy of 
Consciousness, a non-profit research and education organization 
dedicated to the study of the human consciousness.

Conference Details:

IAC - International Academy of Consciousness
Florida Office
7800 SW 57 Ave – Suite 207D • Miami, FL 33143
Telephone: (305) 668-4668 • Fax: (305) 668-4663


[Goanet] INVITATION - Workshop on Tobacco Control and Role of the Media

2010-05-21 Thread Goa Desc
(Registered under the Societies Act, Reg. No. 223/Goa/2001)
Models Residency, Bldg. No. 3, Flat No. T – 1, Opp. St. Inez Church,
St. Inez, Panaji – Goa 403 001 INDIA.Tel. No.: +91 0832 2221012,
Email: *vha...@gmail.com*  Website:

14th May 2010

*Sub:INVITATION - Workshop on Tobacco Control and Role of the Media*
Dear Sir / Madam,

The Voluntary Health Association of Goa (VHAG) in collaboration with
GOACAN, the Goa Union of Journalist (GUJ) and the International Centre Goa
(ICG) is organizing a workshop on Tobacco Control and the Role of the

The workshop will examine the role of the media in the context of the
'Global and Indian scenario of Tobacco Control advocacy and current
Tobacco Control Legislation in India & Goa.' [image: Your browser may not
support display of this image.]

The workshop also seeks to draw up a Media plan of Action keeping in mind
the health effects of consumption of Tobacco products and the importance of
effective control on their Promotion & Sales.

The details of the Workshop are as below:
*DATE*:   Tuesday 25th May 2010
*VENUE: *  International Centre Goa, Dona Paula
*TIME: *  9.30am – 5.30pm

There is no registration fee. Resource materials, Refreshments and a working
will be provided to the participants.

To register your names for the Workshop please phone 0832 2221012 and also
send an Email to *vha...@gmail.com*   with your name and the
contact number.
Please register early as seats are limited.

We look forward to your positive response to our invitation.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Dr. Cynthia Pinto
Executive Director (VHAG)

[Goanet] Can anyone help

2010-05-21 Thread Michael Ali
Dear cyber-friends,

The governmenent of Pakistan on the behest of the mullahs have banned Facebook, 
You tube, Flickr, Wikipedia and many other websites that use the same port.

Could any cyber expert tell me how to bypass the filters.

Many thanks,


[Goanet] Flat Owners of Salcete call for legislation to protect their interest.

2010-05-21 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.

Flat Owners of Salcete call for legislation to protect their interest
At a largely attended meeting held in Margao, Flat Owners of
Salcete Taluka expressed their determination to become
self-aware of the rules and procedures applicable to themselves
and spread the message of unity amongst other Flat owners in
their localities.

The meeting held at Loyola High School Hall Margao was the
second in the series as part of the Awareness Campaign
organised by GOACAN and drew an enthusiastic response
from men, women and Senior Citizens from various parts of
Margao and the surrounding villages of Salcete.

In his welcome address, Roland Martins, Co-ordinator
GOACAN gave an overview of the purpose and scope of the
Awareness Campaign on the Rights of the Flat Owners. He
stated that while there is a need for Flat Owners to have a
State Level Association, it is also important that a Salcete
Taluka Association is set up to deal with the issues of
Water Supply, Electricity, Garbage Management, Parking,
Sewerage & Sanitation as well as the Outline Development
Plans (ODP’s), Taxation by the State Govt. & local
self-governing bodies. He stated that the Registrar of
Co-operative Societies must play a pro-active role in the
defense of the Rights of the Flat Owners and that
Government needs to put in place a legislation to protect
the interest of the Flat Owners in Goa.

He also stated that in view of the forthcoming Municipal
Elections, Flat Owners, Residents Associations and Housing
Societies must see themselves as active participants in making
Democracy work at the local level. He assured the gathering
that GOACAN and the Civic and Consumer Forums will
extend all the support in this very important movement of
Flat Owners for their Rights.

Mr. Vijay Kapoor, a concerned Flat owner from Zuarinagar
made a presentation on general guidelines for Flat Buyers and
Owners. The points he covered were things to do before buying
a flat, after deciding to buy a flat, after the purchase of a Flat
and what to do in case of problems. He also tackled queries
related to the flat owner’s rights to parking facilities which is
a bone of contention for the residents once they occupy the
flats and use the building premises.

Anil C Devulker of Vailankinni Hsg Complex in Fatorda
described  the ordeal he and other flat owners had to go
through. Although full payment for the flats was made, much
of the incomplete construction had to be undertaken by them
using their own personal funds.

Amin Jiwani of Rijim Classic, Malbhat nr. Hari Mandir
described in detail the problems of flat owners that arise when
a builder is a family member or a relative. He further cautioned
the other participants that many a time a builder might negotiate
to install a mobile tower on the terrace of the building without
consulting the Flat Owners.

Manohar G. Naik of Kurtarkar Avenue, Aquem described the
various attempts to undertake the formation of society by
preparing the forms and documentation required  but was
bogged down by the forms are not filled correctly due to
technical errors.

Sameer Dessai of Sapana Heritage, Margao pointed out to the
participants that being a well informed flat owner through self
awareness is very crucial for obtaining justice. He narrated the
scenario in many a case where there is a mis-match in the
number of car park facilities to the number of flats and he
cautioned the flat owners to ensure that every flat is provided
a car park facility.

Maurice Colaco of Damodar Chambers Hsg Society, Margao
highlighted the inequalities of the maintenance charges wherein
some flat owners find themselves paying for facilities that they
do not use on a day to day basis. He cited the example of lift
services to one part of the building which has 5 floors while
the other part of the building has 3 floors but no lift services.
He reminded the participants that builders most often turn
parking facilities meant for flat owners into shops and godowns.

Agnelo Lobo of Rosary Commercial Arcade Bldg, Navelim
narrated the issues that arise in a commercial complex where
the number of  shops are twice the number of resident flats
and maintenance issues of toilet facilities and cost of water
supply etc. give rise to constant disputes between the Housing
Society members.

Sanjay Dalvi of Aquem gave a detailed account of his seven
year long battle in the District Consumer Dispute Redressal
Forum over the deficiencies in the building. He reminded the
participants that litigation against the builder is a very arduous
and long haul struggle which many times may end with a negative
result for the

Re: [Goanet] ResearchLink: History and the (un)making of identifications in literary representations of Anglo-Indians and Goan Catholics (Marian Josephine Gracias)

2010-05-21 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Hi Eugene,
I very much appreciate your post on "Anglo-Indians." We Indians, to include
we Goans--have a lot of internal conflicts that we have not managed to
resolve and perhaps never will as a collective. But I like it that you
applying your acumen to present informative material that also helps one
self-reflect. I have always seen this as your strength. Keep at it.

We do things and see in ways leaning towards creating images of ourselves
which make us feel better in the limited sense of comprehending spirit;
permitting us to face another day with some hope--albeit a false and shallow
one. There are others who withdraw into themselves for the better, but more
often for the worse. I have encountered much rancour, and bile from even
those I have studied with, and almost all of them are no small fry. These
are our stalwarts, who women admire as "mard/ dadlo" and of course
emasculated men too. I will leave the women out of this one. But really,
whats with mere gender?

Thank you.

venantius j pinto

> From: Eugene Correia 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] ResearchLink: History and the (un)making of
>identifications in literary representations of Anglo-Indiansand
> Goan
>Catholics (Marian Josephine Gracias)
> (del)
> In the debased and hate-infused racial and communal conflict in Indian
> society, the Anglo-Indians were called "the bastard children of the British
> empire."  It must be said that both the British and Portuguese powers in
> India promoted the marriages of their men with local women. The Portuguese
> had a settlements in Satgoan and Bandel de Hoogly in the Bengal and many of
> Anglo-Indians in Bengal could be of Portuguese blood. In some parts of India
> where the Anglo-Indians were in substantial numbers, particularly at railway
> junctions, they were also known as "Indo-Britons."
> (del)
> (del)
> Eugene Correia

[Goanet] Goa's new blockbuster teatok of 17th may

2010-05-21 Thread soter
The issues raised by villagers as on 17 May 2010 are definitely genuine and 
extremely important just like the concerns of November 2006 when the RP 2011 
got notified. The picture of that supper with the judases, scribes and 
pharisees sitted at that table are still fresh in some of our minds.  In 
2006 it was Babush Monseratte who was the 'monster rat' systematically 
constructed by the politician-press combine.  Then it was Babush who was the 
traitor responsible for real estate development and cause of the migrant 
influx in Taleigao and Panjim. Anger of Goans towards the mass-scale 
environment destruction and their political alienation was simmering 
beneath. The time was just favourable for the politician-corporate combine 
to exploit the emotions of the people. It just took a cutting of a mango 
tree near Madhuban complex in St. Inez for the opening scnene of a  superhit 
thriller teatok (tiatr and natok) that was to unfold. The scenes of  a 
screaming lady activist and a former student activist trying to prevent the 
cutting of the mango tree being dragged by police and thrown into a waiting 
police van with excerpts of the Taleigao MLA stating "I know what is best 
for my constituency" kept rolling on the local TV channels for days. 
Emotions were running high, 'Babushachi xacuti zaalach pahije!'

The Goa Bachao Abhiyan was born on 3rd December 2006 at the Don Bosco 
oratory hall in Panjim. A Jhansi ki Raani and a Shivaji were reborn to take 
on the onster Rat. The movement recieved a boost with support from the 
church bodies. The show down on 18th December 2006 brought back memories of 
the Konkani agitation. It revived the confidence of the Goan people that a 
second liberation movement was to happen. This was followed by a mamoth 
rally at Lohia Maidan in Margao in January 2007. The government was forced 
into revoking the RP 2011 as the Assembly polls were due in just a months 
time. GBA was to be the new liberation army of the Goan cause. Pressure to 
field candidates was systematically mounted on the GBA but to the misfortune 
of the political architects their designs gotfrustrated. GBA insited that it 
is apolitical. This saved the elections for the Congress which managed to 
cobble together the required numbers to form the government. A bolt from the 
blue saw Digambar Kamat ascend the throne of  the Chief Minister of Goa in 
June 2007, a fact hard to bite for the BJP which saw him as a traitor. But 
from there on GBAs script of the unfinished task on the final rites of RP 
2011 and the process of putting in place a new  RP began to expose the 
script writers of the entire 'teatok' producers from the mango tree till the 
elections. We shall reseerve those larger socio-political truths of 
2006-2007 for another day.

The 17th May 2010 backdrop of a Secretariat complex with screaming women and 
police brutalities with the repeated publicity of the CMs remarks, " I do 
not want Goan votes" is the opening scene from a new block buster teatok 
that seems to be hitting the political theatre in Goa. It is on similar 
lines of the earlier teatok staged beneath the falling mango tree in St. 
Inez. "Digambarchea batatwada karnarich pahije!" seems to be the new refrain 
for 2012. He is the new sacrificial lamb upon whom is cast the burden of 
Goa's woes. Except that this time the script writers are different. This 
time the cement and pastry king with his jolly boys are in no mood to act as 
they are preoccupied in playing footsie with their paramour chief minister. 
The climax of the teatok is being systematically built up with Goan emotion 
rousing media coverage. There are some interesting and popular veteran 
politician teatokists amongst the supoporting cast. However, attempts to 
once again give a seal of church endorsement to this teatok by dragging the 
name of Fr. Maverick, head of CSJP into the supporting cast has not yet 
materialised. That Fr. Maverick has denied press reports about his 
association at the meeting on 17th May is bound to draw accusations of him 
being a spoil sport.  The cover page of a stray thought migrant mouthpeice 
which was the key player in the 2006-2007 teatok has already begun to 
blackmail of the church by portraying the Archbishop on his cover page. With 
emotions running high the ever gullible goan is once again in no mood for 
rationality and any attempts for a rational approach is bound to meet with 
outright allegations about causing disunity and the favourite icing coat of 
goan crab mentality.

There is absolutely no doubt that Digambar Kamat, Churchill Alemao and 
several of the politicians are anti-goan and should be brought to book for 
their crimes against the Goan people. But without a long-term scientific 
approach for a lasting solution to the problems of the Goan people, the 
future could be no different then the post-election scenario of June 2007 
when GBA began dancing footsie. We Goans have been cheated again and again,. 
be it the Konkan

[Goanet] Soter 'woosh ingacho

2010-05-21 Thread Carvalho
The reason is very simple. Because Soter has no credibility at all. The women 
who sell stale fish at the Margao bus stop have more credibility. After 
maligning the GBA, then Oscar Rebello, he starts on Dean D'Cruz. 

It is good to see Zarina D'Cunha in the news on the front-lines. Where was 
Soter with his Panchayat Raj, when Zarina was single-handedly battling 
Panchayat woes? Soter was no where to be seen. Neither on the front-lines nor 
the battle-zone. Soter should first give us a list of how many panchs are 
honorable men in Goa and how he has worked to make the institution transparent 
and accountable to anyone other than themselves. 

Nobody should listen to Soter, Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai's nonsence on this 
mailing list.

For these people we have a word in Xatti. Woosh inga'che. Ghar vos.


Re: [Goanet] Need for developing credibility in activism

2010-05-21 Thread floriano
It is a fact that the architects go by the rules of the road, a hand-book of 
do's and don't.

As far as I am concerned, this is the Bible for the profession.

There was an instance reported to me [ during the RP2011 ongoing 
agitations]. A certain Delhi Party had acquired the approval of plans to 
develop an entire hill side at Arambol, facing the Arabian Sea. This Delhi 
party approaches this architect  to plan a spread for him. When the 
architect  was told that it was a hill-side, he wanted to see the place he 
was going to develop. That done, the architect, having found that the slope 
was more than 25 degrees, wanted the contour plan done. No need, he was 
told. You go ahead and do the sketch so that we can sit down and check it 
out. Therefore the architect did do the sketch, limiting himself to 33 per 
cent in view of the more than 25 per cent gradient. The party gets 
infuriated to see this and tells the architect that he has to utilize 100 
per cent of the space as he has the clearance from the highest authority 
(meaning Babush Monserrate). That he is being paid handsomely to do the job, 
and what was his problem. This architect guy tells him to go f**k himself. 
To get the plans done by some one else. That he values his Goa more than the 
money his is going to make and/or his license to operate. And in so doing, 
he returns the file to the high and mighty Delhi party and it would seem 
that this was the end of the story.

However, Patricia Pinto got the marketing brochure of this place  and 
through she saw to it that  this project was halted.  However, I had no 
knowledge at the time about the dealings of the Delhi Party with  the 
architect. This,  I came to know only when this project was questioned and 
halted. It was done because sensitive members of the Goa Su-Raj Party from 
the area contacted me and for my part I sent one of our executive members 
from Siolim to check this out.

However, I am not sure if this project has been revived or not as the people 
in the vicinity have not reported to me to the contrary, whom I have 
instructed to be on guard for these beautiful hill slopes for 100 per cent 
development. If the rule book say 33 per cent, then it must be 33 per cent.

I wonder if more architects do the things that this champion of Goa's cause 
has done.

At a time when it is required and proper, I shall openly felicitate this 
dear Goan architect for a job well done unto his motherland. And I do hope 
more architects do the same, including architect Dean D'Cruz, who I am sure 
is doing his very best to preserve Goa for posterity especially since he is 
the GBA and the Goan gullible people will want to place full trust in him 
and people like him.

from PPS to PPS

- Original Message - 
From: "soter" 

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:41 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Need for developing credibility in activism

Once again Soter, Rajan and their group have been accused of slander by a 
celebrity architect. An editorial in one of the local corporate mouthpieces 
mentions campaigner disunity. Why is Soter attacking the poor architect 
(before this it was the poor doctor) has been the question asked to Soter's 
friends but not to Soter. Some others express fear that such exposures will 
embolden the corrupt political establishment and must not be done in larger 
interest. Whose interest we do not know?

Goa is a small place and if one is observant then double standards in 
activism gets noticed very easily. Whether these are mere contradictions or 
betrayals is left for the people of Goa to decide. In some cases it is not 
less than an irreversible sell out. Activists sometimes have no inhibitions 
in receiving awards instituted by agencies with controversial or dubious 

To err is human but what about these double standards which get marketed as 
normal and beneficial to the community? These contradictions are something 
like one consuming poison and also telling others to keep away from the 
poison. It is a contradiction where corruption by politicians is condemned 
by professionals but corruption in their own professional dealings gets 
marketed as entrepreneurship. This contradiction is of a type where one 
participates (directly or indirectly) in an activity that destroys the 
environment and at the same time also claims to be an environmental 
campaigner. This contradiction is of a type where a campaigner demands 
upholding the freedom of expression by the government but supports the 
suppression of truth in the media.

And while all this goes on, anyone who exposes this contradiction or 
duplicity gets quickly accused of slander. They get accused of fostering 
disunity. This double standard club is no small club. Like the politicians, 
it has influence over the information machinery to distort the truth and 
portray villains as angels and angels as vi

[Goanet] Churchill backs Raheja's project

2010-05-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Anil Desai :
I have every sympathy with residents of Carmona in particular and Goans in
general but the Mantra is:

*Corruption is better than communalism.*

Congressmen and women can recite this at every election and get Churchillbab
and his brother and now even his daughter elected.
We will wake up when every inch of Goa is 'developed' by this Congress
government. Digu has already told Goans that he does not need their votes
because he knows that Catholic vote bank and ghanti vote bank is securely in
his pocket. He can laugh all the way to dear Soniaji.


Given the dilemma the goan voter faces- being driven between the devil and
the deep sea, one must commend the goan voter for voting wisely under the
given circumstances. The opposition BJP is as much too blame for the present
mess. Have you seen or heard much opposition to the bad policies from the
BJP? They are silently playing footsie with the ruling party and benefitting
from the corruption. The role of opposition is being played by various
individuals and NGO's. Look at Karnataka, once a placid, peaceful state, now
riven by violence and religious discrimination. Here is one more trailer of
how things can go awry when the reins of power are placed in the wrong
 Drill Them All Into Line

Here is another example from Maharashtra, where the BMC is ruled by the
BJP-Shiv Sena combine


When the choice before the voter is communalism + corruption vs corruption,
the alert and wise voter is bound to choose the lesser evil. Of course,
Floriano has offered another choice, his SuRaj Party. The time is now ripe
for the voters to test this party and rally round it before it is too late.



Re: [Goanet] anglo-indians-Goan Catholics

2010-05-21 Thread Eugene Correia
In the first line, ..."Ph.D with her these on the Anglo-Indian community in 
Bengal in my collectionthese on the Anglo-Indian community in Bengal"

The word "these" should be thesis. 


Re: [Goanet] ResearchLink: History and the (un)making of identifications in literary representations of Anglo-Indians and Goan Catholics (Marian Josephine Gracias)

2010-05-21 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 21 May 2010 04:36, Eugene Correia  wrote:

> On the subject of Godfrey's piece, the issue went from East Indians to
> Anglo-Indians. i happen to come across a piece by a Toronto-based scholar
> Megan Mills who got her Ph.D with her these on the Anglo-Indian community in
> Bengal in my collection. It is in a journal edited by an old friend under
> the title, The Anglo-Indian -- an Ongoing Community of Bengal.
> She writes, "Misunderstanding abounds on question of the Anglo-Indians'
> origins. Other Indians and westerns can share most assuming notions of
> Anglo-Indian descent from illicit relationships between Indian women of
> humble origins and unsavoury Europeans. Certainly, these were not more
> prevalent than convention alliances in the 17th and 18th centuries
> witnessing the rise of the greater part of Bengal's Anglo-Indian population.
> Moreover, it is seldom realized that the term Anglo-Indian in use since 1911
> is rather a stunnng misnomer, for the community's European ancestry is
> simply not very Anglo (word in italics). ...

> Eugene Correia
> COMMENT: Well that was as good a rebuttal was I have ever seen; assumptions
were made, probably by those who were jealous of the Anglo-Indians higher
than the Indians status


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] COLUMN: The missing link of Goa’s d rug trade chain

2010-05-21 Thread Nisser Dias

The missing link of Goa’s drug trade chain
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

From the beginning of this year, the police displayed some spine in 
going after some of the big drug dealers in the state, whatever their 
intention may have been either to clear the field for bigger players for 
bigger stakes for themselves or with noble intentions to rid the state 
of drugs is yet to be seen as time passes by. But what has been revealed 
so far is that, there does exists a nexus between the families of 
politicians, police and drug dealers in the drug trade in the state.

Unfortunately, our Home minister is on record saying that drugs are not 
being sold in Goa, when one of the kingpins of the nefarious trade along 
the north Goa coastal belt is alleged to being a minister’s son. That 
apart, after the Home minister’s statement, police netted David alias 
Dudu Dirham - one time a top drug dealer. Subsequently, a Swedish model 
Lucky Farmhouse – a former girlfriend of another Israeli drug peddler 
Yaniv Benahim alias Atala blew the lid on the drug trade by posting 
spycam recording of Atala boasting about his links with a ring of 
policemen including police inspector Ashish Shirodkar on Youtube.com.

It is from here that the entire saga of drugs in the state gets very 
interesting. The police arrested some of their colleagues including a PI 
and as investigation progressed, there were alarming disclosures that 
drugs seized for the last 10 years were not destroyed, that the rogue 
policemen used to rob drugs from the godown and push it back into the 
market and that drugs attached in the court as mundemal property were 
also siphoned back into the market, casting a shadow on the judiciary.

That apart, CID Crime Branch have been entrusted with the investigation, 
but so far the approach adopted by the investigation team does not seem 
to evoke much pride, simply because they could not nab one constable 
Sanjay Parab, who managed to elude arrest for two months and finally 
made the crime branch team look like kindergartners by surrendering at 
the NDPS court.

Besides that, for sometime now the prime witness who exposed the trade 
has been saying that a son of a powerful politician is involved, but the 
police have not shown much enthusiasm in probing this aspect. However it 
is not the first time that the name of this politician’s son has 
surfaced. It was making rounds during the death of English victim - 15 
year old Scarlet Keeling, Infact it was Fiona Mackeown – mother of the 
victim, who has first uttered it in public. For me it is difficult to 
believe that the police had not heard it of it earlier.

Of course, it is not the first time that the son of this politician is 
in illegal or shady business. Somewhere around 2004, one young girl was 
nabbed by the then South Goa SP Indra Dev Shukla near Holy Spirit for 
moving around alone during the dead of the night. On questioning her, 
led the police to a flat in the vicinity of old Kare College of Law, 
wherein another girl was rescued from the hands of the rapist, who 
ironically happened to be journalist. It was during this investigation 
too that the name of the same politician’s son had surfaced as having 
procured the girls, but the police did not show any inclination of 
pursuing the matter. And the accused too was acquitted by the court for 
lack of evidence.

Similar is the situation now, the police are not very enthusiastic about 
investigating the allegations being made that a politician’s son is the 
kingpin in the drug trade. Of course truth is an open secret, but till 
the time police establishes it as a fact, it will remain a rumour, 
ironically though, it is said that a rumour too has an ounce of truth in it.

Lucky Farmhouse through an interview made a bold statement that she has 
evidence of a powerful politician’s son being involved in the drug trade 
in Goa; question is why is she holding it back. Why does she not post it 
on the YouTube, so that the media can pick it up and air it across the 
country? In this manner, there is all likelihood that the minister would 
be forced to step down and clear the way for the police to investigate 
the matter more meticulously and get to the bottom of the matter. And if 
at all, it turns out that there is truth in the rumour, the politician’s 
son would have to be sent behind bars, which again would reduce the risk 
of threat to life of Lucky Farmhouse.

Or could it be that after creating ripples in the state with her 
previous posting on the YouTube, that mysterious model is trying get 
back at her boyfriend Atala for threatening her or could it be that she 
is bargaining a ransom from the politician’s son.

Furthermore, why is it that the police with all its resources cannot get 
in touch with her, whereas journalist can easily contact her over the 
phone or electronic mail? Why is it that the Crime Branch personnel try 
to undo the damage to their reputatio

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (21May10)

2010-05-21 Thread alexyz fernandes

** Goa's 1st MisChief Minister **

"Goans I don't need your Votes"

"I have enough Migrant Voters"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Need for developing credibility in activism

2010-05-21 Thread soter

Dear Floriano,

We also are in the know of a professional who rejected a tempting offer 
for consultancy from a prominent architect for a mega project in one of 
South Goa's villages as his principles do not permit him to undertake such 
development in the Goa's villages.

In konkani there is a saying, "nak bond kelear tondd ugttem zata." and yet 
another one " Zogzogta titlem-i bhangar nhoi."

So let us keep it at that or else our group may yet again be accused of a 
slander campaign on goanet by Goa's fair and lovely.


[Goanet] BMC's 'Hindutva' diktat upsets schools

2010-05-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
 MUMBAI: In what appears to be a medieval fatwa, the Sena-BJP-ruled BMC has
sought to make it mandatory for the 150-odd missionary-run schools in the
city to promote 'Hindutva traditions'. The municipal corporation's education
committee will now write to the state education department seeking
permission to enforce its widening list of demands.

The move has caused widespread anguish among both parents and the academic
community, with experts pointing out that these diktats have no legal
standing. The missionary schools have threatened to go to court if they are
made to toe the parties' line.

On Tuesday, the saffron combine had proposed that these institutions allow
their students to wear their 'Indian-ness' in the form of bindis and
bangles. A day later, it hardened its stance, with demands like more
holidays for Ganpati and Diwali, a corporators' quota in these schools
similar to that given to MLAs, a school notice board prominently displaying
the names of corporators in the education committee, and all communication
to the BMC to be written in Marathi.

"While reviewing proposals from BMC-aided schools, we came across many
missionary schools who had written to us in English. And many corporators
observed that while these schools approach the BMC for aid, they do not
adhere to Hindu traditions. If these missionaries come here to impart
education, they should adhere to Hindu traditions as most of the students
are Hindus. Why should they forbid girls from wearing bindis or bangles or
even using mehendi? What is the need for such rigid discipline?" asked
education committee chairperson Rukmini Kharatmol.


*‘Saffron ideology goes against the Constitution’ *


Mumbai: The Shiv Sena-BJP ruled BMC’s proposals to make it mandatory for
missionary-run schools to allow “Hindu traditions’’ may not stand the test
of laws in the country and would violate fundamental rights, say legal
experts across the city. Article 30 of the Constitution of India, gives
linguistic and religious minorities the right to “to establish and
administer educational institutions of their choice’’. This right allows
minority communities to set up schools and colleges without government
   “The Constitutional right is not a special law to favour minorities, but
it has been enacted to ensure that they are not discriminated against,’’
said a lawyer who practises in the Bombay High Court.
   While a private unaided minority educational institutions stand on a
different footing, the state can exercise some control over aided minority
establishments, according to lawyers.
   “Minority institutions that receive state aid are required to follow the
rules laid down by the government,’’ said lawyer Mihir Desai, adding,
“Various Supreme Court judgments said that the state can make regulations
for minority aided institutions with a view to achieve the aim of academic
excellence.’’ These can include rules about the ratio of number of teachers
to a classroom, qualification criteria for the faculty or with regard to the
   The lawyer added that the authorities would have to show how these
proposed rules which are to be introduced would fulfil the objective of
attaining excellence in education.
   This view was seconded by advocate Uday Warunjikar. “Under the
Constitution, linguistic and religious minority schools are accorded special
protection to ensure that they can preserve their traditions and culture.
The state has some control on minority institutions that receive grant in
aid from the government, but even this is limited,’’ said Warunjikar.
   The advocate further said that it would have to be seen what shape the
final BMC resolution, if any, will take and if they are serious about rules
requiring that missionary-aided schools allow their students to wear bindis
and bangles.
   “If the rules are meant to improve educational standards then they may
have some merit, but if the norms are going to concentrate on mere ornaments
and appearances, then it would be hard to defend it in a court of law or
show that such regulations have any nexus with purpose of education,’’ added


Re: [Goanet] Soter 'woosh ingacho

2010-05-21 Thread floriano

If I may apply a little shine on Selma's quote:

For these people we have a word in Xatti. Woosh inga'che. Ghar vos.
[For  these people we have a word in Xhasti - "Voss  inga'che' - 

from PPS to PPS
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM  [the battle at kruger]

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" 

Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 7:14 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Soter 'woosh ingacho

The reason is very simple. Because Soter has no credibility at all. The 
women who sell stale fish at the Margao bus stop have more credibility. 
After maligning the GBA, then Oscar Rebello, he starts on Dean D'Cruz.

It is good to see Zarina D'Cunha in the news on the front-lines. Where was 
Soter with his Panchayat Raj, when Zarina was single-handedly battling 
Panchayat woes? Soter was no where to be seen. Neither on the front-lines 
nor the battle-zone. Soter should first give us a list of how many panchs 
are honorable men in Goa and how he has worked to make the institution 
transparent and accountable to anyone other than themselves.

Nobody should listen to Soter, Rajan Parrikar and Anil Desai's nonsence on 
this mailing list.

For these people we have a word in Xatti. Woosh inga'che. Ghar vos.


Re: [Goanet] Churchill backs Raheja's project

2010-05-21 Thread floriano

Yes, Marshall,
You have said what needs to be said.
But then we at ground zero know that the choice is not a simple one.

To galvanize into motion from scratch is a difficult proposition. And we 
goans have been used to ready-made options/solutions. But we will not work 
towards making that option/solution available to us.

As I have said umpteen times, this is a well prepared, all angles 
sorted-out, party which is not merely floating in name.
We have also not gone into setting up organizing the grass-roots because the 
people at large has not found the urgent need for an alternative, yet.

But the time is coming to that fast. Example: "I do not care for your vote" 
aka  "let them eat cake" And when the time is ripe, Goa Su-Raj , whether in 
that name or in any other name  but for its prepared-ness and its principles 
waiting in the corners with the entire system of  "before' and "after" 
elections' in readiness, can be a forest fire that is difficult to put out 
untill everything is charred.

Only in time Goans will realize the fact and take off their hats to respect 
it for its meticulous planning for Goa's future.
And we have said it before and we shall say it now. "It is difficult to 
please all the people at the same time. But it is easy to do for Goa what 
needs to be done, whether some people get hurt or not. And the percentage of 
people getting hurt cannot be more than 10 PC, by all means.

That is for sure.

from PPS to PPS
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM  [the battle at kruger]

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Mendonza" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 10:34 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Churchill backs Raheja's project

Anil Desai :
I have every sympathy with residents of Carmona in particular and Goans in
general but the Mantra is:

*Corruption is better than communalism.*

Congressmen and women can recite this at every election and get 

and his brother and now even his daughter elected.
We will wake up when every inch of Goa is 'developed' by this Congress
government. Digu has already told Goans that he does not need their votes
because he knows that Catholic vote bank and ghanti vote bank is securely 

his pocket. He can laugh all the way to dear Soniaji.


Given the dilemma the goan voter faces- being driven between the devil and
the deep sea, one must commend the goan voter for voting wisely under the
given circumstances. The opposition BJP is as much too blame for the 

mess. Have you seen or heard much opposition to the bad policies from the
BJP? They are silently playing footsie with the ruling party and 

from the corruption. The role of opposition is being played by various
individuals and NGO's. Look at Karnataka, once a placid, peaceful state, 
riven by violence and religious discrimination. Here is one more trailer 

how things can go awry when the reins of power are placed in the wrong
Drill Them All Into Line

Here is another example from Maharashtra, where the BMC is ruled by the
BJP-Shiv Sena combine


When the choice before the voter is communalism + corruption vs 

the alert and wise voter is bound to choose the lesser evil. Of course,
Floriano has offered another choice, his SuRaj Party. The time is now ripe
for the voters to test this party and rally round it before it is too 



Re: [Goanet] While researching Kenya, she found shocking truths

2010-05-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Read this article with interest.  It takes an American historian to report 
these accounts. This report appears while English speaking European, especially 
British, historians are busy reporting and writing about Black Legend history. 
This latter history is obviously "not too politically sensitive" for a writer 
or publisher in Englsh.  Yet it is tragic that these historical archives are 
available in their own country or former colonies and historians should be 
discussing these at their national and regional meetings.
Goanet is often bombarded with accounts of tortures of the Inquisition in Goa 
and elsewhere, (in the 17 and 18 century). Yet the English (writing and 
reading) historians and history buffs (with names like Driscoll) will overlook 
/ ignore / are ignorant of "hundreds of stories of tortures committed in worst 
of these camps, some in grisly detail: castrations, clamping of women's breast 
with pliers, fatal beating. Equably compelling is her account of the British 
denial of the truth, which extended form local colonial officials right up 
though Winston Churchill and his successors, Antony Eden and Harold 
The intellectual crime TODAY is the cover-up by current British historians of 
events in their own backyard in the 20th century. These archives should be 
easily accessible to them.  The same can be said of Dutch historians who would 
rather investigate Spanish-Portugese atrocities in Iberian colonies (which 
should be reported) than Dutch atrocities in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Indonesia; 
or Jewish historians who hate talking and writing about Israel's 
CONTEMPORARY atrocities within its borders and in its own colony of Gaza and 
West Bank.
Regards, GL

 Frederick Noronha wrote:

While researching Kenya, she found shocking truths about the British empire. 
Caroline Elkins won a 2006 Pulitzer Prize for her book "Imperial Reckoning". 
(Janet Knott / Globe Staff Photo).
``I was strongly urged by colleagues not to undertake this project, for two 
reasons," Caroline Elkins said in an interview at her home, not far from the 
campus. ``One, they felt it was too politically sensitive. Two, they said there 
wouldn't be enough information. So, me being me, I decided those were good 
enough reasons to undertake the project."
By Elkins's calculations, as many as 320,000 men and women were held in the 
camps, and as many as 50,000 were killed. Elkins uncovered hundreds of stories 
of tortures committed in the worst of these camps, some in grisly detail: 
castrations, clamping of women's breasts with pliers, fatal beatings. Equally 
compelling is her account of the British denial of the truth, which extended 
from local colonial officials right up through Winston Churchill and his 
successors, Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan.

Re: [Goanet] BMC's 'Hindutva' diktat upsets schools

2010-05-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Fri, 5/21/10, Marshall Mendonza  quoted:
> "While reviewing proposals from BMC-aided schools, we came across many 
> >missionary schools who had written to us in English. And many corporators 
> >observed that while these schools approach the BMC for aid, they do not 
> >adhere to Hindu traditions. If these missionaries come here to impart
> education, they should adhere to Hindu traditions as most
> of the students are Hindus. Why should they forbid girls from wearing
> bindis or bangles or even using mehendi? What is the need for such rigid
> discipline?" asked education committee chairperson Rukmini Kharatmol.
> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/City/Mumbai/BMCs-Hindutva-diktat-upsets-schools/articleshow/5955898.cms

Are the allegations made in the above quote true? Or are they just the usual 
fabrications of politicians and over-zealous activists? Do these schools really 
forbid girls from wearing bindis and bangles and mehendi?

Also, what are the "Hindutva traditions" referred to in the following quote? It 
is not clear from the rest of the article. I would like to request Marshall or 
someone else in the know to inform us.



--- On Fri, 5/21/10, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:
>  MUMBAI: In what appears to be a
> medieval fatwa, the Sena-BJP-ruled BMC has
> sought to make it mandatory for the 150-odd missionary-run
> schools in the
> city to promote 'Hindutva traditions'. The municipal
> corporation's education
> committee will now write to the state education department
> seeking
> permission to enforce its widening list of demands.


Re: [Goanet] Konkani - devanagri or Romi?

2010-05-21 Thread Jerry Fernandes
Dear Borges,

Thanks for your response. Although I was surprised to  find that you did not
understand my message, Anyway, what I meant was that I was curious to find
out how different the devanagri Konkani and Romi Konkani is. Who better to
show the difference than professor borges ( earlier I wrote it as dr

You question me as to where you have mentioned your strong love for
devanagri. Well if you go thru goanet for the last few years, you will find
out. And all the other writers who question you or have debates with you, on
this are not blind to see that love you have for devanagri.

I simply have asked you to write your replies to such correspondants in
devanagri Konkani using ( abcdefghijklmnopqursuvwxyz) instead of the
devanagri, as maybe goanet does not support the devanagri fonts, and maybe
lots of people cannot read the devanagri script. See to it that the
phonetics are as the devanagri Konkani should be. Hope you understand. If
not here is an example in hindi I write.  Tumara nam kya hai? Or Apka nam
kya hai? Romi script but hindi words J

Romi Konkani is what I understand, where as devanagri Konkni or accent is
what the TV presenters speak, which goes flying over my head. Hope you
understood. But than you say the Konkani spoken in Church is beyond your
understanding, and it took you years to understand what was happening. Where
as me, without even being taught Konkani ( as Marathi was the optional
language for us than) read my first Konkani book written by Reginald
Fernandes called Arabeska. I was in my 6th or 7th standard than. And that’s
when I started hunting high and low for all books of Reginald Fernandes, a
very good writer also called Kunvor Konkani romanshincho. The writers I read
were Boniventure Peitro and also remember some other names like Caridad and
Joao Inacio,. Recently I have been reading some  writers on the net and you
too must have come across them and mind you this all without learning
Konkani in schools.

Hope to read your Konkani or Konkni as is said in devanagri, in devanagri
language, where by I want to see if I can really understand it at all. J


Jerry Fernandes

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Konkani - devanagri or Romi?
Message-ID: <819923.73626...@web113309.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear friends,
Discussion on this topic has indeed been going on for a long time. Yet,
regretfully, abysmal ignorance thereon persists unabated; in fact, because
of the non-serious participation on the internet, it has become extensive as
well. The present post is a sample of this situation. Let us analyse some of
its salient contents.

1. To the best of my knowledge, Konkani is the name of the language spoken
by people living in a part of the western coastal belt of India called
Konkan. Like any other language it has many dialects which are spoken in
certain localities or by members of certain groups, like professions,
ethnicities etc.
2. Now, is this Romi a language? If yes, where is this name recorded? I
cannot claim to know the name of every language in the world but must
confess that I have not heard of this one. Is it a dialect of Konkani? If
yes, where is it SPOKEN (like Aldona, Agonda, Satari, Sanguem) or by which
community (like fisherman, carpenter, brahmin, charddo, kunnbi, velip,
Christian, Hindu etc.)?
3. What characteristics or attributes make it real as against others which
may be unreal?

Could I please see a sample or two from my "endless writing" wherein I have
expressed my "strong love for the devanagari Konkani" whatever the last two
words might mean?

What is this supposed to mean? Is there something called 'romi
pronunciations'? Could I be favoured with a sample of this as well? I was
under the (mistaken?) impression that romi stands for a script which is used
for WRITING; but here Jerry qualifies it with "not the writing". Hence my
curiosity. Trust Jerry will help.

What is the meaning of this? How can I use romi script to write in
devanagari? Would it be too much to expect a clarification?

Most of what I heard being read in the Church also flew over my head, as it
is not in the Konkani language I speak at home or in the local marketplace.
I too wondered whether it was Latin or Greek or whatever language. But years
of dinning into my captive ears has made it intelligible; my cerebral
computer has now become adept at translating the Church medium into my
domestic lingo. So, if Jerry were to stick to the doordarshan TV long
enough, he would surely understand what is being said, without bothering
whether it is in Konkani or Marathi or whatever language.

Finally, why add Dr to my name? In the past people have used such
appellations to derail a discussion. Therefore please avoid it. I do
understand that you cannot avoid mentioning my name, but please remember
that the person behind that name is not, and should never be, the subject of
discussion. Let us rationally stick to the topic. WHAT is sa

[Goanet] Mining awareness tours... in the Goan hinterland

2010-05-21 Thread Goanet News
The GoaMAP (Goa Mining Affected People) and GXE (Goenche Xettkaranche
Ekvott) along with other concerned citizens and youth will conduct the
 "5th free bus tour" along "Goa's  Mining Belt" in the hinterland of
Goa. This is approximately a 100 Km tour.

Just seeing is believing!  In the name of development, hills, forests
are wiped away and water aquifers charging the ground water tables

So far, four tours have been conducted on Sundays only, as there is no
movement of mining trucks. Otherwise it would be chaos during the

1st tour  on 18th April with several journalists on board.  Joaquim
Fernandes (Times of India) who took this tour wrote an article.

2nd tour on 2nd May with concerned citizens.

3rd tour on 9th May with a group of Dhempe College 2nd Year Geology
Students, one journalist and some concerned citizens

4th tour on 16th May with youth from in and around Margao.

The FIFTH tour on Sunday - 23rd  May 2010 leaves from Panjim  KTC
bus-stand at 7:30am and returns to the same point by 6pm latest.

Please carry some drinking water and some food/snacks.

If you or your family/friends would like to join the tour, please let
me know, so that I can give co-ordinators your names.

All the above trips have been sponsored by concerned citizens of Goa,
which will be announced in the bus.

Please also spread the word of this Picnic with a Difference.


SMS or call 9850871608 (Lisa)
SMS or call 9766453080 (Andrea)
SMS or call 9421280798 / 9850116114 (Terence)

or email


* * *

A COMMENT FROM AMITA KANEKAR: These are pictures of a ‘Mining Tour’ in
Goa (May 9, 2010) organised by environment and anti-mining activists
like Hartman de Souza, Rama Velip, and others.

The tour (by bus and foot) started in Margao, moved through the
talukas of Quepem and Sanguem in south Goa where mining has just begun
in the last three to four years, and then northwards along the ‘mining
corridor’ of Usgaon and Sanquelim to the oldest areas of Bicholim --
with its 14km long mining range -- right up to the village of Sirigao
in Bicholim and the 40-year-old mine of the Chowgules.

All along we were shown the dead landscape of dusty roads, mud-heap
hills, eviscerated springs and poisoned streams, all the more shocking
for the bright green slopes and sparkling streams just a few metres
away -- awaiting their doom! All along were also the bright signboards
of those responsible: Dhempes, Salgaonkar, Chowgule, Alemao, Vedanta,
etc, etc.

Much of Goa remains lush and green even in the height of summer
because of the hundreds of springs originating in the western ghats
and flowing through the year, except in the mining regions.

Sirigao, the home of a goddess, Lairai, apparently traditionally
worshipped as a pot of water, is a good example of the havoc wreaked
on this luxuriant ecosystem. All the streams in the village -- and
there were once many -- have dried up and the village is now dependent
on water supplied through mining tankers.

The huge mining pit explains why, for as you stare down the stripped,
cut and blasted faces of the hills to the lake at the bottom --
apparently 27 m. below sea level -- you can see amidst the variegated
hues of raw rock, many thin little trickles of water draining out into
the lake below.

These are the last remnants of the ancient aquifer inside the hills of
Sirigao, blasted open by the miners and left to empty itself into the
pit, from which three pumps work around the clock to pump this ‘waste’
up and out of the pit and onto the hillside where it runs away into
nothing. While the village remains thirsty...

(These tours are going to be held every Sunday through the next few
months, to make people aware of the catastrophic situation. All are
welcome to join!)

See photos at:
Login needed, via Facebook.

Re: [Goanet] Konkani - devanagri or Romi?

2010-05-21 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 22 May 2010 00:23, Jerry Fernandes  wrote:
> Hope to read your Konkani or Konkni as is said in devanagri, in devanagri
> language, where by I want to see if I can really understand it at all. J

Dialect is different from script, though they do get intertwined in
the Goa of today. FN

[Goanet] First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

2010-05-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
 First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

“I felt was a very crude and insulting manner, PI Gad grabbed the front of 
my blouse and flung me against the wall behind”
“The manner in which he (PI) allegedly touched her she said,
 triggered feelings of deep outrage and humiliation in her and 
she turned on him and tried to defend herself”
But how some one will justify this?
Could not see any mention of this incident  in the report

Sorry, I am not taking sides, although it may appear that way
I feel, a person of this type of temperament should not be a part of any future 


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Workshop for Tiatr Artistes

2010-05-21 Thread Agnelo Fernandes

Dear Victor

This is a very good initiative & will help the artists. Saying that I also 
feel that TAG must also look at reaching out to people not only physically 
located in Goa but to also those who are outside Goa. With the modern age of 
video conferencing, video training and online education TAG must think in 
those lines to cater globally that will help talented artists to improve 
their Konkani skills.

The goal is to educate people to write in Roman script and that’s anyways 
easily available in Goa if one is determined to learn, so it would be great 
if this service could be extended globally with the use of technology.

Best Wishes
From: "Tiatr Academy Goa" 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 9:10 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Workshop for Tiatr Artistes

Workshop for Tiatr Artistes

Tiatr Academy Goa has organized a workshop for writers of scripts of tiatr 
& lyrics of songs on Monday, 07th June 2010 from 10:00 am onwards at TAG’s 
Conference Hall, Campal Trade Centre, Campal, Panaji Goa.

The workshop will deal with the correct method of writing in Konkani in 
Roman script. It is a fact that in the present times, no tiatr artiste has 
taken formal education in Konkani in Roman script. This is the main reason 
why different script writers and lyricists write Konkani in Roman script 
in different ways.

TAG aims at bringing uniformity in the writing of Konkani in Roman script 
among the tiatr artistes by organizing series of workshops to that effect. 
The first workshop scheduled on 07th June will be conducted by Shri. 
Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG. Tiatr artistes interested in 
attending the workshop should confirm their participation by informing TAG 
by writing or through phone nos. 2230738/2230739 on of before 04th June 

TAG requests the tiatr artistes to take benefit of the workshop so that 
the standard of writing Konkani in Roman Script is improved.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] CONTROVERSY: Campaigning, in style (Herald)

2010-05-21 Thread Goanet News
Campaigning, in style

Campaigner and former student leader Aires Rodrigues won a
round in another of his public battles, with prosecutor
Winnie Coutinho's resignation on the weekend. Coutinho was
apparently in line for a high court judge's post, which makes
the case a serious one.

Aires and a section of the media have been gunning for Ms.
Coutinho, though it can be easy to get carried away by
allegation and insinuation and to indulge in a 'trial by

Serious issues of propriety in public life, conflict of
interest, or worse, need to be tackled by an effective State
mechanism, which works to keep public life accountable and
transparent in an on-going manner.

  We clearly lack the institutions and processes. We
  are unlikely to get them in the near future. But
  all this does not justify the media taking on
  itself the role of playing judge, jury and
  executioner in a campaign of public innuendo and
  bitter charges. In the Coutinho case, even if the
  charges are found to be true and relevant, the
  unfair aspect of the campaign was more than clear
  to anyone reading between the lines. All kinds of
  personal and unrelated issues were dragged into the
  debate, as if any means whatsoever were justified
  once the target was decided on.

Another relevant question comes up here: who decides whom to
target and when? While Advocate Aires has taken up a number
of campaigns in the past, the focus for targetting
individuals -- rather than the wider issue involved -- is
cause for more than a little concern.

We may hardly agree with Aires Rodrigues' campaign against
compulsory helmets in Goa -- the orthopaedic surgeons and
doctors at the Goa Medical College mortuary have the
statistics to tell us why. But, beyond that, one can question
also whether he is doing the apt thing in targetting a single
individual rather than a wider malaise.

In the case of a church in Ribandar, Aires Rodrigues focused
on an individual priest. In the plethora of allegations and
counter-allegations, the rest of us are left wondering
whether this was a single scapegoat, whether sex-abuse by men
of the cloth is a wider issues that needs to be tackled, and
whether whether it was fair to attack one individual in the
first place.

With all the oratory at his command, an intelligent man like
Aires Rodrigues is bound to be convincing. Which makes it all
the more confusing when he lurches from being a strong
supporter of Manohar Parrikar, to being his bitter critic,
and then going back to his side of the ship. Political stands
are hardly irrelevant in today's Goa, since quite a few
campaigns have been used, misused and abused for political

  Not too long ago, the lawyer-campaigner took up a
  campaign against the son of a politician, a young
  man who perhaps earned part of the flak he got
  because politicians are so unpopular in today's
  Goa. Some saw this as well deserved; after all,
  controversial politicians deserve to be beaten with
  just about any stick which comes our way. But,
  after many headlines and a long campaign, is it
  fair to drop such a case without even a credible
  explanation? One cannot but wonder whether others
  involved in a similar case would get the same

Even as Aires Rodrigues targets one public prosecutor --
assuming his charges are found to be accurate and justified
-- campaigners in other parts of India are raising wider
questions. For instance, some are comparing the process of
appointment of judges in India and the USA and highlighting
systemic failings.

It is fine to tackle individual cases of wrongdoing; that
could be a starting point. But we would certainly fail if the
wider picture is lost sight of. Secondly, campaigners need to
assure that their issues are not randomly selected, or worse,
chosen with bias. It is time campaigners also spent some
attention to ensure that society has enough self-correcting
checks-and-balances in place, rather than rushing to get
justice in the easy-to-manipulate court of public opinion.


[Goanet] Soter woosh ingacho

2010-05-21 Thread beny
Dear Netters

Atleast I think more people read Soter thoughts on Goanet than Selmas heart 
bleeps on goan voice


Beny Pereira
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from du

[Goanet] Workshop for Tiatr Artist

2010-05-21 Thread Peter Fernandes
Subject: [Goanet] Workshop for Tiatr Artistes
Message-ID: <4bf68636.3050...@gmail.com>

Zan'tteano toxem Nen'tteano,
It is not enough if parents provided us books and we can graduate.
It is necessary for us to attend school and college in order to complete

Same way any body can compose a song and sing but to become a professional
education is required and education is a must.

Here is an announcement from Tiatr Academy:
Tiatr Academy Goa has organized a workshop for writers of scripts of
tiatr & lyrics of songs on Monday, 07th June 2010 from 10:00 am onwards
at TAG?s Conference Hall, Campal Trade Centre, Campal, Panaji Goa.
The workshop will deal with the correct method of writing in Konkani Roman

I wish all who have talent of writing Stories for Tiatrs, talent of
composing songs
for Tiatr, will attend this workshop. Never mind if you think you are an
actor by
by profession, take a chance of attending this workshop and see how much you
can improve further.

Mogacheam bhavano, Tiatr, mhaka dista ho xobd TI ART so mhonn karann thoim
Kola pollounk mellta mhonn. Tiatran kola mhonntlear, hansoupachi titlench
kitem sot kitem fott tem dakoun diupachi. Kiteim zaum ami Tiatr mhunnon
mhonntoch Tiatruch mhunnoea ani hea workshopan bhag gheun kitem xikunk
mell'ta tem
xikhon gheumea.

Tumche ani Tiatr Academiche upkar attoun
Peter Fernandes

[Goanet] Xabas Selma!

2010-05-21 Thread soter

Xabas Selma! It is definitely good news  you give all of us about
your new found prodigy Zarina who is an authority on Panchayati Raj. We
require more and more of Zarina's in Goa. I hope you have kept her informed 
about your latest public comparison about me and her.
Could you please make her contact number public so that we can put needy 
in touch with her. This will definitely reduce our burden and give us some 
privacy.  My

contact is splashed all around and sometimes it becomes quite taxing for us.
Probably Zarina also has my contact number.
The fact you request everyone not to read the views of Rajan, Anil and
myself is definitely a compliment to us. We feel priviledged to be among 
those writers that warrant a public notice from Selma appealing not to read 
our views. Hope your tribe flourishes.

Selma bai, konknnint ek oparuch asa; "Udkant mhos, bhair mol."


[Goanet] Points to Ponder

2010-05-21 Thread Marshall Mendonza
“I’m used to delivering on promise. I’m used to working with civilized
people. Unfortunately, in public life in India, these are not attributes
that you see.”
N R Narayana Murthy, Chief Mentor, Infosys

[Goanet] Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend ’ konnachem? (Which high profile Politician from So uth Goa?)

2010-05-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
Attempted suicide: Hem ‘Girlfriend’ konnachem? (Which high 
profile Politician from South Goa?)
I am even more confused now..
Looks like there is a third one... (?)
2 years ago...
“Mickky  has now married Viola  Fernandes and has three children 
with her,”
 Sara said in her complaint of bigamy (Sara is First wife)
One week ago..
Meet the chief guest  - Viola Pacheco
If she is also a wife then why everybody say ‘girlfriend’?
Hope I am not acting  too nosy. 

lokmat grafiti   ‘aajacha buzz’ has disclosed the name bice way
it reads like this.
Pahili sodun dusari asataana,
tisarine ‘rattol’ pilyachi batami ahe
disney cha undarache an ;hyanche’ 
naav mhane ekach ahe.
Vishal Pai Kakode.
When there is second after leaving first
the news is the third has drank rattol 
Name of the Rat in disney 
and this guys name is same
Shrikant Vinayak Barve
“Viola Fernandes (27) who has been admitted in critical state to 
intensive care unit of a Mumbai hospital, Goan businesswoman had 
been named by 'Mickky' Pacheco's wife in a case of bigamy … 
the reason she consumed rat poison in the first place still remains a 
subject of controversy..”  MidDay


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Village delegations, RP2021 etc

2010-05-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Let me get one thing out of the way - why did the village delegation 
think that Digambar Kamat is the guy to approach to address their 

I mean, here is a guy WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MESS,
who has given the keys to Goa away to the miners and the builders
and the migrants.  And the villagers go to him asking for help?  
What the eff !!  Can someone explain to me why you would go 
knocking on Digu's door hoping that he would help you when 
he is Mr. Narakasur himself?  What were these ladies thinking?

The excuse that he is the elected head of govt doesn't wash.
When the govt actively works against its own people it has
lost its right to govern.  This has been an illegitimate govt for
a long time now.

My second point - Goans must reject the RP 2021 outright.
You don't have to read even a word of it to know that it will be
a rotten deal for Goans.  Look at who is involved in its crafting.
Mr Wise Guy Architect, the preening glib talker who has
positioned himself as the go-to guy for everyone seeking 
enlightenment on matters Goa and Goan, who also has a
bone in the game.  Then there is the Margao builder cum
pastry king who fancies himself as a 'thinker' (I call him
stinker) and a social worker.  These are then the people
drafting your RP2021.  Why would you walk into this trap?

REJECT RP2021 and flush it down the toilet.



[Goanet] Goa news for May 22, 2010

2010-05-21 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sushmita Sen at 'I AM She 2010' event in Goa - Sawf News
Let Sen speak

*** Pune connection in Goa blast chargesheet - Expressindia.com
govt refuses ban on Sanstha till home ministry examines charge

*** Devgn fined for smoking on film set - Asian Age
obacco organisation upset with Ajay Devgn for smoking in public

*** So who's the Goan politician linked to the drugs mafia... -
digITal Goa
So who s the leading Goan politician who has links with the
narcotics mafia in Goa? Here sa few more clues dropped by
33-year-old Swedish ...

*** South Maharashtra beaches no threat to Goa yet: Official -
Times of India
involved with drug mafia should not be spared: Tourism industry

*** Goa chargesheet is a wake-up call - Asian Age
India, Hindu and Muslim men make a meal to heal the religious

*** Goa, Be Kind. Rewind - Tehelka

*** Top Trades: Sesa Goa, Jaypee Infra - BloombergUTV
oombergUTVMUMBAI: Sesa Goa, Jaypee Infra and ICICI Bank are some
of the stocks seeing action in early trade today. IPO Price: Rs
102 per share (lower band of IPO), ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.bloombergutv.com/stock-market/stock-market-news/52294/top-trades--sesa-goa--jaypee-infra.html&usg=AFQjCNF3rPdpS1IOc_4c4q-pbVGZ7E0jYA

*** Goa plans law on realty sector - Times of India
8yc299M">and more »

*** 'Do not buy Sesa Goa, Renuka Sugar, Tata Steel and realty
stocks' - Economic Times
onomic TimesIf you can comment on the stock and then sectorally,
what's going on, which is Sesa Goa, Renuka Sugar and Tata Steel?
Well, Sesa Goa and Tata Steel roughly ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/views/recommendations/Do-not-buy-Sesa-Goa-Renuka-Sugar-Tata-Steel-and-realty-stocks/articleshow/5957922.cms&usg=AFQjCNGMXExV7W8cl8CJAsS2eVbfylcKng

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Konkani - devanagri or Romi?‏

2010-05-21 Thread Domnic Fernandes

Jerry, a small correction: Reginaldo Fernandes was 'Romansincho Patxai' (King 
of Konkani novels) and not 'Romansincho Kunvor' (Prince of Konkani novels), as 
you wrote.

Dev borem korum.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201  

And that’s
when I started hunting high and low for all books of Reginald Fernandes, a
very good writer also called Kunvor Konkani romanshincho. 
South Cinema This Decade

[Goanet] Mining awareness tours... in the Goan hinterland

2010-05-21 Thread soter
This is a really very positive step taken by GoaMAP. Seeing is believing. 
People living in towns and on the periphery are often ignorant about what goes 
on in the hinterland. That is why we get comments like, "Development is 
needed", "someone has to sacrifice" and so on.  The Government tours will show 
the glowing side of the story. The horror aspect in the story will be 
concealed. Being forced to inhale dust day and night to choke the lungs is even 
worse than the 26/11 terrorist strike in Mumbai. The only difference that death 
in the Mumbai attack was instant but here it is slow torture and ultimately 
death. Who beneifts? Goa's rich paupers.
Keep it up GoaMAP!


[Goanet] First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

2010-05-21 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

But how some one will justify this?
Could not see any mention of this incident  in the report

Sorry, I am not taking sides, although it may appear that way
I feel, a person of this type of temperament should not be a part of any future 
You said it Joa

 First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

“I felt was a very crude and insulting manner, PI Gad grabbed the front of 
my blouse and flung me against the wall behind”
“The manner in which he (PI) allegedly touched her she said,
 triggered feelings of deep outrage and humiliation in her and 
she turned on him and tried to defend herself”
But how some one will justify this?
Could not see any mention of this incident  in the report

Sorry, I am not taking sides, although it may appear that way
I feel, a person of this type of temperament should not be a part of any future 

Joegoauk at yahoo.co.uk 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

[Goanet] Many Feared Dead in India Plane Crash

2010-05-21 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Many Feared Dead in India Plane Crash

NEW DELHI - An Air India Express plane crashed at Mangalore airport
Saturday morning, with major loss of life feared among the more than 160
on board, according to reports.

The plane, arriving from Dubai, overshot the runway at the southern
Indian airport at about 6 a.m. local time, and burst into flames,
according to television reports. There were believed to be a few

Firefighters try to put out the fire on the smouldering Air India plane.
The plane, reported to be a Boeing 737 about five or six years old,
overshot the runway while landing in the southern Indian city of
"This is a major calamity," said V.S. Acharya, home minister for the
state of Karnataka, on CNN-IBN TV. Television pictures showed rescue
workers struggling to deal with the wreckage in a small valley near the

Television reports said there were six survivors taken to hospital from
the crash site as authorities sought to establish what happened.

The crash is believed to be the first major crash of an airliner in
India since July 17, 2000, when an Alliance Air Boeing 737-200 crashed
into houses during a second landing attempt at Patna, killing 51.

Civil aviation minister Praful Patel was reported heading for the crash
site later Saturday. The plane, reported to be a Boeing 737 about five
or six years old, was cleared for landing and the problems appear to
have surfaced once it was on the ground, according to NDTV, a New
Delhi-based television channel. Some 25 ambulances were reported at the

Air India has been struggling to overcome the global recession, payments
for new aircraft, an entrenched staff, a botched merger and increasing
competition from private carriers. In the year ended March 31, its
parent company National Aviation Company of India Ltd. is estimated to
have posted losses totaling about $1.2 billion, making it one of the
global industry's most unprofitable carriers and a major financial
problem for the Indian government. 

Chairman Arvind Jadhav has been trying to turn the airline around by
seeking to cut employee ranks, increase cargo on long-haul flights and
persuade the government to inject about $2.2 billion in funds. 

The airline's origins date to 1932, when Indian industrialist and
aviation pioneer J.R.D. Tata founded Tata Airlines. It later became
government-owned Air India. In 2007, Air India was merged with Indian
Airlines, the state-run domestic service. But the merger has only been
partially completed. 

In the meantime, Indian private carriers such as Kingfisher Airlines
Ltd. and Jet Airways have eaten into its domestic market share. And
international carriers have begun flying directly from abroad to Indian
cities beyond Delhi and Mumbai.


More at:





[Goanet] While researching Kenya, she found shocking

2010-05-21 Thread manuel tavares
I am one of those Goans who lived through the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. I 
lived in the Capital ,Nairobi. These were very scary times and I distinctly 
remember people going to sleep with Police whistles under their pillows.Many 
people were attacked by gangs of Mau Mau terrorists who robbed people of the 
entire contents of their houses. A friend of the Family one L.G. Pereira  who 
worked in the East African Railways & Harbours and lived in the railway 
quarters where I lived with my Aunt, had some guns and he and some of his sons 
used to carry them for fear of being attacked by the Mau Mau Terrorists. 
Although initially the rebellion was not consider as a freedom movement, on the 
arrest and detention of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, a Kikuyu,  who was an up and coming 
politician and later Kenya's first President by association turned into a 
freedom movement. 

My Aunt owned a Grocery store called The Kenya Oriental General Store on Juja 
Road (now Muranga Road) which she operated for a number of years. The store was 
burglarized numerous times even though there were security Guards ( Askari's). 
One could not blame these guards because they carried on guns but only Pangas( 
Machetes) and were outnumbered by the Mau Mau who carried guns some home made 
using Bicycle parts as barrels and came in gangs.I clearly remember one 
incident which occurred one night when, after closing the shop, we were on our 
way home carrying the days takings, when we were waylaid by a gang of Mau Mau 
who beat my aunt and went away with the bag containing the proceeds.After this, 
my aunt sold the shop as this incident frightened her very much as it nearly 
cost her her life. Home invasions by gangs of Mau Mau terrorists was a common 
occurrence and steel gates and large shackled padlocks were a common 
site.People organized Security Groups which patrolled the areas around their 
houses and were armed, but these were however largely ineffective. I remember 
Dr Fitz DeSouza who was a brilliant lawyer and together with A. R. Kapila and a 
British lawyer defended Kenyatta at his trial. I also remember Pio de Gama 
Pinto another prominent Goan who was also a freedom fighter and who was a 
member of the Kenya parliament and was subsequently assassinated.

A cousin of mine, Mr. Chrispine De Souza who was a district clerk in Thika was 
also attacked and was slashed by a panga ( machete) on the back of the neck and 
whose home was polished of all his worldly belongings and narrowly escaped 
death. When I say scary, I mean scary and the Indian Community including the 
Goan community bore the brunt of the attacks. The white people had Home Guards 
( armed) and were relatively more secure besides having trained 'Mbwa Kali' 
(guard dogs) and armed askaris (Watchmen).

Those were the days and things never ever returned to normal thereafter. After 
independence, gangs of robbers terrorized and looted shops, they broke into and 
ransacked houses and even in broad daylight, one could be attacked and robbed 
of ones valet, watch, and other valuables. Jewelry was scarcely worn or kept at 
home. Most people kept their jewelry in their Safety deposit boxes at the Banks 
taking it out on rare occasions and then making sure it was returned to the 
safety Deposit Box as quickly as possible. I lived in a semi detached house in 
Nairobi West after independence in a middleclass neighborhood where  a number 
of Africans owned houses. It was not uncommon for the robbers to break into the 
homes of the African occupants as well and polish them clean. We had two dogs 
and a steel Gate which separated the downstairs from the bedrooms besides being 
ringed by a 7 foot compound wall with a steel gate. At bedtime,we used to lock 
the exterior gate and lock The interior steel gate with two huge padlocks with 
hardened shackles, it was like a prison. A house two doors from us had its 
front door bashed in with a huge rock and was invaded by over 10 people. The 
occupants were terrified as the invaders had guns and pangas and even if one 
had a gun, how can one contend with a hoard rushing in.

I was attacked once at around 6:30 pm while shopping at a place called Ngara. 
The two attackers had simis ( Swords) One placed the sword on my shoulders 
while the other one took off my watch and ransacked my pockets taking my 
wallet. Another time, around Divali, a colleague had brought some Divali sweets 
and parked her car in my driveway so I had to park out on the street. After she 
had left, I went to bring my car into the compound and lock the exterior gate, 
I was attached by 4 people right in front of my door. one had a gun and another 
had a simi (Sword) They ransacked my pockets, took my car key, started the car 
and drove it away. I was very lucky as previously they had shot dead an Ismaili 
person who had refused to hand over the keys to his car.My daughter called the 
police (999) they said they could not come as they had no police car and asked 
me to come and

[Goanet] First person account of events at Porvorim Secretariat on Monday, May 17th

2010-05-21 Thread Venantius J Pinto
It seems to me that the Goa Police in particular have little comprehension
as to how to handle a grievance. The GP asked the protesters to disperse.
Once cannot simply do that, and I do not care if your are an IGP, an SP,
some IPS freak, or the State Secretary. In a situation such as this it is
the duty of the highest officer, (and I am pretty sure of this) to have the
politician (including the CM) accede to a request if it is seen as a just
request. In a democracy and considering all factors a protest meeting to the
House of the Politicians is just occasion to raise awareness when avenues
are consistently being narrowed and people marginalized. The same would be
akin to a women's group going to shame a wife-beating CEO at company HQs.

It seems clear that there is nothing cohesive and no process in the Goa
Police. What do these guys learn? I mean what are they taught? It also seems
clear from all images that I have seen that they are not trained to
defend. Look at that body language. What would they do if further protests
go on the offence starting with boo.

All this reminds me of something akin and as simple as the flank manoeuvre
which not part of Kshatriya savant hood who were used to charging headlong
into battle. If I am not mistaken we learnt this from outside--the Turks,
the Mughals, Tells you something!. Point being that we are quick to take
umbrage and want quick resolution--the police in this case dealing with the
protesters in fury.

This is one reason why I have never said anything against violence, since
its outright rejection and dismissal is a construct designed to stop any
protest in its tracks. One must always hold that option in escrow. There is
apparently a lot more dynamics which I am sure astute Goans are aware than
meets the eye in all of this.

There is shit flying in Thailand, and WATCH HOW THEIR FORCES MANAGE TO
CAJOLE, fallback, interact with the protesters. If we had 1/10th of that
situation we would be seeing bodies by now. If there is some retired IPS, ot
some security expert on this forum lets hear it bro/sis.

venantius j pinto

> Message: 7
> Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 19:30:59 + (GMT)
> From: JoeGoaUk 
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] First person account of events at Porvorim
>Secretariat on  Monday, May 17th
> (del)
> ?
> But how some one will justify this?
> Could not see any mention of this incident? in the report
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextras/4618646874/
> Sorry, I am not taking sides, although it may appear that way
> ?
> I?feel, a person of this type of temperament should not be a part of any
> future Morchas.

[Goanet] Air India flight crashed near Mangalore Airport

2010-05-21 Thread Kusuma raj
*Air India Express flight Crashed

Check ICARE Live for Exclusive photos and Report

[Goanet] Daily Grook #704

2010-05-21 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

an egyptian guy
did say n smile
oh before i die
i'll go senile!

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Win $10,000 from Hotmail! Enter Here.

[Goanet] Anti-Goan Churchil Alemao

2010-05-21 Thread Arwin Mesquita
  With reference to PWD Ministers recent open backing of Rahejas project at
Carmona, Refer Article:
I hope Goans now see the true Anti-Goan colours of our so called Hero of
Goa. His rationale for backing Raheja's mega-project is absolutely absurd
and some one needs to educate our minister on the ills on un-necessary
development. Will these Mega-Projects, besides filling his pockets
accomodate majority Goans? Will he teach Romi Konkani to the so many migrant
workers and settlers who will come to Goa due to this mega-projects.
Sometime back, our highly learned PWD Minister remarked that he wished
Scientists find  solutions to address Global Warming, I do not think he is
aware, that corrupt politicians like himself are the major cause of Global
Warming; as they exploit the society and environment to the extreme; so as
to satisfy their lust for illegitimate wealth!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (22May10)

2010-05-21 Thread alexyz fernandes

** Churchill for Mega Projects **

"Jacob Office Discussion: 1 MegaProject = Pop of one Village = Garbage = 
Loss of identity...water...power...but Mega Kickbacks for Politicians!!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Meet Mikky's wife Viola Pacheco

2010-05-21 Thread JoeGoaUk
Chief guest at a Tiatr  near Cansaulim (Ad)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc