[Goanet] Goa Church asks BJP government to be humane | The CSF

2012-06-30 Thread Con Menezes


Re: [Goanet] The Prayers of Journalists

2012-06-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Frederick FN Noronha wrote:
> But just for the sake of debate, may I ask:
> * Do we see our newspapers as serving society today, or not? 
> Or is it a mixed bag?

A newspaper is established for profits. It brings either monetary or 
ideological profits to those who control it. It is rather naive to believe that 
a newspaper exists to serve society. 

> * If they aren't serving society, is it because they are making too
> much money in advertising? Or is the crisis actually traceable to
> somewhere else (i.e. they're too dependent on big advertisers, cover
> prices of newspapers have not grown over the years so readers barely
> matter now, readers are not influential enough in keeping check on the
> system, growing political and/or industrial control over our media,
> the rise of a class of professionals within the media whose interests
> may not tally with those of  the wider society, etc, etc?)

One of the worst places to invest in, here in N. America, is the newspaper 
business. Over the past 5 years, the share price of the Toronto Star, the 
Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. have fallen 60 to 70 percent. The 
younger generation can get all the info they want on a hand held device and do 
not see the need to subscribe to newspapers. The younger generation also sees 
newsprint as a waste of resources and a disposal problem.  A fall in 
subscription leads to less advertising, less profits, and the spiral can soon 
become vicious.

> Being the contrarian that I am, let me point out however that even if
> media payments can be small in this part of the globe, my work there
> has created enough of a surplus to allow me the time to focus on
> issues I love working on. In that sense, I would not say an advert in
> the media is necessarily a waste of money-that-could-be-put-to-better-use. 
> What I would agree is that our media has a long, long, long way to go 
> before they can claim to be taking care of wider social needs. 

One of the most influential journalists in the US today, is also one of the 
most unlikeliest. N. Americans, myself included, are glued to his weekly, prime 
time TV show which is just short of amazing. Konkani and Muslim, Fareed 
Zakaria. is in my mind, the epitome of good journalism. There are times when I 
do not agree with him, but he usually presents his case in such a way that it 
really makes you think. His, "Why They Hate Us," is a must read for any 
journalism student. Once you are tuned in to his program, it is almost 
impossible to switch channels. Advertisers, needless to say, will pay top 
dollar to be where they can get peoples undivided attention.

Let me repeat this, good journalism usually leads to answered prayers.


[Goanet] EM AND THE BIG HOOM: Review

2012-06-30 Thread dale luis menezes

Em and The Big Hoom is the debut novel of the Bombay-based journalist and 
litterateur Jerry Pinto, who has his roots in the village of Moira. A 
well-known figure in the journalistic circles, it came as no surprise when the 
imminent publication of his novel was much talked about in the press and what 
is more, an excerpt from the book was also published by a very prominent 
publication. This novel has received rave reviews in the national press, with 
the Indian Express calling it “insanely good” and such celebrity writers like 
Amitav Ghosh and Kiran Desai giving a huge thumbs-up for it. Following the 
release of the novel Jerry Pinto was featured in major national dailies, giving 
many interviews and never once failing to charm us by his wit and depth of 
thought. So when so much good stuff has been in the air about a novel that 
everybody says is good, I opened Em and The Big Hoom with a lot of premeditated 

The title of the book is at once enigmatic. It gives nothing away: the fact 
that it deals with a mentally ill protagonist, Imelda or Em and her dutiful and 
devoted husband Augustine or The Big Hoom. The couple has two children, Susan 
and a son: the narrator of the novel who curiously remains unnamed. The 
Narrator (let’s call him that) is on a quest to learn about the genesis of his 
mother’s illness; what was it that triggered it in the first place and why was 
his father standing rock-solid besides his mother despite everything. He tries 
to understand his mother and at the same time come to terms with his mother’s 
mental illness. Telling this story then becomes an act of catharsis for the 
Narrator. The novel describes the family, with all its eccentricities, laughter 
and tragedy.

Jerry Pinto in his novel has tried to see the humane side of a Goan Catholic 
working-class family battling with mental illness. The family is dysfunctional. 
They live in a crowded and chaotic city – Bombay; in a one-bedroom-hall-kitchen 
flat. The Narrator has to endure these pressures, all the while dealing with 
his own adolescence as he ekes out a living for himself. Along with the story 
of his parents, the Narrator also tells about his frustrations, hopes and fears.

This novel is dark and brutally honest, yet it is told with lively humour and 
has a host of colourful characters. Em is a lady who smokes a lot of beedis, 
has frequent bouts of mania and depression, and who tries many times to kill 
herself. She doesn’t hesitate to talk about her sex life with her children, 
much to the discomfort of the Narrator! The Big Hoom on the other hand, is a 
reserved person who is the rock of the family while Susan, the daughter, 
appears to be playing a less significant role. The Narrator has to construct 
the story from scratch as the details that he seeks have to be patiently 
obtained from Em. He has the daunting task of sifting through the enormous 
amounts of notes and letters that Em wrote, for she had this habit of jotting 
her musings and thoughts down on paper.

Jerry Pinto has written a delightful novel and there is no doubt about it. For 
a topic as serious as this, one breezes through the pages with effortless ease. 
His lilting prose provides this space for empathizing with the Mendes’ of 
Mahim, who are battling with mental illness in their family. The portrayal of 
the Catholic family is unlike the stereotypical rubbish that the film industry 
has been churning out over the years, and one that the rest of this country 
believes to be true. And since we are on the topic, novels like Em and The Big 
Hoom and Savia Viegas’ Let me tell you about Quinta, which are published by 
‘big’ publishers, could go a long way in changing this perception about the 
Goan Catholic.

The novel also raises a few issues about the idea of motherhood. Em loves her 
children but she seems to be against the idea of motherhood. For she says that 
she didn’t wanted to be a “mudh-dha” [her inflected version of mother] and that 
she would be stuck “being someone whose definition isn’t even herself.” The 
portrayal of Em is not the regular romanticized, ever-loving-ever-giving mother 
but a more nuanced and a complex one. The son on the other hand seems to be 
torn between his love and duty towards his mother and trying to find his own 
independence and space away from his mentally ill mother. He also fears that 
his mother’s mental illness might be transmitted to him through the “genes”. 
Perhaps this is why the Narrator tries so hard to understand his mother and 
take care of her.

Jerry Pinto also attempts to paint a picture of the grind that mentally ill 
patients and their families have to go through: how patients are treated in 
hospitals as well as the attitudes of the doctors and society. Although there 
was space for a damning indictment of how the system operated during the times 
the novel was set in, Jerry Pinto does not channel much of his atte

[Goanet] The Adopted Ones (Response to Roland Francis by Rose Fernandes)

2012-06-30 Thread Carvalho
Following Rose Fernandes's charge that while writing on social networking 
sites, there should be no misinformation about our community, I went back to 
check what exactly Roland Francis had written on the subject which would 
warrant such a grave charge. 
This is what Roland Francis wrote:
"Childless parents in Toronto spend fifty thousand dollars or more to bring 
adopted children, mainly just-born babies from China and Russia."
I see no misinformation here. There is no mention that these are Goan couples 
or whether they are Chinese couples. They are just Canadians. Now Rose, 
apparently, while on a brief holiday in Toronto was also conducting adoption 
statistics for some strange reason. And her statistical methods were so complex 
that it even allowed for not just a cross-generational comparison but also a 
transnational analysis which extended to the UK. I think there is an absurdity 
of logic here. 
If there is one thing I absolutely hate on social networking sites, it is 
unnecessary heckling which lends nothing to the debate but only has the effect 
of wearing someone down.
Roland we wish you a long stint with GoanVoice UK minus the hecklers.

Re: [Goanet] NEWSFLASH

2012-06-30 Thread renebarreto

> From: Goan Welfare Society Nairobi 
>Sent: Friday, 29 June 2012, 15:32
>Subject: Re: NEWSFLASH
>Message from our Chairman, Mr Christo Desa
>Dear Members and Friends,
> As your 2012 GWS Chairman I would like to introduce the team by my side, I
have a conscientious, diligent and reliable Management Committee which was 
during our AGM held on the 20thof May 2012 at Flame Tree Park apartments
on Thika Garissa Road, the venue of our latest Community investment.
> Our Vice-Chairman is Mr Colin Carneiro who has
been on the GWS Management Committee for four years out of which he has served
as a Treasurer for three years. He brings to his post a wealth of knowledge and
>Our Secretary is Mrs Joanita (Nita) Coelho who is in
the seat for the second year, we have her to thank for keeping us all well
informed and updated.
>Our Treasurer is Mr Neil Ribeiro who is a new
comer to the Management Team, the GWS will undoubtedly benefit from his vast
> Our Committee Members include:
>· Mrs Sheila
Lobo, incharge of Fundraising and who can be credited with our record breaking
>· Mr Erico
Sequeira, incharge of Welfare has provided the GWS with sound advice that has
enabled us to make informed decisions.
>· Mrs
Lily-Anne Fernandes-Ringera, a past Secretary of the GWS is re-joining our
Committee this year in the capacity of Committee Member.
>· Mr John
Fernandes who is the longest serving member of the GWS Management Committee
over the past years and whose foresight has resulted in the GWS purchasing two
3 bedroom flats in Thika.  
> This year our Committee aims to
pass the K.Shs. 2,000,000/- net profit mark and we appeal for support from each
and everyone from our Communtiy. We have various exciting events lined up for
this year and look forward to seeing you all at our functions.
>God bless you and your families.
>Christo De SaChairman
>Goa Day  Sunday
19thAugust 2012
>Seniors Day        Sunday 23rdSeptember 2012
>GWS Anniversary Dance            Saturday 13thOctober 2012
>GWS Annual Football Shield          November 2012
>Members who would like to share articles, notifications etc are requested to 
>send their news to gwsnew...@gmail.com
>For members who have been shared their news with usstay posted for our 
>upcoming newsletter!

[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day

2012-06-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
Harry James
Helen Forrest - It´s been a long, long time




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] The Prayers of Orphans

2012-06-30 Thread Cecil Pinto
As expected Frederick feels the need to make convoluted comments on
relatively simple matters to show he has an opinion on everything.

This does sound good, and leaves us with a warm, fuzzy feeling. A
tribute to the dear departed AND a meal for the poor.
Sounds like one of those win-win situations that neo-liberal
capitalism keeps reminding us about.

Neo-liberal capitalism? What's that? Is it connected to anti-Semitism?
Will it somehow be connected anyway? I was talking about wasteful and
unnecessary expenditure related to deaths, specifically
Death/Condolence/Anniversary announcements.


But just for the sake of debate, may I ask:
* Should the same principle apply in every case where we could cut out
the middle-man. Or is there some other principle on which we make the

Who said anything about eliminating a middle-man? There always is a
middleman. In this case the middlemen are the caterer, the transporter
of food, the vendors of stationery items, vendors of beverages, the

* Do we see our newspapers as serving society today, or not? Or is it
a mixed bag?
* If they aren't serving society, is it because they are making too
much money in advertising? Or is the crisis actually traceable to
somewhere else (i.e. they're too dependent on big advertisers, cover
prices of newspapers have not grown over the years so readers barely
matter now, readers are not influential enough in keeping check on the
system, growing political and/or industrial control over our media,
the rise of a class of professionals within the media whose interests
may not tally with those of  the wider society, etc, etc?)

Where is all this coming from? I spoke about giving to the needy
instead of feeding greedy publishers.


As you know, I've been living off the media (in a way) for the past
quarter century. At the same time, I have a love-hate relationship
with the Fourth Estate (or should we say Froth Estate, as it is
increasingly turning out to be?)

And (in a way) I am part of the advertising industry and so by arguing
the case for smaller (or no) Death/Condolence/Anniversary adverts I am
hurting my own industry. That is not the point. It's the principle.
There's nothing wrong with advertising when it serves an ethical
purpose -commercial or otherwise. A Death Notice or even an
Anniversary Notice is a way of disseminating information. Notice the
little 'Friends and relatives accept this as the ONLY intimation' at
the bottom of every Goan Death advert? That is a bloody joke. The
friends and relatives who matter have been informed by phone, email,
Facebook, what-have-you? The newspaper advertisement is not for them,
but for the general public and those who might have been missed out.

Now when you release a huge advertisement, as opposed to a small one,
what additional information are you conveying? That you are rich? That
you want to convey you are in some way superior? Or that the deceased
was superior? Will more 'friends and relatives' come to the Mass if
there are bigger and more advertisements?

A well written obituary that speaks of the deceased and his life and
achievements would be far more appreciated and cost nothing. Send it
to GoaNet and Goan Voice UK and GoaWorld and every Goan in the world
will see it. And those who are not networked are not coming for the
Mass anyway.

And what about Condolence adverts? What do they convey and to who?
They inform the public that so-and-so was beloved by so-and-so and
will be missed. Can't that be conveyed in a cheaper and more efficient
fashion directly to the family of the deceased?

Most important can't all the monies spent on these huge ego-fulfilling
adverts be better spent on doing some charity on behalf of the
deceased? I have had many people who have written in saying that they
have left specific instructions to their next of kin that no money
should be spent on such big advertisements and wasteful expenditures.
Hats off to them!


Some of us journalists put together a book called *In Black and
White*, which is available as a free download in the interest of
public debate: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11523/11523.txt
Keep in mond however, that this is still ajournalists'-eye-view
perspective of the debate. Citizens' voices on the media are yet to be
adequately heard or even voiced.

What this has to do with Death Advertisements is beyond me but I guess
Frederick can't help plugging his products - commercial or otherwise.


Being the contrarian that I am, let me point out however that even if
media payments can be small in this part of the globe, my work there
has created enough of a surplus to allow me the time to focus on
issues I love working on. In that sense, I would not say an advert in
the media is necessarily a waste of
money-that-could-be-put-to-better-use. What I would agree is that our
media has a long, long, long way to go before they can

Re: [Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Goan Fish-Curry-Rice

2012-06-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
Goa's poet laureate, the late Bakibab Borkar said it best1:

Please Sir, God of Death
Don't make it my turn today,
not today
There's fish curry for dinner.

Rajan P. Parrikar,
While king fish curry is what you and me will be eating in heaven, there is a 
Goan dish that is above this. 
Yes, you have guessed correctly. 
The food of the Gods, Shark Ambot Tik. 

Am looking forward to finding a picture here.



2012-06-30 Thread Goemkar Entertainment


Goemkar Entertainment presents the first ever Konkani Musical Show, a
tribute to Goa's musical legends, The Late Chris Perry and The Late Alfred
Rose along with Goa's Nightingale Lorna and Agnelo Fernandes in Detroit,
Michigan. USA.


This show is produced by Agnelo Fernandes for the Goan Organization of
America (GOA) on the occasion of the Goan Convention 2012 in Detroit.


Please pass this to your friends and family in the United States. We hope to
see people from the neighboring states to watch this rare event.


Best Wishes

Goemkar Entertainment.


Re: [Goanet] The Lion Roars: Tony de Mello 25 Years On

2012-06-30 Thread Roland Francis
I enjoyed this article on Goanet, Luis.

It was 1978 (probably) and I was on my first holiday back in India from
Qatar. Although from Bombay, I always make a beeline to Goa. I
waded through the shallow waters to Baga from the Calangute side and
stepped in at the Retreat Center atop the hill.

There was I think, Anthony D'Mello giving a discourse on the Christian
meaning of life. I forgot all about going to stretch my legs on Baga beach
and instead spent an hour or two, listening to him, totally absorbed.

Having studied at Xaviers school and College in Bombay, I was no stranger
to Jesuit thinking, but here to my mind was a remarkable Jesuit. I am sorry
I did not pursue his writings from then on.

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Luis Vas  wrote:

> The Lion Roars: Tony de Mello 25 Years On
> By Luis S. R. Vas

[Goanet] Some pics - fields, Mangoes, beach etc

2012-06-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

At  Cansaulim

Goa-Velha Sojikode
Merces Road

Pilerne – Road through the fields

Students waiting for bus (at unauthorised bus stop), Bal Bhavan

Bhatcan on her chair
Sleeping beauty

Ice-cream boy

Mosquito Racket
It knocks Mosquito down, electrocutor

M/s Neelam
100 for 8

We found these ‘Ghonttam’ on this bench

Sand erosion
St. Inez Creek, Opp Inox


At Panjim, the Capital city, Rickshaws are everywhere but
after 9pm, not a single found.

Miramar beach neglected – Black out continues
Complete darkness even at the Circle



for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for July 1, 2012

2012-06-30 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa Investment Forum 2012 seeks to woo investors to the
state - Times of India
plans to attract 6 mn tourists in 5 years

*** Goan among 5 banned in IPL spot-fixing - Herald Publications
aker T P Sudhindra while also handing varying degrees of
punishments to four other players including a ...

*** Absconding Maharashtra doctor arrested in Goa - Times of
doctor, wife arrested in Goa for murder

*** Goa celebrates 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' with religious fervour -
Times of India
mes of India'Ashadhi Ekadashi', an auspicious day in the Hindu
almanac, is being celebrated in various temples of Goa on

*** Goa looking at 12% economic growth this fiscal, says CM
Manohar Parrikar - Economic Times
uly and is looking at 12% expansion this fiscal following state
government's clearing all debts.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNH5qOQ8hf5iwYMFyAuM5oS1OkSfJw&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/goa-looking-at-12-economic-growth-this-fiscal-says-cm-manohar-parrikar/articleshow/14525556.cms

*** South Goa notches up crime detection rate - Times of India

*** Manohar Parrikar's fellow techies to the rescue? - Times of
mes of IndiaThe conclave, with eminent IIT alumni from across
the globe participating, will dwell on prioritizing,
revitalizing and developing sectors that were previously

*** 20 Goa Cricket Association clubs allege victimization -
Times of India
mes of IndiaJust days before the Goa Cricket Association starts
its election process, 20 cricket clubs have got together and
threatened to knock on the doors of justice if they are not
provided with voting rights.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEfrV626Cw2rY2SPff7y2ikce2Obg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/20-Goa-Cricket-Association-clubs-allege-victimization/articleshow/14536656.cms

*** 'Take action against families who employ minors' - Times of
urtorim police have booked an offence against three persons,
including a couple, on charges of subjecting two minor girls to
harassment, torture and verbal abuse after employing them as
domestic help.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEYuMRRuIs7BtJptIgVGAljZebLNA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Take-action-against-families-who-employ-minors/articleshow/14536510.cms

*** Goa can be hub for pharma R&D: Aditi Panandikar - Times of

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Happy Canada Day

2012-06-30 Thread Sharon Mazarello
Hi Mary,

Happy Canada Day to you and to all our Goans in Canada..!

I would like to dedicate this special song from my Konkani movie 'TUM KITEM 
KORTOLO ASLO?' {WHAT WOULD YOU DO?} to all you Goans in Canada, 
  as you celebrate Canada Day today. 


With much love,

[Sharon Mazarello] 



[Goanet] COLUMN: Sardinha out of hibernation

2012-06-30 Thread Nisser Dias

Sardinha out of hibernation
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

The Goa Congress Committee working president and Member of Parliament 
Francisco Sardinha seems to be waking up from his deep slumber since 
parliamentary elections are slated to be held in 2014. Of course he broke 
his hibernation for a short while during the recently concluded assembly as 
he was trying to get Congress nomination for his son. However when he failed 
he immediately attracted the principle of inertia only to wake up again this 

Addressing the media recently he blamed the Digambar Kamat led government 
for the party’s reversal of fortune at polls. It was like absolving himself 
from scenario. Being a Congressman and that too senior member, of course not 
a faithful one as he too deserted the party couple of times though he calls 
himself a faithful soldier, Sardinha should realize he too is a part and 
parcel of the Congress governance of the last five years.

But then back stabbing comes naturally to the so called Congressmen like 
Francisco Sardinha who are also known to abandon the ship while it is 
sinking just like rats. When I say back stabbing, he blamed his colleagues 
when he lost to Alex Reginaldo Lourenco in 2007. This week for the Congress 
debacle he blames mistakes of the Digambar Kamat led coalition government.

Surprising this same controversial politician was responsible for defecting 
and bringing BJP to power in Goa. Does he have an explanation for that? 
Today he blames the erstwhile Digambar Kamat government for mistakes like 
Regional Plan 2021. I want to ask the south Goa Member of Parliament what 
held him back from advising the government against notifying it. What held 
him back from impressing the High Command about the possible fallout if 
regional plan 2021 was notified before elections? It is alleged that the 
High Command subtly managed to delay tabling of the Shah Commission report 
on mining so that it would not expose the misdeeds of the Congress 
government during elections. Thus holding back notification of RP 2021 would 
not be a big deal for the High Command. But it would surely mean blocking 
huge amounts of illegal money for the MLAs, MPs and ministers.

Having said that I wonder why former chief minister of Goa Francisco 
Sardinha and one of the first ministers allegedly involved in a scandal 
(marks) limits the Congress downfall to Regional Plan 2021. What about 
mining, promoting family raj? Infact Sardinha was very vociferous in denying 
that his party was adopting ‘Family Raj’, which has cost the Congress as 
many as 6 seats, that is because he was trying to corner a Congress ticket 
for his son. But that is Sardinha who thinks his ‘Olah!!!’ can do the magic 
and bring the Congress government to power.

South Goa member of Parliament has gone on to say that he will seek a 
special package to the tune of Rs 1000 crores to construct a new Zuari 
bridge.  Suddenly how has Sardinha’s ‘tubelight’ flickered on, I wonder? Is 
it because the chief minister has made budgetary provisions for a new Zuari 
bridge to be constructed within three years. Why did the MP not realise that 
the existing bridge was weak and that there was an urgent need to construct 
a new one. This is because Congress MLAs, ministers and MPs do not do their 
homework. They want others to do their thinking. It would not be out of 
place to say that the Congress politician are a personified example of our 
government servants who do not want to work but want to avail all the 
benefits and perks of the office.

Almost a couple of years have passed since Francisco Sardinha has been 
elected to the parliament. Why did he not think of a new Zuari bridge all 
this while? He did not care to ask his government at the centre to disburse 
money for it, nor did he impress upon Congress led government in the state 
the need to construct a new bridge. It is only now since Manohar Parrikar 
has shown the way that this congress south Goa MP wants to steal the idea 
and claim credit for it. That apart Sardinha wants to again run to Delhi 
with an alms bowl and beg for money. Why does he not appreciate chief 
minister’s efforts and courage to claim that his government will build the 
bridge with finances generated in the state?

It is well known that finance is not Francisco Sardinha’s forte. Just to 
remind my readers during his tenure as chief minister he had the opportunity 
to submit one budget in the assembly. Ironically that budget was prepared by 
Manohar Parrikar who was not even a minister at that time. Former chief 
minister Sardinha just presented or rather read it in the House – maybe 
without even understanding the nuances and nitty-gritties of what he was 

Congress politicians have made it a tradition to be in power but not to 
apply their mind to bring about development for betterment of the society. 
They look at projects which give them benefits. They are least interes

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (30Jun12)

2012-06-30 Thread alexyz fernandes

"When Spain gave Portugal Pain"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org