Re: [Goanet] Whither Panjim’s Future? And Goa’s?

2015-11-12 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Unfortunately, we need to change Goa's name to "Gu ha"
  From: Rajan Parrikar 
 Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 4:49 PM
 Subject: [Goanet] Whither Panjim’s Future? And Goa’s?
>From Target Goa -



2015-11-12 Thread Florian Lobo


David Rocha has rightly said " *The GLP went to the polls several times but
people of Goa did not vote because all were blinded by the belief that only
a national party could govern GOA "*

Unfortunately for Goa, It turned out that only the national parties could
loot and plunder Goa to the extent that no regional party could ever imagin.
As GSRP sees it, Goans are not blinded. Only their eyes have been glued
shut by the national glue and they are still afraid to force them open even
when the national hand is almost at their throats to strangulate  them.

16 years ago, 45 Goans met at the International Center, Dona Paula,  to
groom a lean, clean Regional Bull that will challenge the Corrupt and
Communal National Bulls, fattened with lard with nary a challenge on the
horizon, in the bull fighting ring, complete with a written down ROAD MAP
and Constitutional safeguards on austerity measures so that profligate
life-style of these BULLS  will be ended  and the clobbering State Public
Debt will be re-paid to free the  goan posterity from the heavy burden
which does not allow it progress.

Not only the above, but also to set up GOA's OWN HIGH COMMAND IN GOA so
that Delhi,Nagpur, Baramati or elsewhere does not decide what Goan need and
Hopefully, this glue will melt come 2017 so that Goans may see the reality
of them standing at the cliff's edge and the inevitable plunge into
nothinness is avoided.

The idea of Goa's Own High Command in Goa  hasn't died with Matanhy
Saldanha of the erstwhile GLP for its lone founding member is one of the
leaders of the GSRP of the future with the said goals of GLP alive and
kicking, grace the Bull-Fighting Ring in 2017 with 30 odd clean, lean, with
no past baggage, CHEER-LEADERS in the hope that the numbers will convince
our lethargic Goan to  go for the  kill since 1961..
Twt/goasuraj; flory/29

[Goanet] Bhakti Wins International Blitz Chess Tournament in Novi Sad, Serbia

2015-11-12 Thread Bhakti Kulkarni
Respected sir,

Kindly publish following news in your esteemed publication and oblige.

Bhakti Wins International Blitz Chess Tournament in Novi Sad,Serbia

Woman Grandmaster and goodwill Ambassador for Goa carbon Ltd Bhakti
Kulkarni of Goa won first prize in an International Blitz Chess Tournament
in historic city of Novi Sad last week. She outdistanced Grandmaster Branko
Tadich(Runners up) and and International Master Milos Stankovich(third)
among other luminaries.

With this victory, Bhakti who was fourth behind three Chinese super stars
in Asian Women Blitz Championship may increase her standings from 84th in
the world. "I shall be in top 50-hopefully," added the Champion of speed

Top four players from the tournament qualified for the finals played at 3
minutes for each player. Every move automatically added 2 seconds in a
player's clock. In the breathtaking fast placed final, Bhakti outwitted
veteran GM Tadich by employing World Champion Anand's pet line in Catalan
defence. Then she sealed her first place by overwhelming International
Master Stankovich from White side of Slav Defence.

The Chief guest for the function Grandmaster Sinisa Drazich was all praise
for the Goan lass. He said that it was unbelievable that a girl could
outwit all these veterans of speed chess. GM Josimovich of Makedonia
extended an invitation to Bhakti to one of the strongest tournament of
Europe - The Korpus Open to be held in April,2016.

Bhakti left directly from Novi Sad to Kolkata where she will represent Goa
in the National Woman Premier Championship from today.

Message over.BHAKTI

*Ms. Bhakti Kulkarni,*
*Goodwill Ambassador for GCL,*
*International Woman Grand Master,*

[Goanet] I'm the Journalist Abused at March of Tolerance

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas
From: b sabha

Blog: I'm the Journalist Abused at March of Tolerance
Two days and some thousands of tweets later, the hate and intimidation 

So it's been three days since the "March for Tolerance" took place in Delhi, 
turning into a nightmare for me, but the hate hasn't stopped - from those who 
were marching for tolerance. Shortly after the March, organised by the RSS's 
cultural wing Sanskar Bharti, and led by Anupam Kher ***, I have been called 
(on Twitter), a ''dalal', "paid journalist", ''prostitute'', ''bimbo'', "saas 
bahu heroine'', ''bitch'', ''someone who should be spit on'', ''sent to 
Pakistan to be beheaded'', someone who ''stage-managed a protest to increase 
(Twitter) followers". Whew! Social media and the tolerant are outraged by me.

Two days and some thousands of tweets later, the hate and intimidation 
continues - I have maligned the reputation of this country, I ought to pay for 
it, after all.

Just to set the record straight, I don't think the organisers were at fault, 
nor Anupam Kher himself - there was nothing wrong with holding a tolerance 
rally, a counter-protest...every citizen has the right to protest, support a 
cause, or not to support, voice his/her concerns, disagree - just as it is mine 
in a free-thinking society.

But I had committed a huge offense - I asked questions (on live reports so it 
can be cross-checked) that didn't agree with some in the crowd who were there 
to support ''tolerance'' and set the record straight by taking head-on those 
''spoiling the reputation'' of this country.

Our biggest fault is we didn't capture everything on camera. It's a real 
tragedy as now I'm being called a liar too.

It first started when we arrived at the March, there were many, many people, 
lots of women, lots of families, but as I walked towards the large circle of 
people, a woman my mother's age started yelling at me and my cameraperson - 
''Oh you party channel, you corrupt journalist, get out of here. I won't let 
you stand here, and you better find a new job as you will need one very soon." 
We smiled, told her to be tolerant, not for a second did we think we needed to 
capture this - it was just one person in a large crowd, how did it matter? We 
were there to do our work, not capture aberrations after all.

Next, a bunch of people were angry with me for asking were all those returning 
awards frauds? This was my question after a comment from a speaker that "award 
wapsi was politically motivated."

I had committed my first sin, many would follow subsequently, adding greatly to 
my journalistic education. An hour later, I was called a prostitute as someone 
walked passed me while I was recording a piece to camera. As a journalist, you 
learn to ignore stray comments, but how much is enough?

This finally enraged me. I called him out but he had left by then. A crowd 
gathered, some tried to console me, others murmured disapproval of possible 
faults I had committed - by then I was shaking, my friends from the media 
encircled me as they told others to back off, but it wasn't over - our lady who 
had cornered me earlier jumped in again, called me a liar without any context 
and left. By then I was in tears, but we chose not to film all this, my 
colleagues told their camerapeople not to shoot either. An error of judgement 
is what it seems like now. It was done to protect me, to protect my privacy, no 
reporter wants to be seen crying on air...but by that night of Saturday, 
November 7, we realized how many times we would be asked to prove ourselves.

At 3 pm, just after I finished another live report where I mentioned being 
heckled in the course of talking about how the creative world was divided 
between those who supported this march and those who supported award wapsi, and 
how both sides were accusing each other of political leanings, when I realized 
that despite the video footage of a part of what I had encountered, I would be 
asked for harder evidence. What happened next had never happened to me before. 
I was heckled, shouted down, gheraoed and warned to leave the spot.

I had offended everyone, hence there was no redemption for me - tolerant India 
would not accept a divergent view...they were angry...they had to act. Act they 

I was surrounded, informed that I had abused an old woman, and slogans were 
chanted against me. Since no one was ready to hear me out, I decided to walk. I 
tried to attempt providing the context, explaining that it was I who had 
instead been shouted down all morning and attacked. But I was foll

[Goanet] Chasm between Goa govt and it’s people grows, after Fr Bismarque’s death (Herald Editorial)

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza>>

Chasm bet govt and it’s people grows, after Fr Bismarque’s death (Herald 

The chasm between the government and civic society has widened to such a point 
that unless there is a forcible stitch to sew the gap or build a bridge of 
confidence which looks less and less likely, with each passing day, this might 
reach a point of no return. The death of Father Bismarque Dias and the almost 
conclusive belief of civic society that the fiery activist priest was done to 
death, could have been tempered on the first day if the Parsekar government had 
even realised that his death would lead to a massive fallout among a very 
suspicious- and rightly so- civic society.

It’s going to be four days since Father Bismarque, one of Goa’s most outspoken 
fiery and loved crusaders against the forcible loss of land has died. He was 
not an unknown activist and had been the leading figure on the other side of 
the barricade that always separates the uniformed police from ordinary people. 
At the very least, the Chief Minister should issued a statement expressing his 
sadness at the passing away of a man who protected a very sacred space 
belonging to the people and to the land he was the son of. Alas, most 
politicians are guilt ridden. They may not be pronounced guilty by any court of 
law but possessed by their own demons. The Honourable Chief Minister probably 
saw himself as the MLA of Mandrem and realised that this man has been at the 
heart of every agitation against the state, and specially against projects that 
the Chief Minister has personally backed- the Tiracol Golf Course and villa 
project, the Electronic city at Tuem and of course the Mopa airport project.

Meanwhile, the MLA of Cumbharjua, of which St Estevam is a part of, Mr 
Pandurang Madkaikar, realized that caution is a better part of valour and has 
made himself scarce, lest there is a public outburst at any of his remarks, 
even if he means well.

Clearly the people and those in power seem to be living and functioning in two 
different worlds. And while the people of Goa realise that this gap is actually 
resulting in their coercive people’s action stopping short of the altar of 
power, the politically elected executive will realise, at their own peril, that 
governance cannot be taken to its logical conclusion of increasing the 
happiness index of its people, unless the process of dialogue and interaction 

The people of Goa, or at least sections of which are taking up class action 
against the government, can still continue to see the government as its enemy 
because of the shutting down of communication and interaction. But can the 
government afford to pay its people back in the same coin? These are the same 
set – and this universe has grown only bigger- which stood shoulder to shoulder 
with the opposition party between 2007 and 2012- the BJP. The leader of 
opposition Manohar Parrikar, saw them as allies and friends. And to be fair to 
the then Congress Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, he was the only one who 
allowed activists into his home and take their calls at any point of time. In 
fact many in civic society appreciate those gestures and values of Mr Kamat, 
even in the wake of a massive civic movement against some of his indecisions.

In the aftermath of Father Bismarque’s death, the government had a wonderful 
opportunity to reach out and promise a fair investigation.

The only officer who has managed to strike a chord is the Additional Collector 
Swapnil Naik who agreed to a second autopsy of Father Bismarque’s body and 
passed an order close to midnight. Besides him, the government, the ruling 
party and the non- existent opposition has virtually looked the other way, as 
civic society has cried foul over the death of one its most powerful soldiers.

Governance is not about winning awards for “ Best state” or getting obscure “ 
International” tourism awards. It’s about having and winning the confidence of 
its people in doing good and giving justice.

It has done neither, since the brave son of St Estevam passed away.





2015-11-12 Thread Florian Lobo

As the main signatory of the INQUEST PANCHANAMA on the body of Fr. Bismark
at the GMC morgue, we were concerned about the verdict of 'death by
drowning'. Having anticipated the same, we had made certain to tell Fr.
Bismark's brother Mario that they should demand a second autopsy if there
was no mention about the 'dent' on the forehead, specifically. Now that the
team of qualified coroners have instructed the cops to probe that death of
Fr. Bismark leaves no doubt in our minds that the autopsy report will
indicate that the death was attributed to reasons other than simply
drowning which the murderers want declared and go scot free. Now that the
ball is in the court of Goa Police, we are sure that the real culprits will
be nabbed soon, failing which, the case should be handed over to the CBI,

It is important that Fr. Bismark's premature death must not go in waste as
the ICON of Goa's Environmental safeguards. The bust of Fr. Bismark as
suggested by  the Icon of Anti-Mopa movement, Fr. Eremito Rebello [at the
yesterday's solidarity meet at the Sto. Estevam Church square]  is solidly
supported and  ENDORSED.

with GSRP/GRA & PPS.
The Idea of Goa's High Command in Goa come 2017
Twitter/goasura, flory/29

[Goanet] Press note for kind favour of publication

2015-11-12 Thread Florian Lobo
THE GOA SU-RAJ PARTY-GSRP condoles the tragic passing away of its dear
colleague  Fr. Bismarque Dias in GOA's activism to save whatever is left of
Goa after its  loot and plunder by vested interest since 1961.

The Party shares the grief of his family members, near and dear ones, and
wishes them the courage to face this unparalled and excruciating tragedy.

The undersigned Party's executive member has been the signatory to the
'inquest panchanama' conducted on his body this morning by Dy. SP (Panjim)
Nelson Albuquerque and rules out suicidal/accidental death not ruling out
homicide. The Party hopes that the same will be reflected in the Post
Mortem report conducted at the GMC Morgue this afternoon and no stones
shall be spared to be turned to bring  Fr. Bismarque's assailants to

In Fr. Bismarque Dias, Goa has lost the most vocal, enterprising, honest,
good-hearted and compassionate son who did not care if there was dinner
waiting for him at the day's turn but would spend the last pie available to
him on the needy to fight for their injustices.

May his good  soul rest in eternal peace.

Floriano Lobo
General Secretary GSRP, GEAG, GRA & convener PPS.

[Goanet] Dynasty

2015-11-12 Thread E DeSousa
We had a chance to see Norah Jones in concert at the Michigan Theater in Ann 
Arbor last week. Named  Geetali Shankar at birth in New York, she is the 
daughter of the late legendary Indian sitar maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar  and 
American concert producer Sue Jones. She grew up in Texas with her mother after 
the parents separated and changed her name officially to Norah Jones, at age 
sixteen.Norah majored in Jazz Piano at the University of North Texas, but is 
quite skilled with the guitar as well. Winner of 9 Grammy Awards, she has sold 
over 50 million records at last count.
The Ann Arbor performance was sold out and a very rapt audience seemed to 
really enjoy the folksy jazz inspired music.
My daughter who is the main reason why we went to the concert, gave it an 
enthusiastic thumbs up.

I found a couple of old You Tube posts, of her music.

2010 recording with Norah at the piano - her first big hit:

"Come away with me."
2013 recording of Norah with her sister (from another mother) Anoushka Shankar 
on the Sitar:
"Traces of You."

Best Regards.

[Goanet] GOD – who, where and what is he ?

2015-11-12 Thread Devak Argham
When asked is there God ? Excluding the Atheist, many will say yes there is
God !  if asked where is

God answer will be he is every where !  What is God……  no clear picture.  Well
the passages from the Bible gives a clear picture about God.  The verses
mentioned in the below link shed some light on who, what and where is God.
If you know Konkani language you are also welcome to see the link to the
Youtube Video on the page linked below.

Dev borem korum

[Goanet] Goa news for November 13, 2015

2015-11-12 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Indian Super League: FC Pune City 2-2 FC Goa: Late Mutu
strike rescues a point ... -
 draw against FC Goa in the Indian Super League at the Balewadi
Stadium on Sunday. Eugeneson Lyngdoh (32') opened the scoring
before the visitors struck back with goals from Rafael Coelho
(34') and Jonathan ...

*** Goa halt Saurashtra charge -

*** Goa priest's death: Family alleges foul play - The Indian

*** Goa CM's Office to Monitor Police Probe Into Ex-priest's
Death - The New Indian Express
ms-office-to-monitor-activist-ex-priests-murder/">Goa CM's
office to monitor activist ex-priest's murder

*** Fashion Tech Platform 6Degree Raises Seed Funding From CIBA,
Goa - Inc42 Magazine (press release) (blog)

*** When Mark Zuckerberg attended a friend's marriage in Goa -
The Indian Express
VboNd2WQ4M&authuser=0&ned=us">and more »

*** Thomson to launch new direct flights from Manchester to
Phuket, Mauritius and Goa - Manchester Evening News
nchester Evening NewsThe airline is also adding a new direct
route to Goa. There have been flights to Mauritius in the past,
operated by Air Mauritius between 1999 and 2000. Passengers have
also been able to fly to Phuket historically, but not for a
number of years. It ...

*** When in Goa, you just can't afford to miss these 10 things -
India Today
heeler to the sturdy Bullets, Goa's pathways are familiar with
the turning of motorbike wheels. Zip across laidback villages,
ride past paddy fields and glide down long, winding palm-lined
expressways. Bikes are available ...

*** Egyptian crisis: A silver lining for Goa tourism - Business

*** Doha: Gala celebrations mark World Goa Day -
ijiworld.comDoha, Nov 12: Goan Welfare Association (GWA), one of
Qatar's leading and most notable community associations,
celebrated World Goa Day 2015 with traditional pomp and
splendour recently at the Mercure Grand Hotel in Doha. The event
saw Goans of all ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] The Portuguese power centre, Governors and the native elite (Stanley Coutinho)

2015-11-12 Thread Goanet Reader
The Portuguese power centre, Governors and the native elite (Stanley

(Or, how the capital of the Estado da Índia configured in the
imperial dynamics of the 17th and 18th centuries)

Review by Stanley Coutinho

Globalising Goa (1660-1820)
Change and exchange in a former capital of empire
Ernestine Carreira
Translator: Claire Davison
Goa,1556: 2014
RS.500 Pp.618
There are history books and then there are books on history.
The former are normal, fact-filled books for normal people
interested in reading about the past; the latter are
historiographies. *Globalising Goa* by Ernestine Carreira
(who has specialised in the history of India and the western
Indian Ocean in the Modern Era), translated by Professor
Claire Davison, falls in the latter category.

The title of the book is interesting. Globalising or
globalisation has achieved a very specific meaning and
connotation today: Economic globalization is the increasing
economic interdependence of national economies across the
world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of
goods, service, technology and capital leading to the
emergence of a global marketplace or a single world market.
However Wikipedia seems to recognize 'proto-globalisation'
roughly during the years between 1600 and 1800, which
describes the phase of increasing trade links and cultural
exchange that was characterized by the rise of maritime
European empires, in the 16th and 17th centuries,

  There is however a great deal of anguish expressed
  by historiographers in general, and Ernestine
  Carreira in particular over the non-availability of
  sources, and the attempts (if any) at preserving
  these sources. Time and climatic conditions (not to
  forget, political considerations) play havoc on the
  memory of the past -- whether that memory is
  contained in documents or in oral tradition -- and
  more so if that past includes a 'colonial' period.

Against the backdrop of these reservations, Carreira starts
the book under review with the question of how the capital of
Estado da Índia configured in the imperial dynamics of the
17th and 18th centuries, a study entailing "a constant
ferrying back and forth" between the Portuguese power-centre
at one end, and the governors and the native elite at the

  Part 1 of the book reflects upon the links between
  how imperial structures evolved across the
  centuries, and the development of global trade up
  to the time Brazil broke free of the empire in
  1822. The author attributes the dismantling of the
  Asian side the empire to three major factors (a)
  emergence of Mughal sovereignty (b) breakdown of
  pacts with regional sovereigns (with regard to
  coastal rights),and (c) breaking of the pact of
  sovereignty with Portugal, besides the Estado's
  failure to reform its archaic structures. This is
  in contrast with the Eurocentric historical
  accounts that traditionally attribute the changes
  to the arrival of other European powers into the
  Asian waters.

This part also deals with the French and British companies'
attempts to buy out the Estado da Índia, the take-over
strategies from 1730 to 1792 which actually played out
between 1793 and 1813; it covers also the aspect of
'atlanticisation' of Goa after 1786 and the conflict
surrounding the yielding of Bombay to the East India Company.

This is followed by studies of the networks of Asian
influence in Goa giving a glimpse of Goa's position at the
centre of the Nação Portuguesa.

  Part 2 looks at Goa as a 'Catholic nation' in
  western India and the expansion of trade with
  specific regard to Surat, while Part 3 deals with
  the roles of the then emerging diasporas in the
  development of trade links through the transmission
  of cultural, political and military information.
  This part also offers interesting glimpses on the
  slave trade and the circulation of coins and

Part 4 of the book speaks of 'The Complex Voyage of Goan
Historiography' -- which is a study of the projection of Goa
over the centuries. Examining travel journals "with a certain
caution" Carreira analyses the "exotic, erotic and monstrous"
depiction of Goan women, and how this evolved over time;
later she finds a more realistic representation of the Goan
woman, as she is linked with religion, social norms,
miscegenation and social classes.

All through the account, the author points out the
difficulties of accessing sources of information, multiplied
by the lack of proficiency in the local languages as much as
in the mastery of Portuguese, and "the emotionally-charged
ideological heritage which is still so painful".

The aut


2015-11-12 Thread Venantius J Pinto
UPcho bhaiyya amcho bhoyyo!
Konnuim dumti ani bhang paz re teca.

Venantius J Pinto

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:46 AM, Aires Rodrigues 

> The cash strapped Goa Government should not be further burdened with the 60
> th birthday celebration of Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar scheduled for
> December 13th. The BJP is trying to manipulate and get the State government
> to indirectly host the event but Manohar Parrikar should himself bear all
> the expenses of any birthday celebration he intends to hold.
> The BJP is planning to hold the birthday celebration on SAG grounds at
> Campal in Panaji with an estimated 25,000 audience along a host of BJP
> leaders from Delhi including Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Road Transport
> Minister Nitin Gadkari. No expenses including the hosting of the central
> leaders in Goa should be loaded on the tax payers.
> Manohar Parrikar is known for misusing power in masking BJP functions as
> State functions and getting the government to illegally foot the bill. Such
> gimmicks adopted by the BJP in the past should not be allowed. The State of
> Goa which is currently reeling under an acute financial crunch has even
> issued a circular to all departments to strictly curb all unnecessary
> expenditure as an austerity measure.
> According to BJP sources, some senior party leaders under the guise of
> Manohar Parrikar’s birthday celebration fund have already started asking
> Casino operators, Matka bookies and the Builders to pay up. Those running
> the flesh and drug trade will also be asked to pour, in return for the
> patronage and favours they are getting from the government. Advocate
> General Atmaram Nadkarni has reportedly been kept entrusted the task of
> collecting from the mining lobby and business houses.  Incidentally Atmaram
> Nadkarni’s grand 50th Birthday bash at the five starred Taj Fort Aguada at
> Sinquerim on 23rd November 2013 was fully funded by forcibly collecting
> from all and sundry.
> It is appalling that the BJP has been stooping to such low levels after
> having usurped power in 2012 on a fake promise of Good Governance and Zero
> Tolerance to Corruption. It has however been a Parivartan for the worse
> with Goa only further sinking by the day.
> Manohar Parrikar is a Member of Parliament from Uttar Pradesh, so why is
> the Defence Minister not celebrating his 60th birthday in the midst of his
> constituents at Lucknow instead of trying to high-handedly burden Goa’s tax
> payers.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>  Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

Venantius J Pinto

[Goanet] The Goan on Fr Bismarque.

2015-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes

At the top of the page you can flick on to page 7 after the first read.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Fr. Bismarque, a Priest with a Conscience

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Stephen Dias>>


To me, last week was very disturbing. I was in Pune on my personal work and by 
Saturday (7th Nov) afternoon, I learnt my good friend Fr. Bismarque Dias, was 
missing which I came to know through Digital network news connections and 
friends.  I was restless then, and I hoped that Fr. is Okay in Goa during my 
absence. However by Sunday (8th Nov), my worst fears came true and I learnt 
that Fr. was no more and died due to drowning. I hurried up my programme in 
Pune and returned on 11th Nov and was shocked to hear some hocus-pocus rumours 
being transmitted through the word of mouth that Fr. died of downing after 
consuming large amount of beer and thus I decided immediately to pen these few 
lines with immediate effect. I have moved with Fr. on several occasions, even 
he visited my house and I his. On almost on all occasions, we were feasting 
mentally and our mental interactions were immense. We had very little for 
eating, let alone sipping alcoholic drinks.

To hear the bogie that Fr. was drunk at 11 PM and died of drowning is a fairy 
tale which lacks common sense and reason.

Another story that, there were two cartoons of beer where Fr.was supposed to 
have drunk during swimming is a cruel joke. Who took these beer cartoons to the 
sluice gate and what attracted Fr. to the spot “needs through intelligent 
investigation”. I can vouch Fr. would not go swimming at the earthly hour. Some 
one and some special cause must be there except swimming that led Fr. to the 
site keeping his bike and other belongings two kilometres away. All that has 
been reported by Old Goa Police outpost could be a bull story and utter 
bullshit. I too joining hands with Fr.'s family, friends and well wishers to 
demand a high level probe into his so called MURDER, which is made to look as a 
stupid case of drowning.

I have decided to carry out separate scientific studies along with my friend 
Dr. Joe D’Sousa to help unearthing, the exact nature of crime, so that the 
justice is afforded not only to Bismarque but to all his well wishers.

Stephen Dias
DATE: 11TH NOV. 2015


Stephen Dias

Fr. Bismarque, unlike any other priest was unique and one who had a grasp of 
the way to live life in the true sense of the word. The simple and ascetic soul 
that he was, he always stood for the truth and despite his brief encounter with 
politics, knew what was good and actually made the difference between modern 
day living and the traditional genre of life, which he himself followed with 
religious fervor. Everybody knows about his social activism towards protecting 
the environment and nature. After his unspectacular stint in political field, 
Fr. Bismarque in an interview published in various newspapers exhorted youth 
that the internet, the computer, the mobile and television should not be used 
unless it was absolutely necessary. A modern man would have thought that what 
he said was anti-innovation and anti-modernity, but in real life, Fr. 
Bismarque’s exhortation was one of a true follower of Christ, not one that was 
going back the dark ages, but one that led to a better life, especially to our 
wayward youth in search of the true and shining path to fulfillment in life.

An example, to prove that Fr. Bismarque was right is the publishing business 
itself that we follow. Since the beginning of printing, the reporter had to 
write his story on paper or key it on a typewriter and then each alphabet was 
manually inserted into the column, after which the proof-reading had to be 
done. Both the writer and the proof-reader had to be proficient in right 
spelling as well as a very thorough knowledge of grammar. Today in our 
computerized world, the Microsoft Word we use to write is programmed with a 
copy of the encyclopedia as well as a grammar check which have made people 
dependent on the automated version. Back then, though the printing was manual, 
the writer was very competent and well-versed with the spellings and the 
grammar and it was a valuable virtue of every writer. It is to be said here 
that comparatively, the reporter and the columnist then, was more informed and 
competent. It would have been a living tribute to him then, if youth had 
followed his diktat and thus attained more values and proficiency rather than 
have to rely on the computerized method.

Both the church in Goa as well as the people in Goa will sorely miss the noble 
intentions of Fr. Bismarque who was a priest in the shining armour of truth, a 
genuine follower of God and a true lover of the environment and nature. May his 
soul rest in 

[Goanet] For years Britain shunned Narendra Modi. So why roll out the red carpet now? - The Guardian

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha 

From: Roger D'Souza>>

For years Britain shunned Narendra Modi. So why roll out the red carpet now?
[Aditya Chakrabortty]
By Aditya Chakrabortty

India’s prime minister is a Hindu extremist who fails to condemn lynch mobs. 
Yet it seems that trade deals matter more to our government

[BJP  Illustration by Matt 

London is set to play host to one of the most dangerous politicians on the 
planet this week. Not that you’ll hear any such thing when Narendra Modi 
 Instead, we’ll be reminded that India’s prime minister is the leader of a 
giant and dynamic economy. That he’s taking tea with the Queen and buddying up 
to David Cameron. There’ll be fun Modi facts too: how he once sold chai at 
 how, aged 65, he boasts of having a 56-inch 

Narendra Modi: the divisive manipulator who charmed the world

How can someone so Technicolor be so dangerous? Well, imagine any national 
leader – Cameron, Merkel, Obama – spending a large chunk of his or her life 
working for a gang of religious 
 – one that renowned academics compare to Islamic 
 Chuck in a long personal history of inciting religious hostility, a track 
record of cosying up to big business, and a reputation for ruthlessness towards 
enemies. Now put this extremist in charge of a nuclear state. Worried yet?

That, in a nutshell, is the man who will be jetting into Britain. As a boy Modi 
joined the far-right Rashtriya Swayamsevak 
 (RSS), whose objective is to turn India – which gave the world Jainism and 
Buddhism and Sikhism, and which has the world’s third-largest Muslim population 
– into a Hindu superpower. Among its alumni is Nathuram Godse, the fanatic who 
gunned down Mahatma 

Religious extremism is not some long-faded part of Modi’s past. In 2002, while 
he was chief minister for Gujarat, a train carriage carrying Hindu pilgrims 
caught fire in the state. Within hours, without a scrap of evidence, Modi 
blamed the 58 deaths on the Pakistani secret services, then paraded the charred 
corpses through the state capital of Ahmedabad.

His Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) called a three-day strike. There then followed 
one of the bloodiest anti-Muslim 
 in modern history. Mobs of men dragged wives and daughters on to the streets 
to be raped. One ringleader later boasted of slitting open the womb of a 
pregnant woman. Between 1,000 and 2,000 people were killed – the vast majority 

Try as they might, BJP supporters cannot erase the history of these shameful 
killings or absolve their leader of responsibility. This version of events is 
not contested by any serious analyst – and at the very least it shows up Modi 
as a master of hate speech. Asked three years ago whether he felt any regret 
over the deaths of so many innocent people, the BJP leader replied that he felt 
the same pain as a passenger in a car that has just run over a 

But this is all about to be consigned to the past. For years after the 
massacres Britain shunned 
 But this week it will roll out the red carpet, even as the atmosphere of 
thuggish intolerance and violence around Modi grows thicker.

In September he took his cabinet to meet RSS leaders for a three-day 
 where ministers reported on their progress. The RSS has been having meetings 
with the educatio

[Goanet] Goa dead priest's kin refuses to bury body, demand probe

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha
Goa dead priest's kin refuses to bury body, demand probe | UCAN India
The body of Bismarque was found on November 7 near a sluice gate.

Goa dead priest's kin refuses to bury body, demand probe
The body of Bismarque was found on November 7 near a sluice gate.
Posted on November 11, 2015, 9:05 PM

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Supporters of former Catholic priest Bismarque Dias, who died in mysterious 
circumstances last week, have refused to bury his body, even as the opposition 
and civil society groups have demanded a more focused probe.

The body of Bismarque, who had led a string of agitations against controversial 
real estate projects across Goa, was found on November 7 near a sluice gate 
along the Mandovi river, giving rise to protests across the state by civil 
society groups as well as the opposition.

"We have resolved not to collect Bismarque's mortal remains or have the funeral 
until police conduct a satisfactory probe," Bismarque's brother Mario told IANS 
on Wednesday.

Mario, in a letter to the Goa police chief, demanded a probe by the Crime 
Branch, claiming his brother had received death threats in the recent past 
which had been conveyed to police, but no action had been initiated.

"He had not only received many death threats to dissuade his activism work, but 
had even lodged written complaints at the Old Goa police station, on which no 
action has been taken even after the unnatural death which has shocked all of 
Goa except the Old Goa police station, who appeared to have made up their mind 
about the cause of death without any credible investigative efforts."

Even the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party MLA from St. Andre, Vishnu Wagh, 
demanded a probe by a Special Investigation Team.

"Taking into consideration the general public opinion, I hereby request your 
goodself to appoint a SIT under the leadership of senior police officers to 
find the exact cause of Bismarque' s death and expel all sorts of suspicions in 
this regard," Wagh wrote to the chief minister on Wednesday.


[Goanet] Catholics join Hindus to celebrate Diwali

2015-11-12 Thread Robin Viegas

From: b sabha

Catholics join Hindus to celebrate Diwali
In India, annual "festival of lights" reaches across the faith spectrum.
Posted on November 11, 2015, 11:48 AM

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New Delhi:

Swatijyoti Lakra is Catholic but the Hindu festival of Diwali has always been 
special to her.

Every year, she keeps busy shopping for traditional earthen lamps, fancy lights 
and sweets for the festival.

Being a Catholic does not deter Lakra from celebrating the biggest Hindu 
festival in India, which this year begins on Nov. 11 and ends on Nov. 15.

"The whole country is in a celebration mood, so why should we not be a part of 
the festivities? The festival brings happiness, joy and prosperity for 
everyone," Lakra, a New Delhi resident, told

The feast of Diwali, or Deepavali, also known as the "festival of lights," is 
celebrated every year in October or November with the dates being determined by 
the Hindu lunar calendar.

Hindus illuminate their homes with earthen oil lamps and colorful electric 
bulbs, recalling stories from their scriptures of the victory of good over evil 
and commemorating it as a victory of light over darkness.

The annual festival of lights, which Hindus in most parts of the world 
celebrate, dates to the Vedic period, around 2,000 years before the birth of 

As part of the celebration, gifts and sweets are exchanged among relatives and 
neighbors. Children set off noisy fireworks. It is believed that the light and 
sounds of fireworks drive away evil spirits.

Days prior to Diwali, people start cleaning or renovating their homes in the 
belief that Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, likes to visit a clean and 
well-lit house during this time.

Lakra says that unlike her Hindu neighbors who worship Lakshmi during this 
festival, her family visits the parish church, lights candles and prays to 
Jesus on Diwali.

Promoting common good, respecting the environment

For A. Chinnapan, secretary of the All India Catholic Union, the festival is an 
occasion for promoting peace and harmony among different religious communities.

"People forget their religious barriers and celebrate the festival together. 
There is happiness everywhere," he said.

The Vatican too, as it does every year, extended its greetings to Hindus around 
the world this Diwali. This year it urged Hindus to work with Christians for 
sustainable development.

"If peace is to prevail in the world, we must, together and as individuals, 
consciously give ourselves to protecting nature, defending the poor, and 
building networks of respect and fraternity," Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, 
president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, said in the 

"May your celebrations across the globe lead you to an experience of happiness 
and harmony in your families and communities," he said.

Jesus, the "light of the world" feast

Like every year, V.S. Bara is jubilant during the festival.

"There is so much activity everywhere. Markets are full of festival stuff and 
everyone is busy preparing for the festival. There is no way one can be left 
out in so much fun and frolic," Bara, a Catholic, told

With the exception of worshipping Lakshmi, Bara and his family do the other 
cultural things required for the festival.

"There is no harm in lighting the house, distributing sweets and meeting 
people. You cannot shut yourself in when your whole neighborhood is 
merrymaking," he said.

Priests and laypeople also light candles in front of the archbishop's residence 
within the Sacred Heart Cathedral premises in New Delhi.

"There is no special Mass on the festival day but we do light candles," Father 
Savari Muthu, spokesman for Delhi Archdiocese, told

Father Wilfred D'Souza, parish priest of Mother of Perpetual Succor Church in 
East Delhi, told that his parish celebrates the 
festival as "Jesus, the light of the world" feast.

"We light all the candles that are donated in the church ar

[Goanet] Whither Panjim’s Future? And Goa’s?

2015-11-12 Thread Rajan Parrikar
>From Target Goa -


[Goanet] Rout of BJP in Bihar

2015-11-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Rout of BJP in Bihar

Alliance in Bihar, BJP bahar. The self deception, overconfidence taking
voters for granted, gloating for ever on lok sabha, arrogance of those in
power was a successful failure remedy The elction of Modi was controversial
WITH  mounting opposition Initially he was campaign manager and then
promoted as P.M candidate Modi was known little in the Nation except in
Gujerat, embroiled in riot controversy, It is day dreaming that RSS with
its dedicated, disciplined cadre was the asset to be reckoned with. Then
the same theory never helped BJP to win anytime in the past ,The Congress
under UPA was under political paralysis ridden by scams , corruption ,
sleeping on lok Pal bill and highlighted very effectively by the opposition
Beisdes Modi was lionized by tea seller comment and humble beginnings, his
childhood marriage that gained him sympathy More than anything else people
were enamoring for  a change Modi presented himself at the right moment in
history and with his catchy slogans, growth and development, sab ke vikas
sab ke sat, minimum Govt, maximum governance, promise to return black money
made him a desirable candidate to deliver. The BJP with RSS in the
background high jacked the seat of power and substituted with divisive
politics of polarization, Hindutva agenda was BJP nemesis. Modi  vexed
eloquent in foreign countries gathering inquisitive crowds that caused
euphoric feelings at  home without any tangible results The Govt was
manipulated by RSS with little contact with Modi, who was content with
foreign jaunts akin to Foreign Minister of the Country

The gains in coalition in Kashmir, Maharshtra.Jarkand and Harayana was
soothing balm of consolation. The Delhi fiasco spending extensively on
human and financial factors proved in effective to the extent of decimation
at the hands of  with just 3 seats. Underestimating the popularity, support
and faith in AAP proved BJP wrong, The analysis did not nail anyone by
broad spectrum cover that defeat and victory are joint responsibility The
formula of failure was applied once again in Bihar, 14 central Ministers,
30 rallies , the highest ever by any P.M in one state and Amit  S camping
for 8 months in a most bitterly fought   electionsThe P.M is losing his
shine of effective individual as far as reforms .All the time finger
pointing at Congress as if haunted by its ghost The campaign was permeated
with hate and religious intolerance and communal polarization the deriding
of Nitish and Lalu had opposite impact, Nitish is known for his good
governance with many terms as C,M , who  has delivered on the ground in
social, welfare and economic parameters It is not only opposition unity,
but intolerance like cow, Dadri lynching , return of awards etc across the
country dented BJP image badly rejecting Gujerat model and constant blabber
of speech diet as usual. Bihar voters   have preferred known devil to an
unknown saint .Rivalry between Nitish and Lalu has been  wisely  left
behind. Lalu with greatest number of seats must not be avaricious  for
loaves of office in cabinet formation due to sonrise, but display maturity
in the wisdom, experience and compulsion of Nitish in coalition and stick
together with Congress as the other partner This coalition may be step at
the National level Mohan Bhagvat has also added to the decline due to his
remarks on reservations. Defending the indefensible is arrogance of power
of being heard  but not listened to
The remarks of elder, founder stalwarts in BJP is a voice  not to be
ignored, Shatrughan sidelining has also been a factor, even Parikar wants a
lesson  to be learnt from Bihar
nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2015-11-12 Thread Nelson Lopes
Mystery of death of Fr Bismark

Fr Bismark made his appearance contesting unsuccessfully elections to the
legislative assembly. Thereafter he plunged into highlighting social issues
.Rightly so he rubbed shoulders with all those crooked elements , who were
bent upon personal gains, Though he stopped his main priestly functions, no
friend, associate believes about Fr Bismark committing suicide late at
night, it is stated that Fr walked 2 kms through thick foliage to reach the
sluice gate, parking his scooter at a distance, He was accompanied by a
history sheeter and another, carrying 13 beer bottles in two installments
No evidence as to who paid for the stuff, and from whom,. No statement as
how many bottles the two consumed  to fall into deep slumber, while the two
witnessed Fr diving into the river twice, they slept over the night,
possibly  on a drinking binge as free loaders and that is an alibi of
deception  to mislead and difficult to swallow without a pinch of salt, Fr
was never known to keep company with the two before. When they woke  up the
next morning, they saw the belongings and the bike  still in place and
concluded that Fr too had returned home, They did not inform anyone nor
tried to inquire from his relatives. The antecedents of two are not in
public domain as of now. Fr informed home that he would reach for dinner at
8. Pm. The body was found floating on Saturday morning, when Fr was missing
from Friday night., The panchnama was done as a matter of routine without
any seriousness it deserved, not taking due care in this high profile case
of suspected murder, The police picked up the bottles without lifting
finger prints. They believed or rather wanted to believe the two persons
without any suspicions and let them off too quickly The first   autopsy
report  by a single doctor confirmed drowning with marks on soft tissues
due to water creatures The urine retention did not match with so called
drinking binge by Fr, There is character assassination by propagating Fr as
a tippler,, which has never been the case known to his intimate friends.
Under pressure from public and family a autopsy report was conducted by 3
doctors, who reserve the findings due unavailability of viscera findings
Chief Minister is playing to the gallery, when there is no probe at all

There is a public outcry on the incident labeled as drowning; Fr was not a
novice to swimming to go at that odd hour, surprisingly with unknown
friends and carrying in tow beer bottles There is something amiss and fishy
about the whole narrative and no one is buying this story .Fr had
accumulated a lot of enemies attempting to do social justice to individuals
and causes C.M wants daily report, delayed due pending viscera report
according to the police, but about a non starting probe The  clamour for
CID monitored probe is  being negated and also special investigating team
proposed by MLA Visnhu Wag The press  and public are keeping up the
pressure on Govt to do justice for his image and character The political
ramifications can be upsetting as people are united on the suspicious death
of Fr Bismark, The family in the meanwhile has refused to  perform the last
rites, demanding first to solve the murder mystery  The incompetence of
investigating agency is being talked about as the crime scene being botched

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2015-11-12 Thread AIFF Media
Dear colleagues,

Please find below the match report of India’s clash against Guam.

For post match press conference report log on to:

Also find attached pictures:

a. Ten-men India too hot for Guam

b. We have defeated Guam, not Iran, says Constantine

c. No need to get carried away, quips Constantine

d. One Nation. One Dream

Please credit AIFFMedia for the Pictures used.

*We request you to follow AIFF Twitter Handle @AIFFMedia for regular

AIFF Media Team


*AIFF Media Team*

*INDIA 1** (Robin Singh -- 10th)*


*GUAM 0*

*BENGALURU:* The skies opened up for the first time in the day an hour
prior to the kick-off. And it rained almost all throughout.

On the field, it was 10 vs 11. And 10 won!

A 10-man India proved too hot for Guam as India registed a solitary goal
victory to notch up their first win in the Russia 2018 World Cup
Preliminary Joint Qualification Round 2 match at the Sree Kanteerava
Stadium in Bengaluru.

A Robin Singh goal in the 10th minute followed up by some planned execution
in the midfield and defence proved enough.

India played to a plan in the first half. Playing Lobo upfront proved to be
a masterstroke. He was someone who could hold onto the ball and play those
one-twos. The two flanks kept it busy -- Sunil Chhetri on the left wing,
and debutant Romeo Fernandes (the 500th Player to play for India) on the
right, proved handy every time they received the ball. And as India headed
to the interval leading one-nil with a man down after Sehnaj Singh was red
carded in the 43rd minute, the challenge was huge enough.

The Goal came as early as the 10th minute. One of Gurpreet Singh Sandhu’s
long shots found Chhetri on the left flank. Chhetri gathered it, evaded his
marker and set it up for Robin. But it was Robin’s deft turn that opened up
the goalmouth and the ‘Big guy’ smashed it in – mind you with his right

That apart India earned four corners in the first half in comparison to
Guam’s two.

India had their first shot at the rival goal in the 5th minute. The duo of
Romeo and Captain Chhetri found Eugenson Lyngdoh in the clear but the
latter’s powerful grounder was collected by rival Goalkeeper Douglas

In the 20th minute, Chhetri laid another for Lyngdoh just outside the box
but his shot sailed over.

Guam survived another scare in the 24th minute. Chhetri intercepted one of
Herrick’s clearances and with his speed caught the rival defence napping.
But his left-footer deflected for a corner from which both which both Arnab
Mondal and Sadesh Jhingan came agonizingly close to tap it in, but failed
to get the touch.

With everything seemingly going right for India, India suffered a jolt when
Sehnaj Singh was flashed the red card in the 43rd minute for a rough tackle.

Changing over, Harmanjot Singh Khabra came in for Romeo Fernandes as Coach
Constantine opted to add number to the depleted Indian midfield.

With the West Block Blues cheering the ‘Men in Blue’ with every passing
second of the match and the banner of “One Nation.One Dream” glaring at the
audience, unity seemed to be evident everywhere.

On the pitch, the Indian Team defended and attacked together. In the
48th minute,
Sandesh made a fine interception after reading the opponent’s play to
thwart a Guam attack. Shortly after, ‘safe hands’ Sandhu denied Guam with a
top-notch acrobatic save.

Even lacking a man did not deter the sense of togetherness in the Indian
Team. The unity seemed so much so that everyone was defending together as a
cohesive unit.

In the 56th minute, Robin Singh tested Douglas’s credentials again as he
tried to shoot from outside of the box. The shot however lacked the
necessary venom and Guam lived to tell the tale another day.

The solidarity in defence duties were not only exhaustive to the back four,
but to the midfield and the forwards as well. Sunil Chhetri’s inch-perfect
tackle to deny Guam any breathing space onto goal, after shadowing his man
for 30 odd yards is just one example of the defensive duties that every
player took.

However in the 65th minute, Chhetri burst onto goal with the Goalkeeper at
his mercy, but the Guam custodian made a fine diving save to deny India its
second goal. Two minutes later, in search of doubling the lead, Cavin Lobo
shot from distance but Douglas once again saved the day for Guam.

With both Teams jostling for possession, neither had a clear goal scoring
opportunity. India however garnered one in the 79th minute as the Skipper,
Sunil Chhetri, shot from an acute angle earning a corner in the process.
The resulting Eugeneson corner came agonizingly close to doubling India’s
lead as it went abegging.

Three minutes later, Sunil Chhetri burst onto a vacant left asphalt after a
one-two with Cavin Lobo. Chhetri sidestepped his marker and tried to curl
the ball in as it we

[Goanet] Admissions at St. Xavier's College, Mapusa.

2015-11-12 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE - MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (Tel:0832-2262356;
Dear Sir,

I will be grateful if you please publish the enclosed in your issue and
With many thanks and kind regards.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. (Fr.) Walter de Sa
St. Xaviers' College,
Mapusa, Goa


Students/Repeaters are informed that the admissions for Semesters II, IV and
VI of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A., will be held on 17th November, 2015, at
10:00 a.m.  They are requested to come accompanied with their
parent/guardian to the College Office.  They should bring alongwith them
marksheets of the previous Semesters.  The College reopens on 23rd November,



2015-11-12 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The cash strapped Goa Government should not be further burdened with the 60
th birthday celebration of Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar scheduled for
December 13th. The BJP is trying to manipulate and get the State government
to indirectly host the event but Manohar Parrikar should himself bear all
the expenses of any birthday celebration he intends to hold.

The BJP is planning to hold the birthday celebration on SAG grounds at
Campal in Panaji with an estimated 25,000 audience along a host of BJP
leaders from Delhi including Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Road Transport
Minister Nitin Gadkari. No expenses including the hosting of the central
leaders in Goa should be loaded on the tax payers.

Manohar Parrikar is known for misusing power in masking BJP functions as
State functions and getting the government to illegally foot the bill. Such
gimmicks adopted by the BJP in the past should not be allowed. The State of
Goa which is currently reeling under an acute financial crunch has even
issued a circular to all departments to strictly curb all unnecessary
expenditure as an austerity measure.

According to BJP sources, some senior party leaders under the guise of
Manohar Parrikar’s birthday celebration fund have already started asking
Casino operators, Matka bookies and the Builders to pay up. Those running
the flesh and drug trade will also be asked to pour, in return for the
patronage and favours they are getting from the government. Advocate
General Atmaram Nadkarni has reportedly been kept entrusted the task of
collecting from the mining lobby and business houses.  Incidentally Atmaram
Nadkarni’s grand 50th Birthday bash at the five starred Taj Fort Aguada at
Sinquerim on 23rd November 2013 was fully funded by forcibly collecting
from all and sundry.

It is appalling that the BJP has been stooping to such low levels after
having usurped power in 2012 on a fake promise of Good Governance and Zero
Tolerance to Corruption. It has however been a Parivartan for the worse
with Goa only further sinking by the day.

Manohar Parrikar is a Member of Parliament from Uttar Pradesh, so why is
the Defence Minister not celebrating his 60th birthday in the midst of his
constituents at Lucknow instead of trying to high-handedly burden Goa’s tax

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Goacom Newsclips on 12 November 2015

2015-11-12 Thread goacom newsclips
Goacom Newsclips

CM clears handover of land for Defence Expo 

Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar on Wednesday cleared the file for handing 
over the 150...
Click here to

Newfound joy at Antonio’s ancestral home in Margao 

With news of Antonio da Costa standing a chance to be the new prime minister of 
Click here to

Soon, plug-n-play facility for startups at Udyog Bhavan 

In a major boost to the state's information technology (IT) aspiration...
Click here to

Educationists should solve MoI issue, says Khaunte

Porvorim MLA Rohan Khaunte has stated that the issue of Medium of Instruction...
Click here to

Vasco civic chief to take up waste treatment plant upgradation 

Newly-elected chairperson of Mormugao Municipal Council Deepak Naik has decided 
Click here to

B'luru-based firm, NIT Goa sign MoU 

The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Goa has signed a memorandum of 
Click here to

Click below link to read more articles

[Goanet] Fwd: Song of the day....

2015-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
Linda Scott - I've Told Every Little Star



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] UK November Sparklers Important Announcement

2015-11-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 11 November 2015 at 18:12, Melvyn Fernandes  wrote:

>  UK November Sparklers  Important  Announcement
> The date of the GOA UK  Statutory Annual General  Meeting (AGM) has been
> announced it is being held  Sunday 29 November at Cranford Community
> College Room A45 High Street Cranford Hounslow TW5 9PD 2pm for 2.30 start
> complimentary food and drink. Caution where the Beer goes in the Brains go
> out.
> Living in a democracy, it is very  important our people who  have better
> things to do rather than striving together to do things better encourage
> all fully paid up  members especially Life and the living to attend before
> 2016 leap year. This will be the  50th Anniversary of our once great caring
> organisation in the United Kingdom. Younger people please assist our senior
> citizens in attending.
> Will the 28 November be a champagne moment to toast the directors or one
> where  the Directors are accountable  for dereliction of duty to our
> community since the 40th Annivisary 10 years ago. All I see is a  cockroach
> mentality and self-enrichment  and a self promotion  agenda while everyone
> looks the other way like the three monkeys (see no evil,hear no evil,speak
> no evil).
> As goanet reaches places others don’t reach, I am sure that fellow readers
> would love to hear your thoughts Good Bad Ugly or Indifferent  affecting
> our community.
> As far as I am aware, the membership numbers are not openly spoken about
> and are invisible unlike professional  fake mourners  at funerals  who are
> visible as observed  in the London area of Breadline Britain looking for
> their next meal at the expense of others.
> In the past, the company in its search for excellence created  Twelve
> Executive  Directors  but you will observe from glancing  at the website
> GOAUK.COM, there currently appears to be nine posts taken up by more than
> one family member. Instead of each Director developing their respective
> Directorates for the benefit of the Organisation readers will note the
> elimination of posts and just like the song ten green bottles falling one
> by one it will be noteworthy to find out who will still be standing and get
> the ultimate prize of our hard earned assets.   Your action is therefore
> important at this EGM. I have asked Menino de Valpoi  former Goa Police and
> Editor of Niz Goenkar if he could use his connections with the GOAUK to
> bring us live coverage with his excellent outside broadcast  unit as after
> all the GOA UK is supposed to be our representative body in the United
> Kingdom.   Hope he can be accommodated.
> On behalf of the Goan Child  yet  unborn thank you in advance for making
> the effort to attend  and have your say and vote on issues that affect us
> all.
> Readers in the UK please pass this message on as members may have moved
> addresses or emigrated.
> Melvyn Fernandes
> Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
> 11 November 2015

RESPONSE: Amazingly the Membership is now down to 700 i.e. that would be
Life Members, Many have emigrated and many have died, there no returns to
mails because the spouse/children read the notices. Some spouses even claim
they are Members, although the Constitution only allows a grace period of
one year. Here is last years news about the AGM This is a copy and paste

Also the same day Nachiom ia is showing at St Thomas of Canterbury hall.

Saturday 29th November 2014

The EGM & AGM were held at Archbishop Lanfranc Academy on Saturday 29
November 2014 and, although we have nearly 700 Members, the attendance was
most disappointing this year.

The EGM was inquorate and the Chairman, Ravi Vaz, was forced to adjourn the
meeting. However, he did give a verbal report on our property investment in
Ilford. He confirmed that since the property was rented from its inception,
we have not had a single vacant month.

Fortunately, by the time the AGM started, we had a quorum and business was
able to proceed. Richard Fernandes explained in detail, various aspects of
our Financial Statements of Account and said that he was stepping down at
today’s AGM. A vote of thanks for his 14 years of service was recorded.
We are delighted that new Directors joined the Board. Juliette De
Menezes-D’Costa was elected as Public Relations Director and Vincent
Fernandes, as Sports Director. Calvin Barreto became the new Finance
Director and as a result his former position of Assistant Finance Director
is now vacant.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] : Easy listening selection.......Billy Cotton & His Orchestra

2015-11-12 Thread Con Menezes

   Remember this?Lambeth Walk

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[Goanet] SMILE..................................................... IT'S WEEKEND (12/11/2015)

2015-11-12 Thread CAJETAN DE

A woman (Dumelin) goes for shopping. At cashcounter she opened her purse to 
pay. The Cashier noticed a TV remote in herpurse. He couldn’t control his 
curiosity, he asked Dumelin:-

Cashier: Ma’am, do you always carry your TV remote with you?

Dumelin: (Replied with pride) No, not always, but my husband refused to 
accompany me forshopping today, because he wants to watch ISL Football game on 
TV, and at thesame time he wants to record La Liga football games, which he 
will never ableto do without this remote.

Dumelin gives her credit card to the cashier. The Cashier checks the card and 
laughs, then takes back all the items that Dumelin had purchased:

Dumelin: (Shocked at this act) What you are doing? Why you are taking my things 

Cashier: (Smiled) I am sorry Ma’am, you husband has blocked your credit card.

Cajetan de Sanvordem


[Goanet] Kor Kantar, Taleigao

2015-11-12 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Kor Kantar,  Taleigao 

Kor Kantar 2015
St. Michael's Parish, Taleigao, Goa
8th November, 2015

With Lorna Cordeiro, Sonia Shirsat, Cielda Pereira, Aniceto Lourenco,  
Ester Noronha, Veeam Braganza, Engelbert Rose, youth of Taleigao etc 
Comedy by Com Janet, Selvy and Agostinho
Dance by Cyder and Cinida Dias

Band with Norman Cardozo, Dexter Furtado, Nolvert Cota, Semy Braganza, 
Theo Alvares,Antonio, Jonathan Dias etc

Sorry, I was there from 8pm to 9.30pm only, I missed many others.

more here

Video 1 - the show

more pics here..

Engelbert Rose
s/o Alfred Rose

 Host and Hostess
Englebert Rose and Hera Pinto 

Lorna Cordeiro

Veeam Braganza

Ester Noronha

 Cielda Pereira 

Aniceto and Sonia Shirsat

Com Selvy, Com Janet and Com Agostinho

Ivan Viegas and Shane
Princely, Myron,Twiny Princia, Gracelyn, Elyson, Ninoshka,

 Dances by young Cyder Dias and Cinida Dias 


Jonathan Dias, Drummer 

Norman Cardozo etc