[appengine-java] Re: uploaded file how to view in browser

2010-10-26 Thread pman
have u tried - setContentType  method?

On Oct 26, 12:05 pm, prabu  wrote:
> Hi..
>        I was uploaded file(pdf) in Blob it's working fine.and how to
> view uploaded file in browser (Download is working).but image files
> are view in browser I'm using struts framework.
> please help me..
> Thanks&Regards
> Prabu

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[appengine-java] Re: Channel API still not live...

2010-10-26 Thread stole
Thanks everybody for the info. I just needed to see what are the
chances for getting the API activated soon (this week). From Your
answers I'd say very slim.

On Oct 26, 8:16 am, Heiko Roth  wrote:
> No activation yet.
> I'm waiting, too.
> Right now, we pull status every 5 minutes, but that's not the best
> way.
> Other APIs like Pushlet don't work on appengine.

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[appengine-java] Re: SDK/Eclipse pains on Ubuntu

2010-10-26 Thread John
Thanks for the contribution Ed - if you could elaborate (a little) on
what you mean by/what happens for you when you "copy the jars into the
project" I'd appreciate that.  I've got options selected to run GAE
from my 'WAR' directory, but I'm not aware of any JARs being copied to
my WEB-INF/lib - indeed when they do occasionally get copied, that
stops the datanucleus enrichment from working.  I've also tried with
the 'export' flag set on the build path configuration, with no change

Some updates/corrections from me:

* The current problem definitely seems to be runtime/classpath/
classloader related - I'm getting ClassNotFound (CNF) exceptions on
JDO implementation classes (i.e. not the implementations, but the
concrete classes needed at runtime).  I'd expect these to be coming
from the GAE class library set - I can find them in jdo-xxx-eb-xx.jar
(sorry for the hazy jar name, I'm in the day job, not in my dev
environment at the time of writing). Annotation/enrichment works fine.
* I'm using an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project, not a Google Web App
Project as originally stated.  As noted before, between SDK upgrades
this works fine so I know that's not a problem.
* I have altered the library order as per other threads (GAE needs to
be before Web App).
* I have seen the thread about long paths in the classpath (known
issue with 1.3.8) - I have copied my plugin/SDK to a much shorter path
location and regconfigured my project and still reproduced the same
runtime CNF problems so that's not the issue.

Given cumulative problems I've experienced with Google's dev
environment/support, I'm now considering ditching the Google approach
and going to a purer, more open cloud hosting model (poss AWS).
Problems for me include:
* facebook apis redundant, but not flagged as such
* no full map/reduce api (got map, but no reduce)
* SDK/plugin instability (this issue)
* interplay problems with GAE and other tools (Vaadin for myself,
looks like Flex also has issues)
* no entry-level adwords/adsense solution for GWT (ajax) front-ends.

Hardly a strong manifesto.

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[appengine-java] Re: OpenID Accounts with same emails and App Engine User class

2010-10-26 Thread l.denardo
to compare Users the only safe field is the unique User ID that is
exposed via getUserId() method.


Also getFederatedIdentity()  could be a good bet, but documentation
recommends using the identifier.
I only use the email field after the user has been logged in, and
restricting to Google as a provider. This should be safe enough.
I think the only way to group accounts is to use IDs and set up an
external verification like SMS or email confirmation.


On Oct 24, 10:04 pm, trustamli  wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason my application handles OpenID accounts with same
> emails as one user. It means when I try to
> access datastore entities with User field of new user it also gets
> entities of all other users with the same email.
> Is User object same as email? Pythod documentation says: "User
> instances are unique and comparable. If two instances are equal, then
> they represent the same user." (but I use Java).
> I think I'm doing something wrong here:
>  Query query = pm.newQuery(Subscriber.class, "user == userParam");
>  query.declareImports("import com.google.appengine.api.users.User");
>  query.declareParameters("User userParam");
> �...@suppresswarnings("unchecked")
>  List results = (List) query.execute(user);
>  if (results.size()!=0)
>     Logger.log("User logged in", results.iterator().next().getId());
> ?
> With this problem using OpenID is very unsafe. Anybody can create an
> OpenID account with any email (for example with myOpenID), without
> email verification, and then log in to my application and get data
> related to all Users with this email.
> I believe I'm doing something wrong, so I'll really hope someone will
> open my eyes.
> Thanks,
> Best Regards.

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[appengine-java] Re: java.net.InetAddress present in new 1.3.8 SDK but not on live servers

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
may i know in gae, how to you set parameter for   new
LookupService(String databaseFile)  ? do you use blockstore ? what is
the path do you upload the  maxmind dat file?

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[appengine-java] Re: java.net.InetAddress present in new 1.3.8 SDK but not on live servers

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
may i know in gae, how to you set parameter for   new
LookupService(String databaseFile)  ? do you use blockstore ? what is
the path do you upload the  maxmind dat file?

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[appengine-java] Re: java.net.InetAddress present in new 1.3.8 SDK but not on live servers

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
may i know in gae, how to you set parameter for   new
LookupService(String databaseFile)  ? do you use blockstore ? what is
the path do you upload the  maxmind dat file?

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[appengine-java] JSF 2.0 MyFaces problem with Ajax and Command Button

2010-10-26 Thread powell...@gmail.com
I cannot get Ajax to allow navigation to another page when a
h:commandButton is clicked. I use the classic command given in texts
as shown below but Ajax will always display the current page. In the
example below, I want to transition to the page2.xhtml page when I
click but I only get the current page redisplayed. I tried giving ajax
attributes of execute="@form" and even render="@form" without success.
Is this a known bug.




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[appengine-java] Memory based application, static field, data lost

2010-10-26 Thread yoyo
Hello everyone.

I've a issue when using my apps.
All my logics application data are in memory.

For exemple, I've a servlet like this :

public class MyServlet {

/** Logic application object, create when the class is loaded by the
sandbox. */
private static Logics myLogic = new Logics();

/** Handle post request */
protected void doPost( [...]) {

The doPost method don't take 30 seconds to be execute.

My issue is this : Few minutes after my servlet is loaded and works,
I've got a new instance of Logics.
I thing AppEngine reload my class.

I haven't read about this kind of comportment. Maybe I haven't read the
docs enough.

Must I use appengine api, like memcache ?

Thanks for reading this newbie appengine developer message.

Have a nice day.

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[appengine-java] Sharing a PersistenceManagerFactory instance between web application instances

2010-10-26 Thread Ian Marshall
As we all know, the construction of a PersistenceManagerFactory (PMF)
instance that is needed for exchanging data with the datastore is

To speed up the showing of my home page (which does not need data from
the datastore), my application creates a queued task at launch-time,
which constructs its singleton PMF instance asynchronously. This way,
the creation of my PMF does not add to spin-up (and other?) delays to
app start-up.

Can a PMF instance be shared between application instances?

If so, I could hasten app initialisation by getting an already-
existing PMF instance from the memory cache and only construct one if
it is no longer in the memory cache.

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[appengine-java] Get number of children from multiple objects

2010-10-26 Thread b...@dutchtape.com
I'm using the datastore of the Google App Engine (DataNucleus). I have
two classes, one Chat and one Rating. A chat can be rated more then
ones so I created an one-many relationship by adding a list to the Chat

Now I want to know the number of unrated chats, so I did the following:

int numberOfChatsInStock = 0;
for(Chat chat : chats){
if(chat.getRatings().size() == 0){

This simply iterate through all chats and checks if the number of
ratings is 0.

This solution works well when there are 10 chats, but when I have 500+
chats then the speed is terrible (15 sec +).

I thought maybe the size() method is faster. So I tried
Query.setFilter("ratings.size() == 0") but this gives me the following
Unsupported method  while parsing expression:

Is there any way to increase the speed?

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[appengine-java] Re: Memory based application, static field, data lost

2010-10-26 Thread Ian Marshall
The GAE datastore is a form of persistent data storage, in that data
stored there will survive the discarding of instances of your
application (GAE will discard instances in cases of low usage).

Data stored in the memory cache can survive the discarding of
instances of your application, but there is no guarantee; data in the
memory cache may be discarded by GAE at any time.

My (Apache Wicket) web sessions are stored by GAE in both the memory
cache (for speed of access) and the datastore (for guarantee of
access) automatically. If you do not have much data, you could store
your data in a web session - but of course this data will have session
scope only - not application instance or all-application-instances

Since I want to store persistent data, I use the datastore. One could
be clever by using queued tasks to do this somehow, but I cannot be
bothered with the resultant complexity.

On Oct 26, 11:22 am, yoyo  wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I've a issue when using my apps.
> All my logics application data are in memory.
> For exemple, I've a servlet like this :
> public class MyServlet {
> /** Logic application object, create when the class is loaded by the
> sandbox. */
> private static Logics myLogic = new Logics();
> /** Handle post request */
> protected void doPost( [...]) {
> myLogic.doStuff([...]);
> }
> }
> The doPost method don't take 30 seconds to be execute.
> My issue is this : Few minutes after my servlet is loaded and works,
> I've got a new instance of Logics.
> I thing AppEngine reload my class.
> I haven't read about this kind of comportment. Maybe I haven't read the
> docs enough.
> Must I use appengine api, like memcache ?
> Thanks for reading this newbie appengine developer message.
> Have a nice day.

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[appengine-java] Low-level API: EntityTranslator and DataTypeTranslator

2010-10-26 Thread dominity
Hi, guys.

Is there any information of how could I use these classes in my code?

Best regards, Alexander.

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Re: [appengine-java] Low-level API: EntityTranslator and DataTypeTranslator

2010-10-26 Thread John Patterson
These are unpublished classes so you should use them at your own  
risk.  They may change in a future release in which case you will get  
NoSuchMethodError exceptions thrown.

You can see how Twig uses them in AyncDatastoreHelper to implement  
async datastore commands.  Twigs implementation protects against  
changes to these classes by capturing errors and retrying the normal  
synchronous commands instead.  So if there are any problems due to  
server side upgrades Twig drops back to "normal" speed operations that  
are run serially rather than in parallel.


On 26 Oct 2010, at 18:02, dominity wrote:

Hi, guys.

Is there any information of how could I use these classes in my code?

Best regards, Alexander.

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[appengine-java] Re: Memory based application, static field, data lost

2010-10-26 Thread yoyo
Thanks for your answear.

So, GOE discard instances in cases of low usage. I didn't know.

My app is an image board, like 4chan.org.

The blowstore api in only available for billing account.
I can't use the blowstore because my app isn't commercial. I write it
only for fun and i don't want to pay for it.

I'll use the memcache service. It's not important if some of pictures
are lost. There is no guarantee, but I hope keep most of pictures into
Else... well I'll see.

I've some refactoring to do. Thanks again for your answear.

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[appengine-java] Re: SDK/Eclipse pains on Ubuntu

2010-10-26 Thread John
In the above post "not the implementations" should read "not the
interfaces".  "Aw snap!" as Chrome says.

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[appengine-java] Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread doc123
Now I am using GDataI for Java and I tried following code to get Google
document list

DocumentListFeed tempFeed;

tempFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, DocumentListFeed.class);

After I confirmed this code work without problem, I change code as
following to be able to feed more than one page entry, but this code
create Null pointer Exception.

DocumentListFeed tempFeed;

tempFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, DocumentListFeed.class);


while((tempFeed.getNextLink() != null) &&


tempFeed = myService.getFeed(new



I confirmed that “tempFeed.getNextLink()” is null. But this is a
condition to repeat while. I could not understand why this code fail
and I found suspicious info which related to Java while statement bug
in a following URL. Is this real bug?

http://java.decompiler.free.fr/?q=node/263 after I get info, I changed
my code as following and confirmed this code works without error.

DocumentListFeed tempFeed = this.resultDocListFeed;

DocumentListFeed resultFeed = new DocumentListFeed();

boolean okToFeed = true;



if(tempFeed != null && tempFeed.getEntries() != null)


if(tempFeed.getNextLink() != null && tempFeed.getEntries().size()>0)


tempFeed = this.docServiceClient.getFeed(new





okToFeed = false;





okToFeed = false;


}while(okToFeed == true);

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[appengine-java] Re: memcache package not in classpath

2010-10-26 Thread Max
Thanks a lot for sharing this!

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[appengine-java] Task Queue on other App Servers

2010-10-26 Thread andrew
Anyone out there got an implementation of the TaskQueue working on
other app servers (jetty, tomcat)?

We would like this as an option to ensure portability of our
application between app engine and other options.

Either the same Google TaskQueue code configured to run on another
server, or a compatible implementation.

If not, anyone else looking for the same - who is interested in
sharing the effort of getting that running?

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[appengine-java] Re: Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread l.denardo
Don't know APIs very well, but anyway it looks like in the while
version you check one link in the condition, then request newLink
again in the method body. At the end of the list you check for the
last element not to be null, then ask for one more (which is out of
list bounds).
You should be missing one page each two anyway...

I guess the do-while version catches this with the "tempFeed != null
&& tempFeed.getEntries() != null" check.


On Oct 26, 2:16 pm, doc123  wrote:
> Now I am using GDataI for Java and I tried following code to get Google
> document list
> DocumentListFeed tempFeed;
> tempFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, DocumentListFeed.class);
> After I confirmed this code work without problem, I change code as
> following to be able to feed more than one page entry, but this code
> create Null pointer Exception.
> DocumentListFeed tempFeed;
> tempFeed = myService.getFeed(feedUrl, DocumentListFeed.class);
> resultFeed.getEntries().addAll(tempFeed.getEntries());
> while((tempFeed.getNextLink() != null) &&
> (tempFeed.getEntries().size()>0));
> {
> tempFeed = myService.getFeed(new
> URL(tempFeed.getNextLink().getHref()),DocumentListFeed.class);
> resultFeed.getEntries().addAll(tempFeed.getEntries());
> }
> I confirmed that “tempFeed.getNextLink()” is null. But this is a
> condition to repeat while. I could not understand why this code fail
> and I found suspicious info which related to Java while statement bug
> in a following URL. Is this real bug?
> http://java.decompiler.free.fr/?q=node/263after I get info, I changed
> my code as following and confirmed this code works without error.
> DocumentListFeed tempFeed = this.resultDocListFeed;
> DocumentListFeed resultFeed = new DocumentListFeed();
> boolean okToFeed = true;
> do
> {
> if(tempFeed != null && tempFeed.getEntries() != null)
> {
> if(tempFeed.getNextLink() != null && tempFeed.getEntries().size()>0)
> {
> tempFeed = this.docServiceClient.getFeed(new
> URL(tempFeed.getNextLink().getHref()),DocumentListFeed.class);
> resultFeed.getEntries().addAll(tempFeed.getEntries());
> }
> else
> {
> okToFeed = false;
> }
> }
> else
> {
> okToFeed = false;
> }
> }while(okToFeed == true);

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[appengine-java] Re: Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread doc123
Sorry to use specific sample code. So I tried more basic following code.



int i =0;

boolean tempFlag = false;

while(tempFlag == true);



out.println("tempFlag" + i + ":=" + tempFlag);

tempFlag = false;



catch(Exception e)


out.println("Error" + e.toString());


what I got is "tempFlag1:=false" but out.print is within a
while(tempFlag == true) bock.

I think this is bug.

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[appengine-java] Re: Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread l.denardo
Really looks like a bug. Test condition should fail without printing
anything, in fact.
Sorry for my misleading answer, and thanks for sharing this.


On Oct 26, 5:22 pm, doc123  wrote:
> Sorry to use specific sample code. So I tried more basic following code.
> try
> {
> int i =0;
> boolean tempFlag = false;
> while(tempFlag == true);
> {
> i++;
> out.println("tempFlag" + i + ":=" + tempFlag);
> tempFlag = false;
> }
> }
> catch(Exception e)
> {
> out.println("Error" + e.toString());
> }
> what I got is "tempFlag1:=false" but out.print is within a
> while(tempFlag == true) bock.
> I think this is bug.

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread Don Schwarz
Yes, it's a bug in your code:

> while(tempFlag == true);

Note the semicolon.  Try removing it.

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:22 AM, doc123  wrote:
> Sorry to use specific sample code.  So I tried more basic following code.
> try
> {
> int i =0;
> boolean tempFlag = false;
> while(tempFlag == true);
> {
> i++;
> out.println("tempFlag" + i + ":=" + tempFlag);
> tempFlag = false;
> }
> }
> catch(Exception e)
> {
> out.println("Error" + e.toString());
> }
> what I got is  "tempFlag1:=false"  but out.print is within a while(tempFlag
> == true) bock.
> I think this is bug.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Google App Engine for Java" group.
> To post to this group, send email to google-appengine-j...@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> google-appengine-java+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

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[appengine-java] Re: Java while statement bug on GAE server?

2010-10-26 Thread l.denardo
I need a good pair of glasses :-)

On Oct 26, 5:42 pm, Don Schwarz  wrote:
> Yes, it's a bug in your code:
> > while(tempFlag == true);
> Note the semicolon.  Try removing it.
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:22 AM, doc123  wrote:
> > Sorry to use specific sample code.  So I tried more basic following code.
> > try
> > {
> > int i =0;
> > boolean tempFlag = false;
> > while(tempFlag == true);
> > {
> > i++;
> > out.println("tempFlag" + i + ":=" + tempFlag);
> > tempFlag = false;
> > }
> > }
> > catch(Exception e)
> > {
> > out.println("Error" + e.toString());
> > }
> > what I got is  "tempFlag1:=false"  but out.print is within a while(tempFlag
> > == true) bock.
> > I think this is bug.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google App Engine for Java" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to google-appengine-j...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > google-appengine-java+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

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[appengine-java] Re: Memory based application, static field, data lost

2010-10-26 Thread nischalshetty
GAE runs multiple instances which means your code would be run on
multiple JVMs as well which means the static field will be multiple as
well. A lot of "as wells" here but I hope you get the point.

Use statics for constants that do not change. For everything else
persist either in memcache or datastore.


On Oct 26, 4:17 pm, yoyo  wrote:
> Thanks for your answear.
> So, GOE discard instances in cases of low usage. I didn't know.
> My app is an image board, like 4chan.org.
> The blowstore api in only available for billing account.
> I can't use the blowstore because my app isn't commercial. I write it
> only for fun and i don't want to pay for it.
> I'll use the memcache service. It's not important if some of pictures
> are lost. There is no guarantee, but I hope keep most of pictures into
> it.
> Else... well I'll see.
> I've some refactoring to do. Thanks again for your answear.

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[appengine-java] index stuck in "Building" status

2010-10-26 Thread gabriel munteanu
Hi, i have appid ringojsblog, and there are 2 indexes with status
"Building" for over half an hour.
i have ~ 20 entities, that is all.

Thank you in advance

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[appengine-java] Eclipse plugin insists on copying DataNucleus jars to war/WEB-INF/lib

2010-10-26 Thread Maxim Veksler

My project needs only 2 jars from GAE/J:

The rest of the jars supplied by the plugin are API's that are not used by
our application and thus not required as part of the deployment:

I've tried to delete these jars and deployed the app to GAE/J -- It works
great and the application is running happily ever after.

The thing is GAE Eclipse plugin insists on recopying the jars to the project
war/WEB-INF/lib folder (* it's unclear the when it decides to do so).
I even tried to edit the values of filesCopiedToWebInfLib from the settings
file .settings/com.google.appengine.eclipse.core.prefs which also did not
help (further more -- The plugin just updated this entry back to it's
original state... why put a configuration option if you ignore it?)

I want these jars removed for 2 reasons:
- 1. It makes the project lighter, removes clutter and is generally better
to pull small project over wire.
- 2. I remember reading in the mailing list that fewer jars help improve the
application cold start times. I'm not talking about projects like spring
that have large startup penalty but simply having "jar flles" in the
classpath. Don't know if this is true and I haven't done any benchmarks to
verify this. OTOH to be on the safe side -- Why test if I can simply not
upload the unwanted jars and be done with it?

So, in conclusion - What is the proper method (if any) to instruct GAE
Eclipse Plugin to skip checking and copying of jar's that are "basic GAE sdk
jars" into my WEB-LIB/lib folder?

Thanks for reading,

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[appengine-java] Cheapest way to run an SQL EXISTS query with Datastore API?

2010-10-26 Thread Dan Dubois
What is the absolute cheapest way (CPU cost) theoretically to run an
SQL EXISTS query with the Datastore API?

I imagine FetchOptions would be
FetchOptions.Builder.withChunkSize(1).limit(1).prefetchSize(1) and
probably option 1 below.

Query query = new Query("KIND");
//add filters and sorts here, if querying by key use
DatastoreService datastoreService =
PreparedQuery pq = datastoreService.prepare(query);

//Option 1
long count =

if (count == 0) {
//does not exist
else {

// or maybe
//Option 2
if (pq.asIterator().hasNext()) {
else {
//does not exist

Is there anything cheaper?

Best wishes,

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[appengine-java] Re: index stuck in "Building" status

2010-10-26 Thread gabriel munteanu
after more digging, i guess it was due to changing versions in the
admin interface while indexes were building up.
after a new deploy on the same version, it was all ok in 1 minute.

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:18 PM, gabriel munteanu  wrote:
> Hi, i have appid ringojsblog, and there are 2 indexes with status
> "Building" for over half an hour.
> i have ~ 20 entities, that is all.
> Thank you in advance


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[appengine-java] upload_data to dev server failing --- Cookie name "Path" is a reserved token

2010-10-26 Thread Brian Hill
I have successfully used appcfg.py upload_data to get lots of data onto
my app at appspot.google.com.

Now, I'd like to have the same, complete dataset on my development
server. However, each attempt of appcfg.py to hit the development
server is failing. A clue is that it is generating a server log:

[WARN] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cookie name "Path" is a
reserved token

Here is the full command:

appcfg.py --config_file=configuration.kind2.yaml
--application= --url=http://localhost:/_ah/remote_api
--no_cookies --filename= --kind=
--log_file=tmp/bulkloader.log --db_filename=tmp/bulkloader.sql3

I'm on the latest and greatest of just about everything and am stumped
now. Versions are below. Ideas are welcome.

Again, the same script --- except for authentication differences ---
has worked over and over again on appspot. ~Brian

Dev server launched by Google App Engine Java SDK 1.3.8 Plugin
Plug-in is running under Eclipse 3.6 Helios SR1.
Yesterday (10/24/2010) I accepted a Java update from Apple, to 13.3.0.
OS is Mac OS X 10.6.4.

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[appengine-java] key.id - works for me, but is it the right way to go?

2010-10-26 Thread Richard Berger
Building a test application just to learn about GAE/J and things are
working fine (so far), but I am wondering if I am veering off in a
wrong direction.  Here is a simplified statement of the situation...

1. I have an entity class for an entity A
public class A implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Key key;

2. In a JSP page, I display a list of As, with a link to show the full
details of an "A".  This link is generated by the JSTL:

3. In the show servlet, I have:
  Long requestKey = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter("aKey"));
  Key aKey= KeyFactory.createKey("A", requestKey);
  A a = em.find(A.class, aKey);

As mentioned, it all works fine.  I have used this for both entities
with no parents (as above) and entities owned by a parent.  It just
seems odd to me that I am using something like ${a.key.id} rather than
${a.key}, but ${a.key} gives me the key.toString() value rather than
the KeyFactory.keyToString(key) value.  Also, since I am using JSTL, I
don't know how to use KeyFactory (without using a JSP scriptlet, which
I try (for no particular reason) to avoid.

Is the above ok/safe/fine - or am I abusing GAE and generating major
negative GAE karma which will come back to bite me in the future?  :)


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Channel API still not live...

2010-10-26 Thread Ikai Lan (Google)
Very slim. We want to ship it as soon as possible.

In the meantime, there are plenty of services that offer this type of


... and so forth

Don't let this feature block you if your application needs it. Build it
using another tool and port it over when we are ready to release the Channel
API for everyone.

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:41 AM, stole  wrote:

> Thanks everybody for the info. I just needed to see what are the
> chances for getting the API activated soon (this week). From Your
> answers I'd say very slim.
> On Oct 26, 8:16 am, Heiko Roth  wrote:
> > No activation yet.
> > I'm waiting, too.
> >
> > Right now, we pull status every 5 minutes, but that's not the best
> > way.
> > Other APIs like Pushlet don't work on appengine.
> --
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[appengine-java] Re: 1.3.8 Console Logging Issue

2010-10-26 Thread Dan Dubois
I am getting the same problem but still on GWT 2.0.3. It must be an
app engine java dev server problem.

On Oct 25, 6:04 am, vvorski  wrote:
> Same here with python on a Mac. Have heard reports of same with Java
> on windows. Seems to be a global1.3.8problem?
> V/.
> On Oct 24, 9:04 pm, jt  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I upgraded my project from 1.3.4 to1.3.8. After the upgrade, the
> > console fails to log. If I switch back to 1.3.4, the console logs
> > properly.
> > I am on a 64-bit Windows Vista environment, running Eclipse 3.4.2 w/
> > (MyEclipse and Instantiations GWT tools)
> > Thanks

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Re: [appengine-java] recommendation on using maxmind geoip

2010-10-26 Thread Ikai Lan (Google)
MaxMind IP was what I used for this example:


Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 9:02 PM, asianCoolz  wrote:

> may i know what is the preferable way of using maxmind geoip? upload
> the 'binary file' or bulk upload the csv files into bigtable?  the
> prior technique will slow down application startup time?
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

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Re: [appengine-java] Sharing a PersistenceManagerFactory instance between web application instances

2010-10-26 Thread Ikai Lan (Google)
No, you can't share a PMF instance between app instances. Constructing this
is slow because it has to do classpath scanning. Note that if you use the
low-level API, application startup time is greatly reduced:


Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Ian Marshall wrote:

> As we all know, the construction of a PersistenceManagerFactory (PMF)
> instance that is needed for exchanging data with the datastore is
> slow.
> To speed up the showing of my home page (which does not need data from
> the datastore), my application creates a queued task at launch-time,
> which constructs its singleton PMF instance asynchronously. This way,
> the creation of my PMF does not add to spin-up (and other?) delays to
> app start-up.
> Can a PMF instance be shared between application instances?
> If so, I could hasten app initialisation by getting an already-
> existing PMF instance from the memory cache and only construct one if
> it is no longer in the memory cache.
> --
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Re: [appengine-java] Cheapest way to run an SQL EXISTS query with Datastore API?

2010-10-26 Thread Ikai Lan (Google)
The cheapest way is to use the value you are checking for as a datastore
key, then to do a get by key. A query always results in an index operation
followed by a fetch by key, so you are reducing the need for an index

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
Blogger: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/appengine
Twitter: http://twitter.com/app_engine

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Dan Dubois  wrote:

> What is the absolute cheapest way (CPU cost) theoretically to run an
> SQL EXISTS query with the Datastore API?
> I imagine FetchOptions would be
> FetchOptions.Builder.withChunkSize(1).limit(1).prefetchSize(1) and
> probably option 1 below.
>Query query = new Query("KIND");
>//add filters and sorts here, if querying by key use
> query.setKeysOnly()
>DatastoreService datastoreService =
> DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
>PreparedQuery pq = datastoreService.prepare(query);
>//Option 1
>long count =
> pq.countEntities(FetchOptions.Builder.withChunkSize(1).limit(1).prefetchSize(1));
>if (count == 0) {
>//does not exist
>else {
>// or maybe
>//Option 2
>if (pq.asIterator().hasNext()) {
>else {
>//does not exist
> Is there anything cheaper?
> Best wishes,
> Dan
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

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[appengine-java] Re: SDK/Eclipse pains on Ubuntu

2010-10-26 Thread Ed Murphy
If you right-click your appengine project and choose properties from
the contextual menu (or just select the project and select properties
item in the Project menu on the menubar), you get the project
properties. Select the Google in the navbar on the left, then select
App Engine from the tree undeneath it. This shows the App Engine
control panel. It has radio buttons for choosing the version of the SDK
that you want to use. Next to the radio button "Use default SDK" there
is a "configure SDKs" link. Select that link, then choose an older SDK
as you default checking it.. Select OK to keep this selection and go
back to the App Engine control panel. Now make sure the "Use default
SDK" radio button is selected. Then select the OK button to close the
control panel. This _may_ cause the old jars to get copied. If it does,
you will see a progress window popup and then go away. Now re-open the
App Engine control panel. This time, choose the radio button "Use
specific SDK" and choose the most recent SDK in the pull down that is
just to the right. Select the OK button to close the control panel.
This time you _should_ see the progress window as the IDE copies the
latest SDK jars into your project.

Again, you are basically trying to get the plugin to detect that the
SDK version has changed. If it properly detects this, it will
automatically copy the jars into your project (and you will know this
is happening because it puts up the progress window).


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[appengine-java] Class not found in Eclipse

2010-10-26 Thread tleroy
Hello everybody,

I use the appengine eclipse plugin,  I have created a 'Web Application
Project' and a 'Simple Java Project' linked to it. When I launch the
Web Application Project, classes from the Simple project are not
found. Where I have to configure the classpath? I tried in the
'.lauch' file but it doesn't work.

Could you help me?


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Re: [appengine-java] Re: Please anyone from google on this

2010-10-26 Thread Katharina Probst
Hi Gal,

I've looked into this and it appears that your page is indeed getting
indexed properly -- so from Googlebot's perspective, all is good (although
we are looking at modifying Fetch as Googlebot to give you the proper answer
in the future).

Hope this helps!

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Katharina Probst wrote:

> Hi Gal,
> sorry for the delayed response! At first glance, it looks like you're doing
> it right -- I will have to dig a little.
> kathrin
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Gal Dolber  wrote:
>> Please? Any information on this is appreciated
>> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Gal Dolber  wrote:
>>> http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Web+Search/thread?tid=47496ffe5ea01d39&hl=en
>>> I notice that it works ok on gwt's showcase.
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt
>>> applications.
>>> http://code.google.com/p/guit/
>> --
>> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.
>> http://code.google.com/p/guit/
>>  --
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>> google-appengine-java+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

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[appengine-java] JPA null pointerException at org.datanucleus.store.appengine.EntityUtils.getPkAsKey()

2010-10-26 Thread ferda8
Hi all,

I am new to Google App Engine. I am developing application with GAE and
i am using JPA to access datastore. When I create entity and try to
save into datastore, I get this exception:

java.lang.NullPointerException at
at org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerImpl.flush(ObjectManagerImpl.java:2754)
at org.datanucleus.TransactionImpl.commit(TransactionImpl.java:256) at
at $Proxy26.createNewUser(Unknown Source) at
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:713) at
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:806) at

Re: [appengine-java] Re: Please anyone from google on this

2010-10-26 Thread Gal Dolber
Thank you!

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Katharina Probst wrote:

> Hi Gal,
> I've looked into this and it appears that your page is indeed getting
> indexed properly -- so from Googlebot's perspective, all is good (although
> we are looking at modifying Fetch as Googlebot to give you the proper answer
> in the future).
> Hope this helps!
> kathrin
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Katharina Probst wrote:
>> Hi Gal,
>> sorry for the delayed response! At first glance, it looks like you're
>> doing it right -- I will have to dig a little.
>> kathrin
>> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Gal Dolber  wrote:
>>> Please? Any information on this is appreciated
>>> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Gal Dolber wrote:


 I notice that it works ok on gwt's showcase.

 Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt


>>> --
>>> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt
>>> applications.
>>> http://code.google.com/p/guit/
>>>  --
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>>> "Google App Engine for Java" group.
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>>> google-appengine-j...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> google-appengine-java+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.
>  --
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> "Google App Engine for Java" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java?hl=en.

Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.


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[appengine-java] blobstore - map returned empty

2010-10-26 Thread pac
I am trying to use  BlobstoreService locally.
But map is returned empty by following line in servlet:
Map blobs = blobstoreService.getUploadedBlobs(req);

I was following post from  http://ikaisays.com/  (also using gwt as
front end)  but I guess I might have missed something, any thoughts?

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[appengine-java] Handle "internal 500 error" gracefully

2010-10-26 Thread Peter Liu
In doc for java:

Note: At present, you cannot configure custom error handlers for some
error conditions. Specifically, you cannot customize the 404 response
page when no servlet mapping is defined for a URL, the 403 quota error
page, or the 500 server error page that appears after an App Engine
internal error.

I vaguely remember a few patches ago, there's a way to specify error
page for the 500 "internal error"? Is it true? If so how to setup the

I am starting to see this 500 error more consistently in certain
sequence of event (but the log never shows the 500, I suppose this
happens before hitting the JVM).

Sequence of event:
1. HTTP post that triggers an immediate Task Queue task
2. The Task Queue job is immediately called but timing out (it calls
some external URL and can block)
3. The HTTP call in step 1 returns successfully and the client
javascript reload the page, thus triggering another request. This
request triggers the 500 error.

I am guessing request #3 give 500 because the server is busy on #2 and
app engine couldn't spin up another instance?

I am setting the queue delay to 10 seconds and see if this will
alleviate the problem.

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[appengine-java] Re: recommendation on using maxmind geoip

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
@Ikai , thank you for responding. I noticed your blog before posting
here. one question, which will faster performance, put the binary in
blockstore and read with new File(..) or use import csv into datastore
like what you did ?

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[appengine-java] Re: recommendation on using maxmind geoip

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
@Ikai , thank you for responding. I noticed your blog before posting
here. one question, which will faster performance, put the binary in
blockstore and read with new File(..) or use import csv into datastore
like what you did ?

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[appengine-java] java.io.RandomAccessFile BlockStore

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
may i know how to use java.io.RandomAccessFile to read big file from
BlockStore ?

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[appengine-java] Re: uploaded file how to view in browser

2010-10-26 Thread prabu
   Thanks lot for ur reply


response.setHeader("Content-disposition","inline; filename=test.pdf");

OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();


In this way i was tried...

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Re: [appengine-java] Re: uploaded file how to view in browser

2010-10-26 Thread A. Stevko
use Content Type "application/octet-stream" for download
and Content Type  "application/pdf" to view

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:09 PM, prabu  wrote:

> Hi..
>   Thanks lot for ur reply
> response.setContentType("application/pdf");
> response.setHeader("Content-disposition","inline; filename=test.pdf");
> OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
> out.write(fileBlob.getBytes());
> In this way i was tried...
> --
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[appengine-java] Re: recommendation on using maxmind geoip

2010-10-26 Thread asianCoolz
hello @Ikai, is it required to use mapreduce . why not get the byte
stream from blockstore and create  new file(..) ? there is no limit on
new file(..) and byte[] array in gae right?

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