Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread tanteanni
At the moment i read your last post/ understood the problem i knew that you 
tried it several times - i saw all your vehement efforts to get it into my 
brain (but some times brains don't want to see :-) ).

i just refactored my code - in fact i haven't changed much (i already had 
some scheduler stuff in my code). Because all my tasks are done on 
construction time (gin injected stuff, ApplicationManager registers himself 
to onTaskDoneEvents in constructor)  i got rid of the public start() 
method. Now i only have a private start called in the way you suggested it:
public void onTopicTreeLoadedEvent(TopicTreeLoadedEvent event) {
ttReady = true;
public void onAdminUnitsLoaded(AdminUnitsLoadedEvent event) {
auReady = true;
private void start() {
if (ttReady && auReady) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(new ScheduledCommand() {

public void execute() {
// set up activity managers




// insert dynamic layout in static layout
historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, 
currentPlace = placeController.getWhere();


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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Wednesday, November 2, 2011 1:46:53 PM UTC+1, tanteanni wrote:
> Thank YOU Thomas,
> i guess now i got it

Thank God!

> - i don't have to "schedule" the data-loading but all the other stuff that 
> need to be properly "initialized", right?

Yes. Where did you read about deferring data-loading?
1st message: "defer continueStart() a bit more so it executes outside the 
event handling logic, within a Scheduler.scheduleFinally() for instance"
2nd message: "You need to defer the handleCurrentHistory() call outside the 
event dispatching; but you can actually defer the whole continueStart if 
you prefer"
3rd message: "Delay it (either just handleCurrentHistory() or the whole 
continueStart()) with Scheduler#scheduleFinally"
4th message: "then launch continueStart, but slightly deferred"

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread tanteanni
Thank YOU Thomas,

i guess now i got it - i don't have to "schedule" the data-loading but all 
the other stuff that need to be properly "initialized", right? Thanks for 
your patience (i is probably not the first time i say thx for your patience 

i just wanted jens to ask what happens if dataReady is not ready - i guess 
nothing? but for interest: my code above (using scheduleEntry) would work, 
wouldn't it?

i'll will refactor my code 

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread Thomas Broyer

onModuleLoad() {
   // launch task 1
   // launch task 2
   // display wait message, or whatever

onTask1Finished() {
task1Finished = true;

onTask2Finished() {
task2Finished = true;

maybeContinue() {
if (task1Finished && task2Finished) {
   // we're running from an event dispatch so handlers we add to the 
EventBus are deferred, and firing an event synchronously wouldn't trigger 
them, so we defer the whole thing
   Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(new ScheduledCommand() {
  public void execute() {
 // create your activity handlers, then:

The first 3 methods you already have, the last one too, just missing that 
damn Scheduler bit; i.e. 5 damn lines.

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread Jens

> the problem i have with the code you suggested is: how to implement 
> "//wait"

Put the label into your RootPanel like in the original code. I was a bit 
lazy and didn't want to retype it.

> as stated before my first implementation with an (infinite) while loop 
> could block the whole browser. 

As javascript is executed on a single thread you never want an infinite 
while loop. This will always block the browser. You just want to react to 

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread tanteanni
THX for this explanation Jens!

the problem i have with the code you suggested is: how to implement "//wait"

as stated before my first implementation with an (infinite) while loop 
could block the whole browser. So whats about the other kinds of 
scheduleXXX? Whats about the code i showed above - using  "scheduleEntry"? 
According do Javadoc "scheduleEntry" is exactly what i need, but i am 
unsure how to use it.

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread Jens
Using SimpleEventBus the following does not behave like you expect:

eventBus.addHandler(FirstEvent.TYPE, new FirstHandler() {
  void onFirstEvent(FirstEvent e) {
//will be enqueued to be added. So handler is not fully registered
eventBus.addHandler(SecondEvent.TYPE, new SecondHandler() {
   void onSecondEvent(SecondEvent e) {
  sysout("second event")
//wont trigger handler from above SecondEvent());
sysout("first event done");

The output would be "first event done" and you wont see "second event" on 
the console. As Thomas said handlers that you add to the event bus while an 
event is actually dispatched (in this case FirstEvent) will cause the 
SimpleEventBus to put the new handler into a queue. After all events are 
dispatched the contents of this queue is added to the list of known 
handlers ready to be executed. But as all events are already dispatched 
these new handlers wont get executed.

And thats exactly what happens with your original code. Once your 
DataReceiver has finished loading your data you fire an event 
"OnSometimeEvent". The handler of this event calls continueStart() which in 
turn adds a handler to the event bus via historyHandler.register(...) and 
then fires a second event via historyHandler.handleCurrentHistory(). 
Because you register the history handler while your OnSometimeEvent gets 
dispatched this handler will be stored in a queue in SimpleEventBus. Then 
the second event will be dispatched (fired by 
historyHandler.handleCurrentHistory()) and after this event has been 
executed the handler in the queue will be added to the list of known 

To solve this you either have to refactor your code in a way that all 
handlers are registered to the event bus before OnSometimeEvent is fired or 
you have to break your code execution flow by taking the continueStart() 
method and defer it until OnSometimeEvent has been dispatched.


public void start() {
  if(dataReady) {
  } else { //wait }

should do the trick. If scheduleFinally does not work try scheduleDeferred 
which executes the code even later. If you want to understand the Scheduler 
class you should read something about the browser event loop.

-- J.

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread tanteanni
i found a bit of info about scheduler 
now i got:

"private boolean tryToContinue() {
if (ttReady && auReady) {
return false;
} else
return true;

public void start() {
Scheduler.get().scheduleEntry(new RepeatingCommand() {

public boolean execute() {
return tryToContinue();
i used "scheduleEntry" because of Javadoc: "This type of command is 
appropriate for instrumentation or code that needs to know when "something 
happens." "
But i am unsure about my implementation/ my understanding about scheduler - 
is the code above correct?

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-11-02 Thread tanteanni

ok, thx thomas it begins to become clearer,

my code attached don't use scheduler, thats right. meanwhile (thx to you 
thomas) i played with Scheduler and Timer. The current code looks like:
public void start() {

Timer timer = new Timer() {

public void run() {
if (ttReady && auReady) {
  else {
  System.out.println("waiting: " + ttReady + " " + 


but the feeling about this code is not better than the feeling with my 
infinite loop. i think the problem is, that i don't really understand the 
backgrounds - especially the scheduler. could you please show me some 
sample code for my special problem (how should start() look like?) or give 
some reference to docs explaining the scheduler/the model behind it?

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-28 Thread Thomas Broyer
I didn't see an Scheduler being used in the code you attached.

Whichever scheduledXxx method, the idea is to get out of the "event 
dispatching", so the above is fine (except that your "while loop" in the 
ScheduledCommand can cause an infinite loop: JS is single-threaded; Also, 
I'd have put the test outside the ScheduledCommand: if everything's loaded 
and I can continueStart, then launch continueStart, but slightly deferred, 
to make sure it's not executed while an event is being dispatched).

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-28 Thread tanteanni
so at the moment i delay it (the whole continueStart()) untill some events 
occur. And you propose not to delay it with scheduleDeferred (until 2 
events occurred) but with scheduleFinally? Or how the code shoul look like?
at the moment it is:
new SchedulerImpl().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
  public void execute() {
  while (!(ttReady && auReady)) {
//bad i know  
private void continueStart() {
// set up activity managers
// insert dynamic layout in static layout

currentPlace = placeController.getWhere();
eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, this);
historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, startPlace);
// currentPlace = placeController.getWhere();
// eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, this);

so please tell me what lines to move where or what lines to change 

thx in advance

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread Thomas Broyer
As I said: handleCurrentHistory() is called from within 
onAdminUnitSelected, i.e. an "event dispatch". Delay it (either just 
handleCurrentHistory() or the whole continueStart()) with 
Scheduler#scheduleFinally to make it execute *outside* the event 
dispatching, so that the place change handlers are *effectively* registered 
(on not kept on hold by the SimpleEventBus until the end of the current 

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread tanteanni

at the moment the "whole continueStart" is deferred at the end of this 
"continueStart"  handleCurrentHistory() is called, after instantiating 
activity mappers and managers. Before that (on construction time of 
AppManager)  EventBus and PlaceController are instantiated.
you could look in the code i attached in 2nd post. which lines of code 
should be moved where?

(i still don't understand why it works with out the delay but fails with 

in my real code i tried also to delay the start with a Timer - no matter 
how long the start is deferred it works fine. but as soon as continueStart 
is run after onModuleLoad() - eventBased delay it fails. in meantime 
deferred it "synchronously" by implementing start() like this:
new SchedulerImpl().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {

public void execute() {
while (!(ttReady && auReady)) {


This is working fine. The time of delaying is the same as before: as soon 
as tt and are become ready. but for interest i want to know/understand what 
is happening here.

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread Thomas Broyer
What I meant is that, assuming you're using a SimpleEventBus, the 
PlaceChangeRequestHandler-s and PlaceChangeHandler-s are in the 
"deferredDeltas" list, they're not yet fully registered:
You need to defer the handleCurrentHistory() call outside the event 
dispatching; but you can actually defer the whole continueStart if you 
prefer (the handlers would then be registered right away, with no queuing 
in the deferredDeltas)

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread tanteanni
that was my first guess but i debugged into ActivityManager's- register 
event code. all activity managers are instatiated and have themselve 
registered on placechange events before the deferred  handleCurrentHistory() 
occurs. Or the other way around: if i do not defer the start all is working 
it seem only to work if all stuff happens inside onModuleLoad(). and it 
seem that problem only occur if handleCurrentHistory() happens after 
onModuleLoad and all the binding and instantiation in onModuleLoad.
(but i am not sure about all that)

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread Thomas Broyer
I think that's because the code now runs from within an event, so handlers 
addition/removal is done after the event is processed; but 
handleCurrentHistory() fires events synchronously, so the event handlers 
are not yet registered.

As a workaround, defer continueStart() a bit more so it executes outside 
the event handling logic, within a Scheduler.scheduleFinally() for instance.

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Re: problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-27 Thread tanteanni
i made an (nearly)minimal example showing this problem. it is a simple 
sandbox app where i made some experiments with RequestFactory and 
Activities and Places (no DI, no Gin). The crux is now, that onModuleLoad 
is starting an AppManager.start(). The AppManager shows only "wait" until 
data is received and event is fired. I f event is received all the 
activities/places machinery is started - but here is the problem: no 
activity is started but PlaceChangeEvent is fired. But all later 
PalceChangeEvents are handled correctly. So what to do to reproduce:
Start the app see "wait", wait see "received data" (the data sending 
service waits 10seconds) - no activities started.
Change id in url from 1 to 2 or vice versa - activities are started 
or change start() in AppManager and run "continueStart()" directly:
public void start() {
//if (dataReady) {
//} else {
//appLayout.add(new Label("wait!"));

So why the activities are not started on first load? what happens here?

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Description: application/7z-compressed

problems with loading stuff/bootstrapping onModuleLoad triggered by an event

2011-10-26 Thread tanteanni
the scenario is as follows (i use gin):
- onModuleLoad instantiates a ApplicationManager and runs start() on it.
- ApplicationManager sets up all activitymanagers and the layout, gives 
every manager some display area, sets up history handler and "start 
history" (historyHandler.handleCurrentHistory();)

all is running fine but i want the application manager to defer the loading 
until an event (data-loaded-event). so i make the manager listen to it and 
all the setup-stuff is done in a new method "continueStart()"; called on 
this event. the former start() (called in onModuleLoad) just displays a 
loading widget.
but now no activity is started. i debugged into the code. it seems that 
with this "deferred loading" the ActivityManagers don't hear the 
PlaceChangeEvent fired by "historyHandler.handleCurrentHistory();" (The 
Eventbus emitting this event is the same the ActivityManager registered on)

So what's going on here?

my only explanation at the moment is, that this could be related to the 
fact that all the application setup stuff happens after onModuleLoad has 
finished (it only calls start(), and in "background" applicationManager is 
waiting for an event and does the reals setup after "onModulLoad()")

so what to do - thx in advance

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