RE: GTK and OSX: a call to sanity

2011-09-07 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

EmmanuelYour an ass (as in donkey)

But don't be offended by my tone, I only say this because I care about what 
happens the the OS X version of GTK. 

John has been working his tail off, all the while responding to dump developers 
like me, while I can't get a tweet out of an elites like you. I'm sick of your 
crap man! I was one of the people on this list who pushed to get John what 
little rights he does have, and like one post said, if you ACTUALLY cared, you 
would be making good positive suggestions, not ripping into the ONE person who 
actually has taken a vested interest in fulfilling, what the website touts as 
already there. 

When I first started down this path, the website claimed OS X, but when I got 
working everything was in taters, and if it had not been for John's tireless 
efforts, your claim on the website that the product works on OS X would be an 
outright lie! When I finally downloaded the source, it was full of NEEDS TO BE 
IMPLEMENTED all over it, and if I had a smidgen of skill I would be helping 

So take a cold shower, and if you have any decency you would issue John a 
formal apology on this list. But I doubt you will.

 Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 08:25:24 +0100
 Subject: Re: GTK and OSX: a call to sanity
 hi Paul;
 On 2011-09-06 at 18:18, Paul Davis wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
   otherwise you're just forking gtk, and using the resources of the gtk
   project to give an aura of officiality to what is essentially your own
   personal project.
  I'd politely request that you stop using this tone in connection with
  this issue.
 I am a gtk contributor and I want to start helping with the OSX backend
 because I got a new MBP and I'm working on gtk and clutter and I want
 them both to work on my brand new machine.
 the first thing I noticed when I wanted to build my applications was
 that I had to go on a website that has nothing to do with,
 download a jhbuild moduleset from a location that is not on,
 follow a mailing list that is not on and file bugs on a bug
 tracking system that is not on
 now, tell me: what does it look like to you?
 to me, and not just to me, it looks like a fork.
 John says it isn't, and I believe him; so I want to fix the situation
 where it looks like one.
 I read bugzilla emails for gtk (I know: shocker) and people file bugs
 against the moduleset and the build on; John has to
 direct them to a separate bugzilla and to a separate mailing list. I
 want to fix this.
 Windows and Linux build issues and support are handled on the
 Quartz backend of gtk is not in any regard special and it should not
 need separate resources.
  There has always been a level of antagonism between developers working
  on GTK for OS X and the core development team. It rises and falls, and
  at present, things are generally in remarkably good shape, where most
  of what is required to get a fully functional GTK for OS X is right
  there in the tarball releases.
 and if you try to actually contribute, that's where the bubble bursts.
  But when you start ripping into one of the only people willing to
  actually step up and take any responsibility for the issues faced by
  those of us that actually want to use GTK+ as a cross-platform
  development toolkit where the platforms include OS X, its remarkably
  scary. Other people have walked away from the effort because of the
  perception of the core GTK guys just don't give a shit, and it
  doesn't help in any way that you take such an argumentative tone with
 that's the problem: I *am* a core gtk guy, and I *give* a shit. Mitch is
 a core gtk guy and he gives a shit. Kris is a core gtk guy and he gives
 a shit. you already have three.
 aside from the backend development and the toolkit development, what I
 give a shit about is also the marketing of said toolkit; from a
 marketing perspective, this whole divide is terrible and it has to be
 rectified. we're already getting pummeled by people thinking that other
 toolkits with better marketing are superior — let's not give them other
 I also give a shit about the use vs. them attitude: if the gtk-osx
 project is handled like its own thing, in its own ghetto, then it won't
 make it any easier to get traction inside the team. attending IRC team
 meetings, discussing new features directly during the design phase,
 coming to hackfests and to GUADEC: that's what maintainers do.
  So please could you tone it down a bit, and rather than excoriate John
  for whatever you perceive his mistakes or whatever to be, focus on
  helpful suggestions.
 I apologize for the tone: I am *very* frustrated by this situation.
 now, I suggested how to improve the situation in the email as well. I
 talk as both a member of the gtk 

RE: pixbuf-cairo_surface_t conversion

2010-09-03 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Sorry this may be a very inept question:

How will this effect integration with OpenGL. I know we use a lot of get/sets 
on pixels buffers; off screen rendering, textured (especial animated) and 
tricks. You want and need that raw data access. taking it way I think would 
also break GTKGLExt if I am not mistaken?

As I have come to understand, most GL windows have a completely different 
context than the windowing system itself. Is cairo going to play nice?  

I mean with this:

and this:

 Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 09:52:22 -0400
 Subject: Re: pixbuf-cairo_surface_t conversion
 On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:22 AM, Soeren Sandmann wrote:
  Not that it matters that much, but if you use cairo_mask() with the
  pixbuf data as both source and mask, the source as RGB24 and the mask
  as ARGB32, you could make cairo do the conversion from pixbuf to
  surface. That would likely hit an SSE2 or ARM NEON optimized code path
  in pixman.
 Interesting. But how would that deal with the fixed-endianness of
 pixbuf data vs the native endianness of cairo ?
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list


2010-09-01 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

You tell'm John

I think the key point here is: The reason that this thread (and similar ones 
in the past) get going is largely because of false advertising: Gtk+ claims to 
be a cross-platform toolkit.

The GTK+ site clearly advertises the product as a cross-platform toolkit.

OS X is listed as one of three platforms. 

I have said this before and I will say it again, every time a thread like this 
comes up. There should be a table with (fully supported, % complete, or not 
function) per platform, right on the features page. So saps like me don't go 
believing Santa Claus is going to shoot down my chimney with a Red Ryder BB 
Gun. :)

 Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX
 Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:56:12 -0700
 On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Martyn Russell wrote:
  On 27/08/10 17:48, Matthias Clasen wrote:
  As long as the people working on GTK-OSX do it with a us-vs-them
  attitude (like you display here by talking about the GTK developers
  in third person), things are not going to change. If you start
  considering yourself part of the team and actively engage, things
  can and will change.
  After reading the thread, I have a few thoughts on the matter.
  1. I agree with Matthias, I did get the feeling there is an us vs them in 
  the thread.
  2. Equally I agree, when something new comes along, Win32/OSX are often an 
  after thought (that's just my perception). I have spent time building 
  packages for proprietary apps to run on Windows in the past and I know how 
  this can be disconcerting. BUT, GTK+ is targeted mostly with X11 in mind we 
  should not forget that. X11 has the larger use base.
  I think that people that maintain backends really need to get involved more 
  in meetings, planning, designing, etc if they want to change either of the 
  above issues.
  About having ONE sanctioned package (for Windows or MAC) I think Yes, we 
  should be doing that, as an app developer before I was more involved in the 
  community, there was no right this is the distributed package we should be 
  using, I had to download it myself and build it myself. Why not channel 
  the work used to make the Pidgin/GIMP downloads with GTK+ into a useful 
  package hosted on Ultimately, having GTK+ packaged *with* each app 
  also has its benefits, like stability on Windows when others GTK+ versions 
  exist/get upgraded for GIMP/Pidgin/etc. Additionally, one of the MAJOR 
  features we boasted when selling our apps was that we could guarantee it 
  worked on ALL versions of Windows (though that later changed) without 
  needing to download .NET for that version of Windows or because something 
  got deprecated.
  About having Mac on the site, I think this does make sense. As a 
  *user* of GTK+ porting my app to these operating systems, I don't have 
  confidence in GTK+ when a port of it is hosted off site. I haven't checked, 
  but I am pretty sure QT doesn't do this.
  Generally, we should be presenting a more united front for application 
  developers looking to invest time in GTK+.
  Perhaps this is where we should be focusing some of the GNOME foundation's 
  money if resources are short?
 Qt is a bit of a strawman: Its sole reason for existing is to provide a 
 cross-platform toolkit. It's also a commercial product, maintained by a huge 
 corporation; it would indeed be strange if some of its functionality were 
 developed outside. WxWidgets might be a better comparison, except that it, 
 too, is solely a cross-platform toolkit. AFAIK, Qt doesn't ship a feature 
 until it's working on all supported OSes. OTOH, they also don't let outsiders 
 see their VCS repos. Wx strives for the same ploicy, but being a volunteer 
 project doesn't always make the goal. They've been struggling for a couple of 
 years with switching their primary Mac port from Carbon to Cocoa. 
 None of which has much of anything to do with Gtk+: As is abundantly clear 
 from this thread, Gtk+ is primarily a backend for the Gnome desktop on Linux, 
 which happens to support most of its basic features on Win32 and Quartz. The 
 reason that this thread (and similar ones in the past) get going is largely 
 because of false advertising: Gtk+ claims to be a cross-platform toolkit. The 
 warnings on the Gtk-OSX website that have sparked this long and vituperative 
 thread merely point out to developers that if they want to write an 
 application that they can distribute to the majority platforms (sorry, that 
 most certainly does *not* include X11) should look elsewhere. 
 I don't know why Gtk-OSX isn't on ( is just a PR website; 
 all of the development resources are provided by The project was 
 originated by Richard Hult, who had AFAICT full privs on Gnome for project 
 creation both in VCS and on Bugzilla, but he chose to use Github for VCS and 


2010-09-01 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

1) The code does contain a fair amount of FIXME comments.  Note that a 
couple of those are for either deprecated functionality (that will be 
removed in the future and is only really needed by legacy applications) 
or for things that are very X11-specific and will not work natively on 
the Mac. --

Now that statement IMVHO, the following statement is misleading at best :
Originally GTK+ was developed for X Windows but it has grown
  over the years to include backend support for other well known
  windowing systems. Today you can use GTK+ on: 
GNU/Linux and UnixWindowsMac OS X--

In the fullness of truth you would put an little asterisk next to the Mac OS X 
in that list, IN RED, telling people to read the caveat in the first part. Why? 
Simple, we started on Linux, and migrated to OS X with the idea that we could, 
the number of issues that I have run into, are far greater than what I would 
consider a complete product on OS X (or toolkit, if we are playing semantic 
games). There was a time when the website clearly stated that this was RAW and 
in Development, but most of those warnings have gone the way of the ghost, and 
chiding John R for warning people that there are serious issues, and a really 
task to get this all going on OS X should NOT be considered a us vs. them 
attitude. It is a we would like to counted too attitude. 

If there is funding being put into developing GTK, and that funding is with the 
idea that this is NOT just a Linux GUI, but a fully crossplatformable one, that 
those resourses spending time on coding, should be held accountable for 
breaking things, or pushing forward the development of a single platform, at 
the cost of others.

Unfortunately, there is a BIG difference between a toolkit that works, in the 
most minimum sense of the world, and a toolkit that provide a complete set of 
widgets to get a job done. 

2) Writing that table, agreed. I should stop talking about it and do it. I wish 
I knew how. As re-focus on the GTK part of our app I'll see if I can put 
something together. 

as a point:

bash-3.2$ pwd


bash-3.2$ cd win32/

bash-3.2$ grep -R FIXME * | wc -l
bash-3.2$ cd ../x11/
bash-3.2$ grep -R FIXME * | wc -l
bash-3.2$ cd ../quartz/
bash-3.2$ grep -R FIXME * | wc -l

We have 10 times more fixes to make to the just the gdk backend compared to 
windows or X11, So when you ask Is anything of what I said false at all? If 
that's the case, how is it untrue? No non of it is false, but it is also not 
the truth, the full truth. Which seems to be the way of things these days, as 
long is it is not false, than it must be true, and that simply is not the case, 
unless you are a computer. The website gives a false impression, that it does. 

 Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 18:17:07 +0100
 Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX
 Hello Shawn,
 2010/9/1 Shawn Bakhtiar
  You tell'm John
  I think the key point here is: The reason that this thread (and similar
  ones in the past) get going is largely because of false advertising: Gtk+
  claims to be a cross-platform toolkit.
  The GTK+ site clearly advertises the product as a cross-platform toolkit.
 Product? This is a project not a product. And it is cross platform.
 You _can_ run it on Windows, you can run it on Mac OS X, you can run
 it on Intel hardware, ARM hardware, SPARC, you can run it on Linux,
 Solaris, FreeBSD.
 Is anything of what I said false at all? If that's the case, how is it untrue?
  OS X is listed as one of three platforms.
  I have said this before and I will say it again, every time a thread like
  this comes up. There should be a table with (fully supported, % complete, or
  not function) per platform, right on the features page. So saps like me
  don't go believing Santa Claus is going to shoot down my chimney with a Red
  Ryder BB Gun. :)
 Maybe, instead of saying it again and again, you should come up with
 that table, you should actually write that web page?
  Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX
  Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 09:56:12 -0700
  On Aug 31, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Martyn Russell wrote:
   On 27/08/10 17:48, Matthias Clasen wrote:
   As long as the people working on GTK-OSX do it with a us-vs-them
   attitude (like you display here by talking about the GTK developers
   in third person), things are not going to change. If you start
   considering yourself part of the team and actively engage, things
   can and will change.
   After reading the thread, I have a few thoughts on the matter.
   1. I agree with Matthias, I did get the feeling there is an us vs them
   in the thread.
   2. Equally I agree, when something

RE: Gtk-OSX (was: Website proposal for usability)

2010-08-27 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I am just a humble user of GTK, I have yet to develop the skills to contribute, 
but half way through the development of our app, we moved to OS X, from linux. 
Reason: Faster, better looking interface, much better looking chassis.   

You tell'm John, and thanks for all the hard work to you and Kris.

I was using GTK on Linux, because there is nothing else. really. I have 
mentioned this before, GTK is a linux GUI, with SOME cross platform abilities 
(not for the faint of heart).

It only looks good native on Linux, because it is designed to be used with 
GNOME. It does not look good on Windows or OS X. I have sat days with users, 
applying all kinds of themes (half of which don't work), only to get the same 
block-ish look, on Windows and OS X. 

There is a HUGE gap, between what is being touted on GTK's website, versus 

GTK+, or the GIMP Toolkit,
 is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. 
Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects 
ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites.

The only platform that has a complete implementation is Linux. Windows has a 
lot of issues, and in OS X most of the imp are TODO TODO TODO. Without the help 
of GTK-OSX, I don't even know where I would be! 

So I would certainly be supporting the work, not chiding them for telling the 
truth. If the point is indeed to be multi-platform offering a complete set of 
widgets, I would certainly be spending a great deal of effort looking at Quartz 
and some of the functionality it touts, and applying them backwardly to 
windowing systems that don't. I would also spend a good amount of time on 
another project that needs to be brought into the fold. GTKGLExt. Most of the 
OS X interface uses OpenGL now.

I would also make sure to point user to some place where they can quickly see a 
chart of widgets and functions, and what platforms they are complete, in 
progress, or TODO. This way, (as the archives will show) hapless programmers 
like me, will not leap to far before they get the truth.

WidgetOS X WindowsLinux
 GtkWindow60%99%   100%

 Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 10:46:55 +0200
 Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX (was: Website proposal for usability)
 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:35 AM, John Ralls wrote:
  I don't know how many people share these views, but if I'm not
  totally out on a limb I would be willing to draft a page along the
  lines I'm talking about (recruiting help from those who are more
  knowledgeable). I'd also be willing to try making a runtime
  package if I can get some time on OS X -- though I suspect others
  are better qualified than I for that job. The R guys have
  some packages at and maybe one
  of them would be willing to do an official build.
 For a GTK+ runtime package (GTK+ Framework), I think you should
 check out what has been done in the past.  It is by no means an easy
 task.  The latest code and instructions for this are at the GTK-OSX
 website if I am not mistaken.
  You might not like the warnings about the quality of Gtk+ Quartz, but when 
  I wrote them a year ago, no one had touched the quartz backend for 8 
  months. Since then, one developer (Kristian Reitveld) has fixed many of the 
  outstanding bugs, and some of the other Gtk devs have become a lot more 
  receptive to minor patches... but the general attitude remains that it's OK 
  to implement (or rewrite) features in Linux, and if it breaks Win32 and 
  Quartz, oh well. There's a list of features that aren't yet implemented, or 
  aren't implemented completely, at
 I would say the quality has been slowly increasing, though there's
 enough left to do.  I do try to track the latest developments in GTK+
 master and adapt the Quartz backend wherever necessary so it does not
 break.  This is also pretty time consuming, but did result in a Quartz
 backend that continued to work when the XI2 and rendering-cleanup
 branches where merged into the master branch.  There's some more
 backend work planned I think, that will hopefully affect the Quartz
 backend to a lesser extent.  In the meantime I will continue with
 reviewing patches/implementing missing features to end up with a
 feature-complete backend some day :)
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
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RE: How to change color of GtkCellRendererProgress ?

2010-08-02 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Sorry this is a bad answer.

Of course you can do this!! and that is no reason not to use GTK. You can use 
the themes, or if you need individual progress bars to be different colors, you 
can easily derive a GtkCellRenderProgressFooBar class from the 
GtkCellRendererProgress, which does this, and if it is useful enough, maybe the 
rest of us will use it in our app, and submit it for inclusion.

I'm surprised it is not in the default functionality, but there are a lot of 
ways you can do this.

 Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 10:21:31 +0800
 Subject: Re: How to change color of GtkCellRendererProgress ?
 On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 2:46 AM, Jaroslav Šmíd wrote:
  You can't. The only way to change this is to modify theme you use.
 That's bad news to me.
 I were planned to use it for a simple histogram application but color is
 required feature ...  Thanks anyway.
  On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Kuang-Chun Cheng wrote:
  As subject said, how to change color of GtkCellRendererProgress ?
  Either color of text or bar is OK.   This looks like a simple question, but
  I can't find anything from Google yet.
  Thanks a lot.
  gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
  Jaroslav Šmíd
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RE: GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS not working under Windows

2010-08-02 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I think what he is saying is that GTK can not do it, using Windows, and last I 
experienced it can not do it on OS X either. In fact it fails in almost the 
exact same way you wrote (the GL window takes over the entire top level). This 
indeed may very well be due to the problems you mentioned, mainly that GTK only 
use native windows at the top level, and does not use ei a native button (but 
instead relies on its own implementation of a button).

If this is the case, and given that 3D widgetry is becoming more and more 
prominent in user requests. I think your point, and bug, should be given some 

To be fare, GLExt is not part of GTK, but it should be. ALL major platforms are 
using GL to do more and more desktop rendering and IMHO GTK should have a 
native support at the drawable level.

In reading some of the documentation on how Quartz NSOpenGLView is implemented, 
there is definitely something special about a GL window. I believe it has to do 
with the GPU needed direct access to the memory, and the ability of modern 
windowing systems to have multiple rendering pipelines that merge on screen. 

For example:

The OpenGL specification does not provide a windowing layer of its own. 
It relies on functions defined by Mac OS X to integrate OpenGL drawing 
with the windowing system. Your application creates a Mac OS X OpenGL rendering 
context and attaches a rendering target to it (known as a drawable object).
 The rendering context manages OpenGL state changes and objects created 
by calls to the OpenGL API. The drawable object is the final destination
 for OpenGL drawing commands and is typically associated with a Cocoa 
window or view.

In fact in OS X has NSOpenGLView (which is derived from NSView) which 
transparently takes care of this functionality (as GTKGLExt is suppose to do).

But in playing around with drawing OpenGL off and on screen, trying to create a 
transparent / borderless 3d object on screen, there are marked differences 
between the two object. For example, you can NOT have a transparent 
NSOpenGLView, you have to draw off-screen, and copy with transparency set to 
the background color of the off-screen buffer. This clearly shows that the 
GLView is different than a standard NSView. That is you can set the 
transparency for an NSView window and draw to have only what you draw appear, 
in an NSOpenGLview the background is always cleared to black (it does not have 
access to the screen buffer).

I know this does not solve the problem but perhaps it will light some fires 

 Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 16:31:58 +0100
 Subject: Re: GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS not working under Windows
 On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
   ... specifically: no, it's not possible in Window.
  Are you sure about that?
  Quick trials with PyQt4 under Windows show no problem in
  having regular widgets on top of the OpenGL widget.
  this is not a Qt development list, though; so, as hint for the future
  don't try to compare functionality. :-)
 I was just commenting your statement that it's not possible
 under Windows. What I'm trying to achieve *is* possible, because
 Qt can do it. I'm trying to figure out a way to achieve it with
 GTK+-2.16 (it seems I'm stuck at that version for OpenGL
 support under Windows).
  I think GtkGLExt allows placing gtk+ widgets on top of the GL drawing
  surface; at least, I'm pretty sure I've seen that happen.
 I'll give it another try. I'd just love to see a working example :-)
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
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RE: Why is GCompletion deprecated

2010-06-28 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

From and outsiders perspective

I too would absolutely LOVE this feature. Not just in GTK, but in OS X as well. 
the OS X NSSearchField however (to my shock!) does not implement this 
functionality either.

Apple has exposed this in the NSTextView (with spell check et al...) which is 
akin to GTKTextView. I suppose one could create a single line text view. In any 
case it seems like this would be a GREAT end user tool to be included in an 
application. I am surprised to read there is not that much use of it. 

As for the word deprecated ( when I see 
this word anywhere it makes me RUN. I know that sooner or later that feature is 
NOT going to be there no matter how much I want it to be. So I can certainly 
(as a user of the library) understand why one would assume that deprecated also 
means DON'T work on it any more.  I try to choose long lived objects, could it 
be that its use has been limited by placing a status of deprecated on it? 

My users are constantly looking up customer information. I want to give the CEO 
a tool by which he can pull up snapshots of customers by simply put in a word 
like color in the text field, and have all possible customers with that word 
color in their name appear. This seems to me like a must have for people at 
his level as they have 0 typing skills, and do not know any of the customer 
account numbers, and since 99% of all business do deal with some number of 
customers, and invariably have CEO who still pigeon pick at the keyboard, this 
type of functionality is not just useful, but gets us big pats on the back.

At the end of the day, I can certainly do it programmaticly, but is the point 
of a library NOT to have to app developers re-writing the same type of code? Of 
course this is beyond what is offered on the base platforms themselves.

Thanks for reading my rant,

 Subject: Re: Why is GCompletion deprecated
 Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 17:59:47 +0100
 On Mon, 2010-06-28 at 18:43 +0200, Christian Dywan wrote:
   and, again, there is this false impression that deprecation is akin to
   you can either #undef G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED for the files that use
   these particular data structures, or copy gcompletion.[ch] in your
   project; since these files haven't been really changed in a while, the
   maintenance burden for projects is not heavy.
  One has to wonder where this false impression is coming from. Is it
  by any chance because there are loads of bugs and wiki pages about
  using G_DISABLE_FOOBAR and not relying on deprecated code?
 it's a maintainer's choice to make your application rely on deprecated
 code; all the bugs and wiki pages in the world are there in an
 informational capacity only: I cannot get on your repository and just
 rip code out of your application.
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RE: New widget proposal: GtkLiveSearch

2010-06-14 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Cocoa AppKit (OS X) has a controller object called NSSearchField, sounds very 
much the same. Perhaps a similar concept could be implemented? I agree that I 
would like to be able to control the actual equality used for search and / or 

 Subject: Re: New widget proposal: GtkLiveSearch
 Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:23:18 +0300
 On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 10:27 +0200, Christian Dywan wrote:
  I would suggest if somebody has a non-tree view use case it makes a
  lot more sense to consider it. Also to confirm that it actually is
  convenient to use with other widgets. 
 It is quite convenient to use it, for instance, with a GtkIconView. Look
 at the mediaplayer in the N900 for a use case.
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RE: [Gtk-osx-users] Print dialog hangs for several seconds before activating

2010-06-10 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Thanks Guys!

This looks like it solved my problem.  I had to apply the patch manually (GTK 
2.18 on OS X 10.6.3 using jhbuild).

No more hangs in the print dialog... my users will be singing your blessing.

So the patch works, and from the bug it is has already been committed since 
2.22. If it works, don't add more layers.

 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 10:11:41 +0200
 Subject: Re: [Gtk-osx-users] Print dialog hangs for several seconds before
 On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Alexander Larsson wrote:
  On Wed, 2010-06-09 at 20:20 -0400, David A Benjamin wrote:
  I've run into this issue (and have been poking at it recently). The core
  problem appears to be that, although GTK+ is using CUPS and setting things
  like httpBlocking off, the CUPS non-blocking API isn't. See
  conversations with CUPS developers at [1,2,3].
  Yeah, it seems like threads are the way to go.
 Dunno if this is related, but there is also bug 614581 that may help as well: which was committed
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 lucky parental unit.  See the prize list and enter to win:
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Print dialog hangs for several seconds before activating

2010-06-09 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

For some reason the Print dialog hangs for several seconds before fully 
activating. During this period I am unable to push any buttons and on my OS X 
10.6.3, I get the little color wheel. After a few seconds, The dialog pops 
bigger, with several added tabs show up at the top (printer info).

jhbuild info 

Name: gtk-i386
Module Set: gtk-osx-universal
Type: autogen
Install-date: not installed
Version: 2.18.2
Tree-ID: 2.18.2-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Required-by: meta-gtk-universal

Name: glib
Module Set: gtk-osx
Type: autogen
Install-date: 2010-03-22 16:31:17
Version: 2.22.2
Tree-ID: 2.22.2-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Required-by: glibmm, gnome-mime-data, pango, enchant, shared-mime-info, 
libsoup, atk
After: meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap, gtk-doc
Before: loudmouth, gstreamer


According to google, there seems to be a bug everyone is working arround, I 
have as of yet to implement correctly on my machine.

Has anyone run into this problem, and is there a fix I am not aware of?
Thanks in advance,

gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Multi-platform dbus (was: Ige-mac-integration: New version with Cocoa interface available)

2010-05-20 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Sorry for my naivete

But I have been building some of our application tool sets in native Cocoa (the 
printing industry is exclusively MAC, with little room for anything else). 

The question being, in the standard Cocoa application framework you never 
actually derive the NSApplication class, but instead you derive the 
NSApplicationDelegate. Would this not be more appropriate for this discussion. 
It receive all the signals for each interface object whos IBoutlet is set to 
this class, and all the functionality for the toolbar, menu, etc, is exposed in 

IE this class actually receives the signal for the NSSearchField object, and 
process it. So should GTKApplication.c not really be GTKApplicationDelegate.c, 
or perhaps both. 

Last I recall of the MFC, there was something similar where you had a 
CCmdTarget which did a lot of what I guess GTKApplication.C is todo, but seems 
more inline with NSApplicationDelegate than NSApplication.

I've noticed a lot of stuff like GTKTreeView implement its own displays, why is 
it not derived from NSTableView using NSDataSource for GTKTreeStore and 
GTKListStore? Or is the point to also make it all look alike?

@interface isiod2AppDelegate : NSObject NSApplicationDelegate {

/*Views */
NSWindow *window;
AnalyzerView *view;
SimpleCView *scView;

/* Fields */
NSSearchField *searchField;
NSTextField *startDate;
NSTextField * endDate;

/* Tables */
NSTableView *shippingTable;
NSTableView *receivingTable;
NSTableView *batchesTable;
NSTableView *usageTable;

/* Data sources */
isilistDataSource *shippingDS;
isilistDataSource *receivingDS;
isilistDataSource *batchesDS;
isilistDataSource *usageDS;

/* Internal objects */
IsiComponent *component;
IsiDatabase  *db;


/* Views */
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
@property (assign) IBOutlet AnalyzerView *view;
@property (assign) IBOutlet SimpleCView *scView;

/* Fields */
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSSearchField *searchField;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField * startDate;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTextField * endDate;

/* Tables */
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *shippingTable;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *receivingTable;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *batchesTable;
@property (assign) IBOutlet NSTableView *usageTable;

/* Actions */
- (IBAction)filterSearch:(id)sender;


 Subject: Re: Multi-platform dbus (was: Ige-mac-integration: New version with  
 Cocoa interface available)
 Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 14:10:22 -0700
 On May 18, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
  On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:12 PM, John Ralls wrote:
  Sure. But dbus provides services which are provided by notifications and 
  AppleEvents on OSX. If a supposedly cross-platform  application supports 
  only the dbus way, it turns out to be pretty autistic on OSX. I don't think 
  that it's all that common for OSX users (aside from the few Fink and 
  MacPorts users who are trying to replicate an entire Linux environement) to 
  run more than one or two dbus-using apps, and they aren't able to 
  communicate with other OSX application or OSX itself unless those channels 
  are separately implemented.
  So maybe g_dbus isn't the right place for the abstraction layer; it could 
  be one of the implementation layers.
  i think that is precisely what is being proposed: 
  GApplication/GtkApplication as the abstaction that covers notifications 
  etc, and an implementation for a given platform. the linux/X11/ one 
  would use DBus. apps that choose to use DBus directly will be assumed to 
  want something specific that DBus offers, and not a generic 
  platform-agnostic application abstraction. 
 I don't think that GApplication is a good name for it, though. The fact that 
 some notifications (became active, quit, etc.) are directed at the 
 application object doesn't mean that all of them should be.
 John Ralls
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: different data types between clist and mysql.

2010-04-20 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Ran into same problem.

I use a structure like 

_IsiField {

  int type,
  int pos,


Then create my own list with 

_IsiList {

  GList Fields;
  GList rows;


Every time retrieve a set of values, I have a routing which sets type to a 
G_TYPE, which corresponds to the MYSQL_TYPE

Here is what I do:

GList * 
 isi_database_fetch_fields(IsiDatabase *self)

IsiFields *l;
GList *gl = NULL;
guint column = 0;

 /* Sanity Check */
g_return_val_if_fail(self != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(self-priv != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(self-priv-dispose_has_run != TRUE, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(self-priv-res != NULL, NULL);

/* Rewind the feild set */

while((field = mysql_fetch_field(self-priv-res)))
/* Initialize a new IsiFields structure */
//l = (IsiFields*) g_new0(IsiFields, 1);
l = g_new0(IsiFields, 1);

/* Set the values */
l-alias = g_strdup(field-name);
l-name = g_strdup(field-org_name);
l-length = field-length;

/* always make fields visable */

l-hidden = FALSE;
l-sortable = FALSE;
l-pos = column++;

switch (field-type){

/* Integer types */

/* Check for signage */
if (field-flags  UNSIGNED_FLAG)
l-type = G_TYPE_UINT;
l-type = G_TYPE_INT;


/* Long types */

/* Check for signage */
if (field-flags  UNSIGNED_FLAG)
l-type = G_TYPE_ULONG;
l-type = G_TYPE_LONG;

/* Decimal types */
l-type = G_TYPE_DOUBLE;

/* Bit types */
l-type = G_TYPE_BOOLEAN;

/* ENUM types */
l-type = G_TYPE_ENUM;

/* All other types */

if(l-length = 1){
l-type = G_TYPE_CHAR;
l-type = G_TYPE_STRING;

//g_print(%s %d %d \n, l-alias,l-type,l-length);

/* Save pointer to list */
gl = g_list_append(gl,(gpointer)l);


return gl;}

now convert the row data to a GList and you have two GLists in your one lists, 
one with the field header info, the other with the data. 

and create the liststore like this:

GtkTreeModel *
isi_display_liststore_create(IsiDisplay *self, GList *fields)
   guint num_fields, i;
   IsiFields *l;
   GtkTreeModel *model;
   GType *types;
   guint search_col_adj = 0;

 /* Sanity Check */
g_return_val_if_fail(self != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(self-priv != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(self-priv-dispose_has_run != TRUE, NULL);

   /* Get the number of fields */
   if(fields != NULL){

num_fields = g_list_length(fields);

/* Initialize values based on number of columns */
types = (GType*) g_new0( GType, num_fields);


l = (IsiFields*)g_list_nth_data(fields,i);
types[i] = l-type;


/* create the model store for data input */
model =  (GtkTreeModel*) gtk_list_store_newv(num_fields,types);



l = (IsiFields*)g_list_nth_data(fields,i);

/* Setup sorting functions for the modle */
case G_TYPE_INT:
l-pos, sort_by_int,(gpointer) l-pos, NULL);
l-pos, sort_by_uint,(gpointer) l-pos, NULL);
l-pos, sort_by_long,(gpointer) l-pos, NULL);

RE: GdkOffscreenWindow and texture_from_pixmap extension

2010-04-02 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar


Let me know if you find a good way to do this with GtkGLExt, it is something I 
need to do on the OS X platform. I think this will help you, here is where I 
first came across on the apple devnet:

and here is the actual opengl reference to it:

You can use OpenGL Extensions to create buffers (original was only for texture 
maps apparently), render to them, and place them in scene as texture, or 
pictures, or even video, the best thing is there is a whole set of utils to 
take the buffer, and render directly to objects, and can be done so in a single 
context, of your choosing. This is how OS X does its fancy iChat AV

In general rendering to offscreen will be much slower then rendering directly 
to a video framebuffer. 

Join me

 Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 20:25:11 -0700
 Subject: GdkOffscreenWindow and texture_from_pixmap extension
 Hello everyone.
 I want to do some OpenGL widget compositing using GtkGLExt and
 I implemented a offscreen widget as the ones in gtk-demo to be able to
 use the offscreen GdkPixmap as the source for a texture.
 But I am having some problems while trying to bind the GdkPixmap to the 
 So does anyone know how to ge a Pixmap, as returned by
 XcompositeNameWindowPixmap(), from a GdkOffscreenWindow in order to
 use it in glxCreatePixmap()?
 Juan Pablo
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: displaying a number on screen

2010-03-29 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Try retreiving the cairo context for the widget you want to draw in and try 

/* Create the default Layout */
layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr);

/* Atach the font descriptor */
font_description = pango_font_description_new();

/* Setup Fonts and color and other layout attributes*/
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); 
pango_font_description_set_absolute_size(font_description, 0.28 * 


   gchar * l1 = g_strdup_printf(%s-%d,label-aid,label-nid);

cairo_move_to(cr, 0.05 * xmultip, 0.00 * ymultip);



You can also use 


using Pango markup to change text style.

Join me

 Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 23:58:15 +0530
 Subject: displaying a number on screen
 I am sorry if this is not the right mailing list.
 For given x and y co-ordinates is it possible to display a particular number
 at that position? or in other words, is it possible to paint a number or
 character on the screen at a given point?
 Thanks in advance.
 Nischal E Rao
 Join RVCE OSUM at
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: how to draw something on GtkDrawingArea when I click a button?

2010-03-19 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

As a matter of fact. I would suggest using Cairo. Which will allow you to then 
draw in any context (IE Printer, PDF, etc...)

/* Local Variables */
cairo_t *cr;/* Rendering context derived from widget */

/* Get the context to which we need to draw */
cr = gdk_cairo_create(widget-window);
/* Printer context would be: 
  cr = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context(context) 
   where context is a GtkPrinterContext* */

/* If we have a valid context draw valid object */
if (cr != NULL){

   /* Boarder rectangle */
   cairo_rectangle(cr,  0.00, 0.00, 20.0 , 40.0 ); 


   cairo_set_line_width(cr,line_width / 60);

   /* Virtical Seporation lines */
   cairo_move_to(cr, 20.0 , 40.0 ); 
   cairo_line_to(cr, 40.0, 40.0); 


  /* Distroy the context we created */ 



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 Subject: Re: how to draw something on GtkDrawingArea when I click a button?
 Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 08:46:33 +0200
 El vie, 19-03-2010 a las 13:34 +0800, Tolic Ma escribió:
  I want to draw something on GtkDrawingArea when I click a GtkButton,but I
  don't know how to do this...
  this is my code(it doesn't work...):
  *void click_button(void){
 You shouldn't draw directly in your callback for the button. Instead,
 you should call gtk_widget_queue_draw() to tell GTK+ to schedule a paint
 of the widget.
 How will the widget be painted? GTK+ will tell your code that the widget
 needs to be painted by emitting the GtkWidget::expose-event signal.
 Then, you should connect to that signal and paint in your callback.
 Last but no least, don't forget to paint to the GdkWindow of the drawing
 area, since that's the drawable.
 More or less (untested code, just for clarity):
 click_button(GtkButton *button, gpointer data)
button_clicked = TRUE;
gtk_widget_queue_draw (drawing_area);
 expose_drawing_area (GtkWidget *area, 
  GdkExposureEvent *event,
  gpointer data)
if (button_clicked) {
 int main(int argc,char *argv[]){

 Claudio Saavedra
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: GTK+ at the UX Hackfest

2010-03-03 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Frankly Thomas has given the best opinion on this. The idea behind the widget 
set should be to provide the MINIMAL REQUIRED functionality to address the 
mundane job of programming you own interface. HOWEVER, IMHO, if you want the 
library to do everything for you, then it will become bloated (frankly I'm 
already loosing track off all the the new widgets). I'm sure if you ask around 
especially in this list, you can drum up thousands of widget requests (where 
individual programmers will want specif widget most of which will be only 
STYLISTICALLY different). 

Whatever the theme engine can not handle, you can certainly override the expose 
event, motion / button press events to create your own derived widget.

IE. Use a button box, override methods with your own specific methods. You can 
use the same process of adding and deleting buttons, etc but draw them 
yourself in the exact way you want.


Join me

 Subject: Re: GTK+ at the UX Hackfest
 Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 11:45:33 +
 On Wed, 2010-03-03 at 12:20 +0100, Carlos Garnacho wrote:
  On mié, 2010-03-03 at 00:03 +0100, Filippo Argiolas wrote:
   On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:55 PM, Filippo Argiolas 
Well it's not actually the radio functionality that I really care,
that's easily implementable. It's more the custom container that can
be themed to visually merge together several buttons. Once that's
done, the buttons could behave like simple buttons (probably useless),
toggle buttons or radio buttons. They would be just the usual buttons
into a special container probably.
   Look at Carlos post about theming hackfest too[1]. Point 3 really
   seems to be exactly what I'm talking about.
  The idea there is that current widgets/containers would be able to tell
  theme engines how do painted items visually connect each other. There
  would be no need for special containers or buttons, nor hacks in theme
  engines such as peeping into the parent widget GType.
 I'm really not sure this is a good idea; it's really not expressive
 enough to just say this button is somehow related to this one and let
 themes decide what to do with it. Some themes might ignore it, some
 themes might do what you expect and some themes may want to do something
 completely different.
 If two buttons are supposed to be connected because of some interaction
 design, then this should be reflected in a widget explicitly designed to
 cater for that situation.
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: gtk+-2.18, win32, and OpenGL

2010-02-15 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

FYI ---

The same thing happens on the OS X version using the Native GTK (NON X 
Windows). No mater where the widget. It always takes up the entire windows, and 
does not respond to mouse input.

Could it be that the issue is not platform specific?

Join me

 Subject: Re: gtk+-2.18, win32, and OpenGL
 Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 10:21:01 +0100
 On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 12:07 +1300, Tim Evans wrote:
  Previous with GTK+ 2.14 I had some custom code that would let me draw 
  with OpenGL into a widget under win32.  After updating GTK+ 2.18 this 
  code doesn't work properly any more, it turns the entire toplevel
  into an OpenGL area instead.
  I've gotten part way to having it work by calling 
  gdk_window_ensure_native() on the window behind my OpenGL area widget,
  but some things are still broken:
 Hmmm, ideally that should not be needed. Its not on the X11 version of
 client side windows. There the gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid() call will
 automatically create a native window if you call it on a client-side
 window. Win32 should do the same.
 However, the win32 port of client side windows does not really seem
 fully done. Unfortunately I don't personally have time to work on it at
 the moment.
  1. I've found I need to call SetWindowPos manually to resize the
  window when the widget is allocated.  Is this the expected behaviour?
 No, this is likely another bug in win32 csw support.
  2. Mouse events seem to be screwed up.  After clicking on my OpenGL
  widget, other widgets will not receive enter-notify-event until I
  again outside the widget, making buttons and other widgets not work. 
  there a way to fix this?
 same here.
  Alexander LarssonRed Hat, Inc 
 He's a world-famous shark-wrestling househusband on his last day in the job. 
 She's a bloodthirsty punk bounty hunter from a different time and place. They 
 fight crime! 
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: gtk+-2.18, win32, and OpenGL

2010-02-15 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

FYI ---

The same thing happens on the OS X version using the Native GTK (NON X 
Windows). No mater where the widget. It always takes up the entire windows, and 
does not respond to mouse input.

Could it be that the issue is not platform specific?

Join me

 Subject: Re: gtk+-2.18, win32, and OpenGL
 Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 10:21:01 +0100
 On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 12:07 +1300, Tim Evans wrote:
  Previous with GTK+ 2.14 I had some custom code that would let me draw 
  with OpenGL into a widget under win32.  After updating GTK+ 2.18 this 
  code doesn't work properly any more, it turns the entire toplevel
  into an OpenGL area instead.
  I've gotten part way to having it work by calling 
  gdk_window_ensure_native() on the window behind my OpenGL area widget,
  but some things are still broken:
 Hmmm, ideally that should not be needed. Its not on the X11 version of
 client side windows. There the gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid() call will
 automatically create a native window if you call it on a client-side
 window. Win32 should do the same.
 However, the win32 port of client side windows does not really seem
 fully done. Unfortunately I don't personally have time to work on it at
 the moment.
  1. I've found I need to call SetWindowPos manually to resize the
  window when the widget is allocated.  Is this the expected behaviour?
 No, this is likely another bug in win32 csw support.
  2. Mouse events seem to be screwed up.  After clicking on my OpenGL
  widget, other widgets will not receive enter-notify-event until I
  again outside the widget, making buttons and other widgets not work. 
  there a way to fix this?
 same here.
  Alexander LarssonRed Hat, Inc 
 He's a world-famous shark-wrestling househusband on his last day in the job. 
 She's a bloodthirsty punk bounty hunter from a different time and place. They 
 fight crime! 
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: How I can do Double Buffer without OpenGL Ext?

2010-02-11 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Well in the good old days, when we did have all these fancy smancy libraries ( 
:P ) we use to double buffer graphics by drawing to an off screen bitmap or any 
compatible context (to that of the screen) and then simply copy that context to 
the screen.


1) Create a new GtkBitmap,
2) Draw everything to the bitmap
3) copy the bits to screen


Join me

 Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:41:47 -0300
 Subject: How I can do Double Buffer without OpenGL Ext?
 I'm working in avoid the flicker when i paint my widget draw area. Then my
 questions are the following:
 How i can to do double buffer?, but without GL Ext, using just gtk draw area
 and pixbuf or pixmap. And If it is posible or only can I to work double
 buffer with GL Ext???.
 Any idea?
 Gustavo Rojas
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: How I can do Double Buffer whether OpenGl Ext?

2010-02-09 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

From the logo example:

 * Configure OpenGL-capable visual.

/* Try double-buffered visual */
glconfig = gdk_gl_config_new_by_mode (GDK_GL_MODE_RGB|
if (glconfig == NULL)
g_print (*** Cannot find the double-buffered visual.\n);
g_print (*** Trying single-buffered visual.\n);

/* Try single-buffered visual */
glconfig = gdk_gl_config_new_by_mode (GDK_GL_MODE_RGB   |
if (glconfig == NULL)
g_print (*** No appropriate OpenGL-capable visual found.\n);
exit (1);


/* Set OpenGL-capability to the widget. */
gtk_widget_set_gl_capability (drawing_area,

This function first tries to create a glconfig using double buffered, if fails, 
uses single buffer). This works on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. 

Join me

 Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 04:41:12 -0300
 Subject: How I can do Double Buffer whether OpenGl Ext?
 I'm trying to do a double buffer with pixbuf and draw area, whether to use
 OpenGL Ext, but i don't know if it is posible or not.
 Any idea?
 Gustavo R.
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Random crashes when printing on OS X

2010-02-04 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I am using the GtkPrint* functions to print. However at what seems to be random 
occurrences the application crashes with the following error:

Gdk:ERROR:gdkeventloop-quartz.c:559:select_thread_collect_poll: assertion 
failed: (ufds[i].fd == current_pollfds[i].fd)

Abort trap

When the user clicks on the print button a signal is generated and the 
application comand function executes based on the following case statement:



if( isi_app_check_permission(prev_self, 

isi_display_page_setup( prev_self-display, 

} else {

isi_user_message(NULL,Not Allowed,You do not have 
permission to print formulas.,0);



void isi_display_print(IsiDisplay *self){

GtkPrintOperation *print = NULL;
GtkPrintSettings *printer_settings = NULL;
GtkPageSetup *page_setup = NULL;
GtkPaperSize *paper_size = NULL;
guint ctype;

/* Sanity Check */
g_return_if_fail(self != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(ISI_IS_DISPLAY(self) != FALSE);
g_return_if_fail(self-priv != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(self-priv-dispose_has_run != TRUE);

/* Create a new print operation */
print = gtk_print_operation_new();

/* Create new page setup and paper size */
page_setup = gtk_page_setup_new();
paper_size = gtk_paper_size_new(GTK_PAPER_NAME_LETTER);

/* Set the default to the new page setup */

/* Make sure we always do full page printing*/
gtk_print_operation_set_n_pages (print, self-priv-page_count);

g_signal_connect(print, draw-page, 




Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The problem is pervasive will most printer types, but is exacerbated with the 
HP CP3525 Color Laserjet printer. 

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RE: Random crashes when printing on OS X

2010-02-04 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I am now also getting this when I print, after having added a cairo_clip() to 
bound my drawings into a (0,0),(1,1) region. But I do not get it when I am 
displaying to screen, only printing, and I use the same function for both, one 
simply gets the cairo_t from the drawing area, the other retrieves it from the 

Any ideas?

Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] 

RE: Random crashes when printing on OS X

2010-02-04 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I am now also getting this when I print, after having added a cairo_clip() to 
bound my drawings into a (0,0),(1,1) region. But I do not get it when I am 
displaying to screen, only printing, and I use the same function for both, one 
simply gets the cairo_t from the drawing area, the other retrieves it from the 

Any ideas?

Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetRGBFillColor: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:16 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFont: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetFontSize: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextSetTextMatrix: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] Error: 
CGContextClearRect: invalid context 0x0
Thu Feb  4 17:04:18 Shawn-Bakhtiars-iMac.local orderdesk[39199] 

RE: [GtkGLExt] Window size issue

2010-01-30 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I know someone brought this up before. I don't recall if there was a resolution 
to it or not. 

I have successfully patched and compiled the latest from the GtkGLExt git repo 
and running on OS X Snow Leopard (10.6), although I am use the 10.5 building to 
the 368 architecture.

However, any application (including the examples), that uses the library, takes 
over the entire window, overlapping all other widgets. 

Any ideas how I should trace this down?

The code is straight out of the example (which does the same thing), 
gtk_gl_init() has already been called in main, and the container is main_hbox, 
which then has other widgets added to it later in the code.

 glconfig = gdk_gl_config_new_by_mode (GDK_GL_MODE_RGB|

 if(glconfig != NULL){

 GtkWidget * drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new ();
 gtk_widget_set_size_request (drawing_area, 200, 200);
 /* Set OpenGL-capability to the widget. */
 gtk_widget_set_gl_capability (drawing_area,
 gtk_widget_add_events (drawing_area,
 g_signal_connect_after (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), realize,
 G_CALLBACK (realize), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), configure_event,
   G_CALLBACK (configure_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), expose_event,
   G_CALLBACK (expose_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), button_press_event,
   G_CALLBACK (button_press_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), motion_notify_event,
   G_CALLBACK (motion_notify_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), map_event,
   G_CALLBACK (map_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), unmap_event,
   G_CALLBACK (unmap_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), visibility_notify_event,
   G_CALLBACK (visibility_notify_event), NULL);
 g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (main_window), key_press_event,
   G_CALLBACK (key_press_event), drawing_area);
 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_hbox), drawing_area, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
 gtk_widget_show (drawing_area);

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Random memory allocation error

2009-12-26 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

At what appears to be random locations in a program which runs thought 24000 
components, and breaking out the formulas in to there raw material components 
(formulations table of about 200,000 formulation lines, I see this error 

malloc: *** error for object 0xe41074: incorrect checksum for freed object - 
object was probably modified after being freed.*** set a breakpoint in 
malloc_error_break to debug
so far I have only found some obscure references, and this is happening 
#0  0x95f95072 in malloc_error_break ()#1  0x95f96218 in szone_error ()#2  
0x95f9638b in free_list_checksum_botch ()#3  0x95ea2985 in 
tiny_malloc_from_free_list ()#4  0x95ea1b03 in szone_malloc_should_clear ()#5  
0x95ea1988 in malloc_zone_malloc ()#6  0x95e9fa58 in malloc ()#7  0x00c2a799 in 
g_malloc ()#8  0x00ba774d in g_object_newv ()#9  0x00ba7ef7 in 
g_object_new_valist ()#10 0x00ba758f in g_object_new ()#11 0x000a8468 in 
isi_database_get_component_simple (self=0x101c000, aid=0x2008030 ZH, 
nid=90005) at isidatabase.c:4296

but it has run through the same piece of code with no problems for 30 times 
before it hits this. continue, and it will go past this part and break ,
#0  0x95f95072 in malloc_error_break ()#1  0x95f96218 in szone_error ()#2  
0x95f9638b in free_list_checksum_botch ()#3  0x95ea2985 in 
tiny_malloc_from_free_list ()#4  0x95ea1b03 in szone_malloc_should_clear ()#5  
0x95ea386b in malloc_zone_calloc ()#6  0x95ea37fa in calloc ()#7  0x00c2a82a in 
g_malloc0 ()#8  0x00053030 in isi_list_instance_init (instance=0x185f190, 
g_class=0xe1a850) at isilist.c:96#9  0x00bc196c in g_type_create_instance ()#10 
0x00ba832a in g_object_constructor ()#11 0x00ba7726 in g_object_newv ()#12 
0x00ba7ef7 in g_object_new_valist ()#13 0x00ba758f in g_object_new ()#14 
0x0005b647 in isi_component_instance_init (instance=0x180e020, 
g_class=0x13a12070) at isicomponent.c:156#15 0x00bc196c in 
g_type_create_instance ()#16 0x00ba832a in g_object_constructor ()#17 
0x00ba7a5e in g_object_newv ()#18 0x00ba7ef7 in g_object_new_valist ()#19 
0x00ba758f in g_object_new ()#20 0x000a8468 in 
isi_database_get_component_simple (self=0x101c000, aid=0x20081b0 ZH, 
 at isidatabase.c:4296#21 0xcd36 in isi_util_normalize_formuals 
(theApp=0x1016010, prompt=1) at isiutil.c:368#22 0xd67f in main (argc=1, 
argv=0xbfffe848) at isiutil.c:764

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gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: Random memory allocation error

2009-12-26 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Nailed it on the head. bad programing.
I forgot how wonderful valgrind is, thanks.

Join me

 Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 13:52:06 -0500
 Subject: Re: Random memory allocation error
 On Sat, 26 Dec 2009, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
  At what appears to be random locations in a program which runs
  thought 24000 components, and breaking out the formulas in to
  there raw material components (formulations table of about
  200,000 formulation lines, I see this error message:
  malloc: *** error for object 0xe41074: incorrect checksum for
  freed object - object was probably modified after being
 Your code is buggy.  Run it under valgrind and you'll see where
 the bugs are.
 Allin Cottrell
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: GtkGLExt (was Re: Gtk 3.0)

2009-12-07 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Well... this seems to turn on a few flames... so let me put some of this to 
For anyone to say OpenGL is niche, and does not apply to everyday apps, I 
again remind you of iChat and the OS X Panel. Granted it has only recently 
found prominence in the desktop but it is quickly making way as OGL hardware 
acceleration becomes standardize (has been for some time). 
To look back at the past decade and say look desktops are all 2D, not 
realizing it has to do with memory and CPU/GPU issues, which are no longer 
issues is simply wrong.
The next decade of desktops, more importantly GUI (Graphical USER -- hello!!! 
Interfaces) WILL have a blinding array of 3D widgets which will be like eye 
candy to most users, and as they see it they will want it more and more. 
I do NOT work at a facility which requires 3D visualization to accomplish its 
tasks, but users are starting to ask and want. Can I do a walkthrough of our 
warehouse to see how much material I have?, Can we have a little computerized 
white box, with a virtualized pallet to do color matching in? This has NOTHING 
to do with scientific engineering or niche market. It has to do with the 
future of interface design. I work in a ink manufacturing plant, and by that 
argument, we should mix it all by hand, since that is how they did it 5000 
years ago! 2D is NOT the end of all GUIs. It simply is not! R2 space can not 
hold as much date/widgets/whatever as R3 even if the axis were infinite! they 
(users) want 3D buttons that pop, role, jump, and wink at them too. They want 
there pictures to start bending, bouncing, and getting all organic on them. 
To say that GTK does NOT need OGL, is to say they sun is not going to rise in 
the morning. To say that GTKGLext (a great tool to be sure) is good enough, is 
to slap a hand in the face of all of use who see where this is going. 
The greatest problem with the linux community (one I myself am having to learn 
about) is this indelible ego that the data and function has to be correct and 
nothing else. Sorry if the user can not visually keep up or understand what 
you present, it won't make a difference how good the app works in the back, it 
IS the eye candy that gets the user to use it. GtkTreeview in 3D? I can thing 
of a dozen categorization applications in seconds.

FYI - OS X is a FreeBSD engin, with NextStep as its windowing system. It uses 
OGL IN the windowing system (quartz / composer), and it is the hottest desktop 
on the market. No one, and I mean no one, has even come close!
And lets not forget all the work that is being done on Compiz why? For the 
masochism of it?!? No! Because that is where the future of desktop are, in 3D 
IMMHO, if Gtk is to keep up, as the cross platform interface it promises to be, 
it will need OGL to be fully modularized or integrated somehow. I don't even 
think GtkGLExt is that far, other than the OS X side of it, which with demand 
will certainly improve.
P.S.the comment:  Ah. You are such a loser. Go away., has no business on this 
forum, the point is a good one, and your minimization of it, a poor show of 

Join me

 Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 19:48:06 +0100
 Subject: Re: GtkGLExt (was Re: Gtk 3.0)
 On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 04:22:36PM +, Carlos Pereira wrote:
  We must atract more scientifc/engineering applications for Linux and  
  GTK, because this is exactly the kind of stuff that enterprises and  
  universities are demanding.
  If we have fantastic operating systems and desktop environments in the  
  free software world, but most of the scientific/engineering aplications  
  only run in Windows/Mac OS X, people will be forced to use them, even if  
  they would rather prefer to use Linux/BSD... I have many friends in this  
 I'm afraid you explain it from your viewpoint.  But looking at your
 reasoning from the `desktop' viewpoint there are troubles.
 1) Objective.  There will never ever be a scientific `killer app'.
 Every little branch of science, or even an individual scientific
 problem, has specific needs.  Hence the applications are inherently
 scattered and each individual app is used only by a small group of
 people.  Even the `universal' commerical tools such as Matlab are far
 from being universally used [among scientists].  This makes hard to see
 sci/eng apps matter *at all*.
 2) Subjective.  Do your graphs have round corners and include the user's
 IM status?  Can your data acquistion software synchronize the data with
 an iPod?  Are your reports summarized to 140 characters and sent to
 Twitter?  No?  Does your app help people with some difficult to
 understand and much more difficult to solve problems instead of
 facilitating idle chit-chat while consuming power for visual effects?
 Ah.  You are such a loser.  Go away.

RE: GtkGLExt (was Re: Gtk 3.0)

2009-12-04 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I've sort of followed this chain sorry if I am rehashing something that has 
already been covered.
IMHO I agree that GtkGLExt should be directly integrated into GTK. Most modern 
user interfaces (IE OS X (NextStep)) are integrating 3D directly into the 
windowing system. If I am not mistaken the panel is pure Open GL in OS X, and 
for sure the iChat multi session video window is pure OGL with reflection maps 
(they love to tout that). Their development toolset is chalked full of OpenGL 
examples, and composer... well I won't even go there. GTKGLext does NOT 
currently work well on OS X interface (even though there is a patch for it, 
which still needs to be changed to use the NSOpenGLView instead of the NSView 
but that is whole other story).
Open GL is not only the standard scientific toolset, it is the de facto 
hardware acceleration tool set. I don't know of ANY video card vendor that DOES 
NOT have OpenGL support. In fact I can not think of any other hardware 
accelerated tool sets (OGL has been it since the early 90's) it WILL be the 
interface choice of the future. 2D desktops will quickly give way to 3D 
widgetry, as hardware acceleration improves even further. Just look at compiz!
I've already got users asking me to make the app look more 3D, and it would be 
great to have the toolset to do so. Even though all were doing is simple EPR 
stuff. IE If I could create a 3D warehouse map that was navigable by the user 
to see where they have room to store a product, or look at a product space for 
a visual cue to order more. This is an old concept Motorola developed about its 
factories and training workers virtually. 
Of course, this is all a wish list, I can't demand of the community to do the 
work I my self have no time for, but it would be really really really 
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ly great to have a fully working OpenGL 
implementation in GTK for OS X, and if it is dropped for GTK 3.0, I'm afraid it 
will not serve the community well. 

I did not quite catch why it was not a good idea. Saying that is like saying it 
is not a good idea to have the printing subsystem, or input subsystem be 
exposed in GTK. GTK in essence is an abstraction layer, to hide the differences 
in interface functionality, giving the user (programer) a singe interface to 
write agains. Why should we not have the same thing for OpenGL, which is a 
component of the user interface?
Again this is all MHO, and I certainly have not invested a dime in it, so 
wether it happens or not I will work around it, but it would be nice, very, 
very nice, to have an GTKOGLWindow in GTK's base library, or at least something 
like pango/cairo, as a compiler option module.

Join me

 Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 22:26:05 +0100
 Subject: Re: GtkGLExt (was Re: Gtk 3.0)
 On Fri, Dec 04, 2009 at 08:51:54PM +, Carlos Pereira wrote:
  I'm really not working on it - mainly for three reasons: 1) if you want to
  use GL, GtkGlExt is good enough and integrating it into gtk+ it's not a
  good idea;
  2) GtkGlExt is good enough for GTK-2.0, I never had a single problem with 
  4) Scientific/engineering applications often use OpenGL,
 Exactly.  I've been using GtkGLExt in a scientific app for years and I'm
 quite happy with it.  Cutter does not cut it if you need to visualize
 scientific data in 3D.
 Unfortunately, scientific/engineering apps seems to *be* niche use.  Look
 at how hard SourceForge tries to hide this software category even though
 it contains 50× more projects than VoIP which is promimently displayed...
 So I hope something like GtkGLExt will continue to be available, whether
 it's called GtkGLExt or not and is integrated into Gtk+ or not.
 gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

RE: differences between Glade and GtkBuilder

2009-12-02 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Yes. They are all set to visible.

I'll change them in the GUI and see if that makes a difference.
I still think something in the process has changes, at least from the user 
I'm almost certain, that with glade you would load the xml (containing many top 
levels), then, call get the object you wanted out (which at that time it would 
construct and realize the widget making it visible)
It seems with GtkBuilder loading the XML and realizing it are done in the same 
step, which makes it so that each individual top level has to be in its own 
file? Does it not make more sense to have a function that load the XML without 
realizing anything, then, as objects are requested, doing the actual 
construction and realization?

Join me

 Subject: Re: 
 Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 13:37:42 -0500
 On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
  Previously, I was able to open a Glade XML file with multiple top level 
  windows, and only load the specific window I wanted from within that file. 
  I have tried to re-write this routine, however, every time a call is made 
  to gtk_builder_add_from_file it not only loads the file but it also loads 
  and displays ALL the windows in that file. 
  Should this not work like glade did before, where you would load the file, 
  then call the objects you wanted to be displayed?
 Do you have the visible property set for all of the windows in the 
 buildable xml?
 glade would also always construct all of the windows in the xml, but i think 
 there was a default to *not* visible.  (It would also construct them only 
 when you parse the xml, so if you let them be destroyed, you had to parse the 
 file again.  I haven't used buildable enough to tell you if it behaves that 
 I've been using emacs for 20+ years and have barely touched lisp.  I wouldn't 
 know lambda calculus if it took all its clothes off and waved a placard that 
 reads I am lambda calculus in blinking 48-point Comic Sans.
   -- Dave Hodgkinson, on
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Gtk-OSX Frameworks (was: Why are developers...)

2009-11-10 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

For building an application... I couldn't agree more, about the framework vs. 
jhbuild and autotools. You definitely want the latter. I like XCode's editor. 
when looking at source code (the colors man the
colors). It also has a lot of nice features such as collapsible
sections, an intuitive way of knowing if you {} are correct, as well as
a jump to function feature that list all functions in the current file
in a drop down menu. However, you can use the editor, and build in shell 
(jhbuild shell). In any case, gdb is a much better debugger to boot.

But yeah.. just try to build mysql with it, or even use it in a build. Good 

Also using the ige-mac-bundler, users now simple drag and drop the latest 
package (application) to their application folder, and they are done, 
especially if you adhere to the XDG file system. 

I don't know what all the complaint is about... I have been using the jhbuild 
scripts with little to no problems. I have had a few dependency issues but 
nothing that can not be figured out with a little reading of the script itself 
and attention to what I am doing. In any case, anything that is missing, simple 
download to source directory, and build inside the jhbuild shell, your done!

Like I said, I'm not too good with the back-end stuff, but it looks like I will 
be getting my own Snow Leopard today, I can re-run the jhbuild stuff from 
scratch, and see if I can't get a framework out. Would this help?

Join me

 Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX Frameworks (was: Why are developers...)
 Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 07:10:09 -0800
 On Nov 10, 2009, at 4:16 AM, Paul Davis wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Jack Skellington  
  Also if a native Gtk+ OS X framework were available people who are
  maintaining Gtk+ apps would have the option to extend their user base
  to OS X quite quickly.
  All it requires to use it is to build the GTK stack yourself using the
  instructions provided (i wish the instructions had not been moved away
  from, but they are still easy to find). I should put all
  in quotes because if you choose to follow bleeding edge GTK then you
  will find that maintaining your built version can be quite a lot of
  work in the face of breakages and changes in many different parts of
  the stack. This is not true (or at least, it is MUCH less true) if you
  use a recent release version (there are instructions on how to do that
  included in the gtk osx build info).
  I do not believe that using a pre-built GTK OS X framework is
  desirable for users or developers. Include GTK as part of your app
  bundle. Its not hard to do and gives you complete control over which
  version of GTK is used by your app. We do this for Ardour (and now
  Mixbus) (screenshots at and Users download a single app, and
  run it. No framework installation or maintainance.
 I haven't built and made available updated frameworks because the  
 approach Richard used to create the first one (still hanging around on 
 , as previously noted elsewhere) didn't produce a result that I think  
 I can support. I have in mind a modification of ige-mac-bundler which  
 I think will provide better results, but other tasks have higher  
 priority at the moment.
 Some others, including me, have done some work on the gtk-osx- 
 frameworks, and the network graph at github shows that my tree 
 ) is current with all of them . Do be aware that there are 3 branches,  
 of which master is probably the only one which will get you close  
 enough to use.
 I also agree with Paul here: The Apple Framework idiom doesn't make  
 sense for cross-platform development. It uses special #include syntax  
 and special linking. It doesn't play well with pkg-config. Yes, those  
 are solvable problems, but why? The regular gnu autotools work very  
 well indeed on OSX, and one needs to use it anyway for building on  
 Linux. Why deal with another build chain just for the dubious benefit  
 of using XCode instead of emacs or vim?
 Add to that that it's hard to build a non-trivial application using  
 only gtk+. You're going to need a bunch of other libraries, either  
 from gnome, gnu, or freedesktop. They're not going to be in  
 Frameworks, so you're going to have to integrate them the autotools  
 way, so what do you gain from having gtk+ in a set of frameworks?
 There is one exception to which I'm quite sympathetic: PyGtk. At  
 present building a downloadable PyGtk app bundle is a royal pain, and  
 a PyGtk framework *might* be part of the solution.
 John Ralls
 gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Gtk-OSX Frameworks (was: Why are developers...)

2009-11-10 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar
 in isi_app_initialize_default_interface 
(self=0x10201b000) at isiapp.c:6204
#2  0x0001ae0a in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff5fbfec08) at isimain.c:53

I am going to try an do what Jralls suggest and perhaps re-build with both -g 
and see if I can not trace this better, also try to build the library as 32bit 
and see what happens than. But this application has been running great using 
this technique on the 32 bit interface with no problems what so ever! I can't 
figure out why I have all kinds of bad memory references.

I just noticed the there seems to be 32bit memory addresses intermingled with 
64bit? IE in the above output self is 32bit but the address lookup is 64bit ?? 
Is that right? Same with the code??

Do I need to post this to gtk-app or is this something wrong in the backend 
(perhaps I am compiling with wrong options ??) 

HELP :S :'S :S :S

Join me

Subject: Re: Gtk-OSX Frameworks (was: Why are developers...)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:20:26 +0100

On Nov 10, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:For building an 
application... I couldn't agree more, about the framework vs. jhbuild and 
autotools. You definitely want the latter. I like XCode's editor. when looking 
at source code (the colors man the colors). It also has a lot of nice features 
such as collapsible sections, an intuitive way of knowing if you {} are 
correct, as well as a jump to function feature that list all functions in the 
current file in a drop down menu. However, you can use the editor, and build in 
shell (jhbuild shell). In any case, gdb is a much better debugger to boot.

But yeah.. just try to build mysql with it, or even use it in a build. Good 

Also using the ige-mac-bundler, users now simple drag and drop the latest 
package (application) to their application folder, and they are done, 
especially if you adhere to the XDG file system. 

I don't know what all the complaint is about... I have been using the jhbuild 
scripts with little to no problems. I have had a few dependency issues but 
nothing that can not be figured out with a little reading of the script itself 
and attention to what I am doing. In any case, anything that is missing, simple 
download to source directory, and build inside the jhbuild shell, your done!

Like I said, I'm not too good with the back-end stuff, but it looks like I will 
be getting my own Snow Leopard today, I can re-run the jhbuild stuff from 
scratch, and see if I can't get a framework out. Would this help?

That  would be great!I've been trying to build it on Snow Leopard, butI i'm 
stuck now with jhbuild meta-gtk-osx-core failing to  build ige-mac-integration:
*** Building ige-mac-integration *** [10/11]make  make  all-recursiveMaking all 
in srcif /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. 
-I..  -I.. -Wall -Wunused -Wchar-subscripts -Wmissing-declarations 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -std=c99 
-Wno-sign-compare -Wno-pointer-sign -Werror -I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include 
-I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/atk-1.0 -I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/cairo 
-I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/libpng12   -xobjective-c -g -O2 -MT 
libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.Tpo -c -o 
libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.lo `test -f 'ige-mac-menu.c' || echo 
'./'`ige-mac-menu.c; \  then mv -f 
.deps/libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.Plo; else rm -f 
.deps/libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.Tpo; exit 1; filibtool: compile:  
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I.. -Wall -Wunused -Wchar-subscripts 
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith 
-Wcast-align -std=c99 -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-pointer-sign -Werror 
-I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include -I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/gtk-2.0 
-I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/atk-1.0 -I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/cairo 
-I/Users/dacobi/gtk/inst/include/libpng12 -xobjective-c -g -O2 -MT 
libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.lo -MD -MP -MF 
.deps/libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.Tpo -c ige-mac-menu.c  -fno-common 
-DPIC -o .libs/libigemacintegration_la-ige-mac-menu.occ1obj: warnings being 
treated as errorsige-mac-menu.c: In function

RE: Why are no developers completing/maintaining native Gtk+ for OS X?

2009-11-09 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Jack Skellington wrote:
  Hello All
  I'm currently in charge of the development of a cross-platform OpenGL
  app which uses GTk+ for it's interface.
  The app runs on both *nix/ and win32 but when I started looking
  into OS X I found that the Quartz OS X version of Gtk+ is neither
  complete nor being actively developed.
 No, it is not fully complete, but getting close.  Recently, I have  
 been working on reviewing outstanding patches, fixing up the last few  
 kinks remaining after the transition to client side windows and  
 implemented proper and complete multi monitor support.  I do have  
 plans on how to continue my work on the backend.  Development of the  
 Mac port is actually pretty active.  I only have very ample spare time  
 to work on this and I do not get paid for this at all.  Saying that  
 the OS X port is not being actively developed is actually close to  
 insulting to me; I have been trying my best to pick it up after the  
 previous maintainer stopped working on it.

Well, let me be the first to thank you for all you efforts Kris, you have been 
extremely helpful to me, and I am actively developing a ERP (Ordering, 
purchasing, Inventory, CRM) for the company I work for. The work you and John 
Ralls et al. have done has made it possible for me to do my work. 

So keep up the good work.

  Also if a native Gtk+ OS X framework were available people who are
  maintaining Gtk+ apps would have the option to extend their user base
  to OS X quite quickly.
 The basics for this have been worked out in the past and are available  
 for everybody to pick up.  John Ralls  co have been doing a good job  
 at making GTK+ easy to build and looking into scripts for simplifying  
 the creation of application bundles for GTK+ applications and a  

I have successfully used this on OS X Leopard (build the framework and app 
using jhbuild, with ige-mac-integration), and have been able to build the 
framework on SN (but my application crashes out, I think because of libglade 
which I really need to move away from, fix it for GtkBuilder). 

I to wish it was more complete (window transparency and shaping, is what I'm 
looking for), but I do not have a good enough grasp of Cocoa and Carbon (Not 
very familiar with Next Step windowing system) to be of any use, but I will 
certainly try to help were I can. Two years moving from Windows to Linux, and 
now OS X, V1 to be deployed in 010110.

I'm not quite sure what you mean (Jacob) when you say native implementation, 
if you look at the quartz backend it looks pretty close to me, again with a lot 
of FIXME's in non-essential areas such as (window shaping), but that is not at 
all important for our functionality.

It works, and it works well on OS X, just follow the jhbuild procedures form 
the above link. 

 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Why are no developers completing/maintaining native Gtk+ for OS X?

2009-11-09 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

To build the latest framework:

1) Get the latest using jhbuild and build

I think I was able to build the frameworks and compile against them using the 
Xcode IDE, but I prefer using make and the command line myself.

Actually machine has a couple of versions of framework / dependencies  and 
builds, so I don't know if I just got lucky. Like I said, in 52 days I will 
have more time to play :)

 Subject: Re: Why are no developers completing/maintaining native Gtk+ for OS 
 Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 00:35:44 +0100
 On Nov 9, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Kristian Rietveld wrote:
  On Nov 9, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Jack Skellington wrote:
  Hello All
  I'm currently in charge of the development of a cross-platform OpenGL
  app which uses GTk+ for it's interface.
  The app runs on both *nix/ and win32 but when I started looking
  into OS X I found that the Quartz OS X version of Gtk+ is neither
  complete nor being actively developed.
  No, it is not fully complete, but getting close.  Recently, I have  
  been working on reviewing outstanding patches, fixing up the last  
  few kinks remaining after the transition to client side windows and  
  implemented proper and complete multi monitor support.  I do have  
  plans on how to continue my work on the backend.  Development of the  
  Mac port is actually pretty active.  I only have very ample spare  
  time to work on this and I do not get paid for this at all.  Saying  
  that the OS X port is not being actively developed is actually close  
  to insulting to me; I have been trying my best to pick it up after  
  the previous maintainer stopped working on it
 I can't tell you how happy reading this makes me. I love Gtk+ and have  
 been using it in projects for like a decade, mostly on *nix, but  
 lately cross-platform.
 As for the insult part, it was never my intention, I was merely  
 relaying the present information thats available on the Gtk+ OS X  
 sourceforge site.
 Keep up the good work!
 If I had money, I'd pay you ;)
  Also if a native Gtk+ OS X framework were available people who are
  maintaining Gtk+ apps would have the option to extend their user base
  to OS X quite quickly.
  The basics for this have been worked out in the past and are  
  available for everybody to pick up.  John Ralls  co have been doing  
  a good job at making GTK+ easy to build and looking into scripts for  
  simplifying the creation of application bundles for GTK+  
  applications and a framework.
 A framework as in  the Gtk.framework folder you add to the Xcode  
 project and then build?
 Ever since I started developing in OS X I've found this approach quite  
 beautiful in its simplicity.
 I will seriously consider looking into this myself if/when I have the  
 Thanks again!
 Jacob Juul Kolding
 Juvul Tech
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.

2009-10-27 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

On clean copy of SL (upgraded) Xcode 3.2:
downloaded and ran:
prompt sh gtk-osx-build-setup.shprompt export 
PATH=$PATH:/Users/sbakhtiar/.local/binprompt jhbuild bootstrapprompt jhbuild 
build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrapprompt jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core

libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\GLib\ 
-I/Users/sbakhtiar/gtk/inst/include -DG_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES -D_REENTRANT -g 
-O2 -Wall -MT gatomic.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gatomic.Tpo -c gatomic.c  
-fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/gatomic.o
register `%rdx' used with `l' suffixmake[4]: *** [gatomic.lo] Error 1make[3]: 
*** [all-recursive] Error 1make[2]: *** [all] Error 2make[1]: *** 
[all-recursive] Error 1make: *** [all] Error 2*** Error during phase build of 
glib: ## Error running make   *** [2/11]

Any ideas?

Join me

 Subject: Re: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
 Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 22:30:54 -0700
 On Oct 26, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
  just tried a jhbuild of gtk on OS X (tiger). things went well until it
  got to the link stage in the input methods code. i got a large number
  of messages of this form, one for each (every?) IM module:
  Cannot load module
  10): Symbol not found: _res_9_init
   Referenced from: /Users/paul/gtk/inst/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib
   Expected in: flat namespace
  does anybody have any clues what this might be? the missing symbol is
  always _res_9_init
 Found it, after a bit of searching. It's defined in /usr/include/ 
 resolv.h, included from gio/gionetworkingprivate.h
 It doesn't show up in my SL build from today. I can't see from  
 configure why it would pick it up for your build but not for mine.  
 Search for lresolv in configure and config.log; maybe you can see why  
 it's getting picked up on yours.
 John Ralls
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.

2009-10-27 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Yep. That fixed it.

For some reason I still had to download and install libiconv before I can run 
phase 2 of the meta-gtk-osx-core, when building glib it complains using header 
without any libraries present?

Also, the script crashes out on the freetype module. gzip complains about a bad 
file. I downloaded the same version from the website, but now it won't compile 
with do not know how to make start.

I don't have any more time for this today... but I will keep cranking and 
reporting here.

Thanks for all the help.

Join me

 Subject: Re: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:31:03 +0100
 On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
  libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -DG_LOG_DOMAIN= 
  DGLIB_COMPILATION -DPCRE_STATIC -I/Users/sbakhtiar/gtk/inst/include - 
  MD -MP -MF .deps/gatomic.Tpo -c gatomic.c  -fno-common -DPIC - 
  o .libs/gatomic.o
  103:Incorrect register `%rdx' used with `l' suffix
 Ah yes, I think I have stumbled on this as well.  This is probably  
 caused because the default jhbuildrc for the Mac forces a build for  
 the 486:
 # When building on intel, force build to be 486, since glib won't
 # enable asm atomic operations otherwise.
  _f = os.popen(uname -p)
  append_autogenargs(glib, --build=i486-apple-darwin)
 I changed the last line to:
   append_autogenargs(glib, --build=x86_64-apple-darwin)
 And that fixed it for me.   (If you have a Mac with a Core2 processor,  
 the user land will be in 64-bit in Snow Leopard).
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.

2009-10-27 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

rm -rf  the freetype-2.3.11 files from both gtk/source/pkgs and /gtk/source

re-run jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
its working.

Join me

Subject: RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:40:40 -0400

Yep. That fixed it.

For some reason I still had to download and install libiconv before I can run 
phase 2 of the meta-gtk-osx-core, when building glib it complains using header 
without any libraries present?

Also, the script crashes out on the freetype module. gzip complains about a bad 
file. I downloaded the same version from the website, but now it won't compile 
with do not know how to make start.

I don't have any more time for this today... but I will keep cranking and 
reporting here.

Thanks for all the help.

Join me

 Subject: Re: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:31:03 +0100
 On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
  libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -DG_LOG_DOMAIN= 
  DGLIB_COMPILATION -DPCRE_STATIC -I/Users/sbakhtiar/gtk/inst/include - 
  MD -MP -MF .deps/gatomic.Tpo -c gatomic.c  -fno-common -DPIC - 
  o .libs/gatomic.o
  103:Incorrect register `%rdx' used with `l' suffix
 Ah yes, I think I have stumbled on this as well.  This is probably  
 caused because the default jhbuildrc for the Mac forces a build for  
 the 486:
 # When building on intel, force build to be 486, since glib won't
 # enable asm atomic operations otherwise.
  _f = os.popen(uname -p)
  append_autogenargs(glib, --build=i486-apple-darwin)
 I changed the last line to:
   append_autogenargs(glib, --build=x86_64-apple-darwin)
 And that fixed it for me.   (If you have a Mac with a Core2 processor,  
 the user land will be in 64-bit in Snow Leopard).
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.

2009-10-27 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

I had to manually edit the ige-mac-integration's Makefile in the src directory 
and delete -Werror.
I still have to build libglade and mysql before I can build my app and test.

Join me

Subject: RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:52:02 -0400

rm -rf  the freetype-2.3.11 files from both gtk/source/pkgs and /gtk/source

re-run jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
its working.

Join me

Subject: RE: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:40:40 -0400

Yep. That fixed it.

For some reason I still had to download and install libiconv before I can run 
phase 2 of the meta-gtk-osx-core, when building glib it complains using header 
without any libraries present?

Also, the script crashes out on the freetype module. gzip complains about a bad 
file. I downloaded the same version from the website, but now it won't compile 
with do not know how to make start.

I don't have any more time for this today... but I will keep cranking and 
reporting here.

Thanks for all the help.

Join me

 Subject: Re: error building git head GTK on OS X ... IM symbols missing etc.
 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 17:31:03 +0100
 On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:
  libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I.. -DG_LOG_DOMAIN= 
  DGLIB_COMPILATION -DPCRE_STATIC -I/Users/sbakhtiar/gtk/inst/include - 
  MD -MP -MF .deps/gatomic.Tpo -c gatomic.c  -fno-common -DPIC - 
  o .libs/gatomic.o
  103:Incorrect register `%rdx' used with `l' suffix
 Ah yes, I think I have stumbled on this as well.  This is probably  
 caused because the default jhbuildrc for the Mac forces a build for  
 the 486:
 # When building on intel, force build to be 486, since glib won't
 # enable asm atomic operations otherwise.
  _f = os.popen(uname -p)
  append_autogenargs(glib, --build=i486-apple-darwin)
 I changed the last line to:
   append_autogenargs(glib, --build=x86_64-apple-darwin)
 And that fixed it for me.   (If you have a Mac with a Core2 processor,  
 the user land will be in 64-bit in Snow Leopard).
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Building Gtk-OSX (was: Intricate changes to Quartz/OSX backend)

2009-10-26 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Very Sweet guys

Last I tried Snow Leopard I was not able to get past the bootstrap / build 
process (a couple of a months ago).

I am going to spend the rest of the day re-building the environment, and our 
application to see if this is all works on OS X 10.6 Snow Kitty (SL). 

I don't have dual monitor but I will see if I can find one and test.

Join me

 Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 15:46:54 -0400
 Subject: Re: Building Gtk-OSX (was: Intricate changes to Quartz/OSX backend)
 On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:22 PM, John Ralls wrote:
  Um, how long ago did you last run jhbuild bootstrap? The m4 module was added
  to bootstrap.modules last December, with version 1.4.11.
 more than bootstrap - fixing this required an entirely new version of jhbuild.
 there is also possibly some interaction going on because i have at
 least two GTK builds managed by jhbuild on this system.
 gtk-devel-list mailing list
gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Thumbnailing service project; opinions, suggestions?

2009-10-20 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

[ CUT ]

Sorry to keep chiming in, but regrading the statement:

 you just don't seem to get the point.
 I need to build something from the ground up (making uml, class
 diagrams and such).. and based on that i need to make the actual
 Tumbler is existing already! i would be making those diagrams based on
 the current inner working which is not the way to go.


I think everyone understands what you are doing, I think your the one missing 
the point; from what I gather, many on this very list, have given you some very 
good constructive advice on what to do, if you want to do this from the ground 
up. So be it. They are also very prudently advising you that this is not 
needed, and would ONLY serve as a class project, so:

 Can i get the:
 - Git
 - gnome sub domain
 - blog for this project on planet gnome and/or gtk

No one is bashing anything, but despite the many who agree, that this project 
is NOT a requirement for GNOME or GTK (and since it is only for school, a place 
that rots the brain) I would be shocked... SHOCKED... if they provided you with 
a GIT, a gnome sub domain, and a blog. 

My friend, understanding is a two way street, and I'm not sure if any one on 
this list will convince you of any other path, than the one you are on. But 
don't expect them to hold your hand in this process as well.

You want to do this do it:
Put up your own GIT repo.
Use a domain name off of your own schools website.
and create your own blog for the project.

I doubt any of this will effect your grade. Frankly it simply sounds like your 
trying to get your name on the site, which will help with other prospects. I 
would LOVE to be attached to such a project, many would.

Open source is not about having many choices of software that do the same 
thing, it is about having many people working together in a cooperative 
(operative word here) to create something for the people, by the people, that 
will benefit the people, and in the process have some fun doing what we love. 
Open source is about freedom to do as you will, without the fear of big bro 
slamming you. Open source has never NEVER been about quantity, and has 
everything EVERYTHING to do with quality. 


gtk-devel-list mailing list

RE: Question about the default title of a GTK window

2009-10-20 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

 Hey pals, I am a new comer on GTK things.
 I have some questions about it, would any one have time taking me over it?
 Here is it: 
 1, What is the default title of a GTK window? I mean, if there is no string
 was assigned to title of a GTK window, what will be exposed in the title bar
 of said window?

I got curious so I looked. All three implementation Win32, X11, and my
favorite Quartz (Next Step, just cause that's what I'm working on now) 
implements  gdk_window_new based on the underlying platform and are somewhat 
different. From what I can gather this is the part that gets the title and use 
the implementation specific library functions to set the actual title, with the 
text coming from this tidbit of code based on glib:

in gdk_window_new_internal(){

(implementation specific code)

  if (attributes_mask  GDK_WA_TITLE)
title = attributes-title;
title = get_default_title ();

(implementation specific code)..


with the function get_default_title  defined as:

static const gchar *
get_default_title (void)
  const char *title;
  title = g_get_application_name ();
  if (!title)
title = g_get_prgname ();

  return title;

in all implementation, thus the answer being, the executable name. 

 2, Whether there is another interface for developers on setting title on GTK
 window except gtk_window_set_title?

I suppose you could use g_set_prgname() look at

 3, More specifications, will GTK framework take application name from
 anywhere and set it as title into any untitled window in the application?
 That all. Thanks alot.

Take application name from anywhere? Huh? I can't say the function below is 
straight forward, I can only imaging its convolution is do the WIN32, but from 
what I can gather g_prgname is a global variable within the file, and as as 
mentioned initialized in gdk_init. Actually it comes from 
g_option_context_parse() in goption.c. 
Basically the function (very compiler depended) finds the program name and sets 
it, which intern becomes your very changeable window title.
 * g_get_prgname:
 * Gets the name of the program. This name should emphasisnot/emphasis
 * be localized, contrast with g_get_application_name().
 * (If you are using GDK or GTK+ the program name is set in gdk_init(),
 * which is called by gtk_init(). The program name is found by taking
 * the last component of literalargv[0]/literal.)
 * Returns: the name of the program. The returned string belongs
 * to GLib and must not be modified or freed.
g_get_prgname (void)
  gchar* retval;

  G_LOCK (g_prgname);
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
  if (g_prgname == NULL)
  static gboolean beenhere = FALSE;

  if (!beenhere)
  gchar *utf8_buf = NULL;
  wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH+1];

  beenhere = TRUE;
  if (GetModuleFileNameW (GetModuleHandle (NULL),
  buf, G_N_ELEMENTS (buf))  0)
utf8_buf = g_utf16_to_utf8 (buf, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  if (utf8_buf)
  g_prgname = g_path_get_basename (utf8_buf);
  g_free (utf8_buf);
  retval = g_prgname;
  G_UNLOCK (g_prgname);

  return retval;

I hope this answers your question. It sure helped me to answer it :)

Join me

 Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 08:30:56 -0700
 Subject: Question about the default title of a GTK window
 Hey pals, I am a new comer on GTK things.
 I have some questions about it, would any one have time taking me over it?
 Here is it: 
 1, What is the default title of a GTK window? I mean, if there is no string
 was assigned to title of a GTK window, what will be exposed in the title bar
 of said window?
 2, Whether there is another interface for developers on setting title on GTK
 window except gtk_window_set_title?
 3, More specifications, will GTK framework take application name from
 anywhere and set it as title into any untitled window in the application?
 That all. Thanks alot.
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2009-08-31 Thread Shawn Bakhtiar

Hi all,

I have been working on developing an in-house ERPish application. I am using 
GTK as the front end, and with much scope creep, two years later, we are about 
to go production. We started on the Linux desktops but they lost out to the 
IMAC (all back end is still Linux).

while researching whether Metacity themes work on OS X (perhaps I'm doing this 
part a bit late),  In came across this link:

Without the work that jraills has inherited (please let me know how I can help) 
I would be lost. I have mostly relied on what the OS X project has done to make 
this thing run.

I am building the entire framework using jhbuildd

I am able to create a fully self sustained bundle, drag and drop.

But I must reflect jraills concern, if there is no work being done on the 
back-end, and at some point, my applications interface is going to be 
problematic... well yikes... I can't have that. 

There is not much longer before we put this thing on the desktop and it starts 
generating orders, PO's etc it is already the main inventory application.

I have never done anything like this but I see all the FIXME in the 
gdkwindow-quartz.c , a functionality I was hoping to use that does not exists.

I guess my question is, where did the rest of that mail chain go?
Who is going to fix these?
If the answer is no one, how do we get involved? Just fix it and submit patches?

concerned GTK OS X user.

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