Re: [Hardhats-members] Fortune Magazine article on VistA

2006-05-17 Thread Ben Mehling
On 5/15/06, Kevin Toppenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Doesn't opensource+proprietary=proprietary?Hi Kevin-I'm not sure I understand the question. Surely you aren't suggesting that because certain interfaces provided by 3rd party software vendors are proprietary, that the entire solution is thus proprietary? Does that mean when an Oracle RDBMS is running on Linux, the entire solution =proprietary?
The customer had requirements for some interfaces that were not available in any distribution of VistA. Two vendors provided interfaces that met the requirements of the customer. Those vendors are in the business of supporting VistA and other similar systems and thus sell those interfaces. These vendors (who, by the way, were wonderful to work with) should not be slighted because they choose to market and support commercial software.
- Ben

[Hardhats-members] Fortune Magazine article on VistA

2006-05-17 Thread Ben Mehling
On 5/17/06, Joseph Dal Molin 
You are correct in saying that Kevin's equation is incorrect..My assumption was, based on the terseness of the reply, that I misunderstood the statement. I was asking for clarification of Kevin's question -- I may have jumped too quickly to conclusions. :-)
and why the authors of the Fortune article concluded Medsphere OpenVista is proprietary.
As anyone that's ever interfaced with the media will tell you, reporters get details wrong. Especially when you consider the technical nature of the details in as large of a system as VistA+Interfacing. Also, taking into account that Fortune is more focused on the financial aspects of businesses and not the technology itself, it does not surprise me in the least that an umbrella statement was made that we don't consider accurate. That's all that George was trying to clarify.
May I suggest that a clear and objective rebuttle to the Fortune
Magazine article claim or label that Medsphere OpenVista is proprietary
Again, I don't consider this a situation where a rebuttal is necessary. We're simply attempting to clarify a general quote -- a quote that attempts to wrap-up a lot of details in a single sentence.
The software in use is a mix of licenses: Public Domain, GPL and Proprietary. Medsphere uses the VistA source code as a base and charges no license fees (Public Domain source code is obviously open source in spirit, if not by license). Medsphere has previously released a bulk of work (Internationalization, ability to interact with console applications using a mouse, etc.) contained in the MSC FM package as GPL. Medsphere made specific changes to the system in use as directed by the customer (either specified or implied by requirements). Medsphere has provided a specific solution to satisfy the requirements of our customer (and partner!) which includes commercial software.
I think many of our colleagues on this list, must agree that when implementing VistA within a specific facility (private office, clinic or health center), many small and specific changes must be made to accommodate the organization. Have we released all these changes? Of course not... there's not much sense in that.
What I can say is that internally Medsphere continues to debate what technologies will be released to the community. Part of that is having the appropriate repository to do so and part of that is a decision based on the business merits. You can be sure that this group will be the first to know when source releases are made (just as it was when we GPL'd our version of FM) or our policies change.
Thank you, Ben

Re: [Hardhats-members] Healthcare solutions for Treo/Palm

2006-05-16 Thread Ben Mehling
On 5/16/06, Alejandra Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anybody knows if it is possible to compile CPRS to use on PC Pocket or OSPalm? if its possible what version of delphi can do it?No, not CPRS itself, but there is a company that has a solution: Ben

Re: [Hardhats-members] Open Development Software WAS: Cost to convert CPRS to Java

2005-10-19 Thread Ben Mehling
On 10/19/05, Mike Lieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 10/13/05, Todd Berman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 2) Setup and maintain bugzilla/mediawiki/mailman. This is possible,
 however some people at the company *cough*Ben*cough* have issues with
 how bugzilla looks :).Tell Ben to write a new css skin for the damn thing, and stop wasting time.Bugzilla is the Bomb.Word.

Heh. Sorry dude... My hands are tied. Todd was pretty
clear: finding a bug tracker is just *one* of the issues. It isn't
what's holding us up. 

Medsphere, as a whole, must have a clear strategy for moving forward
with this... We don't currently have that clarity amongst all
parties. As Todd said, it is being discussed and is top
priority. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING is top priority! If
only we could get 'hours in a day' extended to 36.

Word. ;-)

- Ben

Re: [Hardhats-members] Open Development Software WAS: Cost to convert CPRS to Java

2005-10-14 Thread Ben Mehling
On 10/14/05, Nancy Anthracite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to point out that if anyone is interested in influencing the VAin a positive manner, that this mailing list is read by many within the VAand that a more circumspect manner of dealing with controversy would be
appropriate.I do not think the recent flame wars are doing anyone any good.It is a new element and, in my opinion, certainly not a good one.
Hi Nancy-

I believe Todd and Ruben are referring to VA Software -- not *The VA* we all know and love.

As Todd mentioned, Medsphere's CEO has some connection with his
previous company, but he doesn't control that company in any way.
There is additional concerns in terms of hardware demands, configuration, etc.  beyond licensing.

Thanks, Ben

Re: [Hardhats-members] Development Study: Haste Makes Waste

2005-10-04 Thread Ben Mehling
On 10/4/05, Nancy Anthracite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have been trying to recall, but I think it is something like doubling thenumber of programmers quadruples the time it takes to complete theproject ...or something like that.
On Oct 3, 2005, at 10:51 PM, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
 I have I heard this before as an aphorism with a lot fewer word but
 exactly the same meaning.As I recall,I heard Rick Marshall pass it on as a quote from someone else about what happens when you add more programmers to a project.

I'm going to guess you're thinking of the 'classic' book Mythical Man-Month?

- Ben

Re: [Hardhats-members] == VistA History ==

2005-07-28 Thread Ben Mehling
 On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, Alberto Odor wrote:
  I'm preparing a presentation (FOR TOMORROW) to introduce VistA in our
  institution. I would like to include something about the history of VistA,
  especially how it made the VA medical care go from NOT GOOD to EXCELENT.

I consider these two articles 'required reading':

Best Care, Anywhere
Ten years ago, veterans hospitals were dangerous, dirty, and
scandal-ridden. Today, they're producing the highest quality care in
the country. Their turnaround points the way toward solving America's
health-care crisis.

Military Might
To cultivate a culture of safety at the VA, Kizer created a National
Center for Patient Safety, and to head it up he brought in James
Bagian, a former astronaut who had investigated the space shuttle
Challenger accident for NASA.

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Re: [Hardhats-members] GUIMail 2.2.1 available

2005-06-20 Thread Ben Mehling
On 6/19/05, Bhaskar, KS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks to Richard Sowinski, GUIMail 2.2.1 is available for download at the
 WorldVistA page at Source Forge

I'm not sure if this is an issue everyone is seeing, but when I open
the .zip file from, some important files are missing (SETUP.EXE
for example).  I noticed the 5 following .htm files in the archive:


When I open these, I see a warning from FNF's IS team stating that 5
files (like SETUP.EXE) are not allowed.  From my perspective, the
files were stripped from the archive (probably as the file entered FNF
network, which for obvious reasons is highly secured).  Perhaps
Richard could send the file to another account that allows these types
of files...

Thank you, Ben

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