Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Mark Brooks
That being said...doing so in a portable and platform independent way is 
actually HARDER in Java than in C (and by C I mean 
C/C++/Objective-C...whatever).  Read the Sable paper...  you'll see what I 
mean :-)

I'll certainly read the paper, but I find it difficult to believe that it is 
harder to implement portability with Java than with C++, given the latter's 
notorious holes in the spec that produce incompatibilities between 
different compilers and libraries using the same code.

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2005-05-19 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Davanum Srinivas -

[dev-tools] was Re: Against using Java to implement Java (Was: Java)

2005-05-19 Thread Mark Brooks
If we are going to entertain writing most of the JVM in a type-safe
language, we should also consider the proposed ECMA C++/CLI.  From
what I understand, it standardizes a form of type-safe C++.  It has
the promise of keeping both the Java and C camps happy.
Not really.  First, it is a Microsoft thing, tied in with .NET.  Second, we 
don't want to have to depend on a .NET runtime to get a Java runtime.  
Third, never try to implement a large and  complex existing project in a 
brand new technology.

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Re: timeframe for mid-level decissions

2005-05-19 Thread Jakob Praher
I've put some corrections in, so that its more understandable.

Jakob Praher wrote:
 Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
On May 19, 2005, at 5:24 AM, Jakob Praher wrote:

I don't understand
 Take classpath project. It aims at working accross open vms. So you have
 to build a glue layer between what is intrinsic to the vm and what is
 expressable in plain java. Classpath has VM classes which are
 implemented by the different VMs (mostly public static and often native
 stuff), that gets called from within Classpath, so per VM you only have
 to reimplement the VM classes. It has pros and cons, if you proceed like
 this. For Classpath its the only way to meet the goal of implementing a
 whole runtime without knowing exact details of the VM. 

 On the other hand
 projects like gcj, which have c++ abi for performance reason for most of
 the core classes (I mean the really core stuff) - they currently have
 libjava - where the whole classpath - but also would like to use the
 classpath java classes without importing them into libjava (for code
 management and stuff) where appropriate. 

To state it more clearly:
GCJ has a copy of classpath in its own tree. In former classpath and
gcj   haven't worked that closely toghether. Most of the libjava classes
are 1:1 copies of the classpath classes. But for some high performance
classes / low level classes the gcj team rewrites them. This is a
problem if they want to merge the whole classpath tree in.

Why did I mention that: This is an example of the VMXxx classes to be to
high level - a faster implementation can be done if using CNI (the GCJ
native interface that uses C++ ABI).

-- Jakob

Re: [dev-tools] was Re: Against using Java to implement Java (Was: Java)

2005-05-19 Thread FaeLLe
So have to agree with Mark...

Making a JVM in a .NET language this deserves a . LOL

Sorry if i sound out of order had to do it :s

On 5/19/05, Mark Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If we are going to entertain writing most of the JVM in a type-safe
 language, we should also consider the proposed ECMA C++/CLI. From
 what I understand, it standardizes a form of type-safe C++. It has
 the promise of keeping both the Java and C camps happy.
 Not really. First, it is a Microsoft thing, tied in with .NET. Second, we
 don't want to have to depend on a .NET runtime to get a Java runtime.
 Third, never try to implement a large and complex existing project in a
 brand new technology.
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Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Dan Lydick

 [Original Message]
 From: Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 5/19/05 4:29:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

 Renaud BECHADE wrote:

 That being said...doing so in a portable and platform independent way

 actually HARDER in Java than in C (and by C I mean 

 C/C++/Objective-C...whatever).  Read the Sable paper...  you'll see

 I mean :-)




 This is why I would like Harmony to have two VMs, one written in java

 and one written in C-or-friends: this would give us


  1) the goal of making things modular enough to allow to swap things

 around and allow parallel development


  2) create some internal (and friendly!) competition on speed and

 compliance :-)


  3) attract two different pools of talents


  4) allow compensation (easier to experiment in java than in C, harder

 to port java than C)







I think we should consider also another
option that writing the JVM(s) in C and
writing the class libraries in Java might
be a nice compromise on portability.  Use
the system construction strength of 'C'
and the JVM contect of Java for those
two respective components.

As I have seen everyone's comments on
development language(s), I think we should
continue to discuss it, but ultimately
we need to use the development language(s)
that make sense once some firm architectural
design decisions have come together.  At that
point, we will have considered the ups and
downs of languages and can have an intelligent
place to decide, but we probably should
decide what the scope(s) of action is(are)
first, lest we get the proverbial [language]
cart before the horse.

Dan Lydick

Re: timeframe for mid-level decissions

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
On May 19, 2005, at 8:18 AM, Jakob Praher wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
On May 19, 2005, at 5:24 AM, Jakob Praher wrote:

- do we want to concentrate on the server side (jikes rvm would
probably be fine for that) - for instance: no startup issues
- do we want to build something that competes with sun j2se/ 
mono  on the
desktop side (gnome/redhat would be interested in that)

Both of these are conventional expectations, and we can meet this via
pluggability, right?

Depends on the divergence of the 2 systems. If for instance you have 2
vms (eg. one in jave for server and one in c/c++ for client then  
would be better to make two separate projects). These two vms wouldn't
have much in common.
That's sort of true. :)
I'd agree that they would be separate efforts, but there's no reason  
why they couldn't be in the same Apache Harmony community.  For  
example, look at the Apache Logging communty- there are alternate  
language implementations of the same functionality.

I'd want to keep things close, as we do want to be able to share things.

- do we want to have different projects for different tasks (is  
effordable now - what is harmony then - a meta project?)

Not now - right now, I think we stick close together until we start
getting big.  This *will* get big, but I think that the structure
should be driven over time.

This sounds promising :-). Sticking close together is what I'd like to
see. Don't get too diverse now.
Exactly.  Lets be forced into it, rather than assuming and diluting now.

- are the java specs anough for vm interoperability or should we  
yet another interoperability layer between runtimes?

I don't understand
Take classpath project. It aims at working accross open vms. So you  
to build a glue layer between what is intrinsic to the vm and what is
expressable in plain java. Classpath has VM classes which are
implemented by the different VMs (mostly public static and often  
stuff), that gets called from within Classpath, so per VM you only  
to reimplement the VM classes. It has pros and cons, if you proceed  
this. For Classpath its the only way to meet the goal of  
implementing a
whole runtime without knowing exact details of the VM. On the other  
projects like gcj, which have c++ abi for performance reason for  
most of
the core classes (I mean the really core stuff) - they currently have
libjava - where the whole classpath - but also would like to use the
classpath java classes without importing them into libjava (for code
management and stuff) where appropriate. Appropriate here means  
that the
gcj project makes the trade of towards performance (at least that was
the result of FOSDEMs discussion) if they have to decide.
Oh, I see.  You said between runtimes, so I had some other model,  
such as peer-peer runtime or something, which didn't make a whole lot  
of sense to me.

- should we just be a forum for vm implementors and should we  
cross vm stuff (like the gnu.gcj.RawData class) in terms of   

I think that we clearly want to implement, but it's not a bad  
place  for
enhancement, as long as we are clear that enhancement doesn't  mean
distortion of the standard, or extending.

Ok. It's only for me to get an understanding of the projects identity.
Yes thats probably true especially since we - as opposed to the closed
source vms - don't have business interest in keeping secrets about  
Right - we're forming our identity as we do this.  Patience :)

I think the best projects (in that area) are those, that have a   
goal and don't want to be all things to all people. I don't know  
way harmony is going here.

I think we have a goal, and I do think it's important that we hear
about alternative paths to get there.  I do agree that such   
can't go on forever, and hence the pushing to start  looking at  
some of
the existing VMs (both in C and Java).  I'm really  hoping we can  
a little on that, how we can find ways to couple  cleanly to GNU
Classpath, etc.

That's true. Perhaps I'm a little too eager - I have seen a lot of
projects in the past.
You might disagree here - but i think that this project is a bit
different from other apache projects. Many things completly  
depend on
the initial decisions. So I don't want to see all people waiting for
some technical decision to take place and thus deadlock their  
At the same the possibily matrix is so huge that you can't take into
account every project thats going on. So again: Make some   
decissions in
the next months and go for that. Sure the project is in its  
infancy  - I
don't want to push too much.

Right. Where do you stand on current VMs to look at or language?
As I've posted, I think we should stick close to the indiviual target
platforms (Unix,Win32,...) and build on stuff that works quite well  
java in java stuff). In recent time, I am  a big fan of the LLVM
project, since 

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JNode

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
On May 19, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Can the VM be tweaked to work on standard OSs?
Not immediately.  I have raised the Harmony issue on the  
development forums, so I hope that they show interest in the issue  
here, and may be able to elaborate on whether JNode might be a  
suitable starting spot for Harmony.

Please let us know how it goes.  Thanks :)

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: JIRA and SVN

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
Thanks Dims.
I'd again urge to not commit anything until we hash out some  
policies.  This is an important issue.

In the meantime, any comments on architectures of some of the VMs?   
I'm interest in having a balanced amount of upfront design that  
prevents us from preventing participation from unexpected places in  
the future...

On May 19, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Davanum Srinivas -

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: Developing Harmony

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
On May 19, 2005, at 2:38 PM, Rob Gonzalez wrote:
  - jc (written in C)
  - jikes rvm (written in java)
Between those two I'm on the side of jc becuase it should run faster
than jikes rvm, I don't know why it wouldn't. Though I don't know why
Kaffe isn't on the list.
AFAICT JC is the only real option on the table right now.
- jc was donated under the apache license.
- JikesRVM is CPL, so i don't believe it's automatically on the table
without IBM's releasing a version under the apache license.
- Kaffe is GPL and no one organization or person owns the copyright
(as compared to GNU projects, for example), so it's basically
impossible to re-license.
since we're now officially in the incubator, can we check this into an
apache SVN repository and get hacking at it?
No.  I think it's really in our best interest to sort out our commit  
policy before committing *any* code.  (I still have fresh scars from  
Geronimo, due to process, rather than actual issues. But process can  
kill you...)

Expect an email after I land tomorrow, 12:40 EDT :)

Regarding the x-platform  modularity goals;  regardless of whether
most of the VM itself is written in Java, C, or whatever, having a
small bootloading VM layer that instantiates the rest of the VM --
again, a la JikesRVM -- is probably a good design decision and
something that can be worked on immediately;  not that I'm
volunteering for that myself ;) .
You mean a launcher?


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: Developing Harmony

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
On May 19, 2005, at 5:26 PM, Ian Darwin wrote:
AFAICT JC is the only real option on the table right now.
- jc was donated under the apache license.

since we're now officially in the incubator, can we check this  
into an
apache SVN repository and get hacking at it?

MudgeVM is under an open license and should be looked at before you  
committing stuff :-)
I'm looking at it.  I'm trying to understand how it's architected.

Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: [license] Contributions from tainted developers?

2005-05-19 Thread Geir Magnusson Jr.
On May 19, 2005, at 5:25 PM, Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:
 What can someone that agreed to the SCSL contribute?
 I've agreed on the SCSL for the 1.4.2 JVM and I want to contribute to
 I did a carefull reading of the license and in my layman's  
I cannot contribute to anything that is convered by the 1.4.2 spec  
since it
need to be under the SCSL, but this also means that I can do 1.5  
only stuff.
 The license has termination terms, but I have no clue if  
requesting it
and destroying all copies of SCSL covered stuff would make me  
This is an important issue and recognize that it and related can have  
some far-reaching effects for us.  There will be a post later about  
this.  Please be patient and hang tight - we'll deal with it.


Geir Magnusson Jr  +1-203-665-6437

Re: Developing Harmony

2005-05-19 Thread Weldon Washburn
On 5/19/05, Ahmed Saad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then, if the VM is written in Java it will be compiled to native code
 for example, gcj?
 or it will be compiled to byte code and will be interpreted by itself?

One could interpret the VM code but it would be too slow for many.  A
better choice is to run the bytecode through a JIT or ahead of time
compiler then execute the machine code.  This binary image could be
created at development time then distributed thus saving the end-user
time and confusion.

Yes, it is confusing.   I am convinced that in the long term the JVM
and the underlying OS will merge and that 90+ percent of the
combination will be written in a type-safe language (either Java or

In the short term, I believe we should develop Harmony in C/C++ with a
migration path to a type-safe language (either ECMA CLI based or

 I'm a little bit confused about this topic
 same goes here
 On 5/18/05, Juan Leyva Delgado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Then, if the VM is written in Java it will be compiled to native code
  for example, gcj?
  or it will be compiled to byte code and will be interpreted by itself?
  I'm a little bit confused about this topic
  - Original Message -
  From: Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:46 PM
  Subject: Re: Developing Harmony
   Ozgur Akan wrote:
   JVM in Java will be the slower then Sun`s JVM. C or C++ is a better
   You have to undertand that written in Java does *NOT* equate
   as will be run as interpreted bytecode.

RE: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Nick Lothian
  Why should it be so? I guess the platform dependent code 
 emission code 
  is err ... not platform independent anyway. Also, if the reference 
  platform is for instance LLVM, or some other, off the 
 shelf, low-level 
  intermediate representation, then there is no more platform 
  to take care of at the JVM level (I suppose)...
 Andy is right: writing in Java *above* the JVM interface 
 means you are creating bytecode and all the portability 
 efforts were taken care for you by the JVM makers. writing 
 in Java *below* the JVM interface means that you have to do, 
 at some point, some native code transformations yourselfs, 
 for every single different CPU architecture.

This is true, but doesn't actually seem too hard. I'm looking at the
arch section of the Jikes RVM
( and the two
architectures there (intel  PowerPC) certianly give a good starting
point for other architectures. There appears to be an (unfinished) ARM
backend available for it, too

 Writing a JVM in a compilable higher language means that the 
 compiler will do all that for you.

No it doesn't (unless I'm missing something). It's true you will be able
to compile your VM on other architectures, but you still need to write
the code generator for those architectures yourself (ie, the bit that
converts bytecode into native instructions). In a C-based JVM you'd need
to write that in C whereas in Jikes RVM it is in Java.

JCVM has a nice feature in this area in that it converts bytecode to C
and then lets GCC compile that. That would appear to make it very
portable, but it isn't the way most VMs work. (Ironicaly, the C
genetation code in JC VM is written in Java - see


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Re: JIRA and SVN

2005-05-19 Thread Bryce Leo
 - JCVM is maybe the VM as I would have written it : it's pure C, quite easy,
 and yet focus on bringing good speed. The interp loop is well optimized but
 not very defensive : that means that a hole in the bytecode loader verifier
 could lead to a forged bytecode exploit. It doesn't do JIT, and instead
 generate C from .class and then call GCC and dynload the binary : that
 requires a lot of libraries and might not be the approach Harmony want.
 Also, I'm a bit worried about C code portability : does it compile and run
 on Win32 using MS compiler for example ?

I agree completely on that. After we strip away what we don't want, it
looks like we'd be left with a relatively small, but capable framework
to build upon. This is also to our benefit because newer programmers
(which we clearly have a good number of, which is great to see) would
be able to get up to speed relatively quickly.

I believe that the more complex JikesRVM has some great concepts and
that we could work with that through incorporating their ideas in the
Harmony code. I mention the complexity because we have some new and
relatively new programmers, and certainly a few new to VM's (as I
would be one of them) and that the simpler code base would help out
greatly in how quickly contributions could come in. This may or may
not be an issue, if it's not then that's fine but I feel that a larger
developer base is going to be needed even if it sacrifices the initial
starting point for the project.

 compared to a good JIT written in pure C however. As a framework, it seems
 to contain several compilers, maybe focusing on one main implementation
 would be better.

Strangely I think that the multiple compiler theory of Jikes is a
great idea, it allows work to be divided up smoothly and seems to
allow for a reasonable level of plugablity so if a group wanted to
work on a re-implementation it wouldn't be terribly difficult.

 So my choice would be to go for either a stripped JCVM and add JIT to it (it
 should already work with interpreted, so the JIT can be written in Java or
 C) or for a stripped Jikes that - while keeping the framework architecture

I think that this is a valid approach and gives a solid base while
leaving flexibility for growth.

~Bryce Leo

--Veritas Vos Liberabis--

RE: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Renaud BECHADE
$B!d(BThis is why I would like Harmony to have two VMs, one written in java
$B!d(Band one written in C-or-friends: this would give us
$B!d(B 1) the goal of making things modular enough to allow to swap things
$B!d(Baround and allow parallel development
$B!d(B 2) create some internal (and friendly!) competition on speed and
$B!d(Bcompliance :-)
$B!d(B 3) attract two different pools of talents
$B!d(B 4) allow compensation (easier to experiment in java than in C, harder
$B!d(Bto port java than C)
(BHaving a plugin-based JVM based on a VM that already works (or even /ANY/
(BJVM if we suppose we do enough bytecode engineering[1] and limit ourselves
(Bto minimum assertions on the runtime - say we only use JNI  Java debugger
(Binterface  reflection to link bytecode with JIT generated code) could do
(Bthat, with the added benefit we have a working system NOW (including the
(Blibraries for java 5, that are quite a big bunch of work in themselves, and
(Bthe packaging effort). I think this is compatible with the use of an LLVM
(Bbased solution too (for instance llvi calls gcj or another VM with the
(Badequate function pointers so that gcj can in turn call the LLVM-based VM
(Bs/gcj/other vm/. My point is that gcj is working everywhere, really, even
(Bobscure chips, and can potentially execute java5 bytecode (with the adequate
(Bjava 5 bytecode - java normal bytecode + additional meta information in
(Bsome format if required), NOW.
(BThat makes 2 VMs, one in C/C++ (bootstrap VM, a hacked version of an
(Bexisting one) and one in java (the JIT plugin), and also a common runtime to
(Bdevelop (which in itself is resource-greedy)
(BAnother point that is unrelated, but what about the "packaging" of the VM?
(BDo we plan to release it with say Eclipse + Server (JSF + IDE + object DB or
(BO/R mapping + HSQL DB)? (IMHO this is good way to legitimate it)
(B[1] ex: the AOP techniques used in JAC enable transparent distributed
(Bdeployment, such as for instance A calls B on machine x but in fact B is
(Bworking on machine y (and except from the AOP system, x has a jar of A+B, or
(Ban empty shell of B, where a calls B the "usual way")

FW: timeframe for mid-level decissions

2005-05-19 Thread Renaud BECHADE

$B!d(BFrom the llvm web site: "LLVM does not currently support garbage
$B!d(Bcollection of multi-threaded programs or GC-safe points other than
$B!d(Bfunction calls, but these will be added in the future as there is
$B!d(Binterest."  I would imagine that's quite a lot of work.
(BOuch, but I suppose this is less work than say write form scratch an
(Boptimizing JIT for 4 or 5 different architectures (x86, AMD64, powerpc32bit,
(Bpowerpc64bit, sparc, arm, etc.)
(B-Original Message-
(BFrom: David Griffiths [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(BSent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:33 PM
(BSubject: Re: timeframe for mid-level decissions
(BFrom the llvm web site: "LLVM does not currently support garbage
(Bcollection of multi-threaded programs or GC-safe points other than
(Bfunction calls, but these will be added in the future as there is
(Binterest."  I would imagine that's quite a lot of work.

RE: timeframe for mid-level decissions

2005-05-19 Thread Renaud BECHADE

(BI like it.
$B!d(B* Work together with the GCJ people to build a really fast AOT-compiler
$B!d(Bthat also works with LLVM based Execution Engine
(BI which case we theoretically have a JIT at supposedly low cost...
(B(translating bytecode to bytecode /without having to optimize it/ is great)
(BI still like the plugin way this could be implemented. (one can
(Btheoretically call LLVM and get called by LLVM)
(BThere would still be a lot of work needed for the java5 apis, anyway.

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread shudo
 The problem of Java written JVM/JIT isn't one of performance.  You can
 theoretically achieve the same performance (although I'm not 100%
 convinced, I'm partially there)

It is reasonable to model the performance of a Java runtime in several
aspects, especially throughput and interactivity (start-up time).
JIT (and JVM) written in Java can achieve the same throughput as one
written in C/C++/etc. But good start-up time / interactivity are more
difficult to achieve and have to be elaborated.

Part of a runtime written in Java has to be interpreted, or compiled
before executed. Throughput is sacrificed when interpreted and
interactivity is sacrificed when compiled.

Another possible disadvantage, which might not be discussed, is
reflective nature of Java-written JVM. This has been appealed as one of
strong points in this list so far as removing boundary of
languages. But we have to consider maintenance and debugging of the runtime.
Java-written JIT is compiled by itself eventually. In the case,
debugging will become pretty hard. Of course, such a runtime will have
another interpreter or a baseline compiler (written in C/C++?) and
Java-written JIT can be debugged exhaustively. But such a reflective
nature certainly makee debugging harder.

I myself do not have any experience on development of Java-written JIT
and then I am not very sure how it makes maintainance and debugging
harder. There have been a few Java-written JIT, Jikes RVM and OpenJIT
and we may be able to have input from the developers of them if we hope.

  Kazuyuki Shudo[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Rodrigo Kumpera
I think jikesrvm can be executed from another JVM, this should make 
debugging easy.

  The problem of Java written JVM/JIT isn't one of performance. You can
  theoretically achieve the same performance (although I'm not 100%
  convinced, I'm partially there)
 It is reasonable to model the performance of a Java runtime in several
 aspects, especially throughput and interactivity (start-up time).
 JIT (and JVM) written in Java can achieve the same throughput as one
 written in C/C++/etc. But good start-up time / interactivity are more
 difficult to achieve and have to be elaborated.
 Part of a runtime written in Java has to be interpreted, or compiled
 before executed. Throughput is sacrificed when interpreted and
 interactivity is sacrificed when compiled.
 Another possible disadvantage, which might not be discussed, is
 reflective nature of Java-written JVM. This has been appealed as one of
 strong points in this list so far as removing boundary of
 languages. But we have to consider maintenance and debugging of the 
 Java-written JIT is compiled by itself eventually. In the case,
 debugging will become pretty hard. Of course, such a runtime will have
 another interpreter or a baseline compiler (written in C/C++?) and
 Java-written JIT can be debugged exhaustively. But such a reflective
 nature certainly makee debugging harder.
 I myself do not have any experience on development of Java-written JIT
 and then I am not very sure how it makes maintainance and debugging
 harder. There have been a few Java-written JIT, Jikes RVM and OpenJIT
 and we may be able to have input from the developers of them if we hope.
 Kazuyuki Shudo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Nick Lothian wrote:
Why should it be so? I guess the platform dependent code 

emission code 

is err ... not platform independent anyway. Also, if the reference 
platform is for instance LLVM, or some other, off the 

shelf, low-level 

intermediate representation, then there is no more platform 


to take care of at the JVM level (I suppose)...

Andy is right: writing in Java *above* the JVM interface 
means you are creating bytecode and all the portability 
efforts were taken care for you by the JVM makers. writing 
in Java *below* the JVM interface means that you have to do, 
at some point, some native code transformations yourselfs, 
for every single different CPU architecture.

 This is true, but doesn't actually seem too hard. I'm looking at the
 arch section of the Jikes RVM
 ( and the two
 architectures there (intel  PowerPC) certianly give a good starting
 point for other architectures. There appears to be an (unfinished) ARM
 backend available for it, too

Ok. I admit I never looked into that part myself so I can't tell you how
hard it is to port a java VM onto another CPU architecture.

Writing a JVM in a compilable higher language means that the 
compiler will do all that for you.

 No it doesn't (unless I'm missing something). It's true you will be able
 to compile your VM on other architectures, but you still need to write
 the code generator for those architectures yourself (ie, the bit that
 converts bytecode into native instructions). In a C-based JVM you'd need
 to write that in C whereas in Jikes RVM it is in Java.

D'oh, you're absolutely right!

 JCVM has a nice feature in this area in that it converts bytecode to C
 and then lets GCC compile that. That would appear to make it very
 portable, but it isn't the way most VMs work. (Ironicaly, the C
 genetation code in JC VM is written in Java - see

Hmmm, interesting... I wonder if we could hook directly into the
compiler intermediate representation instead of having to write a big
string using C syntax and fire a parser on it.

Does anybody know if GCC allows such a thing?

Keep in mind I know squad about GCC and friends.

Stefano, who should really do his homework some day.

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread Rodrigo Kumpera
Sure it does, we would be writing just a front-end. Which in case is not an 
option for Harmony, since such code must be GPL. 

Does anybody know if GCC allows such a thing?
 Keep in mind I know squad about GCC and friends.
 Stefano, who should really do his homework some day.

Re: [arch] VM Candidate : JikesRVM

2005-05-19 Thread acoliver
Andy is right:
This is why I would like Harmony to have two VMs, one written in java
and one written in C-or-friends: this would give us
 1) the goal of making things modular enough to allow to swap things
around and allow parallel development
 2) create some internal (and friendly!) competition on speed and
compliance :-)
 3) attract two different pools of talents
 4) allow compensation (easier to experiment in java than in C, harder
to port java than C)
Andrew C. Oliver
SuperLink Software, Inc.
Java to Excel using POI
Commercial support including features added/implemented, bugs fixed.

MIT compiler course

2005-05-19 Thread acoliver
So for those who are not compiler buffs but wish to be, this MIT online
courseware stuff can be helpful.  Also buy the books especially the
Tiger one for an introthe more advanced books by Steven Muchnick are
a much more challenging read and the fortran hurts my head...though the
theory is helpful and there are some good explanations of the different
chip arcitecture.  I'm working up the stomach to actually READ them
cover to cover...though I'm not looking forward to becoming a fortran
course link:
There is other relevant MIT courseware but you can search for that
yourself :-)  Note that you should use the search and not rely on the
categorical stuff because somehow not everything that is searchable
seems to be locatable via categorical search.
Unfortunately its just lecture notes and projects, etc.  It'd be really
cool if they had some kinda audio or video or something...but then I
guess it'd be MIT on the cheap.
Andrew C. Oliver
SuperLink Software, Inc.
Java to Excel using POI
Commercial support including features added/implemented, bugs fixed.