Re: [HOT] kindly guide me ...........

2017-08-03 Thread Arun Ganesh
> OpenStreetMap is more designed to map permanent features.  Jiggers sounds
> more as if it is transient.  So mark on a map where cases are reported and
> have some sort of communication system that sends out an alert when the
> problem is more pressing.  Adding this to an existing infrastructure would
> be simpler and cheaper and the ideal place would be Uganda's public health
> service however I suspect that Uganda's public health system is not well
> funded as it could be.  This I suspect needs more education and long term
> political movement, a realisation that health care brings economic benefits.

If you are looking at tracking transient or temporary data like location of
suspected cases, you could try something like the fieldnotes demo that I
hacked together: <- Feel free to add a

The entire code is around 200 lines [1] and should be fairly easy to
customize with a custom form for the data you want to collect. It works by
saving data points as an overlay layer in a Mapbox dataset [2].

HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Open Data and OSM

2017-07-06 Thread Arun Ganesh
Answering a few questions should help:
- Who funded the data collection?
- Who organised/coordinated the data collection?

One of them would be the best person to know the current license of the
data and it would be easy to decide if it can be imported.

Its quite possible nobody thought of it and it is unlicensed, in which case
document in as much detail how the data was sourced and a public statement
of an OSM compatible license. If there is nobody to challenge this claim
among the data creators, it should be safe to use the data.


On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 11:35 PM, john whelan  wrote:

> Not quite what I'm after.  The City of Ottawa amended its Open Data
> license to be in line with the Canadian Treasury Board license and both
> licenses have been reviewed by the OSM legal working group and deemed
> acceptable.  I think there is a UK Open Data license which is also
> acceptable.  So we have accepted some municipal data in the past.
> Many Open Data licenses are not acceptable.  Whilst I accept only the
> legal working group can deem what is acceptable what I'm seeing in Africa
> specifically in Ghana at the moment are people who working in teams have
> collected data for other uses wanting to add this to OSM.
> So what are the hoops they have to go through?
> I've also come across people who say that this data was given to them so
> obviously it should meet the license requirements.
> What I'm after is somewhere that clarifies to them the steps to take.  Who
> is an acceptable / authoritative person to say this data was given?   etc.
> Thanks John
> On 6 July 2017 at 13:54, Donal Hunt  wrote:
>> Here are a couple of links:
>> Donal
>> On 6 Jul 2017 17:07, "john whelan"  wrote:
>>> I'm seeing some interest in different levels of government in Africa and
>>> others in enriching OSM with their data.
>>> Is there somewhere that discusses things like Open Data licenses etc.
>>> Thanks John
>>> ___
>>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Malaria Campaign Updates

2017-04-27 Thread Arun Ganesh
Congratulations to all mappers and mapathon organisers throughout the
world. Wish we could better recognize all their efforts and let each of
them know how valuable their contribution was.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 3:03 AM, Russell Deffner  wrote:

> Greetings everyone,
> It has been an incredible collective effort to conduct this massive
> mapping campaign to help end malaria.  If you have not seen it yet, check
> out Mapbox’s blog and graphics of the work done so far:
> On Tuesday, World Malaria Day, about 360 mappers came together for this
> campaign and ended up tracing over 94,000 buildings in Zimbabwe. I can’t
> say “Wow, Thank You!” enough.
> Although World Malaria Day is over, the disease is not, and neither is the
> mapping. Please continue to spread the word and share the link directly to
> the campaign on the Tasking Manager: - or for more
> information, the project page:
> projects/malaria_elimination_campaign
> For the youthmappers chapters, there will be one more round of the Mapping
> To End Malaria Challenge which will run May 1 – June 4; more info and
> registration can be found here:
> updates/2017-03-06_malaria_mapping_youthmappers_challenge
> For those chapters currently competing in round 2, I just looked at
> preliminary stats and there is literally a one(1) building difference
> between two contenders; with several others on their heels for 2nd and 3rd
> place. A good push this weekend could really make the difference for a
> handful of teams.
> Thank you everyone for supporting this campaign and Happy Mapping!
> =Russ
> Russell Deffner
> Project Manager – Malaria Elimination Campaign
> Email:
> OSM/Skype: russdeffner
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
> Web  | Wiki
>  | Blog
>  | Contact
> | Donate 
> ___
> HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] OSM humanitarian mapping and its learning curve

2016-10-13 Thread Arun Ganesh
The future of HOT will be in more local mappers joining tasks, and we will
definitely have to remain open to having greater number of first time OSM
contributors with no prior experience and not fluent in English.

The core of the problem is that contributors have access to powerful
editing tools that they may not know how to correctly use [1]. Lets always
create great documentation, but more importantly we need some mechanism to
ensure that a contributor has read and understood it before contributing.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 1:33 AM, Romain Bousson 

> Hi all,
> As a pretty newcomer in the osm and hot communities, I personnaly had the
> feeling that the 3 first tabs "Description / instructions / Contribute"
> could be very easily enhanced, by just improving the text and its
> organisation. Today, as I see the new #2228 - Hurricane Matthew: Jereme
> Post Event Imagery , instructions,
> I see that there had been some improvements :)
> I do not complain, and I applaud all the work done by HOT, but I think my
> following comments and ideas could be helpful :
>- Description tab : often the same text for all the different Haïti
>projects. The general context is well explained, but we may miss some
>important context elements on the practical things (hearthquake in 2010,
>the date of the Bing imagery, the date of the new imagery).
>- Instructions tab: it was not explained how to use the new Digital
>Globe imagery in iD. IMHO, only the link is not enough: some people may say
>that it's only a strange line in the instructions and ignore it. The
>hierarchy of the informations provided on this tab is not adequate and
>almost inverted imho. What to do when 2 imageries coexist really missed me.
>The only information was the type of "use imageries in that order : DG,
>Bing, Mapbox", but we can identify simple and common cases that could be
>explained in a Frequently Asquesd Questions or something : what to do when
>a house is already mapped, appears on ancient imagery, and is not here
>anymore with the new imagery etc.
>- Contribute tab: maybe a reminder to read the instructions, and/or a
>phrase saying that "If you know what you are doing, you can validate, if
>not, you may let more experienced user take this role". The accessibility
>of the tiles given to only  users who have a certain level, as previously
>said, is a good and interesting idea, but is pretty drastic and limits
>freedom, wich is one of the powers of crowdsourcing. Ensuring a good
>instruction, and ensuring  a good peer-review by experienced users and not
>newcomers is what I think the most important.
> This said, I agree that all the main instructions are already here, on the
> welcome page and the tabs, but we still see people not reading them, so it
> will be a choice to make by HOT community wether we keep users who do not
> read them to be free to map badly or not.
> Here are an other famous crowdsourced project that has fine tutorials in
> my opinion. I put 2 links for people who do not know them, it could inspire
> us for the HOT improvements (pay attention to the explanations given in the
> tutorials) :
> @Dale : thank you for your answer! No problemo I understand that you were
> busy. I hope I did not spam you too much, sory about that :D
> Thanks for everything,
> Romain
> ___
> HOT mailing list
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] JOSM for HOT can someone point me at a basic, tutorial?

2016-10-03 Thread Arun Ganesh
For a general JOSM guide, you can use the documentation made by the data
team at Mapbox. Its been designed to be more visual than text heavy, and
includes advanced guides for validations, shortcuts and plugins:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 1:06 PM, john whelan  wrote:

> I was being lazy and didn't want to search through a hundred tutorials to
> find what was needed.  I wanted something fairly quickly to correct someone
> who was mapping iD fairly quickly and productively but was making classic
> mistakes that JOSM catches.  I gave him some feedback and they seem to have
> settled down now.
> The written one in French works well, its easy to translate to other
> languages.  The mappers I seem to be dealing with first language is not
> English, French or Spanish so the videos aren't quite so useful.
> Cheerio John
> On 3 October 2016 at 15:16, Andrew Wiseman  wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> There are a number of other tutorial videos here on the HOT Youtube page
>> that have subtitles in English, Spanish and some in French:
>> Andrew
>> On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 7:17 AM, john whelan 
>> wrote:
>>> The French tutorial is actually very useful.  I'm working in the odd
>>> corners of Africa at the moment.  The mappers come from all over the world
>>> often working in maperthons.
>>> I think my hang up is data quality so I mainly do validation these
>>> days.  I think in the last week I've tagged over a hundred untagged ways or
>>> area=yes, I wouldn't like to say how many highway=road I've retagged in the
>>> last week but its in the hundreds.  Highway=road unfortunately is the tag
>>> given to GPS tracks that have been converted into a highway where the
>>> person who does the conversion doesn't know if there are steps in a
>>> footpath or if its a motorway.  As a result many of routing programs will
>>> ignore them.
>>> Another problem is new mappers not completing a tile then other new
>>> mappers coming along behind and copying the first mappers mistakes.
>>> Because the tile hasn't been completed even if there is a validator on the
>>> project it doesn't get validated or corrected so the problems get
>>> compounded.
>>> Actually another problem I'm seeing is all the highways within a
>>> landuse=residential being tagged highway=residential.  Fine until you
>>> realise that the routing software will try to avoid routing traffic down
>>> backstreets and suddenly there is no routable path across the town.
>>> So in some parts of the map perhaps 30% or more of the work is ignored
>>> until its retagged and that's what I'm trying to avoid by finding ways to
>>> make JOSM easier to use.
>>> Blake's videos are great but unfortunately he speaks with an American
>>> accent.  I find it fairly easy to understand but there are people in the
>>> world whose first language is English who will have to rewind once or twice
>>> to catch the words.  Accents are regional, believe it or not some people
>>> even have problems with my English accent.  Looking at the mappers I'm
>>> validating the ones with the most problems are those who use English as a
>>> second language or even just Bing / Google translate it.  The French
>>> tutorial is much more useful for them as they can cut and paste it into
>>> Google or Bing translate.
>>> On a side note I'm handholding a Statistics Canada project at the moment
>>> so any French documentation is very useful to feed back to them.  The
>>> project is about adding data to OpenStreetMap then doing some stats on the
>>> result.  The cultures at Stats and OSM are very different but its coming
>>> along quite nicely albeit a little slower than their project manager would
>>> like.
>>> Cheerio John
>>> On 2 October 2016 at 04:50, Martin Noblecourt 
>>> wrote:
 Hi John,

 We also have similar tutorial in French (I know, not very helpful here,
 would it be relevant to translate it?):

 Else the video Blake sent is the best we have I think.



 Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 06:47:42 +0200
 From: Blake Girardot  
 To: john whelan  
 Cc: ""  
 Subject: Re: [HOT] JOSM for HOT can someone point me at a basic
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Hi John,

 Far from perfect, but I believe the "JOSM for iD Users" youtube vids
 covers most of that (might need one on imagery use in JOSM, hopefully
 it comes across though):

 Feedback from your friend welcome.


 On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 3:19 AM, john whelan  

 > So how to install,  how

Re: [HOT] MapLesotho Phase 2

2016-05-31 Thread Arun Ganesh
This is so great to hear about the building of a local mapping community.
Congrats to everyone!

On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Ciarán Staunton
>  wrote:
> > I wanted to just let everyone here know that #MapLesotho has now got a
> > complete basemap.
> Congrats to everyone who helped make that a reality!
> >
> > Now the #MapLesotho story moves on. The flocking and sustaining effects
> of
> > mappers here on hotosm creates a sense of purpose. Lesotho now has an
> > indigenous  mapping community of 10 regular mappers and 70 others who
> > participate when they can. They are big enough now to sustain 11 tasks
> and
> > are mapping all June in a relay fashion starting today in Quthing and
> going
> > around eleven venues in Lesotho clockwise until the 30th.
> Wow, all of this is awesome!
> > Lesotho is a disaster preparedness mapping project. It doesn't need your
> > urgent attention. All the same stop on by the tasks - 1941 today - to
> take a
> > tile or validate.
> There is no greater pleasure in HOTOSM for me than taking an hour or
> two and doing #MapLesoto tiles when you or Dave mention it. I
> encourage everyone to take some time and join with the people, remote
> and local, of #MapLesotho on the projects Ciarán and Dave post about.
> It is a real opportunity to be a part of this incredible, successful,
> long running community building and mapping project. Everyone who is
> part of the HOT Community for longer than 6 months probably has some
> #MapLesoto tiles in their Tasking Manager history :) Lets all go get a
> few more and if you have not mapped any #MapLesotho tiles yet, now is
> your chance!
> Best wishes,
> Blake
> > they like to see the support. There will be a blog post each day on the
> > wordpress from whoever is holding the mapathons.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
> Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact:
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] India ban on "unofficial maps"

2016-05-13 Thread Arun Ganesh
Hi Kate,
The open data community has collected shared notes and responses to the
bill here:

The idea is definitely to respond with a better alternative. No comment has
been made to the Government so far.


On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Kate Chapman  wrote:

> Hey Sajjad,
> Have you also sent comments directly to the government? You said you were
> collecting responses, is that in form other than "this is bad". I am no
> expert on India but some of my other contacts on my trip this week have
> said they are looking for ways to make suggestions of a better approach (I
> am not sure what this would be).
> Best,
> Kate
> On May 13, 2016 8:58 AM, "Sajjad Anwar"  wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Ralph - thanks for bringing this here. A few of us have started a
>> campaign and collecting responses to the ministry to reduce the scope
>> of this bill. You can follow the conversations on
>> The bill in it's current state is very unlikely to get approved. Will
>> keep you posted.
>> Cheers,
>> Sajjad
>> (
>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:06 AM, Carissa Brittain
>>  wrote:
>> > The article in Geospatial World
>> > ( has a
>> link to
>> > the May 5 draft of the bill
>> > (
>> )
>> > but it doesn't seem to be complete.
>> >
>> > Techdirt's article
>> > (
>> )
>> > seems to have a more complete version:
>> >
>> >
>> > 'Carissa Brittain
>> >
>> > On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Ralph Aytoun <
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> An item for discussion.
>> >> This particular scenario existed when I was working for Philip’s and we
>> >> had to send to India for prior approval, an exact copy of any map of
>> India
>> >> that we would include in any of our atlases. It appears that India is
>> going
>> >> to roll this out further.
>> >>
>> >> Is this something HOT will have to get prior permission for in the
>> event
>> >> of a natural disaster? It certainly appears that way.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >>
>> >> Ralph Aytoun
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> HOT mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > HOT mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Sajjad Anwar
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Fwd: Forest Fires in Uttarakhand,India

2016-05-05 Thread Arun Ganesh
Praveen, have you found any good sources of information on the exact
location and damage of the fires. The media reports vary widely and its
unclear what the ground situation is.

Are you in touch with anyone on the ground who is part of the relief
efforts who can provide more clarity?

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Russell Deffner 

> Hi Praveen and all,
> As a student of Forest Fire Science and the HOT Disaster Mapping Program,
> I would be interested in discussing and possible assisting with a mapping
> effort.  However, I personally don’t have much ‘extra’ time on my hands
> recently. Of course, many of us understand ‘what OSM *can* do’, but
> before HOT as an organization formally asks for a massive volunteer effort
> – unfortunately we have limited resources (people) and must prioritize.
> That said – any and all are welcome to ‘use the model’ to organize mapping;
> I should be able to ‘size-up’ the situation later today.
> =Russ
> *From:* Praveen Kalura []
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:49 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [HOT] Fwd: Forest Fires in Uttarakhand,India
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: *Praveen Kalura* 
> Date: Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [HOT] Forest Fires in Uttarakhand,India
> To: maning sambale 
> Hi Maning,
> Answers for respective questions.
> 1. The OSM data can be used by Non Government organisations (NGO),
> Volunteers at field, Government forest Department officials, Fire Fighters
> and also by Communities to vacate the place before fire reaches to their
> place.
> 2. I have observed that for mountainous terrain the OSM data is not
> sufficient and accurate. due to which we face problem in finding a
> particular location in hilly terrain. Uttarakhand state is 70 % in hilly
> terrain which is resided by million of people. And also Uttarakhand state
> is most sensitive zone as per natural disaster is considered. So we need to
> map this state in phases like we did for Nepal after the earthquake
> event.This will ensure our preparedness to mitigate any natural calamity in
> this state.
> Thanks
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:52 AM, maning sambale <
>> wrote:
> Hi Praveen,
> Thank you for notifying us.  Some questions before we talk about
> mapping Uttarakhand:
> 1. Who will use the data on the ground?  While mapping in general
> improves the data in OSM for anyone to use, we want to make sure that
> before focusing efforts of volunteer mappers, we know who will use
> (and for what purpose) the data on the ground.
> 2.  What specific features and where should we map? OSM focuses on
> basemap information (i.e. roads, settlements, natural features, etc.).
> Based on news reports, the area affected by the forest fires is large,
> we want to focus on what are the priority areas which are usually
> where communities maybe at risk.
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Praveen Kalura 
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > This is Praveen from India, resident of Uttarkhand State, Last week 3000
> > acres of Hilayan Forest were burnt by forest fires.Lack of proper map in
> > public domain was missing. Mapping of the area is very difficult task in
> > Mountaineous terrain. Can we do something so that this forest fires can
> be
> > mitigated soon.
> >
> > Suggestion invited.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > HOT mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> --
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> --
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Waterway - Determining Flow Direction

2016-04-05 Thread Arun Ganesh
Getting the flow directions correct can be tricky. In any case, its should
be easy to find and correct waterways with an incorrect flow using a tool
like osmose

Have fun at the mapathon!

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 12:35 AM, Mike Thompson  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Michael Heißmeier <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> there is another option which I occasionally use. Depending on the area
>> in question you might find more-or-less outdated US military maps (JOG/AMS
>> etc.) which have the advantage that there is no copyright associated with
>> them. They tend to be fairly exact as far as terrain and waterbodies are
>> concerned and sometimes are good sources for the names of such bodies as
>> well.
> Wow, this is an excellent source! Thanks.  Might it be a good idea of HOT
> projects mentioned this source where available and appropriate?
> Mike
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Protecting girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania by mapping their villages - International Womens' Day event

2016-03-08 Thread Arun Ganesh
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> --
> *Pete Masters*
> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> +44 7921 781 518
> <>
> @pedrito1414 <>
> @theMissingMaps <>
> <>
> --
> *Pete Masters*
> Missing Maps Project Coordinator
> +44 7921 781 518
> <>
> @pedrito1414 <>
> @theMissingMaps <>
> <>
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Protecting girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania by mapping their villages - International Womens' Day event

2016-03-07 Thread Arun Ganesh
Janet had earlier sent a note that the datasource is

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Mark Iliffe  wrote:

> Hi Janet,
> This is good, out of question is this Tanzanian Government Open Data from
> their portal?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On 8 Mar 2016, at 05:14, Denis Carriere  wrote:
> Hey Janet,
> This is a great cause and it would be really nice to see this data added
> to Tanzania!
> I've set up a Tasking Manager to make it easier to track the progress of
> your contributors.
> I can add you as a Project Manager for you to add any extra details to the
> Task.
> *Tasking ManagerMapping primary schools in Tanzania*
> I've converted the data into a friendly OSM format, the file isn't too
> large (2.5MB).
> *Data*
> *Tanzania Primary Schools.osm*
> Here's an example of a typical school in OSM, it will be useful to
> reference this example when someone is new to mapping.
> *Example*
> *Migeko Primary School*
> Cheers,
> *~~*
> *Denis Carriere*
> *GIS Project Manager*
> *Twitter: @DenisCarriere <>*
> *OSM: DenisCarriere <>*
> GitHub: DenisCarriere <>
> Email:
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Gertrude Hope 
> wrote:
>> Hi Jante,
>> Happy mapping day.
>> Gertrude
>> On Mar 7, 2016 11:55 AM, "Janet Chapman" 
>> wrote:
>>> I’d be very grateful if anyone could promote and help support this
>>> online mapping event to coincide with international Womens day tomorrow –
>>> to help protect girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania
>>> Thanks
>>> Janet
>>> From*: Janet Chapman ( Campaigns Manager and Project Officer)*
>>> Address: *44* *Mildenhall Road LONDON E5 0RU, UK*
>>> Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp: *0447815 053 779*
>>> Skype :* jachapman82*
>>> Email: * *
>>> LinkedIn *
>>> <>*
>>> Blog: *
>>> <> *
>>> The Tanzania Development Trust is UK Registered Charity No 270462
>>> * <>*
>>> ___
>>> HOT mailing list
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Protecting girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania by mapping their villages - International Womens' Day event

2016-03-07 Thread Arun Ganesh
Denis, that is amazing! Couple of things to note:

   - using the TM it becomes a JOSM specific task and requires a bit of
   experience to be able to work with multiple layers
   - instructions could be improved on how one uses the school data layer
   as a reference. What if someone decides to copy paste all the schools and
   - How do we synced mapped schools with the spreadsheet?

The workaround I feel for this is to have the TM cover a few districts as a
project for only advanced users. New mappers should rather contribute using
the spreadsheet and iD.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:49 AM, Mark Iliffe  wrote:

> Hi Janet,
> This is good, out of question is this Tanzanian Government Open Data from
> their portal?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On 8 Mar 2016, at 05:14, Denis Carriere  wrote:
> Hey Janet,
> This is a great cause and it would be really nice to see this data added
> to Tanzania!
> I've set up a Tasking Manager to make it easier to track the progress of
> your contributors.
> I can add you as a Project Manager for you to add any extra details to the
> Task.
> *Tasking ManagerMapping primary schools in Tanzania*
> I've converted the data into a friendly OSM format, the file isn't too
> large (2.5MB).
> *Data*
> *Tanzania Primary Schools.osm*
> Here's an example of a typical school in OSM, it will be useful to
> reference this example when someone is new to mapping.
> *Example*
> *Migeko Primary School*
> Cheers,
> *~~*
> *Denis Carriere*
> *GIS Project Manager*
> *Twitter: @DenisCarriere <>*
> *OSM: DenisCarriere <>*
> GitHub: DenisCarriere <>
> Email:
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Gertrude Hope 
> wrote:
>> Hi Jante,
>> Happy mapping day.
>> Gertrude
>> On Mar 7, 2016 11:55 AM, "Janet Chapman" 
>> wrote:
>>> I’d be very grateful if anyone could promote and help support this
>>> online mapping event to coincide with international Womens day tomorrow –
>>> to help protect girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania
>>> Thanks
>>> Janet
>>> From*: Janet Chapman ( Campaigns Manager and Project Officer)*
>>> Address: *44* *Mildenhall Road LONDON E5 0RU, UK*
>>> Mobile/SMS/WhatsApp: *0447815 053 779*
>>> Skype :* jachapman82*
>>> Email: * *
>>> LinkedIn *
>>> <>*
>>> Blog: *
>>> <> *
>>> The Tanzania Development Trust is UK Registered Charity No 270462
>>> * <>*
>>> ___
>>> HOT mailing list
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Protecting girls at risk of FGM in Tanzania by mapping their villages - International Womens' Day event

2016-03-07 Thread Arun Ganesh
This is a valuable project to support. Is it possible to add a source for
the data in the spreadsheet?

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] #1394 - Kinshasa Floods

2015-12-30 Thread Arun Ganesh
On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Dale Kunce  wrote:

> Another problem is iD hiding some features at some zoom levels. The
> notification isn't large enough for beginning mappers. So many features get
> mapped several times in dense areas.
Yes, this should definitely be better communicated to new users who are not
aware that buildings already exist. There is some discussion on the issue

Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Japan data cleanup using the tasking manager

2015-10-16 Thread Arun Ganesh
Hey all!
First off, its amazing for HOT to have supported the development of the
tasking manager which is turning out to be an invaluable tool to improve

The data team at Mapbox have been investigating the large number of data
issues in Japan [1] and we have initiated a large scale data improvement
project to realign the major highway networks in the country. The tasking
manager has been the tool of choice to manage such a large effort and is a
good use case to develop the tool further.

Some of the challenges in remapping Japan is that it needs to be done in
phases and will require the creation of a large number of projects with
varying levels of difficulty and multilingual instructions[2]. We have
already hit a few early limitations in tracking the progress and have to
come up with solutions like creating a separate map[3] to track the overall
status of the projects.

A few tickets have already been filed in the tasking manager repo for
features that would be valuable to assist in the remapping, and Sanjay
Bhangar (who some of you might already know from the NYPL Digital Gazetteer
project) will be looking at working on these features.

It would be great to have more eyes on the tickets to fine tune the
improvements and make it useful for the larger community requirements. In
the meantime, you can find me (planemad) or Sanjay (batpad) hanging around
at #osm irc anytime, or track the cleanup progress in our mapping repo [4].

For open maps!


Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list


2015-07-08 Thread Arun Ganesh
>  IMHO volunteering and crowd activities are
> inconsistent with a dynastic leadership.
And this makes it a great reason to build the volunteer culture there.
Positive change starts with small steps.

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Issues copy+pasting tags in iD

2015-05-05 Thread Arun Ganesh
We have had volunteer mappers reporting in asking how to add multiple tags
to every objects in iD:

   - landuse=brownfield
   - damage:event=nepal_earthquake_2015
   - source=DigitalGlobe, 2015-05-03

Its extremely tedious to add multiple custom tags in iD manually for every
object and we should probably update the instructions that the recommended
editor is JOSM/potlatch where one can use the copy paste tags feature. This
also needs to be mentioned in other tasks where such custom tags need to be
added as it is unreasonable to expect volunteers to be spending most of
their time typing in tags, rather than identifying features.

PS: This feature request for iD is tracked here:

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-04 Thread Arun Ganesh
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:43 PM, Pierre Béland  wrote:

> Interesting visualisation Arun.
> What is the source of healthcare data?

Its the same WHO dataset. Overlaid on OSM using Studio.

> Pierre
>   ------
>  *De :* Arun Ganesh 
> *À :* Bernadette Williams 
> *Cc :* "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)" 
> *Envoyé le :* Lundi 4 mai 2015 5h35
> *Objet :* Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?
> If someone would like to explore the healthcare facilities data, you can
> use this interactive visualization:
> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Bernadette Williams <
>> wrote:
> I just joined this weekend but I have a little bit of experience mapping
> data in this region of the world. GIS data I've received in Bangladesh
> needed to be projected/transformed from BTM (Bangladesh Transverse
> Mercator) to WGS 84. BTM is based on the Everest 1830 geographic coordinate
> system.  Perhaps this is the same coordinate system being used locally in
> Nepal.
> -Bernadette

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Nepal: Hospital import gone wrong?

2015-05-04 Thread Arun Ganesh
ot know about the problematic geolocations.
>> However,
>> >
>> > >>>>> > it is worth noting that this dataset is what a lot of
>> organizations
>> >
>> > >>>>> > have been using locally, given that it is the best available
>> >
>> > >>>>> > dataset of health facility locations.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > Maybe the discussion we need to have soon is how we can improve
>> >
>> > >>>>> > OSM-based tools (MapOSMatic, Fieldpapers, etc) to incorporate
>> >
>> > >>>>> > datasets like this that are very useful in scenarios like what
>> we
>> >
>> > >>>>> > are going through, but are incompatible to put into OSM because
>> of
>> >
>> > >>>>> > the license.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > cheers, Prabhas
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Rafael Avila Coya
>> >
>> > >>>>> >>> wrote:
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > Hi all:
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > Megha (MeghaShrestha), the user that imported these data, has
>> >
>> > >>>>> > answered me through the OSM messaging. She works with the KLL
>> and
>> >
>> > >>>>> > she tells me: "we are trying to create papers for the relief
>> >
>> > >>>>> > workers. The problem being there are enough details like roads,
>> >
>> > >>>>> > buildings, rivers but no POIs in many areas. It is difficult for
>> >
>> > >>>>> > the relief workers to locate themselves on the map. Importing
>> the
>> >
>> > >>>>> > health facilities data was an attempt so that they can at least
>> >
>> > >>>>> > find some POIs they can look for while locating themselves on
>> the
>> >
>> > >>>>> > map. The data I imported was from
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> .
>> >
>> > >>>>> > The licence says we can use the data for non commercial purpose
>> and
>> >
>> > >>>>> > we need to credit the source. I hope these information are
>> helpful
>> >
>> > >>>>> > and you can help us out."
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > With this info, I can see that the data is the one we were
>> >
>> > >>>>> > discussing a few days ago, although that data set contained
>> almost
>> >
>> > >>>>> > 9,000 nodes, whereas the one of Megha had around 4,660.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > I recall the main problem: geolocation was very poor (most of
>> nodes
>> >
>> > >>>>> > in well out of any settlements). The other problem I see is the
>> >
>> > >>>>> > license: it's for non-commercial use, and that makes it
>> >
>> > >>>>> > incompatible with the OSM license.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > I really feel to give a no in such circumstances as these, and
>> >
>> > >>>>> > that's why I ask for more input from other people with
>> experience
>> >
>> > >>>>> > on this, just in case there is any possibility of including the
>> >
>> > >>>>> > data into OSM, and if not what other options we would have to
>> make
>> >
>> > >>>>> > good use of these data set, if any.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > Rafael.
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > On 03/05/15 18:14, Kretzer wrote:
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> When looking at the Gorkha area in #1024 I noticed several
>> nodes
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> tagged as "Hospital" with a lot of information, quoting UNOCHA
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> as source, but obviously in the wrong place, because there is
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> nothing nearby. Like here:
>> >
>> > >>>>> >>
>> Looks
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> like a mass import that somehow went wrong ... shame, because
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> hospitals are important!
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> By the way, I am somewhat confused as to what is that called a
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> "task" now? Is it a single tile (with a #) or is it the whole
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> project?
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> ___ HOT mailing
>> list
>> >
>> > >>>>> >> <>
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > ___ HOT mailing list
>> >
>> > >>>>> > <>
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> > -- Prabhas Pokharel
>> >
>> > >>>>> > twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>> - --
>> >
>> > >>>>> Twitter:
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>> - 
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>> Por favor, non me envíe documentos con extensións .doc, .docx,
>> .xls,
>> >
>> > >>>>> .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, aínda podendoo facer,  non os abro.
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>> Atendendo á lexislación vixente, empregue formatos estándares e
>> >
>> > >>>>> abertos.
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> >
>> > >>>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
>> >
>> > >>>>> Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>> iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJVRvhtAAoJEB3niTly2pPQ6rYQAIACG4KEtph2xtxQvywpuEsJ
>> >
>> > >>>>> dJujmsakn1Z2R3Cx6RhbB1cpTtwRB5R08WDeDx6veKh2NjyyoYmBk1gpxam0M8m+
>> >
>> > >>>>> nZcyixJxn59vMkVHCLh0kKyBBGNnDAPyQC+GBZtPsW04Vd7Zi8qc3rs98CnE3QHP
>> >
>> > >>>>> gHpXfD/xtiMSi/g/Q6MhQ/DNYOQLLyZn9O2F3zg8UWHFTBFcUE544wnOkKmzmoKF
>> >
>> > >>>>> ORyfN5Z3/d8E6GewV48otvl96S1xVikmLqu3AEDDGugU1llBOIpjG1gpF+yIEDtD
>> >
>> > >>>>> Qq5+2iYGqTWoq/k/fVpuORvWaETHYtORzcTjGbul757gwLZYFwJtrgMsnkjf0KiO
>> >
>> > >>>>> flnL3w6Vh5Ysc/imP5P6p76yg5rxRPhuoSdc0H5OJTExH09sZAwrvqOmjULeYTaX
>> >
>> > >>>>> wfltzd8QJmD7WWLSsVnRVNoNXyPkA6EFB0x5zJklAJdELslAZIrV2X0YPB/bbqDT
>> >
>> > >>>>> TJPob34LoicYoXZ0JPt5VbHPYUTZvHq7HJ8bZzaXOrWblPctb4fz7abUHUMEzl/5
>> >
>> > >>>>> W9KoNx0wJAU1ChJkERV8IxuMwnffwELnw/CUN5p57XJ6PY5vCnuTOPYoScrTwFN4
>> >
>> > >>>>> lfvwRSoMkDsbcmCPotaXJ+lt2egKAZoqWc9T78qEsOUsf9gB1pF2zfvHmTKBQ500
>> >
>> > >>>>> 69oFJ/ArvtOAV2hLDBCx
>> >
>> > >>>>> =b93r
>> >
>> > >>>>> -END PGP SIGNATURE-
>> >
>> > >>>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>> --
>> >
>> > >>>> Prabhas Pokharel
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>> twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>> ___
>> >
>> > >>>> HOT mailing list
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>>>
>> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >> --
>> >
>> > >> Prabhas Pokharel
>> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >> twitter/skype/facebook/whatever: prabhasp
>> >
>> > >>
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > HOT mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Urgent Request - Nepal Earthquake - What data can be shared on the maps?

2015-05-02 Thread Arun Ganesh
Hey Felix,
The simplest failsafe tool that comes to mind that use the map data we have
put together is fieldpapers:

You can basically generate A4 sized pdfs of maps for an area of interest.
Field workers can use this to navigate on the ground, and also collect
additional information on the paper including corrections.

These prints can later be scanned and used as a reference by mappers online
to update the map data back on openstreetmap
<> which will become
available to all other map users..

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 5:28 PM, Felix Fiedler  wrote:

> Hi there!
> First of all, great job you're doing with your project!
> I could not find the information about what the HOT-Map is capable and
> time is short for us.
> I'm here in Pokhara and close to a very busy NGO which got lots of
> information about state of help in villages, roads open or not, contact
> information to villages etc.
> Whilst we where trying to find options to share this information to other
> organisations aswell for people out in the field, we found the HOT project.
> - So if anyone could be so kind and tell me if this project is an option
> for our purposes.
> - Do you know other tools that might be interesting for us, for "output"
> aswell for gathering information in an easy way from the individuals beeing
> in the field or coming back from there.
> Thanks a lot for you help!
> Felix
> ___
> HOT mailing list

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Validation of 'own' tiles

2015-04-30 Thread Arun Ganesh
This is a software issue. Have filed it here:

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list


2015-04-29 Thread Arun Ganesh
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 1:31 AM, Suzan  wrote:

> I'm a fast learner and find the slow pace of the beginner's guide
> frustratingly slow. How about a quick start guide at a pace those of us
> with skills in drawing and seeing could learn from. I had no problem
> picking up the ID tool set intuitively, but missed key processes because
> the directions are so wordy and mind numbing, I'd skipped them.
At the Bangalore mapathon, we put together a quick mapping guide
<> for new
editors and a validation guide
<> for more
experienced mappers. We would just give any volunteer interested the link
to beginners pad that allowed them to start editing without much trouble.

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Road classification system in Nepal

2015-04-28 Thread Arun Ganesh
My vote for unpaved mountain roads between settlements is to be tagged
highway=unclassified + surface=unpaved

highway=track should be reserved for roads from settlements into
agricultural land as it says in the wiki

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] WHO Healthcare Data

2015-04-27 Thread Arun Ganesh

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Arun Ganesh 

> Just received shapefile data for location of healthcare facilities in
> Nepal. The source is apparently WHO, and i'm trying to find the source
> link, but thought i'll pass it on anyway.
> Data contains 8974 points with attributes of facility type (hospital,
> health post, health center and a few others), district name, village
> council name and code.
> Shapefiles:
> --
>  Arun Ganesh
> (planemad) <>
>  <>

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

[HOT] WHO Healthcare Data

2015-04-27 Thread Arun Ganesh
Just received shapefile data for location of healthcare facilities in
Nepal. The source is apparently WHO, and i'm trying to find the source
link, but thought i'll pass it on anyway.

Data contains 8974 points with attributes of facility type (hospital,
health post, health center and a few others), district name, village
council name and code.


 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

[HOT] Road classification system in Nepal

2015-04-27 Thread Arun Ganesh
There seems to be inconsistencies in how the roads are classified, with
many National Highways being marked as trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary
and even unclassified.

Based on
and my own experience with roads in India, the tagging should probably be
more like this:

Trunk National Highway (ref=H##): trunk
Feeder Roads (ref=F##): primary
District Roads (ref=D##): secondary

used with appropriate surface=* tag

Can someone from the ground make any recommendations based on practical
use? There does not seem to be any comprehensive documentation of how the
existing tagging scheme came about and it looks quite messy.

The forum has some discussion about this with no clear consensus:

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] Map volunteer for Nepal Quake- 2015

2015-04-26 Thread Arun Ganesh
Hi Uzma, wonderful to have you with us.

We had a HOT mapathon in Bangalore today to get volunteers together and
teach them how to contribute. We have documented most of our instructions
in a very compact document:

Please see if you find this useful. Once you have some experience you can
organize and lead a mapathon at your campus.

Please let us know if you require any help.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 7:47 PM, john whelan  wrote:

> First welcome to HOT.
> Next read here for background
> OSM mapping maybe slightly different to the way you have mapped before.
> So have a look here:
> JOSM is the OSM tool that many experienced mappers prefer and if you can
> manged to use it it does have some error checking which helps data quality.
> Realistically I strongly suggest you start with a different project to get
> a feel and gain a little experience.  Have a look at how other experienced
> mappers have mapped and see how they have tagged roads etc.  If you click
> on a mappers name you'll see which projects they worked on and how many
> tiles they have done.  Pick one who has done lots of tiles.  Read the
> instructions carefully.  You don't need to completely map a tile to be of
> use, someone else will be along to finish the tile sometime.  So if you
> just want to concentrate on simple things like buildings with the JOSM
> building tool plugin start there and map other objects as you gain
> experience.  Ask questions here.
> The projects are listed here:
> Cheerio John
> On 26 April 2015 at 00:49, Uzma nazneen  wrote:
>> Sir/Madam,
>> I am a Remote sensing and GIS Post Graduate student ,I want to be a map
>> volunteer for Nepal Quake-2015.So,I request you to let me know how can I
>> contribute myself to it.
>>  Thanking You,
>> Yous Sincerely,
>> UzmaNazneen.
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list

Re: [HOT] 7.9 earthquake in Nepal

2015-04-25 Thread Arun Ganesh
Have uploaded some high resolution osm extracts of downtown Kathmandu and
Patan to wiki commons that could come in handy for immediate print use:

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Pierre Béland  wrote:

> We started an international skype communication and gather infos.
> Pierre
>   --
>  *De :* Robert Banick 
> *À :* Heather Leson 
> *Cc :* "HOT@OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)" 
> *Envoyé le :* Samedi 25 avril 2015 5h53
> *Objet :* Re: [HOT] 7.9 earthquake in Nepal
> I’m hearing from old Red Cross friends that many places outside Kathmandu
> are also affected. I think we should worry about the city of Pokhara too,
> it’s a major city basically equidistant from the earthquake.
> —
> Sent from Mailbox <>
> On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Heather Leson 
> wrote:
> Morning, there is a strong OSM contingent in Nepal including board member
> Nama.
> Thanks for the updates, Maning and JCG
> Heather
> On Apr 25, 2015 10:45 AM, "maning sambale" 
> wrote:
> Just got this info from tv. News are still sketchy but kathmandu seems to
> be heavily affected.
> cheers,
> Maning Sambale (mobile)
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list
> ___
> HOT mailing list

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) <>
HOT mailing list