[ilugd] setting apache on intranet with dhcpd

2003-12-06 Thread Raj Shekhar

I wanted to set up Apache on an intra-net that uses dhcp (running on a
Windoze PC) for DNS. I did a bit of research. A few people had suggested
to ask the dhcp server to assign a hostname to the PC running the Apache
server and then setup the Servername directive in httpd.conf to the same

Is there any other approach to solve this problem ?
   / \__
  (@\___Raj Shekhar  
  / O   My home : http://geocities.com/lunatech3007/
 /   (_/My blog : http://lunatech.journalspace.com/
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[ilugd] Installing Linux on an old machine.

2003-12-06 Thread Ishpreet Gill
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

I have an old machine at my disposal and want to try linux on that ..
here's the basic configuration of that machine:

1] pentium 100 mhz
2] 32 mb RAM
3] 1.2 GB HDD [there are two HDDs of 800 mb and 200 mb .. approx]

i want to try slackware ... and want to use it for JAVA programming.

Let me know if you have any tips [or detailed instructions] on how to go
about it ... including which flavour of linux to install etc.

- -ish

Ishpreet Gill

 www  : http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~igill
 GnuPg public key : http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~igill/gpg

Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (SunOS)


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[ilugd] Linux Asia - 2004

2003-12-06 Thread Abhishek Kumar
Hi fellow Linuxers ,

We are happy to announce that speaker registration for Linux Asia is now 
open. If you wish to present a talk at Linux Asia, please register at 
http://linuxasia2004/speaker. Make sure that you read the speaker guide 
before you submit your presentation topic. There would be a shortlisting of 
speakers after the registration . if you would like to have a look at the 
program guide please have a look at  http://www.linuxasia2004/program

for more information about the event , please visit


This is a  unique event on Linux and Open Source. A place where developers, 
IT entrepreneurs and the Open Source community get together.
Special highlights include
The Conference — targeted at IT entrepreneurs, top industry executives, 
government technocrats, education specialists and technologists
Technology Workshops — listen and learn from the OSS gurus
The Hub — an 80 to 100 node network demonstrating Linux and its various 
The Expo — the perfect venue to see and experience the latest Open Source 
products and solutions

Event is geared to become the largest event on IT ,in this part of the globe 
.We hope to see you all at Linux Asia 2004 , 11th 12th and 13th of February 
2004 .

Cheers : )
Abhishek Kumar
P.S : please forward this mail to all the Linux users . Let the Linux users 
of India unite .

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[ilugd] [Fwd: Torvalds reply]

2003-12-06 Thread Nishikant Kapoor
Greetings all,

Just thought you might enjoy the following quote if you haven't seen it
...If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage
unconstitutional too,  since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial
nature of normal human interaction, and  probably is a major impediment 
to the commercial growth of prostitution, he [Torvalds] wrote



in response to SCO's attack on the GPL as unconstitutional.

ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] linuxDelhi Tshirt+Poster dzn

2003-12-06 Thread vivek khurana

--- LinuxLingam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 great question vivek,
 here are the answers:
 usually put slogans in a
 small, distinct, but understated manner, on the
 We have already decided in nov meet to put nothing on
the back.
 the linux community kind of thing. this is design.
 and design is about
 innovation through defiance, breaking existing
 rules, and re-thinking
 existing concepts.
 its a separate, deep, intricate discipline. you
 could drown in it and
 never resurface for the rest of your life. (like

 Talk about this linux comunity, more sys admins and
less developers. Do you think this sort of evolution
will take place, i don't. It took us years to reach to
this stage. 
 2) one interesting twist we can bring to the polo
 teeshirts, is to have
 interesting color combinations. for example, the
 polo teeshirt can be
 black, the black_and-white-and-yellow ilug-d logo on
 the pocket. the
 colors or the color edges, and the sleeve edges, can
 be in yellow. or
 even the inside button margins can be in yellow.
 would look just
 awesome. am sure you guys have seen polo designs of
 this nature. you
 could even do this in three colors, with hints of
 white used in these
 margin and edge areas.
 LL you will look us like a joker or advertisement of
some company, ican only recall cocacola, shell, pepsi
salesman wearing such stuff
 3) the logo, logodesign, logotype, slogan, are done.
 how/where/ you use
 them is always left open. from business cards,
 stationary, websites, to
 merchandize. each implementation must enhance and
 resonate the logo
 Leave it open in a group where only 32 member have
time to press a vote button out of 688(memebers as on
17 nov2003)?? i wonder why ?? we claim to be a
closeley knit group of people(read it on the first
page of ilugd website) and still not many vote for
even none of the above choice if they did not like
the logos. I had started to wonder whether t-shirts
concept will be a sucess or not? if we go by our
current experience i don't think many ppl are wiling
to buy a linux delhi t-shirt. And if we don't come up
with a good design many others will also drop out
(including me). 
 So right now we have to decide whether we want
t-shirts or not

with regards

When DESTINY has closed all the DOORS;
Jump out of the WINDOW

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ilugd mailing list

Re: [ilugd] linuxDelhi Tshirt+Poster dzn

2003-12-06 Thread Mairu Gupta
Quote: If every one starts following their bliss then what will be the 
identity of Linux-Delhi?? It will not be a group any more. To be part of a 
group or tema you have to keep everyone together and also be part of it at the 
same time. Every community has a goal of his own which can be acheived only if 
everyone works together.

I dont think you understand what was being conveyed.
He made it for his own bliss, and that bliss will help the community most 
effectively. There will one in a million individuals who will ultimately play 
for their team and not at all look at their own success. For example, the 
indian cricket team. In any case, here even success is not the question.
It's about inner bliss. It's a hard thing to understand vivek ji. 
Kindly think first. And type after.

Quote: Imagine what will happen to a soccer team if every player, starts 
following his own bliss and plays his own game. The result, such a team will 
defivnately loose the game. i am saying this on my experience as a soccer team 
captian, in my school.

If you understand what my own inner bliss means, then if any player in the 
team plays without it, the team will loose most definitely.

Quote: Linus designed a toy OS (read his posting on minix newgroup dated 
25/8/1991), it was the community which has made it stand out and a challenge 
for M$, else linux is nothing more than a piece of code.

If you properly understand what a community is, then you see, Linus first made 
it out of his inner bliss. He did not make it for the community to advertise 
it for him. What he did first was most important, which was out of his inner 
bliss. What the community did came later. Everything is only a piece of code, 
by the way. If you like, inner bliss too.

Quote : please dont send me irrational, philosophical comments such as your 
own bliss 

You really must be paranoid to call it irrational.

With a signature like this ::

When DESTINY has closed all the DOORS; 
Jump out of the WINDOW 

Nothing can be expected of you, anyway.

I like the logo, count me !


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[ilugd] [None]

2003-12-06 Thread khurs
[Please CC replies to the original poster]

I have just moved to linux but it seems there is something wrong some
where. Many of the programs are not working and particularly i am not
able to watch my favourite movies. suggest!!! I guess the instalation
was not proper and i had only two cds at that time.Help.
khurshid imam
120-jhelum hostel
Mobile: 9810786638

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] Revolution OS

2003-12-06 Thread Anand Shankar
Just returned from Linux Bangalore/2003.

Seen this documentary movie Revolution OS, at the end of the first day, and
I am personally quite impressed.

I strongly recommend screening of the documentary movie at a future ILUG-D
meets. A nice review can be found at


Don't be fooled by the fairly specialized topic of Revolution OS: this is a
well-done documentary that will be of interest to anyone who's curious about
computer-related topics, whether they're an experienced techie who knows all
about the Linux vs. Windows debacle or just someone who's curious to know
what all this Open Source and Free Software stuff is all about.
Revolution OS shows not just the technical side of Linux's development, but
also the philosophical side, and as you'll see, ideas of community-building,
sharing, and encouraging creativity are at the heart of the GNU-Linux
system. With a nice widescreen transfer and a second disc packed with
extras, Revolution OS stands as a solid recommended.


LB'2003 was a grand show and once again recommended strongly to one and all
to take time out and attend this one of the largest Open Source
Conventions in the world. Interested guys can read reviews at slashdot.org.

Anand Shankar

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