[JOYnet] When you lie down in your bed psalm4.4

2001-09-20 Thread Thomas Mathew

?When you lie in silence on your beds
Offer the right sacrifices to the Lord
And put your trust in Him? Psalm 4.4

Psalm 4 is a good evening prayer . God works in us when we lie down and 
rest. When we are awake and lie down in silence, thinking about many painful 
or creative things, God is with us. God is inviting us to think properly and 
to offer a Spiritual sacrifice.  Often times when we are silent our minds 
wander and it may not be always the pleasant things that come to us. It is 
possible that even non spiritual things work in us.  The psalmist is 
inviting us to offer sacrifices to the Lord and to put our trust in our dear 
God when we are in bed. Offering sacrifices is a very simple and intimate 
thing in our lives. We might be able to offer sacrifices to our God. A very 
intimate sacrifice is done in the Altar of our hearts.
Our homes and our beds are Holy dwellings of our God. God lives in our body 
and mind. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Whether we are awake or 
asleep we are in the Holy Presence of our God.
I think this attitude and awareness enables us to function differently from 
what we might have been doing till today

Ruby?s life

I have heard from Ruby (real name is withheld) encouraging news. Ruby is 
unmarried and a single mother. The father of the child visits with her and 
the son. Ruby was touched at the downing of the World trade Center. She is 
afraid for her life. She is frightened about the loss of her soul. She is 
reminded of the Bible message ? even if you gain the whole world and if you 
lose your soul what gain you have?

The other day the father of her child ,James ( real name is withheld) came 
to visit with her and the child. They had a long chat in their bed. As he 
forced her to sin with him she turned around and asked him.  ? Are you not 
afraid. If you die in sin where will you go? I am not willing to go to hell 
when I die.? Ruby was touched when the World Trade Center was downed under 
terrorists attack.  Ruby was able to convince him that their bed is a sacred 
place.  She read the psalm 4. And she trembled literally as she read the 
verse 4. ? Tremble and sin not; reflect upon your beds? and exactly that is 
what Ruby was able to do. She felt God touching her through this event of 
the disastrous event in New York

God touched Ruby her son and her life style. She is tired of sins in her 
life. Sins multiplied and their bed became sinful place.  But God touched 
the same bed to make them turn around in the name of the Lord.
Repentance is in her heart. She is resolved not to sin. She was able to 
convince James to return to the Lord.  He is also coming to see me. I think 
such miracles are because of prayers and intercessions.  God uses His whips 
to chastise the people.   People get tired of sinful lives and they turn 
away from their sins and return to the Lord.

An Ash Wednesday prayer

Every year as I put ashes on people?s forehead on Ash Wednesday, I am 
reminded of the prayer ? Turn away from sin and return to the Lord?. I think 
Ruby is returning to the Lord.  Ruby is trusting n God  and returning  to 
God. She knows that her bed is a Holy dwelling place of her God. Ruby is 
worried about her son. She wants to set an example for her son. Many of you 
as you read this live story might be up in arms to blame this woman and this 
man who fathered a child but I am inviting you  to slow down. Jesus asked 
the crowd of sinners to slow down. When an adulterous woman was caught in 
the act of committing sin, what they did was to lead her   out of the city 
and to stone her so she might die because that is the prescription in the 
Mosaic Law.  Jesus intervened and said ? If you are clean you be the first 
one to cast the stone at her? and no one stoned her.

Jesus invites us

I think Jesus invited them to look into their lives. The God in Jesus 
touched their souls and made them aware of their illness, their sinfulness. 
They turned away from committing a murder. Jesus saved them from killing a 
person in His presence. God doesn?t want any of us to judge anyone and to 
sin in His presence.

We are instructed in catholic ways but at times or often we are too 
catholic. We condemn people and we make the lives of other people miserable. 
  Very often we  talk about negativity. We are buried in the concept of sin 
and shame and try to correct people and that makes the others stubborn and 
sin again in their stubbornness.

You and me, we need people to change. We like to see people change. We are 
upset if someone sins. But when we sin we are least bothered. Of course we 
are bothered but we don?t want anyone to challenge and to judge us.

Now returning to Ruby I would say she is conscious of her life style. She is 
changing. She wants to change but she cannot change alone. She wants her man 
also to change so that there would be peace in life. She could go away and 
marry another person and that is not possible in this juncture. But God 
touched this man  J

[JOYnet] A World Split Apart By Solzhenitsyn

2001-09-20 Thread Alex

A World Split Apart
Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University
June 8, 1978


I am sincerely happy to be here with you on the occasion of
the 327th commencement of this old and illustrious
university. My congratulations and best wishes to all of
todays graduates.

Harvards motto is "VERITAS." Many of you have already
found out and others will find out in the course of their
lives that truth eludes us as soon as our concentration
begins to flag, all the while leaving the illusion that we
are continuing to pursue it. This is the source of much
discord. Also, truth seldom is sweet; it is almost
invariably bitter. A measure of truth is included in my
speech today, but I offer it as a friend, not as an

Three years ago in the United States I said certain things
that were rejected and appeared unacceptable. Today,
however, many people agree with what I said . . .

The split in todays world is perceptible even to a hasty
glance. Any of our contemporaries readily identifies two
world powers, each of them already capable of destroying
each other. However, the understanding of the split too
often is limited to this political conception: the illusion
according to which danger may be abolished through
successful diplomatic negotiations or by achieving a
balance of armed forces. The truth is that the split is
both more profound and more alienating, that the rifts are
more numerous than one can see at first glance. These deep
manifold splits bear the danger of equally manifold
disaster for all of us, in accordance with the ancient
truth that a kingdom  in this case, our Earth  divided
against itself cannot stand.

There is the concept of the Third World: thus, we already
have three worlds. Undoubtedly, however, the number is even
greater; we are just too far away to see. Every ancient and
deeply rooted self-contained culture, especially if it is
spread over a wide part of the earths surface, constitutes
a self-contained world, full of riddles and surprises to
Western thinking. As a minimum, we must include in this
China, India, the Muslim world, and Africa, if indeed we
accept the approximation of viewing the latter two as

For one thousand years Russia belonged to such a category,
although Western thinking systematically committed the
mistake of denying its special character and therefore
never understood it, just as today the West does not
understand Russia in Communist captivity. And while it may
be that in past years Japan has increasingly become, in
effect, a Far West, drawing ever closer to Western ways (I
am no judge here), Israel, I think, should not be reckoned
as part of the West, if only because of the decisive
circumstance that its state system is fundamentally linked
to its religion.

How short a time ago, relatively, the small world of modern
Europe was easily seizing colonies all over the globe, not
only without anticipating any real resistance, but usually
with contempt for any possible values in the conquered
peoples approach to life. It all seemed an overwhelming
success, with no geographic limits. Western society
expanded in a triumph of human independence and power. And
all of a sudden the twentieth century brought the clear
realization of this societys fragility. 

We now see that the conquests proved to be short lived and
precarious (and this, in turn, points to defects in the
Western view of the world which led to these conquests).
Relations with the former colonial world now have switched
to the opposite extreme and the Western world often
exhibits an excess of obsequiousness, but it is difficult
yet to estimate the size of the bill which former colonial
countries will present to the West and it is difficult to
predict whether the surrender not only of its last
colonies, but of everything it owns, will be sufficient for
the West to clear this account.


But the persisting blindness of superiority continues to
hold the belief that all the vast regions of our planet
should develop and mature to the level of contemporary
Western systems, the best in theory and the most attractive
in practice; that all those other worlds are but
temporarily prevented (by wicked leaders or by severe
crises or by their own barbarity and incomprehension) from
pursuing Western pluralistic democracy and adopting the
Western way of life. Countries are judged on the merit of
their progress in that direction. But in fact such a
conception is a fruit of Western incomprehension of the
essence of other worlds, a result of mistakenly measuring
them all with a Western yardstick. The real picture of our
planets development bears little resemblance to all this.

The anguish of a divided world gave birth to the theory of
convergence between the leading Western countries and the
Soviet Union. It is a soothing theory which overlooks the
fact that these worlds are not evolving toward each other
and that neither one can be transformed into the other
without violence. Besides, convergence in

[JOYnet] Fwd Healing - a picture

2001-09-20 Thread Saji Chacko

This is amazing and touching It was drawn by an elementary school
child in Pennsylvania!!

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[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of healing.gif]

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of pic19803.pcx]

[demime 0.97b removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of pic00649.pcx]

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[JOYnet] sofi requires your prayers urgently

2001-09-20 Thread roshan mathew verghese


i hope some of you might know sofi, she used and still is a Jyer. she is my 
wife and she is 9 months pregnant and now she is suffering from high fever. 
the doctor has prescribed antibiotics. she doesnt want to take antibitocs. 
she is very afraid for the baby. please pray for her and the baby.

i am very afraid.

this is our first baby and god has been so kind me till now and will be 
ever. but i am afraid.

please pray for my wife and baby


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[JOYnet] coincidence or God's call

2001-09-20 Thread John Wilfred

Dear Joynetters,
Last Sunday my husband had gone in the morning to give a talk for a youth
leaders training in a church in the city.  He was back home in the
afternoon, and was getting ready to go to our parish youth prayergroup. And
my son very unusually started crying very loudly and reached outside the
gate with him.  I was very distrubed seeing this, and I requested John to
stay back since Isaac was seeing him only on Sundays and half the day was
already over.  John was a bit angry but he abided by the request and changed
to his home clothes.  Since it was my son's sleeping time he slept very soon
in peace.  I was feeling very guilty, so I asked John to go back to the
prayergroup,but John went to sleep.
In the next five minutes there was a phone call from John's aunty asking
John to reach the hospital immediately as his uncle was very sick.  If John
was away I couldn't have helped much because I am not well for the past few
weeks (with dizziness, weakness, and less blood-please do pray)
What do you call this?  Coincidence or the Lord working through little
children.  Because I and John feel that we both are very lazy people and are
of hardly any use,
especially to our parents and relatives.
Praise God!

- Original Message -
From: "Biju Antony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] No War Please!

> No War Please!
> The world is under the shadow of another war.
> Any war is a crime and there is no end victory in a war.
> Only the common people will be affected by the war.
> The earth is a very sensitive planet. Every war will affect the
> Animals, trees and man will be badly effected by war.
> We have the right to live in this planet peacefully.
> It is not right to punish the innocent people for the crime of a few.
> Let us pray to our Lord to give the wisdom and knowledge to the world
> to take good decision and to avoid a war.
> Biju Antony / JY-Kuwait.
> --
> ___
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to get it now!
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Re: [JOYnet] No War Please!

2001-09-20 Thread Josun Jose Nellanikat

In continuation of Biju's mail. How would it be if all of us joynetters can 
pray for world peace? Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with 

love and prayers,


>From: "Biju Antony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JOYnet] No War Please!
>Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 19:24:59 +0800
>No War Please!
>The world is under the shadow of another war.
>Any war is a crime and there is no end victory in a war.
>Only the common people will be affected by the war.
>The earth is a very sensitive planet. Every war will affect the 
>Animals, trees and man will be badly effected by war.
>We have the right to live in this planet peacefully.
>It is not right to punish the innocent people for the crime of a few.
>Let us pray to our Lord to give the wisdom and knowledge to the world 
>to take good decision and to avoid a war.
>Biju Antony / JY-Kuwait.
>Have you downloaded the latest calling software from Net2Phone? Click here 
>to get it now!
>This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
>To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact 
>To know more about Jesus Youth, visit http://www.jesusyouth.org

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[JOYnet] No War Please!

2001-09-20 Thread Biju Antony

No War Please!
The world is under the shadow of another war. 
Any war is a crime and there is no end victory in a war.
Only the common people will be affected by the war. 
The earth is a very sensitive planet. Every war will affect the environment. 
Animals, trees and man will be badly effected by war.
We have the right to live in this planet peacefully.
It is not right to punish the innocent people for the crime of a few.
Let us pray to our Lord to give the wisdom and knowledge to the world leaders
to take good decision and to avoid a war.

Biju Antony / JY-Kuwait.


Have you downloaded the latest calling software from Net2Phone? Click here to get it 


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[JOYnet] Re: Job Opportunities..

2001-09-20 Thread jobin

Dear friends,

I have already started receiving some mails
within moments of the posting of this message !

(Mathew, I think we must start like Parablenet,
Jobnet also on the Joynet !! Lot of potential can be

However, I wish to make one thing clear.
This position (especially that of Accounts Supervisor)
is that of Client Serving. It has something to do with
Agency accounts. Like Lintas, HTA, Contract, O&M
handling their clients of HLL, Maruti, Amul, Cadbury's etc.,.

This position is not for the Financial Accounts 'guys'.
Sorry about not making it explicit in my previous mail.

And besides, please note these positions are based
at Chennai.



Thomsson A.Jobin
Indo National Limited, Chennai
+91 44 827 8612 / 5653 / 2711

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[JOYnet] Picture of Peace

2001-09-20 Thread JASON


There once was a King who offered a prize to the
artist who would paint the best picture of peace.
Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures,
but there were only two he really liked and he had
to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a
perfect mirror, for peaceful towering mountains were
all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy
white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that
it was a perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains too. But these were
rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which
rain fell and in which lightening played. Down the
side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.
This did not look peaceful at all. But when the King
looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush
growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother
bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the
rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her
nest... perfect peace.

Which picture do you think won the prize?

The King chose the second picture. Do you know why?
"Because," explained the King, "peace does not mean
to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or
hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those
things and still be calm in your heart. That is
the real meaning of peace."
   - Author Unknown

(As Fwd to me : by Jan)

There is not one moment
That we are separated from God's care
Unless we choose to be

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