[lace] Couronnes

2004-05-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Janice asked:  how do you add it to your lace?

Couronnes (rings) are stitched to the completed lace using just a stab
stitch.   You can leave a long end, when you finish making the couronne, and
have joined upo the last stitch, and then use that long end to stab stitch
it in place.

I like small holes in the centre of my couronnes, so, instead of using the
ring stick, I use the eye end of a tapestry needle - about a # 24, - and
start the couronne on that.  After the first 2 or 3 stitches, I take it off,
and hold it in my fingers - a bit fiddley, but it gets the knots of the
stitches on the edge.  If you make the whole thing on a ring stick, you may
find the knots all sit to one side.  I don't know why, but they do!  I use
the eye end, as then I can get my fine sewing needle into the wrapped
stitches more easily.

The trace method is the easiest, I think.
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace] A contact, please

2004-05-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Please can anyone put me in touch with Pat Earnshaw.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace] Lace Day in Barcelona - long

2004-05-24 Thread Pam Mattioli
Hi All

Just thought I'd let you all know about the fantastic Lace Day I attended
last week on the outskirts of Barcelona.

Carolina told us all about it back in Feb and as it coincided with our
wedding anniversary DH and I decided that a long weekend in Barcelona
sounded like a good idea. Selina (who started making lace in Sept) and her
DH decided to come too.

We arrived in Barcelona on Thursday and spent the following 2 days
sightseeing, by Sunday we were shattered by the amount of walking we had
done. We still didn't see half of what we wanted (opps, might have to go
again, VBG).

Sunday morning saw us up bright and early to get to the station to catch the
train. Carolina had given me directions and we'd arranged to meet at
10.15am. Getting to the station and finding the platform proved easy, now
for getting on the right train. Easy - find a lacemaker and follow her. We
had a choice of hundreds to follow! I've never seen so many lacemakers
crammed into such a small space before. All with pillows of varing shapes
and sizes, many of them being transported in shopping trollies or on luggage
wheels (now there's a good idea that needs following up).

The train arrived and on we all piled on, a few lucky ladies got seats, the
rest of us stood,fairly comfortably, hanging onto the handrails etc. Next
stop - another couple of hundred lacemakers get on! What a squeeze! If the
train had stopped suddenly no one would have fallen down as there wasn't any
room! One more stop and it looks like we're there -the train empties
completely apart from a few bemused holiday makers who had caught it at the
airport. We join the end of the queue to get out of the station, 20 mins
later we emerge onto the street and what a sight awaits us just acroos the

Three long rows of trestle tables and chairs, divided into zones so that you
could find where you were sitting, going down the middle of the road. A long
row of gazeebo's on the right where the vendors were doing a roaring trade
and thousands and thousands of lacemakers. The day was bright and sunny, but
not too hot (the previous Sunday it poured with rain, so we were lucky). We
were a few minutes early, so we sat down and waited to see if we could spot
Carolina. She found us and it was great to meet her.

Carolina took us across to the vending area and explained how the lace day
worked, we chatted for a while in a mixture of English and Spanish (or was
it Catalan?). DH and I discoved that Catalan is similar to Italian so we had
no real problem understanding her. Then we went our seperate ways.

We solved the problem of where to start by working our way down the vendors,
just looking first time round and then back again sending far too much
money. Then on to the lacemakers. Pillows of all shapes and sizes, lace of
every description, though predominately white torchon. Groups of lacemkers
who had all dressed their pillows the same way, groups of lacemakers with
matching hats, groups of lacemakers with matching t-shirts. Groups of
lacemakers with banners on their tables - what a wonerful sight. Lots of
fantastic lace being worked and lots of lace being displayed. The camera was
well used and I'll be putting photos up on the PBLC site shortly. We stopped
and chatted (well sort of) to many of the lacemakers and my supply of
spangled bobbins was given away very swiftly. Most of the lacemakers were
not familiar with Midlands bobbins and found them fascinating.

5 hours passed quickly and we headed back to the train early so as to beat
the rush. A fantastic day, one which I hope to repeat another year. Now I'm
looking for lace days nearer home in the south of Spain - not sure when and
where they happen.

Sorry to have gone on so long

Pam Mattioli
In sunny Vera Playa, Almeria, Spain

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[lace] Re: discs 3/4

2004-05-24 Thread LACEELAIN
In a message dated 5/21/2004 12:02:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 At long last, CD3 and CD4 are ready for shipment.  This time, they will be 
 sent together as a pair, packaged in a double jewel case.  The cost is the 
 same as before, but as a pair, not singly.  So total for both would be $20 
 plus postage ($2 for domestic, $4 for international), a total of either $22 
 or $24, wherever you may be.
Dear Tess,
I'm in London now and will put a (US) check in the mail tomorrow.
I would prefer that you send the discs to me at The Lace Museum if that 
doesn't mess up your records.  Ele Schwartz is managing the mail sent to us at the 
Kyburz address, and is then forwarding it to us here.  The discs will just be 
a problem for her.  I can ask Ruth Roller to keep the discs for me at the 
The Museum address is at the end of this email.

Are you coming to the OIDFA Congress in Prague?  Hope to see you there.

The Lace Museum
552 South Murphy Avenue
Sunnyvale CA  94086

Tel 408 730 4695

The Lace Museum
552 South Murphy Avenue
Sunnyvale CA  94086

Tel 408 730 4695

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[lace] Help!

2004-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does anybody have a current e-mail address for Cynthia Voysey? The one I've
been using for years suddenly no longer works. Please reply to me privately:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Thank you!  Aurelia

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[lace] butterflies book on ebay

2004-05-24 Thread Susan MacLeod
Does anyone know about this book?  I'd like a review before I buy 
it.  Looks interesting.
Susan G. MacLeod
Dummerston, VT  USA
new!   www.sumac.us

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden
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Re: [lace] butterflies book on ebay

2004-05-24 Thread Sue Babbs
Have a look at:

for a little bit more info


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RE: [lace] butterflies book on ebay

2004-05-24 Thread Panza, Robin
Wow!  Those are spectacular for those of us who like our butterflies
realistic!  There are so many butterfly designs out there and most make
the zoologist in me cringe because they're so bizarre.  I have no idea how
good the instructions are, but her results are gorgeous!  

Robin P.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

-Original Message-
From: Sue Babbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Have a look at:
for a little bit more info


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[lace] Butterfly books

2004-05-24 Thread Laceandbits
Looks good from the cover, very tempting, but don't get too carried away over 
the bidding.  I'd guess it is for sale by the author or author's contact.  

If you go to the seller's other items he/she has three copies for sale at the 
moment, so don't bid over the buy it now price of 17 euros/$23, because you 
can go on to the next one.


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[lace] Butterfly books

2004-05-24 Thread Jean Nathan
Jacquie wrote:

so don't bid over the buy it now price of 17 euros/$23, because you
can go on to the next one.

You can't bid over the Buy it now price. Buy it now is the only way you
can buy - this isn't an auction. When I looked, on the Euros one, she had 7
copies available, on the dollar one ending on 1st June, 18 copies and on the
dollar one ending on 2nd June, 17 copies. From the UK it's cheaper to buy in
euros than in dollars.

Jean in Poole

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[lace] lace and weddings

2004-05-24 Thread Carolina G. Gallego
Hello all,
Thank you Antje, for the detailed description you made of the different 
laces exhibited in the Royal Wedding.

As a complementary information, I have put on my web some closed 
pictures of the veil that the Princess Letizia wore, as well as the 
Spanish mantillas that H.M. the Queen Sophia and her daughter Infanta 
Elena showed off in the Royal Ceremony.

 CamariƱas, the traditional lace location, have given as a wedding 
present a wooden hand made ship which sails are all made with bobbin 
lace. I have included the picture too.

Enjoy them!
Best regards.
Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.
Carolina de la Guardia
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[lace] re: Lace mixed with other media

2004-05-24 Thread Joy Beeson
At 08:56 PM 5/23/04 -0700, Bev Walker wrote:

 I love the idea of combining tatting with basketry!

That rang a bell, so I jumped up and examined the pine-needle baskets and
hot mats my grandmother made.  Sure enough, all but one begin with a
needle-lace spider worked in raffia, and that one is so sharply different in
style that I suspect that the bought it or received it as a gift.  

I don't think I could tat raffia.  On the other hand, I could sew a
pine-needle basket with linen . . . 

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where we got a day off from the rain today.

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[lace] All that glitters?

2004-05-24 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
Gentle Spiders,
Some of you might remember Sally Barry, who used to be on Arachne in 
the list's diaper days. Some of you might not remember her, but be in 
possession of her first book of Bucks patterns (50 of them) -- 
reproductions of samples from the Luton Museum's Lace Dealer's Pattern 
Book (photos of - hand made - laces offered for sale by a lace 
dealer). The second book ought to be out soon; she seems to have made 
the reproduction of *all of them* her life's mission g

While mining for gold -- looking for more patterns for the second 
book -- she came across an anomaly... One of the samples looked to be 
*machine made*!

She wrote to me, full of excitement of discovery, asked me to check it 
out, and to tell her what I thought. Unfortunately, Bucks not being my 
favourite lace, I never thought to spend the money on the Lace Dealer's 
Pattern Book when it was published :) Additionally, even if I did have 
it, I probably wouldn't be able to *find* the particular sample (Sally, 
cunningly, wouldn't tell me *which* sample it was; she wanted too see 
if I'd catch it myself g). And, anyway, I don't make all that much 
Bucks (or even other Point Ground laces), I don't *study* lace, what do 
*I* know? I told her to run her suspicion past some *true* experts; let 
*them* say whether she's right or wrong...

Well... Apparently, this past weekend, she'd had a chance to do it. In 
spades! g

She ran it past Holly van Sciver (who's *the* Bucks expert in US). 
Holly also thought the piece was machine-made, but suggested that an 
even more reliable confirmation might come from Alexandra Stillwell (a 
Brit, and the author of Cassell Illustrated Dictionary of Lacemaking), 
who happened to be teaching a class at that same weekend retreat. Ye 
gods, *Stillwell* thought the piece was machine made!

Nobody knows how that particular sample made it into the book (was the 
dealer, perhaps, not entirely honest?). Nobody knows how come the 
usurper snippet wasn't discovered when the entire book was taken apart 
and re-assembled, with the lace cleaned and re-shaped in the process 
several years ago...

Sally, still giggling in glee, says she's gonna have a ball with the 
snippet in her second book... I may not be a fan of Bucks, but I dearly 
love a mystery (even an un-resolved one g), so I'm looking forward to 
it. What ticks me off more than anything else is that I'm likely to 
be away *just* as the book comes out, so won't be the first one to 
share her I'll be darned... when she points out just which Emperor is 
lacking his clothes... :)

Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace] Posting on the website

2004-05-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I would love to post some pictures of my lace on the community website, but
how do you do it?

I would appreciate an Idiots Guide to doing this.   How many photos can we
put up?
How do you get the credits under the photos etc.  I am still a novice with
this machine, and really don't know where to start.

Any help and advice would be appreciated.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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[lace-chat] punctuation

2004-05-24 Thread Helene Gannac
Oooh, Noelene, you reminded me of the good old days when I was spending my
holidays in England, and getting all the girls at my friend's school to
give me autographs!! (unheard of activity in French schools).
The one I liked, which seems to apply well here wis:

2Y's UR,
2Y's UB
Can you guess?

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne, getting very nostalgic...

Noelen wrote:
Which reminds me, I used to write this in autograph books at school:
11 was a racehourse.
12 was 12.
 race and

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[lace-chat] Happy Victoria Day

2004-05-24 Thread Margot Walker
On Monday, May 24, 2004, at 01:06  AM, Bev Walker wrote:
To all my Canadian buddies, I hope you're all enjoying the May long
weekend. Anyone in the Maritimes able to go on a picnic?
There will be no picnics in Halifax today.  The fog is so thick that I 
can't see the next block.  And unless it clears up, there'll be no 
fireworks tonight either.

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
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Re: [lace-chat] greetings on Memorial Day, too

2004-05-24 Thread Alice Howell
At 09:54 AM 5/24/2004, you wrote:
What are some traditions related to Memorial Day?
The traditional USA Memorial Day is May 30th.  Our commercially-wise 
government decided 3-day weekends were desirable, so changed several 
holidays to always be on a Monday, thus -- 3 day holiday weekends.  And 
this year, Memorial Day Monday is a week away, May 31.

I think the younger generation has lost the original meaning of the 
day.  It is a day off work, and a long weekend, that starts the summer 
season.  Many people in this area choose that weekend to go on the first 
camping trip of the season.  (Which usually means camping in the rain.)

Family graves are decorated -- all ancestors, not just war dead.  Military 
groups do have memorial services.  ( I have only one grave to do.  The rest 
of the family are too far away.  My brother gets to do them.)  I'll try to 
decorate my family grave on Thursday or Friday, before the crowd shows up 
on the weekend.

For me -- it's mostly a normal weekend.  DH works at a store that is open 
all the time, so will probably work all three days.  Since it includes the 
last Saturday of the month, that's Lace Meeting day.  ()

The first half of the weekend is supposed to be damp, but Monday should be 
nice.  Maybe I can pull a few weeds in my garden, or something, 
outside.  Then enjoy my lace pillow part of the time.

Have a nice end of May, whether you have a holiday or not.
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[lace-chat] punctuation

2004-05-24 Thread W N Lafferty
Really digging back in memory

AB, C D goldfish?
M R no goldfish.
S M R.


 Helene and Noelene, et al,
 That partners the
 2X 4ME
 Just the same, but different!!!
 Carol - in Suffolk, UK.

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[lace-chat] Alphabets

2004-05-24 Thread W N Lafferty
Does anyone know more than the first few letters of

A for 'orses.
B for mutton
C for yourself
D 'f as a post
E 've a brick
F 'fer vesence
G 'fer Police
and there I get stuck - is there any more?

Noelene in Cooma
It's actually raining, so I'm in a silly mood.  It's been so long
since we saw that strange stuff falling from the sky.

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[lace-chat] Help Please

2004-05-24 Thread Shirley Meier
This has nothing to do with lace but hope someone can help me. When my Sister
and I were small our Mother used to tell us a little verse , we can only
remember the first couple of lines and I hope someone out there can remember
the rest.
It begins like this

 Never leave your eggshells
  Unbroken in the cup
Shirley in Corio Oz ( where we have just had the hottest May 24th on record.20
C. )

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Re: [lace-chat] Help Please

2004-05-24 Thread W N Lafferty
Don't know Shirley, but I was always told to upend my
empty eggshell and smash it to save a drowning sailor
which seemed a contradiction to me.

Noelene in Cooma

 This has nothing to do with lace but hope someone can help me. When my Sister
 and I were small our Mother used to tell us a little verse , we can only
 remember the first couple of lines and I hope someone out there can remember
 the rest.
 It begins like this
  Never leave your eggshells
   Unbroken in the cup
 Shirley in Corio Oz ( where we have just had the hottest May 24th on record.20
 C. )

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Re: [lace-chat] Alphabets

2004-05-24 Thread Sue Babbs
There are versions of the Cockney alphabet at:

- Original Message - 
From: W  N Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 4:54 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Alphabets

 Does anyone know more than the first few letters of
 A for 'orses.
 B for mutton
 C for yourself
 D 'f as a post
 E 've a brick
 F 'fer vesence
 G 'fer Police
 and there I get stuck - is there any more?
 Noelene in Cooma
 It's actually raining, so I'm in a silly mood.  It's been so long
 since we saw that strange stuff falling from the sky.
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Re: [lace-chat] Help Please

2004-05-24 Thread Edith Holmes
This webgsite has a 'lost quotations' section.  Not operating until the end
of June, but I've found it very useful in the past for finding various poems


Best wishes

North Nottinghamshire

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Re: [lace-chat] Alphabets

2004-05-24 Thread Ruth Budge
Noelene, I'd be in a silly mood too if we had rain!!   We've got grey sky,
promises from the Weather Bureau which started out very postive 4 days ago, and
have sounded less confident as the Tuesday rain approached, and all we've
seen is a few spits - not enough to show up on the road surface, let alone be
seen falling from the sky!

*Surely* this drought must end sometime??

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)
W  N Lafferty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
It's actually raining, so I'm in a silly mood. It's been so long
since we saw that strange stuff falling from the sky.

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[lace-chat] Re: greetings on Memorial Day, too

2004-05-24 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On May 24, 2004, at 12:54, Bev Walker wrote:
What are some traditions related to Memorial Day?
According to Emily Post (book on etiquette, which, being a peasant with 
no manners, I studied, dilligently, the first couple of years in The 
South), it's OK to wear white shoes from that day on, till Labour Day. 

And, hey, please don't rush it on us; I'm hoping to get the 2-Prs out 
of the house and to the printers' by then, and you shook me up to my 
(black) shoes mentioning the matter today, since I'm not ready today...

Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: The difference

2004-05-24 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I grew up in a country which was 97% Catholic, despite (because of??? 
Contrariness is a fairly common human trait...) all the difficulties 
the Communist regime imposed on those who wanted to practise it. The 
remaining 3% were more-or-less equally divided between atheists and 
other religions. History -- both in high school and at the U (where I 
only studied the Anglo-branches, having chosen English as my subject 
matter) -- alerted me to the existence of Protestants. Those, 
apparently, were a branch of Christians, whose priests, unlike ours, 
didn't wear a cassock and a collarette, were permitted to marry, and 
where the congregation was encouraged to read the basic text (both 
testaments of the Bible), instead of having it interpreted for 

Then, I came to US... :) And met the niggling differences, somewhat 
like the one in the following, most excellent, IMO, joke. 31 yrs later, 
I still cannot believe it...

From: M.A.
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the 
about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said Stop! Don't do it!

Why shouldn't I? he said.
I said, Well, there's so much to live for!
Like what?
Well ... are you religious or atheist?
Me too! Are you Christian or Jewish?
Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?
Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?
Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the 

Baptist Church of God.
Me too! Are you Original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed 
Church of God?

Reformed Baptist Church of God.
Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or
Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?
Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!
To which I said, Die, heretic scum! and pushed him off.
Tamara P Duvall http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
  Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.
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[lace-chat] Boulder, Co.

2004-05-24 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
I've been to Boulder! :))
   - Helen took us to the Celestial Seasons Tea factory, and then on to the
Leaning Tree Western Art Gallery - and it was well worth the visit.  Beaut
paintings - landscapes relating to Westerns, etc, and some marvelous bronze
I am old fashioned, and like the traditional type of art and sculptures, and
there were many excellent ones in Boulder and Denver.

A fabulous sculpture just outside the Koebel Library, Denver, of a mother
with 2 children, sitting on a bench, reading books.  Lovely, and so

A Belated Happy Memorial Day.

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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