Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Okay, so I turned on my Windows VM with a different version of FPC and ran
VerifyUnicodeChars with both FPJson and JsonTools. The resutls are the
same. JsonTools sees the unicode correctly, and something is wrong when
using FPJson. I don't know what the problem is, but other people are
noticing similar issues, so it would seem there is definitely a problem
resulting in a failure for FPJson.

Michael, you have all the information needed to find out what's wrong and
I'd be curious to learn why it's not working.

Allow me to correct you, I don't have all information:

1. Did you run my provided test program on linux ?
   (the first one I sent, not the one for the speed test)

   If my test program also shows different results on your machine,
   indeed something strange is going on.

   The reason I insist on the us of my test program and not yours,
   is that the result can be influenced by some unknown units or whatnot in 
   and my program is "bare bones".

   On the assumption my private computer can be somehow 'compromised' by years
   of FPC development I even copied my program to 2 other linux machines,
   used for production work, and the result is 'True' on both.
   (see log below for one of them, this is with standard ubuntu installed 

   I can believe the program would output something different on Windows,
   but not on another linux box.

2. Where is the source code of your test program(s) ?
   At least the ones for fpjson and jsontools.

   Without your actual source code, I cannot give advice or investigate 

I'd like to see this cleared up. fpjson has been in use in many REST
services in large production sites for at least 8 years, these services 
definitely use UTF8 content outside the basic ASCII or even ANSI codepages.

So the failures you see are highly surprising to me, to say the least.


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Last login: Tue Aug 20 14:23:39 2019 from
root@vmi203569:~# fpc twalter.pas -S2
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4+dfsg-18ubuntu1 [2018/07/02] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling twalter.pas
Linking twalter
/usr/bin/ld.bfd: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
26 lines compiled, 0.4 sec
root@vmi203569:~# ./twalter 
Handles unicode chars correctly: >{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }<

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Okay, so I turned on my Windows VM with a different version of FPC and ran
VerifyUnicodeChars with both FPJson and JsonTools. The resutls are the
same. JsonTools sees the unicode correctly, and something is wrong when
using FPJson. I don't know what the problem is, but other people are
noticing similar issues, so it would seem there is definitely a problem
resulting in a failure for FPJson.

Michael, you have all the information needed to find out what's wrong and
I'd be curious to learn why it's not working.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Bart via lazarus wrote:

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 9:09 PM Bart  wrote:

On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

It fails on both comparisons (hexadecimal representation of the
returned unicodestrings):

Name: 004A 006F 0065 003F 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
Expected: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
00AE is replaced by 003F (a questionmark IIRC)

Occupation: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072
0020 003F 0020
Expected: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072 0020 00AE 0020

Same replacement there.

Can you try setting defaultsystemcodepage to UTF8 ?

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

I am not sure how under any situation parsing a JSON from a stream source
would be any faster than parsing a string.

If you would check the fpjson code, you'd see why.
You'd also see why there is plenty of room for improvement.

Also with regards to timing I am
not sure how accurate Now is. For this purpose I've written:

I agree that for time measurements of 10ms or less, you should not use Now
for measurements.

But over a total timespan of 2.9 seconds, now is plenty accurate.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
For those tracking the unicode issue, could you please verify the problem
does not present in my JsonTools library on compiler revisions and
platforms? I always get true (passed) with my library, but not with any
other library. Here is the relevant test:

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;
  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';
  N: TJsonNode;
  N := TJsonNode.Create;
  Result := (N.Child(0).AsString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and (N.Child(1).AsString =
'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode characters correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Bart via lazarus
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 9:09 PM Bart  wrote:

> On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

It fails on both comparisons (hexadecimal representation of the
returned unicodestrings):

Name: 004A 006F 0065 003F 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
Expected: 004A 006F 0065 00AE 0053 0063 0068 006D 006F 0065
00AE is replaced by 003F (a questionmark IIRC)

Occupation: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072
0020 003F 0020
Expected: 0062 0061 006E 006B 0020 0074 0065 006C 006C 0065 0072 0020 00AE 0020

Same replacement there.

fpc trunk r42348.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Bart via lazarus
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:04 PM Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

> No idea. I tested with both 3.0.4 and trunk. Both give the same result.
> Here are the sources I used:
> I test on linux, but could try windows.

On Windows it prints FALSE, both with 3.0.4 and trunk r42348

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
I am not sure how under any situation parsing a JSON from a stream source
would be any faster than parsing a string. Also with regards to timing I am
not sure how accurate Now is. For this purpose I've written:

{ Return a time based on system performance counters }
function TimeQuery: Double;

Implemented as:

{$ifdef linux}
  libc = '';
{$ifdef darwin}
  libc = 'libSystem.dylib';
function gettimeofday(out TimeVal: TTimeVal; TimeZone: PTimeVal): Integer;
apicall; external libc;

  TimeSec: SysInt;

function TimeQuery: Double;
  TimeVal: TTimeVal;
  gettimeofday(TimeVal, nil);
  if TimeSec = 0 then
TimeSec := TimeVal.Sec;
  TimeVal.Sec := TimeVal.Sec - TimeSec;
  Result := TimeVal.Sec + TimeVal.MSec / 100;

{$ifdef windows}
  kernel32  = 'kernel32.dll';

function QueryPerformanceCounter(var Counter: Int64): LongBool; apicall;
external kernel32;
function QueryPerformanceFrequency(var Frequency: Int64): LongBool;
apicall; external kernel32;

function TimeQuery: Double;
  C, F: Int64;
  F := 0;
  C := 0;
  if QueryPerformanceFrequency(F) and QueryPerformanceCounter(C) then
Result := C / F
Result := 0;
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Debugger backends configuration

2019-08-30 Thread Martin Frb via lazarus

On 30/08/2019 18:58, Zoë Peterson via lazarus wrote:
What controls what appears in the "Debugger type and path" dropdown in 
the Debugger backend preferences?

I have two macOS systems, one running 10.13 and one 10.14 that have 
different items listed.  The 10.13 one lists fpdebug, GDB, and LLDB 
based ones (6 total) and I've been successfully using "LLDB debugger 
(with fpdebug) (Beta)".  The 10.14 one only lists the GDB based ones 
in the dropdown though.

We have some custom commands in our build scripts, and both FPC and 
Laz are slightly out of date from trunk, (FPC more so right now).  I'm 
building on both systems using identical scripts though, and even 
tried wiping FPC, Lazarus, and their configurations off the system and 
starting from a fresh FPC 3.04a install.  Currently building Lazarus 
as 64-bit with the Cocoa widgetset, using Xcode 10.

Where should I look for whatever is going wrong or being excluded?

The pre-defined list drop down? "GNU debugger (gdb)"

Or the editable file-name dropdown "/usr/bin/gdb"?

For 1)
Depends on installed packages.
The lldb package was added to default installed with Lazarus 2.0. If you 
svn up'ed from an earlier version you need to install it yourself.

The package for "lldb with fpdebug" is LazDebuggerFpLldb

There is a package without the "fp" in the name. It is pure Lldb - no 
support for any Pascal syntax, very basic, ...

More details (see the strike through bit),42869.0.html

For 2)
This is a bit complex.

Originally there was only ONE backend, and you could set that one 
backend to either gdb or lldb or others (and only the properties where 
stored separately.

Now you can have multiply lldb backend with different config.
But they still share ONE history for all of them (all = all backends of 
all classes: gdb, lldb,... mixed).

That history at some point may have to be split, so each class gets its 
own (though some may be better of sharing...).
It is stored in your EnvironmentOptions.xml (primary config path which 
likely is ~/.lazarus)

Each class has a hardcoded list of proposals. IIRC they are used if 
there are no other pathes avail. But if you already have them due to the 
overlap with other classes, I am not sure what happens.

Also if you upgraded, and you had diff classes, then all of them only 
had ONE active path (the rest is path history, in old lazarus you always 
had to change the path, after you change class).

So the upgrade could only use that one path. (and would use it).

If you had a new install, then each class may have imported their 

Anyway something like that.

Also no-one has yet upgraded the initial setup dialog. So that dialog 
still proposes gdb, even on Mac.

lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Debugger backends configuration

2019-08-30 Thread Zoë Peterson via lazarus
What controls what appears in the "Debugger type and path" dropdown in 
the Debugger backend preferences?

I have two macOS systems, one running 10.13 and one 10.14 that have 
different items listed.  The 10.13 one lists fpdebug, GDB, and LLDB 
based ones (6 total) and I've been successfully using "LLDB debugger 
(with fpdebug) (Beta)".  The 10.14 one only lists the GDB based ones in 
the dropdown though.

We have some custom commands in our build scripts, and both FPC and Laz 
are slightly out of date from trunk, (FPC more so right now).  I'm 
building on both systems using identical scripts though, and even tried 
wiping FPC, Lazarus, and their configurations off the system and 
starting from a fresh FPC 3.04a install.  Currently building Lazarus as 
64-bit with the Cocoa widgetset, using Xcode 10.

Where should I look for whatever is going wrong or being excluded?


Zoë Peterson
Scooter Software

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Alan, oh that's a good idea. I will do that as well as add a few more
parser libraries as requested by a few people in other non mailing lists
threads. I will also try to find out what's going on the unicode strings as
it might be a problem with the compiler.


I am on Linux as well, but I will test under Windows and Mac too.

To show that my argument of 'coding proficiency' influence on algorithm 
speed is not complete nonsense, I quickly cooked up the following test:

{$mode objfpc}

uses DateUtils, Sysutils,Classes, fpjson, jsonparser;

  FN : String;
  i,aCount : Integer;
  S : TJSONStringType;
  T : TMemoryStream;
  N : TDateTime;

procedure ReadJSON;


  if ParamCount<>2 then Halt(1);
Writeln('Reading string ',aCount,' times');
for I:=1 to aCount do
Writeln('Msecs : ',MillisecondsBetween(Now,N));
Writeln('Reading stream ',aCount,' times');
for I:=1 to aCount do
Writeln('Msecs : ',MillisecondsBetween(Now,N));

When you run this:

home:~/fpc/packages/fcl-json/tests> ./testjsonspeedread 100 ./testdata.json
Reading string 100 times
Msecs : 2972
Reading stream 100 times
Msecs : 1203

(file of 260Kb, 500 lines)

Not using a string (as you do) but a stream already gives a factor of 2.x 
The speed gain is there both for trunk as for 3.0.4.

So, I'm fairly confident that I can probably speed up your test results as
well, when you send me the sources.

That said, this is not to say that there is no room for speed improvements in 

I've already identified 2 places where speed gains can be made in the fpJSON
codebase, I'll improve the codebase this weekend and post results.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
Alan, oh that's a good idea. I will do that as well as add a few more
parser libraries as requested by a few people in other non mailing lists
threads. I will also try to find out what's going on the unicode strings as
it might be a problem with the compiler.


I am on Linux as well, but I will test under Windows and Mac too.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Alexey via lazarus
It is maybe bug which was fixed in FPC trunk, there was some Unicode issue in 

> On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller 
> \u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it 
> passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going on?
> -- 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller
\u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it
passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going

No idea. I tested with both 3.0.4 and trunk. Both give the same result.

Here are the sources I used:

home:~/fpc/packages/fcl-json/tests> cat twalter.pas
program twalter;

{$codepage UTF8}

uses cwstring, fpjson, jsonparser;

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;

  UnicodeChars =  '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " 

  N: TJSONData;

  N := GetJSON(UnicodeChars);
  Result := (N.Items[0].AsUnicodeString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and
(N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString = 'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode chars correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);

I test on linux, but could try windows.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
On my system with FPJson the test is failing it failing on "bank teller
\u00Ae ", but on when using approximately the same code with JSONTools it
passes on both "name" and  "occupation" always. What do you think is going
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


Can you tell me why the second half (N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString) this test
fails? This is the part that decodes "bank teller \u00Ae ".

The test fails on "Joe®Schmoe", not on "bank teller \u00Ae ".

If you WriteLn the UnicodeChars string to console, it shows:

{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }

(notice the  in front of ®)

This is because your string is encoded wrong in the binary.


{$codepage UTF8}

Before the uses clause makes your test print 'TRUE'.

Because I work on Linux, I also had to add the "cwstring" unit to the uses 

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

Can you tell me why the second half (N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString) this test
fails? This is the part that decodes "bank teller \u00Ae ".

function VerifyUnicodeChars: Boolean;
  UnicodeChars = '{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae
" }';
  N: TJSONData;
  N := GetJSON(UnicodeChars);
  Result := (N.Items[0].AsUnicodeString = 'Joe®Schmoe') and
(N.Items[1].AsUnicodeString = 'bank teller ® ');

  WriteLn('Handles unicode chars correctly: ', VerifyUnicodeChars);
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


I have a hurricane headed my way, but when I'm done evacuating I'll send
you a copy of my test. If you want to make improvements to the test program
to be sure the manner in which I am using the FPJson functions and classes
is correct and send me a revised test program, then that would be awesome.

Just make sure you don't get caught in the hurricane. 
I wish you a quickk hiding place ! :-)

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

With regards to duplicate key names, some libraries allow for the same key
to be parsed resulting in multiple child nodes of the same name. Others
throw an exception when parsing an object with a duplicate key name.

The correct way to handle duplicate keys is to overwrite the existing key
when a duplicate is encountered.

There you go. I think the "correct way" is to raise an error; 
not to override and thus inadvertently lose previous data.

I won't argue on who is correct, since it is a matter of opinion.

But this is a prime example of 'biased' tests. 
You're testing an opinion, not actual functionality.

so IMHO it would be only fair to remove it from your comparison.

For speed & correctness, I repeat my request:
please provide your test code.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

I have a hurricane headed my way, but when I'm done evacuating I'll send
you a copy of my test. If you want to make improvements to the test program
to be sure the manner in which I am using the FPJson functions and classes
is correct and send me a revised test program, then that would be awesome.

lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
With regards to duplicate key names, some libraries allow for the same key
to be parsed resulting in multiple child nodes of the same name. Others
throw an exception when parsing an object with a duplicate key name.

The correct way to handle duplicate keys is to overwrite the existing key
when a duplicate is encountered.

My library does have Save/Load To/From /File/Stream. Please see the
articles I posted. They are listed there.

Unicode support exists in both allowing unicode to be in the JSON, and
escape inotpced e.g. \u00ae becomes ® a two byte utf8 encoding char when
parsed by my parser. It also saves/load that utf8 encoding to steams or

Regarding indentation and formatted, I support two options as noted in my
original article. The AsJson property create spaceless compact JSON
suitable for network traffic, while the Vale property allows for friendly
human readable formatting and indentation. Currently the friendly
indentation is fixed and I doesn't see a reason use case reason to allow
for custom indentation beyond what I already provide.

And finally regarding the unicode failure of FPJson, I am parsing a small
bit of JSON ...

{ "name": "Joe\u00aeSchmoe"}

And compare it to the value of 'name' to the string constant  'Joe®Schmoe'
in pascal code. If fails the first iteration, but if I run it a second time
it works, so there is something amiss.

And finally with regards to plugins and extensiblity, that's great to have,
but I am just trying to write something that handles the JSON spec and only
that. If I want something to stream a form layout or settings to JSON it
would be a separate wholly independent library that depends ona parser, but
isn't part of the parser library.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Alexey Tor. via lazarus
Yes, JsonTools needs a method SaveToFile if it has not. It must save 
formatted json with indent, set by a property or global variable 
(default is 2 usually).

SaveToFile must handle Unicode strings, ie output them with \u or 
like it. Use Unicode escape for all codes >=128, because utf8 codes all 
after 127.


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:


Currently JsonTools anything that is valid JSON as described on this page:

The only valid constants are: null, true, false
Arrays can contain other arrays and object to any reasonable level
 [[[]]] //  is a valid array
 [{}{}[{}{}]] // is a valid array
Objects can contain other objects and arrays to any reasonable level
 {"a":{"a":{"a":[[]]}}} // is a valid object

I will look into you request for comment support, even though comments are
not allowed in the official specification.

And so your tool will also become more bulky and slower :)


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus

On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter wrote:

I've posted a new page that tests the speed and correctness of several
pascal based JSON parsers.

In full disclosure I am the author of the new open source JsonTools
library, and even though my parser seems to a big improvement over the
other alternatives, my tests were not biased.

Test are always biased in the sense that they depend on the proficiency of
the coder. you must ask someone with sufficient knowledge to write the code.

The shootout benchmarks for example are dismally coded for FPC with as a
result that they perform badly.

So it could well be that the fpJSON results for example can be improved a
lot by changing the method used to a more efficient one.

Also, not every library is designed with the same goals.
fpjson could probably be made smaller if the goal was more focused.
it has a factory pattern, added on behalf of users who asked for this. 
jsontools does not have this. 
You can format the output. JSONTools does not have this.

fpJSON was designed to be pluggable wrt. parsing. JSONTools is not.

In short fpjson can do a lot more than JSONtools. 
Some things come at a price, others not.

In that sense, tests like this compare apples with pears.

If anyone would like help in replication the tests, let me know and I'll
see what I can do.

Also, to be thorough, you should read through both the article I posted at
the top this message, and my original page 
which has been updated with more information. Both pages took some time to
write, and I promise if you read through them some of your questions will
be answered without having to ask others for help or insight.

Can you please send me the testcode you used for your speed & correctness tests 

I'm a bit surprised to see fpJSON fail in unicode correctness. It's been
tested extensively, maybe your code contains errors (or maybe fpjson does,
I'll need to check).

Also please explain what 'Handling duplicate key names correctly' means to you. 
Saying that a library fails a test without specifying what the test is, is


lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus

Currently JsonTools anything that is valid JSON as described on this page:

The only valid constants are: null, true, false
Arrays can contain other arrays and object to any reasonable level
  [[[]]] //  is a valid array
  [{}{}[{}{}]] // is a valid array
Objects can contain other objects and arrays to any reasonable level
  {"a":{"a":{"a":[[]]}}} // is a valid object

I will look into you request for comment support, even though comments are
not allowed in the official specification.
lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Alexey Tor. via lazarus
This is very good news, that we have JsonTools parser now. I may think 
of using it in CudaText - ie replacing fpJSON to JsonTools.

About lib. 1) Pls add an option to handle // comments in json. yes, 
json don't allow this but CudaText and SublimeText and many programs 
have json configs with comments. They use libs which allow comments. 
fpJSON allows comments by option.

2) Pls add an option which allows "," after final dict node: { "a":1, 
"b":2, }

so my app can read json file with final (bad) comma after "b":2.

3) Lib must support "true", "false", "none" or "nil"(?), values like 
list [], with empty list, values like dict {}, with empty dict. And list 
inside dict etc.

Alexey Torgashin

lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Tests results of several pascal based JSON parsers

2019-08-30 Thread Anthony Walter via lazarus
I've posted a new page that tests the speed and correctness of several
pascal based JSON parsers.

In full disclosure I am the author of the new open source JsonTools
library, and even though my parser seems to a big improvement over the
other alternatives, my tests were not biased.

If anyone would like help in replication the tests, let me know and I'll
see what I can do.

Also, to be thorough, you should read through both the article I posted at
the top this message, and my original page 
which has been updated with more information. Both pages took some time to
write, and I promise if you read through them some of your questions will
be answered without having to ask others for help or insight.

lazarus mailing list