Re: [LegacyUG] How to record patronymic names.

2013-01-19 Thread RICHARD SCHULTHIES
In each of the 5 Scandinavian languages some people carried patronymics and/or 
farm names using local name rules? Each area/country used both on occasion.

--- On Sat, 1/19/13, Tessa Keough  wrote:

> From: Tessa Keough 
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] How to record patronymic names.
> To:
> Date: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 8:24 AM
> When I am working on my Scandinavian
> lines, I go to customizing and
> turn off the "add father's surname" button so I don't have
> to remove
> it while adding information. I also use the other surnames
> (often if
> they left Sweden or Norway they changed their surnames) in
> the aka
> section . Also I add farmnames for my Norwegian people into
> the suffix
> (this way I have their names with their farmnames together.
> Play around with Legacy and customize - easy to do and it
> will save
> you time in the long run. We have discussed this and have a
> few
> hangout recordings on customizing and data entry at the
> Legacy Virtual
> Users' Group page. We also meet online once a month.
> Tessa Keough
> Guild of One-Name Studies, No. 5089
> Legacy Virtual Users' Group
> One Place Studies - Plate Cove, Newfoundland
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Jenny M Benson 
> wrote:
> > On 19/01/2013 00:39, Brian Lehman wrote:
> >> I would appreciate suggestions on how to enter a
> patronymic name.
> >> My ancestors, being Jewish, didn't have last names
> in Europe until abt 1800.
> >> Before then, people went by their name and their
> fathers.
> >> Such as Moses Seligmann, born 1757, Germany,
> Seligmann being Moses father.
> >> Moses Seligmann signed documents as such, and in
> 1809, he and his family
> >> "Adopted" the surname Turkheimer,
> >> after that, documents were signed Moses
> Turkheimer.
> >> How should this name be entered in Legacy?
> >> On the individual information screen, If I enter
> Moses Seligmann (his
> >> birth name), it looks like every other middle
> name.
> >> I enter relevant info in notes and events.
> >> How do I properly enter Moses Seligmann, with no
> last name, and not
> >> looking like a middle name.
> >> Appreciate any and all suggestions.
> >
> > How much of a problem is it to enter the patronymic as
> if it was a surname?
> >
> > Although Legacy "assumes" that children will have the
> same surname as
> > their father it has no objection to you changing that
> and entering
> > whatever surname you want.  You can create an
> Event for the adoption of
> > the surname Turkheimer and enter that as an AKA for
> Moses and other
> > members of his family who adopted it and then enter it
> as the surname
> > for Moses' children.
> > --
> > Jenny M Benson
> >
> >
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
> > Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> >
> > Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21
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> >
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> >
> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] A bit off-topic - GRO indices

2013-01-19 Thread RICHARD SCHULTHIES
Yes. There may be many reasons for errors of inclusion and also exclusion.
I have not noticed 'time to post detail' accurate/guessable. Sorry!

--- On Fri, 1/18/13, Tony Rolfe  wrote:

> From: Tony Rolfe 
> Subject: [LegacyUG] A bit off-topic - GRO indices
> To:
> Date: Friday, January 18, 2013, 6:29 PM
> Sorry that this is a bit off-topic,
> please reply directly if you can.
> How long after the BMD event is it possible for the
> registration to happen?
> I have a couple on the 1881 census, married with two
> children.  I know
> it is the right woman as her sister is also in the household
> under her
> maiden name.  So, it isn't a previous wife with the
> same first name.
> Their marriage on FreeBMD doesn't happen until 1883.  I
> know it is
> possible that they didn't actually get married until 1883
> and that they
> were "pretending" on the census.
> However, is it possible for a marriage to happen in 1876 (a
> year before
> the age of the elder child) and not be in the indices for 7
> years?
> Thanks
> Tony
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Where are my messages?

2013-01-19 Thread RICHARD SCHULTHIES
I also saw them but had no new valuable information (not) already stated on the 
post. Too many negatives?

--- On Fri, 1/18/13,  wrote:

> From: 
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Where are my messages?
> To:
> Date: Friday, January 18, 2013, 6:28 PM
> I have previously posted 2 messages
> in the last week or so but I can't
> see my posts.
> What have I done wrong?
> This post will probably not show as well.
> I have had replies to my post so someone is seeing them
> somewhere.
> My first post was Semi-colon in Reports and the second post
> I replied
> to my own post saying that I had soved my own problem.
> Where are they?
> Florence
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] US Army discharge not available in SourceWriter

2013-01-19 Thread MVMcgrs

Elizabeth  covers documents and manuscripts. According to you your WWII
discharge is an original document. Check page 868 [EE] in the index for
"original records."


Marie Varrelman Melchiori, CG, CGL
Melchiori  Research Services,  L.L.C.
CG,  Certified Genealogist and CGL, Certified Genealogical Lecturer are
service marks  of the Board for Certification of Genealogists ® , used under
license by Board-certified associates after periodic  competency evaluations.

In a message dated 1/19/2013 5:52:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I may  have missed the place to choose discharge records but I don't think 

so.  SourceWriter does not have a choice in Military records for  this
source to be added.  I have an original WW II document of  discharge (not
DD  214)
and would like to have a specific source to  list this document.   I can
only find registers and and other  reference to sources other  than
discharge documents.   Mills does not address this record  type in her book
either.  I  have this document described in notes for  facts/events but
would like to have a proper way to use SourceWriter for  this  document.
should I proceed.

Stuart  Lease

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[LegacyUG] A bit off-topic - GRO indices

2013-01-19 Thread Tony Rolfe
Sorry, Sherry.  I'll stay on topic for future threads.

However, I did search for GRO specific lists and couldn't find any.
Could you advise, please - off list.



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Re: [LegacyUG] converting and/or printing from RTF format

2013-01-19 Thread Lavern Hall
Hi Brian,

Legacy does a great job of nesting the
TOC and Index when downloading to the
RTF format. Would a better option instead
of my downloading chapters be for me to
create the entire Descandants Book report,
download it in the RTF format for editing,
then print.  This way the TOC, sequence of
footnotes and the Index would remain in tact?

Lavern Hall

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Brian/Support

> You cannot include a document file, like your edited rtf file, in any
> Legacy reports directly.
> Using the Pub centre you can reserve space in the Legacy report for the
> rtf document using the place holder but you will have to manually print
> the rtf file outside of Legacy.
> The other alternative is to use the special text entry chapter but I
> cannot guarantee that the document format which you spent all that time
> creating would be preserved. The special text entry is just that (text
> with the very limited options Legacy supports for text such as bold,
> underline, italic etc.).
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> --
> On 19-Jan-13 17:25, Lavern Hall wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I created a Descendants Book report
> > (which is actually a chapter for a collateral
> > line), then I downloaded it from Legacy as
> > an RTF file so it could be edited.  I've
> > completed the editing process and know
> > that I have the option of either printing the
> > file or just saving it as a Word document
> > or as a PDF file.
> >
> > That said, what I'd like to do is take the
> > edited file and save it in Legacy so that
> > I can later use it (as a chapter in sequence)
> > for a Book created in the Publishing Center.
> > (I hope I am wording this question correctly.)
> > Can the rtf edited file be put back into Legacy
> > and how would I accomplish this?
> >
> > Any input would be appreciated.
> >
> > Lavern Hall
> > Aurora, Ohio, USA
> >
> >
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
> > Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> >
> > Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> >
> > Online technical support: 
> >
> > Follow Legacy on Facebook (
> and on our blog 
> (
> ).
> > To unsubscribe: 
> >
> >
> >
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support: 
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and
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> (
> ).
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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread JLB
XnView can also be used to 'Select TWAIN Source' and it's free. After
clicking the Scan button in XnView, my Epson scanner windows open as
usual for a choice of other options. The scanned photo then shows up in
XnView and can be saved from there in whatever format I choose through
the 'Save file as' option in Windows.

It's quite do-able if your scanner won't do a TIFF by itself. I
generally use Epson directly after setting the Save option for TIFF and
the Save location.

What I've seen about saving TIFF's is that None is the default
compression option but it's worth checking to make sure. LZW, which is
lossless, can be used to save space. To reconstitute to the original
size, just re-save with the None compression option.

The word on the street about re-saving JPG's is to not change the level
of compression. If you stick with the original the damage is less.

I don't bother making JPG copies of my edited TIFF's unless I have a
reason for it; emailing, web use, wikis, etc. I have almost nothing
linked to Legacy.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/19/2013 1:03 PM, Brian L. Lightfoot wrote:
> The reason that some people claim they can only scan an image as one
> particular file format is that they are most likely using the
> proprietary software that came with the scanner. In such cases, the
> software is so simplistic and lacking in options, the image is
> imported into Windows as a JPG only, or perhaps only as a BMP. They
> don't realize that they can use a number of free imaging programs
> such as Irfanview and a multitude of others that will allow them to
> use the scanner (just Google free image scanning programs) as long as
> the driver supplied by the scanner is Twain compliant (almost all
> are). Such programs are full of features that offer the capability to
> save a scanned image in a number of different file formats.
> Methinks that the argument about lossy compression of JPEGS is
> overblown when considering that with most programs the user has the
> option to choose the amount of compression to be used by the
> algorithms in saving the JPEG. Just try staying away from the
> defaults. Using Photoshop, I always choose "12" which results in next
> to no compression. Studies have shown that multiple saves of a JPEG
> using this compression setting results in an image that is
> practically indiscernible from the original. I just don't like the
> idea of having a "Master" TIFF image and then another identical image
> in JPG format. Seems counter-intuitive when hard drive space is cheap
> so I have no problem with 5 or 6 meg pictures. Besides, I usually
> edit my scanned images only once or twice and never touch them after
> that. But to each his own.
> And after all is said and done, I just can't argue against the basic
> concept that a TIFF format will keep your image in its original
> pristine condition and a JPEG will technically change every time one
> re-saves it. Just make sure you are using an un-compressed TIFF
> format. There are several options for a compressed TIFF and some of
> those options are a lossy compression technique which puts you right
> back into the realm of a JPEG image. I don't think Geoff Rasmussen
> and others have made this point strong enough and so I suspect that
> there are many Legacy users unknowingly saving their images in a
> lossy compressed TIFF format.
> Brian in CA Go '49ers

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Re: [LegacyUG] converting and/or printing from RTF format

2013-01-19 Thread Brian/Support
You cannot include a document file, like your edited rtf file, in any
Legacy reports directly.

Using the Pub centre you can reserve space in the Legacy report for the
rtf document using the place holder but you will have to manually print
the rtf file outside of Legacy.

The other alternative is to use the special text entry chapter but I
cannot guarantee that the document format which you spent all that time
creating would be preserved. The special text entry is just that (text
with the very limited options Legacy supports for text such as bold,
underline, italic etc.).

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

On 19-Jan-13 17:25, Lavern Hall wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I created a Descendants Book report
> (which is actually a chapter for a collateral
> line), then I downloaded it from Legacy as
> an RTF file so it could be edited.  I've
> completed the editing process and know
> that I have the option of either printing the
> file or just saving it as a Word document
> or as a PDF file.
> That said, what I'd like to do is take the
> edited file and save it in Legacy so that
> I can later use it (as a chapter in sequence)
> for a Book created in the Publishing Center.
> (I hope I am wording this question correctly.)
> Can the rtf edited file be put back into Legacy
> and how would I accomplish this?
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Lavern Hall
> Aurora, Ohio, USA
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread JLB
I believe the original question was about scanning images. Why are you
mixing this up with talk about downloading images?
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/19/2013 1:01 PM, SHIRLEY ANDERSON wrote:
> A scanner may give you the option to save a file as a TIFF, but a lot of
> websites don't.  I checked a few of my favorites.
> Ancestry's only option is .jpg.
> American Ancestors and Family Search save as .jpg. They don't give you an 
> option
> but they do allow you to open it in a photo editor instead.
> I have a lot of older images of books that are .gif.  I'm not sure that any
> websites are using that any more.
>   ~~
> Shirley York Anderson
> ~~
> My web site:

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[LegacyUG] US Army discharge not available in SourceWriter

2013-01-19 Thread SLeaseman
I may have missed the place to choose discharge records but I don't think
so.  SourceWriter does not have a choice in Military records for this
source to be added.  I have an original WW II document of discharge (not DD  
and would like to have a specific source to list this document.   I can
only find registers and and other reference to sources other  than original
discharge documents.  Mills does not address this record  type in her book
either.  I have this document described in notes for  facts/events but again
would like to have a proper way to use SourceWriter for  this document.  How
should I proceed.

Stuart Lease

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[LegacyUG] converting and/or printing from RTF format

2013-01-19 Thread Lavern Hall
Hello everyone,

I created a Descendants Book report
(which is actually a chapter for a collateral
line), then I downloaded it from Legacy as
an RTF file so it could be edited.  I've
completed the editing process and know
that I have the option of either printing the
file or just saving it as a Word document
or as a PDF file.

That said, what I'd like to do is take the
edited file and save it in Legacy so that
I can later use it (as a chapter in sequence)
for a Book created in the Publishing Center.
(I hope I am wording this question correctly.)
Can the rtf edited file be put back into Legacy
and how would I accomplish this?

Any input would be appreciated.

Lavern Hall
Aurora, Ohio, USA

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RE: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread Brian L. Lightfoot
The reason that some people claim they can only scan an image as one particular 
file format is that they are most likely using the proprietary software that 
came with the scanner. In such cases, the software is so simplistic and lacking 
in options, the image is imported into Windows as a JPG only, or perhaps only 
as a BMP. They don't realize that they can use a number of free imaging 
programs such as Irfanview and a multitude of others that will allow them to 
use the scanner (just Google free image scanning programs) as long as the 
driver supplied by the scanner is Twain compliant (almost all are). Such 
programs are full of features that offer the capability to save a scanned image 
in a number of different file formats.

Methinks that the argument about lossy compression of JPEGS is overblown when 
considering that with most programs the user has the option to choose the 
amount of compression to be used by the algorithms in saving the JPEG. Just try 
staying away from the defaults. Using Photoshop, I always choose "12" which 
results in next to no compression. Studies have shown that multiple saves of a 
JPEG using this compression setting results in an image that is practically 
indiscernible from the original. I just don't like the idea of having a 
"Master" TIFF image and then another identical image in JPG format. Seems 
counter-intuitive when hard drive space is cheap so I have no problem with 5 or 
6 meg pictures. Besides, I usually edit my scanned images only once or twice 
and never touch them after that. But to each his own.

And after all is said and done, I just can't argue against the basic concept 
that a TIFF format will keep your image in its original pristine condition and 
a JPEG will technically change every time one re-saves it. Just make sure you 
are using an un-compressed TIFF format. There are several options for a 
compressed TIFF and some of those options are a lossy compression technique 
which puts you right back into the realm of a JPEG image. I don't think Geoff 
Rasmussen and others have made this point strong enough and so I suspect that 
there are many Legacy users unknowingly saving their images in a lossy 
compressed TIFF format.

Brian in CA
Go '49ers

-Original Message-
From: JLB []
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

I've heard this same thing about scanners from my cousin, Sam, who insists her 
scanner can only scan pictures as JPG's. I doubt it but I haven't seen her 

When you scan pictures you're just scanning them. It doesn't have anything to 
do with file format. It's when you save them that you choose a format. Use the 
drop down arrow next to Save to choose TIFF.

When you want to convert a TIFF to a JPG, simply open the TIFF in any photo 
software (XnView and Paint.NET are both free) and re-save it as a JPG. This can 
also be done in batch-mode in some software.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/19/2013 3:29 AM, Barbara wrote:
> Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?
> My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.
> I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have
> Jeff's book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able
> to decifer TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save
> family photos that there appears to be only one of a kind and then
> make copies in JPEG to share.
> A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm
> still learning.
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "JLB" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures
> If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
> PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a time.
> The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the
> PDF as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon
> in the menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd
> want to be able to do that at full size, of course.
> It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
> photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.
> And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
> every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your
> photos should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
>> Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
>> Two questions about pdf saved photos:
>> 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
>>2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
>> they can be edited?
>> I'm learning, and have saved several phots in p

Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread SHIRLEY ANDERSON
A scanner may give you the option to save a file as a TIFF, but a lot of
websites don't.  I checked a few of my favorites.

Ancestry's only option is .jpg.
American Ancestors and Family Search save as .jpg. They don't give you an option
but they do allow you to open it in a photo editor instead.

I have a lot of older images of books that are .gif.  I'm not sure that any
websites are using that any more.

Shirley York Anderson
My web site:

- Original Message 
From: JLB 
Sent: Sat, January 19, 2013 12:48:11 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

I've heard this same thing about scanners from my cousin, Sam, who
insists her scanner can only scan pictures as JPG's. I doubt it but I
haven't seen her scanner.

When you scan pictures you're just scanning them. It doesn't have
anything to do with file format. It's when you save them that you choose
a format. Use the drop down arrow next to Save to choose TIFF.

When you want to convert a TIFF to a JPG, simply open the TIFF in any
photo software (XnView and Paint.NET are both free) and re-save it as a
JPG. This can also be done in batch-mode in some software.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/19/2013 3:29 AM, Barbara wrote:
> Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?
> My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.
> I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have Jeff's
> book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able to decifer
> TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save family photos that
> there appears to be only one of a kind and then make copies in JPEG to
> share.
> A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm still
> learning.
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "JLB" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures
> If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
> PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a time.
> The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the PDF
> as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon in the
> menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd want to be
> able to do that at full size, of course.
> It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
> photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.
> And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
> every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
> should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
>> Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
>> Two questions about pdf saved photos:
>> 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
>>2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
>> they can be edited?
>> I'm learning, and have saved several phots in pdf and have not been able
>> to work with them.  Maybe I've learned a lesson and should save all of
>> them in jpeg.
>> Awaiting your thoughts and expertise.
>> Barb
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>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread JLB
I've heard this same thing about scanners from my cousin, Sam, who
insists her scanner can only scan pictures as JPG's. I doubt it but I
haven't seen her scanner.

When you scan pictures you're just scanning them. It doesn't have
anything to do with file format. It's when you save them that you choose
a format. Use the drop down arrow next to Save to choose TIFF.

When you want to convert a TIFF to a JPG, simply open the TIFF in any
photo software (XnView and Paint.NET are both free) and re-save it as a
JPG. This can also be done in batch-mode in some software.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/19/2013 3:29 AM, Barbara wrote:
> Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?
> My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.
> I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have Jeff's
> book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able to decifer
> TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save family photos that
> there appears to be only one of a kind and then make copies in JPEG to
> share.
> A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm still
> learning.
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "JLB" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures
> If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
> PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a time.
> The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the PDF
> as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon in the
> menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd want to be
> able to do that at full size, of course.
> It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
> photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.
> And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
> every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
> should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
>> Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
>> Two questions about pdf saved photos:
>> 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
>>2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
>> they can be edited?
>> I'm learning, and have saved several phots in pdf and have not been able
>> to work with them.  Maybe I've learned a lesson and should save all of
>> them in jpeg.
>> Awaiting your thoughts and expertise.
>> Barb
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Re: [LegacyUG] How to record patronymic names.

2013-01-19 Thread Tessa Keough
When I am working on my Scandinavian lines, I go to customizing and
turn off the "add father's surname" button so I don't have to remove
it while adding information. I also use the other surnames (often if
they left Sweden or Norway they changed their surnames) in the aka
section . Also I add farmnames for my Norwegian people into the suffix
(this way I have their names with their farmnames together.
Play around with Legacy and customize - easy to do and it will save
you time in the long run. We have discussed this and have a few
hangout recordings on customizing and data entry at the Legacy Virtual
Users' Group page. We also meet online once a month.

Tessa Keough
Guild of One-Name Studies, No. 5089
Legacy Virtual Users' Group
One Place Studies - Plate Cove, Newfoundland

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Jenny M Benson  wrote:
> On 19/01/2013 00:39, Brian Lehman wrote:
>> I would appreciate suggestions on how to enter a patronymic name.
>> My ancestors, being Jewish, didn't have last names in Europe until abt 1800.
>> Before then, people went by their name and their fathers.
>> Such as Moses Seligmann, born 1757, Germany, Seligmann being Moses father.
>> Moses Seligmann signed documents as such, and in 1809, he and his family
>> "Adopted" the surname Turkheimer,
>> after that, documents were signed Moses Turkheimer.
>> How should this name be entered in Legacy?
>> On the individual information screen, If I enter Moses Seligmann (his
>> birth name), it looks like every other middle name.
>> I enter relevant info in notes and events.
>> How do I properly enter Moses Seligmann, with no last name, and not
>> looking like a middle name.
>> Appreciate any and all suggestions.
> How much of a problem is it to enter the patronymic as if it was a surname?
> Although Legacy "assumes" that children will have the same surname as
> their father it has no objection to you changing that and entering
> whatever surname you want.  You can create an Event for the adoption of
> the surname Turkheimer and enter that as an AKA for Moses and other
> members of his family who adopted it and then enter it as the surname
> for Moses' children.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread Gene Young
On 1/19/2013 6:29 AM, Barbara wrote:
> Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?
> My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.
> I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have Jeff's
> book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able to decifer
> TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save family photos that
> there appears to be only one of a kind and then make copies in JPEG to
> share.
> A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm still
> learning.
> Barb

As I wrote earlier, Use the free Nitro PDF reader to extract images from
PDF files.

To create a JPG from a TIFF, use the free program IrfanView.  Just open
the TIFF and select "Save As" and choose JPG.

There is online help for both of these fine programs.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread Pat Hickin
Personally, the way I change a.pdf to a .jpg is to take a screenshot of the
.pdf and save it as a .jpg.  I use Picasa which is *so* easy to edit in and
is free.  Other than the usual .jpg loss problems -- which is ordinarily
not a problem in Legacy -- I don't know of any disadvantages.


On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 6:29 AM, Barbara  wrote:

> Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?
> My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.
> I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have Jeff's
> book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able to decifer
> TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save family photos that
> there appears to be only one of a kind and then make copies in JPEG to
> share.
> A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm still
> learning.
> Barb
> - Original Message -
> From: "JLB" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures
> If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
> PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a
> time.
> The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the PDF
> as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon in the
> menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd want to be
> able to do that at full size, of course.
> It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
> photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.
> And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
> every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
> should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
> JL Beeken
> JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists
> On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
> > Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
> > Two questions about pdf saved photos:
> > 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
> >   2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
> > they can be edited?
> > I'm learning, and have saved several phots in pdf and have not been able
> > to work with them.  Maybe I've learned a lesson and should save all of
> > them in jpeg.
> > Awaiting your thoughts and expertise.
> > Barb
> >
> >
> > Legacy User Group guidelines:
> >
> > Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> >
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> >
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Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

2013-01-19 Thread Barbara
Do I need a special program to put the pictures into TIFF?

My scanner shows only JPEG and PDF.  I have a copier/scanner/fax.

I appreciate all of you who have taken the time to write me.  I have Jeff's
book (didn't see the workshop on line), but I haven't been able to decifer
TIFF.  I know that seems to be the best place to save family photos that
there appears to be only one of a kind and then make copies in JPEG to

A hearty thank you to each of you who responded.  As you can see I'm still

- Original Message -
From: "JLB" 
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] jpeg and pdf pictures

If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a time.

The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the PDF
as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon in the
menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd want to be
able to do that at full size, of course.

It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.

And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.

JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
> Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
> Two questions about pdf saved photos:
> 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
>   2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
> they can be edited?
> I'm learning, and have saved several phots in pdf and have not been able
> to work with them.  Maybe I've learned a lesson and should save all of
> them in jpeg.
> Awaiting your thoughts and expertise.
> Barb
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] How to record patronymic names.

2013-01-19 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 19/01/2013 00:39, Brian Lehman wrote:
> I would appreciate suggestions on how to enter a patronymic name.
> My ancestors, being Jewish, didn't have last names in Europe until abt 1800.
> Before then, people went by their name and their fathers.
> Such as Moses Seligmann, born 1757, Germany, Seligmann being Moses father.
> Moses Seligmann signed documents as such, and in 1809, he and his family
> "Adopted" the surname Turkheimer,
> after that, documents were signed Moses Turkheimer.
> How should this name be entered in Legacy?
> On the individual information screen, If I enter Moses Seligmann (his
> birth name), it looks like every other middle name.
> I enter relevant info in notes and events.
> How do I properly enter Moses Seligmann, with no last name, and not
> looking like a middle name.
> Appreciate any and all suggestions.

How much of a problem is it to enter the patronymic as if it was a surname?

Although Legacy "assumes" that children will have the same surname as
their father it has no objection to you changing that and entering
whatever surname you want.  You can create an Event for the adoption of
the surname Turkheimer and enter that as an AKA for Moses and other
members of his family who adopted it and then enter it as the surname
for Moses' children.
Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] How to record patronymic names.

2013-01-19 Thread Bert van Kootwijk
Here in Holland, where many people were only been known by givenname and
fathersname before 1811, there are two ways to handle this.
There are users who handle the patronym as a surname, others put the
givenname + fathersname in the givennamefield. Both have their positive
and negative points.
At least the dutch users are asking for many years for a separate field
for the patronym. But as you see, we are still waiting for it. Many
potential dutch users donot want to change to Legacy just because this


Op 19-1-2013 1:39, Brian Lehman schreef:
> Hello,
> I would appreciate suggestions on how to enter a patronymic name.
> My ancestors, being Jewish, didn't have last names in Europe until abt 1800.
> Before then, people went by their name and their fathers.
> Such as Moses Seligmann, born 1757, Germany, Seligmann being Moses father.
> Moses Seligmann signed documents as such, and in 1809, he and his family
> "Adopted" the surname Turkheimer,
> after that, documents were signed Moses Turkheimer.
> How should this name be entered in Legacy?
> On the individual information screen, If I enter Moses Seligmann (his
> birth name), it looks like every other middle name.
> I enter relevant info in notes and events.
> How do I properly enter Moses Seligmann, with no last name, and not
> looking like a middle name.
> Appreciate any and all suggestions.
> Take care,
> Brian
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