Linux-Hardware Digest #183

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #183, Volume #10Sat, 8 May 99 00:13:35 EDT

  BlackoutBuster UPS drivers ("steve epstein")
  New machine - RFC (Sam Halicke)
  IBM 6x86 Sig 11 faults (Neil Steadman)
  Re: Printer LBP-465 (Grant Taylor)
  Help! ISDN Motorola Bitsurfer Pro EZ w/ Lava Link 650 ISA ("Paul Hem")
  token ring loopback? (David B. Davis)
  SMP : Using (LynXX)
  External ISDN terminal adapters ("John Rooke")
  Found this new amateur site ! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Half inch HP tape on Power Mac running Linux: reading errors. (Johannes Niess)
  Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system. ("Lee Sharp")
  specs/modelines for old VGA monitors? (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: why doesn't redhat 6.0 support ethernet card? ("Arne B. Olsen")
  Linux on SGI? (Scott Douglas)
  Re: TV-out under linux (Mark Shadley)
  Re: How to distinguish ECC memory? (Andrew Comech)
  NEC Superscript 870 Printer (mgm)
  Re: Best Super7 Motherboard
  xwindows with ati mach64 vt ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Solution: RIVA TNT & linux (Matt)
  Re: IRQ hell... (Eric Lee Green)
  Re: Does Anyone have Mwave modem/sound card? ("kryliss")
  Re: USR 56k Int Voice/Faxmodem and COL 2.2 (Bob Ewart)
  Re: OpenGL with old video card ("DoomsdayZero")

From: "steve epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BlackoutBuster UPS drivers
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 18:49:03 -0500

Has anyone tried to connect a BlackoutBuster UPS to a Linux box and written
or found drivers for autoshutdown?



From: Sam Halicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New machine - RFC
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 23:27:55 GMT

I'm looking for a mini-RFC on the machine I'm putting together below. This
machine will start off running RedHat 6.0, then will likely move to Debian or
Caldera as my needs change...please post any
incompatibilities/suggestions/thoughts or whatever. Thanks.

Abit BH6 motherboard
Celeron 300a overclocked (450)
Maxtor DiamondMax 4320 8.4 GB, 5400 rpm
Creative Graphics Blaster (Riva TNT chip)
Creative SB Live! Value Multimedia Kit (48x CDROM as well as the SB Live)
ViewSonic E771 17" monitor
3Com Fast EtherLink 10/100 NIC

-- Sam

|Linux: Killing Microsoft a bit at a time. |

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Steadman)
Subject: IBM 6x86 Sig 11 faults
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 22:07:06 +

To all those suffering Sig 11 faults with Cyrix/IBM 6x86MX PR chips...

First, who do I blame? Cyrix or IBM?

Second, if a chip is known to flake out just installing Linux can it be
said to be a true 8086 based improvement?

Third, I just got an AMD 150MHz K6-2 3Dnow replacement. No hangs, no Sig
11 messages. No worries at all...

Fourth, I'll ultra narked with having had a CPU I can't change, for 18 months,
which has been occasionally crashing software based on CPU load! BOLLOCKS! Full
marks to linux for letting me diagnose the problem, but I've erased 95,98 and NT
for crashes which now appear to be CPU based!

FLAME **IBM/CYRIX** (whichever...)

(I'm using the reincarnation of a 12 year old IBM, have installed motherboards,
CPU's, RAM, cards on other computers, and my own, I take extra care... So how
come this F*ing chip is the first to F*up?!)

Ah, I feel slightly better for that...


Oh and as my pennies worth : Don't we need a
split yet? I mean, Linux is expanding!

"They say the grass is greener on the other side,
 we'll I've been there and I'm dying to get back."
- The Legendary Wolfgang Press.


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Printer LBP-465
Date: 07 May 1999 15:04:07 -0400

"Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am a very beginer in Linux.
> I have got a LBP-465 (a "winPrinter").
> Does anyone know if there is any way to use it under linux.

Hmm.  The closest thing in the database is the LBP-460, which I have
listed as a paperweight.  It's PCL emulation is in software ;(

I can't find either the 460 or 465 on the Canon web site, although I
have a live URL for a 460 FAQ page in the database.  Canon sure
doesn't do much to help owners of older products...

Grant Taylor - gtaylor@picantecom -
 Cellphone information:
 Libretto information:
 Linux Printing HOWTO:

Linux-Hardware Digest #182

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #182, Volume #10Fri, 7 May 99 20:13:37 EDT

  Re: CD-AUDIO (killbill)
  Building a Linux System? (Chris Sequeira)
  Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage (Andrew Comech)
  Linux 2.0.34 and AHA1542 ("Vincent Martin")
  Re: LaserJet 1100 (Mister Zer0)
  Re: Linux Port (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: Video Card and Monitor ("Jos Shepherd")
  Re: Multiprocessor performance on script intensive web server (Swietanowski Artur)
  WD Graphics Controller (Jochen Gerlach)
  ISDN help (Sorin Balea)
  Re: RedHat 5.2 3C509 io conflict with SoundBlaster (Phil DeBecker)
  Re: USR 56k Int Voice/Faxmodem and COL 2.2 ("Russell E. Smith")
  Re: Solution: RIVA TNT & linux ("gm")
  Re: How to distinguish ECC memory? (steven)
  Re: "soft" modems in emachines ("David Murray")
  kernel can't open cd (Bo Williams)
  Re: Video Card and Monitor ("David Murray")
  OT: How do you pronounce Llinux??  Was Re: softk56 modems (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW & RH6.0 ("Keith Miller")
  Re: pci chip driver (ellis)
  Re: Building a Linux System? (Sam Halicke)
  Re: Programmers are gods ("Clifton T. Sharp Jr.")
  Re: Best Super7 Motherboard (Gerry Larkin)

From: killbill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-AUDIO
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 15:35:40 GMT

In article <7gut20$1ct$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "David Bildström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a SB PCI64 (es1370) and I'm using RedHat 6.0. My problem is that I
> can't play audio-cd:s. It's working fine in Windoze. Does anyone else have
> this problem?

I am using an ensoniq card that is virtually identical.  The mixer settings
under Linux work a little funny, play with them some and see if you can get
sound.  That card has a _bunch_ of different analog channels (for voice
modem, multiple cd-roms, mic, line in, etc), and both the windows and the
linux drivers seem a little confused about what mutes what and which sliders
control the volume of which.  I usually (as any self respecting engineer
would) just keep slapping sliders and pressing buttons until I hear a noise.

I forget which mixer I am using... I can dig it up if you keep having
problems. Both the Linux and the Windows (Creative driver w/ directx) mixer
behave oddly, but with enough guessing both seem to work fine.

In other words, try giving it a few "virtual whacks", and play with every
virtual knob.

Hope this advice is not too technical :)

Bil Kilgallon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
--"I believe, what I believe, has made me what I am.  I did not make
   it, It is making me, it is the very truth of God, not the invention
   of any man".  Rich Mullins, quoting G.K. Chesterton.

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Chris Sequeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Building a Linux System?
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 20:45:51 GMT

I currently run RedHat Linux 4.2 on a 486DX4/100, and I'm planning to
build my own Linux system when I get the money (which probably won't be
too far off from now).  However, it's clear that there is less of a
hardware/driver selection when it comes to Linux machines.  

Here's my question: can anyone mention a good list of parts to buy?  I'm
weary of buying a prebuilt machine because:

1. I might not get the stuff I want
2. I must run Linux and Win98 (for the family)

I'm thinking of a single-CPU Pentium II or Pentium III machine using IDE
or UDMA drives (I don't want to spend too much money... no more than
$2000).  I also want a card with 3DFX support, as well as a sound card. 
So I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on motherboards, monitors,
drives, sound cards... everything.  Also, does anyone know if Linux
supports the ATI All-In-One video card (I think that's what it's
called... it has support for video and audio capture), or is there a
better solution for video and audio capture?  Remember, all of this must
run under Win98 and Linux, and I can't spend too much.  Thanks.
>From Chris Sequeira:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage
Date: 7 May 1999 01:45:30 -0500

On 6 May 1999 15:56:47 -0500, A Guy Called Tyketto wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>   Actually, I'll make it better, and take the whole damned thread out
>of c.o.l.misc and c.o.l.hardware. Followups are now set to
>comp.os.linux.advocacy ONLY. go bitch about your CPU wars there. that's
>what the group is for. 'nuff said.
>   BL.

Hi Brad, 
What does it have to do with advocating Linux?

The guy I yelled at was unnecessarily rude when speaking to an 
underage who started the thread, but then the "damned

Linux-Hardware Digest #181

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #181, Volume #10Fri, 7 May 99 17:13:34 EDT

  FA: Linux analog ISP equipment (Rob Wehrli)
  Re: How to distinguish ECC memory? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: WinPrinters... Re: Winmodems and Linux (Grant Taylor)
  Adaptec AVA-1505 (Catherine BRIAND & Geoffrey CHARRA)
  Re: With dual-processor system, is SCSI a must or is Ultra-DMA enough? (David Morgan)
  Re: AWE 64 pnp card installation question ("Carlos Manjarres")
  RAID and MEDIUM ERRORS - HELP!!! (Dan Warren)
  Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system. (Rod Roark)
  Re: postscript on nec 870 bogus... (mgm)
  Re: CD-AUDIO ("David Bildström")
  Re: okipage 6e printing problem in Redhat ("Lee Sharp")
  Ethernet on Linux (Nissim Hadar)

From: Rob Wehrli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FA: Linux analog ISP equipment
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 07:20:19 -0700

First, thank you for letting me post here.  I normally do not SPAM
people, however, since all of this equipment is new, and is VERY
LOW PRICED, I thought my fellow Linuxers would want to know.

See and search for "Linux" to find some of the
best analog equipment starting at $25 and $55 for ALL NEW COMPONENTS
with NO RESERVE PRICE.  These pieces are new, great for startups or
small business needs/customers and come in original packaging--most
of the static bags are unopened!

Digital network upgrades forces sale, my loss is your gain!

Included are:

2 Port Sangoma Frame Relay/X.25 Card
GTEK 6-Port Modem Super Serial Card w/pig tail cable
Equinox SST Modem Pool (takes 16 modems)
Cyclades 16 Port Cyclom Ye Card/DB-25 Chassis
Cyclades 8 Port Cyclom Zo Card/DB-25 Octopus cable

These work great with either Windows NT or Linux, and of
course, most other UNIX products.  Will COD to any US location.

Take Care.



Subject: Re: How to distinguish ECC memory?
Date: 7 May 1999 18:13:38 GMT

In Tango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,

> I just bought a new computer with a single 128MB ECC module (CL2). I
> have doubts that it is really ECC. Is there a way that I can tell
> between ECC and non-ECC memory? A program that can detect that, or by
> physicaly looking?

You can count the memory chips on them and figure out the 
bit-width of your memory.  Depending on the specific module
this can be very simple, but can also be very tricky. 


From: Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: WinPrinters... Re: Winmodems and Linux
Date: 07 May 1999 14:58:45 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne) writes:

> The whole GDI thing confuses people away from the issue.  There is no
> such thing as a "GDI printer," as such.  

Absolutely.  It's merely a question of the only driver software being
only for Windows, and the protocols needed to write free software
being undocumented.  Some "GDI" printers are supported under
non-Windows systems like OS/2 and the Macintosh.

It may be useful to point out there there *are* "WinPrinters" which
are supported by free software.  This support is usually the result of
a reverse engineering project.  All printers could be supported but
for the fact that the largest amount of effort would be needed for the
cheapest printers; there's little incentive if similarly priced PCL
alternatives exist, and less incentive still when the only the
crappiest printers need all this extra work.

The following printers are among the "WinPrinters" which work with
free software:

 - The Lexmark 7000/7200/5700/5000 all work at 600dpi color and mono
   due to the heroic efforts of Henryk Paluch.  There is also a 1200
   dpi mono driver from Stephen Taylor for the 5700.

 - The Okidata Okipage 4w supposedly works perfectly with the driver
   kit from Marcin Dalecki, who reverse engineered this printer's

 - The Brother HL-720 and HL-730 are supported perfectly by a new
   Ghostscript driver.

That said, there are still reasons not to buy most of the above

 - The Lexmarks are the cheapest printer possible.  A new cartridge
   for the cheap Lexmarks costs 50% of the cost of the printer (which
   wasn't much to begin with).  The per-page cost is poor, at best.
   There's a reason thee things are free with a new computer. ;)

 - Comments in the Okipage 4w driver readme suggest that unlucky use
   could make the printer melt itself.  This hardly sounds like a
   robust mechanism...

 - The low-cost Brothers are often characterized as flimsy.  They do
   work at 100% with free software, though, and are probably quite
   suitable for low-volume printing.

As always, the complete Printing HOWTO printer database is at

Grant Taylor 

Linux-Hardware Digest #180

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #180, Volume #10Fri, 7 May 99 15:13:44 EDT

  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Ronald Hovens)
  Second Channel on Adaptec 3940 (Christian)
  Re: Printing with 2.2.x kernel (Robb Aley Allan)
  Re: Seagate IDE ATAPI Tape Drive (Charles Morley)
  Re: Small X Window ("Anthony DeLuca")
  Re: linux drivers for a D-Link DFE-503 TX 10/100 mbits NIC ("Andreas Oppermann")
  Re: How to distinguish ECC memory? ("Pat Crean")
  Diamond S70 Sound Card Driver (Stephen Torri)
  Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system. ("David Murray")
  Re: Windows CE link for Linux ? ("David Murray")
  Solid State Hard Drives ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH 5.2 bogging on an AMD/350 ("David Murray")
  Help - Adaptec 2920 drivers. (Fredrik =?iso-8859-1?Q?Str=F6mberg?=)
  Re: WinPrinters... Re: Winmodems and Linux ("Mark Weaver")
  Re: kernel doesn't see new 32meg dimm ("David Murray")
  Please : drivers for Adaptec AVA-1505 SCSI card (Catherine BRIAND & Geoffrey CHARRA)
  Re: Newbie vs Linux: Comment on this system. (Swietanowski Artur)
  Re: Winmodems and Linux ("Mark Weaver")
  Re: SCSI Adapters (Catherine BRIAND & Geoffrey CHARRA)
  Re: Linux Port (Greg de Freitas)
  CD-AUDIO ("David Bildström")
  Re: Seagate IDE ATAPI Tape Drive ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ISDN help (Tom Holub)
  Call for Papers: 1999 Atlanta Linux Showcase (Jennifer Radtke)
  Canon BJC-50 printer ("P.M. Molenaar")
  Re: Adaptec 3940 UW and MANY devices ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: Ronald Hovens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 13:27:21 +0200


You have to specify a hostname for your linux-box, other than localhost!
Put an entry in your /etc/hosts with a selfchosen hostname and IP adress
(e.g. in the private class C networks ip range 192.168.0.x; for an
explanation of the private addresses see the net-3-howto)

I had the same error when I installed RedHat 5.2 and this worked for me.

Bert van Oort wrote:
> I have exactly the same, but only after connecting to the Internet! I noticed that 
>after connecting with PPP the hostname of my machine has changed. Standard it is 
>Localhost but after connecting to the internet it changes into the name of te dialin 
>machine. After that I cannot start any application anymore.
> I think it may have something to do with the CORBA server and the communication 
>between all the gnome modules, like the panel and the window manager. I think that 
>when the hostname changes, the CORBA requests are sent to the wrong machine: the new 
>hostname. So the requests do not arrive with the window manager, so no new 
>application will be started. BTW: also after disconnecting the hostname isn't changed 
>back into Localhost and when I restart GNOME it works again. It seems that only 
>changing the hostname while already running GNOME is fatal.
> I wonder what changes the hostname. It could be the ppp dialin script or some auto 
>configuration daemon (forgot the name, maybe dhcpd?)
> Bvo
> dpc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > Thought I might share my bad as well:
> >
> > Upgraded to RH 6.0 from 5.9.7 - Everything seemed to go well.  I logged in,
> > started X and was in Gnome.  After a few minutes of using it (had some
> > terminals open, netscape had been open/closed, etc) I tried to start another
> > terminal, and it wouldn't work...Tried to start netscape, no go.  Tried to
> > start anything elsenothing.  OK, so let's logout - can't do that either.
> > Finally have to do a Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to get out.
> > startx again - sits there at the gray hatched screen.  Look at tty1 and
> > error messages looking something like "X11TransportUNIXSocket" cannot
> > connect or some such nonsense.  So after fiddling around and fixing that and
> > having it happen again, I just decided to do a clean install.  Damnit - same
> > thing happens.  Wish I could go back to 5.9.7 - somehow...everything worked
> > right for me when I had that - sound, Gnome..everything.  Oh well.  :)
> >
> > dpc
> >
> >
> >


From: Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Second Channel on Adaptec 3940
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 12:09:14 GMT

Does anybody have experiences with that Problem ?

I'm trying to use an Adaptec 3940AU Board in an ASUS P/I-TP4XE
During the bootup everything seems to work fine : the 2 Channels are displayed
in Adaptec´s SCSI-Select-Tool and every Device attached to it.
Using the 3940 under Windoze works too.
Booting from a SCSI-CDRom attached to Channel A or B works also.

Linux ( Kernel 2.0.36 ) finds only one Channel.

In /proc/pci there are two Devices for the 3940 mentioned, but Channel B
is not working.

I installed the 3940 in 2 other Mainboards ( a Slot 1 Board and an even older
Socket7 Board 

Linux-Hardware Digest #179

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #179, Volume #10Fri, 7 May 99 12:13:34 EDT

  Serial Printing doesn't work ("Felix Leung")
  Re: SB 128 PCI (Joshua Martin)
  Small X Window ("Anthony DeLuca")
  Re: HP support sucks (was: funniest printer-problem) ("Art Becker")
  Half inch HP tape on Power Mac running Linux: reading errors. 
  Adaptec 2940UW & RH6.0 ("Wayne Sweet")
  No Mic (SB PCI 128 / Ensoniq AudioPCI / es1370) (Gavin W. K. Peters)
  Re: Seagate IDE ATAPI Tape Drive (Mark Lo)
  Re: Winmodems and Linux (killbill)
  Thank You All! Re: Serial cables or Cerial for breakfast... ("Brian")
  Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib? (Vagelis Blathras)
  Re: Help - Adaptec 2920 drivers. (Daniel Ganek)
  Re: Boycott Intel on your own webpage (Donal K. Fellows)
  okipage 6e printing problem in Redhat (opolot okia)
  Multiprocessor performance on script intensive web server (David Morgan)
  Re: Help - Adaptec 2920 drivers. (Edmondo)
  Re: Examples of best machines for LINUX, least expensive machines for  (Piergiorgio 
  Re: softk56 modems (Johan Kullstam)
  How to distinguish ECC memory? (Tango)

From: "Felix Leung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Serial Printing doesn't work
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 16:44:44 +0800

I have a HP LaserJet 4MP which used serial connection to connect with Redhat
Linux ver 5.2, I already installed teh printer driver "hp4mp", it works fine
when I print ASCII testing, but it got error message once I try to print
postscript testing.

The "40 ERROR" definitation is :

"The printer encountered an error while transferring data from the computer.
If you are using the serial I/O, you might have caused this error by turning
the computer ON or OFF while the printer was on line; or your printer's baud
rate or parity was not the same as the computer's."

then I tried to change the closing_wait and closing_wait2 into higher
number, it stills doesn't work. THen I tried another which is matching the
baud rate speed on the printer and serial port are the same (57600, 9600,
etc), it also got the error message.

Anyone have any idea?

I would be appreciated if you could help.

Felix Leung
U of W, Business Computing B.A.
System Analyst
Lexibook Ltd. HK.


From: Joshua Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB 128 PCI
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 01:02:42 -0700


I have a SoundBlaste pci 128 and have had it running with no problems
using the oss stuff built into the kernel.  

I prefer the alsa driver because it uses more of the cards features and
has a better audio quality.  You might look into it to see if this takes
care of the problem.

-Joshua Martin

Claude Chaudet wrote:
> I can't configure my SB 128 PCI.
> I compiled sound and es1370 as modules. these modules load at startup, no
> problem. I have some sound (mp3, vaw etc.) but :
> - When I launch mpg123, it is impossible to do anything else under
> X (console works but X hangs...)
> - I can't setup volume. Mixers (gnome, xmixer etc.) don't work.
> And, I don't know if this is related, but the gnome CD player doesn't see
> my CDs while xcdplay does (but plays nothing).
> Does anybody know any trick for configuring my soud card properly ?
> I saw there were drivers for it (but not free). Do they work well ?
> Claude.


From: "Anthony DeLuca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Small X Window
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 07:40:16 -0400

Sorry I wasn't more specific.  Well, I am running Mandrake 5.3 with Kernel
(2.0.36), Xfree86 (  KDE (1.1 Final), I have a Dell D825HT
Trinitron 15" monitor, a Matrox Millennium II Video card with 4MB RAM with
the 2164w graphics chip, and the TI 3026 external RAMDAC that runs at 220
MHz (I think it is shown as 230.000 in XF86Config).  I am using a Microsoft
Intellimouse with Trackball also.  I configured the settings to run at 800 X
600 in all modes 8, 16 and 24.  I choose the chipset 2164w, the Millennium
II, when I was prompted for what card I had, I choose CUSTOM for my monitor
type, since mine wasn't in the list. I also manually edited  "xinit"
manually to set the Horizontal frequency to 31.5 - 70 kHz (these are
manufacturers specs)  and the Vertical frequency to 50 - 120 kHz (these are
manufacturers specs), since I could find the correct ones in the set-up.  I
also removed the "#" from the file too in front of the amount of RAM that
the card has too (4096).  Finally I specified my keyboard as the Microsoft
Natural keyboard in the file too.  I wish I could get Linux to print so I
could have a hard copy of this file to send to people, but I need to tackle
one problem at a time.  The first time I got KDE to work the screen was huge
and went off the sides, top and bottom of the monitor.  Then I re-ran
XConfigurator and now the screen  o

Linux-Hardware Digest #178

1999-05-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #178, Volume #10Fri, 7 May 99 07:13:32 EDT

  Re: Adaptec SlimScsi 1460 (Michael Meissner)
  Re: small network, no pings (DB7654321)
  linux drivers for a D-Link DFE-503 TX 10/100 mbits NIC ("Mathieu Imrazene")
  isdn4k-utils won't compile on rh6.0 ("Carlsberg")
  Printer LBP-465 ("Patrick")
  Re: Best Super7 Motherboard ("Gene Heskett")
  Video Card and Monitor (Manny D.)
  LaserJet 1100 ("Richard Lewin")
  Re: SBlive under linux not working! (Martin van Roon)
  Help with sound driver startup (Janos Ero)
  Motorola Modem Help Please... ("Greg S.")
  [Q] Trident 9320 on IBM TP 365XD (Kim ungyol)
  Luxury Back Massage at SUPER Below market price for internet ONLY (James Scott)
  Re: Digital I/O boards (Lee Wei Shun)
  Re: "Jiggling" video (Christopher Mahmood)
  Sparc 5/170 & RH Linux 6.0? ("HJLin")
  Re: SBLive Linux Drivers HELP (Martin van Roon)
  Re: HP support sucks (was: funniest printer-problem) (peter)
  Re: Linux on a Notebook? (George Dau)
  sleep_on / wake_up problem, full-duplex, SoundBlaster 16 ("Regis")
  Re: SuSe 6.1 Setting up a PPP Connection to SWBELL.NET with wvdial ("Derek Turner")
  SB 128 PCI (Claude Chaudet)
  Examples of best machines for LINUX, least expensive machines for LINUX. (Don Saklad)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Adaptec SlimScsi 1460
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 06 May 1999 22:44:55 -0400

Dieter Kraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> with Kernel 2.2.7 and PCMCIA 3.0.10
> no SCSI devices are recognised with the Adaptec SlimSCSI 1460B card
> It´s no hardware problem because scanner and dat run under win98
> Is this a known problem and what is the solution?

I dunno about pcmcia 3.0.10, but certainly back in 3.0.5 days (and maybe 2.2.3
kernel), I used a 1460 adapter.  You do have to compile scsi support into the
kernel (I had problems when I compiled it as a module).  You might want to
check if /proc/scsi/scsi is created when the card is inserted, and if so, what
devices are present.  For the scanner, you will need scsi generic support
compiled in as well (or if a module, loaded), and obviously for the dat you
need scsi tape support compiled in.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  fax: 978-692-4482


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DB7654321)
Subject: Re: small network, no pings
Date: 7 May 1999 07:16:09 GMT

Try posting this question to comp.os.linux.networking.  Somebody here could
probably handle this question, but you might get a faster response on the
networking newsgroup.
David Bell

Please don't email me just reply on the board.


From: "Mathieu Imrazene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux drivers for a D-Link DFE-503 TX 10/100 mbits NIC
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 10:10:47 +0200

hello !

is annyone know which drivers i should use for my NIC ? I'm using 2.2.7

thank you in advance,


From: "Carlsberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: isdn4k-utils won't compile on rh6.0
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 09:05:40 +0200

complains about some missing ndbm.h...but I have that file in /include/db1
or something


From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printer LBP-465
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 08:30:49 +0200

I am a very beginer in Linux.
I have got a LBP-465 (a "winPrinter").
Does anyone know if there is any way to use it under linux.

Thanks a million for your help.


Date: 07 May 99 05:02:20 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Super7 Motherboard


Gene Heskett sends Greetings to bot_b ;

> OK boys and girls, been looking at these groups
> for a couple of months now trying to find out
> what would be the best board for a AMD 400.

> Seems you all are working against me though.
> Guess I gave up drinking to soon. Is it really to
> much to ask? All I want is to build a good upgradable
> system that will run LINUX and WINDOWS.

> I know it's that WINDOWS thing isn't it.

Yup. that, and your hotmail address.  Their fscking spam generator is
working overtime, and this newsgroup is the only one I don't have
hotmail as a blanket kill in my killfile.

That said, the TYAN Trinity, S1590S baby AT mobo seems to be a fine one,
and I have a 400 mhx AMD K6-2/3DNow, with 64 megs of pc100 memory that
seems to be happy except when I run the rc5 client, the overtemp alarm
goes off entirely too quickly.

The general consensus seems to be that the thermometer in the bios is a
bit bogus.  Other than that, the board has been zero problems that
weren't configuration related.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK   |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5  |A2091,GuruRom,