Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Andy Ford
What are the advantages of PostgreSQl over mySQL

I currently use mySQL everywhere and it works well - at least for what I
need it for!!


On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 16:12, Toby Corkindale wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 06:03:13PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 09:51:13AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > > (And people who use MySQL wonder what the value of subselects are! :)
> > 
> > Subselects are in MySQL 4.1 (currently alpha).
> >
> Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P
> > I'd still say toss it and use PostgreSQL.
> Ditto. Don't understand the hype around MySQL, personally.
> tjc

Installing Perl on End Of Lifed Irix 5.3

2003-08-22 Thread Chris Young

Anyone have experience of installing Perl on Irix 5.3?  I'm sure there are
lots of good reasons for not even beginning to attempt this but putting that
to one side...

The latest I have on the machine, an Indigo, is 5.004 from

I have MySQL 3.20.32a running happily enough on the machine and just want to
do some simple DBI stuff with it.  Latest DBI needs a later version of Perl,
quite understandably so my question is:

A. Do I take a later version of Perl and build that?  If so, which one and
what issues am I going to hit on the way?
B. Do I take older versions of the packages I need to go with my old
hardware, old OS and old database?
C. None of the above.

Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great.

Many Thanks


PS. Apologies administrator for sending this with the wrong email address,
please disregard that copy, Thanks.

Re: Mr. Brocard database tools in focus

2003-08-22 Thread Mark Fowler
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:

>I wonder about what you use to store large amounts of data.
>Could you please teach me about your
> data-{storage,classification,retrieval,maintenance} tools?

James and Pierre have given talks on the Pixie and Vx tools which Fotango
use to store data:



#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
print q{Mark Fowler, [EMAIL PROTECTED],};

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Dominic Mitchell
Toby Corkindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 06:03:13PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 09:51:13AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>> > (And people who use MySQL wonder what the value of subselects are! :)
>> Subselects are in MySQL 4.1 (currently alpha).
> Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P

Transactions have been supported for a while, apparently.  Dunno as I
don't use MySQL myself, but it's a frequent rebuff.  I think you have to
select the berkelydb backend table storage module.

Anyway, If you want a high end database with the MySQL label, it looks
like they've just gone a rebranding rampage with SAPDB and it's emerged
as MySQL Max...

That probably has more features that one would expect.


| Semantico: creators of major online resources  |
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|   Address: 33 Bond St., Brighton, Sussex, BN1 1RD, UK. |

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Toby Corkindale
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 09:54:22AM +0100, Andy Ford wrote:
> What are the advantages of PostgreSQl over mySQL

The first few advantages that come to mind:

It scales. :D
It supports (several varieties of) transactions.
It can write internally consistent backup dumps.
It supports write-ahead-logging. (Basically the same deal as journalled
filesystems, only in-database; and no, just because you're using ext3fs or
reiserfs, doesn't mean you achieve the same thing)
It supports stored procedures (in tcl, perl, and plpgsql).

It has also supported all the above for quite a while now and has a good track
record. MySQL supporters tend to point out things like "oh, but mysql supports
that now - in the latest alpha CVS snapshot".

> I currently use mySQL everywhere and it works well - at least for what I
> need it for!!

MySQL is good for some stuff - it used to be a fairly lightweight SQL
interface to a some basic backend storage. If you just want to go around
inserting and selecting data for your home accounting or your webpage, it's
fine. Doesn't use too much memory or CPU, works fine.

It's just when you want to deal with large/commercial projects that it tends
to fall down. But I tend to use it for everything, as well; on modern hardware
the slightly larger footprint of Pg isn't a problem.


Re: Mr. Brocard database tools in focus

2003-08-22 Thread Steve Keay
I like the idea of this:

These guys are a little evangelical but I find the idea intriguing.
I'm still not too sure how easy it would be to remember to have the
data migrate itself when you change your classes.  I think you'd need
some fairly rigorous run-time consistency checks.

Has anything like this been done in perl?  There is a ruby
implementation of this, so it can't be that hard :).

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Nigel Hamilton
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 09:54:22AM +0100, Andy Ford wrote:
> > What are the advantages of PostgreSQl over mySQL
> The first few advantages that come to mind:
> It scales. :D
> It supports (several varieties of) transactions.
> It can write internally consistent backup dumps.
> It supports write-ahead-logging. (Basically the same deal as journalled
> filesystems, only in-database; and no, just because you're using ext3fs or
> reiserfs, doesn't mean you achieve the same thing)
> It supports stored procedures (in tcl, perl, and plpgsql).

On the MySQL plus side I've found HASH Tables to be invaluable for
recording lots of transactions without the disk (i.e., in RAM buckets).

And one day when I can afford a cluster I'm hoping to implement the MySQL
DB replication Hack (outlined in Linux Server Hacks) to distribute parts
of the database onto the nodes.

On the negative side, MySQL's lack of subqueries has been a real bummer.


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

tel:+44 (0) 207 987 5460
fax:+44 (0) 207 987 5468  Search Deeper. Browse Faster.

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Jason Clifford
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Nigel Hamilton wrote:

> And one day when I can afford a cluster I'm hoping to implement the MySQL
> DB replication Hack (outlined in Linux Server Hacks) to distribute parts
> of the database onto the nodes.

I'm using that and it works beautifully.

It'd also very easy to recover when you do something stupid resulting in 
the database getting out of sync (on a test box - I try to keep away from 
production systems when I am on the stupid).

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG   Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net   ADSL Broadband available now

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Leon Brocard
Steve Keay sent the following bits through the ether:

> Has anything like this been done in perl?  There is a ruby
> implementation of this, so it can't be that hard :).

It's a nice idea with a little too much hype, but I generally don't
have databases which fit in memory. I mean, otherwise they'd be in
hashes anyway ;-)

Leon Brocard.

... The statement is now easier to understand. It is also wrong

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Tim Sweetman
Leon Brocard wrote:

It's a nice idea with a little too much hype, but I generally don't
have databases which fit in memory. I mean, otherwise they'd be in
hashes anyway ;-)
It's a curious idea shrouded by great mountain ranges of bombast.

My main worry is this:
> Do you mean I can simply have my objects in RAM and forget all that 
database hassle?
> That's right.

As far as I can see, there are two issues being conflated here, maybe three:
a) whether data lives on the disk or in RAM,
b) architecturally, whether a system is based on RDBMS stuff like 
queries and tables, or not. "Not" would include other storage 
methodologies - like file systems, graphs, LDAP databases, object 
persistance-based stuff, ...
c) whether stuff can be sped up by concentrating on writing CHANGES to 
disk in the order of change (ie. keeping a log).

(c) is done by journalling filesystems and many RDBMSs anyway.
(a) happens increasingly the more you can have large caches, or such 
things as heap tables in MySQL or persistent RAM that looks like a disk.

(b) is the key thing.
Since the spirit of Codd moved upon the face of the waters, people have 
been saying "arg, SQL will be/is way too slow", and database supporters 
have said things like "but queries get optimised - and you can query in 
any direction - and it'll be easier to support".

RAM is getting cheaper. Keeping stuff in RAM becomes obviously a good 
idea. JFSs are also becoming increasingly popular. These are all 
unambiguously Good Things.

The principal advantages of RDBMSs, IMHO, are:
1. Clarity. You need to declare what your data looks like, and the 
system will then verify that it does[1]. This also makes it easier for 
someone else to come along and query it ... (See also design by contract 
and XML schemae).

2. Scaleability. Unless you do something silly, you're dealing with the 
same kind of data as the database has already been tuned against, and it 
shouldn't scale too badly.

3. Atomicity (again, because you know what your data is like).

4. Concurrency is, pretty much[2] looked after. Concurrency-safe code is 
a slight pig to write and an utter pig to test. Using RDBMSs removes or 
makes much less likely many of the failure modes.

Really scary quote:
"you are no longer limited to writing feeble client code. You now have 
the means to actually write server code. It is the way object 
orientation was intended all along; but it is certainly not for wimps"

OO was intended to make software development faster and safer. OO is, in 
fact, for wimps. In fact, all modern computing languages are for wimps.

For sake of balance[3], I should point out what I see as the key 
disadvantages of RDBMSs:

1. Change control. You change your schema, and need to get that change 
out to however many people are using your application anywhere in the 
world. No sneakily detecting old files and reading them in a 
backwards-compatibility mode, you've gotta big-bang your structure over 
to the new way. And RDBMSs don't like doing that, you can't just say 
"here is the new schema, convert", you need to muck around with lots of 
"ALTER TABLE" stuff.[666]

2. SQL syntax is a bastard. Everything is different; look how many ways 
there are to specify records according to whether you're updating or 
inserting. Oh and DBMSs all work slightly/very differently.

3. You need an RDBMS.

4. Most RDBMSs, AFAIK, are not that helpful with good design[4]. 
Inheritance of record types is often not supported ("VAN" is a kind of 
vehicle) (Oracle probably does much here; I've not used it for ages). If 
(as you should do) you code your data validation into your database 
schema, you may then need to code it again - eg. I've just filled in a 
form of data with some garbage. Does the system throw that at the DB, 
catch the error, and give me the error? Or can it pre-check? This point 
is hopefully wrong if you know enough and use an adequately expensive 

5. RDBMSs, for some applications, will slow you down awfully.

6. And you've got to shunt data in and out of SQL. This *can* be 
centralised/automated etc, but can also be a pain in the neck.

Lots of overhead all round. YMMV.

> Has anything like this been done in perl?  There is a ruby
> implementation of this, so it can't be that hard :).
The difficult bit will be writing one that is really helpful to people 
doing large, difficult projects. The difficult part of *that* is knowing 
when you've done it.

[1] well, sometimes. Not so much if you're using MySQL.
[2] except, who actually uses REPEATABLE READ mode in production?
[3] y'know, the idea that you should say helpful, true things, rather 
than bombastically ranting on about how much your favourite solution rocks
[4] following such rules as "make things testable", "don't repeat 
yourself", "use inheritance so similar entities can be treated similarly"
[666] if you've only got one live database, no beta database and no 
other users of you

Re: Mr. Brocard database tools in focus

2003-08-22 Thread Sam Vilain
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 11:52, Steve Keay wrote;


  SK> These guys are a little evangelical but I find the idea
  SK> intriguing.  I'm still not too sure how easy it would be to
  SK> remember to have the data migrate itself when you change your
  SK> classes.  I think you'd need some fairly rigorous run-time
  SK> consistency checks.

Both Pixie and Tangram are based on this principle; Tangram calls it
`orthogonal' storage of data; in essence, it's not interfering with
the damned objects just for your persistence mechanism.

For most applications, Pixie will be faster and more convenient, but
for some types of data access (eg, OLTP) it really reduces the number
of times that you have to hit the disk if you know your record size up
front - in which case a system like Tangram where you have to
explicitly tell the tool what columns you've got, and how big they are
is better.

  The flush toilet is the basis of Western civilization.

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Sam Vilain
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:12, Toby Corkindale wrote;

  TC> Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P

No, they're too dumb for that - but a company called InnoDB basically
re-wrote the core parts of MySQL and called it a "storage back-end".
It's free and included in the MySQL distribution, except the hot
backup license (very smart move).

In fact, it's even compiled in by default with Debian stable, all you
need to do is change some config options, bounce MySQL, re-create all
your tables & reload your data :-) and you're away laughing ... works
very well using raw LVM partitions as tablespaces (I haven't yet found
a way to add more table space online, but I may just be overlooking
the obvious).


UNIX, n:
   Anything which is subtly incompatible with everything else claming
   to be a UNIX.

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Nigel Hamilton
> Steve Keay sent the following bits through the ether:
> > Has anything like this been done in perl?  There is a ruby
> > implementation of this, so it can't be that hard :).
> It's a nice idea with a little too much hype, but I generally don't
> have databases which fit in memory. I mean, otherwise they'd be in
> hashes anyway ;-)

Yes ... just imagine a world where we had terrabytes of RAM - everything
would be stored in vast object pools.

In the meantime, the 'tyranny of disk seek time' is still with us. Which
means a 3NF+ relational model is still needed to optimise disk storage -
and if you're dealing with lots of relational data, an RDBMS is still the
best way to manipulate it (locking, index/query optimisation etc).

A half-way position is MySQL's RAM (i.e., hash) tables which can cache
'live' transaction objects before they are drawn down to disk.


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

tel:+44 (0) 207 987 5460
fax:+44 (0) 207 987 5468  Search Deeper. Browse Faster.

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Luis Campos de Carvalho
Andy Ford wrote:
What are the advantages of PostgreSQl over mySQL

I currently use mySQL everywhere and it works well - at least for what I
need it for!!
  Hello Andy, and Perl M[ou]ngers.

  IMHO, MySQL is the fastest database engine on the Open-Source and 
Commercial markets.

  On the other hand, PostgreSQL have some interesting features, like 
support for a built-in scripting language and transactions. This makes 
PostgreSQL a quite interesting tool for Open-Source solutions development.

  AFAIK, PostgreSQL uses a PL/SQL-like scripting language, and this is 
quite interesting for portability questions: somebody could easily 
migrate his/her database from/to oracle faster. I use to see this as a 
good thing.

  The main advantage of using MySQL is speed -- web based applications 
suffers a lot from badly optimized database access. The bad thing about 
this is that speed comes from dropping important features that could be 
useful for other uses, like billing: nobody sane will use a MySQL to 
control billing transactions: it's too complex to protect data from 
failures and handle errors in a comprehensible way.

  That's it. Just my two pence.
  Luis Campos de Carvalho is Computer Scientist,
  PerlMonk [SiteDocClan], Cascavel-pm Moderator,
  Unix Sys Admin && Certified Oracle DBA

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Sam Vilain
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 13:13, Nigel Hamilton wrote;

  NH> Yes ... just imagine a world where we had terrabytes of RAM -
  NH> everything would be stored in vast object pools.

FWIW, the NZ Stock Exchance runs on a replicated RAM database (on

Among economists, the real world is generally considered to be a
special case.
 - anon.

Re: Installing Perl on End Of Lifed Irix 5.3

2003-08-22 Thread Sam Vilain
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 10:28, Chris Young wrote;

  CY> B. Do I take older versions of the packages I need to go with my
  CY> old hardware, old OS and old database?

Try DBI 1.14 or a near later version.  That was the earliest known
stable version AFAIK.

An OO surgeon would hand the scalpel to the patient and say: "now
perform this operation on yourself!". 

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread David Cantrell
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 01:40:21PM +0100, Sam Vilain wrote:

> FWIW, the NZ Stock Exchance runs on a replicated RAM database (on
> Linux).

Is that the NZ stock exchange that crashed recently because of a
software bug (see latest RISKS)?

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator |

  For every vengeance, there is an equal and opposite revengeance.
-- Cartoon Law X

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Dave Cross

From: Andy Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 8/22/03 8:54:22 AM

> What are the advantages of PostgreSQl over mySQL
> I currently use mySQL everywhere and it works well - at 
> least for what I need it for!!

MySQL is just a file-based storage system with a pseudo-SQL interface.
It doesn't support many of the things that you'd expect in a
real SQL implementation, for example:

* Transactions

* Subselects

* Referential integrity

PostgreSQL has (I believe[1]) all of these things.



[1] I don't use it. I still use MySQL in most places :(

"Let me see you make decisions, without your television"
   - Depeche Mode (Stripped)

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Richard Clamp
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:20:39AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
> MySQL is just a file-based storage system with a pseudo-SQL interface.
> It doesn't support many of the things that you'd expect in a
> real SQL implementation, for example:
> * Transactions
> * Referential integrity

Innodb tables give you these in modern mysqls.

> * Subselects

Not yet, scheduled for 4.1 though.

Besides, people really don't expect those things.  It's just the
people who've used other RDBMSs before and enjoyed the bondage and
discipline that expect them.

Not that I'm against hating software, but I do have this preference
for informed hate.

Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Luis" == Luis Campos de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Luis>IMHO, MySQL is the fastest database engine on the Open-Source and
Luis> Commercial markets.

Only for a loose definition of "database".  Certainly not one with
transactions.  When you move all your tables to InnoDB, the results
actually favor PostgreSQL for what I've seen so far.

Luis>On the other hand, PostgreSQL have some interesting features, like
Luis> support for a built-in scripting language and transactions. This makes
Luis> PostgreSQL a quite interesting tool for Open-Source solutions
Luis> development.

And don't forget subselects, views, triggers, foreign keys, and all
the other goodies from proper SQL 92 compliance.

MySQL is a fine junior SQL engine.  But it really doesn't provide a
way to enforce business rules in the engine - that was not its initial
goal.  And when data integrity is important, you want to ensure good
foreign keys and triggers that will keep your data from getting out of
whack because of application programmer error, and MySQL says "no,
that stuff all belongs in the application, not the database".  Fine
decision to keep it simple, but in the real world, that's a dangerous

Luis>AFAIK, PostgreSQL uses a PL/SQL-like scripting language, and this
Luis> is quite interesting for portability questions: somebody could easily
Luis> migrate his/her database from/to oracle faster. I use to see this as a
Luis> good thing.

Luis>The main advantage of using MySQL is speed 

I think that's actually a myth now.  Maybe in the past it was a clear
winner, but more often than not, a well-tuned PostgreSQL install will
beat a well-tuned MySQL install on the same hardware under some
serious stress.

Luis>-- web based
Luis> applications suffers a lot from badly optimized database access. The
Luis> bad thing about this is that speed comes from dropping important
Luis> features that could be useful for other uses, like billing: nobody
Luis> sane will use a MySQL to control billing transactions: it's too
Luis> complex to protect data from failures and handle errors in a
Luis> comprehensible way.

MySQL is *just* now getting transactions.  PostgreSQL has had some
very good experts working on transactions for years now, and they're
much further along on the trial-and-error curve that MySQL is just now

In conclusion, if you want a speedy ACID-compliant
enforced-business-rules database with full SQL support (not a subset),
PostgreSQL wins, and MySQL is still two or three years away.

On the other hand, if you wanna be able to ask a question on a general
mailing list, the MySQL community is probably ten times the size of
the PostgreSQL community, and more applications have been written that
presume MySQL's quirky SQL subset.  That'd be the *only* reason in my
mind to go with MySQL over Pg at this point.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

RE: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Andy Williams \(IMAP HILLWAY\)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Cross
> Sent: 22 August 2003 14:21
> Subject: Re: [OT] SQL woes
> MySQL is just a file-based storage system with a pseudo-SQL 
> interface. It doesn't support many of the things that you'd 
> expect in a real SQL implementation, for example:
> * Transactions
> * Subselects
> * Referential integrity

Not sure about the referential integrity but it does have transactions
and subselects are coming in 4.1. (Currently 4.0.14)

"MySQL Server (version 3.23-max and all versions 4.0 and above) supports
transactions with the InnoDB and BDB Transactional storage engines.
InnoDB provides full ACID compliance" [0]



Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Randal" == Randal L Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Randal> MySQL is a fine junior SQL engine.  But it really doesn't provide a
Randal> way to enforce business rules in the engine - that was not its initial
Randal> goal.  And when data integrity is important, you want to ensure good
Randal> foreign keys and triggers that will keep your data from getting out of
Randal> whack because of application programmer error, and MySQL says "no,
Randal> that stuff all belongs in the application, not the database".  Fine
Randal> decision to keep it simple, but in the real world, that's a dangerous
Randal> decision.

Let me explain this a bit better.  Suppose you have a deployed app
with many components.  And now some accounting audit dude comes along
and says "OK, we need a trail of every time a billing record is added
or changed".

With MySQL, you have to go into every app in whatever language it has
been written, and add the extra audit code.  In PostgreSQL, it's
trivial to add an "after commit" trigger to flash the old and new
records into a seperate record for auditing, and that works with
whatever way you are connecting to the database, because it's *in* the

Heck, with PL/Perl, you can even page someone when a certain record
is set. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Roger Burton West
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:45:21AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

>In conclusion, if you want a speedy ACID-compliant
>enforced-business-rules database with full SQL support (not a subset),
>PostgreSQL wins, and MySQL is still two or three years away.
>On the other hand, if you wanna be able to ask a question on a general
>mailing list, the MySQL community is probably ten times the size of
>the PostgreSQL community, and more applications have been written that
>presume MySQL's quirky SQL subset.  That'd be the *only* reason in my
>mind to go with MySQL over Pg at this point.

On the third hand, if you want _real_ speed, _and_ transactions, but
none of the other neat stuff; and if your system doesn't have much in
the way of concurrent writes; SQLite is a whole lot easier to set up and
admin than MySQL. (I'm using it for most of my light-weight web apps
these days.)


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "Richard" == Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Richard> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:20:39AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
>> MySQL is just a file-based storage system with a pseudo-SQL interface.
>> It doesn't support many of the things that you'd expect in a
>> real SQL implementation, for example:
>> * Transactions
>> * Referential integrity

Richard> Innodb tables give you these in modern mysqls.

At a speed cost that makes it slower than Pg, and an earlier spot on
the design curve which Pg has already matured on.

>> * Subselects

Richard> Not yet, scheduled for 4.1 though.

Richard> Besides, people really don't expect those things.  It's just the
Richard> people who've used other RDBMSs before and enjoyed the bondage and
Richard> discipline that expect them.

People coming from flat files and DBM don't expect them.  Now that
I've seen subselects and triggers and views and stored procedures in
action, I don't think I can deploy anything with a dozen tables or
more without them.

MySQL - fine for people who want a light subset-SQL interface
to structured data

PostgreSQL - Oracle without the price

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Simon Wistow
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 02:59:14PM +0100, Roger Burton West said:
> On the third hand, if you want _real_ speed, _and_ transactions, but
> none of the other neat stuff; and if your system doesn't have much in
> the way of concurrent writes; SQLite is a whole lot easier to set up and
> admin than MySQL. (I'm using it for most of my light-weight web apps
> these days.)

But suffers, IIRC, from concurrency problems.

So, to sum up this thread :

1. PostGres has some advantages
2. MySql has some advantages
3. Oracle has some advantages
4. SQLite has some advantages
5. All of the above have disadvantages.
6. There will be a film. At 11.

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Roger Burton West
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 03:07:19PM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:

>But suffers, IIRC, from concurrency problems.

On writing, yes. Hence "doesn't have much in the way of concurrent


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Dominic Mitchell
Randal L. Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MySQL is *just* now getting transactions.  PostgreSQL has had some
> very good experts working on transactions for years now, and they're
> much further along on the trial-and-error curve that MySQL is just now
> starting.

I'd just like to point out that postgresql doesn't have nested
transactions.  This annoyed me because I had to think about my design
harder.  :-)


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|   Address: 33 Bond St., Brighton, Sussex, BN1 1RD, UK. |

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Adrian Howard
On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 11:28  am, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

Toby Corkindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 06:03:13PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 09:51:13AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
(And people who use MySQL wonder what the value of subselects are! 
Subselects are in MySQL 4.1 (currently alpha).
Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P
Transactions have been supported for a while, apparently.  Dunno as I
don't use MySQL myself, but it's a frequent rebuff.  I think you have 
select the berkelydb backend table storage module.
Yeah. You do get transactions if you use innodb tables, and have had 
for several years.

The sub-select support is very beta at the moment and, annoyingly, 
doesn't work with innodb tables so you can't have transactions and 
sub-selects at the same time!

MySQL can be a lot better than the worse-case description given by many 
but, given the choice, PostgreSQL would be my pick every time. A much 
more mature product.


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Andy Ford
Well thanks for summing that up - it was an interesting read!!
Currently I use mySQL only and don't really need transactional stuff.
Now triggers I can see a need for!! 

I may take a look at Pg



On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 15:08, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > "Richard" == Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Richard> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:20:39AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
> >> MySQL is just a file-based storage system with a pseudo-SQL interface.
> >> It doesn't support many of the things that you'd expect in a
> >> real SQL implementation, for example:
> >> 
> >> * Transactions
> >> * Referential integrity
> Richard> Innodb tables give you these in modern mysqls.
> At a speed cost that makes it slower than Pg, and an earlier spot on
> the design curve which Pg has already matured on.
> >> * Subselects
> Richard> Not yet, scheduled for 4.1 though.
> Richard> Besides, people really don't expect those things.  It's just the
> Richard> people who've used other RDBMSs before and enjoyed the bondage and
> Richard> discipline that expect them.
> People coming from flat files and DBM don't expect them.  Now that
> I've seen subselects and triggers and views and stored procedures in
> action, I don't think I can deploy anything with a dozen tables or
> more without them.
> MySQL - fine for people who want a light subset-SQL interface
> to structured data
> PostgreSQL - Oracle without the price

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Sam Vilain
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:08, Randal L. Schwartz wrote;

  RL> At a speed cost that makes it slower than Pg, and an earlier
  RL> spot on the design curve which Pg has already matured on.

I think I'd rather spend the money I save on Pg DBA's on more disks.

Seeing a murder on television... can help work off one's antagonisms.
And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you
 -- Alfred Hitchcock

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread darren chamberlain
Hash: SHA1

* Tim Sweetman  [2003-08-22 09:46]:
> My main worry is this:
> > Do you mean I can simply have my objects in RAM and forget all that
> > database hassle?  That's right.

This is, of course, almost exactly what the ZODB is, except the data is
pickled^Wserialized, and it's written for python.


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-- Friedrich Neitzsche
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Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Dominic Mitchell
Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:08, Randal L. Schwartz wrote;
>   RL> At a speed cost that makes it slower than Pg, and an earlier
>   RL> spot on the design curve which Pg has already matured on.
> I think I'd rather spend the money I save on Pg DBA's on more disks.

You reckon?  I've always found administering postgres to be much easier
and less complicated than mysql...  Although I'll admit I've not done as
much mysql work.


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Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Simon Wistow
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 11:15:37AM -0400, darren chamberlain said:
> This is, of course, almost exactly what the ZODB is, except the data is
> pickled^Wserialized, and it's written for python.

Given that some kind soul has written 
Python::Serialise::(Marshall|Pickle) perhaps someone could port ZODB.

the illusion of knowledge without any of the difficult bits  

Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread Chris Devers
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Simon Wistow wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 11:15:37AM -0400, darren chamberlain said:
> > This is, of course, almost exactly what the ZODB is, except the data is
> > pickled^Wserialized, and it's written for python.
> Given that some kind soul has written
> Python::Serialise::(Marshall|Pickle) perhaps someone could port ZODB.

Or heck Zope itself for that matter...

(Can ZODB [Zope Object DataBase] even work outside of Zope?)


Re: Prevayler

2003-08-22 Thread darren chamberlain
Hash: SHA1

* Chris Devers  [2003-08-22 11:38]:
> (Can ZODB [Zope Object DataBase] even work outside of Zope?)

Absolultely.  For example, take a look at Chandler, at, an open source PIM that uses the ZODB as a


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Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Jason Clifford
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Simon Wistow wrote:

> So, to sum up this thread :
> 1. PostGres has some advantages
> 2. MySql has some advantages
> 3. Oracle has some advantages
> 4. SQLite has some advantages
> 5. All of the above have disadvantages.
> 6. There will be a film. At 11.

Which will be delayed for a new advertising campaign promoting MS-SQL.

Jason Clifford
UKFSN.ORG   Finance Free Software while you surf the 'net   ADSL Broadband available now

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Toby Corkindale
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 05:13:31PM +0100, Jason Clifford wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2003, Simon Wistow wrote:
> > So, to sum up this thread :
> > 
> > 1. PostGres has some advantages
> > 2. MySql has some advantages
> > 3. Oracle has some advantages
> > 4. SQLite has some advantages
> > 5. All of the above have disadvantages.
> > 6. There will be a film. At 11.
> Which will be delayed for a new advertising campaign promoting MS-SQL.

"The only database written exclusively for MS Windows - so you know it must be

(Although Sybase wasn't, was it?)


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Toby Corkindale
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 02:59:14PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:45:21AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >In conclusion, if you want a speedy ACID-compliant
> >enforced-business-rules database with full SQL support (not a subset),
> >PostgreSQL wins, and MySQL is still two or three years away.
> >
> >On the other hand, if you wanna be able to ask a question on a general
> >mailing list, the MySQL community is probably ten times the size of
> >the PostgreSQL community, and more applications have been written that
> >presume MySQL's quirky SQL subset.  That'd be the *only* reason in my
> >mind to go with MySQL over Pg at this point.
> On the third hand, if you want _real_ speed, _and_ transactions, but
> none of the other neat stuff; and if your system doesn't have much in
> the way of concurrent writes; SQLite is a whole lot easier to set up and
> admin than MySQL. (I'm using it for most of my light-weight web apps
> these days.)

Transactions, sort-of, in that you get them within a single query; but there's
poor support for simultaneous-request stuff.

I looked at SQLLIte a while back, and the thing that scared me off was
the complete lack of locking; it required you to do that at application level.
OK, you say, so it's not too hard to implement one giant all-encompassing lock
at application level with a CPAN module; but then you get right back the
problems that were plagueing MySQL earlier on! (coarse grained locking).

history repeats itself..


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Tony Bowden
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:45:21AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> MySQL is *just* now getting transactions.  PostgreSQL has had some
> very good experts working on transactions for years now, and they're
> much further along on the trial-and-error curve that MySQL is just now
> starting.

For values of *just* approaching 3 years...

If you count the MySQL+SAP combo (not forgetting that SAP had an
Oracle-compatability mode...) then that number gets a whole lot


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Tony Bowden
On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 03:30:48PM +0100, Andy Ford wrote:
> Well thanks for summing that up - it was an interesting read!!
> Currently I use mySQL only and don't really need transactional stuff.
> Now triggers I can see a need for!! 

Triggers at the db level will bite you hard at some point.

If you're going to have multiple people building your application make
sure you have VERY strict rules on adding triggers.

Unchecked they lead to an unmaintainable mess quicker than most other
things can ...


RE: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Colin Magee

As a Perl beginner who has realised I need to set up a database, I have to
add that I immediately went for MySQL due to all the attention it seems to
have, and bought a few books to get me started.  The whole thing - using
installing etc etc looks hellish complicated AND I haven't even been able to
install it.  All I can see is where the files are installed in my copy of
Linux.  So it looks as if you already have to know what you're doing in
order to use it which is useless for a beginner and teh antithesis it seems
to me of what Perl is all about - because you don't already have to know
what you're doing to get started/ use it.

So this SQLite seems like a great idea IF it makes setting up and
administering a dbase simple.  Unfortunately I just looked up where I can
download it, but didn't see any example code showing it working with Perl,
or any documentation about how to use it with Perl.  Please can you inform
what do I have to do/install in order to start creating, updating and
querying the database from Perl?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roger Burton West
Sent: 22 August 2003 14:59
Subject: Re: [OT] SQL woes

On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 06:45:21AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

>In conclusion, if you want a speedy ACID-compliant
>enforced-business-rules database with full SQL support (not a subset),
>PostgreSQL wins, and MySQL is still two or three years away.
>On the other hand, if you wanna be able to ask a question on a general
>mailing list, the MySQL community is probably ten times the size of
>the PostgreSQL community, and more applications have been written that
>presume MySQL's quirky SQL subset.  That'd be the *only* reason in my
>mind to go with MySQL over Pg at this point.

On the third hand, if you want _real_ speed, _and_ transactions, but
none of the other neat stuff; and if your system doesn't have much in
the way of concurrent writes; SQLite is a whole lot easier to set up and
admin than MySQL. (I'm using it for most of my light-weight web apps
these days.)


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Piers Cawley
Dominic Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Randal L. Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> MySQL is *just* now getting transactions.  PostgreSQL has had some
>> very good experts working on transactions for years now, and they're
>> much further along on the trial-and-error curve that MySQL is just now
>> starting.
> I'd just like to point out that postgresql doesn't have nested
> transactions.  This annoyed me because I had to think about my design
> harder.  :-)

It is rather annoying isn't it? 

Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Roger Burton West
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 08:51:49PM +0100, Colin Magee wrote:

>So this SQLite seems like a great idea IF it makes setting up and
>administering a dbase simple.  Unfortunately I just looked up where I can
>download it, but didn't see any example code showing it working with Perl,
>or any documentation about how to use it with Perl.  Please can you inform
>what do I have to do/install in order to start creating, updating and
>querying the database from Perl?


You don't even need to install a separate SQLite; the CPAN module
includes everything you need.


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread richardjolly
What about Firebird?

does anyone here have personal experience? On paper (well, online) it 
compares favorably to PostgreSQL, and it can be easily embedded.

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