
1999-09-29 Thread Varotto Riccardo


In which way can I write the page of the Bibliography in the main index?
thank you,



1999-09-30 Thread Leonid Belostotski

I'm preparing a bibliography using BibTex. I ran in to a problem though.
When I produce .DVI file the following error message appears:

Your field is more than 5000 characters---line 471 of file
 : TITLE = "{ some title he
 : re}",
I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "L1"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "T1"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "V1"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "G1"

and so on...

Does anybody know what causes this problem? How can I fix it?

Thank you very much.


1999-10-18 Thread Jacques Germishuizen


In my document the last part is the 'Bibliography' and this is also the
chapter heading.  However I would like it to be 'References'.  How can I
change this?

Your sincerely

Jacques Germishuizen


1999-12-01 Thread Collette


I am writing a report and I would like to change some part of my bibliography.
I've got a lot of entry in this biblio (I am not using bibtex yet but soon, I
will convert the biblio to bibtex) and I want to group some of the entries
under a title. I had look in the french-latex-faq but i can't find my
information in this file. 





1999-12-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen


I have 25 entries in my biliography, but when I look in the .tex file
their are only 5.  Thus in the printed document where I put a citation
reference it appears like [?].  Is there a possible way to fix this
problem?  Or is it maybe that my entry mis some operator.

Kind regards

Jacques Germishuizen


1999-12-08 Thread Jacques Germishuizen

>I have 25 entries in my biliography, but when I look in the .tex file
>their are only 5.  Thus in the printed document where I put a citation
>reference it appears like [?].  Is there a possible way to fix this
>problem?  Or is it maybe that my entry mis some operator.

I think I solved my problem.  In the key of each of the entries I wrote
Kamper (1999).  Lyx does not seem to like the space.  I changed all the
entries to Kamper(1999) without the space which seem to solved the

Jacques Germishuizen 


2000-08-31 Thread Will Fischer


The recent bibliography thread reminded me:  inserting several bibtex
references in a row doesn't do what I'd like:  

(Lyx window)_becomes_  (latex)
blah[cite1][cite2] blah \cite{cite1}\cite{cite2}

The output then looks like this:  blah [1][2]
when it ought to be this: blah [1-2]

How about merging adjacent citations when the LaTex output is
generated, like this:

(Lyx window)   _becomes_  (latex)
blah[cite1][cite2][cite3] blah \cite{cite1,cite2,cite3}

This way bibtex can Do The Right Thing, be it [1-3] or
(key1,key2,key3) or whatever.  Pehaps adjacent \LatexCommand
insets should routinely be merged when the actual LaTex output is
generated -- but the citation-merging would still need to happen. 

As is, (LyX 1.1.5fix1 of Tue Jul 18, 2000) I can put in the several
citation keys in the bibtex pop-up (and it works fine) BUT it makes
adding citations or changing their arrangement more problematic.

Otherwise, I Like Lyx! (Let's make "ILL" buttons!)

 -- Will

Will Fischer
Biology Department  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Indiana University  Lab:812-855-2549
Jordan Hall 142 FAX:812-855-6705
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN  47405-3700 USA


2001-10-04 Thread Roberto Marabini

Dear all,

  I am writting an article. Depending on the context citations should 
 have the form Doe and Jones (1990) or (Doe and Jones, 1990). Is there any
package that allow my to choose (in each moment) between this two options?

   thanks for the help


Re: Bibliography

1999-09-29 Thread Alessandro Coluccelli

Varotto Riccardo wrote:
> Hi,
> In which way can I write the page of the Bibliography in the main index?

Add the following command in TeX mode, at the beginning of the

This if you are using report style... if you are using article you
should change chapter with section. And if you are writing a document in
Italian language, you should put Bibliografia instead of Bibliography.
I hope this may help. 


Re: bibliography

1999-10-01 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Leonid" == Leonid Belostotski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Leonid> Hello, I'm preparing a bibliography using BibTex. I ran in to
Leonid> a problem though. When I produce .DVI file the following error
Leonid> message appears:

Leonid> Your field is more than 5000 characters---line 471 of file
Leonid> file_name.bib : TITLE = "{ some title he : re}", I'm skipping
Leonid> whatever remains of this entry Warning--I didn't find a
Leonid> database entry for "L1" Warning--I didn't find a database
Leonid> entry for "T1" Warning--I didn't find a database entry for
Leonid> "V1" Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "G1"

Leonid> and so on...

Obvious question: are you sure there is no problem with line 571 of
the file file_name.bib?


Re: Bibliography

1999-10-18 Thread Alex

Jacques Germishuizen wrote:

> In my document the last part is the 'Bibliography' and this is also the
> chapter heading.  However I would like it to be 'References'.  How can I
> change this?

I suggest to put in the Latex preamble the following command:


but I guess there is a better way to do that. Any other suggest?


Re: Bibliography

1999-10-22 Thread Osvaldo Fornaro

Alex wrote:

> Jacques Germishuizen wrote:
> >
> > In my document the last part is the 'Bibliography' and this is also the
> > chapter heading.  However I would like it to be 'References'.  How can I
> > change this?
> I suggest to put in the Latex preamble the following command:
> \renewcommand\bibname{References}
> but I guess there is a better way to do that. Any other suggest?
> Alessandro


In addition, you could add
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} in the first \bibitem to
force that References appear in TOC and
\markboth{References} {References}   for the heading

Osvaldo Fornaro

Re: Bibliography

1999-12-01 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>From: Collette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Bibliography
>>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:11:30 +0100
>>I am writing a report and I would like to change some part of my bibliography.
>>I've got a lot of entry in this biblio (I am not using bibtex yet but soon, I
>>will convert the biblio to bibtex) and I want to group some of the entries
>>under a title. I had look in the french-latex-faq but i can't find my
>>information in this file. 

bibtopics.sty should do it: dedicated to bibliography sorting


Re: Bibliography

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 01:16:35PM -0500, Will Fischer wrote:
> As is, (LyX 1.1.5fix1 of Tue Jul 18, 2000) I can put in the several
> citation keys in the bibtex pop-up (and it works fine) BUT it makes
> adding citations or changing their arrangement more problematic.

In the CVS version, the citation dialog was completely rewritten, and it is
now very easy to add/change several citations inside a single citation inset.

Re: Bibliography

2000-09-01 Thread Will Fischer

  > wfischer:
  > The output then looks like this:  blah [1][2]
  > when it ought to be this: blah [1-2]

  Herbert Voss:
  it's not usual to write it this way, when there are only
  two citations, therefore always [1,2], but [1-3].
   . . .  

Yes, but, one doesn't get [1,2], but rather [1][2].
Likewise, one gets [1][2][3] instead of [1-3].

  Herbert Voss:
  do you use package{cite}?

I'm using package{natbib}, so the actual citations are formatted
differently, but the content is the same.

  Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> reports that:
  > the citation dialog was completely rewritten, and it is now very
  > easy to add/change several citations inside a single citation
  > inset.

So this complaint of mine may vanish in the next release ... 
which is, um, going to be when?  About?

Will Fischer   
Biology Department  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Indiana University  Lab:812-855-2549
Jordan Hall 142 FAX:812-855-6705
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN  47405-3700 USA

Re: Bibliography

2000-09-01 Thread Herbert Voss

Will Fischer wrote:
>   > wfischer:
>   > The output then looks like this:  blah [1][2]
>   > when it ought to be this: blah [1-2]
>   Herbert Voss:
>   it's not usual to write it this way, when there are only
>   two citations, therefore always [1,2], but [1-3].
>. . .
> Yes, but, one doesn't get [1,2], but rather [1][2].
> Likewise, one gets [1][2][3] instead of [1-3].
>   Herbert Voss:
>   do you use package{cite}?
> I'm using package{natbib}, so the actual citations are formatted
> differently, but the content is the same.

that's only for the bibtex-style! try \usepackage{cite} in
latex preamble and your citations look well. 


Re: Bibliography

2000-09-01 Thread Herbert Voss

Will Fischer wrote:

> (Lyx window)_becomes_  (latex)
> blah[cite1][cite2] blah \cite{cite1}\cite{cite2}
> The output then looks like this:  blah [1][2]
> when it ought to be this: blah [1-2]

it's not usual to write it this way, when there are only
two citations, therefore always [1,2], but [1-3].
> How about merging adjacent citations when the LaTex output is
> generated, like this:
> (Lyx window)   _becomes_  (latex)
> blah[cite1][cite2][cite3] blah \cite{cite1,cite2,cite3}
> This way bibtex can Do The Right Thing, be it [1-3] or
> (key1,key2,key3) or whatever.  Pehaps adjacent \LatexCommand
> insets should routinely be merged when the actual LaTex output is
> generated -- but the citation-merging would still need to happen.
> As is, (LyX 1.1.5fix1 of Tue Jul 18, 2000) I can put in the several
> citation keys in the bibtex pop-up (and it works fine) BUT it makes
> adding citations or changing their arrangement more problematic.

do you use package{cite}?


bibliography error

2000-12-11 Thread R. E. de Lima-Lopes

I am trying to get a bibliography from a *bib file, but when I run bibtex,
teh follwing error reads on my terminal: 

Sorry---you've exceeded BibTeX's literal-stack size 100

Then, not all references show in the database and some come missing some
information, such as editor and book title

Does someone know how to fix it? I never saw that kind of error before.

many thnaks


R.E. de Lima-Lopes
GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240

bibliography question

2000-12-20 Thread Myriam Abramson


With the "Article" document class, the bibliography takes the largest
label as indentation like such: 

\begin{thebibliography}{Glover and Laguna, 1997}

I just want that: 

How do I do that without going into the Tex file to fix it and yet get
all the nice benefits of Lyx? 



Go Proverb:

If a formation is symmetrical play at the center.

Bibliography question

2001-01-19 Thread Mohammad Reza Danesh

I've recently upgraded my Lyx to 1.1.6 and I have the following problem with
inserting bibliography citations.

Let's say I have a master document with several chapters as sub-files inserted
to it. I put the BibTex generated references in the master document. Now in
sub-files, when I want to add a citation, I can't since the BibTex references
are inserted in the master doc and aren't viewable by sub-files (all of the
files are open).

In previous versions, I had the option to type in the index of the citation
(assuming that I know it) in sub-files. LaTex would find it and create the
correct citation reference. In "Insert > Citation Reference" of 1.1.6, I can't
type anything in (it should be taken from the existing list). My question is:
should I use Tex to insert citations or there is another way to do this?


Bibliography gone?

2001-03-18 Thread Niels Muller Larsen

Dear friends

I wrote and submitted my master's thesis with LyX and Pybliographic using
Harvard style.

After a hw-crash I am now re-established with the new version of Lyx
1.1.6fix1 and RH7
Now there is no bibliography to be seen at the end of the thesis
All the citation refs are in the text and look normal.

I can establish new documents with bib based on the same bibtex data.

Do I do anything wrong, or what have I overlooked?

Niels Muller Larsen

Linux User # 37.831

annotated bibliography

2001-04-09 Thread Birch P. Browning

I am beginning the process of writing a dissertation and would like to 
use LyX for the project. First I have to complete an annotated 
bibliography. The only *.bst file I could locate that includes an 
annotation field is chicagoa.bst, but it appears to be difficult to use 
at best because it is in an older format.

What is the most convenient way to do this annotated bibliography?

Birch Browning
Tallahassee, FL

Structured bibliography

2001-04-29 Thread Marko Degenkolb


after I convinced my wife to write her master thesis with lyx, she
starts asking questions I need help with. :-)

She needs a more sophisticated/structured bibliography than lyx/tex
offers as standard (see below). The bibitems themselves should be stored in
bibtex files (I guess its a good idea to have an own bibtex file for
each section she wants to separate in her bibliography). Each section in
the bibliography should contain both, items which are referred from the
text and unreferred items (i.e. the whole bibtex file). (With a standard
bibliography this works fine with an additional \nocite{*}.)

Does anybody have any hints how to achieve this?

Thanks a lot,

Bibliography<= standard Bibliography header

[optionally some intro text]<= Standard

Primärliteratur <= level 1 (layout like section*)
  Poems <= level 2 (layout like subsubsection*)
  Prose texts <= level 2

Sekundärliteratur   <= level 1

bibliography heading

2001-09-04 Thread Stephan D. Picard

I know this question has been addressed before but there still is a
problem (for me at least) that I can't seem to resolve.
I want (me too) change the 'bibliography' for something else (say,
Now, I've tried every single variation (on a theme) that appear in the
mailing list, i.e.:


all in both the latex preamble and as ERT in the beginning of the
bibliography file (for it's a separate file that is included in another
lyx file).

Now, there must be something I'm not getting.
Oh yeah, and just as a test, I tried to use the variable '\bibname' in the
general heading definition (instead of \chaptername) just for the heck of
it and guess what? It does return 'References'. So, it seems that the
variable is defined properly but not used adequately by LyX/LaTeX when
formatting the 'bibliography'.

Just as a note, I'm not using any fancy bibliography generator
thingies. Just the plain 'bibliography' used to define environment (in the
same list as chapter, paragraph, citation and the like).

Thanks in advance,

Bibliography header

2001-09-07 Thread Stephan D. Picard

I have an issue with the bibliography that I hope I can find a solution
here. In the main document (that includes a pile of other LyX files), I
use fancyhdr to redefine the headers. My settings smallcap the word
chapter as well as the chapter name, in the heading. Now, for the
bibliography, it's all uppercase. Even though I succeeded in changing the
bibname to "References" (thanks to Herbert), the letters will remain
fine in the 'chapter' title but all uppercase in the header. Any
suggestions on how to make the bibliography's header comply with the rest
of the document?

Note:My bibname is defined first letter capitalized and all other
letters lowercased.


Re: bibliography

2001-10-04 Thread Herbert Voss

Roberto Marabini wrote:
>   I am writting an article. Depending on the context citations should
>  have the form Doe and Jones (1990) or (Doe and Jones, 1990). Is there any
> package that allow my to choose (in each moment) between this two options?
try package natbib. it has different styles



Re: bibliography

2001-10-04 Thread Christopher M. Jones

achicago (part of frankenstein) provides

\cite{key}   --> (Authorname, year)
\citeN{key} --> Authorname (year)

A variant of achicago exists as part of jurabib.

On Thursday 04 October 2001 03:06 pm, you wrote:
> Roberto Marabini wrote:
> >   I am writting an article. Depending on the context citations should
> >  have the form Doe and Jones (1990) or (Doe and Jones, 1990). Is there
> > any package that allow my to choose (in each moment) between this two
> > options?
> try package natbib. it has different styles
> Herbert

Customized bibliography

2001-11-04 Thread Roberto Hernandez

Thanks to everyone who's been helping me out to get the right format for 
my final project report. Most of my problems have been solved. In fact, 
as of today I only have one issue left: the bibliography.

I am using BibTeX which is great. However, I need to use a style which 
isn't defined (at least I haven't found it in CTAN). I've looked into 
the following packages: custom-bib, inlinebib, jurabib and bibentry. 
They do parts of what I need, but not all. I also looked into a document 
by Oren Patashnik about writing custom bst files, but it's too obscure 
to a newbie like myself.

My guess is that if I can redefine the bibliography style to look the 
way I need and combine that with bibentry, I'll be set. Is there any 
package that makes redefining the .bst achievable by an average user? I 
would imagine something as big as LaTeX would, but I still haven't come 
accross it.



Bibliography styles...

2001-11-13 Thread ben

I've looked the Herbert help page, but I haven't found what I need,
maybe because I haven't searched enough :-) I would like to have a
bibliography splitted in several sections, each section containing some
of the documents listed. I've tried chapterbib but it seems to work only
if the \cite are in the chapter where the bibliography is. I need a
global bibliography for the whole document but organized in several
sections. Is there a package than can do that?

Thanks for any tips.


Sorting the bibliography

1999-05-17 Thread Oliver Eichler


Is it possible to make Lyx or TeX to alphabetically sort the entries of a
bibliography. I have got a very long list and don´t want to do this by hand. Or
am I forced to do this within another program and to import the text?

Any ideas?


Oliver Eichler, Dipl.-Ing.

DSP Solutions
Ingenieure Kellermann, Voigt, Hoepfl, Eichler und Weidner

Question about bibliography

1999-06-23 Thread Anonymous

Is it possible to divide bibliography part of a lyx document into two or
more sections (for example: books, articles, video, etc.) If possible
how? Is it possible to start numbering from 1 for each section in the

Bibliography into ToC?

1999-08-30 Thread Knut Lian

A small but annoying problem: I can't get the Bibtex generated
Bibliography into my ToC (I'm using the Report envoronment). Can anyone
help me?


Knut Lian
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
King's Buildings
Mayfield Rd
Edinburgh EH9 3JL
(Int +44) 131 650 5608 (direct)

creating a bibliography

2000-01-08 Thread Ramon Diaz-Uriarte


How can I display text with a "hanging indent" look for the
bibliography of a paper?  As I am new to this, I don't have the bibtex thing
under control yet, but I do have a list of references. 
I have used the Bibliography environment, but I don't want the
number that is displayed by default. I've been playing with the List
environment, and it almost (but not quite) looks the way I want (it leaves a
small space between the first word and the rest that I don't want). 
[I can get it to work by defining my own environment, etc, but that forces me
to type "\item" before each reference, which I'd like to avoid if possible...]



P.S. This is probably a very dumb question, but can I use natbib with Lyx? I
think that in the extended reference it says not yet, but there is an example
(aasample) where it seems to be used... Am I getting confused here?

Label in bibliography

2000-08-02 Thread Dirk Engelmann


How can i change the identation of the biobliography in lyx ?
The identation is done according to the lenght of the label,
and my lables are rather long.

Or is there any other way to use any other bibliography style 
in combination with the lyx-citation ?

Thanks for help!

Dirk Engelmann

Followup: Bibliography problems.

2000-08-30 Thread Zailong Bian

I am using the newest lyx.  I use koma-script report class.

The bibliography sesms having some problems.

For example:

The 7th bib item has key value 8.  And where I refer to it in text, it
appears as [8] in lyx.  But when I print it, it prints out [7] in the paper.
So, it seems that I can get around the problem by always refering to the key
value, not the number showing in the grey box at beginning of each bib item.
At least it is correct on printed copy. But the problem is:  one single key
valye can show up twice in different bib items!  That happened so it is
really a problem!

Anyone has a fix?  Thanks!!

Testing of bibliography

2000-10-13 Thread Matìj Cepl



I try to test my bibliography databses by attached document.
However, I have to make a change in document (insert space or
so) in order to persuade LyX to generate correct .dvi file.
Without such dummy action it just runs LaTeX once and it does
not run BibTeX at all.

Is it feature or a bug?


I support PGP - ID: Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fingerprint16: 77 BC 89 0E 92 1D 2B 51  B5 7A 05 EA A6 DB 4F E8

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: uvqx8UF9JKI38Lnrbt9en1QoQflx3Jxa


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass scrartcl
\language czech
\inputencoding latin2
\fontscheme palatino
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage widemarginsa4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language german
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[acm]{trust}



lyx 1.1.5fix2, Bibliography

2000-11-30 Thread Haase . Hartmut

Why does "Bibliography" not appear in "Contents"? I know that Bibliography
is always the last page but I'd like to know at the beginning if there is
H. Haase

Re: bibliography error

2000-12-11 Thread Herbert Voss

"R. E. de Lima-Lopes" wrote:
> I am trying to get a bibliography from a *bib file, but when I run bibtex,
> teh follwing error reads on my terminal:
> Sorry---you've exceeded BibTeX's literal-stack size 100
> Then, not all references show in the database and some come missing some
> information, such as editor and book title

i suppose that there is an error in your database. 
you can try the following:

open a new lyx-file with the line \nocite* in tex(red)
and insert the bib via insert->TOC->bibliography
export as latex and run the tex-file with
latex file
bibtex file
have a look at bibtex errors and control your bibfile.



Re: bibliography question

2000-12-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Myriam Abramson wrote:
> Hi!
> With the "Article" document class, the bibliography takes the largest
> label as indentation like such:
> \begin{thebibliography}{Glover and Laguna, 1997}
> I just want that:
> \begin{thebibliography}{}
> How do I do that without going into the Tex file to fix it and yet get
> all the nice benefits of Lyx?

in latex preamble



Re: bibliography question

2000-12-23 Thread Myriam Abramson

> > With the "Article" document class, the bibliography takes the largest
> > label as indentation like such:
> > 
> > \begin{thebibliography}{Glover and Laguna, 1997}
> > 
> > I just want that:
> > \begin{thebibliography}{}
> > 
> > How do I do that without going into the Tex file to fix it and yet get
> > all the nice benefits of Lyx?
> try 
> \renewcommand\thebibliography[1]{}
> in latex preamble
nope, that does not work. Shouldn't it be \renewenvironment? 
But even that gives errors.


Go Proverb:

The semeai where only one player has an eye is a fight over nothing.

Re: Bibliography question

2001-01-20 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 11:01:13AM -0800, Mohammad Reza Danesh wrote:
> I've recently upgraded my Lyx to 1.1.6 and I have the following problem with
> inserting bibliography citations.
> Let's say I have a master document with several chapters as sub-files inserted
> to it. I put the BibTex generated references in the master document. Now in
> sub-files, when I want to add a citation, I can't since the BibTex references
> are inserted in the master doc and aren't viewable by sub-files (all of the
> files are open).
> In previous versions, I had the option to type in the index of the citation
> (assuming that I know it) in sub-files. LaTex would find it and create the
> correct citation reference. In "Insert > Citation Reference" of 1.1.6, I can't
> type anything in (it should be taken from the existing list). My question is:
> should I use Tex to insert citations or there is another way to do this?

Copy the bibtex inset from the master file, and paste it into each of the
included files, changing the paragraph layout to comment.

Re: Bibliography question

2001-01-21 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 01:05:51AM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > In previous versions, I had the option to type in the index of the citation
> > (assuming that I know it) in sub-files. LaTex would find it and create the
> > correct citation reference. In "Insert > Citation Reference" of 1.1.6, I can't
> > type anything in (it should be taken from the existing list). My question is:
> > should I use Tex to insert citations or there is another way to do this?
> Copy the bibtex inset from the master file, and paste it into each of the
> included files, changing the paragraph layout to comment.

Another option is to type 'M-x citation-insert '
(in fact, instead of typing citation-insert, you can type ci and press Tab).

Re: Bibliography gone?

2001-03-18 Thread Herbert Voss

Niels Muller Larsen wrote:
> I wrote and submitted my master's thesis with LyX and Pybliographic using
> Harvard style.
> After a hw-crash I am now re-established with the new version of Lyx
> 1.1.6fix1 and RH7
> Now there is no bibliography to be seen at the end of the thesis
> All the citation refs are in the text and look normal.
> I can establish new documents with bib based on the same bibtex data.

do you have the full path in your insert->lists->bibtex ref->database?



Re: Bibliography gone?

2001-03-20 Thread Herbert Voss

Niels Muller Larsen wrote:
> >do you have the full path in your insert->lists->bibtex ref->database?
> >
> >Herbert
> >
> >--
> >
> Yes I do!

you can test a bibtex-file with lyx. in a document write only 


and than insert the bibtex-file with insert->Lists&TOC->BibTex
all entries are now part of your bibliography. 

look, what's going on



Bibliography: unlabeled chapter?

2001-03-29 Thread Zailong Bian

The bibliography in Koma-script report class acts like an unlabeled chapter.
How can I make it like a labeled sub-chapter?  That's what you can expect
from "M-p 2" (chapter is "M-p 1").



Re: annotated bibliography

2001-04-09 Thread Herbert Voss

"Birch P. Browning" wrote:
> I am beginning the process of writing a dissertation and would like to
> use LyX for the project. First I have to complete an annotated
> bibliography. The only *.bst file I could locate that includes an
> annotation field is chicagoa.bst, but it appears to be difficult to use
> at best because it is in an older format.

phaip.bst   (comment annote-field out) 
and all other ph* ...

all available at ctan



Re: annotated bibliography

2001-04-10 Thread Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes

you might try apa.bst


R.E. de Lima-Lopes
GNU/Linux Registered User # 182240

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Birch P. Browning wrote:

> Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 21:33:39 -0400
> From: Birch P. Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: lyx-users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: annotated bibliography
> I am beginning the process of writing a dissertation and would like to 
> use LyX for the project. First I have to complete an annotated 
> bibliography. The only *.bst file I could locate that includes an 
> annotation field is chicagoa.bst, but it appears to be difficult to use 
> at best because it is in an older format.
> What is the most convenient way to do this annotated bibliography?
> Birch Browning
> Tallahassee, FL

Re: Structured bibliography

2001-04-29 Thread Herbert Voss

Marko Degenkolb wrote:

> She needs a more sophisticated/structured bibliography than lyx/tex
> offers as standard (see below). The bibitems themselves should be stored in
> bibtex files (I guess its a good idea to have an own bibtex file for
> each section she wants to separate in her bibliography). Each section in
> the bibliography should contain both, items which are referred from the
> text and unreferred items (i.e. the whole bibtex file). (With a standard
> bibliography this works fine with an additional \nocite{*}.)

try bibtopic-style



Bibliography style inconsistency

2001-07-16 Thread Alex Makarov


I am using plain bibtex style file plain.bst

It seems that there is inconsistency in that entiries from
books/proceedings have the word "pages" and articles from journals do
not. For example:

[1] A. John. Mesurement of frequency. Frequency Journal,
22(3):217-223,June 1998.
[2] B. Peter. Measurement of time. In Time Meausurement, pages 66-77.
IEEE, 1998.

How can I remove/correct this inconsistency? Is there a bibtex style to
use wich is like plain but without this problem?

Thank you.

Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-04 Thread Herbert Voss

"Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> Hello,
> I know this question has been addressed before but there still is a
> problem (for me at least) that I can't seem to resolve.
> I want (me too) change the 'bibliography' for something else (say,
> 'references').
> Now, I've tried every single variation (on a theme) that appear in the
> mailing list, i.e.:
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\bibname{References}}
> \renewcommand\bibname{References}
> \renewcommand\{bibname}{References}
> \def\bibname{Ref}
> all in both the latex preamble and as ERT in the beginning of the
> bibliography file (for it's a separate file that is included in another
> lyx file).

what about


I suppose you have article-class



Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Stephan D. Picard

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> "Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > I know this question has been addressed before but there still is a
> > problem (for me at least) that I can't seem to resolve.
> > I want (me too) change the 'bibliography' for something else (say,
> > 'references').
> > Now, I've tried every single variation (on a theme) that appear in the
> > mailing list, i.e.:
> > 
> > \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\bibname{References}}
> > \renewcommand\bibname{References}
> > \renewcommand\{bibname}{References}
> > \def\bibname{Ref}
> > 
> > all in both the latex preamble and as ERT in the beginning of the
> > bibliography file (for it's a separate file that is included in another
> > lyx file).
> what about
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\refname{References}}
> I suppose you have article-class
> HErbert

Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
LyX returned:
LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
\begin {document}

Try typing  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.


Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

"Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
> LyX returned:
> "
> LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
> \begin {document}
> Try typing  to proceed.
> If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.
> "
> which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.

send a very short lyx example-file which shows the behaviour



Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Stephan D. Picard

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> "Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, I have book-class. I had tried that command you mentionned but
> > LyX returned:
> > "
> > LaTeX Error: \refname undefined.
> > \begin {document}
> > 
> > Try typing  to proceed.
> > If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.
> > "
> > 
> > which seems to confirm that I'm not using the article-class.
> send a very short lyx example-file which shows the behaviour
> Herbert

Now, that required a little more work then I thought. I couldn't reproduce
that behaviour with a smaller file so I had to fiddle a little
(long) while to figure what was happening. Here's my 'discoveries' and
strangeness that I found.

I included a bunch of biblio files between each other included to see what
was going on. From the top to a certain point, they were all changed to
'references' (great) but from that point down (like, where I wanted the
file to be included), they were still at Bibliography. So, something was
happening. The file included at that particular point was set to
language=american which seem to have stopped lyx to understand the
\AtBeginDocument thingy.

I changed that file language to standard, verified that all other included
files were actually correctly to standard (as well as the main file) and
they were correct. So, I tried to "view ps" and LyX returned a whole bunch
of errors, all being "you haven't defined the language
\select@language{american}" and the same but for language{english}. But
there is NO files that uses other languages, they're all set to
standarrd. Now, setting the main file language to american, for example,
works fine (References is working) but if it's 'standard', then I get all
the error messages.

So, is there something strange happening here. I thought that the setting
of the main file were having precedence over the settings of the included

Also, another thing that I noticed and do not understand about
LyX. Somehow, I introduced in my main file LyX window a line that goes
across between two included file and that continue downward. I can select
it and delete it but I'm not sure what it's doing.


Re: bibliography heading

2001-09-05 Thread Herbert Voss

"Stephan D. Picard" wrote:
> Now, that required a little more work then I thought. I couldn't reproduce
> that behaviour with a smaller file so I had to fiddle a little
> (long) while to figure what was happening. Here's my 'discoveries' and
> strangeness that I found.
send the wgole main-doc as private mail, otherwise
I'm not able so say what's exactly going wrong
with your doc.



Re: Bibliography header

2001-09-07 Thread Jean-Pierre.Chretien

>>Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 12:36:00 -0400 (EDT)
>>From: "Stephan D. Picard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Bibliography header
>>I have an issue with the bibliography that I hope I can find a solution
>>here. In the main document (that includes a pile of other LyX files), I
>>use fancyhdr to redefine the headers. My settings smallcap the word
>>chapter as well as the chapter name, in the heading. Now, for the
>>bibliography, it's all uppercase. Even though I succeeded in changing the
>>bibname to "References" (thanks to Herbert), the letters will remain
>>fine in the 'chapter' title but all uppercase in the header. Any
>>suggestions on how to make the bibliography's header comply with the rest
>>of the document?
>>Note:My bibname is defined first letter capitalized and all other
>>letters lowercased.
Here I hack it directly in the class definition:

As you may see, the \textsc{\bibname} does it in small caps, and
I send the bibname back in the toc.

I guess you may put this in the preamble as well, 
as the @ are protected by LyX.


Re: Bibliography header

2001-09-07 Thread Stephan D. Picard

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:35:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Stephan D. Picard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jean-Pierre.Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bibliography header

Should this work directly into the preamble? I've copied it directly and
nothing changed. Is your "..." means that there should be something else
after the \list command? I would tend to think so since the
\renewenvironment should have 4 arguments and it seems that there's 3 now,

> Here I hack it directly in the class definition:
> \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]
>  {\chapter*{\bibname
> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\numberline{}\bibname}%
>   \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
> ...
> As you may see, the \textsc{\bibname} does it in small caps, and
> I send the bibname back in the toc.
> I guess you may put this in the preamble as well, 
> as the @ are protected by LyX.
> -- 
> Jean-Pierre

Redefining bibliography heading

2001-10-03 Thread Ben Knights


I am using a bibtex-based bibliography, which I include at the base of
my lyx document. Using the "report" document class, this results in
the final document having the word "Bibliography" as the section name
for the bibliography.

I would like to change this from "Bibliography" to "References". I
have looked at the report.cls class file, and it defines \bibname as
Bibliography. Hence I tried \renewcommand{\bibname}{References} in my
Latex preamble, but that didn't work. Have I made a mistake here?

Does anyone have any idea on how to change the "Bibliography" heading
to "References" in lyx.


Re: Customized bibliography

2001-11-04 Thread Herbert Voss

Roberto Hernandez wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who's been helping me out to get the right format for
> my final project report. Most of my problems have been solved. In fact,
> as of today I only have one issue left: the bibliography.
> I am using BibTeX which is great. However, I need to use a style which
> isn't defined (at least I haven't found it in CTAN). I've looked into
> the following packages: custom-bib, inlinebib, jurabib and bibentry.
> They do parts of what I need, but not all. I also looked into a document
> by Oren Patashnik about writing custom bst files, but it's too obscure
> to a newbie like myself.
> My guess is that if I can redefine the bibliography style to look the
> way I need and combine that with bibentry, I'll be set. Is there any
> package that makes redefining the .bst achievable by an average user? I
> would imagine something as big as LaTeX would, but I still haven't come
> accross it.

there are hundreds of different bibstyles in CTAN ... 
but you can try to run "latex makebst.tex", which is a
very easy way to define your own bst-file. the file may be 
part of your local tex-installation, for example:



Re: Bibliography styles...

2001-11-14 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 12:16:34AM +0100, ben wrote:
> Hi,
> I've looked the Herbert help page, but I haven't found what I need,
> maybe because I haven't searched enough :-) I would like to have a
> bibliography splitted in several sections, each section containing some
> of the documents listed. I've tried chapterbib but it seems to work only
> if the \cite are in the chapter where the bibliography is. I need a
> global bibliography for the whole document but organized in several
> sections. Is there a package than can do that?

Use the bibtopics package.
Search the lyx-users archive for information on using this package with lyx.

Re: Bibliography styles...

2001-11-15 Thread ben

Dekel Tsur a écrit :

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 12:16:34AM +0100, ben wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've looked the Herbert help page, but I haven't found what I need,
> > maybe because I haven't searched enough :-) I would like to have a
> > bibliography splitted in several sections, [...]
> Use the bibtopics package.
> Search the lyx-users archive for information on using this package with lyx.

Thanks very much! That's what I need, even if I must patch some things because
the package expects to use external bib files (and I must have the bibliography
items in the main file). Anyway now it works fine.

Thanks again.


Re: Bibliography styles...

2001-11-16 Thread Matej Cepl

On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 11:03:14PM +0100, ben wrote:
> Thanks very much! That's what I need, even if I must patch some
> things because the package expects to use external bib files
> (and I must have the bibliography items in the main file).

No problem -- the .bbl file (there may be more of them with
bibtopic) is just the stuff which can replace the \bibliography
in the end of your document. So you can develop your paper with
all luxury of bibtex databases, and than send to your publisher
.bbl file together with the rest (or edit .tex file and replace
\bibliography and \bibliographystyle with the content of .bbl



138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the
government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the
government of others?
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address

Re: Sorting the bibliography

1999-05-17 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Oliver" == Oliver Eichler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oliver> Hi Is it possible to make Lyx or TeX to alphabetically sort
Oliver> the entries of a bibliography. I have got a very long list and
Oliver> don´t want to do this by hand. Or am I forced to do this
Oliver> within another program and to import the text?

The best solution is to use BibTeX to handle your bibliography. LyX
has good support for BibTex files and there exist some good bibtex
files editors, some of which are even LyX aware (gbib, barracuda).


Re: Question about bibliography

1999-06-23 Thread Anonymous

>> Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:29:36 +0300
>> From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Question about bibliography
>> Is it possible to divide bibliography part of a lyx document into two or
>> more sections (for example: books, articles, video, etc.) If possible
>> how? Is it possible to start numbering from 1 for each section in the
>> bibliography...

Going to LaTeX, you may use the bibtopics package to build up
a bibliography sorted by type of sources.
To provide one bibliography per section or chapter, 
the packages are bibunits end custombib.
I never tried to mix both



Lyx: Header in Bibliography

1999-08-13 Thread Markus Mohr


I'm using fancyhdr to format the headings. Now I want to get rid of
those in the bibliography. Problem is, where to put the \lhead{}?
If I put it before the bib, the last text-page has no headers, too. If
its inside the bib, the latex codes splits the bib in two and behind
only the last page of the bib gets formatted.

So what to do?


Re: Bibliography into ToC?

1999-08-31 Thread Alessandro Coluccelli

Knut Lian wrote:

> A small but annoying problem: I can't get the Bibtex generated
> Bibliography into my ToC (I'm using the Report envoronment). Can anyone
> help me?

I usually put in the Latex generated file the following two lines:

\pagenumbering{roman} %% after the \begin{document}

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}%% before

Here Bibliography is exactly the title of your bibliography section (if
you have changed it you should put the new name in the command above). Bye

Alessandro C.

Re: Bibliography into ToC?

1999-08-31 Thread Knut Lian

Do you get the correct pagenumber then? If I put this command before the
bibliography, its put on the page before the actual bibliography in the

Any suggestions?




Alessandro Coluccelli wrote:
> Knut Lian wrote:
> > A small but annoying problem: I can't get the Bibtex generated
> > Bibliography into my ToC (I'm using the Report envoronment). Can anyone
> > help me?
> >
> I usually put in the Latex generated file the following two lines:
> \pagenumbering{roman} %% after the \begin{document}
> \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}%% before
> \begin{thebibliography}{99}
> Here Bibliography is exactly the title of your bibliography section (if
> you have changed it you should put the new name in the command above). Bye
> Alessandro C.


Knut Lian
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
King's Buildings
Mayfield Rd
Edinburgh EH9 3JL
(Int +44) 131 650 5608 (direct)

Re: Bibliography into ToC?

1999-08-31 Thread Alessandro Coluccelli

Knut Lian wrote:

> Do you get the correct pagenumber then? If I put this command before the
> bibliography, its put on the page before the actual bibliography in the
> ToC.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers
> Knut
> ---
> Alessandro Coluccelli wrote:
> >
> > Knut Lian wrote:
> >
> > > A small but annoying problem: I can't get the Bibtex generated
> > > Bibliography into my ToC (I'm using the Report envoronment). Can anyone
> > > help me?
> > >
> >
> > I usually put in the Latex generated file the following two lines:
> >
> > \pagenumbering{roman} %% after the \begin{document}
> >
> > \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}%% before
> > \begin{thebibliography}{99}
> >
> > Here Bibliography is exactly the title of your bibliography section (if
> > you have changed it you should put the new name in the command above). Bye
> >
> > Alessandro C.

Uh, sorry... the \addcontentsline command is AFTER \begin{thebibliography}
command. I forgot to tell you that I need to run Latex twice to have the
correct table of contents.

For the \pagenumbering command... it is only to have the index pages numbered
in a different format... but you can omit it.

Let me know if is it all ok! Bye


Label in Bibliography Item

1999-10-06 Thread Martin


I'm writing with Lyx 1.0.1.
I can enter what I want in the Label in Bibliography Item. But the character '&' 
doesn't get displayed! I tried '&' and '&&' and more '&'s. Is this a feature? I 
can't think of a reason why this character doesn't get displayed. Or is it 
because of LaTex?

Re: creating a bibliography

2000-01-09 Thread Ramon Diaz-Uriarte

Ooops, but what if I don't have a bibtex database yet (although I have, say, a
text file with all the references for the particular paper I am
writing, and its all written down the way I like, such as:

Agresti, A. 1990. Categorical Data Analysis. New York: John Wiley &
Agresti, A. 1993. Distribution-free fitting of logit models with random
effects for repeated categorical responses. Statistics in Medicine,
12, 1969-1987.

I just need to get Lyx to accept that (importing as ascii is simple) and then
format it the way I'd like (hanging indents, no numbers). Can that be done


On Sun, 09 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Hi Ramon
> you can create a bibtex database and use a bibliography style which no numbers
> and Idented bibliography (eg,.APA ones)
> []s
> rlopes
> Em sáb, 08 jan 2000, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > How can I display text with a "hanging indent" look for the
> > bibliography of a paper?  As I am new to this, I don't have the bibtex thing
> > under control yet, but I do have a list of references. 
> > I have used the Bibliography environment, but I don't want the
> > number that is displayed by default. I've been playing with the List
> > environment, and it almost (but not quite) looks the way I want (it leaves a
> > small space between the first word and the rest that I don't want). 
> > [I can get it to work by defining my own environment, etc, but that forces me
> > to type "\item" before each reference, which I'd like to avoid if possible...]
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Ramon
> > 
> > P.S. This is probably a very dumb question, but can I use natbib with Lyx? I
> > think that in the extended reference it says not yet, but there is an example
> > (aasample) where it seems to be used... Am I getting confused here?

Hyphenation & Bibliography into TOC

2000-02-29 Thread Emanuele Olivetti

I've got this 2 problems:
1) Hyphenation makes some mistakes (in italian) and I need to
correct "by hand" them... how can I do it? I know there is some
LaTeX "\command" to use in LyX, but I don't know the exact way to do
(I don't know much LaTeX... :-( )
2) How can I add Bibliography in TOC ? Shall I use other LaTeX or is
LyX able to do it?

Thanks a lot


Bibliography in every section

2000-04-04 Thread Herbert Voss

someone asked for bib behind every section. this
is possible with package bibunits and


FW: Help with Bibliography.

2000-08-30 Thread Zailong Bian


-Original Message-
From: Zailong Bian
Sent: 8/30/00 1:35 PM
Subject: Help with Bibliography.

I am using the latest lyx to write a report.  I am using Koma-script
report.  Everything seems great from beginning and now I am getting
close to finish the report...But I found there is big problem with

The number showing in the grey box at beginning of each bib item is NOT
the same as the one in the key field when I click on it.  This happened
after I inserted some bib items and moved some others around!  The
numbers in grey box are ordered from 1 to ..., but the key fields of
them are not!  And the citation in the text doesn't change with the grey
box but stay with the old key numbers.  Now they seem totally messed up.

I tried to change the key field to make it the same as showing in grey
box, but after inserting some bib items, it got screwed again!  And
almost the all the references in the text are wrong.  What can I do to
fix it?

I have left all the label field blank.  I didn't think it is any


RE: Followup: Bibliography problems.

2000-08-31 Thread Zailong Bian


I actually FIXed it!  I specifyed the key value in each of the bib item.  I
used  as the key and ignore the label(so the
citation appears as number in print).  It is easier when I want to cite it
since the key is more meaningful than number only. 

I just had to go throw my report and change all the citations. But I am
happy with lyx now!

I think there is still a problem: if I change the key value in Bibliography
item, the key value cited in text will not get updated then it appears as
error (?).  Also, it does not detect duplicate key value...


-Original Message-
From: J.Sauer
To: Zailong Bian
Sent: 8/31/00 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: Followup: Bibliography problems.

Zailong Bian schrieb:

> I am using the newest lyx.  I use koma-script report class.
> The bibliography sesms having some problems.
> For example:
> The 7th bib item has key value 8.  And where I refer to it in text, it
> appears as [8] in lyx.  But when I print it, it prints out [7] in the
> So, it seems that I can get around the problem by always refering to
the key
> value, not the number showing in the grey box at beginning of each bib
> At least it is correct on printed copy. But the problem is:  one
single key
> valye can show up twice in different bib items!  That happened so it
> really a problem!
> Anyone has a fix?  Thanks!!

I had the same problem, I didn't get a fix, and finally decided to
Bibtex instead of the way of citing implemented in Lyx. With Bibtex all

Re: Followup: Bibliography problems.

2000-09-01 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 08:06:46AM -0400, Zailong Bian wrote:
> I actually FIXed it!  I specifyed the key value in each of the bib item.  I
> used  as the key and ignore the label(so the
> citation appears as number in print).  It is easier when I want to cite it
> since the key is more meaningful than number only. 
> I just had to go throw my report and change all the citations. But I am
> happy with lyx now!
> I think there is still a problem: if I change the key value in Bibliography
> item, the key value cited in text will not get updated then it appears as
> error (?).  Also, it does not detect duplicate key value...

It is much better to build a bibtex database than enter the bibliography
inside LyX. If you don't know the bibtex file format, you can use a GUI
bibliography managers like gbib, pyliographer, tkbibtex or barracuda.

Re: Testing of bibliography

2000-10-14 Thread Herbert Voss

"Matìj Cepl" wrote:
> I try to test my bibliography databses by attached document.
> However, I have to make a change in document (insert space or
> so) in order to persuade LyX to generate correct .dvi file.
> Without such dummy action it just runs LaTeX once and it does
> not run BibTeX at all.

no problem for me, with and without space
lyx 1.1.6



Re: lyx 1.1.5fix2, Bibliography

2000-11-30 Thread German Poo Caaman~o

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Why does "Bibliography" not appear in "Contents"? I know that Bibliography
> is always the last page but I'd like to know at the beginning if there is


(on LaTeX preamble)

German Poo Caaman~o

Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-19 Thread Niels Muller Larsen

>Niels Muller Larsen wrote:
>> I wrote and submitted my master's thesis with LyX and Pybliographic
>> Harvard style.
>> After a hw-crash I am now re-established with the new version of Lyx
>> 1.1.6fix1 and RH7
>> Now there is no bibliography to be seen at the end of the thesis
>> All the citation refs are in the text and look normal.
>> I can establish new documents with bib based on the same bibtex data.
>do you have the full path in your insert->lists->bibtex ref->database?

Yes I do!

Niels Muller Larsen
Linux User # 37.831

Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-19 Thread Niels Muller Larsen

>On Sunday 18 March 2001 h:m:s, you wrote:
>> I wrote and submitted my master's thesis with LyX and Pybliographic
>> Harvard style.
>Where can I find Pybliographic?  I searched around on several of the
>oriented sites (Freshmeat,, etc) but was unable to find it... 
>this a commercial product?
>Thanks for any assistance!
>// George

found with "pybliographic rpm" by Google
Niels Muller Larsen
+45 8936 3317

"Deltagelse fremmer forstaaelsen - i AL undervisning"
Linux User # 37.831

changing Bibliography to References

2001-03-20 Thread Remzi Seker


I am writing my thesis in report class (lyx-1.1.6fix1). I am using BiBTeX for 
my references but I need to change the word 'Bibliograpgy' to 'References'. 
Any idea how I can do that?

Thanks in advance.


Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-20 Thread Niels Muller Larsen

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Niels Muller Larsen wrote:
>> >do you have the full path in your insert->lists->bibtex ref->database?
>> >
>> >Herbert
>> >
>> >--
>> >
>> Yes I do!
>you can test a bibtex-file with lyx. in a document write only 
>and than insert the bibtex-file with insert->Lists&TOC->BibTex
>all entries are now part of your bibliography. 
>look, what's going on

Thanks Herbert!

I owe you one Berliner Weisse mit Schuss or something similar.
Your hints made me go over the stuff again, and in the turmoil of
reinstalling my laptop, I had a mistake in the path to the bibtex file.

Gruss dich
Niels Muller Larsen
(former Siemens hand i Dk)

Re: Bibliography style inconsistency

2001-07-16 Thread Herbert Voss

Alex Makarov wrote:
> I am using plain bibtex style file plain.bst
> It seems that there is inconsistency in that entiries from
> books/proceedings have the word "pages" and articles from journals do
> not. For example:
> [1] A. John. Mesurement of frequency. Frequency Journal,
> 22(3):217-223,June 1998.
> [2] B. Peter. Measurement of time. In Time Meausurement, pages 66-77.
> IEEE, 1998.
> How can I remove/correct this inconsistency? Is there a bibtex style to
> use wich is like plain but without this problem?

can you send the bib-file?



Re: Redefining bibliography heading

2001-10-03 Thread Herbert Voss

Ben Knights wrote:
> I am using a bibtex-based bibliography, which I include at the base of
> my lyx document. Using the "report" document class, this results in
> the final document having the word "Bibliography" as the section name
> for the bibliography.
> I would like to change this from "Bibliography" to "References". I
> have looked at the report.cls class file, and it defines \bibname as
> Bibliography. Hence I tried \renewcommand{\bibname}{References} in my
> Latex preamble, but that didn't work. Have I made a mistake here?
> Does anyone have any idea on how to change the "Bibliography" heading
> to "References" in lyx.





Re: Redefining bibliography heading

2001-10-04 Thread Nick Burgan


you may have already worked it out, but I've done this by putting


in ERT , on the line before I have my "BibTeX Generated References"
I'm not sure if it is the best way to do it but it worked for me.


On Thu,  4 Oct 2001  6:38:am, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Ben Knights wrote:
> > I am using a bibtex-based bibliography, which I include at the base of
> > my lyx document. Using the "report" document class, this results in
> > the final document having the word "Bibliography" as the section name
> > for the bibliography.
> >
> > I would like to change this from "Bibliography" to "References". I
> > have looked at the report.cls class file, and it defines \bibname as
> > Bibliography. Hence I tried \renewcommand{\bibname}{References} in my
> > Latex preamble, but that didn't work. Have I made a mistake here?
> >
> > Does anyone have any idea on how to change the "Bibliography" heading
> > to "References" in lyx.
> try
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}}
> Herbert


Nick Burgan
Postgraduate Student

Active Noise and Vibration Control Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Adelaide
SA 5005

Phone: +61 (0)8 8303 6385
Fax: +61 (0)8 8303 4367

how to include bibliography

2001-11-23 Thread Rubén Barreto


I've just written my bibliography with bibview and now I'm wondering how to convert 
this into the format (bibtex, isn't it?) that I need to include it in my lyx document. 
Could anybody help me ?



help with Bibliography & TOC please !

1999-05-07 Thread root

Help with TOC please 

I am using LyX to write up my phd.
It has been FANTASTIC for everything with 
just one prob,
for which i would be
v.grateful for help from LyX-masters !

I am using 
Document Class: Book Koma Script
preamble: usepackage(s) cite.sty & apalike.sty
Bibtex refs: style apalike

when I, [ins]-> TOC, i have a problem...
everything is fine in the TOC except...

Bibliography ([Bibtex generated references] item) does_NOT_show_up

How can I make Bibliography show up as a TOC item, e.g.,


5.4 the last bit123

I am in deep kak if I cant do this :-(
Yr time & help is much appreciated.

Miles Jefferson

Font Size for Bibliography title

1999-07-28 Thread Richard A. Bilonick

Is there any way to change the font size of the "Bibliography" title?

Re: Label in Bibliography Item

1999-10-06 Thread Leonid Belostotski

If you use BibTex, you should use \& instead for example

PUBLISHER = "{John Wiley \& Sons}"

Hope it helps

> Hi,
> I'm writing with Lyx 1.0.1.
> I can enter what I want in the Label in Bibliography Item. But the character '&' 
> doesn't get displayed! I tried '&' and '&&' and more '&'s. Is this a feature? I 
> can't think of a reason why this character doesn't get displayed. Or is it 
> because of LaTex?
> Thanks,
>   Martin

Re: Label in Bibliography Item

1999-10-07 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martin> Hi, I'm writing with Lyx 1.0.1. I can enter what I want in the
Martin> Label in Bibliography Item. But the character '&' doesn't get
Martin> displayed! I tried '&' and '&&' and more '&'s. Is this a
Martin> feature? I can't think of a reason why this character doesn't
Martin> get displayed. Or is it because of LaTex? Thanks, Martin

Yes, & is a special character for LaTeX, and LyX does not handle it as
well as it should... Try to use \&.


Preface/Bibliography missing from TOC

1999-10-13 Thread Bruce Momjian

Can someone suggest why an un-numbered Chapter called "Preface", and my
Bibliography section do not appear in the table of contents(TOC)?  They
don't appear in the TOC popup box, nor do they appear in the printed TOC
pages.  There appear as pages in the printout, just not in the TOC.

Any ideas?  I am starting a book using LyX 1.04.  The book is on

  Bruce Momjian|
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

Simple latex question? Bibliography -> References

1999-12-08 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser

Hi all.

I'm using the report style with natbib and bibtex. I would like to change
the heading of my Bibliography from "Bibliography" to "References". I
imagine that there is a simple bracketed TeX option that I can insert, but
I can't find it in my LaTeX reference book (LaTeX Line by Line). Can
someone help? 

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: Hyphenation & Bibliography into TOC

2000-02-29 Thread Herbert Voss

Emanuele Olivetti wrote:
> I've got this 2 problems:
> 1) Hyphenation makes some mistakes (in italian) and I need to
> correct "by hand" them... how can I do it? I know there is some
> LaTeX "\command" to use in LyX, but I don't know the exact way to do

bel\-la ita\-li\-a\-na  

\-  in TeX (red) one or more times in any word, were hyphenation
is not correct.

> (I don't know much LaTeX... :-( )
> 2) How can I add Bibliography in TOC ? Shall I use other LaTeX or is
> LyX able to do it?

document class ams-article does this automatically. class article
not, so you have to insert a LaTeX-command

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}(in TeX -red)

instead of section, subsection and so on are possible too.



Re: Hyphenation & Bibliography into TOC

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Herbert> Emanuele Olivetti wrote:
>>  I've got this 2 problems: 1) Hyphenation makes some mistakes (in
>> italian) and I need to correct "by hand" them... how can I do it? I
>> know there is some LaTeX "\command" to use in LyX, but I don't know
>> the exact way to do

Herbert> bel\-la ita\-li\-a\-na

Herbert> \- in TeX (red) one or more times in any word, were
Herbert> hyphenation is not correct.

Note that LyX has hyphenation points under Inset->Special characters,
which do exactly that.


Re: Hyphenation & Bibliography into TOC

2000-03-01 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Herbert> Emanuele Olivetti wrote:
| >>  I've got this 2 problems: 1) Hyphenation makes some mistakes (in
| >> italian) and I need to correct "by hand" them... how can I do it? I
| >> know there is some LaTeX "\command" to use in LyX, but I don't know
| >> the exact way to do
| Herbert> bel\-la ita\-li\-a\-na
| Herbert> \- in TeX (red) one or more times in any word, were
| Herbert> hyphenation is not correct.
| Note that LyX has hyphenation points under Inset->Special characters,
| which do exactly that.

Also to get correct automatic hyphenation points for italian the
(la)tex format needs to be built with italian hypenation patterns.
Otherwise the italien language choice in Layout->Document will not
yield the correct hypenation.


Bibliography counted on the TOC

2000-03-18 Thread Diego A. Puertas F.

Hi list!

Well, by itself, the bibliography does not appear counted on the table of
contents. I've managed to put it in by using the following LaTeX comand
(which have just been posted on the list) on the first item of the biblio:


I was wondering:

- Is there is a more elegant way to do this?, and

- why does not the list apears on TOC by default?

I'll apreciate all the help you could bring.


By the way, I want to apologize for the 3 posts of the same subject the
other nigth (to be fair, the frist 2 ones were Pine's fault :-)

It was embarrassing, it is probe that, when you are sleepy, you got to
sleep, if not such things (and worst) can happen. Simple true.


use Refernces and Bibliography together

2000-04-12 Thread Panagiotis Melas

Is there anyway to use one list of References and another list for
.. e.g. Bibliography in the same lyx file (or even latex)?

What I want to do is to separate in my bibliography list references to
urls, or at least to put url references together at the end of my
bibliography list?



Re: changing Bibliography to References

2001-03-20 Thread Stefano Ghirlanda

Remzi Seker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am writing my thesis in report class (lyx-1.1.6fix1). I am using
> BiBTeX for my references but I need to change the word
> 'Bibliograpgy' to 'References'.  Any idea how I can do that?


marked as TeX

Stefano Ghirlanda, Zoologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
  email: you know it already, tel: +46-8-164055, fax:+46-8-167715
 the free science campaign:

Re: Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-20 Thread Andre Poenitz

> I owe you one Berliner Weisse mit Schuss or something similar.

Uuh... there is no need to poison Herbert just because he was being helpful



Re: Re(2): Bibliography gone?

2001-03-21 Thread George De Bruin

On Monday 19 March 2001 h:m:s, you wrote:

> >Where can I find Pybliographic?  I searched around on several of the
> >Linux oriented sites (Freshmeat,, etc) but was unable to find
> >it...
> >Is this a commercial product?
> >
> >Thanks for any assistance!
> >
> found with "pybliographic rpm" by Google

Hi Niels,

After another quick search over on FreshMeat, I found it.  (Don't remember 
what I changed this time, but it came up...:)  In fact, I actually got to the 
home page for Pybliographer.

And, I found version 1.0.7-1 as an rpm (I think there was a tgz and deb 
package as well...)

Thanks again!

// George

Disabling printing bibliography "note" field

2001-04-03 Thread Marco . Bravi

Dear LyXers,

I know that this is a pretty plain LaTeX issue, but I
could not find an answer to this question on all the 4 claqssical LaTeX
manuals I own..

I use the "note" field in BibTeX files as a reminder of the main issue in
the publication, so that when I browse the list (e.g., within LyX
Insert->Citation) I can make the right citation choice.

Unfortunately, however, the note gets printed at the end of the reference
item, which is NOT wanted. I could strip the *bib files before sending the
files to the editor, but this seems to me awkward and inconvenient.

I imagine that there must be some switch, to be put in the LaTeX preamble
to disable this, but could not find it by browsing the books or the *bst
and *sty files themselves. Or, possibly, I am making the wrong use of this
field, which should be printed, period (but this seems unlikely to me).

Any hints from knowledgeable people???

Thanks a lot in advance,

Marco Bravi

Dip. Ing. Chimica   tel. +39-06-44585587 / 612
v. Eudossiana, 18   fax  +39-06-4827453
I-00184 Roma (Italy)

Cross-refs in Structured bibliography

2001-06-11 Thread Marko Degenkolb

Thanks to your help, I managed to get a structured bibliography done with
all the features I need using bibtopic.
However, I have two remaining problems:

1) It only works if I run latex/bibtex on the exported tex file manually.
>From within lyx I just get unresolved references and an empty bibliography.
I can't even insert references with the lyx popup but have to put it in ERT.

2) Cross-refs between different bibfiles do not work (they just do not
appear). In case bibtopic is not the right package for this (the
documantation seems to say so), is there any other way for achiving this?
Does anyone has expiriences with multibib which is mentioned in the bibtopic

Thanks for your help.

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