Re: MI Space oblique Mercator ???

2000-05-31 Thread Max Fernandez

Many thanks for the info.

Maybe Mapinfo could provide online access on more background information on
projection systems that are not pre-set in the mapinfow.prj file.



 from our online knowledgebase on

 Excerpt from John Snyder's "Map Projections-A Working Manual":

 This projection appears to be used simply for ease in plotting.  The USGS
 distributes maps in this projection that are not marked with the projection
 name or scale to avoid implying the maps are suitable for geographic

 The Hotline Oblique Mercator appears to be one of its more modern forms and
   is used more often presently.


 Is this the same as a simple Longitude\Latitude (no datum) projection with
   an affine transformation such as a Plane Chart?

 From MapInfo-L 9/15/98: Thanks to the unnamed contributor.

 The Plate Carre projection, also known as the Equidistant Cylindrical
   Projection, is equivalent to a MapInfo's "Longitude\Latitude
   projection" with an affine transformation. Try this coordinate

 Coordsys Earth Projection 1,0 Affine units "m", 111200,0,0,0,111200,0

 Or, in the MAPINFOW.PRJ file:

 "Longitude\Latitude Plate Carre Projection", 3001, 0, 7,

 To get the correct coordinate values, specify the number of coordinate
 units in a degree instead of the 1's.

 For example, the very rough estimate of 111,200 meters in a degree yields
 the following CoordSys clause:

 Coordsys Earth Projection 1,0 Affine units "m", 111200,0,0,0,111200,0

 This example gives suitable results at a world-wide scale.

 If this is a raster map, let the raster registration process take care of
 all the factors that appear below.

 If it's a vector map, users will have to deal with the following factors in
 order to get maps to line up correctly with datasets in
 other projections:

 "The Earth's equatorial bulge is represented by giving the y scaling factor
 (the second 111200) a slightly smaller value from the x scaling factor (the
 first 112000).  The ratio of the two numbers is a function of the
 eccentricity of the spheroid in the datum being used (It is probably
 sqrt(1-e^2)), but needs to be verified).

 Finally, the origin of the coordinate system may not be the intersection of
 the Meridian of Greenwich and the Equator.

 The projection's "False Easting" is the third number in the affine
 transformation, the "False Northing" is the sixth number.

 It appears to line up nicely with same maps in simple Longitude\Latitude
 projection, no affine specs.

 Mail List:owner-mapinfo-l

  From:Max Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   on 05/30/2000 07:19 PM ZE2

  To:  Martin Emch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  cc:  MapInfo-L Mailing List

  Subject: (Document link: MapInfo -L and Co.)Re:
   MI Space oblique Mercator ???

 I have a similar problem but with another projection:
 where do I find / or how do I create the settings in mapinfow.prj for a
 carrée" ("flat square") projection


 Martin Emch wrote:

  I have several pictures in the projection above, which setting should i
  in Mapinfo?
  Thanks Martin
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 Max Fernandez

Departement Geologie, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden - Africa

Département de Géologie, Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale
Department of Geology, Royal Museum for Central Africa

 Steenweg op Leuven, 13tl: +32 2 769 5431
 B-3080 Tervuren   fx: +32 2 769 5432
 Belgiumemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Max Fernandez

   Departement Geologie, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden - Africa

   Département de Géologie, Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale
   Department of Geology, Royal Museum for Central Africa

Steenweg op Leuven, 13tl: +32 2 769 5431
B-3080 Tervuren   fx: +32 2 769 5432
Belgiumemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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MI MapXtreme Win2000?

2000-05-31 Thread Alex Shilov

Hello Listers,

Does anybody use MapXtreme 2.02 on Win2000?
I need migrate to Win2000 but I have a lot of problems with it.
My ASP applications doesn't work.
Any comments and help are welcomed.

Best regards,
Alex Shilov

Association "Isotope" KZ
26, Dalnaya str., 480050,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel:+7 3272 380863
Fax:+7 3272 380965

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MI text on layouts

2000-05-31 Thread SenGupta,Georges

Dear all 

Sorry to post on a subject just recently aired by someone else.

I have several sentences I have to include on my MI layouts - copyright,
etc. 250 characters is the limit per text item (as recently revealed on this
list.) Lining the text items up vertically (i.e. with equal space between
lines) is very time-consuming - tiny errors are visually obvious  give the
impression of sloppy work. 

Is there an obvious way that I am missing? 
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MI MB: ErrorHandler

2000-05-31 Thread Silke Keuerleber

Dear listers,

Can anyone tell me, why the following code doesn't force the program to use
the errorhandler routine whenever anyfile doesn't exist?

sub anysub
  OnError Goto Errorhandler


  Register Table anyfile TYPE ASCII Delimiter 59 Titles Charset
"WindowsLatin1" Into anytable


  exit sub

if instr(0,error$(),"errormessage") then
  resume skip
end if

end sub

Silke Keuerleber


Tel.:   +49 7 21 96 51- 465
Fax:+49 7 21 96 51- 693

Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Stumpfstrasse 1
76131 Karlsruhe

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MI Raster files in MapInfo

2000-05-31 Thread HENROTAY PIERRE

As far as I can see, MapInfo is limited to raster files of 16000x16000
I have many big raster files (TIFF) that I would like to cut in several
pieces so that each resulting file can be registered in MapInfo.
I know about LIBTIFF (and even have access to a UNIX machine where tis
package is installed) but was not able to determine how to proceeed.

Any suggestions or experiences ?

Pierre Henrotay
Project Manager
Siemens Business Services
Major Projects
Tel. ++ 32 81 559 687
Mob. ++ 32 477 69 93 19
Fax ++ 32 81 559 658
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MI delete blank records

2000-05-31 Thread Lorraine Alfonso

Does anyone know how to programatically delete blank records in a table
using MapBasic?

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MI ER mapper plugin

2000-05-31 Thread Kornelsen, Gerald

Thanks to all who responded.  I guess I should have known to go to the er
mapper site - DUOH!  Way too obvious.

There seems to be a discrepancy on their site:  one place states the plug-in
works for version "4 and 5".  In the online doc., it states that you need at
least version 5.  Anyway, I downloaded the plug-in, and it doesn't work with

Oh well.  I'll just have to wait till MI 5.5 makes its tortoise journey to
my desk.

Gerald Kornelsen

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Re: MI MB: ErrorHandler

2000-05-31 Thread william . forde

Why not check to see if the file exists first this will make the code much
easier to read  more robust.

Sub AnySub

If FileExists(anyfile) then
  Register Table anyfile TYPE ASCII Delimiter 59 Titles Charset
 "WindowsLatin1" Into anytable
 Note "Error opening "  anyfile
 Exit Sub

End If



End Sub


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MI Mapinfo utility to shift geocoded points

2000-05-31 Thread Dadler1

I wanted to find out if there is a MB utility of somekind that will jitter 
(shift) a bunch of geocoded points that are stacked on top of one another due 
to being geocoded to a a zipcode centroid etc. 

I do a tremendous amount of batch geocoding and when there are records that 
do not have very clean addresses they get geocoded to Zip code centroid and 
in order to identify how many there are I have to click on the info tool 
button. What I would like to do is shift/jitter those points that are stacked 
on top of one another  just a shade so that I can have an easier time 
identifying how many and then click on an individual point  and move if 
rather than having to pull the points one at a time off the top of the stack.


PetroVision Inc.
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MI pdf files

2000-05-31 Thread Gleb Bylov

Hello everybody,
What I just discovered is that the recent version of Corel Draw (v. 9.0) 
alows creation of Adobe Acrobat pdf files as an export function. The cost 
of upgrading to Corel 9.0 Graphics Suite is just US$199, and you can buy a 
qualifying package for upgrade for peanuts (Corel Office / Corel WP Office 
v. 6-7-8). There is also a free filter for Corel 9.0 that allows creation 
of Macromedia Flash presentations (although with some constraints).
So in the end you buy the whole Corel suite (incl. vector Corel Draw, 
raster Corel PhotoPaint, Corel Trace and many other useful utilities) with 
pdf and Flash export capabilities for less money than you would pay for 
Adobe Acrobat writer ($235) or Macromedia Flash ($280) alone! Something to 
think about.
This is not a paid ad from Corel, rather my personal excitement which I got 
from spending my own money - and I think it's a good deal. I am not saying 
you will have the full flexibility of handling these "alien" formats within 
CorelDraw (you cannot edit them, you can only export to them).
I tried exporting MapInfo maps to dxf, then converting it into Adobe 
Illustrator .ai file and importing back to Corel as vector layer. The 
straight dxf import did not result in anything for whatever reason. E.g. a 
technology very similar to exporting vector layers from ArcView to Corel 
Draw for final cartographic design.

Gleb Bylov
GIS Analyst

Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity (CSCA)
Ryerson Polytechnic University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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MI Profile from a .tif??

2000-05-31 Thread Swayze . Natalie

Hello all,

If I have a .tif file of elevations, can this somehow be modified in MI to
display the profile( or be used in dBplanner)?

Natalie Swayze


MI SUM Website Design

2000-05-31 Thread Tim Warman


Sorry for the delay in summing up - work keeps getting in the way.

Anyway, many thanks to everyone for the great website design suggestions.
Here are the ones I've looked at and liked:

My favourites were: (thanks to
Patrick Phillips) is great, thanks to the many who suggested it.

Other good stuff that I've only glanced at: and from Cassandra
Dunstall  Eric Velleman (who also suggested ) are interesting sites
about usability (thanks again Eric) has some interesting animation eye-candy (via Adrian Walls) has a "Builders" link that looks pretty good

Lots of info too at the Microsoft Developer Network site at (thanks to Jeff Cole for these last

Eric Frost passed along a page about setting up a mapserver using ArcView at

Hope this helps and thanks again to everyone.


Tim Warman
Geologist  GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade  Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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MI Fonts

2000-05-31 Thread Tim Warman


Has anyone else had a problem with slow handling of fonts in MI? If I select
some text and hit F8, I can easily count to 10 before the font properties
box appears. I'm using a fast machine with TONS of RAM and HD space, but
I've noticed that it also came with a vast number of different fonts
installed. I don't use 99% of them, and was wondering if uninstalling them
would speed things up. And if so, how does one go about uninstalling fonts?


Tim Warman
Geologist  GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade  Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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RE: MI MapBasic project estimation and planning (A long message)

2000-05-31 Thread Cautley, David/PDX

-Original Message-
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:57 PM
Subject: MI MapBasic project estimation and planning

"I have found that most small mapbasic projects are fairly easy to plan and
estimate, but that the larger ones are sometimes a *lot* more difficult."

Oh boy.  I've spent the last 25 or so years of my career trying to figure
this out.  Basically, I'm a software developer that's been doing GIS part
time for the past five years...

First of all, the soap-box:  Software Engineering is a discipline unto
itself.  There is a large body of work and entire degree programs devoted to
it.  While it is usual for small projects to be done successfully by anyone,
the difficulty of projects explodes in a non-linear way with size, as Bill
observed.  I strongly suggest that anyone tackling a moderate to large size
project (more than 10-20 pages of code, 5 to 10 screens) engage the advice
of someone who is familiar with this kind of work.  You'll be happier, and
so will your users / client.  I know this sounds like an argument for job
crafts in some Union, but... "trust me".

Follow this link for a wonderful summary of "Software's Ten Essentials"

"Virtually every backpacker, rock climber, and recreational hiker in the
Pacific Northwest is familiar with the Seattle Mountaineers' list of "Ten
Essentials": extra clothing, extra food, sunglasses, knife, firestarter,
first aid kit, waterproof matches, flashlight, map, and compass. 
The Ten Essentials are the end-product of years of hard-won experience. They
are intended to help mountaineers avoid getting into trouble in the first
place, and, if that doesn't work, to minimize the damage. No experienced
mountaineer would go into the mountains without the Ten Essentials.
Experienced software developers have also accumulated years of hard-won
experience. Our software adventures often contain more uncharted paths and
dangerous territory than a simple hike in the woods does, and so I propose a
list of Ten Essentials for software projects. "

Having said that, here are a few of my favorite books on the topic:

"Exploring Requirements, quality before design" -- Donald C. Gause  Gerald
M. Weinberg  Dorset House, NY 1989

"Quality Software Management" (there are four volumes) -- Gerald M. Wienberg
Dorset House 1992 and following

"Software Project Survival Guide" -- Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press

"Rapid Development" -- Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press

The McConnell books cover much of the same territory, but Rapid Development
is 800 pages and the survival guide is 300.

For a great bibliography, see
Ed Yourdon's Web Page
For some other great software engineering advice, you might consult Steve
McConnell's site: Software Project Survival Guide Web Site
Or the home page, which leads to many great things including another book
Steve McConnell's Home Page
Or, maybe Capers Jones site:
Software Productivity Research (Capers Jones)
But wait, there's more!  (Yet another great bibliography)   (Also look at the rest of the

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exporting contour vector to .MIF

2000-05-31 Thread GIS_COOP

I've been creating vector segments of elevation contours from a DEM using EASI,
but am having trouble bringing these into Mapinfo. EASI exports the vectors
fine; I've tried both direct to .MIF and also to E00, then .TAB via ArcLink. The
problem lies on the Mapinfo side. After processing for a few minutes, a .TAB is
created,but nothing appears in the map window. However, looking at the file in a
browser shows that it is populated with records. Any suggestions are
appreciated, and I'll collect and post any hints that come my way.

I'm running MI Pro 5.5 and PCIWorks 6.3 on Windows NT 4.0


Alberto Reyes
GIS/Remote Sensing Technician
Kluane National Park
ph. (867)634-2329 ext.270
fax. (867)634-7277

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Re: MI Mapinfo utility to shift geocoded points

2000-05-31 Thread John Haynes


You can select them all with a marquee or radius select and then go to
WINDOW  NEW BROWSER SELECTION and you will see a list of all at that point.

Or, you can use the point disperse mbx that should be in your tools box
-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 12:17 PM
Subject: MI Mapinfo utility to shift geocoded points

I wanted to find out if there is a MB utility of somekind that will jitter
(shift) a bunch of geocoded points that are stacked on top of one another
to being geocoded to a a zipcode centroid etc.

I do a tremendous amount of batch geocoding and when there are records that
do not have very clean addresses they get geocoded to Zip code centroid and
in order to identify how many there are I have to click on the info tool
button. What I would like to do is shift/jitter those points that are
on top of one another  just a shade so that I can have an easier time
identifying how many and then click on an individual point  and move if
rather than having to pull the points one at a time off the top of the


PetroVision Inc.
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MI MapInfo Compatibility Problems?

2000-05-31 Thread Warren, Steve

Can someone please verify that MI 4.1 and 4.5 versions cannot open MI 5.5
tables and workspaces?  I have a co-worker in another city that says that
4.1 and 4.5 cannot open 5.5 workspaces and that 4.1 and 4.5 can only open
some 5.5 tables.


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RE: MI Fonts

2000-05-31 Thread Tim Warman

Yep, removing a few hundred (actually over 1000) fonts did the trick.


Tim Warman
Geologist  GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade  Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

-Original Message-
From: Jason Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 11:34 AM
To: Tim Warman
Subject: RE: MI Fonts

Hi Tim-
I have another user in the office that had the exact same problem.  She had
installed all of the fonts that came with Corel (something like 1500) as
well as all the MapInfo and regular fonts and her text properties box took
forever to come up.  I'd just remove the ones you don't need.  The best way
to go about doing that is through the Control PanelFonts section of your
computer.  Just pick all the ones you no longer require and hit Delete.
Hope that helps,
Jason Adam
Computer Draftsperson
Monopros Limited
One William Morgan Drive
Toronto, ONM4H 1N6
Tel: 416.423.5811
Fax: 416.423.9944

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Warman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 1:08 PM
 To:   Mapinfo-L
 Subject:  MI Fonts


 Has anyone else had a problem with slow handling of fonts in MI? If I
 some text and hit F8, I can easily count to 10 before the font properties
 box appears. I'm using a fast machine with TONS of RAM and HD space, but
 I've noticed that it also came with a vast number of different fonts
 installed. I don't use 99% of them, and was wondering if uninstalling them
 would speed things up. And if so, how does one go about uninstalling


 Tim Warman
 Geologist  GIS Specialist
 Richard C. Slade  Associates
 North Hollywood, CA
 (818) 506-0418

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Re: MI MapInfo Compatibility Problems?

2000-05-31 Thread Adrian Walls

Yes you are right and why ???  I often simply edit the header info in 
the tab or wor to downspec the version statement and  I can open many 
new mapinfo files even in 4.1 , 4.1 16 bit  (which we use for a few 
custom mbx's we had built) , 4 for PowerMac and 4.5 so I can't see 
why MI cannot at least allow some backward compatibility.

If you of course are reliant on using some of the more obscure recent 
line styles improvements, thematic mapping additions or need the over 
36,000 node polygons and lines that may fairly well restrict your 
ability. Welcoming the improvements in linestyle sizes and options in 
4.5, we mainly use thematic mapping to alter line styles rather than 
in the basic data to ensure older versions can remain functional. 
Since my department budget for software was cut 60% this year I am 
looking at what maintenance contracts we have, and will be looking at 
sustaining a variety of version for a few another year since I simply 
make a bigger rod for my own back each time I upgrade mapinfo and we 
lose an existing user until this problem is resolved by whatever 
action. This is making this a real issue to me.

I do not see any good reason why in its 'save table as ', and 'save 
workspace as' options they cannot allow users to choose to save files 
as older 4.*  types not simply as version 2. If Adobe and Microsoft 
are able to offer this feature with #350 notes software why can't 

Is an answer needed!


Can someone please verify that MI 4.1 and 4.5 versions cannot open MI 5.5
tables and workspaces?  I have a co-worker in another city that says that
4.1 and 4.5 cannot open 5.5 workspaces and that 4.1 and 4.5 can only open
some 5.5 tables.


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MI: one to many relationships

2000-05-31 Thread Peter_McPherson


I am not sure if I have asked this question before, so I will try

Has anyone tried joining a one to many relationship in MI?

My experience has been that tables do join, but only one record seems
to display with the information tool

Any suggestions?



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Re: MI text on layouts

2000-05-31 Thread Russell Mincher

Put all of the text in a mapper window  save it there
Then simply add the mapper to the each layout each you need the copyright
notice in.
That way you only have to go through the time consuming bit once and any
subsequent changes required to the notice will only need be done the once.



- Original Message -
From: SenGupta,Georges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 9:29 PM
Subject: MI text on layouts

 Dear all

 Sorry to post on a subject just recently aired by someone else.

 I have several sentences I have to include on my MI layouts - copyright,
 etc. 250 characters is the limit per text item (as recently revealed on
 list.) Lining the text items up vertically (i.e. with equal space between
 lines) is very time-consuming - tiny errors are visually obvious  give
 impression of sloppy work.

 Is there an obvious way that I am missing?
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MI Plotting Arcs

2000-05-31 Thread Steven Heapy

I am in a local gov authority in Australia and was wondering if anyone
ha come up with a method or mbx for plotting arcs given the start poit,
end point, radius and selecting a point either side of the chord to show
which way the arc curves (like what is available through Genamap).

I have talked to MapInfo in Australia and they have spent some time
trying this with minimal sucess, it seems there is a problem with
supplying the formula for the arc and it changes depending what quadrant
it is in?

This problem is very fustrating when plotting subdivisions, cul-de-sacs
etc, considering an old GIS application such as Genamap handles this

Will sumarise any responses

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MI network analysis

2000-05-31 Thread Matthew Simurda

I've seen this topic brought up before, so I apologize in advance if
I've missed the answer.

I believe that MI can do some sort of network analysis ( follow a line
from A to B to C )

If it can show the direction of a line, what can it do with it?  Can it
tell what point is at the beginning, the end, or what lines connect to a
particular point?

Could someone please tell me something more than Yes or No.  If yes, a
brief description, or some direction (pun intended) on where to get more
info. would be a great help.

I've put a lot of work entering a municiple water and sewer network and
I would like it to do more than look nice on the screen.

Thank you in advance.

Matthew Simurda

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MI Saving Workspace Names

2000-05-31 Thread peter_walsh

I remember seeing some timne ago a command that could be put into a
workspace that would automatically insert the workspace name (and path) in
a layout, however I can't find this in the archives. Does anyone know how
to do this, so that the filename is automatically inserted, and updated if
the name is changed? This would be very helpful for keeping records of
multiple versions.
Peter Walsh
Environmental Planner
URS Dames  Moore
Ph: 61 2 99557772
Fax: 61 2 99557324

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MI Create Graph Wizard -Table drop-down list

2000-05-31 Thread sglennie

I'm using MI Pro v5.5.  I've attempted to create a pie graph based on a
table of data that I've geocoded.  On step 2 of the Create Graph Wizard
dialogue, the table drop-down list shows only the default table of American
Census data.  How can I make the other open tables appear on that drop-down
Thank you,

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MI Displaying text as italics in dialog boxes

2000-05-31 Thread Ian Allan


I need to display text in a dialog box as italics. None of the "Control"
functions (control statictext, alter control) seem to cater for this,
and "CreateText" is for map windows, and "Create Text" is for map and
layout windows. No font commands seem to be for dialog boxes.

Hope someone can help,

Ian Allan

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MI MapImagery Plugin

2000-05-31 Thread Roy N. Chiappini

Hi All:

Using ERMAPPER's MapImagery plugin and USGS Geotiff files.

Have to use the unstretched option when creating the algorithm.  Error
message says data in straight line.

The upper radio button allows an algorithm to be made.

However when image is opened the georeferencing is not correct.  Areas
and distances are incorrect.

Heard the this was the way to go to view geotiffs.

Am I doing something incorrect or is there a better option?


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