MI RE: Import excel

1999-12-09 Thread Susan Yu

Just so that you're not alone, I've had the same experience with MI 5.0.
Fortunately, though, my Excel data wasn't very large and I was able to add a
space character to all the "word" data.  I did notice that it didn't affect
my numerical data (which was far more important).  I'm sorry to say that I
don't really have a solution except to put in a space character


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patrick van der Deijl
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 5:13 AM
Subject: MI: Import excel

Hello all,

I've a excel table which loses its last character in a characterfield
when imported in MI 5.0
No matter if the placename is short or long, the last character is
However, in MI 4.5 and 5.5 this problem does not occur.

Who has experienced this strange phenomenon before and, better, has a
solution. Of course you can export excel into dbase but this kind of
detours are not a solution. And why does it works fine in MI 4.5 and


Patrick van der Deijl

Geodan IT bv
Jan Luijkenstraat 10
1071 CM  Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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FW: MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!) - correction

1999-10-01 Thread Susan Yu

I'm sorry for this, but I meant to take out the part about not figuring out
the filling the polygons with black and white patterns.  I forgot that I
tried Antoine's technique.

With sincere apologies,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Susan Yu
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 9:39 AM
To: MapInfo-L (E-mail)
Subject: MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!)


I have received a couple of responses to my original question dealing with
'shade' statement for thematic mapping (individual values).  Thanks to Brad
and Antoine. I'll post their response in entirety for those who don't like

Briefly, the problem was that I am working on an application that, based on
a query, the resulting number of values to be mapped out can be varied.  I
wondered how I could use the shade statement by taking this problem into

I have discovered that you can put the values into a string array variable
and execute the 'shade' statement by using the 'run command' statement.
Here is my code:

   dim counter, newsize as integer
   dim name_list as string
   dim names(5) as string  'this variable needs to be redim according to

   counter = 2
   name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
   Do While counter <= newsize
  name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
  counter = counter + 1

   Run Command "Shade 2 With New_Dealer Values" + name_list 

I still don't know how to shade the polygons with black and white patterns
rather than the awful default colours.  If anyone knows how to do this...
I'm still looking for a solution.  Thanks again!  Hope this isn't too

Here are the 2 responses I got:

Note:  """" can yield the same result using Chr$(34) -> it's based on
preference. :)

--- From Brad ---

I worked with strings and the run command statement

here is a snippet of the part that adds all the columns to map for a
pie/bar thematic map

sPieString = "shade window " + iEastCoastMap +" 1 With COL3"
For i = 1 to iNumCols-1
sPieString=sPieString+",COL" + str$(i+3)
you need to work with the legend in a different manner

set legend
window iEastCoastMap
layer prev
display on
shades on
symbols on
title "Legend" Font ("Arial",0,8,0)
Ranges Font ("Arial",0,7,0)  auto   display on , auto display on ,
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on 
ascending on

by having enough auto display ons to cover the max number of objects to
if you have only, for example, 3 then the rest are ignored

GeoInfo Solutions Ltd.
phone/fax 250-656-7170

--- From Antoine ---
use the RUN COMMAND instruction..


dim tmp as String
tmp = "Shade .. With ... bla bla bla "
tmp = tmp + "Values "
for i=0 to x
tmp = tmp + """" + nameIndividualValue(i) + """" + " Brush(" + param1(i)
+ "," + param2(i) + "," + param3(i) + "), "
Run Command tmp

PS : """" is an insertion of the caracter -> " <- into the string...

for the string stories, i'm not not sure to understand all you asked..

||//Antoine Gilbert
||  //#ICQ 9737371
||  \\
||   \\Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||\\   http://www.korem.com


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1999-10-01 Thread Susan Yu

hi Jason,

I know that I recently checked to see how many records that can be imported
into Mapinfo into one table from MSAccess.  From an archive posting, I
learned that it can bring in 2 billion.  If that is possible, I think your
30 million would be nothing!!!

Hope this info is useful.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason Dettman
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 8:40 AM

I think this is a subject I've seen talked about on the list...does MapInfo
limit the number of records you can put into a tab file?  I have a data set
with 30 million records, could I put them into 1 tab file?

Jason Dettman
GIS Projects Technician

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MI MapBasic Shade statement - Responses (Thanks!)

1999-10-01 Thread Susan Yu


I have received a couple of responses to my original question dealing with
'shade' statement for thematic mapping (individual values).  Thanks to Brad
and Antoine. I'll post their response in entirety for those who don't like

Briefly, the problem was that I am working on an application that, based on
a query, the resulting number of values to be mapped out can be varied.  I
wondered how I could use the shade statement by taking this problem into

I have discovered that you can put the values into a string array variable
and execute the 'shade' statement by using the 'run command' statement.
Here is my code:

   dim counter, newsize as integer
   dim name_list as string
   dim names(5) as string  'this variable needs to be redim according to

   counter = 2
   name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
   Do While counter <= newsize
  name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
  counter = counter + 1

   Run Command "Shade 2 With New_Dealer Values" + name_list 

I still don't know how to shade the polygons with black and white patterns
rather than the awful default colours.  If anyone knows how to do this...
I'm still looking for a solution.  Thanks again!  Hope this isn't too

Here are the 2 responses I got:

Note:   can yield the same result using Chr$(34) -> it's based on
preference. :)

--- From Brad ---

I worked with strings and the run command statement

here is a snippet of the part that adds all the columns to map for a
pie/bar thematic map

sPieString = "shade window " + iEastCoastMap +" 1 With COL3"
For i = 1 to iNumCols-1
sPieString=sPieString+",COL" + str$(i+3)
you need to work with the legend in a different manner

set legend
window iEastCoastMap
layer prev
display on
shades on
symbols on
title "Legend" Font ("Arial",0,8,0)
Ranges Font ("Arial",0,7,0)  auto   display on , auto display on ,
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto display on , auto
display on , auto display on , auto display on 
ascending on

by having enough auto display ons to cover the max number of objects to
if you have only, for example, 3 then the rest are ignored

GeoInfo Solutions Ltd.
phone/fax 250-656-7170

--- From Antoine ---
use the RUN COMMAND instruction..


dim tmp as String
tmp = "Shade .. With ... bla bla bla "
tmp = tmp + "Values "
for i=0 to x
tmp = tmp +  + nameIndividualValue(i) +  + " Brush(" + param1(i)
+ "," + param2(i) + "," + param3(i) + "), "
Run Command tmp

PS :  is an insertion of the caracter -> " <- into the string...

for the string stories, i'm not not sure to understand all you asked..

||//Antoine Gilbert
||  //#ICQ 9737371
||  \\
||   \\Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||\\   http://www.korem.com


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MI FW: MapBasic Shade statement

1999-09-30 Thread Susan Yu

If my last message ever gets posted, I would just like to update that I have
figured out my problem by using the 'Run Command'.  It works fine...  But I
still have problems trying to alter the default shading to black and white
'brush' patterns instead of shading the polygons with colours.  Does anyone
know how to do this?


>  -Original Message-
> From: Yu, Susan  
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 10:32 AM
> Subject:  MapBasic Shade statement
> Hello everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone can help me with a Map Basic problem I am
> having.  I'm trying to automate a thematic map using the "Region,
> individual values, black and white" template.  This map is suppose to
> result from values extracted from a selection performed prior.
[Yu, Susan]   
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MI MapBasic Shade statement

1999-09-30 Thread Susan Yu

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone can help me with a Map Basic problem I am having.
I'm trying to automate a thematic map using the "Region, individual values,
black and white" template.  This map is suppose to result from values
extracted from a selection performed prior.

The selection results with a list of names - and regions should be shaded
according to which name it falls in.  I have managed to just get the names
and the regions it falls under.  Not the shading part.

Then I have to use the "Shade" statement to create the thematic map:

Shade 3 With some_column
  "x" Brush ...
  "yy" Brush ...
  "zz" Brush ...

My problem is that the list of names can be 3 or 23!  How do I code in Map
Basic to dynamically list the names and assign a different brush style under
the Shade statement?  

Another attempt: I put the names in an array variable.  I tried to list the
values by putting them all in one variable  'name_list', where names(n) is
the array variable containing the names:

counter = 2
name_list = Chr$(34) + names(1) + Chr$(34)
do while counter <= newsize
   name_list = name_list + "," + Chr$(34) + names(counter) +  Chr$(34)
   counter = counter + 1

The problem with above is that 'name_list' is seen as just one long string
rather than a list of strings, despite that I have put in double quotation
marks (Chr$(34)).

I also tried putting under 'values' a variable list with: names(1),
names(2), names(3), ... to a certain number
but if the selection results in a list of names smaller than the listed
number of variables, then it doesn't work.  It seem to fail when there is no
value for the rest of the listed variables.

Or is there a way to call an existing MapInfo function and pre-assign all
the values to automatically create the thematic map?

The answer seem like it can be right under my nose but I can't see it.  Any
help would be appreciated.


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RE: MI Re:

1999-09-17 Thread Susan Yu

I believe it stands for "Digital Elevation Model" - maps with 3 coordinates.
is this what you were wondering about?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of "Sarah W Myers"
Sent: Friday, September 17, 1999 1:24 PM
Subject: RE:MI Re:

A question from the weekend warrior MapInfo user:  what the heck is a DEM?

Sarah Myers
Preventive Care Operations
Blue Cross of California
--( Forwarded letter 1 follows )
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 07:36:43 +0200
To: Ling.Valentine[lingv]@cwcom.net
From: Elfstr.m[mats.elfstrom]@telia.com
Subject: MI Re:

> Ling Valentine wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new MI user. A DEM was just given to me in txt file. I wonder
> how can I view it as 3D in MI?

Hi All!
My current MapInfo contains a tool, DEM2GRd.

Maybe that can be useful.

:Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#9517386   :
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