[Marxism] lies and medical statistics

2010-12-17 Thread Paula
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A fascinating piece from The Atlantic:


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[Marxism] new age thinking

2010-07-14 Thread Paula
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FYI, short review of Robert Price's book 'Top Secret: The Truth Behind Today's 
Pop Mysticisms'.


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[Marxism] More sound than fury in Turkey

2010-06-07 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
Paula developed her own theory of imperialism ... 

That gives me too much credit; all I did was try to update the classical 
view. Anyone interested can see for themselves at 
http://theoryandscience.icaap.org/content/vol8.1/cerni.html. Perhaps it will 
help with some of the other discussions on imperialism now taking place on 
this list.

Come on, you have to question Turkey's motives in all this. It happily 
continues to oppress the Kurds while pretending to care about the 


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[Marxism] Fw: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

2010-05-28 Thread Paula
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New reviews just published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
·Peter Amato on G.A. Cohen 

·Tom Eyers on Alberto Toscano

·Daniel Whittall on Alex Callinicos

·Terrel Carver on Tristram Hunt

·Paula Cerni on Habermas

·Rich Daniels on Adorno

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[Marxism] doubling of maternal deaths

2010-03-13 Thread Paula
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According to Amnesty International, US deaths from pregnancy and childbirth 
have doubled over the past 20 years, so that 'the lifetime risk of maternal 
deaths is greater in the United States than in 40 other countries, including 
virtually all industrialized nations'.


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-15 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
Btw, Paula, have one more go at your denialism thing and then that's it.

The term 'denialism' only confuses and polarizes the debate. You are never 
going to convince the skeptics by throwing insults at them. May I remind you 
that skeptics make up the majority of the population in countries such as the 
UK - see this recent opinion poll 

That's it for now.


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[Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Paula
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Louis asked:
Why is so hard to pin you down on the *science*?

Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down. That's why 
scientists are still investigating climate change, improving their models, etc. 
For an example see this recent report, 'Water Vapor Caused One-Third of Global 
Warming in 1990s, Study Reveals':



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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-11 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
once again, keep in mind that the problem is climate change, not global 

Climate change has been around for billions of years. It cannot be eliminated, 
though future generations might be able to control it to some extent. In the 
meantime society should expect phenomena such as the 1 degree C cooling 
experienced in the Bolivian highlands over the past 5 decades. My point is that 
in a rationally organized society such phenomena would not have the impacts 
they have today. Note that the author also says the Bolivian highlands are 
poorer than the lowlands. I suspect poverty, and not the change in temperature, 
is the underlying problem - otherwise we'd have to conclude that what the poor 
of the Bolivian highlands need now is more global warming!

Words to note: THE FOUR CONSECUTIVE WARM SUMMERS OF 2002 2003, 2004 AND 

Noted, but remember that glaciers have been retreating and disappearing for 
thousands of years. One main reason is surely natural global warming - what 
you'd expect in an inter-glacial period such as the one we are living through. 
But the Chacaltaya story shows us that, paradoxically, cooling can also 
contribute to the process. The question then is whether human activity adds 
anything to the natural and inevitable patterns of climate change, and if so 
how much and with what consequences. That question is very difficult to answer.

In brief, the drop in winter temperatures is offset by a rise in summer 
temperatures. Paula, in the future when you are trawling for factoids to 
support a denialist perspective, at least take the trouble to read your 
material more carefully

I'm afraid it's you who should have been more careful. Andersen's article on 
Chacaltaya does not say that the drop in winter temperatures is offset by a 
rise in summer temperatures. What it says is that summer temperatures have also 
dropped, but *less so* than winter temperatures. The article does not tell us 
at all *why* 2002-2005 were warm summers, but the wikipedia page does say that 
'The final meltdown after 1980, due to missing precipitation and the warm phase 
of El Nino, resulted in its final disappearance in 2009'.

For those interested, the Andersen article on Chacaltaya is at 
The wikipedia page is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chacaltaya.


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[Marxism] Fw: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

2010-02-09 Thread Paula
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I'm forwarding the following message just received:


·Announcing the launch of a new online review of books covering Marxism 
and philosophy

·First batch of reviews now online

·New reviews added regularly 

·Part of the redesigned Marx  Philosophy Society web site

·Edited by Sean Sayers and members of the Society

For reviews and to subscribe go to marxandphilosophy.org.uk/reviewofbooks


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-09 Thread Paula
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Louis posted a 2007 article on Bolivia's Chacaltaya glacier. He complains that 
I am uninformed, but does he realize that glacier finally disappeared in 2009 - 
with no catastrophic effects? Moreover, it isn't even clear that its melting 
away was caused by global warming.

You can all inform yourselves about it at wikipedia:

Paddy wrote:
It is time for some deep thinking; proper discussion of history and science 
... [clip] This whole question needs serious discussion - not ad hominem 
attacks ...

Paddy, I agree with you. Let's hope one day the left can discuss this issue in 
a rational and civilized way.


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
The president of Bolivia has called attention to the possibility that the 
melting of Andean glaciers will rob his people of drinking water. It does not 
get more disastrous than that.

Really? So the *possibility* of glaciers melting away in the future is more 
disastrous than the *certainty* of widespread poverty and exploitation in 
Bolivia today? A very convenient argument for the president of Bolivia, I'm 
sure. But if he's really worried he should ask glacier-free Australians how 
they get their drinking water. After all, the Bolivian glaciers could melt away 
for entirely natural causes, just as glaciers have been doing for thousands of 
years. Then what would 'his' people drink?

Mark wrote:
But if they say something about it, it's rejected as merely anecdotal.

Anecdotal evidence can back up just about any case. It should not be rejected, 
only accepted for what it is - no more than anecdotal evidence.


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[Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
Paula, have you ever read any Marxist ecological literature? [clip] Please 
don't waste our time.

I see - another Argument from Authority. It's a good thing those Authorities 
have got everything worked out.


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-04 Thread Paula
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Sorry, my previous message (see below) was sent under the wrong subject 

 Louis wrote:
 It is instead about the *basic* question whether climate change is being
 impacted by greenhouse gases to disastrous effect on people and other
 living beings.

I can't answer that question unless you specify what you mean by
'disastrous'. It's one of those flexible words. Do you mean more disastrous
than poverty, war, unemployment, discrimination, lack of pensions and
healthcare? How would you or anyone else prove that?

 Tom said:
 But we still trust science overall.

I do too. But, overall, science does not justify the overblown catastrophic
claims we are hearing from some environmentalists.

 Shane wrote:
 Yet Paula gets her knickers in a twist denouncing Lester Brown for
 making the perfectly accurate statement that In recent years,
 Himalayan glaciers have been retreating at rates ranging from 10 to 60
 meters per year.

I did not denounce Lester Brown at all, and I was not referring to that
statement. I was referring to Brown's phrase 'As the glaciers disappear'.
Kindly untwist your own knickers.

Darrel asked if I agree with Monbiot on this (for example):
 On the other side of the debate, people are in denial not only about the 
 science of climate change but also about manipulation and deception by 
 other climate change deniers. They stoutly ignore far graver evidence of 
 falsification and fabrication by their own side, even when there is 
 smoking gun evidence that their champions have secretly taken money from 
 fossil fuel companies to make false claims. They make no attempt to hold 
 each other to account or to sustain any standards of truth at all.

Since you ask - I don't agree with Monbiot that there are two sides to the
debate. I don't agree with his misleading and insulting label 'climate
change deniers'. On this issue there are many shades of opinion. But I do
agree with other things Monbiot says. I don't feel myself obliged to
absolutely agree or disagree with any one article or writer.

Shane wrote:
Don't you realize that for Real Scientists (like Paula and the Murdoch 
press) anecdotal evidence doesn't count?

Quite right, anecdotal evidence cannot settle this issue. And it's truly
embarrassing to see the right pose as the champions of public skepticism
while the left dangles from the environmentalists' coat-tails.


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-03 Thread Paula
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Anyone following this and other related 'climategate' scandals should take a 
look at the UK's Guardian, traditionally an environmentalist-friendly 
newspaper. The coverage there right now shows how far the tide is turning.
This article on the behind-the-scenes behavior of the so-called climate experts 
is jaw-dropping:
And even George Monbiot is asking for resignations at the University of East 
Read the comments that go with the articles if you have the time - and note the 
number of recommendations that go with each one.

Shawn wrote:
To my eyes, it's not a world that the 'Global Warming issue addresses in any 
meaningful way.

I agree with this, and I believe it's the most important point for the left to 
emphasize. Humanity's greatest and most urgent problems have to do with 
poverty, war, and political exclusion, none of which are caused by global 
warming. For an example of the real catastrophes already in place, look no 
further than Haiti.

With that sense of perspective in place, the global warming debate is still of 
interest, because it touches on important issues, such as the conduct of 
science, the public's right to scrutinize and question the work of experts, 
etc. 'Climategate' shows how easily science can be corrupted in our society, 
unsurprisingly in one sense, but nevertheless something socialists should 

Mark wrote:
The point is evaluating what they argue. This is precisely what you don't do 
about the articles Darrell passed on, because, you say, they're too old to 
bother with...

Mark, I was being generous. I was assuming Lester Brown wrote his article (the 
most recent one of the three that Darrell passed on) before he heard about 
'glaciergate'. Otherwise I find it difficult to believe that he would have 
included the following paragraph [highlighting mine]:

The glaciers in the Himalayas and on the Tibetan plateau make up the largest 
body of ice outside the poles and provide water to Asia's major river systems, 
which supply water to over 2 billion people. This water is vital for drinking 
and for irrigating the wheat and rice crops in China and India, the largest in 
the world. In recent years, Himalayan glaciers have been retreating at rates 
ranging from 10 to 60 meters per year. As the glaciers disappear, the 
dry-season flows of river systems that depend on them may decrease by up to 70 
percent, making them seasonal rivers. River systems at risk include the 
Yangtze, Yellow, Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra.


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-01-30 Thread Paula
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Mark wrote:
Yes, people are warning about disasters now, but other people warned about 
disasters earlier and they didn't come to pass. So the different people warning 
about disasters now are wrong.

That's not how it should work. Each claim needs to be examined separately, on 
the basis of its own evidence. The more dramatic the claim, the more careful 
that examination ought to be. Had the IPCC followed this approach they would 
have saved themselves a lot of embarrassment.

Les wrote:
but clearly the Himalayan melting was NOT a consensus view, some jerk 
stuffed it into the IPCC report without properly checking the statement.

And it's good that we finally know this, because it means the glaciers are 
going to be around a lot longer than we were told.

Gary wrote:
The price of the climate deniers being wrong is much greater than the price of 
the global warmers being wrong.

The classical example of this kind of reasoning is Pascal's Wager:

Now your point about the 75 scare is hardly relevant. The debate at the 
present time is generally being conducted by the global warmers at a much more 
serious level that one gets in an article in a trashy journal like Newsweek.

If this report from Times Online is correct, then the behavior of the IPCC 
chief on the issue of the glaciers is far worse than trashy:


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[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-01-22 Thread Paula
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'India turns up heat over 'Glaciergate'

Plus a fascinating article about how 'Climate change catastrophe took just 


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[Marxism] India-Pakistan rivalry over Afghanistan

2009-12-07 Thread Paula
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I think this explains some of what is going on with this conflict.

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[Marxism] religion and prosperity

2009-11-25 Thread Paula
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In a paper posted recently on the online journal Evolutionary Psychology, 
independent researcher Gregory S. Paul reports a strong correlation within 
First World democracies between socioeconomic well-being and secularity. In 
short, prosperity is highest in societies where religion is practiced least.


The researcher also makes an interesting suggestion as to why many right-wing 
Christian groups in the US are opposed to European-style universal healthcare 

These groups have a lot to lose in these kinds of debates. When you adopt 
progressive policy reforms, Paul says, in the long run, religion is bound to 
be road kill.


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Re: [Marxism] Iran and Saudi Arabia

2009-11-11 Thread Paula
Louis wrote:
 For newcomers to Marxmail, please understand that Paula has a heterodox
 definition of imperialism and it is really not worth having an argument
 about since it lacks traction not only here, but on the left in general
 as well. Not to speak of the solar system.

When orthodox views don't get us anywhere, it's time to consider the 


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[Marxism] Change in Putin's Russia, by Simon Pirani

2009-11-10 Thread Paula
Message forwarded in case you haven't seen it.
From: Sébastien Budgen sebastien.bud...@wanadoo.fr
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 7:28 AM
To: historicalmaterial...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [historicalmaterialism] Change in Putin's Russia, by Simon Pirani

 Dear friends,

 You are invited to two events to mark the publication of my book

 On Thursday 3 December, at 6.30-8.30 pm, a BOOK LAUNCH will be held at
 the Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Road, London WC1 (5 mins walk from
 Kings Cross, Russell Square and Chancery Lane tubes). All welcome!

 On Wednesday 2 December, at 7.0 pm, I will give a talk about the book,
 followed by discussion, at Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road,
 London N1 (2 mins walk from Kings Cross tube). (Note. This is the
 place to hear a talk: there won’t be one at the book launch!)

 There is more information about the book here:


 And you can order it from Amazon here:


 Please pass this on to others who might be interested.

 Best wishes,

 Simon Pirani.


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