Re: Mersenne: searching the biggies

2000-03-02 Thread Nathan Russell

>From: Spike Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mersenne: searching the biggies
>Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 19:49:36 -0800
>Nathan Russell asked:  How much are the people who are trying to
>find a 10 million digit prime contributing to the search?
>Any machine that is running GIMPS is contributing to mapping
>the great universal math-space.  If one is factoring, double checking,
>finding a slew of Mersenne composites (I know 30 now), searching
>for 10E7s, regardless, any way you look at it, you are on the team.
>If we use the orderly system George and Scott have created, we are
>uncovering information that cannot be found any other way, information
>which will be our gift to humanity for all time.  spike

I couldn't have said it better.

That is precisely why I switched to GIMPS from another project whose sole 
purpose was to, at the cost of something like ten times our computing power 
for triple our expected time to next prime, simply recover a cute little, 
probably political, saying that someone had hidden.  And, did I mention, 
provide PR for the large sponsoring corporation at the same time.

Our work remaining is infinite, theirs might as well be.

Two of their other projects lost GIMPS-years of work each because of stupid 
bugs and I got fed up and left.

I will not identify my previous project; it's had enough press already 
because some find that its rather repetitive results further their political 
goals.  I happen to agree with those goals, but I will no longer support the 
effort because it is, to be blunt, accomplishing nothing.

This may seem like flamebait, and I do not intend it that way.  If anyone 
wishes to disagree with me, on- or off-list, feel free to do so.

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RE: Mersenne: searching the biggies 2

2000-03-02 Thread Aaron Blosser

>On the other hand, the existence of the EFF prize is a useful
>tool in convincing companies to run GIMPS, for most IT
>managers are quick to remind you that this *is* a business,
>and it is here to make money.  (Then you hope that same
>IT manager hasnt the sophistication to calculate the actual
>odds of bagging the $100K, realizing that the mathematical
>expectation of the prize would not pay the extra electricity

Actually, the cost of electricity isn't a factor for most large companies.

I can only rely on my knowledge of the various places I've worked.  We all
know I worked at US WEST, and I can say that they leave their computers on
all the time.

The other big telco I just spent the last 1.5 years at also leaves their
computers on 24x7, as does the company I work for now.

The reasons for doing so are pretty simple:  software deployment.

When you want to push out a new version of Software Application version
x.xx, you do it at night when the employees won't be affected by a reboot.
So you tell people to leave their machines on, but just logout.

Obviously, Wake-On-Lan is a great idea, but with legacy hardware, you either
leave computers on all the time or you can't be as friendly with your
software deployment.

That's why I hope that some brilliant person will be able to go to US WEST
and say "Hey, let's setup a Primenet Proxy, get these 30,000+ NT machines
looking for primes, and do some good research".  That person won't be me, by
the way.  Or maybe someone can go to a company like MCI WorldCom and say
"Hey, let's get your 80,000+ NT machines looking for primes."  Of course, I
wasn't about to make that suggestion myself...what can I say?  I'm a little
skittish about such things. :-)


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Mersenne: searching the biggies

2000-03-02 Thread Spike Jones

Nathan Russell asked:  How much are the people who are trying to
find a 10 million digit prime contributing to the search?
Any machine that is running GIMPS is contributing to mapping
the great universal math-space.  If one is factoring, double checking,
finding a slew of Mersenne composites (I know 30 now), searching
for 10E7s, regardless, any way you look at it, you are on the team.
If we use the orderly system George and Scott have created, we are
uncovering information that cannot be found any other way, information
which will be our gift to humanity for all time.  spike

Mersenne: searching the biggies 2

2000-03-02 Thread Spike Jones

Nathan asked:  How much are the people who are trying to find a
10 million digit prime contributing to the search?
Now that you asked, I have been pondering this point.  The
payoff structure offered by the EFF has in some ways been
a hindrance to GIMPS as well as a motivator.  It is aesthetically
unpleasing to have a big gap in the searched base, however,
the "leading edge" will eventually catch up.  It should be a
straightforward task to estimate when that will be.
When the 10E7 Mersenne is found and the 100K EFF prize
is awarded, there is no reason to think some yahoos will
jump up and try for a 10E8, since it would take over a
century on a PII/400.  Then, if a gap still exists, it would fill
in and those who were trying for the 10E7 will have contributed
just as much as anyone else.
On the other hand, the existence of the EFF prize is a useful
tool in convincing companies to run GIMPS, for most IT
managers are quick to remind you that this *is* a business,
and it is here to make money.  (Then you hope that same
IT manager hasnt the sophistication to calculate the actual
odds of bagging the $100K, realizing that the mathematical
expectation of the prize would not pay the extra electricity
use...)  spike

Mersenne: Re: Williamette

2000-03-02 Thread Steinar H. Gunderson

On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 01:40:55PM -0500, George Woltman wrote:
>The new SIMD2 instructions have the potential of doubling throughput.

But why would Intel market these instructions as `multimedia' instructions?
Surely no normal MM tasks would need double precision. Of course, I
shouldn't complain :-)

>The FXCH instruction is no longer free.

Is SIMD2 (or SSE2, or whatever Intel likes to call it) _still_ stack-based?
I thought Intel should have learned by now?

By the way, if the registers are not aliased upon the FP registers, what will
Intel do with the task switch problem? Back when MMX was new, I heard the
reason for aliasing the MMX registers upon the FP registers was that no OS
change would be neccessary (to save/restore the registers).

>Mispredicted branch penalties are higher, etc. etc.

Any idea why? BTW, branching when there is two different sets of code (running
in parallel) to take care of will be quite interesting :-)

/* Steinar */
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Mersenne: How much are the 10 M gamblers contributing?

2000-03-02 Thread Nathan Russell

Something I've been wondering about since entering this project -

How much are the people who are trying to find a 10 million digit prime 
contributing to the search?  They stand less than a tenth the ordinary 
chance per unit time, and any prime they find will take at least four or 
five years to definately place in sequence.  I do understand that GIMPS' 
share of the prize money, if any, will go a long way towards maintaining the 
PrimeNet server, paying developers/porters of the client and so forth, but I 
just can't help wondering whether the people (It's only about five percent 
of the userbase, is stats is any guide) who are doing this are contributing.
I'm not trying to flame anyone.  Currently I am myself about a fifth of the 
way through two exponents in the 9.3 M range (with a p3-600 win98, if anyone 
cares), but I do respect that others may have different goals.  If I succeed 
in finding a prime, I will have set a record that will likely stand for a 
year or two, and it would look great on my resume going into college :-) (I 
have taken some advanced math courses at the Rochester Institute of 
Technology while a high school student, if anyone is confused)

I would certainly be more than happy if I found a prime, and even if I never 
do (which is quite likely) I will be content to have helped this project and 
to have sped up somewhat the efforts of whomever does win.  After all, 
without each failure, the winner would have been delayed by one exponent.

Another question, on a slightly different note: How likely is it that the 
cutting edge, so to speak, of the main first-time LL effort will check all 
the exponents up to 10 million before a 10 million digit prime is found?  
We're about a third of the way there now in terms of exponents, about 
halfway or more when you rule out composite exponents and I have no clue how 
close in terms of actual P90 time.

Please, feel free to correct me if I made some factual errors - I have been, 
after all, only here eleven days.
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Re: Mersenne: Security and Prime95/mprime

2000-03-02 Thread Brian J. Beesley

On 2 Mar 00, at 14:01, St. Dee wrote:

> I'll likely be moving to a cable modem soon and intend to install a
> machine to act as a firewall, likely a Linux box.

linux is a Good Move ... ceratinly, in its default state, it's at 
least as secure (when used as a firewall) as anything emanating from 
a certain purveyor of operating systems based near Seattle. It's 
cheaper, too!

> Since it will be
> sitting there all day doing nothing other than screening stuff between my
> LAN and the 'Net, I thought I'd run mprime (if Linux) on it.

This sounds eminently sensible.

> Of course,
> all of the security gurus say to run nothing beyond the programs actually
> needed on the firewall box.

Hey, I'm a security guru of a sort ... the idea is not to run 
anything which gives crackers a toehold, or causes unacceptable 
throttling of the firewall throughput.

> Am I creating any security risks by running
> mprime on the firewall box?  I'm sure some of you must be doing
> that--noticed any problems?

Few of us know what code George has embedded in the code which 
computes the tag which PrimeNet uses to check that incoming results 
are genuine. However, this does not seem to present a major risk! 
Apart from that, what mprime does is very network friendly & seems to 
present an insignificant risk to operation of a firewall.

I've run mprime on an anonymous FTP server for almost 18 months & 
haven't had any incidents (yet). The basic rules are (a) always run 
mprime using "nice -n20" to give other processes all the CPU time 
they need; (b) never run mprime as root; (c) make it harder for any 
cracker who does get onto your system to exploit any weakness that 
may be in mprime by running it in a directory with no access to 
anyone except a user set up specially to run mprime. And make sure 
shadow passwords are enabled. Recent linux distributions do this by 

All this is virtually paranoia since I believe the risk posed by 
running mprime is practically nil - but it's good practise, anyway.

Brian Beesley
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Mersenne: Re: Security and Prime95/mprime

2000-03-02 Thread Steinar H. Gunderson

On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 02:01:24PM -0500, St. Dee wrote:
>Am I creating any security risks by running mprime on the firewall box?

You shouldn't, since mprime doesn't deal with server sockets (only the
occasional HTTP traffic to PrimeNet) at all. The only problem I can think
of, is that it eats a chunk of your RAM, so a DoS attack would probably
be slightly easier (at least if somebody can connect 1 times to your
FTP socket, and inetd fires up a new ftpd dæmon for every new socket).

I run it on a 486sx/16 (24MB RAM, though) just fine, and that machine
serves 3 proxy requests (HTTP) a day :-)

/* Steinar */
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Mersenne: Security and Prime95/mprime

2000-03-02 Thread St. Dee


I'll likely be moving to a cable modem soon and intend to install a
machine to act as a firewall, likely a Linux box.  Since it will be
sitting there all day doing nothing other than screening stuff between my
LAN and the 'Net, I thought I'd run mprime (if Linux) on it.  Of course,
all of the security gurus say to run nothing beyond the programs actually
needed on the firewall box.  Am I creating any security risks by running
mprime on the firewall box?  I'm sure some of you must be doing
that--noticed any problems?

Kel Utendorf

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Re: Mersenne: Williamette

2000-03-02 Thread George Woltman


At 08:40 PM 3/1/00 -0800, John R Pierce wrote:
>Hmm.  Microprocessor Reports has released some interesting tidbits about the
>new Williamette processor which will probably be the Pentium-4...  This is
>the chip Intel recently demonstrated running at 1.5GHz.

Intel has info on this processor at

The chip has good potential.  The new SIMD2 instructions have the
potential of doubling throughput.  It also looks like FPU operations can
be done in parallel with SIMD2 - that's triple the throughput of a PIII.
Not to mention running at 1.5GHz!

Of course, time will tell as to how good this processor really is.  There
could be other bottlenecks, it may not be easy to recode prime95 to
use the SIMD2 instructions.  The latencies for FPU operations are higher
than in the P-III.  The FXCH instruction is no longer free.  Mispredicted
branch penalties are higher, etc. etc.

I've not heard any rumors as to a release date, but it looks like I'll have to
buy two new computers in the next 12 months.  An IA-64 and a Willamette!


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