[MMouse]: In support of Mogwai

1999-10-19 Thread David Park

There was a 2 month period this year when all I 
wanted to listen to was Mogwai. Come on Die Young made me want to stay in 
on weekends and just be by myself. I really think this album has the 
utmost emotion and power. Luckily, I have reduced the time listening to 
it, but it is no doubt a masterpiece in my mind. They evoke so many strong 
emotions inside of me. Just thought I'd offer my opinon.


Re: [MMouse]:

1999-10-19 Thread Philip Smoker

 oh and fight club was pretty good.  edward norton is
 a great actor.  i just 
 hope that highly impressionable kids don't go out
 and start blowing up 
 buildings because the politically correct uptight
 closed minded fools will go 
 on a rampage.

Highly impressionable kids that see Fight Club are
going to do whatever highly impressionable kids do
when they see pro wrestling on cable or Columbine
footage on the news - they are going to soak it up and
make ill-advised decisions for themselves.  Guns don't
kill, people do.  If any kid decides to do anything
for any reason, it is only because he DECIDED to.  He
made that decision.  How can anyone blame society for
the decisions of one poor sap?  I certainly am not
responsible for the actions of the people around me. 
It's free will everywhere you look.  



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[MMouse]: self-censorship

1999-10-19 Thread Philip Smoker

First..it's not self censorship..its taking the
feelings ofothers into
account before you open your mouth.  

I'm going to define self-censorship as follows:
"Watching the words that you say because you're
concerned about how other people will feel about you
saying them."
Whether yr motives for self-censorship are noble or
not is another matter altogether.  If you are
consciously picking and choosing yr words based on the
reactions that other people might have to them, well
then you are censoring yrself for one reason or
another.  Perhaps you're censoring yrself because you
realize that there is a time and a place for crude
language and you are deciding against making such a
display public.  Or maybe you are biting yr tongue
simply because you respect other people's wishes to
remain clean-cut and upright.  It's possible that you
fear the backlash of others from using words that are
racy or taboo.  Whatever yr reasoning, you are still
doing it.  Everyone does it.  I do it at work all of
the time, mainly because I could get fired for calling
the idiots that I work with "fucking imbeciles" or
"mindless fucking morons."  But I think that if you
are letting the opinions of others make choices for
you, well then you are spineless.  Sometimes I watch
my words out of respect, but never do I keep my mouth
shut because of what other people might think.

Its not about an inabilty to expressyour views, or
other people stopping you from speaking your mind,
butsimply an empathy
that your words can and sometimes do offend and
enrageothers. I dont see
how taking other people's feelings into account is
such aterrible
cessession of personal freedom.

I never said that it was such a huge loss of personal
freedom.  I'm not the one calling anyone a cunt or a
faggot here, either.  I just don't think it's fair to
dub a handful of words inappropriate under the premise
that they refer in vulgar terms to parts of the human
anatomy.  Following that logic, one should refrain
from using the word "dick" or "dickhead".  That was
the original point that I was trying to make, that if
you want to clean up one aspect of language, then you
should be willing to clean it all up.  Unless of
course you're simply going to pick and choose what is
acceptable and what is not.  Which by the way you are
already free to do of yr own accord without the
compliance of an electronic mailing list and its
patrons.  Why is it OK to degrade the male anatomy and
not the female?  Sounds like reverse discrimination to

The point I'm trying to make is simple: if you want to
slice and dice words so that they are not offensive to
certain people, then you have an awful lot of chopping
to do.  Different people have varying tolerances for
language - what may be harmless to you might be crude
or uncouth to someone else.  For hundreds of years,
the most heinous word that could be uttered in Jolly
Olde England was the word "bloody."  It was the most
offensive word known to man.  In the New World, the
most sinister word was initially a little acronym
referred to as "fuck."  Forced Unlawful Carnal
Knowledge.  When a colonist had illicit relations with
another person, be it their relative, neighbor, or
stranger, the acronym "f-u-c-k" was placed on a
placard around their neck as they hung in the stocks
for a day where the whole colony could see and take
note.  Is that word offensive to anyone?  There was a
time when you couldn't hear words like "goddamn" and
"asshole" on television, whether it was cable or not. 
There was a time when you couldn't show the pointless
graphic violence that pervades the tube on a nightly
basis now.  The times are changing.  I'm not about to
"temper" my language just because one person deems it
inappropriate.  If yr interests lie in keeping
everyone around you comfortable and happy, then may I
wish you the best of luck in achieving happiness.  I'm
not trying to make curse words in general a rallying
flag for the first amendment, but I'm certainly not
going to sit on my ass while someone tells me that I
shouldn't say "green" or "blue" because they don't
agree with those colors.  


Now, my spleen aches to vent once more...

You don't like them?
Sorry about yr luck.
They're not for everybody, I guess.
They just happen to be one of my favorites.
If you can't get into it, then don't try.  Lost cause.

It comes and it goes,


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RE: [MMouse]: self-censorship

1999-10-19 Thread Mark Robbins

That wasn't what i was talking about and you know it.  If your really that
paranoid that one day all your words are going to be stripped away from you
so that you wont have anyway to express yourself..your being a tad paranoid.
All that happens when a word is a taboo is that it makes you think twice
before using it.  Twenty years ago, i could have called a gay person a
faggot without any reproach.  Now, when i use the word i better have a damn
good reason for it..because if i dont its just rude(when i was talking about
faggot before i was talking about it in the sense that it refers to a small
collection of wood..).  Its a matter of civility, if you dont feel inclined
to think of others sensability before you open your mouth..great..im sure
everyone will applaud your ability to stand up to the status quo..I
however..wouldn't like words said in my presence..and respect that others
might feel the same way, if only about different words.  Its not about
censoring ideas..which i think is a terrible thing..its about words..there
are almost a million to choose from..if you cant convey an idea because you
cant use a single word..then buy a thesuarus.

PS...whered you hear that origin of the word fuck from?..it might have been
used that way..but its origin goes back a lot farther than that..


And your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder, and dad
would throw the garbage all across the floor, as we would lay and learn
what each other's bodies were for.  And your mom would drink until she
was no longer speaking, and dad would dream of all the different ways to
die, each one a little more than he could dare to try.

[MMouse]: broken jaw

1999-10-19 Thread Kate Mercier

okay, couldn't understand a goddamned word of what isaac was saying at a
recent SF show, but could make out something about a broken jaw.  what's the
deal... does he have one?  i mean, i know he's kinda slurry as it is, but
what's he talking about?

also:  why the fuck is the Mouse so good?

what's the word on the new album?


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[MMouse]: offensive words...

1999-10-19 Thread Angela Mitchell

oh god...faggot is probably the worst.  i shudder when i hear it.  the 
reason it's so offensive is because its use is an indirect attack on 

back in the days of witch trials and whatnot, they would burn the "witches" 
at the stake, and the bundles of wood that they used as fuel for the fire 
were called faggots.  but homosexuals were also perscuted heavily during 
this time period.  during the burnings, they would use those accused of 
homosexuality as additional fuel for the fires.  the homosexuals were used 
as firewood, or faggots.  so today, the word faggot has an extreme 
connotation of hatred and persecution.  in other words, it's a pretty 
painful word

hoping she enlightened someone out there,

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[MMouse]: mogwai/remix albums

1999-10-19 Thread jackie 0

From: "sputnik"[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 okay, this list has turned into a free for all.
 as for mogwai...im on karinas side. although i admit ive only heard a few of
 their songs. but everyone i hear has like 5 minutes of silence before barely
 audible sounds come in at very slow paces.

Well, that only describes about three of their songs.

From: "Matt  Evanosky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 kicking a dead pig/mogwai fear satan is w/o  a doubt the best collection of
 remixes available today...

I don't know, have you heard the Low remix album?  I think it's a bit

np:WindyCarl, "Sirens"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

[MMouse]: 'our word'

1999-10-19 Thread Selena Brewington

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Mark Robbins wrote:

 PS...whered you hear that origin of the word fuck from?..it might have been
 used that way..but its origin goes back a lot farther than that..

'fuck' first appeared in a poem from the 14th century by a Scot, but the
actual creation of the word is credited to the Celts.

Many people think it came from an acronym.


RE:[MMouse]: mugwump

1999-10-19 Thread kat love

i don't know if anyone else had the same experience as i did with mogwai,
but it seems like there are quite a few people out there that aren't open
to them. i saw them opening for pavement in athens back in '96, and the
crowd wasn't very receptive. it was amusing though, cuz the mogwai boys
noticed that people didn't like them, so they started being their scottish
asshole selves. their louds got louder and more *angry*, and the quiets
quieter so that when it Did get loud, it scared people. plus the bass
player got pissed off and sat down to smoke his cigarette. :)
so. go see mogwai live, and if you don't like them, they'll piss you off
even more.
although i must say they put on a great show.

do you people like slint? if so, i don't know how could could not like
mogwai. mogwai has become what slint could have had they not broken up. or
maybe mogwai is even more than slint ever would have been.
Original Message
From: "sputni"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MMouse]: mugwump
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 20:34:10 -0800

okay, this list has turned into a free for all.
as for mogwai...im on karinas side. although i admit ive only heard a few
their songs. but everyone i hear has like 5 minutes of silence before
audible sounds come in at very slow paces. i know this isnt a very
study but im just explaining my relationship ive had with them thus far. i
mean, i dont call them crap, but ive just read way to much hype about them
that so far seems unjustified. but whatever. im not hip. blah. people,
people, why are we fighting?

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Re: [MMouse]: Red House Painters

1999-10-19 Thread Jennibel

hi...i'm new.

i totally agree...come on die young completely moved me. i own the remixes
and listen to them a lot too. have you heard of red house painters?
they're sorta like mogwai...long, sad songs. i just bought the  
retrospective cd set and it's sooo nicemmm. 

anyone get the new paris texas yet? my bf got it over the weekend and
he thinks it's pretty good. i *love* the song 'my week beats yer
year'it just totally rocks.

i saw archer prewitt and pavement over at the vic in chicago last
weekend...archer rocked (!) and pavement opened with one of my favorite
songs by them, shady lane. they put on a pretty good show and actually
sang some of the stuff off of terror twilight...they also did a smashing
pumpkins cover (1979) and i think corgan was actually there (!)...not sure

i also saw the eternals and isotope 217 at the high dive in
champaigni had never seen the eternals in concert before and they
kinda reminded me of dead can dance...the singer has this amazing, deep,
chant-y voice, and he was all dancing and shit.  isotope pumped out fog
and played under these red and orange lights...it was great. there was
this  guy tho that had the biggest fucking mullet i've ever seen
standing in front of me and while i didn't give a fuck or anything all i
could hear in my head was that song by wesley willis, 'cut the
mullet'...heh heh. 

i'm seeing ida tonight in champaigncan't fucking wait. mmm.   

sorry this was so long and totally unrelated to modest mouse! i *am* crazy
about them though and i'm happy to be on this list with other ppl who like
them. there are like two ppl i know onmy campus that like them, but of 
course, what do they know? peons!@!

modest mouse roolz

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, David Park wrote:

 There was a 2 month period this year when all I wanted to listen to was Mogwai.  
Come on Die Young made me want to stay in on weekends and just be by myself.  I 
really think this album has the utmost emotion and power.  Luckily, I have reduced 
the time listening to it, but it is no doubt a masterpiece in my mind.  They evoke so 
many strong emotions inside of me.  Just thought I'd offer my opinon.

[MMouse]: etymology

1999-10-19 Thread Philip Smoker

Its a matter of civility, if youdont feel inclined
to think of others sensability before you open
yourmouth..great..im sure
everyone will applaud your ability to stand up to
thestatus quo..I
however..wouldn't like words said in my
presence..andrespect that others
might feel the same way, if only about different
words. Its not about
censoring ideas..which i think is a terrible
thing..itsabout words..

I read that definition in a book called "Wicked
Words."  I'll be sure to print up some excerpts for
tomorrow's discussion.

And thanks for yr concern, but I think I'm doing a
fine job of conveying my thoughts, actually.  You seem
to be missing a vital piece of what I'm saying.  I'm
not talking about censoring ideas either.  

Let me ask you this:  How does a word become taboo?
If no one is afraid to say a word, how would it remain
taboo any longer?  I was reading an editorial a few
months ago in The Source.  For those of you that may
not know this, The Source is a magazine about hip-hop
music and culture.  I believe this particular issue
had Eminem on the cover, and there was quite a bit of
talk about 'white rappers' and many other race issues
within hip-hop.  The particular editorial that I read
involved the use of the word "nigger" and how it has
evolved over the years.  The individual who wrote the
editorial detailed the origins of the word,
specifically how plantation owners used the word to
refer to their slaves.  It went on to explain that the
slaves began to use the word when talking to each
other, their rationale being that if they took the
sting out of the racial epithet, certainly it would
serve no purpose to continue using the word in a
derogatory manner.  If you take all of the piss out of
a word, then what pain can that word cause any longer?

Perhaps the point that you're trying to make is that
you respect people more than I do because you decide
to choose yr words carefully in their presence.
My point is that I don't ever feel it necessary to
bite my tongue in the presence of other people because
I have already chosen my words long before I've spoken
them.  What you apparently haven't taken into account
is that I might never have occasion to need to censor
myself because I'm not running around spouting off
slanderous remarks day and night.  
The point I was trying to make long before that was
that "cunt" is just as rude as "dick" to me.  People
seem to want some kind of buffet of words that they
can pick and choose from as being decent or
appropriate even though many other words are much
worse.  The whole issue is moot if you can learn more
creative ways to put someone down (if that's yr kind
of thing).  

There's a Patti Smith song called "Rock 'n' Roll
Nigger."  Have you ever heard it?

And if I need a thesaurus, might I recommend a style
manual for you.

crossing my i's,


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Re: [MMouse]: broken jaw

1999-10-19 Thread jsl04


On 19 Oct 1999, Kate Mercier wrote:

 okay, couldn't understand a goddamned word of what isaac was saying at a
 recent SF show, but could make out something about a broken jaw.  what's the
 deal... does he have one?  i mean, i know he's kinda slurry as it is, but
 what's he talking about?

Yeah, he has a broken jaw, but the cause of it (source: The Stranger) isn't
clear. While in Chicago he either got "jacked in a really bad way" by some
hoodlums or he suffered a (drunken?) accident.

 what's the word on the new album?

Comp is due 12/99, new stuff due 04/00. Gee, doesn't anyone read my posts?


"If fate means you lose, give him a good fight anyhow."
-W. McFee

Re: [MMouse]: Red House Painters

1999-10-19 Thread Doosu2323

red house painters is smooth as hell..."all mixed up" is tight!!!

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514

1999-10-19 Thread Chris Vandebrooke

new get up kids album

- Original Message - 
From: amna a. akbar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:29 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514

 how is the new get up kids album?
 [keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514

1999-10-19 Thread amna a. akbar

similar or dissimilar from the first?
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Chris
Vandebrooke wrote:

 new get up kids album
 - Original Message - 
 From: amna a. akbar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:29 PM
 Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514
  how is the new get up kids album?
  [keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

[keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

Re: [MMouse]: broken jaw

1999-10-19 Thread Chris Vandebrooke

Isaac was walking around near the studio, and a group of guys walked up to
him and said "You aren't from around here, are you?", "and Issac was like,
Not really, just hanging out (something like that)", and they proceeded to
beat the shit out of him.

I'm sure he got sassy at least once.


 On 19 Oct 1999, Kate Mercier wrote:

  okay, couldn't understand a goddamned word of what isaac was saying at a
  recent SF show, but could make out something about a broken jaw.  what's
  deal... does he have one?  i mean, i know he's kinda slurry as it is,
  what's he talking about?

 Yeah, he has a broken jaw, but the cause of it (source: The Stranger)
 clear. While in Chicago he either got "jacked in a really bad way" by some
 hoodlums or he suffered a (drunken?) accident.

  what's the word on the new album?

 Comp is due 12/99, new stuff due 04/00. Gee, doesn't anyone read my posts?


 "If fate means you lose, give him a good fight anyhow."
 -W. McFee

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514

1999-10-19 Thread Chris Vandebrooke

At first I thought it was to produced.  So I sat down, listened to it, and
it's so damn catchy.  I really love that guys lyrics.  It's so much better
than the first album, but it also doesn't have that unproduced edge that 4MM
did.  I like the newer album much better.


- Original Message -
From: amna a. akbar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Chris Vandebrooke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514

 similar or dissimilar from the first?
 On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Chris
 Vandebrooke wrote:

  new get up kids album
  - Original Message -
  From: amna a. akbar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:29 PM
  Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n514
   how is the new get up kids album?
   [keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

 [keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

RE: [MMouse]: etymology

1999-10-19 Thread Mark Robbins

No..ive never heard of the book..however..being that the word nigger is
probably the most offensive word in the english language today..i dont think
the slaves succeded in their objective.
Perhaps the point that you're trying to make is that
you respect people more than I do because you decide
to choose yr words carefully in their presence.
That's not what i meant at all..let me clarify.  What was meant was that
"politcal correctness" isn't intended to stop people from talking, or to
stop using certain words phrases ideas etc. or in any way lead to some
Orwellian nightmare.  It's intention, is to force those who would rather not
think about anyone but themselves to do so, and for that i think it is an
amazing force.  If it means that in the process we lose a few ugly words, it
doesnt really matter to me..there are plenty to take their places.  I'm not
saying that "political correctness" is the panacea of a cold humanity..but
at least its a start.  Maybe if today we think about how our words affect
others, then perhaps tomorrow we can think of how our actions affect others;
something we seem to be quite poor at.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Philip Smoker
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 5:37 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: etymology

Its a matter of civility, if youdont feel inclined
to think of others sensability before you open
yourmouth..great..im sure
everyone will applaud your ability to stand up to
thestatus quo..I
however..wouldn't like words said in my
presence..andrespect that others
might feel the same way, if only about different
words. Its not about
censoring ideas..which i think is a terrible
thing..itsabout words..

I read that definition in a book called "Wicked
Words."  I'll be sure to print up some excerpts for
tomorrow's discussion.

And thanks for yr concern, but I think I'm doing a
fine job of conveying my thoughts, actually.  You seem
to be missing a vital piece of what I'm saying.  I'm
not talking about censoring ideas either.

Let me ask you this:  How does a word become taboo?
If no one is afraid to say a word, how would it remain
taboo any longer?  I was reading an editorial a few
months ago in The Source.  For those of you that may
not know this, The Source is a magazine about hip-hop
music and culture.  I believe this particular issue
had Eminem on the cover, and there was quite a bit of
talk about 'white rappers' and many other race issues
within hip-hop.  The particular editorial that I read
involved the use of the word "nigger" and how it has
evolved over the years.  The individual who wrote the
editorial detailed the origins of the word,
specifically how plantation owners used the word to
refer to their slaves.  It went on to explain that the
slaves began to use the word when talking to each
other, their rationale being that if they took the
sting out of the racial epithet, certainly it would
serve no purpose to continue using the word in a
derogatory manner.  If you take all of the piss out of
a word, then what pain can that word cause any longer?

Perhaps the point that you're trying to make is that
you respect people more than I do because you decide
to choose yr words carefully in their presence.
My point is that I don't ever feel it necessary to
bite my tongue in the presence of other people because
I have already chosen my words long before I've spoken
them.  What you apparently haven't taken into account
is that I might never have occasion to need to censor
myself because I'm not running around spouting off
slanderous remarks day and night.
The point I was trying to make long before that was
that "cunt" is just as rude as "dick" to me.  People
seem to want some kind of buffet of words that they
can pick and choose from as being decent or
appropriate even though many other words are much
worse.  The whole issue is moot if you can learn more
creative ways to put someone down (if that's yr kind
of thing).

There's a Patti Smith song called "Rock 'n' Roll
Nigger."  Have you ever heard it?

And if I need a thesaurus, might I recommend a style
manual for you.

crossing my i's,


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Re: [MMouse]: the promise ring/red stars theory

1999-10-19 Thread Slackathon

Oh. I only have the Embrace, Sunny Day Realestate, and Cap n' Jazz albums. I guess I'm 
not emo.

What to do?


Re: [MMouse]: Mogwai

1999-10-19 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated Mon, 18 Oct 1999  1:48:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jackie 0 

  I wasn't going to even, but now I have to
  WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT MOGWAI? I've have tried to like them several times, but I think 
 they are SO boring. And I usually LIKE boring noise complimented by quiet stuff, 
but  they're just...yucky. Ugh...
 1- Why have you "tried" to like them?  Do you feel that yr status as a
 hipster kid up on the latest indie ticket requires to to "try" and like
 all those bands yr "supposed" to?  Have you, similarly, "tried" to like
 Merzbow, the Boredoms, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Godspeed You Black
 Emperor!?  Why should anyone ever "try" and like music?  If you like it,
 you like it, if you don't, you don't, and who cares anyway?

Wow, that was hostile...I have 'tried' to like them because 2 or 3 of my firends, who 
listen to most of the same music I do, like them and play them all the time and 
whether I want to or not, I am exposed to Mogwai. So maybe 'tried' is the wrong word. 
I "approached Mogwai with a positive attitude". On several listenes. And I just cringe.

 what to tell you... maybe Mogwai isn't the band for you.  How about
 wasting yr time talking about the bands you DO like rather than asking
 why you don't "get" a band yr "supposed" to?

Oh, I don't know...just trying to fit in with all you other 'hipsters'...
obviously, I've offended Mogwai fans. oops...


[MMouse]: some conversations

1999-10-19 Thread horatio gomez alonzo

Nothing personal here, but i think there's a few
ongoing conversations on this here list that need to
go personal.  
and to re-cap:
new get up kids:  eh, didnt like the new one as much
as earlier stuff
mogwai: do or do not, there is no try...like come on
die young but havent heard much of anything else.  I
"tried" to like them and discovered that I did.
three second kiss: saw them with june of 44 and then
some kid told me about their lp.  Rocks if you can get
over the thick italian accent.  Mathy stuff, like
bedhead or shipping news but faster.
black heart procession:  "tried" them too.  pretty
good.  Quiet, dark,kinda minimal stuff like.. hmm,
hard to say, a little like mogwai maybe.  Mostly
acoustic picking and strumming with some backing organ
and piano type stuff.  They play instruments like
sheet metal and saws on this album. Two tracks with
american analog set: mellowish stuff definately in the
vein of bedhead.  the golden band is really pretty and
sleep inducing (in a good way).  
i love bedhead!
sunny day live album: came out today i think
Anyone got the unwound singles thing?  
How about the jeff mueller thing?
What does red stars theory sound like?



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Re: [MMouse]: the promise ring/red stars theory

1999-10-19 Thread DeadCow

Oh. I only have the Embrace, Sunny Day Realestate, and Cap n' Jazz albums. I 
guess I'm not emo.
What to do?

don't worry... i have none of them and i don't plan on buying them any time 