Re: [MMouse]: RE: Sing Along Party Songs

2000-09-14 Thread Blesbok8

Fuck a bunch of that nonsense. If you want a good party album, just put on 
Orange by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, and turn it up really loud, and 
watch what happens. Jon Spencer is sex. Also nice are the songs "Fuck 
Martinez" by 2 Live Crew as well as both the Chronic (none of that 2001 shit 
mind you) by Dr. Dre, or Doggystyle by Snoop.

"I like bitches with big tits and round asses
 educated, so i can bust off on their glasses"

Re: [MMouse]: Blonde Redhead at GAMH

2000-08-27 Thread Blesbok8

No, but i just got the new album about a week ago, and it's all that i've 
been listening to lately. I didn't think they could make an album better than 
"in an expression..." but this is just fucking incredible. Consequently, i 
would very much like to see them live, so if anyone has any tour info, or 
even better, can tell me where i can get my own tour info, i would be greatly 
obliged. I might even regale you with the time that we took the rascal to the 
local park and pissed off all the skateboarders. Props to Leigh for making me 
remember that.


Re: [MMouse]: I don't brek the law.....I AM THE LAW!

2000-08-22 Thread Blesbok8

I think that i saw the mad wookiees once a couple of years ago in memphis. I 
was pretty drunk though, so i don't really remember if it was them or someone 
else. I just remember the singer/guitar player beating the shit out of his 
guitar with this chain at the end of the show. Good times.


Re: [MMouse]:

2000-08-15 Thread Blesbok8

Allow me to be the first person to welcome the Adram to this list. It's a 
fucking blast, my friend.


Re: [MMouse]: We rally round the watercooler

2000-08-15 Thread Blesbok8

In a message dated 8/14/00 3:50:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< True individuality isn't possible.  Human beings define their reality based
 on their interactions with other human beings.  The scupltor who sits in his
 studio and makes 
 chickens out of car parts he found in a junk yard is no more an indiviudal
 than a consumer who goes to the supermarket and experiences some
 existential agony over the selection of toothpaste.  The fact that someone
 knows they exist is individuality enough for me.
Okay, so i might be a bit late in posting a response to this, but anyone that 
feels this way should really read the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It will 
probably change your mind, and it will give you something to do other than 
watch tv shows that you don't like.


Re: [MMouse]: such stupid fucking cunt

2000-08-02 Thread Blesbok8

In a message dated 8/2/00 4:05:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< some day i would like to have children amy, but if i knew that it would 
 out like you amy, i think i'd spend some time poking myself with a coat 
 hanger. >>

Leigh, will you marry me?


Re: [MMouse]: i want a fucking sticker. this is my second plea, i mean it.

2000-07-24 Thread Blesbok8

In a message dated 7/24/00 8:24:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< You're a whiny fucking cunt.  >>

This is quite possibly the greatest statement posted to this list. Ever.


[MMouse]: Whole bunch o' stuff

2000-07-18 Thread Blesbok8

Okay, I've noticed that within the past few months on this list, there have 
been two major topical discussions that got people fairly passionate and 
riled up...the Fetal Alcohol Syndrom thread and the Led Zepplin thread, both 
of which, I noticed, were started by Amy. MY question is, Why bother? I think 
that with almost every post to this list, she demonstrates remarkably that 
she doesn't know shit. I know I get tired of reading things such as: 
but they spawned it.  to me, they WERE the originals of cockrock.  
that's the problem, maybe that's why i think why they blow 
to me, they ARE COCKROCK.
 - amy
and I'm fairly certain that everyone else does as well. I wholeheartedly 
agree with whoever used the analogy that this was essentially like hearing a 
toddler cry. Most of us are mature people, maybe we should start taking the 
mature route and ignore blatantly stupid shit. No one is going to change her 
opinion in regards to this, especially when she doesn't seem to be sure what 
her own opinion is. I apologize if I sound like an elitist bastard, and I'd 
like to further apologize if this comes off sounding condescending or 
high-handed, but it's merely a suggestion. I know everyone hears stupid 
things from time to time, but sometimes it is just best to grit your teeth 
and ignore it.
Yes, I am fully aware of the irony involved in the posting of this 
message, so please don't respond on that level. I am also aware that someone 
will say, "well, maybe you should just delete the messages with subjects that 
you don't want to read." Fuck that. I've tried that, and it winds up being 
more effort than it's worth. 

Anxiously awaiting attacks as a result of this letter

[MMouse]: This couldn't be more off topic...

2000-07-11 Thread Blesbok8

Okay, so everyone needs to check out">Fred Garbo the Inflatable Man
This is some crazy shit. Learn it. Live it. Love it.


Be sure and check out the guestbook, while you're there.

Re: [MMouse]: pants

2000-07-10 Thread Blesbok8


Goddamn, i fucking love the blues explosion...


Re: [MMouse]: Wanted: Your Faves

2000-07-04 Thread Blesbok8

Mission of Burma
Those Bastard Souls
Sea and Cake
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Magnetic Fields
Simple Ones
June of '44
Archer Prewitt
Appleseed Cast
Planes Mistaken For Stars
Kyle Stark
Joan of Arc
East River Pipe
Pop Unknown
Les Savy Fav
Dirty Three
At the Drive In
Jets to Brazil
Elevator to Hell
Eric's Trip
Promise Ring
Dismemberment Plan
Jimmy Eat World
Christie Front Drive
Blonde Redhead

Yeah, I know listing this much stuff, especially what people have already 
listed, probably makes me look like a pretentious asshole, but it's all 
quality stuff that everyone needs to check out.


Re: [MMouse]: Re: why are these things necessary?

2000-06-26 Thread Blesbok8

No one is above sophomoric adjectives like pretentious. Not even god. I still 
say that, if you want brilliance in literature, read some Renaissance to 
Romantic era British people that aren't Shakespeare.


In a message dated 6/27/00 12:46:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< someone like james joyce is pretty much above sophmoric adjectives like
 'pretentious.' he can and could do whatever the fuck he was
 all brilliant. >>

Re: [MMouse]: Re: why are these things necessary?

2000-06-26 Thread Blesbok8

No, fuck Ulysses because i had to devote a whole semester solely to that book 
as a requirement for my English minor. It's a bunch of pretentious bullshit. 
Go read some Marlowe or Eliot. Hell, read some Goethe or Moliere, they're all 
better than James Joyce.


In a message dated 6/26/00 1:31:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 "fuck ulysses, most likely because it confused me and just asked me to read 
 too much", like, my, i didn't really appreciate ulysses, but i thought that 
 d.f. wallace's the infinite jest was really good, or "i really like 
 and the celery stalks at midnight")

[MMouse]: Cursive

2000-06-25 Thread Blesbok8

So I got the new Cursive album the other day. It's so fucking amazing. 
Everyone needs to own this album. I've bought so many fucking albums this 
year, and this is probably second only to Fevers & Mirrors. If you like 
Bright Eyes, buy Cursive's Domestica. If you don't like Bright Eyes, buy 
Cursive's Domestica. If you still haven;t heard Bright Eyes, but Fevers & 
Mirrors, listen to it incessantly for a week and a half, and the buy 
Cursive's Domestica. Seriously.


Re: [MMouse]: Any good bookz lately>?

2000-06-25 Thread Blesbok8

Fuck Ulysses.


Re: [MMouse]: Any good bookz lately>?

2000-06-25 Thread Blesbok8

1. American Tabloid by James Ellroy
2. Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
3. Life After God by Douglas Coupland
4. i know this makes me a pretentious bastard, but Faust by Goethe


[MMouse]: Shaft

2000-06-18 Thread Blesbok8

Ok, so this is totally off-topic, but everyone needs to go see Shaft. Yeah, 
the plot is thin, and it's really not that cool of a movie, but this is the 
role that Samuel L. Jackson was born to play. Seriously. With the exception 
of Isaac, everything out of his mout in that movie is infintismally cooler 
than anything anyone will say. Ever. It's totally worth the money just to 
hear him say, "You're my cracker." Can you dig it?


[MMouse]: Columbus

2000-06-13 Thread Blesbok8

So, I know someone on this list mentioned that they live in Columbus, OH. I 
also noticed that both Bright Eyes and Cursive are supposed to be playing at 
"ColumbusFest" and was wondering if I could get some info about this.


[MMouse]: Fevers and Mirrors

2000-06-11 Thread Blesbok8

So, the one decent music store here finally got in the new Bright Eyes, which 
is my favorite album right now. Does anyone besides me think that "The 
Calendar Hung Itself" is possibly the greatest song ever? Maybe I'm just more 
bitter and cynical than usual...

4 more days until Shaft

Re: [MMouse]: moshing

2000-05-24 Thread Blesbok8

While this topic has already been debated to death, I feel inclined to add my 
two cents to this, because moshing annoys the fuck out of me at shows. Don't 
get me wrong, i love dancing, screaming along, and having a good time, but 
you don't have to knock around anyone else to do this. I've honestly gotten 
into fairly serious fights with people about this. When I saw modest mouse, 
these six or seven frat guys decided to start right into me and like 2 other 
people during "tundra/desert", and i almost broke a beer bottle over one 
guy's head. I don't quite remember where I was going with this,, go 
listen to Knapsack.


Re: [MMouse]: LISP off

2000-05-22 Thread Blesbok8

It's weird...when i saw modest mouse, i didn't even notice Isaac's lisp until 
one of my friend's pointed it out. I used to always notice it on the albums, 
especially teeth like god's shoeshine, but i guess that, after a while, i 
just got so used to it that it was no longer a speech impediment.


Re: [MMouse]: album delay

2000-05-22 Thread Blesbok8

Hopefully you're right, and I'm just overreacting. Fuck Epic anyway.


In a message dated 5/22/00 4:15:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 i think the idea of the m&a being delayed is
 the website says june 13th,  there are posters at  shows and music stores
 just cuz some shumck on the air says modest mouse is delaying the records,
 doesn't mean it's true!
 come on people i thought we were smarter than that.

Re: [MMouse]: delayed new album

2000-05-21 Thread Blesbok8

What the fuck? This album has been pushed back for so fucking long now. Fuck 


Re: [MMouse]: paul and a note on obsessions

2000-05-21 Thread Blesbok8

I'm totally with you on the modest mouse obsessions. I saw them a week ago, 
and i've listened to nothing but modest mouse since then. That and i've had 
modest mouse dreams ever night for about 2 weeks now. Most of my friends are 
scared of me now, but i'm beyond the point of caring. Everyone needs to 
listen to modest mouse. Everyone needs my level of unhealthy obsession with 
modest mouse. 


Re: [MMouse]: re: modest mouse/cleveland

2000-05-17 Thread Blesbok8

Yeah, i saw them sunday night in louisville, and it was the best show ever. 
Isaac kept talking about the thong song, and he made fun of this one guy 
because he looked like a wrestler. I also got them to play truckers atlas, 
which wasn't on the set list. Isaac almost fell off the stage like 4 times, 
and we had to keep catching him. He also forgot where his beer was, so we had 
to point that out to him as well. Then they played a 20 minute version of 
tundra/desert. I can honestly say that it was a life altering experience. 
Basically, everyone on this list needs to see modest mouse. Even if it means 
killing four or five people. It's worth it.


Re: [MMouse]: vanilla cokes and shit

2000-05-11 Thread Blesbok8

I have one word for everyone on this list:


[MMouse]: mouse show and other shit

2000-05-07 Thread Blesbok8

Hey, I think i'm probably the only one on this list that's in kentucky or 
thereabouts, but is anyone(like from indiana or tennessee) going to the show 
in louisville on the 14th? If you are, would you want to get together 
By the way, i got dragged to see gladiator, and i highly advise against 
seeing it...just rent spartacus, it's a lot cheaper, and a much better film.


Re: [MMouse]:

2000-05-07 Thread Blesbok8

Jeebus, help us all...


In a message dated 5/7/00 6:03:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< >>

Re: [MMouse]: Metallica v. Napster

2000-05-02 Thread Blesbok8

wow..i think jon stewart summed this whole thing up pretty accurately 
tonight. I'm not sure, but i think the exact words were, "the music industry 
has won its crusade against poor college students and fun"
yeah, it kinda loses something when you write it down, but i thought it was 
damn funny.


Re: [MMouse]: running

2000-05-02 Thread Blesbok8

I got really excited one time, so i took off running. Everyone that saw me 
thought I looked like a fucking idiot, which, I'm sure i did. Needless to 
say, i don't run much anymore. 


Re: [MMouse]: Cowboy Dan

2000-04-25 Thread Blesbok8

what the fuck is sonic youth doing opening up for pearl jam?


Re: [MMouse]: shirt idea

2000-04-20 Thread Blesbok8

I'm probably isn't my first choice, but i'l wear it. As far as 
ideas for design go, I like the cover art for the birds vs. worms single, and 
the neverending math equation single. These probably won't win, but it's at 
least a suggestion.


Re: [MMouse]: The Mouse in Louisville?

2000-04-19 Thread Blesbok8

Okay, this brings me to my next question...I know that the japanese tour ep 
is out of print, so does anyone know where i can obtain a copy either in mp3 
format or from some generous soul on this list?


[MMouse]: The Mouse in Louisville?

2000-04-18 Thread Blesbok8

On the webpage for headliner's music hall, it says that modest mouse is 
playing may 14th. Anybody know anything about this? On the up records page, 
it says that they're playing either in milwaukee or champaign. Anybody know 
what's up? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Also, has Night on the Sun 
been released on anything? I have a couple live versions of it, but haven't 
seen it on anything else.


Re: [MMouse]: radiohead

2000-04-16 Thread Blesbok8

another good radiohead site is">http://ww
it's a bit more linear than the actual radiohead site, and it has a bunch of 
cool links.

outy 5k

Re: [MMouse]: lyrics to moon and antarctica

2000-04-16 Thread Blesbok8

wow, i noticed it too...scary, eh?

outy 5k

Re: [MMouse]: mostly complete Moon & Antartica Lyrics

2000-04-15 Thread Blesbok8

Out of curiousity, who produced Moon & Antartica?

outy 5k

[MMouse]: Re: Drinky cow

2000-04-11 Thread Blesbok8

no way...pathetic junkies are great. If you're out at the right time, you can 
buy a vcr for two dollars. 

outy 5k

[MMouse]: catwoman

2000-04-11 Thread Blesbok8

Out of sheer boredom or just dumb curiousity, i'm wondering, who is 
everyone's favorite catwoman? Yeah, this is a pretty dumb, not to mention 
pointless, question, but like i said, i'm curious. I still say julie newmar...

outy 5k

[MMouse]: Re:remember last april

2000-04-10 Thread Blesbok8

us maple is fucking horrible. I saw them in chicago with pavement, and they 
played what sounded like the same song over and over again. After the first 
song, the whole crowd started screaming obscenities at them, and i'm pretty 
sure that things were thrown as well. Possibly the worst live experience ever.


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n776

2000-04-10 Thread Blesbok8

Not that anyone will really care, but...

<<  1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
 matt/lexington, ky/20
 > 2.What is your favorite mouse song?
4-way tie between:
teeth like god's shoeshine
truckers atlas
lounge(closing time)
she ionizes and atomizes
 > 3.What are five records you couldn't live without
 > (right now)?
 >lonesome crowded west-mm
 > slanted and enchanted-pavement
 > the cat and the cobra-les savy fav
 > ultimate alternative wavers-bts
 > shining hours in a can-east river pipe
 > 4. Putting records on the internet for free download: 
 > bad or good?
 not whole albums, but live shit is always osm.
 > 5.  Ebay, bad or good?
 utterly indifferent
 > 6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
 > voting for himself or what?
 who the hell is russ?
 > 7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
 > 8.  First live show?
 the monkees and weird al yankovic sometime in 1986
 > 9.  Worst live show?
 u.s. maple opening for pavement in chicago. pavement was good, but us maple 
is fucking horrible. They basically got booed offstage.
 > 10.  Favorite sound?
whatever that sound on "dang" is...i think it's a harmonica and someone 
screaming into a mic that's being run through some sort of distortion 
pedal...the opening chord on "she ionizes and atomizes" is also damn good.
 >11.  least favorite sound?
 ricky martin
 > 12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
 > on the internet bad/good?
 utterly indifferent
 > 13.  What book should every person in america read?
 tie between American Tabloid by James Ellroy and The Heart is a Lonely 
Hunter by Carson McCullers
 > 14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
good, i long as the bands don't turn into assholes about it
 > 15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
 > see?
 one word: immoral
 > 16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
 > bad/good?
 a list devoted entirely to how much everyone loves the mouse would get old 
really fucking fast
 > 17.  Favorite beer?
rolling rock
 > 18.  Favorite color?
 > 19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
 >Solomon Grundy
 > 20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
 > tons about a person)?
  Empire Strikes Back
  American Beauty
  LA Confidential
  High Fidelity
  Tetsuo the Iron Man

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n775

2000-04-09 Thread Blesbok8

So this is my first post...does anyone know if the mouse is playing near 
lexington, ky? The last list i saw had them playing in cleveland, which is 
like 8 hours away. Also, anyone else heard the new pedro the lion album? It's 
quite good.

-Fancy Matthew