RE: [MMouse]: Re: Bill's records

2000-06-23 Thread Chris Stratton

yeah i'v ebeen in there once or twice...and word is he lieks young
boys...apparently the "cute" you are the btter deal you get..i guess i
failed..about two years ago i went in there to buy a cd that came out that
day that i had to have and i was in a hurry and he broke it off in me for
17.99..i guess he didn;'t like me..oh well...haven't been back since..

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Bill's records

Yikes! Bill's records.  My buddy Jay who went to see Modest 
Mouse with me in Dallas took me there one time.  He had a whole 
box of Nirvana records, untouched.. sealed.  But I couldn't bring 
myself to take it to him and have him look me over and give me a 
price just so I could go and put it back up again.  I didn't buy a 
single thing. That bastard.

Good record store though.

> I'm  with you, Russ.  This reminds me of that guy Bill that owns Bill's 
> Records in Dallas, and doesn't price his records on the label, but instead

> just looks at you and decides if he likes you and charges accordingly.  I 
> hope the IRS or somebody busts his sorry ass.  Fair sales to all people,
> equal prices charged to all.

[MMouse]: mp3's and mo'

2000-06-23 Thread Philip Smoker

The lovely Karina says:
"Which raises an interesting question: which is the
more dangerous of the guilty pleasures : teen pop or

I say popping teen smokers would be the most

I'm not going to rant on about cigarette smoking, but
I really do recommend checking out The Truth
(  You have undoubtedly seen
their ad campaign, but dig a little deeper and learn
about the pockets that are being filled at the expense
of our generation's guilty pleasures.  One person dies
every 8 seconds from a cigarette smoking-related
illness.  Damn.  And that says nothing to what is
actually IN the cigarettes being made in the USA
today.  I noticed a little blurb on a Winston ad which
I had to share with me friends, who seem to have
fallen for the "No Additives" campaign:  "No Additives
does not mean a healthier cigarette."  Face it, you're
burning wood chips.  If you must smoke, at least get
something like Nat Sherman's, where you know you're
smoking tobacco and not toothpicks, and you're not
supporting Big Tobacco.  They have enough money.  

And if you're smoking trees, make it seedless,

Now, back to the content:

A few weeks back I provided a link to some live Modest
Mouse mp3's from 2/26/00.  I didn't really post that
address anywhere outside of this mailing list, and as
of yet no one has attempted to cash in on eBay.  So
I'd like to make another show available, but I need
some suggestions.  Another Modest Mouse show?  Maybe
another band?  I have tons of Pavement, Sonic Youth,
Palace, Pixies, Helium, Mogwai and quite a few others.
 But I need to hear from you.  Gotta give the people
what they want, gotta give 'em what they need.  Send
yr requests privately unless of course you just want
to fill up the mailboxes of other list peoples.  

I'm out like George Hamilton's tanline,

Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [MMouse]: Re:places, places, places, in la, la, la.

2000-06-22 Thread JR?

im not a big fan of any of the millions of california pizza chickens.
Mels is okay, in a crap area. i personally love Canters the best and
then the pizza place across the street is good and then Swingers is 2nd
to Canters. Canters, i have too many stories about that place and i
personally like their ceiling the best. and this is all hollywood stuff
im talking. i know nothing about Orange County other than their
overflowed population of Carl's Jr's. and Bobs, well the Bobs in Burbank
is okay i think, i wont vouch for the rest. movies? dont ask me. record
shops. uh Arons in Hollywood is always good. Rockaway in Silverlake is
okay and Poobahs in Pasadena is decent.

jusqu'à la fin, daniel ryder the park ranger
big pimpin' style

[MMouse]: Re: Bill's records

2000-06-22 Thread zachd

Yikes! Bill's records.  My buddy Jay who went to see Modest 
Mouse with me in Dallas took me there one time.  He had a whole 
box of Nirvana records, untouched.. sealed.  But I couldn't bring 
myself to take it to him and have him look me over and give me a 
price just so I could go and put it back up again.  I didn't buy a 
single thing. That bastard.

Good record store though.

> I'm  with you, Russ.  This reminds me of that guy Bill that owns Bill's 
> Records in Dallas, and doesn't price his records on the label, but instead 
> just looks at you and decides if he likes you and charges accordingly.  I 
> hope the IRS or somebody busts his sorry ass.  Fair sales to all people, and 
> equal prices charged to all.

[MMouse]: Re:places, places, places, in la, la, la.

2000-06-22 Thread Starrosencrans

In a message dated 6/22/00 8:18:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< star's homes >>

i only have one home so far.  and i don't even own it.  but i did rent a 
house in the silverlake area of los angeles, in addition to the apartment i 
am renting now, so maybe that's what you're referring to.  but, it makes me 
sad that you "could care less" about my home. sigh.

anyhow - some things to maybe check out.

the new beverly *a real revival theatre* - two movies a night, changing over 
each night.
the museum of contemporary art (moca) is free after 5ive on thursdays
the museum of jurassic technology is supposed to be neat, but i haven't been 
there yet
the museum of death (see above)
rhino records
aron's records (but only after rhino's)

bob's big boy sucks. . .it's just a denny's.  for restaurants, look for a 
california pizza kitchen, if you don't mind throwing down $7-10 a person.  
mmm mmm good. mel's diner is a better diner, similar to bob's big boy.

there's a chain of Mann theatres, but you're prolly thinking of the famous 
Chinese theatre on hollywood blvd. they usually show the 

umm. . .there's always other stuff.  if you're looking for anything in 
particular, email me.

refusing to give you a tour of my homes, past and present,

Re: [MMouse]: LA, la la la la

2000-06-22 Thread KneeXsocks

In a message dated 6/22/00 8:51:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
<< 3) Swingers. 24hrs? I don't know. Best Wallpaper. *maybe* Best Jukebox 
 (unsubstantied; not all the votes are in). Diner, excellent omeletes. 
  to a motel in which I keep meaning to party like  a rock star, but havn't 
 yet gotten around to it...Crescent Hights/Beverly. >>

yes yes, go there. I was in LA for a week two years ago and I had the grilled 
cheese with avacado and onions every single night. its so good. saw lotsa 
famous people too...including marilyn manson. haha.
np: jawbreaker, dear you

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n995

2000-06-22 Thread Starrosencrans

i kinda dig the blue with white swirl and red LCD font.  and the bottom one.

<< here's my ideas, not as cool as "Isaac Brock has a Posse" but cool enough.
 feedback people, i need feedback

[MMouse]: LA, la la la la

2000-06-22 Thread Slackathon

1) Nova Express. Open till 5am. Best Cieling in Town. Best Pizza in Town. 
Best All-Night Hang Out (after club/show category). Runner-Up for Best Decor. 
Gets crowded around 2am; expect to share your table with strangers. This is 
how we make friends. Fairfax, 2 blocks north of melrose
2) Canter's Deli, across the street from Nova. Best Matzoh Ball Soup. 24hrs. 
On Tuesdays, hang out in the bar (the Kibitz Room. They don't seem to card). 
There are good DJs. Somebody told me its "a scene", but I havn't been 
recently. Runner-up for Best Cieling.
3) Swingers. 24hrs? I don't know. Best Wallpaper. *maybe* Best Jukebox 
(unsubstantied; not all the votes are in). Diner, excellent omeletes. 
 to a motel in which I keep meaning to party like  a rock star, but havn't 
yet gotten around to it...Crescent Hights/Beverly.
4) Twains. 24hrs. Best All-Night Hangout (valley category). Sit outside and 
hope for Sean, The Waiter Who Pretends He's French. This is the place to go 
when thee are thirty of you and you need somewhere to hang out for four hours 
and collectively you plan on ordering six cups of bottomless coffee. Laurel 

1) i concur on the Sunset 5 reccommendation. This is the theatre that showed
 "Gummo" at midnight for six months, and for that I will forever support them.
2) Silent movie. Fairfax/Melrose. Self-explanatory.
3) Does the New Beverly still exist? They had/have awesome double features.

1) Jet Rag $1 sale. Clothes in a large pile. Everything is a dollar. Most of 
my wordrobe come from this pile. La Brea, two block south of Melrose.
2) Hollywood Star Lanes. This is the (24hr) bowling alley where they shot Big 
Lebowski. They have $3 white russians. Best Ghetto Pick-up Joint.
3)I think this is all I lke about L.A.


Re: [MMouse]: Re: Laughing

2000-06-22 Thread jsl04

> And I know this is an old arguement, but 
> come on, does N Sync hurt anyone?  

Do you want a simple "Yes" or "No" answer? Or a dissertation w/ references?

It's never been so unimaginative & factorized as this progress.

[MMouse]: when in L.A. jump

2000-06-22 Thread Martixia

L.A. sights huh?...
The planeterium is alright although you might be  a lil disappointed it's 
kinda old school.
Movie spot to go to is at laemmle's sunset 5 on sunset blvd and nearest big 
street Fairfax.  If you like Rocky Horror Picture they do a whole see the 
film in your get up at the Art theatre in Long Beach on fourth...near 30-40 
min. from O.C. @ midnight.
Zed's Records in Long Beach is good too.
The PCH has a lot of good shows its on the outskirts of Long Beach.
or not I'm just a thumb twiddler
Your best bet would be to pick up an   L.A. and O.C. Weekly and decide what 
poop los angeles has to  offer.

don't you hate it when your feet fall asleep? 
femme fatale

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread jsl04

Wow! What an awesome display of power. Is that why you work for 
Loans America now?
So many pounds of flesh, so little time...

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Blake wrote:

> one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop and Cd
> store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt do
> it.
> ~blake
> - Original Message -
> From: Philip Smoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:46 AM
> Subject: [MMouse]: laughing?
> > "Wow, y'know what's even sadder?  i was in an indie
> > record store here in seattle and some little girl,
> > couldn't've been more than 10... we busted up laughing
> > before we tryed to sell her on death cab for cutie and
> >
> > modest mouse.  she insisted that we point her to the
> > instink so i pointed her to the door..."
> >
> >
> > Wow, laughing at a 10-year-old's taste in music is
> > funny?  I'm not sure just how indie elite you were at
> > the tender age of 10, but I can't quite imagine that
> > most people were listening to This Heat or Modern
> > Lovers or The Slits when they were in fifth grade.
> > I'm of the opinion that as long as it makes them
> > happy, let them enjoy it now.  Who are we to judge?
> > You're only 10 years old for one year, ya know...
> >
> >
> > *phiL*
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.
> >
> >

[MMouse]: Re: Issac's posse

2000-06-22 Thread kenneld

I know that it doesn't look like Isaac, but it really is him... I got the
picture here:

As far as his height, I have no idea how tall he is (or how much he weighs),
so I guessed. It's just a joke.

- Original Message -
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:47 PM
Subject: Issac's posse

> Dood, Is that a joke? Doesn't look like our hero. And issac is like 5'8",
tops. Or is that you or whats up?
> ---
> -dave
> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

[MMouse]: hottie in NJ

2000-06-22 Thread Barb B.

Hey ladies,
Check out the MM hotboy pagethere's a guy i know named Bryan and he is 
THE hottest modest mouse fan out there.  besides his astoundingly beautiful 
features, he's the sweetest man ever.  he can also dance.  so email him if 
you have a chance.  better yet, listen to his show tonight on and you can hear his oh so sexy voice.  i mean, i 
have a boyfriend and i think i even want a piece.  he's a keeper...

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: [MMouse]: Things to Do in LA When You're Very Much Alive

2000-06-22 Thread Blake

i live in Orange County, CA.  i dont know where your staying or planning on
going...but if oyu want i can give a good list of record stores, venues with
good showsm good restaurants, blah blah blah, e-mail me if you want any such

~Blake Sinclair
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:01 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Things to Do in LA When You're Very Much Alive

> I'm starting to plan for our big adventure to Orange County and the big
> picnic..
> I'm trying to fill in the 5.5 days we'll be there with as much good times
> possible..
> While I could care less about tar pits and star's homes... I'd like to see
> some of the sights..
> I've got Bob's Big Boy Burgers, In-Out burger, and Roscoe's on my list.
> Also pencilied in is
> Lumpy Gravy.. a Frank Zappa theme restaurant and record store?!  Anyone
> there?
> (So I like to eat, leave me alone)
> Anyone seen the "Laserium" at the planeterium?  I see they have an 80's
> where it's all music
> from the 80's?  I've seen enough pink floyd laser light shows...  a light
> show set to the Go Go's and
> Herbie Hancock would be keen :)
> It's dissapointing to see one of the Mann theaters (is there more than
> has stopped showing revival
> films on their late night program...   looked like a super theater
> anyone have an online source that has an all inclusive movie schedule
> I would think you could find one rather easily in LA, but I haven't found
> web page like that yet.
> Any of you CA guys have any ideas for me?  Let me know!

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n996

2000-06-22 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated 00-06-22 19:07:31 EDT, you write:

<< elite than her...i did it because im an asshole sometimes.  have you seen
 clerks?  well i live the movie (or at least i try to, and fail miserably).
Yeah but in Clerks, they SOLD the girl the ciggarettes.

Which raises an interesting question: which is the more dangerous of the 
guilty pleasures : teen pop or smoking?


Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-22 Thread Slackathon

Well, all I know is I need a summer job so that when I go back to school I 
can pay the rent, and I've tried getting all the jobs I'm qualified for, so 
now I'm moving on to the ones I'm overqualified for. If anyone in the L.A. 
area knows of anything better, let me know, but right now I'd be happy to 
sell N' Sync for a couple months at minimum wage...

In a message dated 00-06-21 21:00:17 EDT, you write:

<< yeah, take it from me, i worked at Camelot Music (a mall music store like 
 Goody) for 6 months and had to sell albums like N'sync to 12 year olds and 
 dixie chicks to middle aged texas hicks - when we finally did get Modest 
 Mouse in, they placed it in the "local" section (i live in dallas) i tried 
 get people to buy indie instead and told them to go to cooler, cheaper music 
 stores =)

[MMouse]: Things to Do in LA When You're Very Much Alive

2000-06-22 Thread Zach_Douglas

I'm starting to plan for our big adventure to Orange County and the big

I'm trying to fill in the 5.5 days we'll be there with as much good times as
While I could care less about tar pits and star's homes... I'd like to see
some of the sights..

I've got Bob's Big Boy Burgers, In-Out burger, and Roscoe's on my list.
Also pencilied in is
Lumpy Gravy.. a Frank Zappa theme restaurant and record store?!  Anyone been
(So I like to eat, leave me alone)

Anyone seen the "Laserium" at the planeterium?  I see they have an 80's show
where it's all music
from the 80's?  I've seen enough pink floyd laser light shows...  a light
show set to the Go Go's and
Herbie Hancock would be keen :)

It's dissapointing to see one of the Mann theaters (is there more than one?)
has stopped showing revival
films on their late night program...   looked like a super theater
anyone have an online source that has an all inclusive movie schedule page??
I would think you could find one rather easily in LA, but I haven't found a
web page like that yet. 

Any of you CA guys have any ideas for me?  Let me know!  

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n996

2000-06-22 Thread Blake

hahaha, ok, for the record...i did not (or many of my friends who work at
record stores) treat that girl un-fairly because i felt better, or more
elite than her...i did it because im an asshole sometimes.  have you seen
clerks?  well i live the movie (or at least i try to, and fail miserably).

~Blake Sinclair
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n996

> In a message dated 06/22/2000 1:34:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> << that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard.
>  and im not smiling or being funny in saying that.
>  russ
>   >>
> I'm  with you, Russ.  This reminds me of that guy Bill that owns Bill's
> Records in Dallas, and doesn't price his records on the label, but instead
> just looks at you and decides if he likes you and charges accordingly.  I
> hope the IRS or somebody busts his sorry ass.  Fair sales to all people,
> equal prices charged to all.
> Loring Wirbel
> Monument, Colo.

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Laughing

2000-06-22 Thread KneeXsocks

 -Allen Iverson 

wow. who knew Allen Iverson knew what indie rock was?

"if its okay to touch you, its alright to think 'electricity'."

[MMouse]: the hotgirls/hotboys pages

2000-06-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

hey guys
i resized a lot of pics on the hotkids pages, they should load faster
theres new additions to both pages. i know it takes me forever to do
this shit. its like. time consuming or something. and im a born slacker.
underachiever and proud of it man? maybe. blah
so that address again:

know it, love it, live it

-rusty jones

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n996

2000-06-22 Thread LWirbel

In a message dated 06/22/2000 1:34:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard. 
 and im not smiling or being funny in saying that. 
I'm  with you, Russ.  This reminds me of that guy Bill that owns Bill's 
Records in Dallas, and doesn't price his records on the label, but instead 
just looks at you and decides if he likes you and charges accordingly.  I 
hope the IRS or somebody busts his sorry ass.  Fair sales to all people, and 
equal prices charged to all.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

RE: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-22 Thread J to the R

Fucking Hell!... sorry...well spotted. I just figured you had pulled
that article out of history to offer us an insight into the mind(s) behind
the "Power To The Posse" Movement, I never noticed the date.

conclusions are always drawn for me,

Rob Markkins

 "Robbins, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was fucked because Salon ran that story the day after the discussion
> on
> this list broke out..
> The conclusion you were supposed to draw (which I guess defeats the
> purpose
> of letting you draw it yourself) is that a spy from Salon is in our
> midst.  
> Mark
> Bleib Immer Locker.
> -Original Message-
> From: J to the R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 3:49 PM
> To: Robbins, Mark
> Cc: 
> Subject: RE: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> "Why is this "fucked?" and "What conclusions should I draw?" he naively
> axes?
> just trying to get my obey on...
> Love and a raised eyebrow (singular),
> Rob Markkins
>  "Robbins, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is fucked.
> >
> > 
> > Draw your own conclusions.
> > 
> > Mark
> > Bleib Immer Locker.
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dusty
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:08 PM
> > Subject: Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> > 
> > 
> > well there is only one original
> >
> > they have some slick ass posters
> > and all the posse stickers you want, jesus christ
> > has a posse, gary coleman has a posse
> > yadda yadda, the posters are the thing though,
> > beautiful and always a top quality screening job,
> > if your lucky they be signed too
> > 
> > dusty
> > "obey dusty"
> > 
> __
> FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
> Sign Up Now!

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
Sign Up Now!

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Laughing

2000-06-22 Thread Spazedog00

In a message dated 6/22/00 7:14:15 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< And I know this is an old arguement, but 
 come on, does N Sync hurt anyone?  I can remember being ten and thinking 
 all the early 90's alterna-rock was the greatest thing in the 
 world...although my tastes may have changed, I'm not going to dump on people 
 for liking what's on the radio.  That's just stupid.
 -Allen Iverson >>
pure genius

[MMouse]: Stickershit

2000-06-22 Thread Dave

I kinda dig the 2nd and 8th designs, but i think the rest are cheezy-cheetos.

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

[MMouse]: Issac's posse

2000-06-22 Thread Dave

Dood, Is that a joke? Doesn't look like our hero. And issac is like 5'8", tops. Or is 
that you or whats up?


Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

[MMouse]: RE: sticker paper has a posse

2000-06-22 Thread Zach_Douglas

There are only three things in the world that make me angry:

1. Getting lost while driving
2. Losing my wallet, credit card, or keys.
3. Posting to a mailing list and not having it show up!!! ARGGG

I had a long post about ATGHAPosse and Shephard Fairy but it never showed
So I'll try it all over again.

Just interesting stories, mostly second hand, probably blown out of
proportion... perhaps not.. but nevertheless adding to the freakiness
of Shephard Fairy and Obey Giant story..

So he came to Austin around the time SXSW was here and stayed with my
friend's friend's and had a poster show with my friend's friend's brother.
There is another local artist who does knockoff posters and sticker of the
big eyed kids from the 70's.. kinda cool, but certainly not original as
there were already so many knockoff's of the original Keene big eye kids,
that he is knocking off the knock offs at this point. Anyways, this guy
shows up and starts stickering the obey giant posters with his sticker.  I
guess he is thinking it's a cute thing to tag the grand tagger's art with
his own, but it was only cute until Shephard Fairy pummeled the guy with his
fists.  I didn't see it, but word is he said nothing, just walked up and
started beating the guy .. ?  !  ?

Also, he had no apparent posse here... he did all his work solo as far as
anyone could tell.. and he did a pretty good job... giants all over the
place...  he had the forethought to put one on the biggest billboard right
before you get to Dell Computers 15 miles outside of town in Round Rock..
at least a million people must have passed that sign in the months it was
there until the rain finally washed it off.

I first saw those stickers and posters in Philly about 3 years ago.. they
were ALL over the place around South Street and I saw some of them in NYC
also on the same trip.  Yeah.. the guy's pretty dedicated.  I'm not sure how
he funds 'the posse'.

This is fucked.

Draw your own conclusions.

Bleib Immer Locker.

RE: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-22 Thread J to the R

"Why is this "fucked?" and "What conclusions should I draw?" he naively

just trying to get my obey on...

Love and a raised eyebrow (singular),
Rob Markkins

 "Robbins, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is fucked.
> Draw your own conclusions.
> Mark
> Bleib Immer Locker.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dusty
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> well there is only one original
> they have some slick ass posters
> and all the posse stickers you want, jesus christ
> has a posse, gary coleman has a posse
> yadda yadda, the posters are the thing though,
> beautiful and always a top quality screening job,
> if your lucky they be signed too
> dusty
> "obey dusty"

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
Sign Up Now!

[MMouse]: Re: Laughing

2000-06-22 Thread FritzCat8

Okay, I'm not saying this to be a bitch, but who the hell cares what kind of 
music other people listen to?  I'm not even saying this in an anti-elitist, 
lynch mob the indie snobs deal, I'm just saying, why does everyone care if 
someone likes N Sync or whatever?  Does that hurt anyone?  Pre-fab music is 
not a new thing.  Who gives a shit if they don't play their own instruments 
or write their own songs?  Guess what?  Neither did Sinatra...and I'm not 
saying that he's the greatest musician either, but what's the big deal?  I'd 
rather listen to a Britney Spears song then listen to most of the junk that 
people these days call indie rock.  And I know this is an old arguement, but 
come on, does N Sync hurt anyone?  I can remember being ten and thinking that 
all the early 90's alterna-rock was the greatest thing in the 
world...although my tastes may have changed, I'm not going to dump on people 
for liking what's on the radio.  That's just stupid.

-Allen Iverson

[MMouse]: Turn it down, you're too Hi-Fi.

2000-06-22 Thread J to the R

Russ, you don't understand...this is actually the fictional character
Barry, from the popular book/movie "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby/starring
John Cousack.  

Fictional characters are allowed to say and do things like this, I mean,
how else could Keanu Reeves do the splits in a pseudo-kung fu movie?

Why are they allowed, because they are fictional characters.

Always real,


 Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard. 
> and im not smiling or being funny in saying that. 
> russ
> Blake wrote:
> > 
> > one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop
> and Cd
> > store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> > desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt
> do
> > it.
> > 
> > ~blake

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RE: [MMouse]: tour poster

2000-06-22 Thread Morgan Moore

anyone else get the safety "millenium" orange poster from albequrque (sp)
with silver detail?  it's rpetty nice as well and only 5 bucks or something
i think.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: tour poster
> In a message dated 6/21/00 1:49:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << hey chaps, has a new poster, modest
> 2000 tour poster, i didnt see it at any of the
> shows, but what ev, its nice looks like 2 color
> print, highway system type thing. somebody wanna
> pick me up one while youre at it? >>
> actually they WERE selling them at the shows. i got one from 
> up, and its 
> really nice, printed on great paper. ok well

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Blake

well, as if this is going to make up for my "assholeish eletist" comment,
let me add that the bitch asked if we had "skrewdriver" there before she
bought the CD.  but thats besides the just an asshole.


- Original Message -
From: Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

> that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard.
> and im not smiling or being funny in saying that.
> russ
> Blake wrote:
> >
> > one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop
and Cd
> > store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> > desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt
> > it.
> >
> > ~blake

RE: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Morgan Moore

i have to say i'm kindof with russ on that one.  i'm assuming it was a joke
in the first place...and i'll die thinking the same.

> -Original Message-
> From: Russ Sweetser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 10:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: laughing?
> that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard. 
> and im not smiling or being funny in saying that. 
> russ
> Blake wrote:
> > 
> > one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being 
> a headshop and Cd
> > store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> > desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i 
> just couldnt do
> > it.
> > 
> > ~blake

[MMouse]: stickers

2000-06-22 Thread VegGrrrrl

to the person with the sticker paper:
  do you have enough to possibly distribute stickers to listers who want one 
(and are willing to pay a buck or so)? i really like the isaac brock has a 
posse one and i think whoever did it did a great job. id love one if you're 
willing to do it. 
of course "isaac brock for president" is an obvious second choice. =)

[MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-22 Thread jacqueline.


 This is brilliant.

.i guess this is what it's like to be really down, and holding out for something.

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Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [MMouse]: tour poster

2000-06-22 Thread VegGrrrrl

In a message dated 6/21/00 1:49:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< hey chaps, has a new poster, modest
2000 tour poster, i didnt see it at any of the
shows, but what ev, its nice looks like 2 color
print, highway system type thing. somebody wanna
pick me up one while youre at it? >>
actually they WERE selling them at the shows. i got one from up, and its 
really nice, printed on great paper. ok well

RE: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-22 Thread Robbins, Mark

This is fucked.

Draw your own conclusions.

Bleib Immer Locker.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dusty
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

well there is only one original
they have some slick ass posters
and all the posse stickers you want, jesus christ
has a posse, gary coleman has a posse
yadda yadda, the posters are the thing though,
beautiful and always a top quality screening job,
if your lucky they be signed too

"obey dusty"

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Russ Sweetser

that is the most elitist assholish thing i have ever heard. 
and im not smiling or being funny in saying that. 


Blake wrote:
> one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop and Cd
> store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
> desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt do
> it.
> ~blake

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Blake

one time some lame hippy chick came into my work (it being a headshop and Cd
store) and she picked up an operation ivy CD, brought it up to the
desk...and when she tried to buy it...i told her "no".  i just couldnt do

- Original Message -
From: Philip Smoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:46 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: laughing?

> "Wow, y'know what's even sadder?  i was in an indie
> record store here in seattle and some little girl,
> couldn't've been more than 10... we busted up laughing
> before we tryed to sell her on death cab for cutie and
> modest mouse.  she insisted that we point her to the
> instink so i pointed her to the door..."
> Wow, laughing at a 10-year-old's taste in music is
> funny?  I'm not sure just how indie elite you were at
> the tender age of 10, but I can't quite imagine that
> most people were listening to This Heat or Modern
> Lovers or The Slits when they were in fifth grade.
> I'm of the opinion that as long as it makes them
> happy, let them enjoy it now.  Who are we to judge?
> You're only 10 years old for one year, ya know...
> *phiL*
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread JessesSecret

how is a 10 year old. going to like modest mouse? 
** jesse **

Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-22 Thread Spazedog00

i want to thank everone for such ana mazing response to my post for sticker 
ideas you guys rawwk especially kenneld, dave,ants are 
cavemen,ryemyles,krazylitts,blake,and everyone who was talking about a pop 
icon i guess i am not familiar with btu sounded pretty cool (the andre thing)

[MMouse]: laughing?

2000-06-22 Thread Philip Smoker

"Wow, y'know what's even sadder?  i was in an indie
record store here in seattle and some little girl,
couldn't've been more than 10... we busted up laughing
before we tryed to sell her on death cab for cutie and

modest mouse.  she insisted that we point her to the 
instink so i pointed her to the door..."

Wow, laughing at a 10-year-old's taste in music is
funny?  I'm not sure just how indie elite you were at
the tender age of 10, but I can't quite imagine that
most people were listening to This Heat or Modern
Lovers or The Slits when they were in fifth grade. 
I'm of the opinion that as long as it makes them
happy, let them enjoy it now.  Who are we to judge? 
You're only 10 years old for one year, ya know...


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [MMouse]: sticker ideas

2000-06-21 Thread kenneld

I like the Dark Center of The Universe one... seeing a sticker like that
would certainly confuse someone who didn't know who they are, which is the

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 11:50 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: sticker ideas

> here's my ideas, not as cool as "Isaac Brock has a Posse" but cool enough.
> feedback people, i need feedback
> ~Mike

Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Ryan Worsley

Those stickers were a senior project for some guy that went to my school. 
They don't really mean anything--they were just kind of an experiment to see
if exposure could trigger hype. (It worked.)

[MMouse]: sticker ideas

2000-06-21 Thread KrazyLitts

here's my ideas, not as cool as "Isaac Brock has a Posse" but cool enough.

feedback people, i need feedback

Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Blake

how about "andre the giant was a pussy"

~Blake Sinclair
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 1:59 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper

> hey everyone the other day my dad bought home some really cool sticker
> from work and i was like hey i could make mouse stickers and stick em all
> over long island and everyone would be like whos modest mouse
> anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool image they could send me via
> email that doesnt contain a photo as my printer sucks and wont print
> on sticker paper so somethign with the name and maybe a cool geometric
> or something would be soo great thank you very much in advance
> *gary*

Re: [MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-06-21 Thread Tetsuo1204

thats fucking classic dude!  you are now my other personal hero (along with 
jason biggs).


the zine. fsoa.
the tape label. (coming soon).  pleasesleep records.
the other e-mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-06-21 Thread kenneld

look what i made:

- Original Message -
From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 9:33 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: (No Subject)

> That would be really kool, and maybe that little triangle thing on another
> >I think you should get a crummy black and white >picture of issac and put
> >on the stickers and have them say "Isaac Brock >>Has a Posse"...
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:59 PM
> Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> > hey everyone the other day my dad bought home some really cool sticker
> paper
> > from work and i was like hey i could make mouse stickers and stick em
> > over long island and everyone would be like whos modest mouse
> > anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool image they could send me via
> > email that doesnt contain a photo as my printer sucks and wont print
> photos
> > on sticker paper so somethign with the name and maybe a cool geometric
> design
> > or something would be soo great thank you very much in advance
> > *gary*
> >
> ---
> -dave
> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

Re: [MMouse]: unsubscribe

2000-06-21 Thread kenneld

It didn't work... you need to use more exclamation points.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:04 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: unsubscribe

> unsubscribe!!

[MMouse]: (No Subject)

2000-06-21 Thread Dave

That would be really kool, and maybe that little triangle thing on another sticker.

>I think you should get a crummy black and white >picture of issac and put it
>on the stickers and have them say "Isaac Brock >>Has a Posse"...

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper

> hey everyone the other day my dad bought home some really cool sticker
> from work and i was like hey i could make mouse stickers and stick em all
> over long island and everyone would be like whos modest mouse
> anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool image they could send me via
> email that doesnt contain a photo as my printer sucks and wont print
> on sticker paper so somethign with the name and maybe a cool geometric
> or something would be soo great thank you very much in advance
> *gary*


Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-21 Thread KrazyLitts

Wow, y'know what's even sadder?  i was in an indie record store here in 
seattle and some little girl, couldn't've been more than 10, came in and 
walked around for a few minutes before coming up to the counter, where i was 
chatting with the clerk, and asking where the insync cds were.

we busted up laughing before we tryed to sell her on death cab for cutie and 
modest mouse.  she insisted that we point her to the instink so i pointed her 
to the door, telling her that she'd have to go to sam crappy or came-a-lot to 
buy that junk.

if you aren't laughing, then its never happened to you...

ps: if anybody was that clerk, could you tell me what store it was?  i forgot.

In a message dated 2000-06-21 6:04:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> yeah, take it from me, i worked at Camelot Music (a mall music store like 
> Sam 
>  Goody) for 6 months and had to sell albums like N'sync to 12 year olds and 
>  dixie chicks to middle aged texas hicks - when we finally did get Modest 
>  Mouse in, they placed it in the "local" section (i live in dallas) i tried 
> to 
>  get people to buy indie instead and told them to go to cooler, cheaper 
>  stores =)

Re: [MMouse]: random things

2000-06-21 Thread jsl04


On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, One Hundred Watt Warlock wrote:

> Woody Allen:
> i watched that AFI top comedy films thing on tv with my mom and
> i was surprised at how many of his movies were on there. Annie
> Hall and Sleeper didn't surprise me but there were like at least
> 2 others on there that i'd never heard of and looked hysterical.
> looks like i'll be having my own little Woody Allen film fest
> soon. has anyone seen Small Time Crooks? it looks decent, it has
> Jon Lovitz in it, so it's gotta be worth the price of
> admission...

Yes, Small Time Crooks is worth the admission. No deep philosophical
angst, but plenty of beautiful (soon to be classic) one-liners.
Actually, I guess there was some philosophical angst in there also.
Can't go wrong.

As for other good Allen films (& I didn't see the 100 list), you
can't go wrong w/ Broadway Danny Rose. (Assuming you've seen the
newer stuff.)


Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-21 Thread Emogirl310

yeah, take it from me, i worked at Camelot Music (a mall music store like Sam 
Goody) for 6 months and had to sell albums like N'sync to 12 year olds and 
dixie chicks to middle aged texas hicks - when we finally did get Modest 
Mouse in, they placed it in the "local" section (i live in dallas) i tried to 
get people to buy indie instead and told them to go to cooler, cheaper music 
stores =)

In a message dated 6/21/00 7:33:31 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< I think you should hope to find a job someplace else. Do you have any
 idea of the musical horrors you'll be subjected to there?

Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-21 Thread jsl04

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 00-06-20 17:27:42 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << 
>  Treepeople, Beatles, Talking Heads & Pixies are the
>  only ones I can remember being mentioned (but then >>
> Treepeople, of course, being an old DOug Martsch band...
> speaking of, I was filling out an application at the Virgin Megastore today 
> and a cute boy came up to the counter with the Moon & Antartica. I said, 
> "That's a great album." and he said, "I'm not too into them, but my friend 
> played it from me and it sounds so different. They don't sound like Built to 
> Spill anymore."
> What do you guys think?

I think you should hope to find a job someplace else. Do you have any
idea of the musical horrors you'll be subjected to there?

As for the M&A, my brother (10 years younger than me) came over the
evening after I bought a copy. He was digging the sounds & asked
who it was. To make it short, I sacrificed my copy as a late B-day
present to him. I was feeling big brother pride; afterall, this is
a kid who, until recently, was big on DMX & some cat calling
himself Machiavelli.

Chemicals must be balancing out.

Re: [MMouse]: new modest mouse boy/monkeys getting tampons inserted in their mouths

2000-06-21 Thread Slackathon

Ok, I know this is not funny.
also, to the person that asked about monkeys getting tampons inserted in
their mouths..i was just referring to the treatment of animals in
testing/research labs and what kind of crazy shit happens to them.
But it IS! I know this is mean, but visualize a monkey sitting on a counter. A guy in 
a lab coat comes a long and stands in front of him. He smiles at the money. The monkey 
laughs at the lab coat, his mouth open wide. The lab coat whips out a tampon, aims for 
the mouth, and pull s the trigger. The monkey has a string coming from his mouth. He 
frowns. Lab Coat's partner hi fives him. The monkey scampers away. Another monkey 
takes his place on the counter, and another Lab Coat starts smiling at him. And this 
is the life of a medical research assistant. 
And this is not funny. But come on - it is!


Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Dusty

well there is only one original
they have some slick ass posters
and all the posse stickers you want, jesus christ
has a posse, gary coleman has a posse
yadda yadda, the posters are the thing though,
beautiful and always a top quality screening job,
if your lucky they be signed too

"obey dusty"

[MMouse]: unsubscribe

2000-06-21 Thread OoCOTTONoO


RE: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Morgan Moore

we in sf are lucky enough to have a hotbed of andre-inspired graffiti and
poster artists
we have a pristine "OBEY" bastardization of the andre thing in my living

funny how andre gets more and more svelt in every incarnation.

> -Original Message-
> From: Dusty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> ohh ye, i have my andre the giant has a
> posse sticker front and center
> 7'4" 520LBS
> dusty
> "pronounced with and usty"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > I think you should get a crummy black and white
> > picture of issac and put it
> > on the stickers and have them say "Isaac Brock
> > Has a Posse"...
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:59 PM
> > Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> >
> > > hey everyone the other day my dad bought home
> > some really cool sticker
> > paper
> > > from work and i was like hey i could make
> > mouse stickers and stick em all
> > > over long island and everyone would be like
> > whos modest mouse
> > > anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool
> > image they could send me via
> > > email that doesnt contain a photo as my
> > printer sucks and wont print
> > photos
> > > on sticker paper so somethign with the name
> > and maybe a cool geometric
> > design
> > > or something would be soo great thank you very
> > much in advance
> > > *gary*
> > >

Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Dusty

ohh ye, i have my andre the giant has a
posse sticker front and center
7'4" 520LBS

"pronounced with and usty"[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I think you should get a crummy black and white
> picture of issac and put it
> on the stickers and have them say "Isaac Brock
> Has a Posse"...
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:59 PM
> Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper
> > hey everyone the other day my dad bought home
> some really cool sticker
> paper
> > from work and i was like hey i could make
> mouse stickers and stick em all
> > over long island and everyone would be like
> whos modest mouse
> > anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool
> image they could send me via
> > email that doesnt contain a photo as my
> printer sucks and wont print
> photos
> > on sticker paper so somethign with the name
> and maybe a cool geometric
> design
> > or something would be soo great thank you very
> much in advance
> > *gary*
> >

Re: [MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread kenneld

I think you should get a crummy black and white picture of issac and put it
on the stickers and have them say "Isaac Brock Has a Posse"...

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: sticker paper

> hey everyone the other day my dad bought home some really cool sticker
> from work and i was like hey i could make mouse stickers and stick em all
> over long island and everyone would be like whos modest mouse
> anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool image they could send me via
> email that doesnt contain a photo as my printer sucks and wont print
> on sticker paper so somethign with the name and maybe a cool geometric
> or something would be soo great thank you very much in advance
> *gary*

[MMouse]: new modest mouse boy/monkeys getting tampons inserted in their mouths

2000-06-21 Thread norske ho

there's a new modest mouse boy that should be on the hotboys list today. 
his name is patrick and he's one of my three best friends in the whole wide
world.  he's a total cutie too so you better vote for him ;) 
also, to the person that asked about monkeys getting tampons inserted in
their mouths..i was just referring to the treatment of animals in
testing/research labs and what kind of crazy shit happens to them.
- amy

[MMouse]: sticker paper

2000-06-21 Thread Spazedog00

hey everyone the other day my dad bought home some really cool sticker paper 
from work and i was like hey i could make mouse stickers and stick em all 
over long island and everyone would be like whos modest mouse
anyway i was wondering if anyoen had a cool image they could send me via 
email that doesnt contain a photo as my printer sucks and wont print photos 
on sticker paper so somethign with the name and maybe a cool geometric design 
or something would be soo great thank you very much in advance 

[MMouse]: some slick new shit

2000-06-21 Thread Dusty

hey chaps, has a new poster, modest
2000 tour poster, i didnt see it at any of the
shows, but what ev, its nice looks like 2 color
print, highway system type thing. somebody wanna
pick me up one while youre at it?

"just 2 socks rolled up in a ball"

[MMouse]: it's a song!

2000-06-21 Thread Dave

and did anyone else notice that the weird, woozy-folky bit that comes at the 
end of "tiny cities made of ash" is hidden? If you're listening to the CD on 
random, you'll never hear it... you have to listen from "tiny cities" to 
"the cold part" to hear it. I think I've seen that before.

This bit is part of a whole song on way earlier versions of the M&A. I don't know if 
it's got a name, but i call it "roof of my mouth".  It's such a kool song, but it 
really doesn't fit the album, although i wish it was on there.
i'd love to mp3 it or whatever, but i dunno how, and i don't think I have the 

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

[MMouse]: My thoughts exactly

2000-06-21 Thread Christian A. Cundari

I was unable to put my feelings about M&A into words until I read this:


It hits the nail right on the friggin' head.



[MMouse]: TM&A Shockwave Ad

2000-06-21 Thread George ?

FYI: You can download a little shockwave advertisement for "The Moon & 
Antarctica" at It's pretty dumb, but kinda neat 

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

[MMouse]: Re: influences

2000-06-20 Thread Starrosencrans

in speaking with isaac once, he mentioned he really liked shudder to think 
when i brought them up.
eric is a big fan of the red house painters. isaac is not.

just a couple o' things that popped up.  and of course, being a fan of one 
band certainly doesn't make them a direct musical influence (hard-pressed to 
find any strong mouse-rhp correlations, fer example).



2000-06-20 Thread Bagel808


I know this is incredibly random but...does anyone know the words to the 
archers of loaf song "web in front" where it sounds like "youre the buck in 
my lip, the lash my lie?"  i haven no idea and really wanna know


[MMouse]: another review

2000-06-20 Thread kenneld

From (a online music/movie/video game 
retailer). They usually seem to take their music section seriously, as they do 
cocert reviews and lots of features and interviews an such. Anyways, their album 
of the year for 1999 was Pavement's Terror Twilight, to which they gave a 9 out 
of 10.

Modest Mouse - The Moon & Antarctica 
10 out of 10
Just when you think so-called modern rock has hit absolute bottom, something 
comes along that single-handedly yanks the genre from the wallow of its own 
fetid by-product and offers a life-changing experience in the process. And so it 
goes with Modest Mouse and their unassuming little 15-track opus The Moon 
& Antarctica. Everything about it -- the artwork, the colors, and, of 
course, the music -- renders meaning where the empty spaces had been. 

Easily the Gen-X equivalent to Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde and the 
yang to Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream yin, the enigmatic Modest Mouse 
quietly roars with profound, yet simple, lyrics injected with layers and layers 
of all manner of guitars to create moods, sculpt rhythms and turn the wheels in 
heart and head. For three guys from Issaquah, Washington (vocalist/guitarist 
Isaac Brock, bassist Eric Judy and drummer Jeremiah Green), they transmit more 
melodic revelations per square inch than most bands with twice as many bodies 
can project in their entire careers. In fact, never has the "less-is-more" adage 
been so spot-on. Brock's vocals assume and convey countless emotional nuances 
without compromising the genuine rock ethic, which underlies such diverse 
alignments as the alt country twang and spaceland drift of "Perfect Disguise" or 
the Lou Reed lilt and Pink Floyd anguish of "Alone Down There." 
But Brock isn't the only star around which The Moon revolves, though 
his acoustic and electric guitar work is never anything less than spectacularly 
skillful (and we're not talkin' wanking either). Judy and Green maximize 
the bass and drums as creators of the atmospheric rather than for their rhythmic 
faculties alone, as in "Gravity Rides Everything" and "The Cold Part." As 
interpretive and abstract as its title suggests, The Moon & 
Antarctica is an exploratory trip through the gray matter between your ears, 
insisting by way of its very eloquence and tough beauty that you actively listen 
and think. You'll be surprised by your own intelligence when contemplating the 
universal truths illuminated in searing music and words like "No one really 
knows the ones they love/If you knew everything they thought/I bet that you'd 
wish that they'd just shut up" (from "Lives") or "I'm gonna look out the window 
of my color TV/I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me" (from "A 
Different City"). 
And so it goes with the entire terrain of The Moon & Antarctica, 
casting shadow and light, cutting sharp and gliding smooth, highlighting the 
bizarre within the commonplace and underscoring the normal within the surreal. 
Moment for moment, there's not a more significant collection of songs to spend 
your life with, and it's the discovery of The Moon & Antarctica in 
the modern rock wasteland that makes the journey worth taking. 

[MMouse]: Onion Review

2000-06-20 Thread kenneld

Here's The Onion's review of the new album. Like 
pretty-much every review I've read, it seems positive, but it also seems like 
they just don't know what to say, like someone else pointed out. I guess 
that's cool that they're (still) such a confusing band:
Modest MouseThe Moon & 
Antarctica(Epic)Every once 
in a while, in an effort to appear cutting-edge and daring, major record labels 
fall all over themselves trying to sign volatile, prolific, inconsistent, 
willfully uncommercial bands to long-term record deals. The trend dates back 
decades, but as Royal Trux will tell you, the results can fail miserably. That, 
of course, didn't stop Epic from sinking serious cash into Modest Mouse, which 
has spent its career dogged by rumors, rap sheets, and creative inconsistency. 
Just in case fans were worried that the big time would smooth out the edges of 
the group's brash, jerky sound, The Moon & Antarctica may be its 
weirdest record yet. A sort of concept album about cold and distant 
places--creepy sound effects and odd nods to science and space abound--these 15 
songs rarely settle into one place for long, opening with the characteristically 
potent "3rd Planet" before veering off into weird cacophony, jarring interludes, 
mellow meanderings, and general tunelessness. What holds it all together, as 
always, is a strange sort of precision, lending lurching power to the strongest 
material, but The Moon & Antarctica's best moment may be its most 
amorphous. The album's nine-minute centerpiece, "The Stars Are Projectors," gets 
stranger and further removed from conventional rock arrangement as it goes 
along, incorporating swirling effects, stirring strings, and sweet acoustic 
guitar lines. It's the furthest thing from pop, and will likely be greeted with 
the furthest thing from pop success, but it sums up everything about Modest 
Mouse's exasperating, periodically brilliant racket. --Stephen 

Re: [MMouse]: moon & ant review at deadwinter

2000-06-20 Thread J to the R

You need an editor.

a kitten for you,

J. Tother

> hey kids-
> there is a review of the moon and antarctica at:
> amd/or
> just follow the links, its quite a long review.
> tell me what you think..
> word, blake b.
> p.s.  i find it nasty that the get up kids get graced with the chance
> to play 
> with a band so much higher than them.  yuck yuck yuck.  

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Re: [MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-20 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated 00-06-20 17:27:42 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Treepeople, Beatles, Talking Heads & Pixies are the
 only ones I can remember being mentioned (but then >>
Treepeople, of course, being an old DOug Martsch band...
speaking of, I was filling out an application at the Virgin Megastore today 
and a cute boy came up to the counter with the Moon & Antartica. I said, 
"That's a great album." and he said, "I'm not too into them, but my friend 
played it from me and it sounds so different. They don't sound like Built to 
Spill anymore."
What do you guys think?


[MMouse]: Link to radiohead songs

2000-06-20 Thread Drew Fortier

Ahh to the person who put the radiohead link up.. ahh it doesn't work.. can
you post it again... radiohead rocks


[MMouse]: verbage

2000-06-20 Thread Emogirl310

hey, maybe my attention span is too short, or the expnase of my vocabulary to 
small, but every time i read a M&A review i feel like the critics lose their 
points in their words 
like i'll read the review and afterward, i dont really know what ive just read
maybe its b/c MM is so diifferent that its hard to itterate their music 
its like the horrid question:  "Modest Mouse? who? well, who/ what do they 
sound like?" 

[MMouse]: Dallas Show Broadcast on Wednesday

2000-06-20 Thread Zach_Douglas

I got the Dallas show I recorded down on my computer, and it sounds really
I am planning on shoutcasting it tmr if anyone wants to tune in and give it
a listen.  

I am planning on starting the broadcast at 10:00 in the morning, CST.  You
can tune in with winamp (yay) or RealPlayer (b) from:  or put in the IP number:

I haven't decided whether to broadcast just the songs, or the entire show
with all
the talking, Isaac getting sick, etc.  Any opinions?

I'll play various live tracks on request if u email me while I'm here at
work controlling the shoutcast long distance. 

If anyone doesn't know how to use winamp or RP to listen to shoutcast
stations, let me know and I will help you out. 

Z a c h

[MMouse]: moon & ant review at deadwinter

2000-06-20 Thread Footsteps0

hey kids-
there is a review of the moon and antarctica at:

just follow the links, its quite a long review.
tell me what you think..
word, blake b.

p.s.  i find it nasty that the get up kids get graced with the chance to play 
with a band so much higher than them.  yuck yuck yuck.  

[MMouse]: Influences

2000-06-20 Thread Philip Smoker

"i have been meaning to ask, what bands (or movies,
books, etc) are the bands influences?"

Treepeople, Beatles, Talking Heads & Pixies are the
only ones I can remember being mentioned (but then
that's from an interview that I just read today, which
was linked from a review of the new record that
someone posted to the list today...)

For the rest of the interview, click here:

does anybody here remember laughter?

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[MMouse]: rollingstone?

2000-06-20 Thread Dustin Summers

i dunno if this link was posted already or what but here is the
rolling stone review of the moon. 3.5 stars, i think thats what 
they gave LCW way back when.
Up to this point, the Washington-state indie-rock trio
Modest Mouse has been captivated by the minutiae of
daily life. Now, as the title of their fourth album
suggests, they've gone macrocosmic. Moving beyond
the enclosed landscapes of 1997's The Lonesome
Crowded West, the band and producer Brian Deck
boldly roam from the homegrown country licks of "Wild
Packs of Family Dogs" to the otherworldly strings of
"The Cold Part" on their new album. What is lost in
warm immediacy is gained in eclectic cool: On "Tiny
Cities Made of Ashes," the band fractures its funky beat
into abstract percussive art. Singer-guitarist Isaac Brock
still sounds as earthy as dirt behind his veil of vocal
effects when he observes, "The world is my ashtray/Our
hearts pump dust/And our hair's all gray." With The
Moon and Antarctica -- a place where "the universe is
shaped exactly like the Earth" ("3rd Planet") -- Modest
Mouse show they can find microscopic humanity even
within the most expansive spaces. (RS 844/845) 


ok so, i am absolutely blown over by the last little part
of "The cold part"- "i stepped down as president of antartica."
dont ask me why, that song as a whole is definitly one of my
least favorite songs that the mouse has put out. But that damn
line maybe my favorite section of the whole album. 

"shes younger. shes 15"

[MMouse]: Re: fiver

2000-06-20 Thread Ashod23

If Fiver blows up all big I'll be the happiest kid on the block. Their new record 
"Strings for Satellites" is effing rad.

>>>Its at 6pm @ Channel One (763 The Alameda / SJ/ 408-280-1001)
 and the bands playing are Creeper Lagoon, Fiver, The Contrail, Mates of
 State. and Bunkbed.  and its FREE!!!  so go, itll be great.  youll all be
 able to up your indie cred.  and the last indie show we had, bright eyes
 played, and they werent all that big then, so think of who you might see here
 thatll blow up all big and whatnot.

Re: [MMouse]: random things

2000-06-20 Thread George ?

The Pixies? Leonard Cohen? Pavement? Beat Happening?

>From: One Hundred Watt Warlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: random things
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 10:53:30 -0700 (PDT)
> > M&A Vinyl - I paid about $18 for it at a local record
> > store.  I'm not
> > sure why it's more for vinyl than the CD, although I do have
> > to say the quality of the vinyl is good, better than UP!'s.
>i have no idea for sure, just a theory but i would assume it's
>because [in this day and age] CD's are CHEAP to manufacture
>(demand is high) and vinyl is more expensive to manufacture
>(demand is lower), also less lp's will be produced than cd's.
>i love fugazi and documentaries (esp. on music, i will watch
>anything to do with music, even sucky music, hence my addiction
>to Behind the music, i can't even turn it to VH1 or else i'll be
>stuck there all day) so i loved instrument. that 8th grade girl
>interviewing them was great! i hope one day she realizes how
>f***ing lucky she was.
>Woody Allen:
>i watched that AFI top comedy films thing on tv with my mom and
>i was surprised at how many of his movies were on there. Annie
>Hall and Sleeper didn't surprise me but there were like at least
>2 others on there that i'd never heard of and looked hysterical.
>looks like i'll be having my own little Woody Allen film fest
>soon. has anyone seen Small Time Crooks? it looks decent, it has
>Jon Lovitz in it, so it's gotta be worth the price of
> > From: "Jacob Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I think I read somewhere that MM were/are inspired by the
> > talking heads.
> > have the mouse ever done any/many covers by bands they were
> > influenced by? or otherwise?
>i have been meaning to ask, what bands (or movies, books, etc)
>are the bands influences? i keep hearing a lot of "post-punk"
>stuff in them  (esp. on the new album) like Wire and Joy
>Division, etc, but i was wondering who the bands heroes were,
>inspired them to start playing music, know what i mean? where
>can i find this info???
>thanks, casey
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[MMouse]: random things

2000-06-20 Thread One Hundred Watt Warlock

> M&A Vinyl - I paid about $18 for it at a local record
> store.  I'm not
> sure why it's more for vinyl than the CD, although I do have
> to say the quality of the vinyl is good, better than UP!'s.  

i have no idea for sure, just a theory but i would assume it's
because [in this day and age] CD's are CHEAP to manufacture
(demand is high) and vinyl is more expensive to manufacture
(demand is lower), also less lp's will be produced than cd's. 

i love fugazi and documentaries (esp. on music, i will watch
anything to do with music, even sucky music, hence my addiction
to Behind the music, i can't even turn it to VH1 or else i'll be
stuck there all day) so i loved instrument. that 8th grade girl
interviewing them was great! i hope one day she realizes how
f***ing lucky she was. 

Woody Allen:
i watched that AFI top comedy films thing on tv with my mom and
i was surprised at how many of his movies were on there. Annie
Hall and Sleeper didn't surprise me but there were like at least
2 others on there that i'd never heard of and looked hysterical.
looks like i'll be having my own little Woody Allen film fest
soon. has anyone seen Small Time Crooks? it looks decent, it has
Jon Lovitz in it, so it's gotta be worth the price of

> From: "Jacob Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think I read somewhere that MM were/are inspired by the 
> talking heads.


> have the mouse ever done any/many covers by bands they were 
> influenced by? or otherwise? 

i have been meaning to ask, what bands (or movies, books, etc)
are the bands influences? i keep hearing a lot of "post-punk"
stuff in them  (esp. on the new album) like Wire and Joy
Division, etc, but i was wondering who the bands heroes were,
inspired them to start playing music, know what i mean? where
can i find this info???
thanks, casey

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[MMouse]: new album

2000-06-20 Thread Bjorn Warloe

Ok so I know exactly why I don't like the new album as much as Interstate
8 TIALDFSWNTTA LCW or BNOOS.  I do like it, I am listening to it now but I
prefer the other albums except for the self titled ep with the fruit that
ate itself on it.  First off I made an extreme point of not listening to
the album before it came out, I also didn't pay attention to track
listings, cause I didn't want to know.  I had the ep on preorder from up
and I must say I was disappointed that night on the sun wasn't on the lp
cause I like it the best of songs on the ep.  I kinda like I came as a
rat, although I prefer the alternate title of Long walk off a short dock,
the problem with the song for me is simple though.  Does anyone else feel
when they hear this song that they have heard parts of it in songs of
various 70's bands?  I can't really put my finger on it but at the fist
change that guitar part sounds really familiar to me, plus the I don't
know but I've been told lyrics just amplify that feeling.  Ok now what I
don't like about this album.  What I loved about every other disc I got
was the way one of the songs would just get jammed into my head and I
would be singing it for a month or more.  I drove my tentmate crazy on
this one month snow camping trip a week after LCW was released because I
kept saying the words to Cowboy Dan, and Truckers atlas.  I also miss the
mouse that was willing to take a little more of a chance.  Like on Dog
Paddle where they all switch instruments, I think they just kind of grew
out of a lot of that unpolished improve stuff at their live shows.  So
anyway it is not that I don't think that some of the lyrics are good, it
is just that they don't strike a chord with me the way that the lyrics to
some of the other songs do.  Anyone else feel like they lived the
sleepwalking song that the mouse put lyrics to?  

Now that being said I am working on a 3 concert review of last weekend.  I
have now seen the mouse 12 times.  I still enjoyed the show I saw first
best but last weekend was 2, 3, and 4.  Anyone who was there saturday in
seattle saw the kind of energy that I saw for 2 hours at the first show I
saw during the awesome redition of cowboy dan.  I also loved the full on
stage sound saturday.  Normally when they bring another person in the
past, be it violin, moog, or guitar I have thought it fit poorly and
drowned issac but when their were like 7 people up there and it was still
working that was totally the shit.  I have been down on their live show
from fall 97 until I saw them last january at the crystal when I thought
hey they really seem to be coming back.  Well they are back and they are
fucking awesome.  Anyone on the list that missed this tour, go to the next
one the live show is happening again.


oh by the way my review of my weekend of mouse will be on
so check out the page and I will let you know when the review goes up.

Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...

2000-06-20 Thread Travis Mantha

I think that Life Like Weeds starts off a lot like the Talking Heads! I mean
pure Byrne.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...

> my girlfriend thought it sounded a lot like talking heads as well.  wierd.
> ~Blake Sinclair
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...
> > Hmm...nope, don't see it. "Don't worry about the Government" is one of
> favorite Talking Heads songs, I think its just instantly catchy, and
> Thin Walls" isn't very remarkable to me. But I guess maybe because I feel
> I've heard it before...I don't know...
> > Karina
> >
> > In a message dated Mon, 19 Jun 2000  9:04:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> "Jacob Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > << excuse me,
> >
> > but I forgot in my previous letter to say which song by the Talking
> i
> > thought of whilst listening to 'paper thin walls'  and i finally
> > it, which is: "Don't Worry About the Government"
> >
> > ok.
> >
> > discuss... and "Cc:" me a copy if you agree/disagree (reply to this), if
> you
> > ever so see fit..
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > --Jacob
> > 
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> >
> >  >>
> >
> >
> >

Re: [MMouse]: Various - hidden tracks, production, moshing, etc...

2000-06-20 Thread George Booze

>From: Philip Smoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 07:24:02 -0700 (PDT)
>First things first:
>When listening to the new album, I've noticed that it
>sounds like the boys lifted a guitar loop from the end
>of "Dark Center of the Universe" as part of the
>opening to "Gravity Rides."  If you play track 3
>followed by track 2, you'll hear that the very last
>guitar sound in "Dark Center," which is a note whose
>pitch is bent down and then back up to the original
>tone, is the foundation for the beginning of "Gravity
>Rides," with some percussive elements added by
>Jeremiah over that particular guitar noise (sticks
>tapping the rim of the snare, sounds like to me).
>This was something I noticed quite some time ago and
>keep forgetting to mention, it was a lot more obvious
>to me when the sequence of the album had "Dark Center"
>first and "Third Planet" third.

Also, you can hear "life like weeds" in the final minute or so of "I came as 
a rat"

and did anyone else notice that the weird, woozy-folky bit that comes at the 
end of "tiny cities made of ash" is hidden? If you're listening to the CD on 
random, you'll never hear it... you have to listen from "tiny cities" to 
"the cold part" to hear it. I think I've seen that before.

>Which brings me to another thought:
>How might this album have been different if "Dark
>Center" had opened it instead of "Third Planet" in the
>top slot?  I really think that "Third Planet" segued
>into "Perfect Disguise" much better than "Dark
>Center," but this is just my opinion, of course.
>Please contribute yr random thoughts to the forum.

This thought brings ME to another thought; I think a lot of the 
dissapointment with this album has to do with the fact that so many people 
heard it in other forms before it was released, and became attached to 
earlier, different versions of songs. In all honesty, I don't think it has 
anything to do with the album versions of songs being better or worse than 
"beta" versions (doesn't get much nerdier than that), I just think people 
just get attached to what they hear first. For example, I never heard any 
old versions of "Dark Center...", which I'd heard were far superior to the 
album version. Well, I downloaded a live version and the version from the 
Japanese EP, and I don't think either one compares to the album version. 
Just a thought... Makes me glad I didn't hear the album before-hand.

>I'm also curious as to how these songs can come off as
>"uninspired" to some people, especially when the band
>has been playing some of these songs live for almost
>two years.  Again, just my opinion, but is it possible
>that people are finding the big production sound to be
>too sterile, and suddenly they think less of the songs
>because of the way they sound?  I guess I just don't
>understand why some people are having such a hard time
>enjoying this album, there seems to be some kind of
>mental block attributed to clean sound and multiple
>overdubs.  Granted, during the first few listens there
>are so many new sounds to soak up and contemplate, but
>I really believe that this one will grow on you, as it
>has for me.  It seems that the more I hear it, the
>more I find new elements to the songs that I didn't
>immediately recognize before.  And I can't get over
>just how heavy "Stars Are Projectors" is, I mean I
>heard it live about a year ago, but on the album it
>just sounds so full and meaty.  *swoon*

I don't understand it either; this album is very produced as far as layering 
and effects, but one of the things that is so amazing about it is that it's 
NOT sterile; the album still has a very gritty and raw feel to it, much like 
old Modest Mouse. If you want an example of "sterile" production hurting an 
album, check out Pavement's "Terror Twilight". Believe it or not actually, I 
think "The Lonesome Crowded West" sounds slicker than "The Moon & 
Antarctica"; that's why I've never liked it as much as "Long Drive". "TM&A" 
seems, in my mind, to regain the  dark, mean vibe of "Long Drive".

>Re: moshing at concerts
>I think moshing was a lot more interesting to me when
>I wasn't so concerned with actually watching the
>musicians play onstage.  I think there's nothing more
>communal than a good group pogo, especially if
>Pavement is closing their encore in Towson last
>September with 

[MMouse]: trembling blue stars

2000-06-20 Thread Robert Perry

anyone know anything about the trembling blue stars?
i came across them at borders last night and saw they're on subpop.
so they can't be that bad, right?
amazon has a brief review. sad music and the like.
i must say i'm a sucker for sad music (bedhead, elliott smith, yo la tengo,
so before i fork over the dough i was hoping for some opinions from the

[MMouse]: Music

2000-06-20 Thread JessesSecret

when listening to music. sometimes the tunes ound SO familiar its weird 
anyone get that. like they are beats you have known since you were little?

[MMouse]: new radiohead songs

2000-06-20 Thread steven hahnel

i dont know who on this list is into radiohead or not, but i came across a
site that has a few, new live songs on it. go to this url, scroll down to
the bottom where it says 'Concert enregistr le 17 juin 2000 Frejus,' and
there you will see a live show with scattered new songs. now, theyre
listed as .zip files, but theyre not zips. if you want to save them, right
click on the link go to 'save link as' and rename the file as a .mp3.

the new ones are: optimistic, morning bell, dollars & cents, national
anthem, in limbo, everything in it's right place & knives out.

keep in mind, these are live the quality is sketchy at
points. if you dont want to taint your radiohead experience, id say to
hold out for the real album.

there ya go. dont say i never did anything for ya. although, if this was
posted before and i missed it, sorry.


[MMouse]: .weezer.

2000-06-20 Thread jacqueline.

assuming this happened, who would headline the tour? i
am assuming weezer. If 
I ever saw Weezer open for the Get Up Kids, I'd cry.
and not tears of joy...mer.

  Shed no tears.  Weezer headlines.  If Weezer were to
open i would think it would be extremely odd.  I
remember when No Doubt opened for weezer, i thought it
was weird at that time, because that was when Do Doubt
was just beginning to make a name ofr themselves.
 ...i'm planning on getting more dirt on this whol
tour ordeal by thursday.

.i guess this is what it's like to be really down, and holding out for something.

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[MMouse]: I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down

2000-06-20 Thread Philip Smoker

First things first:

When listening to the new album, I've noticed that it
sounds like the boys lifted a guitar loop from the end
of "Dark Center of the Universe" as part of the
opening to "Gravity Rides."  If you play track 3
followed by track 2, you'll hear that the very last
guitar sound in "Dark Center," which is a note whose
pitch is bent down and then back up to the original
tone, is the foundation for the beginning of "Gravity
Rides," with some percussive elements added by
Jeremiah over that particular guitar noise (sticks
tapping the rim of the snare, sounds like to me). 
This was something I noticed quite some time ago and
keep forgetting to mention, it was a lot more obvious
to me when the sequence of the album had "Dark Center"
first and "Third Planet" third.  

Which brings me to another thought:
How might this album have been different if "Dark
Center" had opened it instead of "Third Planet" in the
top slot?  I really think that "Third Planet" segued
into "Perfect Disguise" much better than "Dark
Center," but this is just my opinion, of course. 
Please contribute yr random thoughts to the forum.

I'm also curious as to how these songs can come off as
"uninspired" to some people, especially when the band
has been playing some of these songs live for almost
two years.  Again, just my opinion, but is it possible
that people are finding the big production sound to be
too sterile, and suddenly they think less of the songs
because of the way they sound?  I guess I just don't
understand why some people are having such a hard time
enjoying this album, there seems to be some kind of
mental block attributed to clean sound and multiple
overdubs.  Granted, during the first few listens there
are so many new sounds to soak up and contemplate, but
I really believe that this one will grow on you, as it
has for me.  It seems that the more I hear it, the
more I find new elements to the songs that I didn't
immediately recognize before.  And I can't get over
just how heavy "Stars Are Projectors" is, I mean I
heard it live about a year ago, but on the album it
just sounds so full and meaty.  *swoon*

Something else I don't understand about the kids
Why all this negativity about twin billings like
Weezer and the Get Up Kids?  These are two bands who
specialize in power pop/rock, one whose lyrics are
more personal and one whose lyrics are not.  I really
don't see what is so hard to understand about them
playing together on a tour.  Now if you're pairing Cat
Power and Cock ESP, I can see yr query, but two bands
with catchy distorted riffs and pogoing peeps?  I'm of
the belief that Weezer might be trying to reach a
different audience with this new release (or maybe the
same audience in a different place, if you know what I
mean.  Considering that "Pinkerton" had disappointing
sales in Geffen's eyes, perhaps the band is attempting
to get in touch with the people who are most likely to
still be dedicated fans, like the kids who are
listening to bands that are largely influenced by
Weezer and other power pop/rock acts.  And if the Get
Up Kids are seeking exposure on MTV via 120 Minutes,
wouldn't it make sense for them to play with a band
who was once an MTV darling?  If you ask me, Reggie
and the Full Effect's "Girl, Why'd You Run Away" was
by far the best Weezer song since Weezer themselves.  

And that, my friends, is a very good thing.

Re: moshing at concerts
I think moshing was a lot more interesting to me when
I wasn't so concerned with actually watching the
musicians play onstage.  I think there's nothing more
communal than a good group pogo, especially if
Pavement is closing their encore in Towson last
September with "You're Killing Me," "Conduit For
Sale!," and finally "Unfair."  I think it's great to
be able to jump up into the air and bump into yr buddy
ME!!!"  But moshing?  Do you we really have that much
pent-up rage and angst to spare at a Modest Mouse
concert?  Whatever happened to just jumping up and
down instead of needing to run into people?  And more
importantly, who here wants to show their age and tell
me they actually remember SLAM dancing?  Now THAT was
entertainment.  *sigh*  Where are my salad days?

To those making Talking Heads comparisons, I think the
only portion of "Paper Thin Walls" that reminds me of
them is during the verses when Jeremiah is hitting a
pair of agogo bells while playing a rather busy beat. 
Can someone else cite more examples?  I like the fact
that the Talking Heads used a lot of percussion in
their songs.  If percussion and drums are yr thing,
might I recommend the album "Boomerang" by the
Creatures.  Schweet stuff.  

Some other random recommendations:
- June of 44 - "In the Fishtank" - 
If you were disappointed with "Anahata," then pick
this up and relive the magic.  Their best in years.  
- Hot Snakes - "Automatic Midnight" - 
Bought this on multiple recommendations, and I was not
disappointed.  Gritty, loud a

[MMouse]: Bright Eyes Tour Dates

2000-06-20 Thread Drew Fortier

>--- MESSAGE modestmouse.v001.n985.5 ---

>Subject: bright eyes
>Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 23:23:01 EDT
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>a yeah. new bright eyes dates:

>Sat-Jul-15 Dallas, TX @ Gypsy Ballroom w/ Grandaddy

>Sun-Jul-16 Austin, TX @ Emo's w/ Grandaddy

>Mon-Jul-17 OFF 

>Tue-Jul-18 Athens, GA @ 40 Watt w/ Grandaddy

>Wed-Jul-19 Carrboro, NC @ GO Studios w/ Grandaddy

>Thu-Jul-20 Washington, DC @ Metro Cafe w/ Grandaddy

>Fri-Jul-21New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom  w/ Grandaddy

>Sat-Jul-22 Boston, MA @ Middle East (up) w/ Grandaddy

>Sun-Jul-23 Philadelphia, PA @ Khyber w/ Grandaddy

>Mon-Jul-24 OFF

>Tue-Jul-25 Toronto, ONT @ Horseshoe Tavern w/ Grandaddy

>Wed-Jul-26 Detroit, MI @ Magic Stick w/ Grandaddy

>Thu-Jul-27 Chicago, IL @ Double Door  w/ Grandaddy

>Fri-Jul-28 Minneapolis, MN @ 400 Bar w/ Grandaddy

>Saturday 07/29/00 Omaha, NE @ Sokol Hall (13th and Martha) w/ Grandaddy

I am a little behind on the list, but was I ever surprised about the toronto
Date for Bright Eyes... that makes me so giddy with something.  Just when I
thought the Toronto Music seen was going to get lamer... we get some talent
coming threw here, and man it looks like it is the only canadian date
Man.. so yeah thanks again to whoever posted this.!!!


[MMouse]: Re: weezer / the mouse / kscu

2000-06-20 Thread Cameron Collins

gawd, now i feel like such a commercial whore

[MMouse]: weezer / the mouse / kscu

2000-06-20 Thread Cameron Collins

ok, so im pissed cuz i just spent like 20 minutes writing an email and then it didnt 
go through because the network here sux and it wouldnt give me my text back. changed 
computers and im off again, but itll prolly be shorter and not as good.

first off, i went to the weezer / no doubt show in may '97 at the gorge.  it was 
awesome because weezer tore it up, but i left the pit when no doubt came on stage (all 
that coke she does just makes her a little too energetic for me, you know?).  so that 
was a good show and well worth the money!  They came back (weezer that is) in July '97 
too, that was a great show @ DV8.  With Ridell High and someone else.  oh yeah, and 
they were there in nov '96 too, or maybe it was oct, i dunno, but i missed the show 
cuz it sold out too fast, but they played that acoustic show in the cafeteria at 
shorecrest hs, that was broadcast live on the end (kndd) that is on the good life 
single and elsewhere.  that was cool.  so, weezer's been friendly to the NW, its too 
bad they wont be there on July 4, but ill still be here in cali at the show in SF 
watching weezer.  everyone should go check out stunt monkey too, they're awesome.  
good guys too. 

ok, to the mouse.  this isnt really about the mouse exactly, but yet another rant 
about santa cruz.  so i was back down there for a show tonite, and i was outraged.  
for reasons you might not realize though.  I went down for the stroke 9 show cuz ive 
met them a few times and they're good guys, yet people were moshing to stroke 9, how 
ridiculous...  it got violent too, a circle, a fist fight.  how can you mosh to them 
yet not mosh to the mouse?  i guess all those 15 year old girls are just more 
rambunctious, cuz they all wanted to oggle the band.  it was pretty bad.  any how, ill 
leav santa cruz alone until i see another show doen there, but who knows when that 
will be, no good shows are linep up at this point.  

and, now to all those folks in the bay area, heres a message for you...
on this Saturday, the 24th, theres another KSCU listeners appreciation party, and 
since we seem to switch off indie, punk, indie, punk... its time for indie again.  Its 
at 6pm @ Channel One (763 The Alameda / SJ/ 408-280-1001) and the bands playing are 
Creeper Lagoon, Fiver, The Contrail, Mates of State. and Bunkbed.  and its FREE!!!  so 
go, itll be great.  youll all be able to up your indie cred.  and the last indie show 
we had, bright eyes played, and they werent all that big then, so think of who you 
might see here thatll blow up all big and whatnot.  so, im done pluggin, adios.

- Cameron

Re: [MMouse]: new sunny day

2000-06-20 Thread JessesSecret

the new sunny day. well every cd that i have ever got starting from diary 
i did not like till i gave it some time. and with hiftbso lots of people 
didnt like it at first but in time they liked it. track 5 "snibes" gives me 
chills. sdre always does that. i cant wait for them to come. normally when 
they play everyone just stands there mouth open. they are really good live. 
ok thats my bit on the new sdre
my ears are deaf i saw boy sets fire tonight. and in Arizona and in a 
basement? not a good combo. it was SO hot.
 ... im tired.. jesse

Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...

2000-06-20 Thread Blake

my girlfriend thought it sounded a lot like talking heads as well.  wierd.

~Blake Sinclair
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...

> Hmm...nope, don't see it. "Don't worry about the Government" is one of my
favorite Talking Heads songs, I think its just instantly catchy, and "Paper
Thin Walls" isn't very remarkable to me. But I guess maybe because I feel
I've heard it before...I don't know...
> Karina
> In a message dated Mon, 19 Jun 2000  9:04:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
"Jacob Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> << excuse me,
> but I forgot in my previous letter to say which song by the Talking Heads
> thought of whilst listening to 'paper thin walls'  and i finally found
> it, which is: "Don't Worry About the Government"
> ok.
> discuss... and "Cc:" me a copy if you agree/disagree (reply to this), if
> ever so see fit..
> thanks.
> --Jacob
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
>  >>

Re: [MMouse]: pardon me...

2000-06-19 Thread Slackathon

Hmm...nope, don't see it. "Don't worry about the Government" is one of my favorite 
Talking Heads songs, I think its just instantly catchy, and "Paper Thin Walls" isn't 
very remarkable to me. But I guess maybe because I feel I've heard it before...I don't 

In a message dated Mon, 19 Jun 2000  9:04:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Jacob Parker" 

<< excuse me,

but I forgot in my previous letter to say which song by the Talking Heads i 
thought of whilst listening to 'paper thin walls'  and i finally found 
it, which is: "Don't Worry About the Government"


discuss... and "Cc:" me a copy if you agree/disagree (reply to this), if you 
ever so see fit..



Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


Re: [MMouse]: Encores and the Mouse

2000-06-19 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated Mon, 19 Jun 2000  1:41:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Neil Johnston 

And just for the record. Encores are gay. I hate them. 

They like K.D. Lang and Cher. Encores like to dance to deep house music in hot sweaty 
clubs with thier shirts off. They often know quite a bit about fashion and interior 
design. Male encores are known for thier high pitched voices and for using the word, 
"Fabulous!". Female encores are known for thier bad haircuts and flannel shirts. 
Unless, of course, we are talking about Lipstick Encores...

the kids these days and thier slang...


Re: [MMouse]: .weezer.

2000-06-19 Thread A764Hero

In a message dated 6/19/00 3:38:21 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< Does anyone when weezer opened for no doubt?  i will never understand such 
Ahh, i remember that...
They played here at Red Rocks Amphitheater and it rained for the whole Weezer 
set, so it was really short and wet.  Tickets were too much to begin with, 
and then we only got to hear a few songs.  We didn't even stay for No was a kind of disappointing event.  Hopefully they will come again 
and headline, and I think The Get Up Kids would be great to see as 
well...however, I dont know how I feel about those two bands together...

boulder co

remember to remember to forget you forgot me

Re: [MMouse]: Shaft

2000-06-19 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated Mon, 19 Jun 2000  9:25:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< him a favor.  i think 
he's going to win an academy award for this role, but he's going to have 
pretty tough competition from jason biggs in "boys and girls".

Word to that! Feel good film of the year. I can't get enuff of wack Robert Iscove 
films and thier cr-azy choreographed dance scenes!


[MMouse]: Great Write Up

2000-06-19 Thread Pandomag Dotcom

Here's a great review of the Moon and Antarctica with links to an archive 
interview with Isaac.  Spread the word:

[MMouse]: Re: Saturday nite in Seattle

2000-06-19 Thread Caitlin Poliak

yeah, i don't know what you all were bitching about, but califone was really
good.  maybe a bit low key, yes, but who cares.  and the show was awesome.
the best part was isaac's random lecture about electricity and water
(prompted by the massive amount of his sweat that was dripping onto all the
cords at his feet and fucking things up).  i couldn't hear it all too well
though cause i was all the way on the left side - good view but semi-shitty
sound.  anyways, i don't need to ramble.


> From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Saturday nite in Seattle
> Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:56:12 -0700
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Saturdays show was so much better than Fridays
> the entire story:

[MMouse]: pardon me...

2000-06-19 Thread Jacob Parker

excuse me,

but I forgot in my previous letter to say which song by the Talking Heads i 
thought of whilst listening to 'paper thin walls'  and i finally found 
it, which is: "Don't Worry About the Government"


discuss... and "Cc:" me a copy if you agree/disagree (reply to this), if you 
ever so see fit..



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