[mou-net] Veterans Park-Richfield

2012-04-30 Thread Stefanie Moss
Northern Oriole, Warbling Vireo, Palm Warbler, Ovenbird(heard only) and
Sora.  Generally fairly quiet though.

Ramsey County

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Re: [mou-net] Rusty Blackbird

2012-04-13 Thread Stefanie Moss
I imagine the Rusty Blackbird in the Showcase hasn¹t quite worn off a few of
its rusty fringe feathers-I¹ve seen Red-wings also with rusty tips.  Other
birds (English Sparrows for instance) achieve their black bibs as the white
fringes  abrade exposing them.  Others will know more than I but that would
be my guess.

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[mou-net] Merlin

2012-04-05 Thread Stefanie Moss
Saw a Merlin zip by along Prospect Blvd. in West St. Paul today.  Usually I
see a few of these through the winter months, but this is the first one I¹ve
seen since last fall.  Otherwise, this seems like a rather poor excuse for a
migration.  Very few birds, very few species.

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Re: [mou-net] Behavior around roosting owls

2012-02-27 Thread Stefanie Moss
I'm so tired of this.  It happens again and again and every time we're told
it's just a rogue individual and we should all keep posting all our
sightings.  Obviously its a really big problem.  Birders say they love birds
but really they just love seeing them.  They love them like a philanderer
loves women.  


On 2/27/12 9:11 PM, "Andy Forbes"  wrote:

> Today I was fortunate to get to see the roosting N. Saw-whet Owl at the
> Dodge Nature Center. What is unfortunate is that I could tell where it was
> long before I could even see the trees that it was in. There was a large
> group of people talking loudly, less than 10ft. from the owl. What is worse
> is that some of these people were moving branches and even shaking the tree
> to get shots of the bird with its' eyes open.
> I appreciate that owls are beautiful birds and it is hard not to get
> excited about them. Keep in mind though that this bird is trying to SLEEP.
> Let's hope that the owl doesn't leave this roost tree because of this
> harassment. Not only would that be bad for others that would like to see it
> that haven't, but it may move to less suitable location and end up being
> dinner for a Great Horned Owl or something else.
> I beg future visitors to PLEASE use restraint around this - and other -
> roosting birds! Keep a respectful distance, keep noise to a minimum, use
> common sense. This type of harassment is not only unethical, it is also
> illegal.
> Andrew Forbes, Burnsville, Dakota cty.
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[mou-net] Bluebirds

2012-02-22 Thread Stefanie Moss
Observed a pair of bluebirds at Fort Snelling State Park at the roadside
before one reaches the parking lots and visitor center/gift shop at the road
terminus.  I notice there are some  nest boxes a little further from the
road so presumably these birds are claiming territory.


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[mou-net] Owls and Creepers and Zombies (oh my)

2012-02-02 Thread Stefanie Moss
My friend Dave called me at 9:00 pm on Tuesday and demanded we look for the
winter carnival medallion.  Said he knew where it was.  Didn¹t find it
although I believe we walked past it a few times. While waiting for the
final clue in Tony Schmidt park, we heard a Barred Owl calling though.
Highlight of the night.
A previous post made mention of Creepers.  These seem to be very numerous as
of late.  I find them reliably at the MN Valley NWR just east of the
headquarters if anyone is interested.
Finally, I¹ve been immersed in TPT¹s Capture Minnesota and can¹t help but
notice that birds are very popular.  This being the case, it seems odd that
the MOU is isn¹t more popular and financially sound.  In my coffee-fueled
delirium while searching for the medallion it occurred to me that we need an
advertising campaign.  I suppose a Super Bowl spot is out but what about an
MTC bus?  I envision a procession of Zombies, carrying limbs and looking
un-kept as Zombies do.  But the last Zombie is tilting his head as if
listening to something.  He clutches a pair of binoculars.  The tag line
says Birding...a hobby to last a lifetime..or maybe a little longer.
Then the MOU web site is listed.  Everyone gets the MN volunteer; why not
the LOON?

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[mou-net] Correction

2011-11-11 Thread Stefanie Moss
Sorry.  I meant ³Randolph² Industrial Park.

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[mou-net] Late Dickcissel

2011-11-11 Thread Stefanie Moss
Late Dickcissel at Ramsey Industrial Park this morning.  Also flocks of Snow
Buntings swirling about the ponds.

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Re: [mou-net] My last reply.

2011-11-04 Thread Stefanie Moss
I guess this is one of those things that each individual will have to
wrestle with.  One of the problems I see with habituating owls is that they
than become vulnerable.  I'm sure everyone has seen  road signs riddled with
buckshot- the result of boredom and  a gun I imagine.  So imagine now a
curious owl looking for a handout.
Just in the past year, we've had birders going off-road for a better look at
Rough-legged Hawks, birders assembling virtually on top of the location
thought to harbor nesting Blue Grosbeak(in spite of having  large telephoto
lenses) and, most recently, the Whooping Crane incident.  In each case the
original poster gave indications that thy wished they hadn't.
Each individual will do as they please.  Most things can probably be
reported without undue harm.  I would, however, be reluctant to post the
location of a nesting bird and no power on earth could get me to disclose
the location of say, a Black Rail should I find one.  I'd have visions of an
army of birders with tape recorders marching through the wetland until
finally it was relocated .. on the bottom of a boot.
Finally, there seems to be the notion(in some posts) that anyone finding a
bird is obligated to share that information and that, if they don't, it is
prima facie evidence of competitive selfishness.  There are other reasons
not to do so, and those reasons should be respected as well.


On 11/3/11 11:01 PM, "Fr. Paul Kammen"  wrote:

> I can see that Mike has some valid concerns about protecting owls, but I just
> respectfully disagree. Yes, there are some people who violate the rules, just
> as 
> this weekend people will violate private property to get a deer.
> I have a fondness for birds, but also really enjoy photography. I've invested
> in 
> equipment, have a web page, and am trying to take my hobby to the next
> level. As a birder, I have 9 feeders, and regularly go out to find all sorts
> of 
> birds, using this list as a key informational tool to visit different spots.
> Thanks 
> to MOU, I've found many great places to bird and go.
> Raptors are my favorite birds, and I love owls. I've only seen a hawk owl, saw
> whet owl and great horned owl - I'd like to see more of these birds. I realize
> people earn money as guides, and I hired one twice last year at Sax-Zim, but
> these are also public roads open for all to enjoy. I'm not sure the traffic on
> MOU but I'm guessing this list isn't as busy as the Drudge Report. I realize
> that 
> baiting a bird is a debatable topic, but my opinion on that is if it is such a
> bad 
> thing, or harmful to an owl, wouldn't the DNR make a law or regulation that
> says you can't do this? That's a separate post. I don't bring bait with me,
> just 
> my camera gear. I can't buy mice at the wild bird store, but I love hawks, and
> one could say having a group of birds around my feeder is in a sense baiting
> the red tail to have a chickadee for lunch.
> I live in the Twin Cities, and last spring a poster let me know about a great
> horned owl in a tree. I didn't get good photos, but would like to try again.
> He 
> was very specific, and I set up my tripod and camera below the tree, and there
> was no issue. 
> Frankly as I said, I'd find it quite frustrating if someone posted about an
> owl or 
> any bird but didn't want to give out any information on it's location - even
> if 
> unintended I'd almost take it as a gloat. I see this list as a place to share
> information, and think the best route is to ask people to use etiquette.
> Quite a lot of posts on this one and good discussion.
> Thanks,
> Fr. Paul
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[mou-net] WSJ Editorial

2011-09-29 Thread Stefanie Moss
Interesting editorial in today¹s  Wall Street Journal regarding differences
in the treatment of bird mortality incidental to the  Oil and Gas industry
as opposed to the Wind Energy industry.

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Re: [mou-net] Random thoughts regarding the showcase section of MOU.

2011-09-13 Thread Stefanie Moss
I surmise that the individual who posted multiple images on the showcase was
simply very excited to get these images and missed the fine print so to
speak.  I hope that he will continue to submit photos.  The more people we
have that are excited about birds and the MOU the better for all of us.

On 9/12/11 12:50 PM, "sc...@aol.com"  wrote:

> Hello all,
> As a frequent contributor to the showcase section of MOU, I wanted to share a
> few thoughts regarding recent activity/inactivity in that part of the MOU
> website.
> 1:  I don't believe the rules/guidelines for that section have changed.  A
> contribution of 1 image every 24 hour time period is the limit that the MOU
> has set.
> So, for example, to post six images in one day exceeds that limit...
> 2:  Any birders that are seduced into wandering into Wisconsin and happen to
> get some wonderful images of say a jaeger speciesdon't lament!  MOU has
> got you covered.  All you have to do is go the homepage of MOU, open
> "galleries", scroll down and open "photo gallery world", then post your sweet
> images
> of those elusive species in the Wisconsin section.  Then you can direct folks
> to go look there.  The two cool things about doing that are people get to see
> those images, and possible increased participation in that section of
> MOUsweet!!
> 3:  I encourage everyone to post images in the showcase section of MOU,
> regardless of wether or not someone else has recently posted the same species.
> For example, buff breasted sandpipers, can a person ever look at enough images
> of this species??!!!  I say no.  Fill the showcase section of MOU with images
> of buff breasted sandpipers.  The world will be a better place for it!
> Regards,
> Shawn Zierman.
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[mou-net] Sherburne

2011-08-12 Thread Stefanie Moss
Stopped by Sherburne refuge on the way back from a family gathering.(  The
light is horrible in the late afternoon on the auto route.  Best go in the
morning. ) That said, I did find two Gallinules paddling about at the water
control turnout (mile 2.5?).  Later drove to the sight reported by Betsy
Beneke with the Red-headed Woodpeckers.  I saw  one immediately after
turning in to the drive.  I was able to watch it hawk insects and did not
drive further so as not to disturb the birds.  I was happy to see one.  Time
was when you would see more dead along the roadside in a single day than you
can find in a decade now.  Probably not a good sign.

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[mou-net] 180th St.

2011-06-19 Thread Stefanie Moss
A drive along 180th St. in Dakota County turned up a pair of Lark Sparrows,
Gray Partridge (a single bird in the road) and ³the² Loggerhead Shrike.  As
I watched the latter fly from its perch on a power line, over cropland, to
land on an irrigation rig, I am left to wonder : If this represents suitable
habitat for Shrikes, why are there so few?


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[mou-net] Hooded warbler

2011-05-25 Thread Stefanie Moss
A few Hooded Warblers this morning at Murphy Hanrehan along trail 15.
Calling only intermittently.


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[mou-net] Connecticut Warbler

2011-05-04 Thread Stefanie Moss
Saw (and heard) a Connecticut Warbler this morning at the Old Cedar Ave.
Bridge in Hennepin Cty.  It was in the shrubbery about 50 yards from the
bridge and near the water. (Left side of the bridge as you approach it).


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[mou-net] Red-tailed Hawk

2011-05-03 Thread Stefanie Moss
Saw the Red-tailed Hawk on its nest at the SW corner of W. Isabel and
Winslow in St. Paul (in the White Pine).  This is at least the third year it
has nested here.

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[mou-net] Cardinal

2011-04-16 Thread Stefanie Moss
Found a cardinal on a nest with two eggs today in St. Paul.  

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[mou-net] Question

2011-02-27 Thread Stefanie Moss
My wife and daughter want to go to San Diego over spring break (mid March).
I have no particular interest in San Diego but might be persuaded if there
are birds to be seen.  Anybody know that area?  Thanks.

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[mou-net] Merlin

2011-02-11 Thread Stefanie Moss
Another day another Merlin.  Possibly the same bird I saw a week or so ago.
Today it took a sparrow from among the many that frequent the feed thrown
out for them at the office building on the Northwest corner of Plato and
Wabasha in St. Paul.

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[mou-net] Merlin

2011-01-25 Thread Stefanie Moss
Saw a Merlin (a very vocal Merlin) in St. Paul at the corner of west
Congress and Stryker this afternoon.

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Re: [mou-net] Unusual locations

2011-01-25 Thread Stefanie Moss
Yard: Red-Headed Woodpecker in my yard in St. Paul 2 years ago.  The first
one I've seen in about 10 years and the last place I'd expect one.
Cerulean Warblers in the backyard of my father's cabin in Stearns County
growing up.  They returned each summer for years.

Parking lot:  Peregrines every once in a while in St. Paul.

Work:  White-winged Crossbill.

Hotel:  I got nothing.

Other:  I once had a covey of Bob-white quail run through my legs-this at
Jamaica Bay in New York.

On 1/24/11 11:06 AM, "Pastor Al Schirmacher"

> Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning:  what is your favorite
> parking lot bird?  Got me thinking about unusual locations:
> * Parking lot:  Gray-crowned Rosy Finches in Cloquet, MN parking lot
> * Yard:  tie between Cattle Egret and Prairie Falcon, north of Princeton, MN
> * Work:  Lark Sparrow
> * Restaurant:  tie between BB Magpie & Golden Eagle
> * Hotel:  Black-throated Magpie-Jay (business trip in Mexico many years ago,
> probably not unusual for residents).
> How about you?
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
> pasto...@princetonfreechurch.net
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[mou-net] Showcase gulls

2011-01-09 Thread Stefanie Moss
I appreciate the winter gull photos that have appeared in the MOU showcase,
in particular the accompanying tutorials which explain why it is considered
what it is.  I don¹t get a chance to view many gulls and find these to be
I once bought a book on gull identification.  I made it to page 10 before I
couldn¹t take any more. ( Turns out it was just the thing for that pesky
couch leg though).
Anyway, thanks to those posting these images and texts.

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[mou-net] Longspur mea culpa

2011-01-02 Thread Stefanie Moss
I apologize for inadequacies regarding my previous post.  The longspurs were
seen at the MSP international airport.  They were at the north end  of the
airport  where 28th ave S ends in a T foraging along the roadside to the
west of the T.  They were seen early in the morning of the 1st.  Apparently
they are somewhat unusual in Hennepin County.  I was unaware of this.  In
any event, I am sorry for the lack of specifics in the original post and
will endeavor not to make the same mistake in the future.  I hope that they
can be relocated by those interested in seeing them.

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[mou-net] Longspurs

2011-01-01 Thread Stefanie Moss
Flock of about 15 Lapland Longspurs at the north end of the airport.
Nothing else of note.  Conditions less than ideal with gusty winds and poor

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[mou-net] Grackles

2010-12-28 Thread Stefanie Moss
My brother reported a number of grackles at his feeders this winter in Avon
This fall while driving north on I94 early one morning I witnessed a flight
of blackbirds of some ilk crossing in front of me.  They flew probably 30
abreast in a ribbon that snaked as far as the eye could see.  I¹ve never
seen anything like it.  I thought of the descriptions by Audubon of
Passenger Pigeons.  It was amazing.

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[mou-net] Flicker

2010-11-22 Thread Stefanie Moss
I saw a Northern Flicker feeding on hackberries today.  Haven¹t seen that

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[mou-net] You say potato

2010-10-23 Thread Stefanie Moss
After looking at the many jaeger photos being posted,  it seems to me that
one person¹s pomarine is another person¹s parasitic.  What am I missing?
Has Mr. Eckert had a ³second look²?  The photos are wonderful in any event.


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[mou-net] Rant

2010-08-29 Thread Stefanie Moss
I am a conservative, my wife is a liberal.  Her friends always ask ³How does
that work?²
Usually it does.  She doesn¹t let me listen to Rush Limbaugh, I don¹t let
her listen to Garrison Keillor.
The thing that really strains a marriage are cats.  She is pro cat(and so we
have three).  I hate them!!!
Every day (and I mean every day) I pick up slain bunnies and birds
(sparrows, thrushes, warblers).
I grow weary.  Should have gotten a pre-nup.

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Re: [mou-net] More wasted birder energy focused on a hunting issue (SHCR)

2010-07-26 Thread Stefanie Moss
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.  I would guess that indeed
most birders would oppose a crane hunt and- would like a public process to
express their opinion as well as to ask questions regarding the hunt.
As residents and tax payers, I believe they are entitled to expect as much.
In much the same way, I would imagine that if the DNR suddenly closed the
duck season, hunters such as yourself would oppose the move and would like
an opportunity to be heard on the issue. Just a guess.  There probably
aren't any biologically-based reasons to oppose the hunting of Cranes -or
Yellow Warblers (I hear they taste like chicken) but some might object.
Their opinions are no less valid than yours.

On 7/26/10 5:49 PM, "Eric Harrold"  wrote:

> I don't buy the notion that MOST birders objecting to the crane season on this
> forum are doing so because of perceived circumvention of the process by the
> DNR. Do they really think the DNR would propose a season or set bag limits
> that would seriously threaten breeding crane populations? I think this is a
> convenient position to claim that disguises the real motivation to prevent any
> hunting of cranes on the part of some folks. Otherwise, the voiced objections
> on here would contain more intelligent questions about crane populations and
> their distribution in the state where hunting has been proposed. Instead, all
> anyone has done is cry foul about the process. I asked the following question
> in one of my first posts on this subject: Does anyone have any
> biologically-based objections to the proposed harvest?
> Does the DNR or USFWS conduct many/any public hearings concerning waterfowl
> season? Few to my knowledge. The flyway councils appropriately have
> significant input on such proposed seasons and take positions that are
> biologically-based. the individuals making the policy decisions here are the
> best prepared to make such decisions and do so from a scientific perspective.
> Eric Harrold
> Urbana, IL
> --- On Mon, 7/26/10, Liz Stanley  wrote:
> From: Liz Stanley 
> Subject: Re: [mou-net] More wasted birder energy focused on a hunting issue
> (SHCR)
> Date: Monday, July 26, 2010, 1:18 PM
> I must have missed the part of the discussion that was anti-hunting. I
> thought the issue at hand was the lack of an open process for the decision
> made by the DNR. Discussing problems with the process, and debating the
> end result of it are two different things.
>> Folks,
>> Do yourselves and more importantly bird conservation a lot of good by
>> finding something more biologically meaningful to focus on rather than
>> whether 5 or 10 Sandhill Cranes are going to be killed by hunters in

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[mou-net] Sandhill cranes

2010-07-16 Thread Stefanie Moss
I just read today that there will be a hunting season for Sandhill Cranes in
Minnesota this year.  Guess I missed the public comment period.

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[mou-net] Nighthawk

2010-06-10 Thread Stefanie Moss
I took a photo today of a nighthawk that is incubating eggs on the roof of a
building in 
St. Paul.  I tried to send this as an attachment but it didn¹t work, which
is rather frustrating.
The weather forecast is rather ominous and the roof in question appears to
have drainage problems so I am rather concerned with the birds situation.
Hope for the best.


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[mou-net] Henslow's?

2010-06-02 Thread Stefanie Moss
While birding Murphy-Hanrahan this morning I heard what sounded like a
Henslow¹s sparrow calling from the edge of the little cattail marsh across
the road from the parking lot.  I tried several times but for the life of me
could not locate the thing.  It would stop calling as I approached.  I
should add, I suppose, that I have no experience with this species and am
familiar with its call only from tapes.  In any event, if anyone is passing
that way, give a listen.  It would call regularly for a few minutes and then
stop for awhile.  Otherwise, it was fairly quiet.  Usual suspects
Blue-winged, Hooded warblers, Gnatcatcher in wooded area.


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[mou-net] Random

2010-04-04 Thread Stefanie Moss
Spent spring break in Florida visiting in-laws.  With children to raise I
have to rely on the birds finding me as opposed to the usual method of
birding.  Went to see the Twins at Fort Meyers.  At least two pair of Osprey
nesting on light towers adjacent to the main field.  Saw a Swalow-tailed
Kite float in front of our car just as we turned in.  Beautiful bird.  Oh,
and Joe Mauer went one for three.


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[mou-net] Sandhill crane

2010-03-13 Thread Stefanie Moss
Saw and heard a lone sandhill crane which flew over St. Paul (Bidwell and
Elizabeth St) while I did my mail route.

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[mou] Birds

2008-07-12 Thread Stefanie Moss
Red Crossbill, Evening Grosbeak, Solitary Sandpiper all at or near YMCA Camp
DuNord July 10-08.

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