Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Ken Woloschuk
We currently use the MS62 support pack to clean up linear logs.
It was mentioned that the MS0L support pack offers a JAVA solution
for cleaning up linear logs for windows.  I downloaded MS0L and found
the following procedure to work on windows:

For windows usage, first create a qm.ini in

eg:   C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\Qmgrs\test

The contents of qm.ini should consist of one line:


Include the mqllm.jar file in the classpath:

c:\>set classpath=%classpath%;\mqllm.jar
eg:  c:\> set classpath=%classpath%;c:\java_stuff\mqllm.jar

For a queue manager named "test" execute the following:

c:\> java -q test -d
C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1 -a  C:\archive -v

Here, C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1 is the mqseries top level directory and
c:\archive is where the
zipped logs are to be stored.

I found the placement and contents of the qm.ini file by trial and error.
The documentation
doesn't seem to mention anything about qm.ini on windows.  If anyone else
has had
experience with the JAVA version of MS0L on windows it would interesting to
here from you.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Luc-Michel Demey
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 16:54
Subject: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

Hi all,

I am trying to find if any of the available support packs are
suitable for managing linear logs on a MQ 5.3 Windows NT box.

I have done a little testing, most of them rely on the qm.ini file
not more present above 5.0.

Even with a "fake" ini file on the right place, I was not able to
use :
- MS0L : Java exception
- MS62 : Perl problems

In both cases (Java & Perl), I suspect NT 4 related problems.

Any ideas / experiences to share ?


Luc-Michel Demey - Freelance EAI Consultant
Paris / France Tel. : +33 6 08 755 655 - lmd at demey dot org

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Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Adiraju, Rao
Ken - thanks and it's very much appreciated.

Most of my whinging was aimed at the work that was put in on IBM pages. If
an upcoming software company does this sort of thing, I can understand and
would have gone along with it.

But I haven't expected it from IBM. If it instructions says download .zip
for windows platforms I will look for zip file (FULL STOP). If their
intention is to download .tar.gz and use WINZIP, the webpage SHOULD SAY SO.

I hope those who are responsible to maintain those pages, understand my
frustration and make necessary changes to make it consistent.

Enough whinging on one topic.

Once again thanks to all forum members for bearing it.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Woloschuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

Hi Rao,

I've attached the MS62 support pac in .ZIP format.  I didn't have any
problem unzipping ms62.tar.gz using WINZIP.



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Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Ward, Mike S
That fixed it thanks.

-Original Message-
From: Bullock, Rebecca (CSC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: MO71

Mike, see if you have the command server running (dspmqcsv). HTH, Rebecca

-Original Message-
From: Ward, Mike S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: MO71

No, I want the connection secure. I am going to use blockip program there.
It seems to be a good fit. I am just testing the MO71 pack to see if I can
get it to manage the unix type queue managers. I changed the mcauser to a
userid that works for me. I now get a green status on MQMON. The problem I
now have is that when I do a queue list or channel list mqmon says that it
sent the request but does not get anything back to display. Is there
something else on unix that I am overlooking?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: MO71

>I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work
>I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
>users I designate can use it?


Are you suggesting that MQ should *always* trust the userid sent from the
client ? This would be a dangerous thing. You can configure your SVRCONN to
use the userid passed in ( MCAUSER(' ') ) or always use a userid of your
choosing ( MCAUSER('FRED') ). Of course the ideal is that you authenticate
with your client using something like SSL and then make an informed
decision about what to set the userid to reflect the state of your known
client but in the meantime you can just set a pre-defined fixed user of
sufficient authority.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

  "Ward, Mike S"
  Sent by: MQSeriescc:
  List Subject:  Re: MO71

  22/03/2004 13:15
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71



Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remo

Re: Use channel exits or not?

2004-03-22 Thread Kulbir S. Thind

Hi Peter,

Thanks for this but I'm afraid that may be
the question was not clear enough.  We have existing applications
that will connect to a new broker.  We wanted to implement channel
exits on the broker for the receiving channels from the applications and
the sending channels to the applications, this was so we could record how
long the messages are taking to get processed in the WBI MB flows on the
hub.  We have a constraint on us that we are not allowed to change
the application platforms or deploy new applications on to them.

We wanted to use channel exits as it meant
no change to the flows that we are migrating over and we believed the channel
exits would give us the best performance.  The channel exits would
also give us a more accurate timing as it would take into account the time
in the flows as well as time on the MQSeries queues on the hub.  However,
we were put off by a couple of statements that were made:

this will degrade channel performance

an error in the exit could cause message loss
The alternatives to the channel exit design given our
constraints are:

Use a message get MQ exit
Use a stand-alone program
Add a metrics node into the message flow.

The main problems with the above approaches are that they
will not give us a true indication of the amount of time the messages have
spent in a hub.  My other concerns are that the alternative approaches
will not provide better performance than using channel exits.
 I would like to get peoples views on the two negative comments regarding
use of channel exits and advise on what they would do and why to achieve
what we want to do.



"Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)"

Sent by: "MQSeries List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
22-Mar-2004 19:23
Please respond to "MQSeries List"


       Re: Use channel exits or not?

Application connects to QMSpoke1.
QMSpoke1 hosts a RemoteQueueA, pointing at RemoteQueueB,
which lives on QMHub.
RemoteQueueB on QMHub points back at LocalQueue1 on SpokeQM1.
Application connects to QMSpoke1, and Opens RemoteQueueA
for putting, and opens LocalQueue1 for getting.
Put a message into RemoteQueueA.
Record the time.
Application immediatly MQGets from LocalQueue1.
Record the time.
Subtract the two times, and you have the amount of time
a message takes to get thru the hub. Yes it includes time spent on the
channels, but that is relevant. Put both QMs on the same box, and have
your channels already running to eliminate these variables as much as possible.
Do the test again by changing RemoteQueueA to point right
to LocalQueue1 to see what a difference there is if you eliminate the channel/HUB
-Original Message-
From: Kulbir S. Thind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 2:00 PM
Subject: Use channel exits or not?


We are planning on having a hub and spoke architecture
that will see 100's of applications connect into the WBI MB hub we will
implement.  We have a requirement to be able to determine the amount
of time that the messages have spent in the hub.  We thought we would
do this by implementing some auditing functionality using channel exits
to copy the messages to another destinations as it arrives and as it leaves.

We have had some worrying comments regarding using channel
exits for this purpose, these comments are: 

this will degrade channel performance

an error in the exit could cause message loss

The alternatives to this approach are as follows:

Use a message get MQ exit
Use a stand-alone program
Add a metrics node into the message flow.

The main problems with the above approach are that they
will not give us a true indication of the amount of time the messages have
spent in a hub.  My other concerns are that the alternative approaches
will not provide better performance than using channel exits.

Would anyone like to comment on this?



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immediately by return email and delete this communication
and destroy all copies.

Re: Linear Log cleanup - on WINDOWS platforms

2004-03-22 Thread Adiraju, Rao
Title: RE: Linear Log cleanup - on WINDOWS platforms 


To cover the following situation, I have modified the VB Script that I published yesterday and here is the latest version of it:  

Basically without getting bogged down with the following, I thought conservative approach is to check the minimum log number among last AMQ7467 and AMQ7468 messages and then take the lowest number as cut-off point. Hence the change.

Please feel to use it and if you have any suggestions to improve, please let me know. 

In all our production servers, we have scheduled a batch job that issues a "rcdmqimg" followed by this VB script. No more hassles of manual cleaning of log files.   



Ps: As usual, I have renamed the file as "txt" rather than "vbs" and do other way round to execute it. 

From:   Adiraju, Rao  
Sent:   22 March 2004 5:41 PM
To: 'MQForum'
Subject:    Linear Log cleanup


So far my understanding and as well as observation is that, in the logs MQ writes two entries every time one with AMQ7467 for MQ manger restart followed by another one with AMQ7468 for Media recovery. And all most all the time, AMQ7467 log number will be HIGHER or EQUAL than AMQ7468 log number. 

Hence even the VB Script that I developed (and circulated today in the MQForum) only looks at AMQ7468 entries and cleans up all the logs before that sequence number. 

But today in one of our production MQ logs, I have noticed the following - where AMQ7467 log number is LESS THAN the AMQ7468. Both entries are posted at the same time. 

Does it mean my understanding is wrong and if so, do I need to scan  AMQ7467 messages as well and then choose the lesser number of the both. Is that's how the other PERL and _javascript_s are handling the log cleanup.  According to the below, if I run my VB script it will delete 32131 log as well. Any other explanations ??

Thanks in advance.   



22/03/2004  17:17:18
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager X is

The log file S0032131.LOG contains the oldest log record required to restart
the queue manager. Log records older than this may be required for media
You can move log files older than S0032131.LOG to an archive medium to release
space in the log directory. If you move any of the log files required to
recreate objects from their media images, you will have to restore them to
recreate the objects. 
22/03/2004  17:17:18
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
manager  is S0032132.LOG.

The log file S0032132.LOG contains the oldest log record required to recreate
any of the objects from their media images. Any log files prior to this will
not be accessed by media recovery operations.
You can move log files older than S0032132.LOG to an archive medium to release
space in the log directory. 

This communication is confidential and may contain privileged 
material.  If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, 
disclose, copy or retain it.  If you have received it in error please 
immediately notify me by return email and delete the emails.Thank 

' MQLog.VBS - clean up facility for MQ LINER LOGs 
' Author: Rao Adiraju  Date: 2004-03-19
' Tested for MQ V5.3 CSD06 
' Arguments are:
'   Folder/Directory name where AMQERR01.LOG resides
'   Folder/Directory name where Active logs are kept
'   Delete flag - value Y or anything else.  If "Y" then '  
log files are physcially removed
'  If anything else, just a report is produced (no '  
deletion of files takes place)
' It is recommended to test it first wihtout DELETE FLAG and make ' ' sure every thing 
is correct as expected and then rerun is with Y (no ' quotes are required   
' an output file - MQLog.Out - is created in the "active" directory  

Dim Fsys
Dim Instream
Dim CutOffFileName
Dim File7467, File7468
Dim FileName
Dim Tline, CsrPos
Dim ErrFolder 
Dim LogFolder
Dim ErrorLogFile

on error resume next

set Args = Wscript.Arguments

If args.count < 2 then
   wscript.echo "no input parameters given"
end if

ErrFolder  = args(0)
Logfolder = args(1)

If args.count = 3 then
   DelFlag   = args(2)
   DelFlag = " "
end if

set Fsys = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if err then 
   Wscript.echo "Error Creating O

Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Bullock, Rebecca (CSC)
Mike, see if you have the command server running (dspmqcsv). HTH, Rebecca

-Original Message-
From: Ward, Mike S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: MO71

No, I want the connection secure. I am going to use blockip program there.
It seems to be a good fit. I am just testing the MO71 pack to see if I can
get it to manage the unix type queue managers. I changed the mcauser to a
userid that works for me. I now get a green status on MQMON. The problem I
now have is that when I do a queue list or channel list mqmon says that it
sent the request but does not get anything back to display. Is there
something else on unix that I am overlooking?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: MO71

>I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work
>I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
>users I designate can use it?


Are you suggesting that MQ should *always* trust the userid sent from the
client ? This would be a dangerous thing. You can configure your SVRCONN to
use the userid passed in ( MCAUSER(' ') ) or always use a userid of your
choosing ( MCAUSER('FRED') ). Of course the ideal is that you authenticate
with your client using something like SSL and then make an informed
decision about what to set the userid to reflect the state of your known
client but in the meantime you can just set a pre-defined fixed user of
sufficient authority.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

  "Ward, Mike S"
  Sent by: MQSeriescc:
  List Subject:  Re: MO71

  22/03/2004 13:15
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71



Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G 

Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Adiraju, Rao

You haven't got my point. I am not talking of physical location of Hursely
and how to get there. If you tell me, only way to get the zip file is to
visit Hursely labs personally, I will be more than happy to travel from
"Land of Middle Earth" to "Land of North end" (I need a vacation anyway and
if my employer pays for it all the more fun).

Because of my sheer frustration I put that sarcastic mail.  Every body says
there is a wonderful thing called MS62. But no body tells me, where on earth
I can download the windows compatible "zip" file from. Only file I can see
in that webpage was .tar.gz and even that I had problems opening with Winzip
(and hence eventually gave it up).



Ps: Fyi - I knew Hursely labs since early 1980s, when I started working as a
CICS systems programmer.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 March 2004 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

Hursley is the location of the IBM Labs that develop MQ.

-Original Message-
From: Adiraju, Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows


With due to respect, I am not sure what is this "Hursley" you are talking
and how to get there. I usually logon to IBM WMQ Support pack homepage to
download any support pack and here is the address:

On this page MS62 talks about how to install and run on windows, BUT NO ZIP

In I fact asked this question a month back, and haven't heard anything since
then. Are you talking of another home page for Hursley where we can download
this service pack.

Believe me, it was damn frustrating to download something which doesn't

Hence I said bugger all, and built my own VB script for it.



-Original Message-
From: Ken Woloschuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2001 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

The MS62 support pack found on Hursley applies to both UNIX and Windows

For Windows, there is no mqs.ini file therefore you MUST specify the "-n"
option to prevent the parsing of .ini files.

Assuming you've installed perl on windows and have gzip on the system with
its location specified in the %PATH% environment variable then the script should work as documented.  (see the support pak
documentation for instructions on installing perl and associating the .PL
suffix with perl).  Note that if there are spaces in the directories you'll
need to put double quotes around the directory specification or use the 8.3

Here is an example, on windows, of an actual run of the MS62 support pak:
(The queue manager is named test)

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\bin>rcdmqimg -l -m test -t ALL * Media image for
object test, type catalogue recorded.
Media image for object test, type qmgr recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS, type process recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST, type namelist recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP, type authinfo
Media image for object KEN.QL, type queue recorded.
Media image for object MQMON, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager test is
S022.LO G.
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
manager  test is S015.LOG.



Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Ken Woloschuk

On the web page you've listed download the ms62.tar.gz file listed
towards the bottom of the page.  You can open it with WINZIP.
You then will have access to the cleanmqlogs perl script which
will work on windows and unix.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Adiraju, Rao
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 14:45
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows


With due to respect, I am not sure what is this "Hursley" you are talking
and how to get there. I usually logon to IBM WMQ Support pack homepage to
download any support pack and here is the address:

On this page MS62 talks about how to install and run on windows, BUT NO ZIP

In I fact asked this question a month back, and haven't heard anything since
then. Are you talking of another home page for Hursley where we can download
this service pack.

Believe me, it was damn frustrating to download something which doesn't

Hence I said bugger all, and built my own VB script for it.



-Original Message-
From: Ken Woloschuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2001 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

The MS62 support pack found on Hursley applies to both UNIX and Windows

For Windows, there is no mqs.ini file therefore you MUST specify the "-n"
option to prevent the parsing of .ini files.

Assuming you've installed perl on windows and have gzip on the system with
its location specified in the %PATH% environment variable then the script should work as documented.  (see the support pak
documentation for instructions on installing perl and associating the .PL
suffix with perl).  Note that if there are spaces in the directories you'll
need to put double quotes around the directory specification or use the 8.3

Here is an example, on windows, of an actual run of the MS62 support pak:
(The queue manager is named test)

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\bin>rcdmqimg -l -m test -t ALL * Media image for
object test, type catalogue recorded.
Media image for object test, type qmgr recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS, type process recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST, type namelist recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP, type authinfo
Media image for object KEN.QL, type queue recorded.
Media image for object MQMON, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager test is
S022.LO G.
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
manager  test is S015.LOG.


Z:\mqseries_related\support_pacs\ms62_lin_log_maint_perl> ^
More? -t "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ" -l C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log
-n test
test: N
eeded for Media Recovery: S015.LOG
test: N
eeded for Qmgr Restart:   S022.LOG
About to gzip test's S004.LOG
About to gzip test's S005.LOG
About to gzip test's S006.LOG
About to gzip test's S007.LOG
About to gzip test's S008.LOG
About to gzip test's S009.LOG
About to gzip test's S010.LOG
About to gzip test's S011.LOG
About to gzip test's S012.LOG
About to gzip test's S013.LOG
About to gzip test's S014.LOG


Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Tim Armstrong
Hursley is the location of the IBM Labs that develop MQ.

-Original Message-
From: Adiraju, Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows


With due to respect, I am not sure what is this "Hursley" you are talking
and how to get there. I usually logon to IBM WMQ Support pack homepage to
download any support pack and here is the address:

On this page MS62 talks about how to install and run on windows, BUT NO ZIP

In I fact asked this question a month back, and haven't heard anything since
then. Are you talking of another home page for Hursley where we can download
this service pack.

Believe me, it was damn frustrating to download something which doesn't

Hence I said bugger all, and built my own VB script for it.



-Original Message-
From: Ken Woloschuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2001 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

The MS62 support pack found on Hursley applies to both UNIX and Windows

For Windows, there is no mqs.ini file therefore you MUST specify the "-n"
option to prevent the parsing of .ini files.

Assuming you've installed perl on windows and have gzip on the system with
its location specified in the %PATH% environment variable then the script should work as documented.  (see the support pak
documentation for instructions on installing perl and associating the .PL
suffix with perl).  Note that if there are spaces in the directories you'll
need to put double quotes around the directory specification or use the 8.3

Here is an example, on windows, of an actual run of the MS62 support pak:
(The queue manager is named test)

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\bin>rcdmqimg -l -m test -t ALL * Media image for
object test, type catalogue recorded.
Media image for object test, type qmgr recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS, type process recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST, type namelist recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP, type authinfo
Media image for object KEN.QL, type queue recorded.
Media image for object MQMON, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager test is
S022.LO G.
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
manager  test is S015.LOG.


Z:\mqseries_related\support_pacs\ms62_lin_log_maint_perl> ^
More? -t "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ" -l C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log
-n test
test: N
eeded for Media Recovery: S015.LOG
test: N
eeded for Qmgr Restart:   S022.LOG
About to gzip test's S004.LOG
About to gzip test's S005.LOG
About to gzip test's S006.LOG
About to gzip test's S007.LOG
About to gzip test's S008.LOG
About to gzip test's S009.LOG
About to gzip test's S010.LOG
About to gzip test's S011.LOG
About to gzip test's S012.LOG
About to gzip test's S013.LOG
About to gzip test's S014.LOG


 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is C002-5176

 Directory of C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log\test\active


Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Adiraju, Rao

Love the idea, and I am sure this must have been asked before but HOW and
WHOM to talk to??



-Original Message-
From: Wyatt, T. Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 March 2004 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows


Sounds like this would be a good addition to the current Support Pac or even
a stand-alone Support Pac.  Why not submit it?

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Adiraju, Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

 Hi all

I have experienced the same problem for the past few weeks in my current
client site. PERL and JAVA have their own problems and I can't locate MS62
zip file for Windows version so on.. So on..

I don't understand why IBM doesn't provide a support pack that is native to
windows platform ?? My guess as good as anyone - so I will leave it here.

But anyway,  I have developed a VB Script which does exactly the same as any
perl/java script and put in place.

If anybody wants to use it - here it is (attached as a txt file and just
rename it to .VBS). The principle is same, reads the AMQERR01.LOG, finds out
the last log number for media recovery and then deletes all previous ones.
Feel free to modify to suit your needs.



Ps: Disclaimer - even though it is tested thoroughly, no guarantees are

-Original Message-
From: Luc-Michel Demey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 March 2004 11:54 AM
Subject: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

Hi all,

I am trying to find if any of the available support packs are suitable for
managing linear logs on a MQ 5.3 Windows NT box.

I have done a little testing, most of them rely on the qm.ini file not more
present above 5.0.

Even with a "fake" ini file on the right place, I was not able to use :
- MS0L : Java exception
- MS62 : Perl problems

In both cases (Java & Perl), I suspect NT 4 related problems.

Any ideas / experiences to share ?


Luc-Michel Demey - Freelance EAI Consultant Paris / France Tel. : +33 6 08
755 655 - lmd at demey dot org

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Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Ward, Mike S
No, I want the connection secure. I am going to use blockip program there.
It seems to be a good fit. I am just testing the MO71 pack to see if I can
get it to manage the unix type queue managers. I changed the mcauser to a
userid that works for me. I now get a green status on MQMON. The problem I
now have is that when I do a queue list or channel list mqmon says that it
sent the request but does not get anything back to display. Is there
something else on unix that I am overlooking?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: MO71

>I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work
>I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
>users I designate can use it?


Are you suggesting that MQ should *always* trust the userid sent from the
client ? This would be a dangerous thing. You can configure your SVRCONN to
use the userid passed in ( MCAUSER(' ') ) or always use a userid of your
choosing ( MCAUSER('FRED') ). Of course the ideal is that you authenticate
with your client using something like SSL and then make an informed
decision about what to set the userid to reflect the state of your known
client but in the meantime you can just set a pre-defined fixed user of
sufficient authority.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

  "Ward, Mike S"
  Sent by: MQSeriescc:
  List Subject:  Re: MO71

  22/03/2004 13:15
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71



Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| | 

Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Adiraju, Rao

With due to respect, I am not sure what is this "Hursley" you are talking
and how to get there. I usually logon to IBM WMQ Support pack homepage to
download any support pack and here is the address:

On this page MS62 talks about how to install and run on windows, BUT NO ZIP

In I fact asked this question a month back, and haven't heard anything since
then. Are you talking of another home page for Hursley where we can download
this service pack.

Believe me, it was damn frustrating to download something which doesn't

Hence I said bugger all, and built my own VB script for it.



-Original Message-
From: Ken Woloschuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2001 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

The MS62 support pack found on Hursley applies to both UNIX and Windows

For Windows, there is no mqs.ini file therefore you MUST specify the "-n"
option to prevent the parsing of .ini files.

Assuming you've installed perl on windows and have gzip on the system with
its location specified in the %PATH% environment variable then the script should work as documented.  (see the support pak
documentation for instructions on installing perl and associating the .PL
suffix with perl).  Note that if there are spaces in the directories you'll
need to put double quotes around the directory specification or use the 8.3

Here is an example, on windows, of an actual run of the MS62 support pak:
(The queue manager is named test)

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\bin>rcdmqimg -l -m test -t ALL * Media image for
object test, type catalogue recorded.
Media image for object test, type qmgr recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS, type process recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST, type namelist recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP, type authinfo
Media image for object KEN.QL, type queue recorded.
Media image for object MQMON, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager test is
S022.LO G.
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
manager  test is S015.LOG.


Z:\mqseries_related\support_pacs\ms62_lin_log_maint_perl> ^
More? -t "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ" -l C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log
-n test
test: N
eeded for Media Recovery: S015.LOG
test: N
eeded for Qmgr Restart:   S022.LOG
About to gzip test's S004.LOG
About to gzip test's S005.LOG
About to gzip test's S006.LOG
About to gzip test's S007.LOG
About to gzip test's S008.LOG
About to gzip test's S009.LOG
About to gzip test's S010.LOG
About to gzip test's S011.LOG
About to gzip test's S012.LOG
About to gzip test's S013.LOG
About to gzip test's S014.LOG


 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is C002-5176

 Directory of C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log\test\active

03/21/2004  18:04   .
03/21/2004  18:04   ..
03/21/2004  17:59   510,099 S0~1.GZ  S000.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   704,207 S0~2.GZ  S001.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02  

Re: Dead Letter Queue messages not appearing?

2004-03-22 Thread Miller, Dennis
The 2030 error usually originates from calls to MQAI (Administrative
Interface). It means the programmer used an invalid handle when
programming to that API.  It would be roughly similar to using an
invalid HCONN with the regular MQ API. I would not expect a message on
the destination queue or the DLQ after a 2030 error. 

The CSQ548E error is a tad mysterious. Is KEWILL.TO.MQSB a client
connection channel? 

-Original Message-
From: Michelle Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 2:36 AM
Subject: Dead Letter Queue messages not appearing?

Hi all,

I have a situation whereby an external company using an MQClient are
trying to send messages to our Mainframe MQ Manager (V2.1) and the
messages when being sent are not arriving on the destination queue or
the Dead letter Queue.

In our Queue Manager channel initiator we get the message: +CSQX548E

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
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Re: Use channel exits or not?

2004-03-22 Thread Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT)

Application connects to QMSpoke1.
QMSpoke1 hosts a RemoteQueueA, pointing at RemoteQueueB, which lives
on QMHub.
RemoteQueueB on QMHub points back at LocalQueue1 on
connects to QMSpoke1, and Opens RemoteQueueA for putting, and opens LocalQueue1
for getting.
Put a message
into RemoteQueueA.
Record the time.
Application immediatly MQGets from
Record the time.
Subtract the two times, and you have the amount of time
a message takes to get thru the hub. Yes it includes time spent on the channels,
but that is relevant. Put both QMs on the same box, and have your channels
already running to eliminate these variables as much as
Do the test again by changing RemoteQueueA to point
right to LocalQueue1 to see what a difference there is if you eliminate the
channel/HUB hops.

  -Original Message-From: Kulbir S. Thind
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 2:00
  PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Use channel exits
  or not?Hi,
  We are planning on having a hub and spoke
  architecture that will see 100's of applications connect into the WBI MB hub
  we will implement.  We have a requirement to be able to determine the
  amount of time that the messages have spent in the hub.  We thought we
  would do this by implementing some auditing functionality using channel exits
  to copy the messages to another destinations as it arrives and as it leaves.
    We have had some worrying
  comments regarding using channel exits for this purpose, these comments
this will degrade channel performance
an error in the exit could cause message
lossThe alternatives to this
  approach are as follows: 
Use a message get MQ exit
Use a stand-alone program
Add a metrics node into the message
flow.The main problems with the
  above approach are that they will not give us a true indication of the amount
  of time the messages have spent in a hub.  My other concerns are that the
  alternative approaches will not provide better performance than using channel
  exits. Would anyone like to comment on
  this? Cheers, Kulbir.

This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use of 
addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged 
information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying, 
disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If 
you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender 
immediately by return email and delete this communication and destroy all copies.

Use channel exits or not?

2004-03-22 Thread Kulbir S. Thind


We are planning on having a hub and spoke
architecture that will see 100's of applications connect into the WBI MB
hub we will implement.  We have a requirement to be able to determine
the amount of time that the messages have spent in the hub.  We thought
we would do this by implementing some auditing functionality using channel
exits to copy the messages to another destinations as it arrives and as
it leaves.  

We have had some worrying comments regarding
using channel exits for this purpose, these comments are:

this will degrade channel performance
an error in the exit could cause message
The alternatives to this approach are as

Use a message get MQ exit
Use a stand-alone program
Add a metrics node into the message flow.
The main problems with the above approach
are that they will not give us a true indication of the amount of time
the messages have spent in a hub.  My other concerns are that the
alternative approaches will not provide better performance than using channel

Would anyone like to comment on this?



Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short

2004-03-22 Thread Benjamin F. Zhou
Hi Paul,

I figured out what I was missing. I was pointing the remote MQMON queue to
the MQMON on the viaQM. it should be pointing to the command reply queue
instead. The icon is now green all the time, even for my mainframe QM
without CAF installed.

many thanks for your help.

Benjamin F. Zhou
Technical Specialist
Enterprise Application Integration
Mercedes-Benz USA

  Paul Clarke
  Sent by: Subject: Re: MO71 question - 
viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short
  MQSeries List

  03/22/2004 04:57
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List


It's difficult to guess what you're problem is from here. I suggest you
follow the message. When you send a monitor message where does it go and
how far does it get ? You can easily see whether it makes the round trip by
looking at your channel sequence number.
If you still can't see anything then feel free to send me you MQMON.CFG
file and DIS Q(*) ALL output from both queue managers.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Benjamin F. |
| |   Zhou"|
| |   USA.COM> |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 19:16 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very
short   |


Hi Paul,

thanks for pointing that out. I set the two qmgrs as illustrated in the
diagram. Although the queue MQMON in TEST is used for monitoring both
qmgrs, those routed back from QMX are not being picked up. I tried both
normal and loopback monitoring, with the same result.  The only thing I
didn't specify is the server queue field.

What else could I be missing?

many thanks for your help,

(Embedded image moved to file: pic08902.jpg)
(See attached file: mqmon_infra.vsd)

  Paul Clarke
  Sent by: Subject: Re: MO71 question -
  viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short
  MQSeries List

  03/19/2004 05:10
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List


It is not true to say that "if you get commands to work, then monitoring
will also work". You do have to configure your monitor queue correctly as
well. Please read the section in the manual about monitoring. You can click
on the location monitor button and see where the monitor messages go. If
you still have problems perhaps you'd better contact me offline.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Benjamin F. |
| |   Zhou"|
| |   USA.COM> |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   18/03/2004 16:02 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very
short   |


Re: NY / NJ WS MQ UG Meeting April 27

2004-03-22 Thread Del

Re: upcoming meeting on April 27, at World Financial Center in New York City.
If you would like to attend, please register at
Meeting agenda and location address are listed at the web-site.

Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Jxrgen Pedersen
Hi Mike,

You could use BlockIP2 to help you there. BlockIP2 can filter on your
connection name together with the userid. And if you have a match it can
even change/set MCAUSER depending on your choise.
Another ting is when leaving a SVRCONN open you can let everybody inside. If
somebody can write a JMS/JAVA program they can connect to your queuemanager
and set the usterid to whatever they want: mqm, root, db2admin. All they
need is a know userid with the right auth. (and ofcause the
connctionname/channel of your qmgr, typicly:
BlockIP2 was designed to help MQ-administrators to keep the mqnetwork more

Just my $0.02 ;o)

Kind regards

the author of BlockIP
From: "Ward, Mike S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MO71
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 07:15:17 -0600
I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?
-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71

I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.
Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|
  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71

Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?
-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71

MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system
Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   16/03/2004 14:32 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|

  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  MO71


Hi, is a client required at both ends in order for the monitoring to work?

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsof

Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Paul Clarke
>I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work
>I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
>users I designate can use it?


Are you suggesting that MQ should *always* trust the userid sent from the
client ? This would be a dangerous thing. You can configure your SVRCONN to
use the userid passed in ( MCAUSER(' ') ) or always use a userid of your
choosing ( MCAUSER('FRED') ). Of course the ideal is that you authenticate
with your client using something like SSL and then make an informed
decision about what to set the userid to reflect the state of your known
client but in the meantime you can just set a pre-defined fixed user of
sufficient authority.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

  "Ward, Mike S"
  Sent by: MQSeriescc:
  List Subject:  Re: MO71

  22/03/2004 13:15
  Please respond to
  MQSeries List

I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71



Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   16/03/2004 14:32 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  MO71


Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Krishan Agarwal

This is becuase:
If you specify a  nonblank user name as the MCAUSER attribute of the server
connection channel,
all programs connecting to the queue manager using this channel run with
the identity of the named user and have the same level of authority.
So though u r connecting as db2admin, in effect u r using mqm user-id and
all its authority. So create a new user id and give only the requisite
permissions to this user-id like only browse to some MQ objects and put it
in the MCAUSER. Then anybody can connect to this queue manager but will
have only limited access.


  "Ward, Mike S"
  >cc:  (bcc: krishan.agarwal/Polaris)
  Sent by: Subject: Re: MO71
  MQSeries List

  03/22/04 06:45
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|

  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71


Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   16/03/2004 14:32 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  MO71



Hi, is a clie

Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Wyatt, T. Rob

Sounds like this would be a good addition to the current Support Pac or even
a stand-alone Support Pac.  Why not submit it?

-- T.Rob

-Original Message-
From: Adiraju, Rao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2004 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

 Hi all

I have experienced the same problem for the past few weeks in my current
client site. PERL and JAVA have their own problems and I can't locate MS62
zip file for Windows version so on.. So on..

I don't understand why IBM doesn't provide a support pack that is native to
windows platform ?? My guess as good as anyone - so I will leave it here.

But anyway,  I have developed a VB Script which does exactly the same as any
perl/java script and put in place.

If anybody wants to use it - here it is (attached as a txt file and just
rename it to .VBS). The principle is same, reads the AMQERR01.LOG, finds out
the last log number for media recovery and then deletes all previous ones.
Feel free to modify to suit your needs.



Ps: Disclaimer - even though it is tested thoroughly, no guarantees are

-Original Message-
From: Luc-Michel Demey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 March 2004 11:54 AM
Subject: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

Hi all,

I am trying to find if any of the available support packs are suitable for
managing linear logs on a MQ 5.3 Windows NT box.

I have done a little testing, most of them rely on the qm.ini file not more
present above 5.0.

Even with a "fake" ini file on the right place, I was not able to use :
- MS0L : Java exception
- MS62 : Perl problems

In both cases (Java & Perl), I suspect NT 4 related problems.

Any ideas / experiences to share ?


Luc-Michel Demey - Freelance EAI Consultant Paris / France Tel. : +33 6 08
755 655 - lmd at demey dot org

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in the
Listserv General Users Guide available at

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If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or
retain it.
If you have received it in error please immediately notify me by return
and delete the emails.
Thank you.

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Managing linear logs with MQ5.3 on Windows

2004-03-22 Thread Ken Woloschuk
The MS62 support pack found on Hursley applies to both UNIX and Windows

For Windows, there is no mqs.ini file therefore you MUST specify the "-n"
option to prevent the parsing of .ini files.

Assuming you've installed perl on windows and have gzip on the system with
its location specified in the %PATH% environment variable then the script should work as documented.  (see the support pak
documentation for instructions on installing perl and associating the .PL
suffix with perl).  Note that if there are spaces in the directories you'll
need to put double quotes around the directory specification or use the 8.3

Here is an example, on windows, of an actual run of the MS62 support pak:
(The queue manager is named test)

C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\bin>rcdmqimg -l -m test -t ALL *
Media image for object test, type catalogue recorded.
Media image for object test, type qmgr recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.PROCESS, type process recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.NAMELIST, type namelist recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP, type authinfo
Media image for object KEN.QL, type queue recorded.
Media image for object MQMON, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.INITQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CHANNEL.SYNCQ, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CICS.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.ALIAS.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.MQSC.REPLY.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
Media image for object SYSTEM.PENDING.DATA.QUEUE, type queue recorded.
AMQ7467: The oldest log file required to start queue manager test is
AMQ7468: The oldest log file required to perform media recovery of queue
 test is S015.LOG.


Z:\mqseries_related\support_pacs\ms62_lin_log_maint_perl> ^
More? -t "C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ" -l
C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log -n test
test: N
eeded for Media Recovery: S015.LOG
test: N
eeded for Qmgr Restart:   S022.LOG
About to gzip test's S004.LOG
About to gzip test's S005.LOG
About to gzip test's S006.LOG
About to gzip test's S007.LOG
About to gzip test's S008.LOG
About to gzip test's S009.LOG
About to gzip test's S010.LOG
About to gzip test's S011.LOG
About to gzip test's S012.LOG
About to gzip test's S013.LOG
About to gzip test's S014.LOG


 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is C002-5176

 Directory of C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\WEBSPH~1\log\test\active

03/21/2004  18:04   .
03/21/2004  18:04   ..
03/21/2004  17:59   510,099 S0~1.GZ  S000.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   704,207 S0~2.GZ  S001.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   783,652 S0~3.GZ  S002.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   658,033 S0~4.GZ  S003.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   739,633 S0AB05~1.GZ  S004.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   656,740 S0AB02~1.GZ  S005.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   786,927 S0AB07~1.GZ  S006.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   651,246 S0AB00~1.GZ  S007.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   800,641 S0AB01~1.GZ  S008.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:02   671,522 S0AB06~1.GZ  S009.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:03   729,910 S0AC09~1.GZ  S010.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:03   717,544 S0AC0E~1.GZ  S011.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:04   674,490 S0AC03~1.GZ  S012.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:04   724,322 S0AC04~1.GZ  S013.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:04   712,174 S0AC05~1.GZ  S014.LOG.gz
03/21/2004  18:04 1,049,600  S015.LOG
03/21/2004  18:04   

Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Ward, Mike S
I'm not sure I understand. If my NT userid is db2admin why would it work if
I change the MCAUSER on the SVRCONN to mqm? How can I secure it so that only
users I designate can use it?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|

  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71


Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   16/03/2004 14:32 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  MO71



Hi, is a client required at both ends in order for the monitoring to work?

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Re: Dead Letter Queue messages not appearing?

2004-03-22 Thread Bharath Ram Srinivasan

As per my understanding of you query, the MQ message is first tried to be
delivered to the destination queue. In case of Queue depth exceeded
scenarios, it tries putting into the DLQ of  the destination failing which
it delivers to the senders DLQ.

Please ask your sender to examine his DLQ content. That should contain the
message structure stating the issue.



  "Adiraju, Rao"
  Z.CO.NZ> cc:  (bcc: bharathram.s/Polaris)
  Sent by: Subject: Re: Dead Letter Queue messages 
not appearing?
  MQSeries List

  03/22/04 02:47
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List

Have you checked the dead-letter queue on KEWILL queue manager.



-Original Message-
From: Michelle Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 March 2004 11:36 PM
Subject: Dead Letter Queue messages not appearing?

Hi all,

I have a situation whereby an external company using an MQClient are trying
to send messages to our Mainframe MQ Manager (V2.1) and the messages when
being sent are not arriving on the destination queue or the Dead letter

In our Queue Manager channel initiator we get the message: +CSQX548E

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Re: MO71

2004-03-22 Thread Paul Clarke

I'm not sure what your security policy is; whether you're using SSL,
security exits or whatever but to get things working you could change the
MCAUSER of the SVRCONN to something which has the required authority. If
your MCAUSER is blank then you are even less secure since you'll
effectively believe any userid the client cares to throw at you.
On most platforms you can switch authority events on in the Queue Manager
and then you'll get a message whenever a security check fails. This
messages details the userid and the object being checked. Personally I find
this quite useful when tracking down security violations.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 22:20 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71   

Thanks, I got it to work. I am also trying to connect to a SCO Unix
and I keep getting a Error connecting via client to 'VRUQMGR3' RC(2035) Not
authorized. I tried defining the userid of the NT box that has mqmon
on it and then modifying that user so that it has mqm as a group but I
get the same message. Any thoughts?

-Original Message-
From: Paul Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: MO71


MO71 supports two types of monitoring.
1/ Normal monitoring relies on a program at the remote Queue Manager to
receive the messages and send them back to the reply fields
This does therefore require a client (program) running on the remote
2/ Loopback monitoring allows yoiu to define a remote queue on the remote
system which just 'points' back to the originating queue.
This does not therefore require a client (program) running on the
remote system

Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Ward, Mike S"   |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   16/03/2004 14:32 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  MO71



Hi, is a client required at both ends in order for the monitoring to work?

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at

Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided in
the Listserv General Users Guide available at
Archive: http://v

Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short

2004-03-22 Thread Paul Clarke

It's difficult to guess what you're problem is from here. I suggest you
follow the message. When you send a monitor message where does it go and
how far does it get ? You can easily see whether it makes the round trip by
looking at your channel sequence number.
If you still can't see anything then feel free to send me you MQMON.CFG
file and DIS Q(*) ALL output from both queue managers.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Benjamin F. |
| |   Zhou"|
| |   USA.COM> |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   19/03/2004 19:16 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|
  |   To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short  

Hi Paul,

thanks for pointing that out. I set the two qmgrs as illustrated in the
diagram. Although the queue MQMON in TEST is used for monitoring both
qmgrs, those routed back from QMX are not being picked up. I tried both
normal and loopback monitoring, with the same result.  The only thing I
didn't specify is the server queue field.

What else could I be missing?

many thanks for your help,

(Embedded image moved to file: pic08902.jpg)
(See attached file: mqmon_infra.vsd)

  Paul Clarke
  Sent by: Subject: Re: MO71 question -
  viaQM-monitored QM stays green very short
  MQSeries List

  03/19/2004 05:10
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List


It is not true to say that "if you get commands to work, then monitoring
will also work". You do have to configure your monitor queue correctly as
well. Please read the section in the manual about monitoring. You can click
on the location monitor button and see where the monitor messages go. If
you still have problems perhaps you'd better contact me offline.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

| |   "Benjamin F. |
| |   Zhou"|
| |   USA.COM> |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries|
| |   List |
| |   N.AC.AT> |
| ||
| ||
| |   18/03/2004 16:02 |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   MQSeries List|


  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  Re: MO71 question - viaQM-monitored QM stays green very
short   |


Hi Paul,

I'm pretty sure the viaQM-monitored QM already has all the right
configuration needed for the monitor. Otherwise I won't get the correct
result on the screen when I double click on that QM.

My challenge now is how to set the definition to keep it green, not just
for a few seconds. I actually set monitor interval to 3, 6 second

Re: Many Client connections - how many svrconn channels?

2004-03-22 Thread Jxrgen Pedersen
Hi Sid,

Yes, I'll put your changes into the code, no problem.
I thinks it's a good idea just to keep one version of BlockIP/BlockIP2 so we
allways know how to solve problems, and not have to deal with at lot of
Just send me the code, and I'll review the code before release.

Kind regards

the author of BlockIP
Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Many Client connections - how many svrconn channels?
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:26:44 +1000

I need to make some changes to BlockIP2 for logging of information, the
grow way to big on my systems and I need then stamped by date:
ie BlockLog_2004_03_22.log

I also need to be able to specify a log directory, so I was going to add
following commands:
# on NT systems
# on Linux systems
On the linux the "LogDrive" would be ignored and just the LogDirectory
be applicable using "/"s
If I make the changes, are you happy to add them into your code for the
benefit of the community as a whole, or would you prefer me to start my own
stream of BlockIP ???
Sid Young
QML Pathology

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