Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-08-11 Thread John Harrison

> > F8 undoes the last action, but I guess there's a limit to the number
> > of times you can go back.

> Er, F8 has always meant 'View source' in all versions of NetSurf I can
> remember...

So it does, but I have never tried to Undo in NetSurf, since it isn't an
editor.  (Somehow typing in a box on a web page feels more like interacting
with the website than using an editor.)  

Anyway, since F8 is the RISC OS standard Undo I would never have thought of
using it for anything else.  If I want to view source I just use F3 and
drop it onto StrongEd.

John Harrison

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-08-11 Thread John Harrison

> I used to do a lot of work in Impression and accidentally catching CTRL-A
> when intending SHIFT-A and seeing all my work disappear as I typed the
> next letter, with no "undo".

> Not really a desirable behaviour.

But the answer to having no undo against accidental deletion is to add
undo, or have a warning on big deletions (like Pluto does when you delete
more than 3 messages at once), not to mix up deletion with the clipboard
mechanism.  After all if you do cut in one place and are about to do paste
in another when you wipe out the clipboard contents by putting deleted
material in there, then you have still got a problem.

The only possible exception I could think of is if there is a multi-level
clipboard, so you can add the new stuff and still preserve what was there
before.  But we don't have that on RISC OS AFIA.

John Harrison

Re: Cut to clipboard

2013-08-11 Thread John Harrison
In article <>,
   Harriet Bazley  wrote:

> ... it *is* possible already to select a section, cut it to the
> clipboard, and paste it elsewhere.  It would be nice (and safer) if
> overtyping had the same effect.   The main argument I can see against it
> is that people might conceivably want to copy text to the clipboard,
> delete a block of text by overtyping with a backspace, and then paste
> the former clipboard contents;  

I would strongly support the argument against it.  

In many applications (and most of the ones I use) deletion, whether by over
typing or using the Delete key, is separate from the clipboard.

The only thing I use where deleted or over typed text goes to the clipboard
is Pluto, and it is extremely annoying.  Even though I know about it, I
still trip up from time to time.


John Harrison

Re: Paypal Order status/Actions

2013-07-23 Thread John Harrison

> In My Account on Paypal in the Order status/Actions column there are 
> (for items sold): Print postage label, Add tracking info, Mark as 
> sent, Issue refund.

> (This is with Netsurf and Javascript disabled. Dev Cl #1298. Having JS 
> on just gives a blank page.)

I have found similar behaviour on several websites.  I suspect it means
that the facilities are provided by JS functions that NS doesn't yet
support (hence the blank page) but that when the website detects the
absence of JS it provides non-JS alternative versions.


John Harrison

Re: Slow image display

2013-06-18 Thread John Harrison

> I imagine that a user was never expected to post something so huge.

But many people who take and transmit photos have no concept of file size,
including people who contribute to (or manage) websites.

Software that automatically scales pictures to fit the context (and
intrinsically helpful thing to do) aggravate the problem by hiding from
them the consequences of what they are doing.


John Harrison


2013-06-13 Thread John Harrison

> But if javascript is on - then it does not work at all, doesn't display
> the "No javascript" message and doesn't progress (no change there
> either!)... Maybe this is your problem?

Hadn't explicitly thought about that, but I just (3.0) with JS enabled and
JS disabled.  The behaviour seems to be the same.  (But one thing I
reported before was incorrect.  Changing scale keeps you in the old format.
 It's just moving the centre that jumps to new format.)


John Harrison


2013-06-13 Thread John Harrison

> ... Streetmap hasn't changed recently...

It has!  

I use it regularly and the behaviour changed (as per my previous posting)
about a week ago.


John Harrison


2013-06-13 Thread John Harrison

> ... via their older interface at
> ... the map display is only
> in the new format which Netsurf apparently cannot display.

It has changed, and it is annoying, but what I get with NS 3.00 (and
RO5.18) is better than that.

It all works normally as far as displaying the first map.  At that point I
used to edit the z= value in the URL to a small to a small even number (eg
2 or 4) which gave a much more useful 5x5 square display, but if I do that
now it jumps to the new format and tries to fit 25 map squares into the 3x3
window, making a right mess.

If I use any control (scale or move) it also jumps to the new format. 

Most of the controls in the new format work OK, and there is one to switch
to 5x5, so you don't need to edit the URL.  

The one thing that doesn't work is the search box.  The Go button seems to
work, but I can't find a way to type into the search field.

I just tried it with Dev #953 (the latest I had loaded) and (a) it goes
straight to a new style page to offer you the alternative places, which
works but then (b) displays a blank map on which (c) none of the controls


John Harrison

Re:   Non-breaking space.

2013-05-04 Thread John Harrison

> >  Browsers know not to split a line at
> > a non-breaking space, don't they? Except Netsurf?

> Yes it's a long-standing bug.

I assume 'long standing' only relates to 3.x.  2.9 behaves correctly.

John Harrison

Re: Toolbar Customisation

2013-01-24 Thread John Harrison

> Perhaps the correct information to provide to Ken, is that the toolbar
> on the GTK version of NetSurf is not cutomisable.

OTOH, if GTK provides a context sensitive menu using a different button,
then try that over the toolbar and see what happens.


John Harrison

Re: RISC OS Javascript support

2012-12-16 Thread John Harrison

> > OK, the CI system just built #740 

> Bad news - loops on Iyonix, needs alt-break to stop.

That's  odd.  740 has been happily running here in Iyonix (5.18) since I
downloaded it earlier.

John Harrison

Re: RISC OS Javascript support

2012-12-13 Thread John Harrison

> Streetmap's new Beta page does not work however, but this may be using
> Flash as well as javascript.

Looking at the code, it just seems to be JS, not Flash.

John Harrison

Re: NetSurf Developer Workshop

2012-11-06 Thread John Harrison

> Most of the JS I've ever encountered ...

IME JS is often used to hide e-mail addresses from web crawlers looking for
spam fodder.  Currently such addresses (and sometimes the associated names)
are invisible.  Tt will be a great improvement being able to see them.

John Harrison

Re: Deleting subset of cookies

2012-06-10 Thread John Harrison

>  you can find the lines which contains the domain entries that you want 
>  to find...
>  and then just delete those lines with an editor. Not very 
>  comfortable...

I had a cleanup using that technique, and managed to lose the LinkedIn
persistence cookie.  Even when I tried to revert, it would no longer work,
which is a pain because the LinkedIn login won't work with NetSurf.  I'm
not sue how I originally managed to get the persistence cookie.  It must
have come with an invitation or something.  I'm hoping another will come at
some point, because while going to my wife's Macbook is OK for urgent
things it's too much hassle for normal scanning.


John Harrison

Re: NetSurf 2.9 released

2012-04-29 Thread John Harrison

> Thank you Michael and the rest of team

Hear, hear!  (at the risk of clogging the list).

John Harrison

Re: advert overprints text (The Reg)

2012-04-13 Thread John Harrison

> Unfortunately, in Netsurf the HP-Microsoft ad overprints the text.

Set 'Hide advertisements' in Choices - Contents.


John Harrison

Re: r13362 'seriour error' bug

2012-01-02 Thread John Harrison

> > 'serious error' at

> I'm still using r13355, as none of the builds since then seem to have 
> affected the RISC OS version. This URL doesn't cause a crash for me, 
> but gets a "page not found".

I'm still using r13351, and this page seems to work OK


John Harrison

Re: Error converting PNG

2011-11-20 Thread John Harrison
In article <>,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> Every picture I view from the Railway Herald site's Imaging Centre
> causes "Error converting PNG" to flash briefly on the bottom line,
> but only when the image is viewed for the first time - refreshing
> the image, or going back to one recently visited, doesn't show the
> message.  The main image is always displayed successfully, though.

> Example URL:


No problem here:  r13086

John Harrison

Re: Fragment identifiers, PHP, and NetSurf

2011-10-27 Thread John Harrison
In article <>,
   John Williams  wrote:
>  I find that, whilst a URL file containing:


> takes me directly to the Late section in NetSurf, the same URL sent from
> PHP as a header('Location: ...) function seems to lose the fragment
> identifier altogether and just loads the base page.

> I am puzzled as to why this only happens with NetSurf.   

This might be completely unconnected, but I have noticed that if I drag a
URL containing a fragment identifier from NetSurf to something else
(StrongEd, WebWonder, or whatever) only the base URL gets copied across,
like this, in the example above:


John Harrison

Re: Fatal error when page render clashes with a mail/news fetch

2011-10-20 Thread John Harrison

> Has anyone else noticed that if a mail fetch initiates while NetSurf
> is rendering a page, then NS exits with a fatal error?

I just did a manually initiated mail fetch while NetSurf was loading a
page, with no adverse effect. (r13065)

Do you specifically mean rendering, as opposed to downloading?  The pages I
tried took a few seconds, but didn't have a long rendering pause after
getting the data.


John Harrison

Re: puzzling email

2011-10-18 Thread John Harrison

> ... NetSurf, which has its own routines for BMP decoding[1].  Whatever
> ChangeFSI does is not going to affect NetSurf.

However, the test that I did showed that with ImageFS2 running on the
machine, its settings did affect what NetSurf did.

I don't know enough about the mechanics to know whether would or would not
be expected. 


John Harrison

puzzling email

2011-10-17 Thread John Harrison

> Could it be a .bmp format not currently understood by NetSurf? 

I just created a test html file that included a BMP image, and made an
interesting discovery.

If ImageFS2 has its action for BMP files set to Inactive, then NetSurf
renders the BMP image on the page.

But if ImageFS2 has its action for BMP files set to Active (which is the
normal state for most files on my machine) then NetSurf doesn't render the
image on the page (unless it has already done so).


John Harrison

Re: puzzling email

2011-10-17 Thread John Harrison

>  My BMP file starts with the characters 'BM' as viewed in a text editor.

> It does indeed start with 'BM' but I'm mostly sure that it wasn't
> generated with DPIngScan. Bound to be from the dark side, really, but it
> does beg the question how many other BadFile types might there be
> lurking out there?

It's not a 'bad file type' any more that DOC is a bad file type.

BMP is a Windows Bit MaP file.  It's not very efficient, but nor is a

If you can't read that file, then either the file is corrupt (easy enough
with e-mail) or you haven't got ImageFS (or whatever you use) set up to
convert BMP files.


John Harrison

Re: NetSurf and LTSB

2011-10-05 Thread John Harrison

> I guess no one else uses NS with LTSB, as this AM (Monday) still unusable

I only just picked up this thread, so not sure what has been said so far.

I have always used NetSurf with LTSB, and found it OK.  I haven't logged on
for a while though, since my wife normally checks the account from her

I just logged on to see whether there was a problem, and I obviously
haven't done so since they 'improved' it a few months ago, since it is now
pretty unhelpful.


John Harrison

Re: Invisible content

2011-09-28 Thread John Harrison

> What makes the content of this web page
> (which is allegedly W3C checked, and doesn't seem to have any serious
> syntax errors reported when you test it there) invisible on NetSurf when
> you view the page on their servers, but visible if you save the HTML and
> double-click on it locally?   

When I view it in their server I get what you describe (white area
surrounded by stuff that looks normal).  

But if I save it and then the whole layout goes to pot, with a lot more
white space.  The missing content does render,  but several window-depths
down the page.

> (CSS, presumably?)

I did a full save, which included several CSS files, but the behaviour was
still as above.

Maybe it is to do with the spelling of 'artical' (sic) which appeared in
the empty space at one point (but I can't re-create it).


John Harrison

Re: NetSurf 2.8 released - Thank you!

2011-09-23 Thread John Harrison

> I've installed this. Well, updated the old one by dragging the new 
> over the old.

That's normally enough, but it's worth checking whether anything in System
or Boot has been updated as well.  In this case it had (judging by the time
stamp) so I merged them as well.

> Does it have ... converting Unicode to ...

Unicode was the thing that had a recent time stamp.


John Harrison


2007-09-19 Thread John Harrison

> >>>> YahooGroups seems to have changed its sign-in mechanism, so that it
> >>>> no longer works with NetSurf. 

> > Maybe it's because of Javascript in the login page.

> It does work with RISC OS Firefox, though.

It also works with Oregano2.


John Harrison -
Message sent from a British built Iyonix PC running RISC-OS 5