Re: Installation on 64-bit Windows

2017-01-10 Thread mindplay
> there was no offense implied

There was no offence taken really, I took it in good humor. I should have 
clarified "Ouch, thanks" with a 

> Any others?

Why not a Nim script? Tools etc. are installed with Nim scripts. Seems "at 

collections.nim and reactor.nim v0.3.0 released

2017-01-10 Thread zielmicha
I have just released version 0.3.0 of collections.nim and reactor.nim libraries!

reactor.nim is an alternative asynchronous networking engine for Nim based on 
libuv. The main addition in this release is much improved documentation 
[tutorial](, [API 

collections.nim is a collection of several mostly independent module 
([Github](, [API 
docs]( Notably, is has 
 module that implements weak references and 
 which is a more readable alternative to built-in repr.

What is picknim?

2017-01-10 Thread hcorion
Hi, so on issue [#5182]( dom96 
mentioned that

> "users will be using the new _picknim_ to install Nim"

Is this the nim version of rustup I've been waiting for? The official successor 
to the unmaintained [nim-vm]( 

Re: What is picknim?

2017-01-10 Thread dom96
Nice spotting. Yes, that's precisely what it is 

But who knows how long it will take before it's ready for use.

Re: Please , can we stop spams?

2017-01-10 Thread Libman
There was recently a controversial thread that is now "locked", and there was 
some talk of deleting it ([Page 1 on 
 [Page 2 on 
 **I hope that it remains locked rather than deleted**, which I think is _very_ 

Aside from a proper thread locking mechanism, I think this forum needs some 
more features to properly accommodate the needs of Nim's online community:

  * **Thread tagging**: organize threads into categories by adding one or more 
tags, with admins having final say over what tags the thread ends up with. That 
way people can easily view all posts related, for example, to Nim release 
announcements, library release announcements, blog links, language feature 
proposals, stdlib proposals, etc. Some tags would have special meaning, like 
"nerdfight" / "drama" / "locked" / "trash" / "recycle bin" (whatever you wanna 
call it) - for threads like the one above, which would be hidden from the 
thread listing by default, but still visible when desired.
  * **Avoid Covert Mutability**: disable non-admin edits for posts older than 
say 3 days. This prevents disingenuous revisionism, and also optimizes spider 
revisiting needs, for example simplifying maintaining an archive of this forum 
to IPFS without the need to revisit old threads to know if they've changed. 
Also, if, unlike myself, the admins frown upon what some people call 
"necroing", that is posting replies on old threads, then the forum should at 
very least warn you of this preference.
  * As an added argument for my previously suggested **user profile identity 
enhancements** (validated connection with GitHub, OpenHub, GitLab, Reddit, 
FreeNode nick validation, etc), I'd like to include this [selective blog 
quote]( from my fellow libertarian software 
philosopher [esr](

> **In the hacker culture, you should be judged by your work and your work 
> alone. Show me your code. I want to see URLs to public repositories with your 
> commits in them.** (OpenHub statistics will do for a first cut.) Your 
> credibility goes up with commit volume and number of different projects. and 
> especially with the number of other people you have collaborated with. In 
> theory, I might be open to other metrics than commit volume for people who 
> aren't primarily software engineers. But that's an edge case; the point is, 
> whether it's lines of code or Thingiverse objects or PCB layouts, I want to 
> see evidence of contributed work.

  * A further step in this integration would be **read-only import of Nim 
issues, comments, etc** into this forum (especially from GitHub & Reddit), so 
everything can be seen / browsed / searched from one place.

I hope that in the near future I'll **_FINALLY_** find the time to submit some 
feature / enhancements code proposals for 
[nimforum]( (rather than just feature 
suggestions and half-baked code snippets)...

Re: Installation on 64-bit Windows

2017-01-10 Thread Varriount
Anyway, does anyone know some alternative that we might try out? I know that 
we've tried WiX (too much XML), NSIS (too much assembly), and Inno (way, way 
too much programming needed). Any others?

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread euant
I'd definitely be interested in something like "This Week in Nim", similar to 
"This Week in Rust".

I already listen to a bunch of podcasts, and I find development focused 
podcasts difficult to concentrate to. I listened to the phptownhall podcast for 
a while, but eventually bounced off of the repetitive content. Written content 
is much easier to focus on and follow for me.

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread Krux02
Yes of course just keep the updates coming, I look from time to time in this 

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread andrea
I don't think I would listen to a podcast, but I would definitely be interested 
in a different (textual) format, such as This week in Nim

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread chemist69
A little bit late, but I would love to hear and definitely subscribe to a Nim 
podcast! Thanks a lot for the initiative!

Re: Installation on 64-bit Windows

2017-01-10 Thread Araq
> I have yet to find a single programmer on Windows that acts this way
>> Ouch, thanks.

Sorry, but you yourself _did not_ act this way (!), you tried multiple things 
(and even reported your findings back), so there was no offense implied. Should 
have stated this more clearly, sorry.

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the replies! They will help me find the right direction for the 


> I would love to listen to something like this, although I would probably end 
> up talking on it fairly often as well.

You surely would, if you don't mind of course  I have a list of topics for the 
first 20 episodes, and you're already involved in five of them. Hope that won't 
take too much of your time and you won't end up hating me and the podcast!


> I'm interested in anyone who gets to use Nim for work.

I have a couple of potential guests who use Nim in production, so I hope we'll 
get that covered. (I'm actually using Nim for work myself, so if you have any 
questions about "selling" Nim to the management, deploying Nim apps, etc., feel 
free to ask.)


> Sounds like a cool idea, but I'd be interested in reading a newsletter first.

I'd love to have a regular Nim newsletter, too. I'm afraid I won't be able to 
do the podcast _and_ the newsletter though; the podcast alone feels like a very 
time-consuming task. If anyone else would start the newsletter, that'd be great.


> That would be AWESOME!


> One thing I'd like to suggest is not to become overly focused on one 
> centralized project and one homogenous format: audio podcast, video YouTube 
> channel, blog, weekly link roundup, social media page, etc.

I just hope to be able to do the podcasting, let alone vlogging, blogging, and 
other things you mentioned. So, I'll focus on the podcast and hope that someone 
else covers the other bases.


> By now, I could even imagine to be in such a podcast, because I have 
> something to say.

That would be great! I have a bunch of topics without a guest assigned. Would 
you like me to share them with you, so you could maybe pick the ones close to 
your heart? If there's nothing you like in the list, feel free to suggest your 
own topic.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2017-01-10 Thread Krux02
I wonder if it is possible to automatically wrap rust libraries, to make them 
usable in Nim. What I mean is something like this:

rustimport myRustLib


with myRustLib being a pure rust library. No glue code should be required to be 
written manually. With C that is not possible, because C does not have modules. 
For C one has transform the header to a Nim equivalent for a clean module, or 
one can just exploit the fact that Nim compiles to C and emit calls to the 
include and the C function calls. c2nim is a tool that can help a lot for the 
process to translate the C header, but it is something that cannot be 
implemented 100% correct, and therefore there will always be manual written 
wrappers. But Rust does not have this disadvantage, there are clean modules and 
maybe a compiler plugin can give you all the information you would need to 
generate the required Nim wrapper code 100% reliable and 100% automated.

This would really help to take an advantage of the always growing Rust 

Re: Installation on 64-bit Windows

2017-01-10 Thread Varriount
@mindplay I suspect the main reason for araq's vehemence is not malicious, but 
maintenance fatigue.

The old installer used [NSIS](, which is 
a headache to deal with (the installer is built using the NSIS language, which 
closely resembles assembly and a [declarative 

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread Krux02
I was listening to chaos radio podcasts abount programming languages, I watched 
c++ conference talks and I watched the Nim talks from Araq. So I guess I would 
generally be interested, depending on the topic and how well it is made. I 
remember that chaos radio was from time to time not very well made, but it is 
too long ago to remember why I didn't like it. Be prepared and try to speak 
about important stuff for the majority of the time. By now, I could even 
imagine to be in such a podcast, because I have something to say.

Re: Nim Podcast

2017-01-10 Thread Libman
**_That would be AWESOME!_**

* * *

One thing I'd like to suggest is not to become overly focused on one 
centralized project and one homogenous format: audio podcast, video YouTube 
channel, blog, weekly link roundup, social media page, etc. Maybe at one 
instance you can do an audio interview, at another instance a video chat 
recording [(ex)](, etc. Different 
people can do different things as opportunities come up. It will all come 
together via syndication on Reddit, this forum, etc.

(NOTE: I used to do a lot of Facebook outreach for Nim, but I've decided to 
quit Facebook - hope someone else can take over.) 

Re: Meaning of let msg = %* {"message": "Hello World"} ?

2017-01-10 Thread luked2
The example is here:

> [](

in the section titled "Examples"