Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW FUTURE OPEN UP (GAP) 60 point

2007-11-22 Terurut Topik master download

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW FUTURE OPEN UP (GAP) 60 point

2007-11-22 Terurut Topik Wiro Milis
Hi Pak Agus,
Ini linknya:

On Nov 23, 2007 8:38 AM, GhuztLenQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  p Hendra. Dimana sih melihat Dow Future. Sukur2 di kasih linknya.
 Makasih sebelumnya.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW FUTURE OPEN UP (GAP) 60 point

2007-11-22 Terurut Topik Hendra Esa Putra
saya juga main indeks future dow jones, boss
di salah satu broker forex.. jadi pagi tadi bukanya jam 7.15 udah keliatan

- Original Message 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 8:38:05 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW FUTURE OPEN UP (GAP) 60 point

p Hendra. Dimana sih melihat Dow Future. Sukur2 di kasih linknya.
Makasih sebelumnya.

On Nov 23, 2007 7:25 AM, Hendra Esa Putra hendra_boim@  wrote:

sinyal DOW bakal hijau nanti malam.
semalam eropa hijau, pagi ini asia juga bakal bergaerah deh
selamat yg udah belanja kemaren, hari ini cuan deh

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Be a better pen pal. 
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW FUTURE OPEN UP (GAP) 60 point

2007-11-22 Terurut Topik GhuztLenQ
p Hendra. Dimana sih melihat Dow Future. Sukur2 di kasih linknya.
Makasih sebelumnya.

On Nov 23, 2007 7:25 AM, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sinyal DOW bakal hijau nanti malam.
 semalam eropa hijau, pagi ini asia juga bakal bergaerah deh
 selamat yg udah belanja kemaren, hari ini cuan deh

 Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. See

[obrolan-bandar] DOW besok libur?

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik kangduren
berarti nanti malem mudah2an tutup ijo ato ga long leg, buang2nya udah 
kemaren kali, hari ini pikiran trader udah ke ce ato cem2annya masing2


[obrolan-bandar] Dow - jam 3 an baru jebol

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik Herman
Dow di jam 3 cuma -69, namun setelah itu jato tanpa perlawanan sama sekali
sehingga -210.

Ini apa2an 


Seminggu terakhir ini dilihat selalu di 1/2 jam trakhir dow baru jebol.


Ada yg bisa jelasin ?





Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow - jam 3 an baru jebol

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik daniel MA
klo di BEJ grafik 5 menit terakhir pasti diangkat...hehe

On Nov 22, 2007 7:14 AM, Herman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow di jam 3 cuma -69, namun setelah itu jato tanpa perlawanan sama sekali
 sehingga -210.

  Ini apa2an

 Seminggu terakhir ini dilihat selalu di 1/2 jam trakhir dow baru jebol.

 Ada yg bisa jelasin ?



[obrolan-bandar] Dow naik 319,54 point (+2.46%)

2007-11-13 Terurut Topik Teddy
PT TELEKOMUNIKASI IN (NYSE:TLK)  [Edit]\ After Hours: 46.89  [Down]  0.10 (0.21%)
as of 4:12PM ET on 11/13/07Last Trade:46.99Trade Time:4:01PM ETChange:
[Up]  1.04 (2.26%)Sementara DJI:
/**http%3A// 13,307.09+319.54+2.46%
[Chart for Dow]\

[obrolan-bandar] DOW HIJAU. SENIN ANTM BISA TEMBUS Rp. 3700 SAMPAI Rp. 3900.

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Bumi T.
Jika Nikkei ikut hijau, maka Senin ANTM bergerak sekitar Rp. 3700 sampai Rp. 
  Naik pelan pelan saja asal nanti selamat dan tak terjatuh. Jangan seperti 
orang orang
  berebutan mau naik bis dengan supir ugal ugalan, nanti bisa makan korban.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW HIJAU. SENIN ANTM BISA TEMBUS Rp. 3700 SAMPAI Rp. 3900.

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Hypnoril
Senin minus..

Bumi T. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Jika Nikkei ikut hijau, maka Senin ANTM bergerak sekitar Rp. 3700 
sampai Rp. 3900  
  Naik pelan pelan saja asal nanti selamat dan tak terjatuh. Jangan seperti 
orang orang
  berebutan mau naik bis dengan supir ugal ugalan, nanti bisa makan korban.
Do You Yahoo!?
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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[obrolan-bandar] DOW +27 - SENIN SERBU MINING

2007-11-02 Terurut Topik Andri Wijaya
Senin IHSG menuju 2800
Serbu Sektor Mining karena Portofolio BOZZ disana
Target ANTM : 5000, INCO 160rb, PTBA 15rb dan ENRG 2000
Selamat berburu

RE: [saham] RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100

2007-10-29 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa
Fakta2nya - berdasarkan data kemaren :


* C (Closings) = 2,667.XXX (angka ini lebih besar dr 2,661.XXX) ==
Our index has broken the last HH out - right timely


* O (Openings) = 2,655.XXX; C (Closings) hari sebelonnya = 2,624.XXX
(O - C = 31 point) == It's been happened Gappings-up - factually


Happy chuan,





erwin sofyan
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [saham] RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100


Kalau menurut saya sih malah mau jalan ke atas pak, paling ngga tembus

2700 dulu kalau mau koreksi. Koreksinya pun sepertinya tidak dalam. Menurut 

hitungan saya index mau jalan ke 3000. Semoga aja.


- Pesan Asli 
Dari: Thomas Gunawan(Thomas Tan) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Terkirim: Minggu, 28 Oktober, 2007 1:06:20
Topik: Re: [saham] RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100

kelihatannya senin adalah awal jatuh dalem.
udah masuk kakinya double tops.
1 mg depan merah semua dah ati2 buy nanti pas ihsg 2300.
senin pagi last chance sell stock

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 19:12:43 -0700, Aria Bela Nusa  

 Early up-coming weeks - our Index would be broken the Highest High (HH =
 2,661.XXX) up ever, ever - with gappings-up hopefully

 Happy chuan,



 From: obrolan-bandar@  
 On Behalf Of Achmad Assegaf
 Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 8:38 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100

 Hari Senin Ijo lagi deh

 index busa 2700 up.

 Achmad Assegaf

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Thomas Gunawan (Thomas Tan)
Golden Inova Indonesia
Jl Gempol Asri  No63 Perum gempol asri
Bandung Jawa Barat Indonesia 40212
62 22  91991117
62 818222117
thomastan2007@ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100

2007-10-26 Terurut Topik Achmad Assegaf
Hari Senin Ijo lagi deh
index busa 2700 up.

Achmad Assegaf

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100

2007-10-26 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa
Early up-coming weeks - our Index would be broken the Highest High (HH =
2,661.XXX) up ever, ever - with gappings-up hopefully


Happy chuan,





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Achmad Assegaf
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 8:38 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Open + 100


Hari Senin Ijo lagi deh

index busa 2700 up.


Achmad Assegaf

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[obrolan-bandar] DOW Future +45

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik rudy_hks2000
Kayaknya DOW mlm ini bisa rebound hijau lagi, DOW Future s/d saat ini +45.





[obrolan-bandar] DOW pembukaan naik 0,5 %

2007-10-23 Terurut Topik sulistyo_winarto
gara2 earning emiten gede yang untungnya gile...
sayang modal gue udah dipakai. Jadi tinggal jualan deh besok..

Thanks atas nasehat temen2

[obrolan-bandar] DOW minus 200

2007-10-19 Terurut Topik macd

Tadi sekitar jam 22-23 DOW udah lewatin minus 200
mudah2an bisa ditutup lebih baik...
Kalo gak... bisa Senin Kelabu di ISX (eh... udah resmi belum pake nama 
Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Tapi kelabu masih lebih baik daripada Hitam kan?


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[obrolan-bandar] Dow future +56 diatas 14000

2007-10-17 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Saat ini Dow future +56 diatas 14000 (bloomberg), apa engga 
salah liat...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow future +56 diatas 14000

2007-10-17 Terurut Topik Martono
selama liburan kemaren, kalo sore atau pagi-pagi nonton CNBC, seinget saya
emang belum pernah liat Dow Futures dibawah 14000.


On 10/17/07, Andri Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   di website
 dow +51 di 14023 (15.55)

 On 10/17/07, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Saat ini Dow future +56 diatas 14000 (bloomberg), apa engga
  salah liat...

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones Surges Past 14,000 to Close at Record High - As Credit Worries Begin to Subside...(So do the JSX passes 2,400 - as the economy accelerates by the 4th quarter)

2007-10-01 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa

Dow Jones Passes 14,000 for Record High
Monday October 1, 6:46 pm ET 
By Joe Bel Bruno, AP Business Writer 


Dow Jones Surges Past 14,000 to Close at Record High As Credit Worries Begin
to Subside 

NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street began the fourth quarter with a huge rally
Monday, sending the Dow Jones industrial average to a record close. Stocks
were buoyed by a growing belief that the worst of the credit crisis has

The Dow rose 191.92, or 1.38 percent, to 14,087.55, surpassing its closing
record of 14,000.41 set in mid-July. The blue chip index rose as high as
14,115.51 to eclipse its previous intraday high of 14,021.95 set July 17. 

While the beginning of the new quarter was an incentive for institutional
investors to buy, they also seemed to be motivated by a sense that banks and
other financial companies generally weathered the recent credit market
upheaval. Both Citigroup and Switzerland's UBS AG issued third-quarter
profit warnings, but indicated the current period might see a return to
normal earnings levels. 

Meanwhile, the market was optimistic that new economic data might nudge the
Federal Reserve toward another interest rate cut at its Oct. 30-31 meeting.
The Institute for Supply Management said the manufacturing sector grew in
September at the slowest pace in six months; the trade group said its index
of manufacturing activity registered at 52.0 in September, below forecasts
for a reading of at least 52.5. 

People are getting more confident there is going to be an October rate
cut, said John C. Forelli, portfolio manager for Independence Investment.
To some degree, it looks like Citi kitchen-sinked the quarter, and that
from here going forward will be calmer. That's underpinning the financials.

Enthusiasm about acquisition activity picked up after Nokia unveiled an $8.1
billion offer to buy navigation-software maker Navteq Corp. The deal was
seen as a signal that corporations are feeling comfortable in making big
moves despite recent market turbulence. 

Broader market indexes also rose sharply. The Standard  Poor's 500 index
rose 20.29, or 1.33 percent, to 1,547.04, nearing its all-time trading high
of 1,555.90, also reached in mid-July. The Nasdaq composite index rose
39.49, or 1.46 percent, to 2,740.99; the tech-laden index remains well below
its high of 5,048.62, reached in 2000 when it was bloated by the dot-com

The Dow finished a turbulent third quarter with a 3.6 percent gain, after
the Fed eased investor concerns over the credit and housing markets by
lowering key interest rates half a percentage point. 

Bonds moved higher Monday, with the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury
note falling to 4.55 percent from 4.59 percent late Friday. Fixed-income
investors, currently concerned about the dollar's recent weakness,
interpreted the ISM report as not necessarily portending an interest rate
cut, which would further erode the U.S. currency. 

The dollar was mixed Monday against other major currencies, while gold
prices rose. 

A barrel of light, sweet crude fell $1.42 to $80.24 on the New York
Mercantile Exchange. This extended last week's decline amid concerns that
oil market fundamentals do not support recent high prices. 

Arthur Hogan, chief market analyst at Jefferies  Co., said the biggest
tipping point of the day was financial stocks. For the first time, Citi --
considered a barometer for the banking industry -- is giving some real
numbers about the extent of its damage, he said. 

If they are giving us worst-case scenario, then market participants are
feeling that most of the stuff we've worried about since July will remain
contained, he said. That's the celebration the market is putting on right
now, and the take away is that the black hole of not knowing finally has
some numbers around it. 

Financial stocks -- from brokerages to retail banks -- slumped during the
third quarter as uncertainty grew about the extent of losses from the credit
and subprime mortgage turmoil. Comments from Citi Chief Executive Charles
Prince that he expects to return to a more normal earnings environment
during the fourth quarter put investors more at ease. 

And, since analysts believe financials must lead a broader Wall Street
advance, a rally in bank and brokerage stocks was greeted with enthusiasm.
Citigroup shares rose $1.05, or 2.3 percent, to $47.72. Countrywide
Financial Corp., the nation's largest home loan provider, rose 95 cents, or
5 percent, to $19.96 on the potential of an easing in subprime loan jitters.

UBS, the largest Swiss bank, rose $1.69, or 3.2 percent, to $54.94 after
warning it would take a pretax loss of up to $690 million in the quarter and
cut 1,500 jobs. Rival Credit Suisse Group rose $1.66, or 2.5 percent, to
$67.99 after it said third-quarter profit will remain healthy despite stormy

Homebuilding stocks -- another group that has been hard hit in recent weeks
-- spiked after 

[obrolan-bandar] Dow sentuh 14.000 di sessi pembukaan!

2007-10-01 Terurut Topik Gandhi Hadiwitanto
Saya bener-bener kagak ngarti. Berita-berita ekonomi AS yang keluar hari ini
semuanya jelek. Citibank bilang, pendapatan kuartal ketiga-nya bakal jeblok
60% karena subrime back securities. Indeks pertumbuhan industri (manufaktur)
turun dari 52,9 di bulan Agustus menjadi 52 di September akibat melemahnya
penjualan mobil dan masalah kredit. Belum lagi kasus kerugian bank UBS. Tapi
Dow seperti kuda liar yang dilepas dari kandang. Langsung melejit sampai
+106 pada pukul 21.15 WIB. Ada berita positif apakah? Bullish trap-kah?
Nafsu menjebol rekor closing 14.000-kah? (Level 14.000 sudah sempat kecolek
hari ini.)




[obrolan-bandar] Dow Open +

2007-09-18 Terurut Topik Kicky N
Dow Open Positif... kenapa yah?
Building a website is a piece of cake. 
Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online.

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones Turun 0,29% ke 13.403,42

2007-09-18 Terurut Topik [EMAIL PROTECTED] Åkßâr

Selasa, 18 September 2007 09:01:48

StockWatch (Jakarta) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) pada
Senin (17/9) ditutup melemah 39,10 poin (0,29%) ke level 13.403,42. Nasdaq
Composite Index (NCI) turun 20,52 poin (0,79%) ke posisi 2.581,66. Indeks
Standard  Poor's 500 (SP500) juga turun 7,60 poin (0,51%) menjadi 1.476,65

Pasar masih menunggu hasil pertemuan Komite Pasar Terbuka Federal AS
(Federal Open Market Committee/FOMC) yang akan diadakan pada Selasa (18/9)
waktu AS. Pasar secara umum memperkirakan penurunan fed rate sebesar 25
basis poin menjadi 5%.

Selain itu laporan keuangan dari sejumlah investment banking seperti Lehman
Brothers, Morgan Stanley dan Bears Stern akan menjadi sorotan pasar untuk
menilai dampak dari masalah kredit terhadap kinerja perusahaan investment
banking besar di AS.

Sejumlah indeks bursa Asia Pasifik pada Selasa (18/9) pagi melemah mengikuti 
indeks Dow Jones. All Ordinaries Index di Australia turun 44,70 poin (0,71%) ke 
6.239,00. Indeks Kospi di Korea turun 14,54 poin (0,78%) menjadi 1.857,14, 
Nikkei di Jepang anjlok 236,49 poin (1,47%) menjadi 15.890,93, dan Straits 
Times Index (STI) turun 17,41 poin (0,50%) menjadi 3.458,90. (yan)

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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Hebaaattt

2007-09-12 Terurut Topik JsxTrader
Ngga jadi terbang pak. cuacanya buruk..
-Original Message-
From: Achmad Assegaf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 September 2007 21:43
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow J Hebaaattt
Bahagialah Yang HAri ini banyak membeli saham2,
besok IHSG Pasti Terbang 
jam 10.30 Dow j Udah plus 140 point dan FTse 130 Point (2%)
A. Assegaf
- Original Message 
From: nothing2manything [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:41:34 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] KARK ke 1000 ? Bisa lah ...
Proyek BBN Manhattan serap 40.000 tenaga kerja
JAKARTA: Proyek bahan bakar nabati (BBN) PT Manhattan Capital di Nusa 
Tenggara Timur (NTT) akan memberi mata pencaharian bagi sekitar 
40.000 orang yang berkaitan langsung dengan kegiatan usaha tersebut.

Sudiro Andi Wiguno, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Manhattan Capital, 
menjelaskan terdapat dua proyek industri BBN berikut pengembangan 
perkebunan jarak pagar (Jathropa curcas) di NTT yakni di Kabupaten 
Kupang, Pulau Timor, serta di Pulau Sumba.

Satu proyek kami bakal menafkahi 20.000 kepala keluarga, ungkapnya 
dalam perbincangan dengan Bisnis di Jakarta kemarin.

Jumlah hingga 20.000 orang itu melibatkan mereka yang melakukan 
pemetikan jarak pagar yang tidak tergantung musim sehingga 
keberadaannya diperlukan sepanjang tahun, kemudian penyedia sarana 
transportasi, dan berbagai bidang yang terkait dengan perkebunan 
maupun industri pengolahan jarak pa-gar sampai menjadi BBN.

Jika dihitung dengan bidang lain yang tak berkaitan langsung dengan 
kegiatan Manhattan, diperkirakan 100.000 orang akan memperoleh 
manfaat dari kehadiran kegiatan PT Manhattan Capital.

Kedua proyek tersebut kini memasuki tahap studi. Namun yang di 
Kabupaten Kupang, calon mitra Manhattan telah diungkapkan yakni 
Merhavv, salah satu perusahaan yang berbasis di Tel Aviv, Israel.

Hanya saja, menurut Sudiro, Manhattan Capital akan melakukan joint 
operation (JO) ataupun membentuk usaha patungan dengan anak 
perusahaan Merhavv yang berbasis di Turkmenistan, salah satu negeri 
Asia Tengah pecahan dari Uni Soviet.

Jadi, kami tegaskan bahwa JO ataupun JV [joint venture] yang kami 
mitrakan nanti bukan dengan perusahaan yang berbasis legal formal di 
Tel Aviv, melainkan dengan anak perusahaannya yang beroperasi di 

Mengenai proyek yang direncanakan berlokasi di Pulau Sumba, dia belum 
bersedia menyebutkan namanya. Tetapi, perusahaan tersebut masuk 
kategori perusahaan migas terbesar ketiga di dunia.

Mengenai jalinan kerja sama dengan Merhavv Group, Sudiro yang juga 
presiden direktur PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk menjelaskan 
keberadaan Manhattan Capital bukanlah sebagai broker. Kami terlibat 
aktif setidaknya dalam lima tahun mendatang yang melibatkan investasi 
hingga US$3 miliar.

Dia mengemukakan dalam kerja sama itu masing-masing pihak memunyai 
tugas yang jelas. Merhavv bertugas memasok teknologi, pembiayaan, 
serta bertindak sebagai offtaker yang akan membeli BBN yang 
diproduksi, sementara Manhattan Capital bertugas menyediakan lahan 
hingga 100.000 hektare, pengadaan sumber daya manusia, perizinan, 
penyediaan jalan dan jaringan komunikasi, serta menyiapkan sistem 
irigasi berikut penampungannya.

Jadi, kita manfaatkan teknologi yang mereka [Merhavv] miliki 
termasuk soal benih, sebaliknya tanah tetap menjadi milik kita, 
papar Sudiro.

PT Manhattan Capital termasuk Manhattan Group. Manhattan Group juga 
memiliki PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk. Baik PT Manhattan 
Capital maupun PT Dayaindo Resources membidik bisnis di bidang sumber 
daya alam, energi, dan infrastruktur selain mempertahankan bisnis 
konstruksi yang dijalani selama ini.

Oleh M. Syahran W. Lubis
Bisnis Indonesia 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bandar kecil bandarkecil@

 denger2 sih, RI tetep di harga 500. tapi belum tau lagi kapan nih 
jadwalnya. tapi kalo udah mulai gerak bisa kayak kesetanan lagi nih 
barang. model2nya sih bakalan sama ama KPIG, MIRA n IIKP. kalao mau 
aman buat ke depan sih POLY. kalau kita bandingin ama investasi di 
deposito yg bunganya maks. 9% pa (masih potong pajak), beli ini sih 
nggak bakalan rugi deh. itung2 investasi tetap selama 1 tahun. paling 
nggak des. juga bisa ke  130an. 
 SIPD di harga 60an gini juga masih murah tuh. kalau jadi dibeli 
asing lagi, ni barang bisa cepet  100an.
 kalau POLY belinya dibawah 90 sih aman.
 exindo_trade exindo_trade@ ... wrote:
 punya info apa lagi sekarang pak? Saya udah bosen 
mantengin KARK. 
 kayaknya udah gak ada rencana dinaikkan lagi ya? so RInya 
 publik ya? Saham laen aja dah pak, apa lagi?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com , bandar kecil 
 bandarkecil@  wrote:
  I sudah bilang khan... MIRA mau ke 350an..
  hari ini mau ke AR 285 ditahan. .. takut di suspend

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW IJO - IHSG MERAH

2007-09-12 Terurut Topik James Arifin
pada mau puasa kali, sehingga takut puasa batal karena emosional baik
loss maupun gain. Jadi puasa dulu biar hati dan otak tentram

On 9/12/07, JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kok jadi merah gini sih? Bukannya semalem DOW ijo jo jo jo…….. Ada yg bisa


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Ironis RE: [obrolan-bandar] DOW IJO - IHSG MERAH

2007-09-12 Terurut Topik Gandhi Hadiwitanto
Kalau bandingin Dow semalam dengan IHSG hari ini kok ironis. Saat di negara
pusat gempa subrime mortgage yang berpotensi tsunami indeksnya melambung
tinggi, yang di Indonesia malah mengkeret ketakutan kena tsunami. 


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of James Arifin
Sent: 12 September 2007 18:20
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW IJO - IHSG MERAH

pada mau puasa kali, sehingga takut puasa batal karena emosional baik
loss maupun gain. Jadi puasa dulu biar hati dan otak tentram

On 9/12/07, JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kok jadi merah gini sih? Bukannya semalem DOW ijo jo jo jo Ada yg bisa


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[obrolan-bandar] Dow J Hebaaattt

2007-09-11 Terurut Topik Achmad Assegaf
Bahagialah Yang HAri ini banyak membeli saham2,
besok IHSG Pasti Terbang 
jam 10.30 Dow j Udah plus 140 point dan FTse 130 Point (2%)

A. Assegaf

- Original Message 
From: nothing2manything [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:41:34 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] KARK ke 1000 ? Bisa lah ...

Proyek BBN Manhattan serap 40.000 tenaga kerja
JAKARTA: Proyek bahan bakar nabati (BBN) PT Manhattan Capital di Nusa 
Tenggara Timur (NTT) akan memberi mata pencaharian bagi sekitar 
40.000 orang yang berkaitan langsung dengan kegiatan usaha tersebut.

Sudiro Andi Wiguno, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Manhattan Capital, 
menjelaskan terdapat dua proyek industri BBN berikut pengembangan 
perkebunan jarak pagar (Jathropa curcas) di NTT yakni di Kabupaten 
Kupang, Pulau Timor, serta di Pulau Sumba.

Satu proyek kami bakal menafkahi 20.000 kepala keluarga, ungkapnya 
dalam perbincangan dengan Bisnis di Jakarta kemarin.

Jumlah hingga 20.000 orang itu melibatkan mereka yang melakukan 
pemetikan jarak pagar yang tidak tergantung musim sehingga 
keberadaannya diperlukan sepanjang tahun, kemudian penyedia sarana 
transportasi, dan berbagai bidang yang terkait dengan perkebunan 
maupun industri pengolahan jarak pa-gar sampai menjadi BBN.

Jika dihitung dengan bidang lain yang tak berkaitan langsung dengan 
kegiatan Manhattan, diperkirakan 100.000 orang akan memperoleh 
manfaat dari kehadiran kegiatan PT Manhattan Capital.

Kedua proyek tersebut kini memasuki tahap studi. Namun yang di 
Kabupaten Kupang, calon mitra Manhattan telah diungkapkan yakni 
Merhavv, salah satu perusahaan yang berbasis di Tel Aviv, Israel.

Hanya saja, menurut Sudiro, Manhattan Capital akan melakukan joint 
operation (JO) ataupun membentuk usaha patungan dengan anak 
perusahaan Merhavv yang berbasis di Turkmenistan, salah satu negeri 
Asia Tengah pecahan dari Uni Soviet.

Jadi, kami tegaskan bahwa JO ataupun JV [joint venture] yang kami 
mitrakan nanti bukan dengan perusahaan yang berbasis legal formal di 
Tel Aviv, melainkan dengan anak perusahaannya yang beroperasi di 

Mengenai proyek yang direncanakan berlokasi di Pulau Sumba, dia belum 
bersedia menyebutkan namanya. Tetapi, perusahaan tersebut masuk 
kategori perusahaan migas terbesar ketiga di dunia.

Mengenai jalinan kerja sama dengan Merhavv Group, Sudiro yang juga 
presiden direktur PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk menjelaskan 
keberadaan Manhattan Capital bukanlah sebagai broker. Kami terlibat 
aktif setidaknya dalam lima tahun mendatang yang melibatkan investasi 
hingga US$3 miliar.

Dia mengemukakan dalam kerja sama itu masing-masing pihak memunyai 
tugas yang jelas. Merhavv bertugas memasok teknologi, pembiayaan, 
serta bertindak sebagai offtaker yang akan membeli BBN yang 
diproduksi, sementara Manhattan Capital bertugas menyediakan lahan 
hingga 100.000 hektare, pengadaan sumber daya manusia, perizinan, 
penyediaan jalan dan jaringan komunikasi, serta menyiapkan sistem 
irigasi berikut penampungannya.

Jadi, kita manfaatkan teknologi yang mereka [Merhavv] miliki 
termasuk soal benih, sebaliknya tanah tetap menjadi milik kita, 
papar Sudiro.

PT Manhattan Capital termasuk Manhattan Group. Manhattan Group juga 
memiliki PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk. Baik PT Manhattan 
Capital maupun PT Dayaindo Resources membidik bisnis di bidang sumber 
daya alam, energi, dan infrastruktur selain mempertahankan bisnis 
konstruksi yang dijalani selama ini.

Oleh M. Syahran W. Lubis
Bisnis Indonesia 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, bandar kecil bandarkecil@ ... 

 denger2 sih, RI tetep di harga 500. tapi belum tau lagi kapan nih 
jadwalnya. tapi kalo udah mulai gerak bisa kayak kesetanan lagi nih 
barang. model2nya sih bakalan sama ama KPIG, MIRA n IIKP. kalao mau 
aman buat ke depan sih POLY. kalau kita bandingin ama investasi di 
deposito yg bunganya maks. 9% pa (masih potong pajak), beli ini sih 
nggak bakalan rugi deh. itung2 investasi tetap selama 1 tahun. paling 
nggak des. juga bisa ke  130an. 
 SIPD di harga 60an gini juga masih murah tuh. kalau jadi dibeli 
asing lagi, ni barang bisa cepet  100an.
 kalau POLY belinya dibawah 90 sih aman.
 exindo_trade exindo_trade@ ... wrote:
 punya info apa lagi sekarang pak? Saya udah bosen 
mantengin KARK. 
 kayaknya udah gak ada rencana dinaikkan lagi ya? so RInya 
 publik ya? Saham laen aja dah pak, apa lagi?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, bandar kecil 
 bandarkecil@  wrote:
  I sudah bilang khan... MIRA mau ke 350an..
  hari ini mau ke AR 285 ditahan. .. takut di suspend 
 kali... hehehehe. happy trading.
  DISCLAIMER. hati2.
  kokojod kokojod@ wrote:
  KPIG, MIRA,MYRX, 3 saham ini akan melakukan action dalam 
 waktu dekat, 
  saham2 tsb di back door, setelah persetujuan RUPS akan stock 
  kemudian right issue. Nanti harganya akan melambung..bung. .bung.. 

[obrolan-bandar] DOW Jumat Merah - akankah IHSG hari Senin cuek aje ?

2007-09-09 Terurut Topik Bambang Setiawan
  Pak Oentoeng,
  Pak DE,
  Pak Tasrul,
  Pak JA,
  Ayo dong kasih advise, juga chartnya, apa pentungannya ada disini
terlanjur pegang tambang nih...gede lagi.. 

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW vs IHSG

2007-08-30 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Hehehe good joke mr dean. Emang kemarin itu dow memang enak untuk di
daytrade :-). Now will the bernanke speech make the bear loose more
than just a ball?? Heheh, we'll see

On 8/31/07, Dean Earwicker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BEAR: Hahahaha. give me your stocks
 BULL: Jantjook .!!


 BEAR: .ugh.. my balls.



Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik SbudianaC
Terima kasih Pa Oskar atas penjelasannya, malah sering saya lihat tulisannya

-Original Message-
From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 Agustus 2007 0:08
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

Betul pak,

Yang salah itu di chart-nya. Dow ditutup pada level 13,378 lebih
dikit. Chart-nya ditutup pada level 13406. Walaupun pergerakan dow
futures memang mengikut pergerakan underlying securities-nya, tapi
gara-gara nilai delta fluktuatif maka pergerakannya ga sama (sehingga
support dan resistance-nya pun beda)

INDU ini ticker simbol di semua broker untuk index dow jones 30 pak.
Kalau YM itu simbol untuk dow jones futures (saya asumsi YM7U adalah
simbol untuk dow jones futures expired september, CMIIW)

On 8/25/07, SbudianaC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pa Oskar,
 $INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

 -Original Message-
 From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW
 rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

 On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
  Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah
  +- 778 point.
  Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;
  - Original Message 
  From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again
  the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.
  • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
  B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
  JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
  Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also
  strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
  • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07
  income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
  strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
  The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
  and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.
  • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less
  month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
  Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
  we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think
  is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
  acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
  incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise
  June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.
  • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and
  better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
  Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
  Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are:
  an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum
  and (3) delay in land acquisitions.
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
  and lay it on us.

 Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
 Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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Data ekonomi yang akan menggerakan DOW minggu ini (was RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket)

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik Bambang V Subroto
NEW YORK (AP) - Wall Street heads back to work this week in a somewhat
calmer state of mind. Overall, investors  are more optimistic now about
the financial markets than they have been in several weeks. 

An interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve is far from guaranteed, but
after the central bank lowered its discount rate on Aug. 17 -- a rate that
several major banks took advantage of -- Wall Street feels it can rely on
the Fed as a safety net. 

The market had its most stable week in a month last week. The Dow Jones
industrials rose back above 13,300 after momentarily dipping below 12,600 in
the prior week. The Dow finished up 2.29 percent for the week, the SP rose
2.31 percent, and the Nasdaq added 2.86 percent. 

Meanwhile, the yield on the three-month Treasury bill recovered to a more
reasonable 4.23 percent, after briefly falling under 3 percent last Monday
as nervous investors fled to the safety of short-term government securities.

Though some the worst is over for stocks, that the underlying strength in
the economy and corporate America will help the market overcome any credit
troubles, others argue things will get more difficult before they get

Worries about tightening credit haven't disappeared, with the housing market
looking dismal and certain types of assets still hard to sell -- like
asset-backed commercial paper, normally an easy way for companies to get

It's possible that without a rate cut from the Fed, stocks  could tumble further. Traders
are betting on the Fed cutting the benchmark fed funds rate at its Sept. 18
meeting or sooner, but many economists say the central bank -- which has
held rates steady for over a year -- is unlikely to waver. 

Wall Street could get some insight into the Fed's thinking Tuesday when the
central bank releases minutes from its last meeting. On Aug. 7, policymakers
held rates steady and said that while tight credit and the housing market
may drag on the economy, inflation is the primary risk. 

Investors will also be focusing on the Commerce Department's Friday report
on personal income, personal spending, and core personal consumption
expenditures inflation. Personal income is expected to tick up 0.3 percent,
spending is expected to rise 0.4 percent, and the year-over-year inflation
gauge is anticipated to register at 2.0 percent, slightly above last month's
reading of 1.9 percent. 


Investors will have a lot of economic data to sift through this week. 

Wall Street will be reading two snapshots of the slumping housing market:
The National Association of Realtors' Monday report on sales of existing
homes, and Tuesday's SP/Case-Shiller home price index. 

Existing home sales are expected to have held fairly steady in July,
according to the median estimate of economists surveyed Friday by Thomson
Financial, after dropping in June to the slowest rate in nearly five years. 

The market will also get two readings on August consumer sentiment this week
-- one Tuesday from the Conference Board, and one Friday from the University
of Michigan. 

Economic growth will be in focus as well. On Wednesday, the Commerce
Department releases its second estimate of second-quarter gross domestic
product. Economists forecast that GDP growth will register at 4.0 percent, a
faster pace than the department's July estimate of 3.4 percent. 

And on Friday, the Chicago Purchasing Managers releases its manufacturing
index, which is expected to show modest expansion. The Chicago PMI is a
precursor to next week's closely watched national manufacturing index from
the Institute for Supply Management. 



Bila data ekonomi makro sesuai dengan ekspektasi pasar, maka DOW minggu ini
akan naik.Kita tunggu saja.



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik
hahaha very funny... pak odink bikin web br lg aja - -  :-D
btw, thks pak boyz, kalo bisa sering2 aja posting chartnya, biar gak punya tapi 
masih bisa dpt ngintipin chart up to date hehehe balik lagi deh 

  - Original Message - 
  From: boyz 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J 
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

  pesanan khusus alias limited edition, hehehe ...


  Odink wrote:
   chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Yuli Triono
menurut saya malah akan terus rally, bbrp technical
aspect yg saya lihat mendukung riding the bull :
- baru breakout resistance menuju pola flag  pennant
- ditutup dekat titik tertinggi
- buy power memotong keatas sell power
- 100 poin lg menuju golden cross yg ditunjukkan
oleh bbrp oscilator utama : Ergodic, Cybercycle,
Williams R, CCI  dynamic momentum index.etc.
- trend ADX line terus keatas +DI menunju -DI untuk
memotong keatas
- short MACD memotong long MACD ke atas.

logikanya : tekanan jual yg rendah menjelang libur
weekend. memulai senin dgn sentimen FED akan nurunin
suku bunga.

kesimpulan saya : masih dan terus ijo royo2 !!. amin.

-salam cuan-

--- Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378
 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di
 12600, jadi udah naik +- 778 point. 
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik
 kesimpulan sendiri;
 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY
 target price again on the back of strong results,
 now to Rp 630/sh.
 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported
 1H07 net income of Rp48 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The
 reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan’s and consensus estimates of
 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively.
 Operating profit also grew strongly, up 228% Y/Y
 from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the
 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net income expanded by 123% Y/Y
 and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew strongly by
 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
 The low interest rate and project developments have
 accelerated the revenue and profit growth during
 1H07 and 2Q07.
 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT
 to Rp630: In less than a month, Bakrieland has
 managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has
 improved. We think there is a higher probability
 now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our
 valuation and raise our June-08 PT to Rp630;
 implying 28.6% upside potential.
 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong
 results recorded and the better visibility of land
 acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV
 methods. Risks are: (1) an unexpected interest rate
 hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project; and
 (3) delay in land acquisitions.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Hm... kayaknya minggu depan pergerakan dow jones bakalan liar lagi...
pasang straddle or strangle ah di DIA ;))

On 8/25/07, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  DJI bukan satu-2 indikator yang menjadi patokan di US market.
  ada SP500, MSCI dan juga Nasdaq Composite (untuk new tech company).

  kalau SP500 dan Nasdaq sudah melewati garis Res.
  malah DJIA, SP500, dan Nasdaq sudah MACD Golden Cross.

  yg menjadi critical point adalah 61,8% fibonacci retracement-nya, masih
 belum tembus.

  61,8% Fibonacci Retracement
  DJIA   = 13.848,93
  SP500  = 1.485,12
  Nasdaq   = 2.595,30

  hopefully helpful ...


  Hendra Esa Putra wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
 the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.

 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of Rp48
 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of

 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
 strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.

 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
 income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
 strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.

 The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the revenue
 and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.

 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than a
 month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,

 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
 is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we

 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
 June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.

 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
 better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of

 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
 an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
 and (3) delay in land acquisitions.

 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel
 and lay it on us. 

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

+ +
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Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
kecuali memang diperlukan.
+ + + + +
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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Bambang V Subroto
Secara teknikal, Dow memang ada kecenderungan naik, tetapi secara
fundamental kita harus mengetahui perkembangan perekonomian yang bisa
tersaji dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti hasil pertemuan meeting antara
senator Dodd dan Bernake kemarin, terus data Home Sales, perkembangan data
kartu kredit, kredit kendaraan, dsb. Nah silakan teman-teman membaca agenda
data perekonomian di US, Eropa, Jepang , yang notabene banyak berpengaruh
terhadap pergerakan BEJ. Untuk mengetahui detail data apa saja yang
berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pasar saham/uang, teman2 di sini bisa
mengakses ke sini:
month=9year=2007 week=1188086400do=displayweekmonth=9year=2007


Di situ dijelaskan laporan apa saja yang akan mempengaruhi pergerakan pasar
saham/uang. Penjelasan atas masing-masing detail dengan segala implikasinya
terhadap pergerakan bursa saham juga terlampir.  







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Yuli Triono
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket


menurut saya malah akan terus rally, bbrp technical
aspect yg saya lihat mendukung riding the bull :
- baru breakout resistance menuju pola flag  pennant
- ditutup dekat titik tertinggi
- buy power memotong keatas sell power
- 100 poin lg menuju golden cross yg ditunjukkan
oleh bbrp oscilator utama : Ergodic, Cybercycle,
Williams R, CCI  dynamic momentum index.etc.
- trend ADX line terus keatas +DI menunju -DI untuk
memotong keatas
- short MACD memotong long MACD ke atas.

logikanya : tekanan jual yg rendah menjelang libur
weekend. memulai senin dgn sentimen FED akan nurunin
suku bunga.

kesimpulan saya : masih dan terus ijo royo2 !!. amin.

-salam cuan-

--- Hendra Esa Putra hendra_boim@ wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378
 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di
 12600, jadi udah naik +- 778 point. 
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik
 kesimpulan sendiri;
 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY
 target price again on the back of strong results,
 now to Rp 630/sh.
 . Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported
 1H07 net income of Rp48 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The
 reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively.
 Operating profit also grew strongly, up 228% Y/Y
 from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
 . 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the
 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net income expanded by 123% Y/Y
 and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew strongly by
 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
 The low interest rate and project developments have
 accelerated the revenue and profit growth during
 1H07 and 2Q07.
 . Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT
 to Rp630: In less than a month, Bakrieland has
 managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has
 improved. We think there is a higher probability
 now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our
 valuation and raise our June-08 PT to Rp630;
 implying 28.6% upside potential.
 . Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong
 results recorded and the better visibility of land
 acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV
 methods. Risks are: (1) an unexpected interest rate
 hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project; and
 (3) delay in land acquisitions.

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Re: FW: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz

yup ... pergerakannya akan relatif sama.

IMO,  DJIA hanya gabungan/rata-rata dari 30 saham dari sektor industri ...
SP500 tentunya adalah gabungan dari 500 saham dari berbagai sektor.

menurut saya, averages 500 saham (dari berbagai sektor) lebih mewakili
daripada 30 saham (dari satu sektor).
ditambah Nasdaq, indikator sektor new tech / new business company.


Aria Bela Nusa wrote:

Mantab, Pak Gambar (/chart/)-nya : Gab antara garis2 Fibo + EW + 
/indicators/ -- kelihatannya semua kombinasi + konfirmasi itu Oke 
punya arahnya utk  ke depannya...


Sbg contoh : Utk DJ - target *50 %* dr /BOTTOMING REVERSAL/ = (1/2) * 
(14,000 -- 12,400) = 800 atau (12,400 + 800) = *13,200* saja telah 
terlampaui/tercapai mudah/cepet (hanya perlu 7 (tujuh) /candles/ utk 
mencapainya) - selanjutnya utk mencapai target *100 %* tentunya berikutnya


Saya kira -- memang perlu konfirmasi DJ + S  P + NASDAQ itu (mis 
sama2 perlu ijo2 semua) à tapi krn pd negara yg sama + ekonomi yg sama 
-- saya kira perkembangan/pergerakannya (paling tidak arahnya) akan 
sama pula


Happy chuan,




Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz
wow  ... eagle eyes
mr. oskar syahbana sangat teliti sekali ... hehehe
sepertinya itu chart dow jones future ...


Oskar Syahbana wrote:
 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Odink
chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..

On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 20:18:46 +0700, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 DJI bukan satu-2 indikator yang menjadi patokan di US market.
 ada SP500, MSCI dan juga Nasdaq Composite (untuk new tech company).

+ +
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Re: FW: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Betul pak boyz, saya lebih suka ngeliatin Nasdaq, SP500, sama Russel
dibandingin Dow jones :-).

Nasdaq dan SP500 kemaren tembus bearish resistance mereka, russel aja
yg masih rada amburadul hehehe.

On 8/25/07, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  yup ... pergerakannya akan relatif sama.

  IMO,  DJIA hanya gabungan/rata-rata dari 30 saham dari sektor industri ...
  SP500 tentunya adalah gabungan dari 500 saham dari berbagai sektor.

  menurut saya, averages 500 saham (dari berbagai sektor) lebih mewakili
  daripada 30 saham (dari satu sektor).
  ditambah Nasdaq, indikator sektor new tech / new business company.


  Aria Bela Nusa wrote:

 Mantab, Pak Gambar (chart)-nya : Gab antara garis2 Fibo + EW + indicators –
 kelihatannya semua kombinasi + konfirmasi itu Oke punya arahnya utk  ke

 Sbg contoh : Utk DJ - target 50 % dr BOTTOMING REVERSAL = (1/2) * (14,000 –
 12,400) = 800 atau (12,400 + 800) = 13,200 saja telah terlampaui/tercapai
 mudah/cepet (hanya perlu 7 (tujuh) candles utk mencapainya) - selanjutnya
 utk mencapai target 100 % tentunya berikutnya

 Saya kira – memang perlu konfirmasi DJ + S  P + NASDAQ itu (mis sama2 perlu
 ijo2 semua) à tapi krn pd negara yg sama + ekonomi yg sama – saya kira
 perkembangan/pergerakannya (paling tidak arahnya) akan sama pula

 Happy chuan,



Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz
pesanan khusus alias limited edition, hehehe ...


Odink wrote:
 chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik SbudianaC
Pa Oskar,
$INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

-Original Message-
From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
 the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.

 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of

 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
 strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.

 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
 income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
 strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.

 The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
 and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.

 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than
 month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,

 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
 is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we

 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
 June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.

 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
 better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of

 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
 an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
 and (3) delay in land acquisitions.

 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
 and lay it on us. 

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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kecuali memang diperlukan.
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Betul pak,

Yang salah itu di chart-nya. Dow ditutup pada level 13,378 lebih
dikit. Chart-nya ditutup pada level 13406. Walaupun pergerakan dow
futures memang mengikut pergerakan underlying securities-nya, tapi
gara-gara nilai delta fluktuatif maka pergerakannya ga sama (sehingga
support dan resistance-nya pun beda)

INDU ini ticker simbol di semua broker untuk index dow jones 30 pak.
Kalau YM itu simbol untuk dow jones futures (saya asumsi YM7U adalah
simbol untuk dow jones futures expired september, CMIIW)

On 8/25/07, SbudianaC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pa Oskar,
 $INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

 -Original Message-
 From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
 rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

 On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
  Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
  +- 778 point.
  Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;
  - Original Message 
  From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
  the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.
  • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
  B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
  JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
  Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
  strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
  • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
  income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
  strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
  The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
  and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.
  • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than
  month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
  Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
  we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
  is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
  acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
  incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
  June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.
  • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
  better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
  Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
  Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
  an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
  and (3) delay in land acquisitions.
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
  and lay it on us.

 Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
 Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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 kecuali memang diperlukan.
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 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.2/966 - Release Date: 22/08/2007

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 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
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Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones +34.00 FUTURES

2007-08-06 Terurut Topik Siswantoro, Dodik
Sep 2007 Change Level Last Update†   
SP 500 +4.30 1447.30 8/6 4:36am  
Fair Value  1437.84 8/3 6:18pm 
Difference*  +9.46  
NASDAQ +4.25 1943.75 8/6 4:36am  
Fair Value  1930.36 8/3 6:18pm 
Difference*  +13.39  
Dow Jones +34.00 13300.00 8/6 4:36am  
DJIA Contracts 

 for the edge of your seat? 
Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

[obrolan-bandar] DOW opening -30 menit pertama plus 60 lalu......merah lagi...closing bell ?

2007-08-06 Terurut Topik michael owen
wahtahan napas lagi deh.
tadi sempat opening naik 0,5%, 60 poin lalu skarang mulai turun lagi..
semoga besok pas closing bell balik ke IJO

Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW plus 2,18 %...mari bernapas......

2007-08-06 Terurut Topik Johan
Frens, saya baru aktif mengamati saham +/- 1 bln nih.
Menurut pengamatan saya IHSG kita selalu mengikuti
dow. Apa dow selalu bs di jadikan patokan? Seberapa
reliable? Trus setelah bear ini lsg bull atau kira2
bakal sideway sampai akhir bulan?

 North/Latin America
INDUS. AVG13,468.78286.872.18%16:30   SP 500
INDEX1,467.6734.612.42%17:00   NASDAQ COMPOSITE
INDEX2,547.3336.081.44%17:17   SP/TSX COMPOSITE
INDEX13,565.24-248.38-1.80%08/03   MEXICO BOLSA
INDEX29,721.6349.860.17%16:06   BRAZIL BOVESPA STOCK

 Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's
top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

 for the edge of your seat? 
Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW plus 2,18 %...mari bernapas...... (Mari berpesta)

2007-08-06 Terurut Topik Chandra Situmeang
Kalo DJIA kemarin malam naik tertinggi sepanjang lima tahun terakhir, masa IHSG 
nggak bisa buat kenaikan tertinggi juga dalam lima tahun terakhir, bila perlu 
kenaikan tertinggi sepuluh tahun terakhir. hahaha:)
  Selamat buat yang ngeborong barang di perdagangan kemarin
  Penghuni Medan

michael owen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
North/Latin America
13,468.78  286.87  2.18%  16:30SP 500 INDEX  1,467.67  34.61  2.42%  17:00 
   NASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX  2,547.33  36.08  1.44%  17:17SP/TSX COMPOSITE 
INDEX  13,565.24  -248.38  -1.80%  08/03MEXICO BOLSA INDEX  29,721.63  
49.86  0.17%  16:06BRAZIL BOVESPA STOCK IDX  53,091.10  244.72  0.46%  16:18

  Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.  


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

[obrolan-bandar] DOW Hijau, lalu ngapain?

2007-08-01 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
DOW ijo merah ijo merah..tapi akhirnya ijo
Minyak turun tipis

Rebound apa reversal?

Jual apa nambah?

Kalau dilihat-lihat, penurunan indeks yang dahsyat kemarin pemicunya tidak


NoCodeVolumePrevLastValue (T)
1BMRI158,031,0003,525 3,300530,615,038
2BUMI158,048,0002,700 2,550414,683,250
3PGAS 34,842,0009,250 9,300325,126,950
4TLKM 29,016,500   11,20010,700313,084,575
5ELTY570,068,000  490   455266,323,150
6TINS 16,636,500   14,10013,200224,659,425
7CPRO381,658,000  540   450178,826,745
8ENRG188,888,500  960   920172,567,240
9ASII  8,741,500   18,75018,250159,401,100
10   ANTM 59,633,5002,700 2,600156,671,325
11   BNBR540,537,000  305   285155,828,123
12   MEDC 37,691,0004,275 3,975151,982,150
13   PTBA 17,219,0006,650 6,250109,686,475
14   BBCA 18,211,0006,300 6,000109,351,650
15   BBRI 15,221,5006,300 6,050 91,891,525
16   BUDI253,684,000  380   350 91,437,818
17   UNSP 50,220,5001,850 1,780 89,503,155
18   INCO  1,476,500   57,20055,850 83,890,400
19   BTEL193,571,000  445   420 81,957,200
20   KIJA317,317,000  265   240 78,507,185


[obrolan-bandar] DOW wild rally,..kick back at the last 30 mnts

2007-08-01 Terurut Topik michael owen
Dalam closing bell pagi (sore disono-red) analis2 di negri paman sam sudah 
mengatakan untuk buy on weakness karena ekonomi sebenernya sedang bagus dan 
hasilnya dalam waktu 30 menit, DOW nendang bali kdari minus 0.5% menjadi 
positif 1 %...(...wild rally...)

Semoga menjadi tanda2 baik bagi IHSG  yg membeli kemarin dan market kembali 

SymbolLastChangeDow13,327.58 115.59 (0.87%)Nasdaq2,545.66 0.61 (0.02%)SP 
5001,460.50 5.23 (0.36%)

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos  more. 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW Hijau, lalu ngapain?

2007-08-01 Terurut Topik Odink
update gambar pagi ini, mudah2an bisa bantu mengambil keputusan
tramtibnya masi blm pergi..attachment: ihsg-90m.png

[obrolan-bandar] DOW ABANG TENAN

2007-07-24 Terurut Topik James Arifin

Dow 13,716.95226.47 (1.62%)
Nasdaq  2,639.86 50.72 (1.89%)
SP 500 1,511.04 30.53 (1.98%)

Semangka PECAH ...

[obrolan-bandar] DOW jg koreksi ( UJUNG TANDUK (2400)+ Minta ampun)

2007-07-24 Terurut Topik michael owen
WORLD INDICES  Market IndicesIndex 

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow Ijo lagi

2007-07-23 Terurut Topik adi chandra
SymbolLastChangeDow13,930.26 79.18 (0.57%)Nasdaq2,697.26 9.66 (0.36%)SP 
5001,534.10 0.00 (0.00%)30-yr Bond5.0740%
   0.0100NYSE Volume404,104,000Nasdaq Volume279,390,000


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[obrolan-bandar] DOW Jumat

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik Frendy
Index Value:13,896.36
Trade Time:1:30PM ET
Change: 34.63 (0.25%)up_g.gif

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW Jumat

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik Frendy
Index Value:13,907.25
Trade Time:4:03PM ET
Change: 45.52 (0.33%)

Dow Ijo lagi neh..bagaimana JSX senin ? Ijo lagi kah ?up_g.gif

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Days Afternoon

2007-07-02 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa

Market Update



4:20 pm : Stocks rallied Monday and closed at session highs as a wave of
deal making on the first day of July restored investor confidence following
a drop in MA activity last month. All 10 economic sectors finished sharply
higher while the Dow, SP 500, and Nasdaq rose 1.05% on average.

After weeks without the typical Monday morning merger news that had helped
so many indices hit all-time highs during the first half of the year, a
flurry of big-ticket deals today helped quell the worst of fears that the
private-equity buyout party was over. 


Market Overview NASDAQ Composite Index
(^IXIC) Dow Jones Industrial
Average Index (^DJI)






Up126.81 (0.95%)



Up29.07 (1.12%)

S P 500


Up16.08 (1.07%)

10-Yr  Bond



NYSE  Volume


Nasdaq  Volume


Indices: US*http:/
ndices?e=dow_jones  - World*http:/
m/intlindices?e=americas  | Most*http:/
/actives?e=o  Actives 

Advances  Declines





2,585 (77%) 

1,996 (64%) 


658 (20%) 

1,029 (33%) 


105 (3%) 

115 (4%) 

Up Vol*

2,173 (84%) 

1,327 (72%) 

Down Vol*

389 (15%) 

500 (27%) 

Unch. Vol*

27 (1%) 

28 (2%) 

New Hi's



New Lo's



























[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jumps 100 Points on Inflation Data

2007-06-15 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
 Dow Jumps 100 Points on Inflation Data
Friday June 15, 10:03 am ET 
By Tim Paradis, AP Business Writer  
Stocks Move Sharply Higher Following Tame Core Inflation Reading 
NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street barreled higher Friday after the week's most 
anticipated economic reading indicated that inflation excluding the price of 
gas remained tepid last month, easing some concerns that have jolted stock and 
bond markets in recent sessions. The Dow Jones industrials at times advanced 
more than 100 points.ADVERTISEMENT
   if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); 
 The consumer price index showed prices rose at the fastest pace in 20 months 
last month as the cost of gas jumped. However, the so-called core personal 
consumption price index, which excludes often volatile food and energy prices, 
rose a lower-than-expected 0.1 percent. The figure, which the inflation-wary 
Federal Reserve watches closely, was below the 0.2 percent increase Wall Street 
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note fell to 5.20 percent Friday 
from 5.23 percent late Thursday after release of the CPI report helped ease 
emergent concerns that the Fed might raise rather than lower interest rates 
this year.
The notion of a rate hike gained traction last week when inflation concerns 
sent the yield on the 10-year note above 5 percent for the first time since 
last summer. Subsequent spikes in bond yields, which move in the opposite 
direction as prices, roiled stock markets last week and early this week.
Friday's session follows a two-day surge in stocks that arrived as inflation 
worries eased. Friday could see added volatility because of the expiration of 
four types of options contracts -- an occurrence known as quadruple witching.
In early trading, the Dow jumped 98.12, or 0.72 percent, to 13,651.84.
The climb puts the Dow back near its trading high of 13,692.00, reached June 1. 
The move higher follows sharp gains Wednesday and Thursday that marked the 
Dow's best two-day advance since last July after figures on wholesale prices 
excluding food and energy costs showed inflation rose at a modest pace.
Broader stock indicators also rose Friday. The Standard  Poor's 500 index rose 
11.74, or 0.77 percent, to 1,534.71. The index approached its trading high of 
the year of 1,540.56 and advanced toward its record trading high of 1,552.87 
set in March 2000. The Nasdaq composite index rose 24.88, or 0.96 percent, to 
The dollar rose against other major currencies; gold prices also rose.
Among other economic news, a reading on the current account deficit, which 
reflects not only trade in goods and services but also investment flows between 
countries, showed an increase as oil prices climbed. The Commerce Department 
said the imbalance in the current account increased 2.5 percent to $192.6 
billion in the January-to-March period, compared to $187.9 billion in the 
fourth quarter. The increase was slightly below what analysts had been 
Light, sweet crude rose 24 cents to $67.89 per barrel on the New York 
Mercantile Exchange.
In corporate news, Goldman Sachs raised its rating on chip maker Intel Corp. to 
buy from neutral, sending the stock up 74 cents, or 3.2 percent, to $23.97.
Monsanto Co. jumped $3.63, or 5.8 percent, to $66.94 after the world's largest 
seed company raised its full-year earnings forecast based on a preliminary 
review of third-quarter performance.
Gun maker Smith  Wesson Holding Corp. rose 87 cents, or 5.8 percent to $15.78 
after reporting stronger-than-expected fiscal fourth-quarter profit and sales. 
The company also raised its full-year profit and sales forecasts.
Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by about 6 to 1 on the New York Stock 
Exchange, where volume came to 501 million shares.
The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies rose 12.19, or 1.46, or 849.31.
Overseas, Japan's Nikkei stock average rose 0.72 percent after the Bank of 
Japan left interest rates unchanged as expected. In Europe, stocks extended 
gains after the U.S. market opened higher. In morning trading, Britain's FTSE 
100 rose 1.15 percent, Germany's DAX index rose 2.07 percent, and France's 
CAC-40 rose 0.82 percent.
New York Stock Exchange:
Nasdaq Stock Market:

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow record: Hit and run

2007-05-11 Terurut Topik Siswantoro, Dodik
USD udah kabur duluan dari Indonesia, siapa tu ...

Dow record: Hit and run

Blue-chip leader loses almost 150 points one session
after closing at an all-time high on weak retail
sales, higher oil prices, questions about Iran.
By Alexandra Twin, senior writer
May 10 2007: 5:48 PM EDT

NEW YORK ( -- Stocks tumbled Thursday,
with the Dow Jones industrial average giving up nearly
150 points one session after ending at an all-time
high, as investors eyed higher oil prices, weak
economic news and lackluster April retail sales.

The Dow (down 147.74 to 13,215.13, Charts) lost 1.1
percent. The broader SP 500 index (down 21.11 to
1,491.47, Charts) gave up 1.4 percent and the the
tech-fueled Nasdaq composite (down 42.60 to 2,533.74,
Charts) declined 1.7 percent. 

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Treasury prices rose, lowering the corresponding
yields and the dollar gained versus other major
currencies. Oil prices rose and gold prices plunged.

Stocks: rational exuberance 
Stocks have gained over the last five weeks thanks to
first-quarter earnings that have beaten weak
forecasts, many corporate deals and mergers, and more
stock buyback plans.

The climb left the Dow at an all-time high, the SP
500 within reach of an all-time high and the Nasdaq at
a six-year high.

After such an advance, stocks were vulnerable to a
pullback, analysts said, and Thursday's news provided
the incentive. 

On Thursday morning, the government reported that the
March U.S. trade gap widened more than expected and
that April U.S. import prices rose more than expected,
both because of higher oil and gas prices.

A number of the nation's retailers said April sales
were hurt by the impact from higher oil and gas prices
- and the fallout in the housing market

In addition, there are some rumblings you're hearing
on Iran and there's also the fact that the markets had
a pretty huge rise, said Steven Goldman, market
strategist at Weeden  Co.

Officials from the United States and five other
nations met Thursday in Berlin to discuss Iran's
refusal to comply with U.N. demands that it halt its
nuclear program. Yet, concerns about Iran have been

Fed leaves rate cuts alone 
Wall Streeters may have also been taking a second look
at the previous day's Federal Reserve action and
statement, said Bob Gay, managing partner at Fenwick

On Wednesday, the Fed held interest rates steady, as
expected, and said that it remains more worried about
inflation than the pace of economic growth. Following
the statement, stocks rallied, with investors perhaps
breathing a sigh of relief that the central bank
offered no surprises. 

However, bonds sold off, on bets that the statement
means the Fed is not likely to cut rates anytime soon.
That perspective may have spread to stocks Thursday.

The statement, although totally unchanged, is a bit
of an eye opener, said Gay. It basically says they
can't cut rates now because inflation is still too
high, when the market was pricing in expectations of a
rate cut later this year.

On the flip side, if they can cut rates later this
year it would be because the economy isn't doing
well, he said. So overall, the statement wasn't too
upbeat for a market looking for reasons to keep

Until there's a clear sense of the economy perking up
sometime later this year, as the markets have been
presuming, I think we'll be in a sideways or a
skeptical market, he said.

Friday brings the broader national retail sales report
for April as well as readings on business inventories
and producer prices.

Wall Street's other record breaker 
Stock declines were broad based, with 26 out of 30 Dow
stocks declining. The biggest losers included Alcoa
(down $1.10 to $37.63, Charts, Fortune 500), DuPont
(down $1.00 to $50.61, Charts, Fortune 500), Citigroup
(down $0.92 to $53.20, Charts, Fortune 500) and JP
Morgan Chase (down $1.20 to $52.00, Charts, Fortune

Dow stock Johnson  Johnson (down $1.61 to $62.50,
Charts, Fortune 500) lost 2 percent after a U.S. panel
of experts said it wants more restrictions on the use
of anemia drugs in cancer patients and that it wants
more studies done of JNJ's two anemia drugs. The
verdict also affected Amgen (down $5.77 to $57.33,
Charts, Fortune 500), which produces a competing drug.

A variety of gold, silver, steel and oil stocks
slumped as well. Home builders, health care and a
variety of tech stocks sank too, reflecting the broad
nature of the day's decline.

A number of retailers issued dour April sales reports
for stores open a year or more, a retail sector figure
known as same-store sales.

Wal-Mart Stores (down $0.18 to $47.75, Charts, Fortune
500) reported that April same-store sales fell 3.5
percent, worse 

[obrolan-bandar] DOW turun 1,11 %

2007-05-10 Terurut Topik Icuk 98
SymbolLastChangeDow13,215.13 147.74 (1.11%)Nasdaq2,533.74 42.60 (1.65%)SP 
5001,491.47 21.11 (1.40%)10-Yr Bond4.6480%0.0200

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones :LME Daily Unofficial Prices - Apr 27

2007-04-27 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk

MetalCash 3 Months  15 Months   27 Months 

Nickel  50900.0/50925.0  48900.0/48925.0  39575.0/39675.0  33375.0/33475.0 
Tin 13325.0/13425.0  13200.0/13300.0  12510.0/12560.0 

 -By Dow Jones Newswires; 4420-7842-9259; 
   (END) Dow Jones Newswires
 April 27, 2007 12:11 ET (16:11 GMT)

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow tembus 13000.

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Rei
Dow Jones Industrials Cross 13,000AP -   The Dow Jones industrial average shot 
past 13,000 for the first time Wednesday, powered by growing evidence of a 
strong corporate America: rising earnings and better-than-expected economic 

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow Closes Above 13,000 on Earnings Data (13,089.89)

2007-04-25 Terurut Topik Joe Grunk
Dow Closes Above 13,000 on Earnings DataAP - It looks like cause for 
celebration: The Dow Jones industrial average surged from 12,000 to 13,000 in 
just six months. But appearances can be deceiving, and there may be more reason 
to worry than rejoice about Wall Street's latest accomplishment.

Asian Stocks Track Rally in U.S. Markets; PetroChina Gains   
 By Lu Wang
April 25 (Bloomberg) -- Asian 
stocks trading in the U.S. rose for the first time in three days, spurred by a 
rally in U.S. equities that took the Dow Jones Industrial Average above 13,000 
for the first time ever. A jump in oil prices lifted PetroChina Co. and other 
energy shares.  
 The Bank of New York Co.'s Asia ADR Index, tracking the region's 
American depositary receipts, climbed 0.7 percent to 161.32.  
 U.S. stocks extended their biggest monthly rally in more than three 
years today on better-than-expected economic data and corporate earnings.   
 Crude oil for June delivery rose 2 percent to $65.84 a barrel in New 
York after a government report showed that U.S. gasoline inventories fell to 
the lowest in 18 months as refinery operations unexpectedly plunged.  
 PetroChina, the country's largest oil company, advanced $2.11 to 
$116.56. Cnooc Ltd., China's biggest offshore oil producer, gained 23 cents to 
$87.18. Santos Ltd., an Australian oil and gas company, jumped $1.10 to $37.20. 
 Advantest Corp. dropped 71 cents to $46.90. The world's biggest maker 
of memory-chip testers said full-year net income fell 14 percent to 35.6 
billion yen ($300 million) after price declines in semiconductors forced 
chipmakers to hold off on spending. That missed the company's January 
prediction of 41 billion yen.  
 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc., the world's largest chip 
packaging and testing company, lost 20 cents to $6.19.  
 Nikkei 225 Stock Average futures expiring in June were at 17,500 in 
Chicago, 17,330 in Singapore and 17,280 in Osaka.  
 To contact the reporter on this story: Lu Wang in New York at

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Lee Cwan Yeuw

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)


IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 

NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 

ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 

sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 

kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 

melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.

Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 

dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 

2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 

55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 

500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 

Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 

(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.



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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Sudeswanto
first of all, it is not my ANTM ^^ hehehe
anyway, its all depend who you are,
if u are an investor, it is time to buy
if u are a trader...i dont know, coz i dont count on the chart so much
fundamentally? there is nothing wrong...ANTM still have a strong fundamental
investasi asing dibatasi? so what? ANTM adalah PERUSAHAAN BUMN! yang
dimiliki oleh pemerintah 65%
lagipula, investasi asing dibatasi, tapi di daftar yang ada di koran
kemarin, TIDAK ADA BANK, TELCO dan MINING yang masuk dalam daftar! ^^

  -Original Message-
  From: Lee Cwan Yeuw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 19 April 2007 14:00
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

  Your ANTM is down..
  butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
  so... i am with you
  time to buy  .when  people worried

  - Original Message 
  From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

  IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
  NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
  ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
  sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
  kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
  melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
  Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
  dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
  2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
  55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
  500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
  Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
  (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

  Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik James Arifin


You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya
short lagi ... hehehhe

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Lee Cwan Yeuw
ok james

please sell all of your stock today and short.
if you only have 2000 lot...too little

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 




You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya short 
lagi ... hehehhe


On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
To: samsudesyang@
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 

kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 

2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 

Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.


Yahoo! Movies
 - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. 




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Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Lee Cwan Yeuw

thank's james

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 




You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya short 
lagi ... hehehhe


On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
To: samsudesyang@
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 

kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 

2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 

Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.


Yahoo! Movies
 - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. 




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Yahoo! Singapore Answers 
Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know at

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Andri Wijaya

gila cuan lagi nich bozz, banyak yang pake margin di antm dan tins dan inco
mau dibikin muntah dulu

On 4/19/07, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya
short lagi ... hehehhe

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Your ANTM is down..
 butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
 so... i am with you
 time to buy  .when  people worried

 - Original Message 
 From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

 IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
 NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
 ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
 sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
 kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
 melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
 Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
 dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
 2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
 55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
 500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
 Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
 (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Mr. Boen

mulai muntah - muntah ., sampe sampe ada yang muntah darah ... ueakks ueaks

ayo buruan ke dokter minta obat .. jangan sampe kehabisan darah !!

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


thank's james

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :


You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya
short lagi ... hehehhe


 Your ANTM is down..
 butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
 so... i am with you
 time to buy  .when  people worried

 - Original Message 
 From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
 To: samsudesyang@
 Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

 IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
 NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
 ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
 sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
 kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
 melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
 Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
 dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
 2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
 55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
 500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
 Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
 (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik James Arifin

I am not such stupid to short at the middle of correction. I had no more
ANTM and already make lots of profit from shorting this stock just wait a
moment to cover back my short. I had advised BUY not SHORT anymore. Shorting
at this time just give little return. Not worthed anymore ... same as long
while the stock reach 16000.

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ok james

please sell all of your stock today and short.
if you only have 2000 lot...too little

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :


You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya
short lagi ... hehehhe


 Your ANTM is down..
 butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
 so... i am with you
 time to buy  .when  people worried

 - Original Message 
 From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
 To: samsudesyang@
 Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

 IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
 NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
 ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
 sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
 kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
 melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
 Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
 dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
 2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
 55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
 500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
 Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
 (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.

*Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik gambler
Antam mau mengejar Tins yah, hebat short-annya. Lumayan tadi sempat ngeshort 
terus tek-tok sedikit, this one is based on luck for me.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lee Cwan Yeuw 
  Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 

  ok james

  please sell all of your stock today and short.
  if you only have 2000 lot...too little

  - Original Message 
  From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 


  You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya 
short lagi ... hehehhe

  On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried 

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
To: samsudesyang@
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 
kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 
2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 
Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.


Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. 


  Real people. Real questions. Real answers. Share what you know.  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Lee Cwan Yeuw

I love this game

We can know who is investor... and who is speculator...

Without speculator market is nothing
Without real investor... stock is nothing

Michael D. Sheimo said (in his book- Stock Market Rules) . sell the losers 
and let the winners run.

About ANTM

You can think ANTM...loser or WINNER.

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 3:51:26PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 


I am not such stupid to short at the middle of correction. I had no 
more ANTM and already make lots of profit from shorting this stock just wait a 
moment to cover back my short. I had advised BUY not SHORT anymore. Shorting at 
this time just give little return. Not worthed anymore ... same as long while 
the stock reach 16000.

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok james

please sell all of your stock today and short.
if you only have 2000 lot...too little

- Original Message 
From: James Arifin james.arifin@
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 



You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya short 
lagi ... hehehhe


On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw 

Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried 

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
To: samsudesyang@
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus) 

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 

kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 

2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 

Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.


Yahoo! Movies
 - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. 



Real people. Real questions. Real answers. 
Share what you know. 




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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Lee
Sell on Panic Buying,

Buy on Panic Selling






From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Lee Cwan Yeuw
Sent: Thursday, 19 April, 2007 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :


Your ANTM is down..
butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
so... i am with you
time to buy  .when  people worried

- Original Message 
From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 
kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 
2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 
Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.




Movies - Search movie info and
celeb profiles and photos.  

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik James Arifin

masih belum muntah - muntah bozz, malah ada yang masih ketawa-tawa belum
kena margin call yah belum masuk kategori muntah darah ... hhehehe

On 4/19/07, Mr. Boen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  mulai muntah - muntah ., sampe sampe ada yang muntah darah ... ueakks
ayo buruan ke dokter minta obat .. jangan sampe kehabisan darah !!

On 4/19/07, Lee Cwan Yeuw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 thank's james

 - Original Message 
 From: James Arifin james.arifin@
 Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 2:58:59PM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber
 : IQPlus)


 You are worried now ... cheers  tolong ANTM dinaikkan lagi biar saya
 short lagi ... hehehhe

  Your ANTM is down..
  butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
  so... i am with you
  time to buy  .when  people worried
   - Original Message 
  From: Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ sinarmassekurita
  To: samsudesyang@
  Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber :
  IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA)
  NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4)
  ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi
  sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh
  kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat,
  melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
  Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain
  dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama
  2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar
  55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's
  500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50.
  Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin
  (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.
Movies* Search 
movie info and celeb profiles and photos.

Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos.


[obrolan-bandar] Dow sudah mulai Hijau pada Midday Trading

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Jeffry Lesmana
Dow 12,805.79   Up 1.95 (0.02%)
Nasdaq  2,512.43Up 1.93 (0.08%)
SP 500 1,472.59Up 0.09 (0.01%)

10-Yr Bond  4.6600% Up 0.0060

Jadi bener2 bingung, tadi siang berita jelek semua, bahkan Dow Future
sempat minus 77, malah sekarang plus. 

Gimana prediksi para suhu untuk trading besok setelah melihat
perkembangan US market dan Europe Market? Terima Kasih

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow sudah mulai Hijau pada Midday Trading

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik ihsg 88

Dow sedang anomali karena BOZZ sedang melukis TA Dow supaya bisa mencapai
13000 paling lambat awal Mei.
1. Dalam bulan april (bulan berjalan) dow cuma merah 1 hari. (belum pernah
dalam sejarah)
2. Hari Rabu tgl 18/4/07 laporan stock minyak berkurang banyak, seharusnya
hukum ekonomi harga minyak naik, tetapi malah turun. Malahan Kamis tgl
19/4/07 laporan stock natural gas juga berkurang banyak, malah harga juga
3. Tadi malam tgl 19/4/07 begitu market dow buka yen dibuka dalam kisaran
118.25 hingga 118.56, sekarang setelah market dow tutup yen kembali
kehabitatnya di level 118.25 ke bawah untuk menyongsong market asia.
4. Mungkin teman-2 yang lain bisa menambahkan.

Intinya, bila masih mempunyai peluru nganggur pilihlah saham blue chip bagus
dengan valuasi murah, tidur menjadi tenang.

On 4/20/07, Jeffry Lesmana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dow 12,805.79   Up 1.95 (0.02%)
Nasdaq  2,512.43Up 1.93 (0.08%)
SP 500 1,472.59Up 0.09 (0.01%)

10-Yr Bond  4.6600% Up 0.0060

Jadi bener2 bingung, tadi siang berita jelek semua, bahkan Dow Future
sempat minus 77, malah sekarang plus.

Gimana prediksi para suhu untuk trading besok setelah melihat
perkembangan US market dan Europe Market? Terima Kasih

Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik win

Count Profit on Panic Buying,
No Money on Panic Selling

Thank  Regards,
Win Wiranata

  - Original Message - 
  From: Lee 
  Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 2:38 PM
  Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 

  Sell on Panic Buying,

  Buy on Panic Selling




  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Lee Cwan Yeuw
  Sent: Thursday, 19 April, 2007 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : 

  Your ANTM is down..
  butmajority of the sellers are  domestic
  so... i am with you
  time to buy  .when  people worried

  - Original Message 
  From: Sudeswanto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2007 9:04:50AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

  IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
  NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
  ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
  sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 
  kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
  melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
  Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
  dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 
  2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
  55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
  500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 
  Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
  (0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.


  Yahoo! Movies - Search movie info and celeb profiles and photos. 


Re:Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow sudah mulai Hijau pada Midday Trading

2007-04-19 Terurut Topik Jeffry Lesmana
Terima kasih pak ihsg88.   
Sent from my phone using flurry - Get free mobile email and news at:

--- Original Message ---
Date: Thu Apr 19 16:13:29 PDT 2007
From: ihsg 88 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow sudah mulai Hijau pada Midday Trading

Dow sedang anomali karena BOZZ sedang melukis TA Dow supaya bisa mencapai
13000 paling lambat awal Mei.
1. Dalam bulan april (bulan berjalan) dow cuma merah 1 hari. (belum pernah
dalam sejarah)
2. Hari Rabu tgl 18/4/07 laporan stock minyak berkurang banyak, seharusnya
hukum ekonomi harga minyak naik, tetapi malah turun. Malahan Kamis tgl
19/4/07 laporan stock natural gas juga berkurang banyak, malah harga juga
3. Tadi malam tgl 19/4/07 begitu market dow buka yen dibuka dalam kisaran
118.25 hingga 118.56, sekarang setelah market dow tutup yen kembali
kehabitatnya di level 118.25 ke bawah untuk menyongsong market asia.
4. Mungkin teman-2 yang lain bisa menambahkan.

Intinya, bila masih mempunyai peluru nganggur pilihlah saham blue chip bagus
dengan valuasi murah, tidur menjadi tenang.

On 4/20/07, Jeffry Lesmana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dow 12,805.79   Up 1.95 (0.02%)
 Nasdaq  2,512.43Up 1.93 (0.08%)
 SP 500 1,472.59Up 0.09 (0.01%)
 10-Yr Bond  4.6600% Up 0.0060
 Jadi bener2 bingung, tadi siang berita jelek semua, bahkan Dow Future
 sempat minus 77, malah sekarang plus.
 Gimana prediksi para suhu untuk trading besok setelah melihat
 perkembangan US market dan Europe Market? Terima Kasih
 Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Dow mencetak rekor tertinggi baru (Sumber : IQPlus)

2007-04-18 Terurut Topik Sudeswanto

IQP, (19/4) - Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Averages (DJIA) 
NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) pada perdagangan saham Rabu (18/4) 
ditutup menguat 30,80 poin (0,24%) ke level 12.803,84, tertinggi 
sejak 20 Februari 2007. Penguatan indeks Dow Jones itu dipicu oleh 
kinerja sejumlah emiten selama kuartal pertama 2007 yang meningkat, 
melebihi perkirakan para analis serta data ekonomi AS yang membaik.
Kenaikan indeks Dow Jones ke level tertinggi baru itu antara lain 
dipicu oleh kinerja JPMorgan Chase  Co selama kuartal pertama 
2007. JPMorgan Chase  Co mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 
55%, jauh di atas diperkirakan para analis.Indeks Standard  Poor's 
500 (SP 500) juga naik 1,02 poin (0,07%) menjadi 1.472,50. 
Sedangkan Nasdaq Composite Index (NCI) ditutup melemah 6,45 poin 
(0,26%) ke posisi 2.510,50.

[obrolan-bandar] DOW JONES +1.03%, NASDAQ +1.16%, SP 500 +0.93% Hari Ini

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik helmi setiawan

Cuma siap2 aja, siapa tahu ada tanda alam baru hari ini tanggal
spesial 04/04...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] DOW JONES +1.03%, NASDAQ +1.16%, SP 500 +0.93% Hari Ini

2007-04-03 Terurut Topik Johand Dimalouw
Hari ini apa tanda alamnya? 
Ini data index global pagi ini jam 07:30 wib. Ijo-ijo melulu.

NameSymbolPrev ClsLast TradeChangeVolumeAvg Vol (3m)Last Trade Size
-ALL ORDINARIES IDX^AORD5,997.6008:29PM ET6049.30 51.70 
-BSE SENSEX^BSESN12,624.586:28AM ET12624.580.000.00%016,636.10
-DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE IN^DJI12,382.304:04PM ET12510.30 128.00 
-CAC 40^FCHI5,645.5612:10PM ET5711.91 66.35 1.18%0136,338,
-FTSE 100^FTSE6,366.1011:36AM ET6366.10 50.60 0.80%01,723,700,
-DAX^GDAXI6,937.1711:45AM ET7045.56 108.39 1.56%000
-SP 500 INDEX,RTH^GSPC1,424.555:00PM ET1437.77 13.22 0.93%02,886,990,
-HANG SENG INDEX^HSI20,002.705:59AM ET20002.70 193.00 0.97%01,181,830,
-NASDAQ COMPOSITE^IXIC2,422.265:16PM ET2450.33 28.07 1.16%02,060,280,
-Composite Index^JKSE1,894.57616:34AM ET1894.580.000.00%0283,023,
-Kuala Lumpur Composite Index^KLSE1,246.305:02AM ET1256.82 10.52 
-KOSPI Composite Index^KS111,463.758:30PM ET1473.62 9.87 0.67%54,522233,9020
-NIKKEI 225^N22517,244.058:10PM ET17420.12 176.07 1.02%0158,0200
-NYSE COMPOSITE INDEX (NEW METHO^NYA9,305.555:06PM ET9381.46 75.91 
-NZX 50 INDEX GROSS^NZ504,175.2898:30PM ET4190.29 15.01 0.36%027,377,4000
-SP 100 INDEX,RTH^OEX650.655:00PM ET656.66 6.01 0.92%02,886,990,
-SP 500 INDEX,RTH^SPX1,424.555:00PM ET1437.77 13.22 0.93%0-0
-SSE Composite Index^SSEC3,252.5953:00AM ET3291.30 38.70 
-Straits Times Index^STI3,288.365:06AM ET3288.360.000.00%0283,197,
-TSEC weighted index^TWII7,932.911:46AM ET7932.910.000.00%03,906,9200

- Original Message 
From: helmi setiawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2007 4:27:51 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] DOW JONES +1.03%, NASDAQ +1.16%, SP 500 +0.93% Hari 


Cuma siap2 aja, siapa tahu ada tanda alam baru hari ini tanggal
spesial 04/04...


Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

[obrolan-bandar] DOW -102 @ 11.28 p.m.

2007-03-13 Terurut Topik dazzledtrader
bagaimana JSX besok? :-o 

mohon petunjuk dari para sesepuh. 


[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones 4 menit buka........

2007-03-06 Terurut Topik Prince APP

Up] *78.35* *(0.65%)*Nasdaq,369.33[image:
Up] *28.65* *(1.22%)*SP 500,385.21[image:
Up] *11.09* *(0.81%)*10-Yr Bond
[image: Up] *0.0120*NYSE Volume
130,239,000Nasdaq Volume,705,000

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-28 Terurut Topik Frederick Schubert

Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:JSX index to fall to 
1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above 1700..? 

Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 
  Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global 
Market Plunge 
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials 
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and 
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.
  The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, signaled a 
possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily rising stock 
markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of trading in several 
  A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent 
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. 
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated 
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in late 
afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 
  The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some 
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at 
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the 
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading 
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 
  The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading day 
after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13 
  The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such as 
small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 
  But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that began 
last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were unfazed by 
Tuesday's drop. 
  This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but we 
don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's 
global chief investment officer of equities. 
  Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term 
  All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the last 
12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding that 
he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs. This is 
another day in the market. 
  Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data showing 
that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce 
Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the 
largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the 
U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said the United States may be headed for a recession. 
  It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said 
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is 
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 
  The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its 
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3 
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous 
on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 
  The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, also 
looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that 
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later 
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales 
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't 
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth straight 
  But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since 
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 
  I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of 
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby, chief 
investment strategist at The Hartford. 
  Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising as 
high as 12,795.92. 
  The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent, at 
1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65, or 3.86 
percent, at 2,407.87. 
  A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan where 
Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting also rattled the market. 
  China's stock market 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-28 Terurut Topik Jimmy Gunawan
What's next Mr. ?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Frederick Schubert 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq 
Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge


  Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above 

Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
  Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
  By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 

  Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on 
Global Market Plunge 
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 
11, 2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials 
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and 
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.
  The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, 
signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily 
rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of 
trading in several years. 
  A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors 
sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. 
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated 
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in late 
afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 
  The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some 
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at 
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the 
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading 
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 
  The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading 
day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13 
  The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues 
such as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 
  But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that 
began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were unfazed 
by Tuesday's drop. 
  This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but 
we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's 
global chief investment officer of equities. 
  Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term 
  All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the 
last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding 
that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs. 
This is another day in the market. 
  Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data 
showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce 
Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the 
largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the 
U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said the United States may be headed for a recession. 
  It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said 
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is 
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 
  The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its 
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3 
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous 
on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 
  The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, 
also looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that 
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later 
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales 
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't 
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth straight 
  But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since 
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 
  I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of 
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby, chief 
investment strategist at The Hartford. 
  Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-28 Terurut Topik Investor Bonex
Emang Mr FS Oce, prediksinya manjuuur...
  So, what the next path, going SOUTH or NORTH ?

Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: JSX index to fall to 
1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above 1700..? 

Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 
  Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global 
Market Plunge 
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials 
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and 
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.
  The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, signaled a 
possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily rising stock 
markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of trading in several 
  A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent 
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. 
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated 
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in late 
afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 
  The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some 
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at 
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the 
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading 
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 
  The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading day 
after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13 
  The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such as 
small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 
  But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that began 
last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were unfazed by 
Tuesday's drop. 
  This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but we 
don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's 
global chief investment officer of equities. 
  Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term 
  All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the last 
12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding that 
he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs. This is 
another day in the market. 
  Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data showing 
that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce 
Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the 
largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the 
U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said the United States may be headed for a recession. 
  It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said 
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is 
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 
  The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its 
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3 
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous 
on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 
  The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, also 
looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that 
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later 
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales 
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't 
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth straight 
  But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since 
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 
  I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of 
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby, chief 
investment strategist at The Hartford. 
  Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising as 
high as 12,795.92. 
  The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent, at 
1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65, or 3.86 
percent, at 2,407.87. 
  A suicide bomber 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-28 Terurut Topik Frederick Schubert
  we still have another day of selling tomorrow...

Investor Bonex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Emang Mr FS Oce, prediksinya manjuuur...
  So, what the next path, going SOUTH or NORTH ?

Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: JSX index to fall to 
1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above 1700..? 

Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 
  Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global 
Market Plunge 
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials 
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and 
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.
  The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, signaled a 
possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily rising stock 
markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of trading in several 
  A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent 
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. 
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated 
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in late 
afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 
  The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some 
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at 
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the 
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading 
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 
  The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading day 
after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13 
  The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such as 
small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 
  But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that began 
last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were unfazed by 
Tuesday's drop. 
  This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but we 
don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's 
global chief investment officer of equities. 
  Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term 
  All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the last 
12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding that 
he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs. This is 
another day in the market. 
  Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data showing 
that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce 
Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the 
largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the 
U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said the United States may be headed for a recession. 
  It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said 
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is 
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 
  The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its 
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3 
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous 
on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 
  The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, also 
looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that 
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later 
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales 
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't 
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth straight 
  But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since 
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 
  I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of 
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby, chief 
investment strategist at The Hartford. 
  Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising as 
high as 12,795.92. 
  The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent, at 
1,399.04, and 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-28 Terurut Topik hst auto

trying to figure out what you will up to ...
little bear will continue to follow..

if JCI down again tomorrow , it will be great to be collected by trader...
hahaha :)

On 2/28/07, Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

we still have another day of selling tomorrow...

*Investor Bonex [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 Emang Mr FS Oce, prediksinya manjuuur...

So, what the next path, going SOUTH or NORTH ?

*Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:


*Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

 JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above

*Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

  *Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge*
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

*Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on
Global Market Plunge*
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become
The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth,
signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily
rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of
trading in several years.
A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S.
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in
late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in.
The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent,
at 12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of
the plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's
trading limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated.

The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading
day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or
7.13 percent.
The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such
as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.
But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
unfazed by Tuesday's drop.
This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but
we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll,
BlackRock's global chief investment officer of equities.
Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term
All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the
last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney,
adding that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and
downs. This is another day in the market.
Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data
showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A
Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped
by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the
direction of the U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be headed for a
It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people.
The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 
2.3percent from an initial forecast of
3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous on Tuesday that the figure
could come in even lower.
The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out,
also looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth
straight month.
But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline.
I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby,
chief investment strategist at The Hartford.
Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising
as high as 12,795.92.

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik Soeratman Doerachman
Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 


Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global
Market Plunge 

NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become

The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, signaled
a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily rising
stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of trading
in several years. 

A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S.
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in
late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 

The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 

The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading day
after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13

The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such
as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 

But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
unfazed by Tuesday's drop. 

This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but we
don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's
global chief investment officer of equities. 

Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term

All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the last
12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding
that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs.
This is another day in the market. 

Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data
showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A
Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped
by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the
direction of the U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be headed for a

It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 

The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly
nervous on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 

The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, also
looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth
straight month. 

But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 

I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby,
chief investment strategist at The Hartford. 

Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising
as high as 12,795.92. 

The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent, at
1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65, or
3.86 percent, at 2,407.87. 

A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan where
Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting also rattled the market. 

China's stock market plummeted Tuesday from record highs as investors took
profits when concerns arose that the Chinese government may try to temper
its ballooning economy by raising interest rates again or reducing more of
the money available for lending. 

Corrections usually happen because of a catalyst, and this may be it, said
Ed Peters, chief investment 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik Frederick Schubert
JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above 1700..? 

Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET 
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer 
  Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global 
Market Plunge 
  NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials 
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and 
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become overinflated.
  The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, signaled a 
possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily rising stock 
markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of trading in several 
  A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent 
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S. 
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated 
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in late 
afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in. 
  The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some 
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent, at 
12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the 
plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading 
limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated. 
  The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading day 
after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or 7.13 
  The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such as 
small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines. 
  But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that began 
last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were unfazed by 
Tuesday's drop. 
  This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but we 
don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll, BlackRock's 
global chief investment officer of equities. 
  Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term 
  All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the last 
12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney, adding that 
he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and downs. This is 
another day in the market. 
  Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data showing 
that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A Commerce 
Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped by the 
largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the direction of the 
U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan 
said the United States may be headed for a recession. 
  It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said 
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is 
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people. 
  The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its 
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 2.3 
percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous 
on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower. 
  The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out, also 
looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that 
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later 
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales 
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't 
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth straight 
  But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since 
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline. 
  I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of 
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby, chief 
investment strategist at The Hartford. 
  Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising as 
high as 12,795.92. 
  The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent, at 
1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65, or 3.86 
percent, at 2,407.87. 
  A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan where 
Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting also rattled the market. 
  China's stock market plummeted Tuesday from record highs as investors took 
profits when concerns arose that the Chinese government may try 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik James Arifin

Seems can be lower than that number .. may be 1500 will be a good trial for

On 2/28/07, Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above

*Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

  *Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge*
Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

*Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on
Global Market Plunge*
NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11,
2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones industrials
down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that the U.S. and
Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have become
The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth,
signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily
rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of
trading in several years.
A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors sent
Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for U.S.
trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline accelerated
throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge plunge in
late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in.
The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 percent,
at 12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of
the plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's
trading limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated.

The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading
day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or
7.13 percent.
The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues such
as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.
But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
unfazed by Tuesday's drop.
This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but
we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll,
BlackRock's global chief investment officer of equities.
Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term
All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the
last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney,
adding that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and
downs. This is another day in the market.
Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data
showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A
Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped
by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the
direction of the U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be headed for a
It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said
Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is
good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people.
The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its
estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about 
2.3percent from an initial forecast of
3.5 percent, and grew increasingly nervous on Tuesday that the figure
could come in even lower.
The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out,
also looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that
single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later
report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales
climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't
erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth
straight month.
But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since
October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline.
I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of
issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby,
chief investment strategist at The Hartford.
Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, rising
as high as 12,795.92.
The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent,
at 1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65,
or 3.86 percent, at 2,407.87.
A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan
where Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting also rattled the market.
China's stock market plummeted Tuesday from record highs as investors took
profits when concerns arose that the Chinese 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik Adhi Sukmono

Dari milis Elliott wave International, kejatuhan DJ sdh diramal oleh Bob
Prechter, tengah bulan ini.

Dow Plummets 400+ points ... What Now?

Experienced analysts know that the time to expect a huge sell-off is when
most people don't.

So, no matter what you read in the after-the-fact explanations about the
February 27 decline, remember this: *Every major market sentiment indicator
showed record or near-record complacency among investors*.

Virtually no one in the media or on Wall Street saw it coming.

The just-published Conference Board report of a five-year high in consumer
confidence simply confirmed previous data. From the VIX index (volatility),
to the historic lows in the spread investors pay for investment-grade
debt, to the low volatility in the FX market, to the *dozens* of feeble
short-term volatility readings in financial assets around the globe -- the
message was the same:
A 500-point intraday decline in the Dow Industrials was the last thing
people expected.

Remember this as well: The downtrend did *not* begin with the big decline on
Tuesday. The selling actually began last *Thursday*, February 22. The talk
about weakness on the Shanghai market is simply noise. Ignore it.

In fact, let's think again about February 22 -- because, notwithstanding the
universal complacency of market participants -- that was the day immediately
after one analyst actually did say, It appears time to get aggressive
again. He wasn't talking about being bullish, either.

That analyst, of course, was Bob Prechter. He made that comment in a special
*Elliott Wave Theorist* Interim Report, which he only sends out at crucial
market junctures. Bob's February 21 Interim was the urgent follow-up to his
February 16 monthly issue, which itself said Now is a good time to assess
the probability for a big decline …

It's important to answer the question in the headline. And, you can have
that answer from the *one* analyst who was NOT surprised by the big decline.

In fact, as this email was being written, EWI's Chief Market Analyst Steve
Hochberg was working on tonight's *Short Term Update* as well as
Friday's *Elliott
Wave Financial Forecast*.

On 2/28/07, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Seems can be lower than that number .. may be 1500 will be a good trial
for entry

On 2/28/07, Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above

 *Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

   *Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge*
 Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET
 By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

 *Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on
 Global Market Plunge*
 NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept.
 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones
 industrials down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that
 the U.S. and Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have
 become overinflated.
 The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth,
 signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily
 rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of
 trading in several years.
 A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors
 sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for
 U.S. trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline
 accelerated throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge
 plunge in late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in.
 The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
 ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29percent, at 
 216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the
 plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading
 limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated.
 The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading
 day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or
 7.13 percent.
 The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues
 such as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.
 But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
 began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
 unfazed by Tuesday's drop.
 This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but
 we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll,
 BlackRock's global chief investment officer of equities.
 Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term
 All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the
 last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney,
 adding that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and
 downs. This is another day 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on Global Market Plunge

2007-02-27 Terurut Topik Andri Wijaya

kena 161.8% langsung mental

On 2/28/07, James Arifin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Seems can be lower than that number .. may be 1500 will be a good trial
for entry

On 2/28/07, Frederick Schubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JSX index to fall to 1688...? and shortly recovered and closed above

 *Soeratman Doerachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

   *Dow Drops 416 on Global Market Plunge*
 Tuesday February 27, 4:51 pm ET
 By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer

 *Dow Finishes Down 416 at 12,216, Nasdaq Finishes Down 97 at 2,408 on
 Global Market Plunge*
 NEW YORK (AP) -- Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept.
 11, 2001, terrorist attacks Tuesday, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones
 industrials down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern that
 the U.S. and Chinese economies are stumbling and that share prices have
 become overinflated.
 The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth,
 signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and steadily
 rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a volatile day of
 trading in several years.
 A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors
 sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone for
 U.S. trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the decline
 accelerated throughout the course of the session before stocks took a huge
 plunge in late afternoon as computer-driven sell programs kicked in.
 The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering some
 ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29percent, at 
 216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because the worst of the
 plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York Stock Exchange's trading
 limits, designed to halt such precipitous moves, were not activated.
 The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first trading
 day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 684.81, or
 7.13 percent.
 The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues
 such as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.
 But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally that
 began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, were
 unfazed by Tuesday's drop.
 This corrective consolidation phase isn't just going to be one day, but
 we don't believe this is going to be a bear market, said Bob Doll,
 BlackRock's global chief investment officer of equities.
 Some investors also tried to put Tuesday's slide into a longer-term
 All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for the
 last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. attorney,
 adding that he has learned to not read too much into any short-term ups and
 downs. This is another day in the market.
 Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data
 showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A
 Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January dropped
 by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters about the
 direction of the U.S. economy, just a day after former Federal Reserve
 Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be headed for a
 It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, said
 Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate economic growth is
 good -- an abrupt stop in economic growth scares people.
 The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise its
 estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of about
 2.3 percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew
 increasingly nervous on Tuesday that the figure could come in even lower.
 The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed out,
 also looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index indicated that
 single-family home prices across the nation were flat in December. A later
 report from the National Association of Realtors said existing home sales
 climbed in January by the largest amount in two years, but the data didn't
 erase housing-related concerns, as median home prices fell for a sixth
 straight month.
 But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up since
 October, was due for a correction also played into Tuesday's decline.
 I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation of
 issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy Krosby,
 chief investment strategist at The Hartford.
 Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs,
 rising as high as 12,795.92.
 The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 percent,
 at 1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was off 96.65,
 or 3.86 percent, at 2,407.87.
 A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan
 where Vice President Dick 

[obrolan-bandar] Dow +

2006-12-19 Terurut Topik Sriwisnu Noloadi
  Symbol Last Change 
  Dow 12,471.32  30.05 (0.24%) 
  Nasdaq 2,429.55  6.02 (0.25%) 
  SP 500 1,425.55  3.07 (0.22%) 
  10-Yr Bond 4.5990%   0.0120 
  NYSE Volume 2,627,075,000 
  Nasdaq Volume 2,029,745,000 

TLK Position :
  Last Trade: 44.00 
  Trade Time: 4:01PM ET 
  Change:  0.45 (1.01%) 

Description: GIF image

Description: GIF image

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Future +50: U.S. Consumer Prices Fell 0.5%; Core Increased 0.2% (Update2)

2006-10-18 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
U.S. Consumer Prices Fell 0.5%; Core Increased 0.2% (Update2) 

By Joe Richter

Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Consumer prices in the U.S. fell last month 
by the most since November, reflecting cheaper energy that Federal 
Reserve officials expect will eventually bring down the inflation 

The consumer price index dropped 0.5 percent in September following 
0.2 percent increase in August, the Labor Department said in 
Washington. Excluding food and energy, so-called core prices rose 
0.2 percent for a third month. 

Slower economic growth and declining fuel prices will allow Fed 
policy makers to keep interest rates unchanged in coming months, 
economists said. Still, the report showed the biggest year-over-year 
increase in core prices in a decade, suggesting the slowdown in 
inflation will be gradual. 

``It may take time, but there should be less pass-through of energy 
prices on core inflation,'' said Chris Rupkey, senior financial 
economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in New York. 
Declining fuel costs are ``going to put the kibosh on inflation 

A separate report from the Commerce Department showed the housing 
market may be starting to stabilize. Housing starts rose 5.9 percent 
last month from a three-year low, as falling mortgage rates began to 
draw buyers back into the market. 

Consumer prices rose 2.1 percent during the 12 months ended in 
September compared with 3.8 percent in the period ended in August. 
The smaller increase reflects a decline in energy prices from 
September 2005, when hurricanes on the U.S. Gulf Coast caused fuel 
costs to soar, said Drew Matus, senior economist Lehman Brothers 
Holdings Inc. in New York. 

Core Prices Increase 

Core prices rose 2.9 percent from a year earlier, the biggest 12-
month jump since February 1996, after a 2.8 percent gain. 

Economists expected the consumer price index to fall 0.3 percent 
from August, according to the median of 66 forecasts in a Bloomberg 
News survey. Estimates ranged from no change to a 0.6 percent gain. 
Core CPI was projected to increase 0.2 percent, according to the 

Average weekly wages adjusted for inflation rose 1 percent in 
September, a separate report from the Labor Department showed. 

The consumer price index is the government's broadest gauge of costs 
for goods and services. Almost 60 percent of the CPI covers prices 
consumers pay for services, ranging from medical visits to airline 
fares and movie tickets. 

Three-Month Annual Rate 

Today's report puts the three-month annual rate of consumer price 
increases at 0.8 percent. 

So far this year, consumer prices are rising at a 3.4 percent rate, 
compared with 5.2 percent in the first nine months of 2005. Core 
prices are rising at a 3 percent rate, after a 2 percent pace during 
the same period last year. 

Energy prices dropped 7.2 percent in September, the biggest decline 
since November 2005, after rising 0.3 percent a month earlier. 
Gasoline prices slumped 13.5 percent after rising 0.2 percent in 
August. Fuel oil costs declined by the most since May 2003. 

Food prices, which account for about a fifth of the CPI, rose 0.3 
percent in September after rising 0.4 percent the month before. 

Housing costs, which include some energy costs and account for one-
third of the index, rose 0.3 percent after rising 0.2 percent. A 
category designed to track rental prices increased 0.3 percent for a 
second month. Airfares dropped 2.3 percent last month and new 
vehicle prices declined 0.1 percent. 

Rising Rents 

Rising rents, which account for almost 40 percent of the core CPI, 
have been contributing to inflation as less affordable home prices 
make renting more attractive. 

The cost of medical care increased 0.3 percent, following a 0.4 
percent increase in August. 

Fed policy makers left their benchmark overnight lending rate 
unchanged the past two meetings after 17 straight increases. 
Economists expect the Fed to stay on hold when they meet again Oct. 

Fed Bank of San Francisco President Janet Yellen this week said 
holding rates where they are ``for a time'' gives policy makers time 
to judge the impact of past rate increases. 

Several Fed policy makers said recently that inflation remains a 
bigger danger than slower economic growth. 

``My current assessment is that the risk of inflation remaining too 
high is greater than the risk of growth being too low,'' Fed Bank of 
Chicago President Michael Moskow said in an Oct. 12 speech in 

Cost-of-Living Adjustment 

Today's report also suggested retired U.S. workers receiving Social 
Security benefits will earn about $33 more each month beginning in 
January, a smaller increase than they received this year. The 
estimated monthly payment will rise 3.3 percent in 2007, compared 
with a 4.1 percent increase this year that was the biggest since 
1990. The adjustment will bring the monthly average to approximately 
$1,035 from this year's average of $1,002. 

[obrolan-bandar] Dow Jones Terbang!

2006-06-15 Terurut Topik Odink
NEW YORK, June 15 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks jumped on Thursday as Federal  
Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said inflation expectations have fallen,  
while strong earnings from investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. (BSC.N:  
Quote, Profile, Research) boosted the financial sector..

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[obrolan-bandar] Dow JOnes JAM setengah dua malem

2005-04-25 Terurut Topik Jhon Veter

DJ rebbound untuk menutup GAP semoga berlanjut, 
sudah terbukti dow jones sedang sideaway, untuk menembus upper channelnya yang 
baru dibuat setelah bangkit dari angka 9700-an, sesuatu yang wajar, mungkin 
sekitar 6-8 bulan lagi dari sekarang upper channelnya ketembus. Untuk yang main 
di INDEX sudah terbukti angka 10.000 pertahanannya kuat dan ditopang by 
USGovernment lewat intervensi lembaga terselubung, so kalo 10.000-an lagi 
hajar aja, pasti mental :). Kawasan juga kemaren sore pada positif, so geng 
hijau sudah mendekat belum ya ???. he he he, seperti Pak KArno bilang go long go 
long tinggal tidur aja.

NB : ini berita jam setengah dua malem, bentar lagi 
closing semoga DJ tetap ketahan di teritori positif. 






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