[OGD] Andy stop it!!!!

2004-08-21 Thread peter croezen
I had promised myself never to answer Andy directly again
on the OGD, I am breaking with that tradition today.

Someone has to speak up, let it be me.

You have for the longest time attacked all the good people
on this forum, not because they deserved any, but simply because
you have to satisfy your mean spirited attitude.

You act like  the orchid world barely deserves your divine attention.

Let me help you out of that dream Easton. The OGD does not need you,
the orchid world does not need you, the AOS has already shown they
do not need you.

This week you attacked several good people on this forum.
What you did to Marni and  Iris this week, what you did to many
others in the past year is unforgivable; it serves no useful purpose.

None of your venom serves any useful purpose, other than your boastfully
arrogant and dismissive ego. You forever  belittle other OGDers
and make them feel bad. You, Easton, are despicable.

I for one am fed up with your nonsense and your
disruptive behavior on this forum.

If Kenneth has the time and would  read all your post of the past year,
he should have no trouble finding more than sufficient cause to terminate your
subscription for the good of the majority, and the good name of this digest.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] all andy all the time

2004-08-21 Thread Li'l Frog
There are lots of Canadians who are members of the AOS.  There is even a
judging center in Toronto.  If my memory serves me, that is in that foreign
country.  If you are a member of the AOS, you get to comment on the AOS and
its other members.

It appears that Andy is the only person on Earth who has the best interest
of the AOS at heart, and is the only person who even KNOWS what is best for
the AOS.  I find that surprising.  There are lots of positive suggestions on
both the Forum, and here on OGD, if only someone would act on them, or even
reply to them.

li'l frog
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Iris Cohen's Inaccuracies

2004-08-21 Thread nancy
Isn't this the date palm calling the ginkgo

Dear Iris -
I don't care what that crotchety old grouch says about
you - you are delightful, funny and generous with your
knowledge and experience.
Perhaps he is a woofter as well.
Warmest regards - Nancy

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Andy Easton

2004-08-21 Thread CC
I would sincerely like Andy Easton to be banned from this list. He does
nothing for us but try to create hatred. His naove, childish attacks on
people is neither amusing or intelligent. WHEN was the last time he offered
any advice on orchids, which is what this forum is for? All he seems to
enjoy is attacking people, looking for any opportunity to do so. I FOR ONE,

Cody Cruise
Valley Pest Consulting
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] furthermore

2004-08-21 Thread CC
I was just at the OGD website, copied and pasted this directly from it:
'A few simple rules/guidelines apply: 

- no spam nor flames are allowed on this list. 
- no attachments are allowed either

Cody Cruise
Valley Pest Consulting
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] talking about animals and orchids

2004-08-21 Thread peter croezen

I have given up my AOS membership 1.5 years ago, and I do not involve myself
in AOS politics. However, in any democratic organization, nominations from the
floor are
normal. Not in the AOS? ok!

I did not hurt the AOS financially by my resignation. Andy Easton sent me an
eloquent, private, unsolicited e-mail, soon after I told Lee Cooke why I
resigned from the AOS.

Andy promised me, in the nice way only he is capable of, that the AOS would be
better off
without me and that it would not suffer financially just because I resigned.
He, Andy Easton,
would personally purchase an AOS membership and give it to an orchid grower in
I have never asked him if he did.

Digging old cows out of the swamp, like Selby etc. serves no purpose in
connection with either
Andy or the AOS.

As far as your contention that a  fabulous job was done financially, that is
debatable and
I have no interest in it. Did you read  Doug Duggins post, this month, re the
AOS and their 2001
expenses exceeding  revenues by more than  $ 900,000.- ???  Not that I care.

I think you are correct. ORCHIDS seems  a vendor oriented magazine.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Colour printing costs

2004-08-21 Thread Peter O'Byrne
D.A Kochman commented:

Color printing is expensive, and due to this (snip) the AOS have increased
the amount of membership the organization needs to continue operations.
Also to offset the cost of color printing, more and more space inside of the
magazine has become devoted to advertisements.

This statement, although frequently offered as an excuse (not just by the
AOS) is misleading. Colour printing is expensive, but the price of colour
printing has fallen by about 25-30% over the last 5 years. This has more
than offset the 10% increase in the price of paper over the same time.

Each year I am responsible for the production of several (non-orchid)
magazines. 5 years ago we could not afford full colour; about 15-20% of the
mag was in black-and white. Two years ago we went full-colour for the
first time and paid the printers about 5% less than the previous
year. This year we negotiated a further 8% reduction in printing costs,
again for a full-colour production. And this was for a low print-run ...
1500 copies. If you were printing tens of thousands, you'd be able to
negotiate a much bigger reduction in price. If you were to supply the
printers with fully-digital machine-ready originals, you could reduce your
print costs by 50% or more.

The reasons ?
(a) Introduction of digital technology has resulted in major savings, both
in manpower and materials.
(b) Large numbers of new print companies starting up, with not enough work
to go round. They're hungry.
(c) Globalisation. If your local company charges too much, get the job done
elsewhere, eg Malaysia or China.

Yes, I know individual situations vary from one place to another, and from
one publication to another, but there is no escaping the fact that the
worldwide trend over the last half-decade has been a steady, significant
reduction in print costs. If your society has not taken advantage of this,
then you should be directing some pertinant questions at whoever is in
charge of publications.

Peter O'Byrne
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 6, Issue 343

2004-08-21 Thread Mijo730
I just have to say you folks all sound like a bunch of little kids. This 
constant bickering is disgusting. Why don't you take it of this forum and send 
each other private emails. Oops I forgot little kids need and audience.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Venom on this board

2004-08-21 Thread Alan Bachrach
Well,  I have allowed mailings to continue coming from this list, but haven't
really looked at them in a long time.  I happened to look today and saw the
war going on with Andy Easton.  It is appalling.

I have been growing orchids since age 12 and am now 50.  I consider myself to
be a major league hobbiest with about 4000 Cattleya alliance plants in a 1680
square foot greenhouse.  In spite of this, I hate to tell you folks but they
are just a bunch of flowers.  If people can't get along when discussing
flowers, there is no hope for World peace.  We ought to just go ahead and nuke
em and get it over with.

It's kind of like marriage.  You have to be a decent person to start with and
then you have to make up your mind to get along.  The point is to make other
people feel secure, knowledgeable and wanted, not to deride them in order to
make yourself feel superior and in control... Unless you get some perverse
pleasure from this.  So I will respect the people that apologize and commit to
getting along.

I shall continue to observe.

Alan Bachrach
Ordway Orchids (just a name I invented to subscribe to to a gardening
magazine for free)
Nashville, TN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Palm Beach Post article abouit Ghost Orchids

2004-08-21 Thread Andy Lanier
There is an article in the Palm Beach Post in West Palm Beach, Fl for
Saturday, August 19, 2004 about the native leafless Ghost orchid.  To read
this article just do a Google search for Palm Beach Post and then scroll down
and click on Accent on the left side.  Immediately, a large picture of a
blossom shows up.  I haven't even read this yet but wanted to get the message
out at once.  Seems to be a lot of information with several pictures.
Andy Lanier
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Spiranthes sinensis, and use of woofter

2004-08-21 Thread DennisWestler
In a message dated 8/21/04 1:36:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Perhaps he is a woofter as well.

A quick web search confirms that woofter is a derogatory term for a male 
homosexual. There are enough gay men on this board, and in various Orchid 
organizations that people really should be a little more careful in their hurling of 

I too agree that Iris is not deserving of such bile from Mr. Easton. Her 
posts are full of information, humor and charm. Using the term woofter insults 
me, and many others; much as saying like a Jew to describe parsimony would 
insult many (like me, as a Jew also). People need both to respect others' 
differences, and think before they speak.

On an Orchidaceous note, I recently was given Spiranthes sinensis, a plant I 
had long desired to have. Will this plant thrive in conditions suitable for 
Spiranthes odorata? Specifically, will it handle wet winters?

Dennis Westler 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Accurate Andy

2004-08-21 Thread IrisCohen
I'm beginning to feel like Guido.

Who the hell is Tom Watson?

You know perfectly well who Mr. Watson is, despite the typo.

And the stories about when you were in the AOS trainee judging program are 
the stuff of legend.

Alas! My peccadilloes from 20 years ago have come back to haunt me. You don't 
know the half of it, Wonder Boy. I stole a candy bar when I was six and have 
been going downhill ever since. I even kicked the dog once. Oshamnu!
Mr. Easton, you can go take a flying Cheney at a rolling doughnut.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Aos

2004-08-21 Thread Dorris
Sorry if I gave the wrong impression about Canada..My dad was born there and
grandfather fought for them in WW1...Just that member or not...Canada
telling us how to run the AOS is not acceptable...(if they do not like it)
form their own group...)  but (of course) all this is directed to a small
group..maybe one person...who hates us here...As for Andy...give him a
break..except in the case of Iris...damned if I know how he got off on
that..And for all those who do not like our standing up for the AOS AS IT
STANDS...tough.and I could say worse and am tempted...by the way that
form that was sent to fill out is worthless.  it wont count so do not
bother...How do I know this?  Cuz I checked on what could be done for us
poor souls (over 460) here in Hawaii that get their bulletin 6 weeks
lateIt has to be the official form...Sorry to those of you who would
love to mess up the situation for your own meansKind of like Nader is it
not???  Also tough buns to those who think that the AOS is not Orchid
business...It is THE business here..It is our official compendium of what
has happened and what we might expect...plus, of course..the Ads that make
the thing go...If you do not like what you read...SCROLL DOWN...I sure
do...Bill  and a razzbery for he who cares not for what I or others like me
write...This is America...remember that...I am just as avid for those who
disagree..I just scroll if not in acceptance but would never abrogate the
right.  Bill (of Bergstrom Orchids...for those who do not know me for all of
these 30 years in business)
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Woofter

2004-08-21 Thread Phil Diamond
Rhyming slang?


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)