
2002-02-07 Thread Maxim O. Kamenev


FW: [Ofbiz-devel] Re: [Ofbiz-users] OFBiz Performance on variousapp servers after optimizing OFBiz

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

FYI "so in other words the price [of Orion] scales much better."


Mike Cannon-Brookes

Atlassian ::
Supporting YOUR world

-- Forwarded Message
From: "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Open For Business
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 18:01:20 -0700
Subject: Re: [Ofbiz-devel] Re: [Ofbiz-users] OFBiz Performance on various
app servers after optimizing OFBiz

One other thing I forgot to mention about Orion. It DOES perform better than
Resin, 1.6e6/hour compared to 1.1e6/hour, that's like 50% faster, and the
cost of both Orion and Resin is per box.

Hypothetically lets say you had a four processor box running OFBiz with
either Orion or Resin. Looking at prices at Dell (even though you can do
better...) a four processor PowerEdge 6400 server with 4 Pentium III Xeon
700Mhz chips with 1Mb cache and 2Gb RAM will run you pretty close to
I'm not SURE what the performance would be like on something like that
compared to something like the PIII 1Ghz, certainly not 15 times as fast (I
guess it could be), let's say it's 10 times as fast (to keep it easy).

In that case you would be delivering 16 million hits an hour with Orion and
11 million an hour with Resin.

So, we do our little analysis again:

Orion 1.5.3: 16million/(1500 + 15,000) = 969
Resin 2.0.4: 11million/(500 + 15,000) = 709
Weblogic 6.1: 626,400/(10,000 + 15,000) = 25.1
Tomcat 4.0.1: 216,000/(0 + 15,000) = 14.4

So, Resin is more expensive in hits per hour per dollar on a bigger server
than a smaller server, while Orion is fast enough that it is cheaper in hits
per hour per dollar on the bigger server, and it a much better deal than
Resin there, so in other words the price scales much better.

-David Jones

On Thursday 07 February 2002 17:32, you wrote:
> Mike,
> Those are very valuable $0.02, and I completely agree. In the paragraph on
> Orion I mentioned that because of such a little difference, if you need the
> extra things that Orion has, definately go for it. If all you need it a
> Servlet container (and use Tyrex for JTA and pooling, and OFBiz for other
> stuff), then Resin seems to be the best choice.
> If a shop already has Orion and is using it for other things, they can be
> sure they made a good choice, in my opinion.
> Later,
> -David
> On Thursday 07 February 2002 17:23, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
> > These performance tests are really valuable - but I'd like to point out
> > that you don't take features into account ;)
> >
> > Woe betide me to start applying numerical calculations to relative
> > feature sets - but I think the below shows that really your choice is
> > between a J2EE server and a Servlet Container (Orion vs Resin). The
> > others are just also-rans.
> >
> > The cost/performance differences are negligible, but the feature sets of
> > these two servers are quite different. (With Orion you get a full EJB
> > container, JMS server, etc etc which you don't get with Resin).
> >
> > Before this starts sounding too much like an ad ;) I'll stop - but choose
> > your features, then your server - not the other way around!
> >
> > My $0.02.
> >
> > -mike
> >
> > On 8/2/02 11:09 AM, "David E. Jones" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) penned the words:
> > > Last night I sent a message to the ofbiz-devel list reporting the
> > > results of some performance enhancements in OFBiz from optimizing
> > > certain little pieces of code.
> > >
> > > I did some more tests today on the speed of the new improved OFBiz on
> > > various app servers. The following numbers are average server response
> > > times with 20 threads continuously hitting the server (ie when each
> > > thread gets a response it immediately sends another hit, keeping about
> > > 20 requests in the queue at all times). The test was done with JMeter
> > > on one computer and the app server & OFBiz on my PIII 1Ghz laptop.
> > > Running Linux (kernel 2.4.10, Suse 7.3) and Sun's JDK 1.4 for all but
> > > Weblogic, which requires JDK 1.3, and yes 1.4 is slightly (like 5%)
> > > faster.
> > >
> > > The page hit was ecommerce/control/main with the default catalog. It
> > > had two products in the Featured Products category and two top level
> > > categories displayed on the side. This isn't a very realistic test for
> > > large catalogs, but is a medium sized page to test the app server
> > > container preformance.
> > >
> > > Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
> > > Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6
> > > million/hour Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec -
> > > 1.1 million/hour Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4
> > > pages/sec - 62,640/hour Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6
> > > pages/sec - 21,600/hour
> > >
> > > The pages per second counts are calculated as follows: (1/avg.
> > > time)*20, because of the 20 continuous threads hitti

FW: [Ofbiz-devel] OFBiz Performance on various app servers afteroptimizing OFBiz

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

More performance tests from the OFBiz guys - this time they're much more
interesting for Orion users!

The most interesting stat sections are the sheer performance (where Orion
absolutely wallops the competition) and price/performance.

(quoting - sheer performance)
Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6 million/hour
Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec - 1.1 million/hour
Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4 pages/sec - 62,640/hour
Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6 pages/sec - 21,600/hour

(quoting - price/performance including $850 for a decent server)
Resin 2.0.4: 1.1million/(500 + 850) = 814
Orion 1.5.3: 1.6million/(1500 + 850) = 680
Tomcat 4.0.1: 21,600/(0 + 850) = 25.4
Weblogic 6.1: 62,640/(10,000 + 850) = 5.77

(please remember here that Resin 2.0.4 is a servlet/jsp container, whereas
Orion is a full J2EE server so they have slightly different feature sets
despite comparing very favourably on price/performance).

Hope this is interesting to others!


PS Next time someone tells you that JBoss+Tomcat can outperform Orion, you
have some excellent data to prove them wrong
PPS Wise man once say anyone who trusts benchmark tests absolutely is a fool
- test yourself, on your own apps!

-- Forwarded Message
From: "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Open For Business
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 17:09:51 -0700
Subject: [Ofbiz-devel] OFBiz Performance on various app servers after
optimizing OFBiz

Last night I sent a message to the ofbiz-devel list reporting the results of
some performance enhancements in OFBiz from optimizing certain little pieces
of code.

I did some more tests today on the speed of the new improved OFBiz on
app servers. The following numbers are average server response times with 20
threads continuously hitting the server (ie when each thread gets a response
it immediately sends another hit, keeping about 20 requests in the queue at
all times). The test was done with JMeter on one computer and the app server
& OFBiz on my PIII 1Ghz laptop. Running Linux (kernel 2.4.10, Suse 7.3) and
Sun's JDK 1.4 for all but Weblogic, which requires JDK 1.3, and yes 1.4 is
slightly (like 5%) faster.

The page hit was ecommerce/control/main with the default catalog. It had two
products in the Featured Products category and two top level categories
displayed on the side. This isn't a very realistic test for large catalogs,
but is a medium sized page to test the app server container preformance.

Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6 million/hour
Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec - 1.1 million/hour
Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4 pages/sec - 62,640/hour
Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6 pages/sec - 21,600/hour

The pages per second counts are calculated as follows: (1/avg. time)*20,
because of the 20 continuous threads hitting it.

As you can see Orion & Resin perform very similarly but Weblogic and Tomcat
are left in the dust. Before optimizing OFBiz Weblogic was the fastest,
coming in about twice as fast as Orion and Resin.

I know from past (good?) experience with Weblogic that they have a lot of
tuning parameters, so chances are you can increase the thread pool size or
something to get it to go faster. I reduced the number of threads hitting it
and it did somewhat better, but never came close to the speed of Orion or
Resin, it's webapp container must be just plain heavier. For the $10,000 per
CPU range, I think I'll pass, even though I'm sure it can do better than
it was in this test (I don't think it'll ever touch Orion or Resin for

Tomcat was by far the slowest. It seemed to run all right for a little
and then have little periods of slowness where page times jumped up from an
average of about 2 seconds to an average of about 5 seconds. Over the minute
it levelled out to about 3.3 seconds as listed above.

So, which to choose? If you need EJB and other features that Orion provides
and want to pay more for them ($1500 per server), then go for it. It is a
little bit difficult to configure (or maybe it's just me?), but it runs
REALLY well.

If you have a smaller budget and are fine with Tyrex (open source from
Exolab) as your DB connection pool and TX monitor, then go for Resin. OFBiz
runs great on it, and it's only $500 per server.

On price/performance Resin wins (pages per second/dollars):
Resin: 1.1million/500 = 2200
Orion: 1.6million/1500 = 1066
Weblogic: 62,640/10,000 = 6.264
Tomcat: 21,600/0 = N/A

With that sort of calculation you could argue that Tomcat really does win,
beacuse it costs nothing so the (pages per second/dollars) would be
effectively. But lets factor in the cost of a server. A cheap PIII 1Ghz

Re: [announce] Log4J Appender for Orion's application.log

2002-02-07 Thread Curt Smith

> reports itself in the correct context, so you can see how they happened.

Yes and a nice feature.  To be production quality we'd need file size
roll-over and max-number of log file aging...

Hmmm, this could be externalized in a script IF orion's logger didn't
keep the file descriptor open between writes (probably does).


RE: Application client log in

2002-02-07 Thread peter_saurugger

use the rolemanager to do the login ... SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and credentials can 
be the orion admin account.
Hashtable env = new 
"someuserwithrmiprivilages");    // NOT the user you want to log 

    InitialContext initialcontext = new 
InitialContext(env);    RoleManager 
rolemanager = 
}    catch(Exception 
{    throw 
There is a lot of discussion about this in the archives and e.g. 
on the Elephantwalkers site, as well as orionsupport and I think 

  -Original Message-From: Randahl Fink Isaksen 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:22 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Application client log 
  We are 
  currently implementing a Java Swing client, and I am wondering how to write 
  the log in system. When not using http or form based log in (HTML) and when 
  you wish to let the client log in from a GUI interface (Swing), which part of 
  Orion is then used to hand over the username and password for 

RE: j_security_check

2002-02-07 Thread Trujillo, Kris

I am having the same problem.  I have noticed that it seems to only happen
when using a Servlet.  If the protected resource is a JSP it doesn't seem to

>  -Original Message-
> From: Mulder, Frans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 9:51 AM
> To:   Orion-Interest
> Subject:  j_security_check
> I use FORM-based authentication in my app, thus specifying
> "j_security_check" as the action attribute of the login form. For reasons
> not clear to me Orion sometimes reacts with the error message: "Resource
> /SAM/j_security_check not found on this server". If I just type in the URL
> that is also in my welcome-file-list, I find that I have been logged in!?
> What is this?

Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-07 Thread josete

Wich problem do you say they've fixed? threads under linux? i've done some
tests with a redhat 6.2.(sorry i can't remember exactly the kernel version)
and jboss, and only at start time it was about three times slower than the
same jboss in a windows 2000.
If with the new kernel versions it runs more efficiently, it would be great
because i'm a linux fan that has been forced to use windows by this
problem... XD

- Original Message -
From: "Jorge Jimenez C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

> Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
> releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily find
> it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.
> JJ
> - Original Message -
> From: "Peter Peltonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
> Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load
> >
> > When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
> >
> >
> > 
> > Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
> > underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the
> > same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than
> > under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
> >
> > Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
> > threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
> > concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the
> > same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in
> > of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.
> > 
> >
> > How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?
> >
> > The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is
> > a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular
> > production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users
> > (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux /
> > performance?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Peter
> >
> >

Re: Shutdown causes Address in use: JVM_Bind

2002-02-07 Thread Stephen Davidson

Hi Bill.

I do not know about Windows, but on linux, the server does not finish dying when the 
shutdown command is issued.  After I issue the shutdown command, the server 
  command, the server processes are still running, so I have to manually go kill them.

This can be readily verified in Windows by using the Task Manager to see if any java 
processes are still running after you issue a shutdown.  You may have to 
kill them via the Task Manager.


Bill Winspur wrote:

> I'm running Orion 1.5.3 on Nt4/SP6, and jdk1.3.1_01.
> The command I use to shut the server down is:
> *C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin pwd 
> -shutdown*
> After a shutdown, starting the server always produces the following on 
> the orion console.
> *Error starting HTTP-Server: Address in use: JVM_Bind
> Orion/1.5.3 initialized
> *
> My work-around is to boot windows, very tedious.
> The command I use to start the server is:
> *C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe "-jar"  "orion.jar"*
> I had a look thru the archive but the search keys 'Shutdown', and various
> substrings of the server console log, above, did not reveal any solutions.
> Is there an alternative way of shutting down the server, that releases the
> tcp/ip binding ?
> TIA Bill. 

Stephen Davidson
Java Consultant
Delphi Consultants, LLC
Phone: 214-696-6224 x208

How to use the compound-mapping object int the EJB finder query?

2002-02-07 Thread Zhang Tao

I am using the compound object mapping, the compound
object used in the EJB bean class has private
attributes and corresponding getters and setters. But
I don't know how to use them in the finder query
I am using the following syntax, but I doubt about it
since the province is private to address class.

Does that work or should I change the address class to
have public attributes(I don't like it).

Thanks a lot.

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Re: EJB 2.0 ?

2002-02-07 Thread Mayssam Sayyadian

They always say this.
Not only IronFlare guys say this, i see oracle also says the same thing!!
" An update will follow shortly after the initial version and will bring 
the product into full compliance with the J2EE 1.3 specification. This 
update will primarily focus on providing providing features of EJB 2.0 ", 
stated in oracle's statement of direction !!
We hope this would come out ASAP :)


> I've been told by pretty good sources that it's coming in the next release. 
> Unfortunately they could give me a solid answer on when this next release will
> be, other than "soon"  :)
> --- Dan Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know if/when full EJB2.0 / J2EE1.3 support will be available in
> > Orion? i.e. Local interfaces and CMP2.0. They seem to have been on an
> > "almost" EJB2.0 spec for months. I bet Oracle get full compliance first...
> > 
> > 
> > _
> > 
> > Alison Associates
> > 
> > The information contained in this e-mail and any attached files is intended
> > only for the use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed and may be
> > privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. The
> > views of the author may not necessarily reflect the views of the Company. If
> > you are not the intended recipient please do not copy or convey this message
> > or any attached files to any other person but delete this message and any
> > attached files and notify us of incorrect receipt via e-mail to
> > 
> > 
> > _
> > This message has been checked for all known viruses by MessageLabs.
> > 
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Send FREE Valentine eCards with Yahoo! Greetings!

MDB & Orion 1.5.3

2002-02-07 Thread Djemal, Guy (TWIi London)

Hi all,

I'm trying to use Queue based MDB with Orion 1.5.3. I've got to the point of
deploying my bean but when I post something to the queue my MDB never get
the message. I also notice that Orion seems to load the MDB class twice, it
doesn't do that with any of my other beans! I believe I've set up my jms.xml
correctly so I am wondering if any of you have any words of wisdom.



2002-02-07 Thread Mulder, Frans

I use FORM-based authentication in my app, thus specifying
"j_security_check" as the action attribute of the login form. For reasons
not clear to me Orion sometimes reacts with the error message: "Resource
/SAM/j_security_check not found on this server". If I just type in the URL
that is also in my welcome-file-list, I find that I have been logged in!?
What is this?

Description: application/ms-tnef

Application client log in

2002-02-07 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

We are currently implementing a Java
Swing client, and I am wondering how to write the log in system. When not using
http or form based log in (HTML) and when you wish to let the client log in
from a GUI interface (Swing), which part of Orion is then used to hand over the
username and password for authorization?





RE: Username and Password

2002-02-07 Thread Christian, Joanne

Hi All,

Thanks for your responses.  They were very helpful.


Re: classpath issues??

2002-02-07 Thread Scott Farquhar

You may be interested in this documentation on classloaders in Orion:


Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atlassian ::
  Supporting YOUR J2EE World

Jorge Jimenez C wrote:

> Another way of doing this:
> If your helper classes are part of a common library (i.e. may be used from
> other applications) you can put the jar in the orion/lib directory to
> maintain just one copy. I'm not sure if J2EE specifications says something
> about it, but it works in all servers I know.
> JJ
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jacky Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:41 AM
> Subject: Re: classpath issues??
>>You can put allsrc.jar under WEB-INF/lib of your webapp. Or you can put
> the
>>jar in ear and add an entry "Class-Path: allsrc.jar" in the manifest file
> of
>>the ear.
>>Best regards,
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Dan Ascheman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:24 AM
>>Subject: classpath issues??
>>>Ok, I've created an application (.ear file) which has successfully been
>>>deployed, BUT my servlet in my .war file blows up on a runtime exception
>>>because it can't find it's base class, or helper classes.
>>>I have a .jar file called "allsrc.jar" that contains all classes in my
>>>system, and that resides in my .ear file - I thought that would be
> enough
>>>for my servlet to see it, but it's not.  I tried putting the
> "allsrc.jar"
>>>my "d:\orion" directory and it didn't work, and I tried referencing it
> in
>>>classpath upon startup like this:
>>>java -cp="d:/orion/fwrk/allsrc.jar" -jar orion.jar
>>>Nothing seems to work!!  The only way I can get my servlet to
> successfully
>>>run is to unjar all of my classes into my web-inf/classes directory, and
> I
>>>don't want to do that.
>>>So, where do I put my allsrc.jar so my servlet can find the classes it
>>>to run??
>>>Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


Re: Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-07 Thread Jorge Jimenez C

Don't  worry. That problem is already fixed in the latest linux kernel
releases. I don't remember exactly release number but you can easily find
it. I've made some tests with JBoss and it runs very well.


- Original Message -
From: "Peter Peltonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:57 AM
Subject: Orion+Linux under heavy load

> When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:
> Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the
> underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the
> same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than
> under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.
> Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real
> threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200
> concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the
> same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in front
> of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.
> How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?
> The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is not
> a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular in
> production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users
> (sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux / UNIX
> performance?
> Cheers,
> Peter

Re: EJB 2.0 ?

2002-02-07 Thread Phillip Ross

I've been told by pretty good sources that it's coming in the next release. 
Unfortunately they could give me a solid answer on when this next release will
be, other than "soon"  :)

--- Dan Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if/when full EJB2.0 / J2EE1.3 support will be available in
> Orion? i.e. Local interfaces and CMP2.0. They seem to have been on an
> "almost" EJB2.0 spec for months. I bet Oracle get full compliance first...
> _
> Alison Associates
> The information contained in this e-mail and any attached files is intended
> only for the use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed and may be
> privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. The
> views of the author may not necessarily reflect the views of the Company. If
> you are not the intended recipient please do not copy or convey this message
> or any attached files to any other person but delete this message and any
> attached files and notify us of incorrect receipt via e-mail to
> _
> This message has been checked for all known viruses by MessageLabs.

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Re: classpath issues??

2002-02-07 Thread Jorge Jimenez C

Another way of doing this:

If your helper classes are part of a common library (i.e. may be used from
other applications) you can put the jar in the orion/lib directory to
maintain just one copy. I'm not sure if J2EE specifications says something
about it, but it works in all servers I know.


- Original Message -
From: "Jacky Cheung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: classpath issues??

> You can put allsrc.jar under WEB-INF/lib of your webapp. Or you can put
> jar in ear and add an entry "Class-Path: allsrc.jar" in the manifest file
> the ear.
> Best regards,
> Jacky
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dan Ascheman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:24 AM
> Subject: classpath issues??
> > Ok, I've created an application (.ear file) which has successfully been
> > deployed, BUT my servlet in my .war file blows up on a runtime exception
> > because it can't find it's base class, or helper classes.
> > I have a .jar file called "allsrc.jar" that contains all classes in my
> > system, and that resides in my .ear file - I thought that would be
> > for my servlet to see it, but it's not.  I tried putting the
> in
> > my "d:\orion" directory and it didn't work, and I tried referencing it
> my
> > classpath upon startup like this:
> > java -cp="d:/orion/fwrk/allsrc.jar" -jar orion.jar
> >
> > Nothing seems to work!!  The only way I can get my servlet to
> > run is to unjar all of my classes into my web-inf/classes directory, and
> > don't want to do that.
> >
> > So, where do I put my allsrc.jar so my servlet can find the classes it
> needs
> > to run??
> >
> > thanks,
> > Dan
> >
> >
> > _
> > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
> >
> >
> >

Re: What about session-tracking?

2002-02-07 Thread JoseMa

Yes, the application was hopping over to HTTPS. 
We've put share=true and the applications worked very well. We don't lost the 
session variables.
Thanks very much Jason.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 4:33 
  Subject: RE: What about 
  losing the session variables when hopping over to HTTPS?
  so, you need to set your web app to "shared"...
  share=true maybe?
-Original Message-From: José Mª García [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:51 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: What about 
    We have an application and 
we have problems with the sessions. Sometimes we lost the values of session 
    In Orion documentation we 
look some information about the session tracking. But there are a few 
Do you have more 
information about the session with Orion? How does Orion manager the 

Re: [announce] Log4J Appender for Orion's application.log

2002-02-07 Thread Curt Smith

Geoff Soutter wrote

>I've hacked up an Orion Appender to allow you to log to the
>application.log file, via the Logger instance that Orion installs at
>java:comp/Logger. Here it is in all it's glory, use it however you wish.
>PS, did anyone figure out if it's possible to get orion to roll it's log
>files when they get too big? ;-)
How about Orion logs to a log4j output device instead of apps logging to 
Orion's log
files?   Or did I miss understand this functionality??

Personally I feel the new log4j 1.3 features that make it easier for 
each application
to have it's xml config file in the .war / .ear so that apps can have 
their own (separate)
log files from each other to be a very useful choice.

My view of the problem of deploying and supporting a j2ee app is the few 
features j2ee
put in the spec (a big zero) to allow debugging and logging of app, 
feature, bean operations.
I feel we need to drill on the debugging problem until we have a 
facility that supports
logging based on session ID, so that we can follow a particular user's 
actions and
failures across a cluster and set of services.

To me, moving to one log file for the universe is the wrong direction? 
 Any opinions?


Orion+Linux under heavy load

2002-02-07 Thread Peter Peltonen

When browsing through JBoss's documentation I found this remark:

Be aware however that JBoss performance is very dependant on the 
underlying configuration. For example, informal tests show that on the 
same PC box, it can run twice as fast under Windows 2000 / Sun JVM than 
under Linux 2.2 / Sun JVM.

Linux users probably already know that linux does not support real 
threads. Under heavy load, JBoss will for example crash with 200 
concurrent users under linux, whereas it can handle 1000 of them on the 
same box with Windows 2000. Of course, if you use Apache or Jetty in front 
of JBoss to handle the thread pooling, this will not be a problem.

How about Orion, has anyone compared Win2k and Linux regarding speed?

The last paragraph is really alarming -- is it really so that Linux is not 
a wise choice as a production platform? Is this why UNIX is so popular in 
production environments? Or is JBoss just coded poorly? How many users 
(sessions) can Orion handle, is there a difference in Win2k / Linux / UNIX 


EJB 2.0 ?

2002-02-07 Thread Dan Haley

Does anyone know if/when full EJB2.0 / J2EE1.3 support will be available in
Orion? i.e. Local interfaces and CMP2.0. They seem to have been on an
"almost" EJB2.0 spec for months. I bet Oracle get full compliance first...


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Shutdown causes Address in use: JVM_Bind

2002-02-07 Thread Bill Winspur

I'm running Orion 1.5.3 on Nt4/SP6, and 
The command I use to shut the server down 
C:\jdk1.3.1_01\bin\java.exe -jar 
admin.jar ormi://localhost admin pwd -shutdown
After a shutdown, starting the server 
always produces the following on the orion console.
Error starting HTTP-Server: Address 
in use: JVM_BindOrion/1.5.3 initialized
My work-around is to boot windows, very 
The command I use to start the server 
"-jar"  "orion.jar"
I had a look thru the archive but the 
search keys 'Shutdown', and various
substrings of the 
server console log, above, did not reveal any 
Is there an alternative way of shutting 
down the server, that releases the
tcp/ip binding ?
TIA Bill.