Fw: Virus warning

2001-03-28 Thread August Linnman

Hello Waheed and all others.
It is obvious that you have posted a virus to the 
Orion list. 
I made a mistake in my reply and unintentionally 
re-sent the virus text in the attachment, but I was fortunate not to get the 
virus myself thanks to appropriate protection. 
My advice to Waheed and all others on this list is 
to check your computer environment. 
Best regards

Re: Please let me know.......this details please..........

2001-03-28 Thread August Linnman

I dont know, but your message contains some strange 
code (VB script ?) which looks like a trojan virus. 
If my suspicion is right I strongly recommend you 
to disinfect your computer environment before posting to this list. 

Best regards

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:16 
  Subject: Please let me know...this 
  details please..
  Hi all,
  I need a clarification regarding orion, my application is an ecommerce 
  websitewhich is build fully with JSP .
  When i tried to send form fields with  from first.jsp.second.jsp is not receiveing any 
  fields and giving me a blank page with "Done" in the status bar.
  The total number of line in the first.jsp is more than 3565 linesand 
  in second.jsp total number of line is more than 2149 lines.
  Does the number of lines will do anything with this  ??.
  When i change method='get' same jsp file works good.
  This is only happens in the site (that is in my remote orion 
  When i tried in the local machine its working good what i can do for 
  thisany suggestion.
  Just of this problem i want to switch my server to JRun 
  Is it right...What you will do when you are in the same 
  situation. ??
  Please let me know how i can solve this problem.
  Does anythird party API available for this post method.
  If my question was not clear please let me know i will send you once 
  again clearly.
  Please help me in this regards..I am expecting your reply.
  Advance thankings for your valuable reply.
  Best regardswaheed

Lib entry and tools.jar placement

2000-12-08 Thread August Linnman

Hello everybody,

The need of a java compiler for JSP is probably well known, as well as the trick to 
copy the "tools.jar" to the Orion root directory. And failing to do this results in 
the following error message:

Compiler error: Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to 
the orion dir or add a  and restart

I would like to try the second alternative, by adding this "library" element to some 
XML file, which i assume is config/application.xml. However, after a lot of 
trial-and-horror I have not been able to make this technique working. Anyone knowns of 
any tricks, or better, can describe the loading mechanisms involved using the 
"library" statement. 
I use Orion 1.3.8 on a Windows NT / Windows 2000 configuration. 

Best regards

Use Orion for "ordinary" RMI?

2000-08-31 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone!
As far as I can see the Orion server has a built-in RMI server 
(using a special ORMI wire protocol). 
I have developed stand-alone applications which operate 
through RMI but these are not able to operate without using the standard 
Is it possible to have Orion replace "rmiregistry", and how? A 
solution with a minimal set of startup steps is important for us. 
To simply use "ormi://." urls in the Naming.xxx does not 
work (MalformedURLException). 

Use of the Plug-in 1.3 from Sun with an Orion EJB.

2000-08-27 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone!
Has anyone tried to use a plug-in solution to convert a 
EJB-client-JavaBean into an ActiveX-control object with Orion?
We will consider this solution:
Everything works out nice, except for one crucial 
com.dewire.common.messaging.MessagingException: Unable to 
locate home interface for a class __Proxy1 at 
com.dewire.common.messaging.MessageSenderImpl.createInstance(MessageSenderImpl.java:398) at 
com.dewire.common.messaging.MessageSenderImpl.send(MessageSenderImpl.java:324) Nested 
exception : 
java.lang.ClassCastException at 
com.sun.corba.se.internal.javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(PortableRemoteObject.java:296) at 
javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(PortableRemoteObject.java:137) at 
com.dewire.common.messaging.MessageSenderImpl.createInstance(MessageSenderImpl.java:390) at 
This exception seems to occur *only* when trying to run the 
plug-in setup, it never occurs in a regular client setup (e g using startup in a 
EJB client JAR). 
The platform chosen is: JDK 1.3, Orion 1.2.0, Win98, Plug-in 
from Sun 1.3.0. The plug-in has been setup (through the control panel) to use 
the JDK runtime environment (1.3). 
What exactly is the "__Proxy1" class which I retreive in the 
JNDI lookup? Is the use of the "com.sun.corba.se" an indication of use of an 
incorrect SPI for underlying network communication? 
Excerpt from the client code (where the exception is 
    Object objRef = null;    
try    {  objRef = 
initial.lookup ("java:comp/env/ejb/"+ location);    
}    catch (NamingException e)    
{  throw new MessagingException (e, "Cannot 
resolve ejb name");    }    
RemoteMessageSenderHome home = null;
    Throwable t = null;    
try    {  home = 
(RemoteMessageSenderHome) objRef;    }    
catch (ClassCastException e)    
{  t = e;  
{    home = (RemoteMessageSenderHome) 
}  catch (ClassCastException 
{    t = 
f;  }    
}    if (home == null)  
throw new MessagingException (t, "Unable to locate home interface for a " + 
objRef.getClass().toString()); // Always happens in plug-in. 
    else  System.out.println 
("Successfully resolved a " + objRef.getClass().toString()); // Always happens 
when not running Plug-in
Any tips regarding these matters would be greatly appreciated. 
I have plunged into different mail lists and news archives with no success. 


JMS: subscribe(timeout) does not work?

2000-08-23 Thread August Linnman

Hi all,
When I call TopicSubscriber.subscribe (timeoutvalue) the call 
does not seem to return in a time-out situation. It just waits forever. 

According to spec the timeoutvalue is specified in 
Anyone knows of this problem? Is there some setup needed for a 
time-out call to work properly? 
Code sample:
TopicConnectionFactory factory =    
TopicConnection connection = 
Topic topic = (Topic)new 
TopicSession session = connection.createTopicSession(false, 
TopicSubscriber subscriber = 
    Message theMessage 
= subscriber.receive (5000); // MAY HANG, BUT SHOULD WAIT AT MOST 5 
The test program on the other side is abruptly stopping its 
message delivery, either through a hard cut-wire, or through System.exit(-1). We 
want to be able to cope with abruptly stopping clients. Can this influence in 
some ways? 
It is in theory to work around this problem using subscribe() 
with no parameters and start a separate time-out/killer thread, but it seems 
very odd and awkward. 
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Re: JMS question, topics mixed up? Problem fixed.

2000-08-23 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone again!
The problem has been solved. I missed to fill in the 
 declarations in config/jms.xml. 
However, the error was confusing, and a good guess is that the 
application should not be able be run in the first place without the 
declarations in jms.xml. 
I would still be interested in clarifications and experiences 
about these matters. Also the status of the Orion JMS server would be very 
interesting to know more about, mostly since we consider to use Orion as a 
production platform. 

  - Original Message - 
  August Linnman 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Cc: Robin Rosenberg 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 12:08 
  Subject: JMS question, topics mixed 
  Hello everyone!
  I have a rather mysterious problem related to Topic Pub/Sub. 
  My application defines two separate topics used for different purposes, but no 
  matter what I try all TopicSubscribers will receive data posted on *both* 
  I am somewhat a newbie to JMS, but not to messaging systems, 
  and this is not what I expect from the Orion JMS server.
  Am I running into a known problem? The mailing list contains 
  so far very few postings on JMS. What is the status of the Orion JMS server? 
  Thanks in advance for all advice.

JMS question, topics mixed up?

2000-08-21 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone!
I have a rather mysterious problem related to Topic Pub/Sub. 
My application defines two separate topics used for different purposes, but no 
matter what I try all TopicSubscribers will receive data posted on *both* 
I am somewhat a newbie to JMS, but not to messaging systems, 
and this is not what I expect from the Orion JMS server.
Am I running into a known problem? The mailing list contains 
so far very few postings on JMS. What is the status of the Orion JMS server? 

Thanks in advance for all advice.

Problem with Class.forName

2000-08-15 Thread August Linnman

Hello all!
I seems to be impossible for my session bean to load a class 
dynamically through Class.forName(String) or Class.forName(String, boolean, 
ClassLoader). The class I try to load is placed in the EJB-JAR. 
Any attempt always causes a ClassNotFoundException. I can 
recall vaguely that this might be a security thing.
Anyone has any indication to this kind of 
Thanks in advance

Sharing code between web-app and ejbs

2000-08-10 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone!
This is maybe not orion-specific (off-topic) but may be 
relevant anyway.
How can you in a manageable way include "library" code, i e 
common code in an EAR which should be accessible from both the WAR and the 
EJB-JAR, and also preferably be put in the same EAR. The only way I can think of 
now is to duplicate code between the EJB-JAR part and the WEB-INF/classes 
directory, which is not a very nice solution. 
Another way would be to link the external code through another 
JAR-file, and tie together using a Manifest, but I cannot resolve exactly which 
Manifest should be used (the EAR or the JAR?) and how this should be done. I 
have read the Sun specs about the Jar-manifest format but either they are 
very unclear, or I have not found the right information. 
Any clarity in this matter would be greatly appreciated. 


Client app problem

2000-08-09 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone!

A strange problem arises when trying to execute a client application (see
below). Exactly the same error happened when executing the news-client
sample, after having rebuilt and rejared it using an appropriate
jndi.properties file at the jar-root level.
The file dummy.jar contains the home and remote interfaces. The manifest
classpath points to orion.jar.
Also interesting is that a web application using the same EJB works just
fine, using exactly the same ejb-ref notation in its descriptor.

It may be a newbie or trivial error from my side, but maybe also a bug in
Orion (I posted another message yesterday and it was solved 6 hours later
when I made an autoupdate ;-)

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

JDK 1.3
Windows 98
Orion 1.1.37



D:\orion>java -jar dummy.jar

Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading
on-client descriptor: No location specified and no suitable instance of the
 'com.dewire.application.dummy.DummyBean' found for the ejb-ref ejb/Dummy
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(Unknown Source)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.(Unknown Source)
at com.dewire.application.dummy.WebBean.getfoobar(WebBean.java:25)
at com.dewire.application.dummy.WebBean.main(WebBean.java:42)

 application-client.xml (in non-working client app)



 web.xml (in working web app)


 jndi.properties (from client jar file)



Manifest-Version: 1.0
Name: "Dummy Demo"
Implementation-Version: "1.0.0"
Specification-Version: "1.0.0"
Implementation-Title: "Dummy"
Main-Class: com.dewire.application.dummy.WebBean
Created-By: 1.2 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: orion.jar
Implementation-Vendor: "Dewire"
Specification-Vendor: "Dewire"

Re: JMS sample error

2000-08-08 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone again.
The problem disappeared after having done a "java -jar 
autoupdate.jar". Maybe a bug that was corrected. :-) 
- Original Message - 

  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 5:38 
  Subject: JMS sample error
  Hello everyone. 
  When trying to run the coffemaker sample I get the error 
  below. I think I follow the instructions carefully. This error resembles many 
  other similar cases related to class loading problems. I use JDK 1.3. 
  Anyone having a clue?
  /August Linnman, Dewire Innovation AB, 
  D:\orion\demo\jms>java -jar coffeemaker.jar
  .. After appr 5 seconds this happens
  at __Proxy0.getLocation(Unknown 
  Source)    at 
  at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown 
  Source)    at 
  Source)    at 
  Source)    at 
  Source)    at 

JMS sample error

2000-08-08 Thread August Linnman

Hello everyone. 
When trying to run the coffemaker sample I get the error 
below. I think I follow the instructions carefully. This error resembles many 
other similar cases related to class loading problems. I use JDK 1.3. 

Anyone having a clue?
/August Linnman, Dewire Innovation AB, Stockholm.
D:\orion\demo\jms>java -jar coffeemaker.jar

.. After appr 5 seconds this happens
at __Proxy0.getLocation(Unknown 
Source)    at 
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 

Re: doPost/doGet confusion

2000-05-25 Thread August Linnman
Title: RE: doPost/doGet confusion

No, it can be forced to do a POST-request by using the 
setRequestMethod method. 

  - Original Message - 
  Patrik Andersson 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Cc: E-volution 
  Sent: den 25 maj 2000 15:05
  Subject: RE: doPost/doGet confusion
  Doesn't HttpUrlConnection make an HTTP GET request? Isn't that 
  what it's made for? 
  Best regards Patrik Andersson 
  -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: den 25 maj 2000 13:23 To: 
  Orion-Interest Cc: E-volution Subject: doPost/doGet confusion 
  We have experienced a most strange behaviour on a fresh 
  installation of Orion 1.0rc1 deploying a web application of ours. When 
  executing a "POST" request on a servlet (using a java client program using a 
  HTTPUrlConnection) the orion server seems to dispatch to the "doGet" method 
  instead of "doPost"!! 
  We have tried to swap the Orion server for a Tomcat 3.1, using 
  exactly the same client software and the same deployed WEB-archive and code, 
  and Tomcat correctly invokes the "doPost" method for the same request. 
  Is this a common and known bug, or do we need to dig deeper to 
  get more debug information? 
  Any information useful in solving this mystery would be 
  greatly appreciated. 
  Best Regards /August Linnman, ITEC OBI 
  AB, Stockholm. 
  August Linnman, ITEC Open Business Integrator AB. Stockholm, 
  Sweden Telephone: +4670 930 61 05 PGP key lookup: http://certserver.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2BF524E7 

doPost/doGet confusion

2000-05-25 Thread August Linnman


We have experienced a most strange behaviour on a fresh installation of Orion 1.0rc1 
deploying a web application of ours. When executing a "POST" request on a servlet 
(using a java client program using a HTTPUrlConnection) the orion server seems to 
dispatch to the "doGet" method instead of "doPost"!! 
We have tried to swap the Orion server for a Tomcat 3.1, using exactly the same client 
software and the same deployed WEB-archive and code, and Tomcat correctly invokes the 
"doPost" method for the same request. 

Is this a common and known bug, or do we need to dig deeper to get more debug 

Any information useful in solving this mystery would be greatly appreciated. 

Best Regards
/August Linnman, ITEC OBI AB, Stockholm.

August Linnman, ITEC Open Business Integrator AB. Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +4670 930 61 05
PGP key lookup: http://certserver.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2BF524E7

FN:August Linnman
ORG:ITEC Open Business Integrator AB;Software development
TITLE:System Engineer
NOTE;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:PGP key lookup: http://certserver.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=3Dget&search=
ADR;WORK:;;Ynglingagatan 17;Stockholm;Stockholm;11347;Stockholm
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Ynglingagatan 17=0D=0AStockholm, Stockholm 11347=0D=0AStockholm
ADR;HOME:;;Torbjörn Klockares g 13;Stockholm;Stockholm;113 30;Sweden
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Torbj=F6rn Klockares g 13=0D=0AStockholm, Stockholm 113 30=0D=0ASweden