Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-23 Thread S.J.F.ELECTRICAL.

Dear Sally
 I have tried to access an electronic copy 
Have sent an email of help to the SMH 
archivist!Particularly as Dr Karl feels I have done him 
He has my words which he has questioned but with 
out his on the email format, I am a slow typist 
and as you have all seen slippery fingered!
Mind you others 
of a non midwifery bent (&others of our persuasion)  I ran the article 
past saw the same or similar meaning as I did!
- Original Message - 


  Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:16 PM
  Subject: RE: Dr Karl's 
  possibility of posting the article from Karl here so that people from other 
  states can see it. 

Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-23 Thread Vernon at Stringybark
Title: Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation


good on you for putting together a letter so promptly.  Do you have an electronic version of the article to hand?  I'd enjoy reading it all the better to appreciate your wonderful reply.  


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 09:31:23 +1000
Cc: "NSW Midwives Association Inc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dr Karl's mythinformation

Dr Karl S Kruskeinicki
Good Weekend
Sydney Morning Herald Magazine
Dear Dr Karl 
I am disappointed at the bias and mythinformation of this latest Myythconceptions!
I suspect that the source of the information and approach in this weekend's article could be the great mythconception in our society's birthing practices, that the medical approach to birth is the best, the safest and only one informed people should take! 
To even suggest that medical induction and or augmentation of birth is surer and less complicated for a woman, or her baby than any of the natural endeavours women have and may continue to employ is not only dangerously misinformed it is patronising and dismissive! 
It is also poor science to dismiss an approach on the basis of an anecdote and another on unreferrenced, uncritiqued survey by member of a group which is not noted for its objectivity or experience of the subject ("the folk beliefs about labour") as you have done in your article!
Please at least refer to the findings and outcomes of 
1) More than 2 decades of reviews into our maternity services and birthing outcomes. 
2) International Cochrane Database 
3) The World Health Organisation 
All of which show that midwives are the safest most appropriate carers of normal healthy pregnant women. 
Midwives do not have the reductionist, mechanistic approach to child bearing which is implicit in the source and content of your article! It is beyond me to share the vast and complex knowledge base of a holistic midwifery approach to childbirth which knows that there can be place for the "folk lore" subjects which you have dismissed, in one letter or an article! \
For midwives the place for any treatment in childbirth is up to a woman, once she has been given a range of unbiased information on which to base her choice as to what best meets the needs of herself and her baby!
Meanwhile you could begin to inform yourself of the complex state of birthing by perusing the above sources and reading the National Maternity Action Plan of informed maternity consumers and midwives of Australia (see  )
Yours sincerely 
Denise Hynd RN, RM, BApSc, IBCLC.

RE: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-23 Thread Sally

Any possibility of posting the article from Karl here so that
people from other states can see it. 





Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-23 Thread S.J.F.ELECTRICAL.

Dear All
Have you heard the Dimensions series on ABC TV Mon 
to Thurs 6:30 pm is to be hosted ( and possibly produced by George Negus!!I 
understand he and Kirstie have birthed their children at home on the North coast 
with midwives!Any one know which midwife??I see a possible program at 
least on the CMWA coming up with the right approach !!??Denise 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 12:41 
  Subject: Re: Dr Karl's 
  Looks like everyone is thinking along the same lines.  I sent an email 
  to Dr Karl (as he likes to be known) and also to triple J where 
  he "appears" quite often challenging them to do an article/info session 
  on the whole birth industry and indicating how narrow it currently is - of 
  course quoting some well known facts such as the Scandanavian countries 
  having a lower maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity rate and csec 
  rate than we and the US do despite the fact that their care is 
  primarily midwifery driven.
  The name of the programmer at triple J is Justine - affectionately known a 
  "Queen Justine".  Perhaps through triple J and maybe the ABC in general 
  we may be able to get a bit more information out to the public both on NMAP 
  and birth options generally.  Triple J is a youth program and it is the 
  young women coming into their childbearing years who are most affected by the 
  current limitations in the system - so maybe promote this option as youth 
  Just a thought
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Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-22 Thread Debby M

Looks like everyone is thinking along the same lines.  I sent an email to Dr Karl (as he likes to be known) and also to triple J where he "appears" quite often challenging them to do an article/info session on the whole birth industry and indicating how narrow it currently is - of course quoting some well known facts such as the Scandanavian countries having a lower maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity rate and csec rate than we and the US do despite the fact that their care is primarily midwifery driven.
The name of the programmer at triple J is Justine - affectionately known a "Queen Justine".  Perhaps through triple J and maybe the ABC in general we may be able to get a bit more information out to the public both on NMAP and birth options generally.  Triple J is a youth program and it is the young women coming into their childbearing years who are most affected by the current limitations in the system - so maybe promote this option as youth orientated.
Just a thought


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RE: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-22 Thread Sally



Dr Karl’s email from the ABC website

Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

2002-06-22 Thread Justine Caines
Title: Re: Dr Karl's mythinformation

Further to Denise’s letter to Dr Karl! (Go Denise!!!).  Here are his details, other than through the paper. He will get the e-mail faster and there is a phone number too.  Karl is a well received “POP” scientist so if we can get him to retract it would be quite valuable.  Men that wear bright swirly patterned shirts and appear on Rove Live blowing up light globes in microwaves should not interfere in women’s birthing business.  He needs to be told!

Justine Caines
MC – ACT Branch

Karl S. Kruszelnicki,
> Julius Sumner Miller Fellow,
> The Science Foundation for Physics,
> School of Physics,
> Building A-28,
> The University of Sydney,
> NSW   2006
> PHONE (OZ) 02-9351-2963 (w), 0419-29-6610 (m)  FAX   02-9351-7726(w)
> PHONE (INTERNATIONAL) +61-2-9351-2963 (w), +61-419-29-6610 (m)
> FAX   +61-2-9351-7726(w)