RE: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Nagaraj, Ramesh
I have only one camera. My kit is like this
MZ-5n, FA 50mm/2.8 Macro,  FA 100mm/2.8 Macro, A 24mm/2.8.
LowePro Nova 4 bag.
Two 52mm Polarizers and one 58mm Polarizers.
One Cokin  Square Nuetral Graduated Filter(must for landscape), 
one Cokin Square Tobacco filter(overcast landscapes), one  Cokin Square 81B filter.

Slik700DX tripod.


-Original Message-
From: Lon Williamson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: my kit

If I'm not serious, I take an Olympus XA and make do.
About the size of a pack of cigarettes, the only camera
I ever bought new for myself, and the only non-Pentax I own.

BTW, wifey is now in possession of a new ZX-L to complement
her ZX-M and ZX-30.  Unlike _most_ of you cheapskate boogers
here, our family SUPPORTS Pentax.  grin.  At least for _her_
purchases.  She'll see the new AF360 under the tree come
Christmas, too.

-Lon, who is a cheapskate booger

Herb Chong wrote:
> Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Herb,
> I'm curious about the type of equipment you use.  It appears that to
> do the outdoors/landscape stuff you might be doing a considerable
> amount of hiking and such.  What do you consider a reasonable type of
> kit for your type of work?
> Thanks for sharing,
> Bruce<
> obviously, what i carry depends on what i am going to do, so i will have to
> describe that too since i carry different kits depending on how long i
> think i have to carry it and how far away from home i am going to be. it
> also depends on whether main point of trip is photography or not and how
> much other gear i have to carry. i haven't gotten to the point where i have
> a regular partner coming on trips who is willing to carry some of my gear
> in addition to all theirs so that i can bring more camera equipment.
> for short to medium day trips up to perhaps 8 miles in the summer and 5
> miles in the winter over moderate terrain, i'll carry my full kit. that
> means my Nikon digital camera with its wide angle accessory lens, spare
> battery for it, and, if i think there is going to be good wide panorama
> possibilities, my Kaidan VR pan head with its levels and protractor and add
> the fisheye adapter to shoot 180 degree full frame images.
> my film side is my ZX-5n with the FA 24-90, FA 50 Macro, FA* 24, Sigma
> 15-30, FA* 80-200, and Tamron 2X extender. right now, i am shooting almost
> exclusively Provia 100F and i bring about 8-10 rolls of it depending on how
> much i think i might run into. if the day is low contrast, i replace many
> of them with Velvia. my filter set is a skylight and polarizer to fit my
> main lenses. only the macro doesn't have anything right now and i both
> don't use it that much and haven't got around to buying an adapter ring to
> fit the larger sized filters. the FA* 24 and FA 24-90 take the same filter
> size and i have most of my filters for them. i keep an ND8 and an ND1000
> filter in the kit for the waterfall shots. i also have a Cokin P filter for
> my gradient ND filter. i only have one right now and plan to get some more.
> if i think there is a need, i'll bring my Super Program body with a second
> type of film in it, usually Velvia or else something ISO 400. i rarely
> bring a second body though and i really would like to make it another AF
> body if i could. i use a Velbon Chaser-4A tripod with a Velbon 253 ball
> head. it's good light tripod but one day i will replace the legs with a CF
> set and the head is barely adequate for the weight of the FA* 80-200, so
> that will need replacing too. however, i want to stay under 4lb if i can
> because it's a long way to go carrying 2 extra pounds. i have one of those
> beanbag things with a tripod thread in it. i use the remote release a lot,
> so that's in there. then there is cleaning stuff and spare batteries.
> all this fits into/onto a LowePro Rover AW backpack with several accessory
> pouches. total weight is not quite 30 lbs, then i add lunch, water, spare
> jacket, Swiss Army knife, flashlights, and it gets to be around 40 lbs.
> moderate terrain to me means nothing i have to climb using my hands, less
> than 2000 ft elevation gain, and nothing tricky to cross, like a swamp. i'm
> a small guy and 40 lbs is a lot for me to carry. that plus i sometimes do
> off trail stuff and that means a GPS unit too.
> any day trip longer or more difficult, i'll switch to my regular hiking
> backpack and cut down a lot. i drop down to the digital camera with the
> wide angle adapter and spare battery. i'll bring the ZX-5n body with the FA
> 24-90 and the FA* 24 and have the skylight and polarizer filters. i have a
> very light 

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Brad Dobo
I did the buying (not paying) of the two things under my Christmas tree.  I
hope someone has decided to surprise me and put an AF-140C under the tree
too!  Or a DVD-Writer... :)

My Dad, Bushnell fanatic, is now seriously looking at getting a nice pair of
Pentax binoculars (not the ill-fated digibino! )

> BTW, wifey is now in possession of a new ZX-L to complement
> her ZX-M and ZX-30.  Unlike _most_ of you cheapskate boogers
> here, our family SUPPORTS Pentax.  grin.  At least for _her_
> purchases.  She'll see the new AF360 under the tree come
> Christmas, too.
> -Lon, who is a cheapskate booger

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Artur Ledóchowski
- Original Message -
From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: my kit

> I'm curious about the type of equipment you use.  It appears that to
> do the outdoors/landscape stuff you might be doing a considerable
> amount of hiking and such.  What do you consider a reasonable type of
> kit for your type of work?

My typical kit is the Z-1p + SMC FA 28-105/4-5,6 + SMC F 70-210/4-5,6 + Mir
20/3,5 + Zenitar 16/2,8 Fisheye + AF500FTZ.
When I want/need to play with manual focus I take the Super A and SMC A
28/2,8 + SMC A 50/1,7 instead of FA 28-105.
If I want to travel really light or want to force myself to think more
creatively about scenes I take the Super A + only one of the manual focus

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Brad Dobo
Ok, maybe this is an oddity here.  I don't own the number of lenses and
bodies some do, but I have a fair amount of stuff now, and I carry it all in
my Lowepro Trekker, with the tripod.  All of it.  Always.  It's heavy and
can be a hassle, but at least I won't get stuck saying, "&^$%#!*, I needed
that lens!"


Oh, btw, I had a PZ-10 and a MZ-5n, but got rid of them.  Now I am wanting a
backup, or second body.  Do I buy another MZ-S, or look for a PZ-1p, for the
little extras like fps?

- Original Message -
From: "Artur Ledóchowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: my kit

> - Original Message -
> From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: my kit
> > I'm curious about the type of equipment you use.  It appears that to
> > do the outdoors/landscape stuff you might be doing a considerable
> > amount of hiking and such.  What do you consider a reasonable type of
> > kit for your type of work?
> My typical kit is the Z-1p + SMC FA 28-105/4-5,6 + SMC F 70-210/4-5,6 +
> 20/3,5 + Zenitar 16/2,8 Fisheye + AF500FTZ.
> When I want/need to play with manual focus I take the Super A and SMC A
> 28/2,8 + SMC A 50/1,7 instead of FA 28-105.
> If I want to travel really light or want to force myself to think more
> creatively about scenes I take the Super A + only one of the manual focus
> lenses
> Regards
> Artur

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread WBeard

Talking of presents and kit;
I simply e-mailed hubby the url of the website I wanted him to buy from
with instructions not to buy black or seethrough.
UPS delivered the item yesterday.
I'm not telling you what it is heeeheeeh.

p.s. If you try to guess, I can confidently say that 99% of you will be
totally WRONG!
 Begin Original Message 

From: "Brad Dobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did the buying (not paying) of the two things under my Christmas
Wendy Beard
Mosaid Technologies Inc
11 Hines Rd, Kanata,
Ontario K2K 2X1, Canada

re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Collin Brendemuehl
Pentax ZX-5n, FA 43/1.9, A100/2.8
Canon G-III QL17
Olympus Infinity Mini (weatherproof)
Mamiya C330 w/ 105/3.5
Busch Pressman 'D' with Schneider Symmar 150/5.6
Sunpak 611 flash

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Cotty
>BTW, wifey is now in possession of a new ZX-L to complement
>her ZX-M and ZX-30.  Unlike _most_ of you cheapskate boogers
>here, our family SUPPORTS Pentax.  grin.  At least for _her_
>purchases.  She'll see the new AF360 under the tree come
>Christmas, too.

As far as I'm aware, I haven't booged in years :-)


Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Cotty
Look what my son got me for Christmas :-)

Bless his little cotton socks.

Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Christian Skofteland

A typical day in the woods for me would include:
24/2.8 Vivitar
50/1.7 SMC-M
105/2.5 Macro Vivitar S1
200/4 SMC-M
300/4 Sigma AF APO Macro
Set of extension tubes
Various filters, rings, etc.
Gosen Luna Pro F
AF280T with bracket and TTL cord
Several rolls of Provia 100F and Velveta

I can do landscapes, closeups (up to 4x), and wildlife shots.

All this fits into one (large, heavy) bag.  I carry the tripod over my 

If I feel the need I'll split the load into a backpack and shoulder bag and 
carry the Auto Bellows A and maybe even the Super Program so I can shoot 3 
types of film including B&W.

The other day I played tourist in Washington DC and carried the LX, MX, 24, 
50, 135 and 200 in my coat pockets.  It worked out very well.


RE: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Nagaraj, Ramesh
I think, some times more lenses provide more options thus more confusion.
I do hangout in eBay but buy only if its must:-)


-Original Message-
From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 6:09 PM
To: Pentax List
Subject: RE: my kit

>I have only one camera. My kit is like this
>MZ-5n, FA 50mm/2.8 Macro,  FA 100mm/2.8 Macro, A 24mm/2.8.
>LowePro Nova 4 bag.
>Two 52mm Polarizers and one 58mm Polarizers.
>One Cokin  Square Nuetral Graduated Filter(must for landscape), 
>one Cokin Square Tobacco filter(overcast landscapes), one  Cokin Square 
>81B filter.
>Slik700DX tripod.

Ramesh, I have to congratulate you, for that is one of the most sensible 
kit inventories I have seen in ages. What else does a person need?! 
Lovely - I bet you have a great time with that. I admire the simplicity - 
clears the mind for taking some great shots, I trust ;-)



Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at

Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread Dan Scott

On Wednesday, December 18, 2002, at 05:30  PM, Cotty wrote:

Look what my son got me for Christmas :-)

Bless his little cotton socks.

It's a wise child that knows its father.

You're obligated to make a little bitty teeny tiny Cotty in full 
ST:TROG regalia to go along with that kit. :-)

Dan Scott

Re: my kit

2002-12-19 Thread Scott Nelson

> Several rolls of Provia 100F and Velveta
> I can do landscapes, closeups (up to 4x), and wildlife shots.

I hope you don't try to do any landscapes with that Velveta.  You might
end up with some pretty cheesy saturated colour :)


Re: my kit

2002-12-19 Thread Brad Dobo

Bravo Scott for catching that one!

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: my kit

> > Several rolls of Provia 100F and Velveta
> > 
> > I can do landscapes, closeups (up to 4x), and wildlife shots.
> I hope you don't try to do any landscapes with that Velveta.  You might
> end up with some pretty cheesy saturated colour :)
> -Scott

Re: my kit

2002-12-20 Thread gfen
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Christian Skofteland wrote:
> I'm one of the few, I think, that actaully like the Cheezy saturated color of
> Velveta (Brad, I know it's called Velvia, this is a deliberate mistake, done
> as a joke, a pun, a play on words)

I'm starting to apprechiate it more and more, but I think the only places
where its truly been worked to its advantage (in my shooting, at least) is
in sunset photos. Wow! I'm busy trying my hand at that cliche, and both
this upcoming PUG and the last open PUG were velveeta sunsets.

Except, this new one is on 645, and looks soo nice on a light table
compared to the puny little 135! ;)

(now, if only the local ritz and their frontier can effectivly make me a
nice print from them, their version from the 35mm was mute and boring when
compared, this time I left them a strip of 645 negs and made sure I asked
them to beg the operator to punch up the saturation on the machine)

--   <-> more fun than a poke in your eye.<-> photography and portfolio.

Re: my kit

2002-12-20 Thread Herb Chong
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I'm starting to apprechiate it more and more, but I think the only places
where its truly been worked to its advantage (in my shooting, at least) is
in sunset photos. Wow! I'm busy trying my hand at that cliche, and both
this upcoming PUG and the last open PUG were velveeta sunsets.<

i use Velvia on heavy overcast days and in very low contrast situations.


Re: my kit

2002-12-20 Thread gfen
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Herb Chong wrote:
> i use Velvia on heavy overcast days and in very low contrast situations.

Somehow, the concpet of choosing film for the moment still hasn't
correctly taken hold in my head. :)

Oh, I tried. For instance, when I was planning on taking autumn foilage
photos, I picked up the E100SW, and then promptly didn't bother to take
any fall pictures.

Oh well, every day is a learning experience, I just perfer to not
experience the learning. ;)

--   <-> more fun than a poke in your eye.<-> photography and portfolio.

Re: Re: my kit

2002-12-18 Thread David Brooks
So far i have not bought any camera equipment this month,might 
actually save some money tooList baaad :)


 Begin Original Message 

From: "Brad Dobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I did the buying (not paying) of the two things under my Christmas 

Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada
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