[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators /de/functions bzip2.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 05:49:18 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Updated to EN-Revision 1.20
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.295 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.296
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.295 Wed Apr 10 11:55:09 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Sat Apr 13 05:49:18 2002
 -89,7 +89,7 
 array.xml   Thomas Schöfbeckfertig (bis V 1.168)
 aspell.xml  Friedhelm Betz  fertig (bis V 1.19)
 bc.xml  Friedhelm Betz  fertig (bis 1.23)
-bzip2.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V 1.11)
+bzip2.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V 1.20)
 calendar.xmlHartmut Holzgraefe  fertig
 ccvs.xmlPeter Petermann fertig
 classobj.xmlHartmut Holzgraefe  fertig
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/bzip2.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/bzip2.xml:1.8 phpdoc/de/functions/bzip2.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/de/functions/bzip2.xml:1.8   Sat Feb  2 10:33:58 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/bzip2.xml   Sat Apr 13 05:49:18 2002
 -1,24 +1,53 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.8 $ --
-!-- EN-Revision: 1.11 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
+!-- $Revision: 1.9 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.20 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.bzip2
   titleBzip2 Komprimierungsfunktionen/title
-Dieses Module nutzt die Funktionen der ulink
-url=url.bzip2;bzip2/ulink-Bibliothek von Julian Seward, um
-transparent bzip2 (.bz2)-komprimierte Dateien lesen und schreiben zu
+Die bzip2-Funktionen werden benutzt, um transparent bzip2
+(.bz2)-komprimierte Dateien lesen und schreiben zu können.
-   para
-Die Bzip2-Unterstützung in PHP ist nicht standardmäßig aktiviert. Es ist
-erforderlich, die link
-linkend=install.configure.with-bzip2--with-bz2/link-Option beim
-compilieren von PHP zu aktivieren. Dazu ist die bzip2/libbzip2 version
-gt;= 1.0.x. nötig.
+   section id=bzip2.requirements
+ Dieses Module nutzt die Funktionen der ulink
+ url=url.bzip2;bzip2/ulink-Bibliothek von Julian Seward.
+   /section
+   section id=bzip2.installation
+ Die Bzip2-Unterstützung in PHP ist nicht standardmäßig aktiviert. Es ist
+ erforderlich, die link
+ linkend=install.configure.with-bzip2--with-bz2/link-Option beim
+ compilieren von PHP zu aktivieren. Dazu ist die bzip2/libbzip2 version
+ gt;= 1.0.x. nötig.
+   section id=bzip2.configuration
+ no.config;
+   /section
+   section id=bzip2.resources
+ Dieses Erweitertung definierte einen Resource-Typen: Einen
+ Dateizeiger, der die Datei idenitfiziert, mit der gearbeitet werden
+ soll.
+   /section
+   section id=bzip2.constants
+titleVordefinierte Konstanten/title
+ no.constants;
+   /section
sect1 id=bzip2-example
 titleEin kleines Code-Beispiel/title
 -28,6 +57,7 
  titleEin kleines functionbzip2/function Beispiel/title
  programlisting role=php
 $filename = /tmp/testfile.bz2;
 -54,6 +84,7 
 -76,7 +107,7 
  referenziert wird.
- Gibt true; bei Erfolg und false; bei einem Fehler zurück.
+ return.success;
  Der Dateizeiger muß gültig sein, und auf eine Datei zeigen, die
 -126,11 +157,14 
   titlefunctionbzcompress/function Beispiel/title
-  programlisting role=phplt;?php
+  programlisting role=php
 $str = sample data;
 $bzstr = bzcompress($str, 9);
 print( $bzstr );
 -165,7 +199,9 
-  programlisting role=phplt;?php
+  programlisting role=php
 $start_str = This is not an honest face?;
 $bzstr = bzcompress($start_str);
 -178,6 +214,7 
 print( $str );
 print( \nlt;brgt;n );
 -230,12 +267,15 
   titlefunctionbzerror/function Beispiel/title
-  programlisting role=phplt;?php
+  programlisting role=php
 $error = bzerror($bz);
 echo $error[errno];
 echo $error[errstr];
 -284,7 +324,7 
- Gibt true; bei Erfolg, false; bei einem Fehler zurück.
+ return.sucess;
  Siehe auch 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/language operators.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSat Apr 13 05:59:01 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/en/language operators.xml 
  (double) is (float), moving precedence table to the more logical first place.
Index: phpdoc/en/language/operators.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/language/operators.xml:1.32 phpdoc/en/language/operators.xml:1.33
--- phpdoc/en/language/operators.xml:1.32   Wed Feb 27 08:40:30 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/language/operators.xmlSat Apr 13 05:59:00 2002
 -1,10 +1,123 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.32 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.33 $ --
  chapter id=language.operators
+  sect1 id=language.operators.precedence
+   titleOperator Precedence/title
+   para
+The precedence of an operator specifies how tightly it binds two
+expressions together. For example, in the expression literal1 +
+5 * 3/literal, the answer is literal16/literal and not
+literal18/literal because the multiplication (*) operator
+has a higher precedence than the addition (+) operator.
+Parentheses may be used to force precedence, if necessary. For
+instance: literal(1 + 5) * 3/literal evaluates to
+   /para
+   para
+The following table lists the precedence of operators with the
+lowest-precedence operators listed first.
+ titleOperator Precedence/title
+ tgroup cols=2
+  thead
+   row
+   /row
+  /thead
+  tbody
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+ = += -= *= /= .= %= amp;= |= ^= ~= lt;lt;= gt;gt;=
+   /row
+   row
+entry? :/entry
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+entry== != === !==/entry
+   /row
+   row
+entrylt; lt;= gt; gt;=/entry
+   /row
+   row
+entrylt;lt; gt;gt;/entry
+   /row
+   row
+entry+ - ./entry
+   /row
+   row
+entry* / %/entry
+   /row
+   row
+entry! ~ ++ -- (int) (float) (string) (array) (object) /entry
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+   row
+   /row
+  /tbody
+ /tgroup
+   /para
+  /sect1
   sect1 id=language.operators.arithmetic
titleArithmetic Operators/title
 -495,119 +608,6 
 link linkend=language.operators.precedenceOperator
-  /sect1
-  sect1 id=language.operators.precedence
-   titleOperator Precedence/title
-   para
-The precedence of an operator specifies how tightly it binds two
-expressions together. For example, in the expression literal1 +
-5 * 3/literal, the answer is literal16/literal and not
-literal18/literal because the multiplication (*) operator
-has a higher precedence than the addition (+) operator.
-Parentheses may be used to force precedence, if necessary. For
-instance: literal(1 + 5) * 3/literal evaluates to
-   /para
-   para
-The following table lists the precedence of operators with the
-lowest-precedence operators listed first.
- titleOperator Precedence/title
- tgroup cols=2
-  thead
-   row
-   /row
-  /thead
-  tbody
-   row
-   /row
-   row
-   /row
-   row
-   /row
-   row
-   /row
-   row
-   /row
-   row
- = += -= *= /= .= %= amp;= |= ^= ~= lt;lt;= gt;gt;=
-   /row
-   row
-entry? :/entry
-   /row
-   row

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators /de/functions crack.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 06:00:00 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Updated to En-Revision 1.10
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.296 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.297
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.296 Sat Apr 13 05:49:18 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Sat Apr 13 05:59:58 2002
 -95,7 +95,7 
 classobj.xmlHartmut Holzgraefe  fertig
 com.xml Thomas Schöfbeckfertig (bis V 1.31)
 cpdf.xmlMartin Samesch  fertig (Rev. 1.39)
-crack.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V 1.7)
+crack.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V 1.10)
 curl.xmlChristian Bombera   in Arbeit
 cybercash.xml   Martin Jansen   fertig
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/crack.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/crack.xml:1.2 phpdoc/de/functions/crack.xml:1.3
--- phpdoc/de/functions/crack.xml:1.2   Wed Feb 27 02:33:45 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/crack.xml   Sat Apr 13 05:59:59 2002
 -1,31 +1,55 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.2 $ --
-!-- EN-Revision: 1.7 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
+!-- $Revision: 1.3 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.10 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
 reference id=ref.crack
   titleCrack Funktionen/title
   titleabbrevCrack Funktionen/titleabbrev
-   simpara
+   para id=crack.intro
 Diese Funktionen erlauben die Nutzung der CrackLib Bibliothek, die
 dazu verwendet werden kann, die 'Stärke' eines Passworts zu
-überprüfen. Um diese Funktionen nutzen zu können, muß PHP mittels
-option role=configure--with-crack[=DIR]/option mit
-Crack-Support compiliert werden.
-   /simpara
-   simpara
-Weiterführende Informationen zur CrackLib können unter ulink
-url=url.crack;url.crack;/ulink gefunden werden.
-   /simpara
-   simpara
-Die CrackLib ist hilfreich, um die 'Stärke' eines Passworts zu
-testen. Es werden Länge und die Benutzung von Gross- und
-Kleinschreibung überprüft. Zusätzlich wird das Passwort gegen ein
-CrackLib Wörterbuch überprüft. Die CrackLib liefert des weiteren
-hilfreiche Diagnosemeldungen, die helfen können, das Passwort
-'stärker' zu machen.
+überprüfen. Die 'Stärke' eines Passwortes wird über die Länge, die
+Benutzung von Groß- und Kleinschreibung und den Vergleich
+des Passwortes gegen ein bestimmtes Cracklib-Wörterbuch überprüft.
+Die Cracklib gibt hilfreiche Fehlermeldungen zurück, die es
+erlauben, das Passwort zu 'verstärken'.
+   /para 
+   section id=crack.requirements
+ Weiterführende Informationen zur CrackLib können unter ulink
+ url=url.crack;url.crack;/ulink gefunden werden.
+   /section
+   section id=crack.installation
+ Um diese Funktionen nutzen zu können, muß PHP mittels
+ option role=configure--with-crack[=DIR]/option mit
+ Crack-Support compiliert werden.
+ option.
+   /para
+   section id=crack.configuration
+ no.config;
+   /section
+   section id=crack.resources
+ no.resource;
+   /section
+   section id=crack.constants
+titleVordefinierte Konstanten/title
+ no.constants;
+   /section
+   section id=crack.examples
  Diese Beispiel zeigt, wie ein CrackLib Wörterbuch geöffnet wird,
  ein übergebenes Passwort überprüft wird und Diagnosemeldungen
 -61,6 +85,7 
+   /section

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators /de/functions mnogosearch.xml /en/functions mnogosearch.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 06:19:45 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Updated mnogosearch.xml

Index: phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.35 
--- phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.35Fri Feb  8 09:12:04 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/mnogosearch.xml Sat Apr 13 06:19:44 2002
 -1,5 +1,5 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.35 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.36 $ --
 reference id=ref.mnogo
  titlemnoGoSearch Functions/title
 -882,10 +882,12 
   programlisting role=php
 if (! udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB,'','',1)) {
   printf(Error #%d: '%s'\n, udm_errno($udm), udm_error($udm));
 -907,12 +909,14 
   programlisting role=php
  if ((! 
udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX,'en','/opt/ispell/en.aff',0)) ||
udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX,'ru','/opt/ispell/ru.aff',0)) ||
udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SPELL,'en','/opt/ispell/en.dict',0)) ||
udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SPELL,'ru','/opt/ispell/ru.dict',1))) {
 -938,13 +942,15 
   description in UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB.
-  programlisting role=C
+  programlisting role=php
  if ((! 
Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX,'en','/opt/ispell/en.aff',0)) ||
Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_AFFIX,'ru','/opt/ispell/ru.aff',0)) ||
Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SPELL,'en','/opt/ispell/en.dict',0)) ||
Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_SPELL,'ru','/opt/ispell/ru.dict',1))) {
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/mnogosearch.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.8 phpdoc/de/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.9
--- phpdoc/de/functions/mnogosearch.xml:1.8 Sat Feb  2 10:34:05 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/mnogosearch.xml Sat Apr 13 06:19:45 2002
 -1,6 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.8 $ --
-!-- EN-Revision: 1.32 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
+!-- $Revision: 1.9 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.36 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
 reference id=ref.mnogo
  titlemnoGoSearch Funktionen/title
 -225,10 +225,12 

-programlisting role=C
-   if (Udm_Api_Version() gt;= 30111) {
-   print  Total number of urls in database: .Udm_Get_Doc_Count($udm).lt;brgt;\n;
+programlisting role=php
+   if (udm_api_version() gt;= 30111) {
+   print  Total number of urls in database: .udm_get_doc_count($udm).lt;brgt;\n;
 -290,15 +292,17 
  'gt; Root gt; Sport gt; Auto gt; Ferrari'
 programlisting role=php
- lt;?php
-   $cat_path_arr=Udm_Cat_Path($udm_agent,$cat);
+   $cat_path_arr = udm_cat_path($udm_agent,$cat);
for ($i=0; $ilt;count($cat_path_arr); $i+=2) {
- $cat_path .=  gt; lt;a href=\$PHP_SELF?cat=$path\gt;$namelt;/agt; ;
+ $cat_path .=   a href=\$PHP_SELF?cat=$path\$name/a ;
- gt;
 -357,15 +361,17 
 programlisting role=php
-  lt;?php
-   $cat_list_arr=Udm_Cat_List($udm_agent,$cat);
+   $cat_list_arr=udm_cat_list($udm_agent,$cat);
for ($i=0; $ilt;count($cat_list_arr); $i+=2) {
-   $cat_list .= lt;a href=\$PHP_SELF?cat=$path\gt;$namelt;/agt;lt;brgt;;
+   $cat_list .= a href=\$PHP_SELF?cat=$path\$name/abr;
-  gt;

 -897,11 +903,11 
-  programlisting role=C
- if (! Udm_Load_Ispell_Data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB,'','',1)) {
- printf(Error #%d: '%s'\n,Udm_Errno($udm),Udm_Error($udm));
- exit;
- }
+  programlisting role=php
+if (! udm_load_ispell_data($udm,UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB,'','',1)) {
+  printf(Error #%d: '%s'\n,udm_errno($udm),udm_error($udm));
+  exit;
 -923,13 +929,15 
-  programlisting role=C
- if ((! 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators /de/functions pfpro.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 06:23:57 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  Translators 
  Updated pfpro.xml
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.298 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.299
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.298 Sat Apr 13 06:19:45 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Sat Apr 13 06:23:57 2002
 -165,7 +165,7 
 pcntl.xml   Georg Richter   in Arbeit
 pcre.xmlRichard Samar   in Arbeit
 pdf.xml Uwe Steinmann   in Arbeit
-pfpro.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V. 1.9)
+pfpro.xml   Sebastian Nohn  fertig (bis V. 1.12)
 pgsql.xml   Cornelia Boenigkfertig (Rev. 1.78)
 posix.xml   Martin Samesch  fertig (Rev. 1.19)
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/pfpro.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/pfpro.xml:1.9 phpdoc/de/functions/pfpro.xml:1.10
--- phpdoc/de/functions/pfpro.xml:1.9   Sat Feb  2 10:34:07 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/pfpro.xml   Sat Apr 13 06:23:57 2002
 -1,6 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.9 $ --
-!-- EN-Revision: 1.9 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
+!-- $Revision: 1.10 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.12 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.pfpro
   titleVerisign Payflow Pro Funktionen/title
   titleabbrevVerisign Payflow Pro/titleabbrev
 -162,7 +162,8 
  titlePayflow Pro Beispiel/title
  programlisting role=php
 -193,6 +194,7 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/functions nis.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 06:28:20 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Added revision-tag
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/nis.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/nis.xml:1.11 phpdoc/de/functions/nis.xml:1.12
--- phpdoc/de/functions/nis.xml:1.11Sat Feb  2 10:34:06 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/nis.xml Sat Apr 13 06:28:20 2002
 -1,5 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.11 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.12 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.17 Maintainer: nohn Status: ready --
   reference id=ref.nis
   titleYP/NIS Funktionen/title

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de/functions cpdf.xml dio.xml exec.xml http.xml image.xml ingres_ii.xml ircg.xml mhash.xml msession.xml mssql.xml network.xml oracle.xml pgsql.xml posix.xml regex.xml session.xml shmop.xml snmp.xml strings.xml wddx.xml /de/language control-structures.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 07:03:15 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de/language control-structures.xml 
/phpdoc/de/functionswddx.xml strings.xml snmp.xml shmop.xml 
session.xml regex.xml posix.xml pgsql.xml 
oracle.xml network.xml mssql.xml msession.xml 
mhash.xml ircg.xml ingres_ii.xml image.xml 
http.xml exec.xml dio.xml cpdf.xml 
  Added Revison-comment to enhance revcheck.html

Index: phpdoc/de/language/control-structures.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/language/control-structures.xml:1.26 
--- phpdoc/de/language/control-structures.xml:1.26  Sun Feb 10 11:22:30 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/language/control-structures.xml   Sat Apr 13 07:02:54 2002
 -1,9 +1,8 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.27 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.22 Maintainer: tzwenny Status: ready --
  chapter id=control-structures
-!-- Anmerkung des Übersetzers:  
- entspricht en/language/control-structures.xml 1.22 --
Jedes PHP-Skript besteht aus einer Reihe von Anweisungen. Eine
Anweisung kann aus einem Funktions-Aufruf, einer Schleife, einer
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/wddx.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/wddx.xml:1.13 phpdoc/de/functions/wddx.xml:1.14
--- phpdoc/de/functions/wddx.xml:1.13   Sat Feb  2 10:34:11 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/wddx.xmlSat Apr 13 07:02:58 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.14 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.16 Maintainer: jan Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.wddx
   titleWDDX Funktionen/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.41 phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.42
--- phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml:1.41Sat Feb  2 10:34:09 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/strings.xml Sat Apr 13 07:02:59 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.42 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.58 Maintainer: tschuer Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.strings
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/snmp.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/snmp.xml:1.12 phpdoc/de/functions/snmp.xml:1.13
--- phpdoc/de/functions/snmp.xml:1.12   Sat Feb  2 10:34:09 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/snmp.xmlSat Apr 13 07:03:00 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.13 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.18 Maintainer: jan Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.snmp
   titleSNMP Funktionen/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/shmop.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/shmop.xml:1.10 phpdoc/de/functions/shmop.xml:1.11
--- phpdoc/de/functions/shmop.xml:1.10  Mon Apr  8 17:18:21 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/shmop.xml   Sat Apr 13 07:03:00 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.11 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.15 Maintainer: conni Status: ready --
 reference id=ref.shmop
   titleShared Memory Funktionen (Gemeinsamer Speicher)/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/session.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/session.xml:1.42 phpdoc/de/functions/session.xml:1.43
--- phpdoc/de/functions/session.xml:1.42Sun Feb 17 04:55:06 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/session.xml Sat Apr 13 07:03:01 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.43 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.81 Maintainer: samesch Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.session
   titleSession Funktionen/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/regex.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/regex.xml:1.29 phpdoc/de/functions/regex.xml:1.30
--- phpdoc/de/functions/regex.xml:1.29  Mon Feb 18 15:22:07 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/regex.xml   Sat Apr 13 07:03:02 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.30 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.39 Maintainer: samesch Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.regex
   titleReguläre Ausdrücke Funktionen (POSIX erweitert)/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml:1.14 phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml:1.15
--- phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml:1.14  Thu Feb 21 12:48:32 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/posix.xml   Sat Apr 13 07:03:02 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- $Revision: 1.15 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.19 Maintainer: samesch Status: ready --
  reference id=ref.posix
   titlePOSIX Funktionen/title
Index: phpdoc/de/functions/pgsql.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/functions/pgsql.xml:1.30 phpdoc/de/functions/pgsql.xml:1.31
--- phpdoc/de/functions/pgsql.xml:1.30  Wed Apr 10 11:54:02 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/functions/pgsql.xml   Sat Apr 13 07:03:03 2002
 -1,4 +1,6 
 ?xml version='1.0'?
+!-- $Revision: 

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions exec.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Wez Furlong

wez Sat Apr 13 07:13:02 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  amend proc_open example
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/exec.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/exec.xml:1.28 phpdoc/en/functions/exec.xml:1.29
--- phpdoc/en/functions/exec.xml:1.28   Fri Apr 12 22:00:33 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/exec.xmlSat Apr 13 07:13:02 2002
 -1,5 +1,5 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.28 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.29 $ --
  reference id=ref.exec
   titleProgram Execution functions/title
   titleabbrevProgram Execution/titleabbrev
 -282,11 +282,14 
 // Any error output will be appended to /tmp/error-output.txt
 fwrite($pipes[0], ?php echo \Hello World!\; ?);
 while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
 echo fgets($pipes[1], 1024);
+// It is important that you close any pipes before calling
+// proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock
 $return_value = proc_close($process);
 echo command returned $return_value\n;

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /de Translators translation.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Sebastian Nohn

nohnSat Apr 13 09:03:44 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/de  translation.xml Translators 
  Changed my eMail-Address
Index: phpdoc/de/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.27 phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.28
--- phpdoc/de/translation.xml:1.27  Tue Apr  9 17:06:44 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/translation.xml   Sat Apr 13 09:03:43 2002
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   person name=Thomas Schöfbeck   email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 nick=tom cvs=yes /
   person name=Stefan Saasen  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nick=stefan_saasen cvs=yes /
   person name=Georg Richter  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 nick=georg   cvs=yes /
-  person name=Sebastian Nohn email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 nick=nohncvs=yes /
+  person name=Sebastian Nohn email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
+nick=nohncvs=yes /
   person name=Richard Samar  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nick=moh cvs=yes /
   person name=Hakan Kücükyilmaz  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nick=hakan   cvs=yes /
   person name=Michael Meier  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 nick=impulz   cvs=yes /
Index: phpdoc/de/Translators
diff -u phpdoc/de/Translators:1.299 phpdoc/de/Translators:1.300
--- phpdoc/de/Translators:1.299 Sat Apr 13 06:23:57 2002
+++ phpdoc/de/Translators   Sat Apr 13 09:03:43 2002
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 tomThomas Schöfbeck   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 stefan_saasen  Stefan Saasen  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 georg  Georg Richter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-nohn   Sebastian Nohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+nohn   Sebastian Nohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mohRichard Samar  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 hakan Hakan Kücükyilmaz  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 impulzMichael Meier  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /hu translation.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Gabor Hojtsy

gobaSat Apr 13 09:12:47 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/hu  translation.xml 
  My official email is going to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Index: phpdoc/hu/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/hu/translation.xml:1.20 phpdoc/hu/translation.xml:1.21
--- phpdoc/hu/translation.xml:1.20  Fri Mar 29 13:34:53 2002
+++ phpdoc/hu/translation.xml   Sat Apr 13 09:12:46 2002
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   person name=András Csontos  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED] nick=acsontos
   person name=Zoltán Éles email=[EMAIL PROTECTED] nick=zeles   
   person name=Szabolcs Heilig email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]  nick=cece 
cvs=yes /
-  person name=Gábor Hojtsyemail=[EMAIL PROTECTED]  nick=goba 
cvs=yes /
+  person name=Gábor Hojtsyemail=[EMAIL PROTECTED]   nick=goba 
+cvs=yes /
   person name=Tamás Horváth   email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]   nick=thorvath
   person name=Gergely Kontra  email=[EMAIL PROTECTED] nick=kgergely 
cvs=yes /
   person name=Attila Kopiás   email=[EMAIL PROTECTED]   nick=akopias 

[PHP-DOC] Notes Status, 5559 total

2002-04-13 Thread phpdoc

Following are the top 20 pages of the manual, sorted by the number
of user notes contributed. These sections could use a polish, those
notes represent 14.8% of the 5559 total user notes.

Notes  |  Page
   95  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php
   73  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php
   53  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php
   51  | http://php.net/manual/en/install.windows.php
   49  | http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop.php
   44  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.mktime.php
   42  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php
   42  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.datetime.php
   41  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdf.php
   36  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php
   33  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php
   33  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php
   31  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
   31  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php
   30  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.odbc-connect.php
   30  | http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.php
   29  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
   28  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php
   28  | http://php.net/manual/en/ref.domxml.php
   26  | http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagegif.php

[PHP-DOC] REMINDER: commit pending changes before split time

2002-04-13 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Files in the .../functions/... subdirectories will be splitted
in 24 hours from now, so please hurry to commit your pending changes ;)

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.six.de/  +49-711-99091-77

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /en/functions mysql.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Slawomir Pucia

slawek  Sat Apr 13 16:37:57 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Example password correction
Index: phpdoc/en/functions/mysql.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/functions/mysql.xml:1.108 phpdoc/en/functions/mysql.xml:1.109
--- phpdoc/en/functions/mysql.xml:1.108 Thu Apr 11 13:26:29 2002
+++ phpdoc/en/functions/mysql.xml   Sat Apr 13 16:37:57 2002
 -1,5 +1,5 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
-!-- $Revision: 1.108 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.109 $ --
  reference id=ref.mysql
   titleMySQL Functions/title
 -436,7 +436,7 
   programlisting role=php
-$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_login');
+$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');
 $charset = mysql_character_set_name($link);
 printf (current character set is %s\n, $charset);

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pl/functions bc.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Slawomir Pucia

slawek  Sat Apr 13 16:50:32 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  XML corrections
Index: phpdoc/pl/functions/bc.xml
diff -u phpdoc/pl/functions/bc.xml:1.12 phpdoc/pl/functions/bc.xml:1.13
--- phpdoc/pl/functions/bc.xml:1.12 Fri Apr 12 16:22:54 2002
+++ phpdoc/pl/functions/bc.xml  Sat Apr 13 16:50:32 2002
 -1,6 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-2?
 !-- EN-Revision: 1.24 Maintainer: Qrak Status: ready --
-!-- $Revision: 1.12 $ --
+!-- $Revision: 1.13 $ --
  reference id=ref.bc
   titleBCMath - arytmetyka liczb du¿ej precyzji/title
 -36,25 +36,19 

section id=bc.configuration  
-  titleKonfiguracja pracy/title  
-  para
-   no.config;
-  /para  
- /section  
+titleKonfiguracja pracy/title  
+ no.config;
+   /section  
- section id=bc.resources  
-  titleTypy zasobów/title  
-  para
-   no.resource;
-  /para  
- /section  
+   section id=bc.resources  
+titleTypy zasobów/title  
+ no.resource;
+   /section  
- section id=bc.constants  
-  titlePredefiowane sta³e/title  
-  para
-   no.constants;
-  /para  
- /section  
+   section id=bc.constants  
+titlePredefiowane sta³e/title  
+ no.constants;
+   /section  
   refentry id=function.bcadd

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /pl/functions mysql.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Slawomir Pucia

slawek  Sat Apr 13 17:00:55 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
  Partial update to EN 1.100, That's all I could do before The Split.

Index: phpdoc/pl/functions/mysql.xml
diff -u phpdoc/pl/functions/mysql.xml:1.24 phpdoc/pl/functions/mysql.xml:1.25
--- phpdoc/pl/functions/mysql.xml:1.24  Thu Apr 11 12:50:25 2002
+++ phpdoc/pl/functions/mysql.xml   Sat Apr 13 17:00:55 2002
 -1,6 +1,6 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-2?
-!-- EN-Revision: 1.95 Maintainer: slawek Status: ready --
-!-- $Revision: 1.24 $ --
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.100 Maintainer: slawek Status: ready --
+!-- $Revision: 1.25 $ --
  reference id=ref.mysql
 -290,6 +290,48 
+  refentry id=function.mysql-character_set_name
+   refnamediv
+refpurposeZwraca nazwê zestawu znaków/refpurpose
+   /refnamediv
+   refsect1
+ typeint/typemethodnamemysql_character_set_name/methodname
+ methodparam 
+ functionmysql_character_set_name/function zwraca domy¶lny zestaw znaków
+ dla bie¿±cego po³±czenia.
+ example
+  titleprzyk³ad u¿ycia functionmysql_character_set_name/function/title
+  programlisting role=php
+$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'u¿ytkownik', 'has³o');
+$charset = mysql_character_set_name($link);
+printf (obecny zestaw znaków to %s\n, $charset);
+  /programlisting
+  para
+   Powy¿szy przyk³ad da nastêpuj±cy wynik:
+   screen
+   /screen
+  /para
+ /example
+ Patrz tak¿e:
+ functionmysql_real_escape_string/function
+   /refsect1
+  /refentry
   refentry id=function.mysql-close
 -792,7 +834,39 
   functionmysql_escape_string/function nie dotyczy znaków
   literal%/literal i literal_/literal.
+ simpara
+  Funkcja ta dzia³a identycznie jak functionmysql_real_escape_string/function,
+  z tym wyj±tkiem, ¿e mysql_real_escape_string() pobiera identyfikator
+  po³±czenia i wstawia znaki unikowe zgodnie z bie¿±cym zestawem znaków.
+  functionmysql_escape_string/function nie pobiera identyfikatora
+  po³±czenia i nie bierze pod uwagê bie¿±cego zestawu znaków.
+ /simpara
+ titleprzyk³ad u¿ycia functionmysql_real_escape_string/function/title
+ programlisting role=php
+$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'u¿ytkownik', 'has³o');
+$item = Zak's Laptop;
+$escaped_item = mysql_real_escape_string($item);
+printf (£añcuch ze znakami unikowymi: %s\n, $escaped_item);
+ /programlisting
+ para
+  Powy¿szy przyk³ad da nastêpuj±cy wynik:
+  screen
+£añcuch ze znakami unikowymi: Zak\'s Laptop
+  /screen
+ /para
+ Patrz tak¿e:
+ functionmysql_real_escape_string/function
 -1647,6 +1721,58 
+  refentry id=function.mysql-list-processes
+   refnamediv
+refpurposeZwraca listê procesów MySQL/refpurpose
+   /refnamediv
+   refsect1
+ methodsynopsis
+  typeresource/typemethodnamemysql_list_processes/methodname
+  methodparam choice=opttyperesource/typeparameter
+   /parameter/methodparam
+ /methodsynopsis
+ functionmysql_list_processes/function zwraca wska¼nik wyniku
+ zawieraj±cego opis aktualnych w±tków serwera.
+ example
+  titleprzyk³ad u¿ycia functionmysql_list_processes/function/title
+  programlisting role=php
+$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'u¿ytkownik', 'has³o');
+$result = mysql_list_processes($link);
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
+printf(%s %s %s %s %s\n, $row[Id], $row[Host], $row[db],
+   $row[Command], $row[Time]);
+mysql_free_result ($result);
+  /programlisting
+  para
+   Powy¿szy przyk³ad da nastêpuj±cy wynik:
+   screen
+1 localhost test Processlist 0
+4 localhost mysql sleep 5
+   /screen
+  /para
+ /example
+ Patrz tak¿e:
+ functionmysql_thread_id/function
+   /refsect1
+  /refentry
   refentry id=function.mysql-list-tables
 -1832,6 +1958,36 
+  refentry id=function.mysql-ping
+   refnamediv
+refpurposeSprawdza po³±czenie z serwerem, lub nazwi±zuje po³±czenie, je¶li go 
+nie by³o/refpurpose
+   /refnamediv
+   refsect1

[PHP-DOC] Bug #16590 Updated: Problems with strings containing \x00

2002-04-13 Thread jimw

 ID:   16590
 Updated by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:   Open
-Bug Type: PCRE related
+Bug Type: Documentation problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:  4.1.2
 New Comment:

pcre is binary safe with regards to the string being matched against,
but not the pattern. this is a limitation of the pcre library itself,
not just the php interface. you can specify the nul character using:

preg_match(/\\x00/, foo\0bar)

reclassified as documentation problem.

Previous Comments:

[2002-04-13 15:59:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The docs state that PCRE is binary safe. So this might be a bug after

[2002-04-13 13:23:59] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, I'm not sure whether this problem can be solved as it is PCRE
and not a PHP specific (and it can't be solved without breaking
compatibilty with languages using 0 terminated strings such as C).

I'm thinking about making it a documentation problem. What do you guys


[2002-04-13 13:06:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The PCRE has problems with strings containing 0x00. It stops reading as
if the strings were \0 terminated. This affects all preg_* functions.


  preg_match(/\x00/, foo);
  preg_match(/ . chr(0) . /, foo);

Raises the error Warning: No ending delimiter '/' found

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=16590edit=1

[PHP-DOC] Re: New to web / php devel. Take pity on me.

2002-04-13 Thread Manuzhai

Take your problems with developing WITH PHP to the PHP-general list, please.

Marc Shlaes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I made the simplest program I could to try to figure out why my
 session_start() isn't working.

 PHPINFO tells me that
 1. Sessions are enabled.
 2. The path c:/temp is shown so php.ini is doing the right thing

 The path exists and can be successfully written to from the OS

 The OS is WIN98 running Apache.

 What is wrong?/

 print Session Save Path is: $test;


 Warning: open(/temp/sess_66ae6b55dc3e157c00345e53b72c8a0e, O_RDWR) failed:
 (2) in d:\testsite\test.php on line 2

 Session Save Path is: c:/temp

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it/appendices about.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Simone Cortesi

cortesi Sat Apr 13 21:20:38 2002 EDT

  Added files: 
/phpdoc/it/appendices   about.xml 
  adding translation up to EN 1.11 by hfish

Index: phpdoc/it/appendices/about.xml
+++ phpdoc/it/appendices/about.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
!-- EN-Revision: 1.11 Maintainer: hfish Status: ready --

  TODO: add manual conventions section (eg. how to read
function usage parts, what is fixed width, what is
bold, what is linked

add some tips about combining the versions (online-
offline), and using http://anymirror.php.net/funcname;
appendix id=about
 titleInformazioni sul manuale/title

 sect1 id=about.formats
   Il manuale di PHP è distribuito in diversi formati. Questi formati possono 
   essere divisi in due gruppi: formati leggibili online e pacchetti scaricabili.
Alcuni editori hanno reso disponibile una versione di questo manuale adatta 
alla stampa. Noi sconsigliamo questo tipo di manuali, in quanto tendono a 
diventare obsoleti molto rapidamente.
   Puoi leggere il manuale online su ulink url=url.php; url.php;/ulink
   e sui numerosi siti mirror. Per ottenere risultati migliori, dovresti scegliere
   il mirror a te più vicino. Puoi leggere il manuale sia in un formato HTML adatto
   alla stampa, sia in un formato HTML che integri le potenzialita look and feel 
   del PHP.
   Un vantaggio del manuale online sulla maggior parte dei formati offline
   è l'integrazione dei link linkend=about.notescontributi degli utenti/link
   Ovviamente, per poter visualizzare il manuale online, dovrai essere collegato 
   ad internet.
   Ci sono diversi tipi di manuale scaricabili, e il formato più appropriato
   alle tue esigenze dipende dal tipo di sistema operativo che usi e dal tuo
   personale modo di leggere. Per informazioni su come il manuale viene generato
   in così tanti formati, leggi la sezione link linkend=about.generate'Come 
   generiamo i formati'/link di questa appendice.
   I formati più adatti a diversi tipi di sistemi operativi sono l'HTML e il
   testo semplice. Il formato HTML è disponibile sia come unica pagina HTML, sia
   come pacchetto di file univoci per ogni sezione (cioè qualche migliaio di
   file). I formati HTML e testo semplice sono disponibili come file TAR compressi
   usando il programma Bzip2.
   Un altro formato adatto a diversi tipi di sistemi operativi e alla stampa è il
   formato PDF, conosciuto anche come Adobe Acrobat. Ma prima di scaricare questo
   tipo di formato e iniziare a stampare il manuale, sappi che è contiene oltre 
   2000 pagine e che viene aggiornato e corretto frequentemente
Se ancora non hai un programma in grado di leggere il formato PDF, hai bisogno
di scaricare ulink url=url.adobe.acrobat;Adobe Acrobat Reader/ulink.
   I formati Palm ed iSilo sono ideali per chi ha computer portatili compatibili 
   Palm. Puoi portare il tuo portatile con te per lavoro ed usare un lettore 
   ulink url=url.palm.doc;DOC/ulink o ulink url=url.palm.isilo;iSilo
   /ulink per controllare le tue conoscenze di PHP, o solo per avere un riferimento
   Per le piattaforme Windows, la versione HTML Help per Windows del manuale 
   fornisce contenuti utilizzabili con le applicazioni HTML Help per Windows.
   Questo tipo di versione è fornita con un motore di ricerca per tutto il 
   contenuto, con un indice completo e con la possibilità di salvare le
   ricerche. Molte versioni di manuale PHP per Windows integrano anche questo
   versione della documentazione, per garantire un accesso più semplice.
Un progetto in Visual Basic per Linux è in fase di lavorazione, ed includerà
lo sviluppo di un programma per creare e leggere file CHM per Linux. Guarda 
anche ulink url=url.vb4linux;questa pagina/ulink di SourceForge.net se
sei interessato ai progressi del progetto.
 sect1 id=about.notes
  titleContributi degli utenti/title
   I contributi degli utenti giocano un ruolo importante nello sviluppo di questo
   manuale. Possiamo includere questi feedback nel testo principale del manuale
   permettendo agli utenti di contribuire con esempi, avvertimenti e chiarimenti
   riguardo a diversi tipi di browser. I contributi inviati dagli utenti sono 
   visibile, così come sono stati inviati, nel formato online del manuale ed in
   alcuni dei formati scaricabili.
I contributi degli utenti NON sono controllati prima di essere messi online, 
quindi la chiarezza del contenuto, gli esempi di codice o l'esattezza stessa
dei contributi non può essere garantita. (E non c'è alcuna garanzia del sulla
qualità o sull'esatteza del testo dello stesso manuale.)

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it translation.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Simone Cortesi

cortesi Sat Apr 13 21:21:35 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/it  translation.xml 
  adding/removing new WIPs
Index: phpdoc/it/translation.xml
diff -u phpdoc/it/translation.xml:1.70 phpdoc/it/translation.xml:1.71
--- phpdoc/it/translation.xml:1.70  Thu Apr 11 13:15:54 2002
+++ phpdoc/it/translation.xml   Sat Apr 13 21:21:35 2002
 -73,10 +73,10 
   file name=functions/msql.xml  person=calandra type=offline 
date=19/03/2002 /
   file name=functions/image.xml person=saintex  type=offline 
revision=1.83 date=26/03/2002 /
   file name=faq/databases.xml   person=guidoz   type=offline 
date=28/03/2002 /
-  file name=faq/using.xml   person=guidoz   type=offline 
date=28/03/2002 /
   file name=faq/html.xmlperson=cortesi  type=offline 
date=07/04/2002 /
+  file name=faq/using.xml   person=guidoz   type=offline 
+date=28/03/2002 /
+  file name=faq/build.xml   person=hfishtype=offline 
+revision=1.14 date=14/04/2002 /
   file name=functions/xml.xml   person=darvina  type=offline 
date=10/04/2002 /
-  file name=appendices/about.xmlperson=hfishtype=offline 
revision=1.11 date=3/04/2002 /

[PHP-DOC] cvs: phpdoc /it/appendices debugger.xml

2002-04-13 Thread Simone Cortesi

cortesi Sat Apr 13 21:44:18 2002 EDT

  Modified files:  
/phpdoc/it/appendices   debugger.xml 
  re-adding file with the already little translated text from removed version

Index: phpdoc/it/appendices/debugger.xml
diff -u /dev/null phpdoc/it/appendices/debugger.xml:1.9
--- /dev/null   Sat Apr 13 21:44:18 2002
+++ phpdoc/it/appendices/debugger.xml   Sat Apr 13 21:44:18 2002
 -0,0 +1,280 
+?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
+!-- EN-Revision: 1.20 Maintainer: perugini Status: working --
+ appendix id=debugger
+  titleDebugging PHP/title
+  sect1 id=debugger-about
+   titleAbout the debugger/title
+   simpara
+PHP 3 includes support for a network-based debugger.
+   /simpara
+   simpara
+PHP 4 does not have an internal debugging facility.
+You can use one of the external debuggers though. The
+ulink url=url.zend.ide;Zend IDE/ulink includes
+a debugger, and there are also some free debugger extensions
+like DBG at ulink url=url.dbg;url.dbg;/ulink or the 
+ulink url=url.apd;Advanced PHP Debugger/ulink (APD).
+   /simpara
+  /sect1
+  sect1 id=debugger-using
+   titleUsing the Debugger/title
+   para
+Il debugger interno del PHP 3 è utile per tracciare errori non
+visibili. Il debugger funziona tramite una connessione ad una porta
+acronymTCP/acronym che viene attivata ogni volta che viene eseguito il PHP 3.
+Tutti i messaggi di errore generati da quella richiesta, vengono inviati
+a questa connessione TCP. Questa modalità è pensata per i
+server di debugging che possono essere eseguiti all'interno di un
+acronymIDE/acronym o di un editor programmabile (tipo Emacs).
+   /para
+   para
+Come configurare il debugger:
+ listitem
+  simpara 
+   mpostare una porta TCP per il debugger nel link
+   linkend=configuration.filefile di configurazione/link (link
+   linkend=ini.debugger.portdebugger.port/link) e attivarla
+   (link linkend=ini.debugger.enableddebugger.enabled/link).
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+ listitem
+  simpara 
+   Impostare un TCP listener sulla porta scelta (per esempio
+   commandsocket -l -s 1400/command su UNIX).
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+ listitem
+  simpara 
+   Nel codice, eseguire
+   debugger_on(replaceablehost/replaceable), dove
+   replaceablehost/replaceable è l'indirizzo IP o il nome 
+   dell'host su cui è in esecuzione il acronymTCP/acronym listener.
+  /simpara
+ /listitem
+Adesso, all warnings, notices etc. will show up on that listener
+socket, emphasiseven if you turned them off with
+   /para
+  /sect1
+  sect1 id=debugger-protocol
+   titleDebugger Protocol/title
+   para
+The PHP 3 debugger protocol is line-based. Each line has a
+emphasistype/emphasis, and several lines compose a
+emphasismessage/emphasis. Each message starts with a line of
+the type literalstart/literal and terminates with a line of
+the type literalend/literal. PHP 3 may send lines for different
+messages simultaneously.
+   /para
+   para
+A line has this format:
+ literallayout
+replaceabledate/replaceable replaceabletime/replaceable
+ /literallayout
+ varlistentry
+  termreplaceabledate/replaceable/term
+  listitem
+   simpara
+   Date in ISO 8601 format
+   /simpara
+  /listitem
+ /varlistentry
+ varlistentry
+  termreplaceabletime/replaceable/term
+  listitem
+   simparaTime including microseconds:
+   /simpara
+  /listitem
+ /varlistentry
+ varlistentry
+  termreplaceablehost/replaceable/term
+  listitem
+   simpara
+   DNS name or IP address of the host where the script error was
+   generated.
+   /simpara
+  /listitem
+ /varlistentry
+ varlistentry
+  termreplaceablepid/replaceable/term
+  listitem
+   simpara
+   PID (process id) on replaceablehost/replaceable of the
+   process with the PHP 3 script that generated this error.
+   /simpara
+  /listitem
+ /varlistentry
+ varlistentry
+  termreplaceabletype/replaceable/term
+  listitem
+   para
+   Type of line. Tells the receiving program about what it
+   should treat the following data as:
+   table
+titleDebugger Line Types/title
+tgroup cols=2
+ thead
+  row
+   entryName/entry
+   entryMeaning/entry
+  /row
+ /thead
+ tbody
+  row