Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP/SugerCube and accented characters

2016-05-29 Thread mikerob

I only occasionally check this forum hence the long time for a reply.

This looks like the same issue I have.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] announce: squeeze2upnp, a bridge between LMS and uPNP devices

2015-01-06 Thread mikerob

I've got SB and Sonos players with LMS running on Windows 7 so I've run
the app, it has recognised the Sonos players, I've edited the config
file, installed LAME, LMS recognises the Sonos players but when I play a
(mp3) track, there is no sound.

Is there any log/debug info to figure out what might be going on?
(Apologies but I haven't gone back through this thread if this has
already been mentioned)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-28 Thread mikerob

Tony T wrote: 
 Hey, thanks for the quick updates! (and the ability to add a mix to my
 And, out of curiosity, how do you keep track of the played tracks and
 the most played artists?

I'm using the PlayLog plug-in and scrobbling to LastFM.  Two different
ways of keeping track of what you've played, but hopefully one, other or
between both will tell you what you want.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-17 Thread mikerob

mherger wrote: 
  Echonest seems to recognise about 70% of my music collection and I
  wondering if there is any way I can get this percentage up.
 You could create a missing log file (see the web UI). This will take  
 forever (depending on your library size :-)). The output will be a list
 file paths of tracks which were not recognized. As the recognition is 
 purely based on metadata, pretty often it's some tagging issue. Eg.
 (special edition) or remix in the names, feat. for artists etc.
 log file might give some pointers.
  Are there any third party applications that can scan your local music
  collection to generate an Echonest fingerprint and submit this to
 I'm pretty sure there are, but I've never bothered to do any research.
 might start asking around in the TEN forums.

Thanks.  I'm sure it is my tagging for the vast majority of unrecognised
tracks.  I do have quite a lot of electronic/dance music and as you say,
it is full of feat., pres., vs. and minor variations in track
names for multiple remixes of the same track.  I've tidied a lot of
this up as there can be a lot of inconsistencies with tags from
databases like Gracenote but this probably means the track won't be
recognised by Echonest.

I'll do some investigation in the TEN forums.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-17 Thread mikerob

Echonest seems to recognise about 70% of my music collection and I was
wondering if there is any way I can get this percentage up.

Are there any third party applications that can scan your local music
collection to generate an Echonest fingerprint and submit this to
Echonest?  I assume once it is in the Echonest database, a Smart Mix
scan will recognise the track eventually.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Philips Hue bulbs - plugin to sync them to music via LMS?

2013-06-07 Thread mikerob

There's a review of them here, and this mentions there can be a 20-30sec
delay before the lights respond to a command.

So it doesn't look like it would be possible to get the lights flashing
in time to the music, but some sort of mood thing may be possible
the lights go down when a Barry White luurrve track comes on ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-06 Thread mikerob

mherger wrote: 
  Would I be able to manually edit a recipe so it returned a greater
  number of tracks and use this? (I haven't looked at the Echonest API
  detail to see what is possible...)
 As explained by Roland0 you can't have more than five new tracks at
 But there's an undocumented preference you could set to increase the  
 number of tracks to be kept in the playlist. 'oldtracks' defaults to 3, 
 which means that all tracks but the three most recently been played are 
 removed from the playlist. You could set this value manually to
 larger, then apply the next trick to get more tracks in your queue.  
 Awkward, but possible.

Thanks, I'll look into this.  The option to keep more old tracks in the
queue would also work for me. One reason is simply to have a record of
what has been played so if I really like the mix, I can save it and
listen to it again.  Or save and manually edit the playlist to include
or exclude a few tracks. Also when a mix is playing in the background
and I hear something I like, I don't need to check the display or UI
there and then to find out what the track is, as the track listing would
be retained for longer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-06 Thread mikerob

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
 The 2nd point at least could be achieved by scrobbling to last.FM.
 having a log and charts of everything you play is pretty cool.

I didn't think of that.  Great idea!!

LastFM has a playlist creator and export feature so you can select
tracks from the log, save them to a playlist and export the playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-03 Thread mikerob

mherger wrote: 
  Is there any option to produce a playlist of a longer number of
  (say 15-20?)
  I'd like the option to produce longer playlists as I just won't be
  playing them on the Squeezebox, but I'd save them and use the
  on my iPhone as well.
 That's not how the plugin is supposed to work. It's not a generic
 creation tool, but intended to play dynamic mixes on your SB. I'm sure 
 there are other tools out there to achieve what you're looking for. Eg. 

Thanks for the reply.  With the MusicIP plug-in, I was used to producing
a mix with, say, 12 tracks, and if I liked it, I would save the playlist
file so I could listen to the same mix again, or listen to it on an
iPhone by importing the playlist into iTunes.

Would I be able to manually edit a recipe so it returned a greater
number of tracks and use this? (I haven't looked at the Echonest API in
detail to see what is possible...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-02 Thread mikerob

I've just come across the plug-in as I haven't been following the forums
for some time... and apologies if the question has been answered
previously... however when I select Create mix based on current title,
it always seems to return just 6 or so tracks.

Is there any option to produce a playlist of a longer number of tracks
(say 15-20?)

I'd like the option to produce longer playlists as I just won't be
playing them on the Squeezebox, but I'd save them and use the playlists
on my iPhone as well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-02 Thread mikerob

garym wrote: 
 I forget the number, but smart mix will continue to add songs as it
 plays others. It doesn't create one long playlist all at once.

Yeah, I tried to create a longer playlist by fast forwarding to later
tracks.  More tracks would be added to the end of the playlist, but then
the tracks at the start would disappear so I couldn't get more than
about 10 tracks at once.  These didn't include the initial seed track
and I generally want to have this in the playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-06-02 Thread mikerob

garym wrote: 
 Just checked. I get 6 songs including seed song. I don't think the
 intent is to create long playlists that can be saved. But maybe Michael
 can add option for length.

I can appreciate the way it is done to provide radio play on the
Squeezebox, but as I mentioned, I'd like the option to save a longer
playlist so I can also listen to it on my iPhone.  I do this for MusicIP
mixes and this has the option to return a mix of a specified length (by
the way, I'm only using Smart Mix for my local music collection, not
cloud services)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP and ALAC ???

2012-02-07 Thread mikerob

It may be a bit late for this, but MusicIP can import your music library
from iTunes rather than using the files themselves.

You should then be able to fingerprint the music collection on one
computer, then move the MusicIP cache file to the NAS, and it should
still work provided the file paths are the same for both.

As you have come across, MusicIP on the Mac uses PPC code to read and
write tags on AAC and ALAC files.  On Snow Leopard, you can install the
Rosetta software that will allow MusicIP to read  write AAC/ALAC tags
but Rosetta isn't supported on Lion.

Importing the music from iTunes means that MusicIP doesn't need to read
the tags.  

However you can't write the fingerprint information to the tags, and
the fingerprints need to be stored in the MusicIP cache file.  This
means the music will need to be re-fingerprinted if the file path

Personally I don't store the MusicIP fingerprints in the tags.  Years
ago, an earlier version of MusicIP corrupted tab information when
storing fingerprints, so I never trusted it from then!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Possible MusicIP replacement in time?

2011-08-02 Thread mikerob

As I suspected, aspects of MusicIP now don't work with OSX 10.7 Lion.

The AACTagReader component of MusicIP which is used to scan and read
tags of AAC files is PowerPC code so is no longer supported by Lion. 
There may be other aspects of MusicIP that don't work as well.

Where can I download a Windows version of MusicIP as I can do the
scanning in Windows running in Parallels instead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Possible MusicIP replacement in time?

2011-07-01 Thread mikerob

I noticed that Mac OSX 10.7 Lion will drop support for Rosetta that
allows Intel Macs to run PowerPC applications.

I have a feeling that MusicIP for the Mac may need Rosetta... any Mac
gurus know how I could check this?

I've thought it was a matter of time before some OS update meant that
MusicIP wouldn't work any more and Lion could be it for the Mac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] MusicIP + tags

2010-09-20 Thread mikerob

Can the .m3lib file be editted if the file location changes?

A number of years ago I did experience some problems after archiving
MusicIP fingerprint data into tags (I think there was a bug at the time
that was subsequently fixed) so I've been reluctant to do this ever


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Sending music from Musicip

2009-04-03 Thread mikerob

With MusicIP on a Mac, if you hold down the alt key when selecting the
Send to Player icon, you can play the song or mix directly on the

When pressing the alt key on Send to Player, you get a menu with
Play All and a list of all your Squeezeboxes identified by their MAC
address (so it isn't the most user friendly option)

I've come across a number of undocumented features on the Mac version
of MusicIP that are revealed by pressing the various modifier keys on a


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC 1.04 on 6.3 problems

2006-06-30 Thread mikerob

bpa Wrote: 
 Let the test run for a bit of time say 10-20 mins as network errors are
 unpredictable - also mid afternoon on Friday is not a busy time.

... however it will be when loads of people start live audio and video
streaming of Germany v Argentina when it kicks-off at 16.00! :)


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Alien BBC on my Mac

2006-06-15 Thread mikerob

crouchend Wrote: 
 Just tried to install Alien BBC using instructions on this website:
 Installed everything on a titanium Powerbook running 10.4
 First problem, 'usr/local/bin' does not exist 'usr/bin' exists so I put
 mplayer in there instead.
 My squeezebox 3 displays alien BBC but will not play anything.
 Next, installed everything on my other mac (imac running OS 10.3)
 'usr/local' exists, but there are no files or folders in it.
 again I put mplayer in 'usr/bin'
 Once again squeezebox plays nothing as before.
 Can anybody tell me what I may have done wrong?
 Many thanks

I've got 2 Macs running OS 10.4 (PowerBook and Mac Mini) and
/usr/local/bin exists on both of them and Alien BBC runs without a
problem on the Mac Mini.

In the Finder, from menu Go then Go to folder... what happens when
you enter /usr/local/bin and select Go ?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-21 Thread mikerob

Well I'm still trying to get LastFM/SlimScrobbler to work properly on my
system (MAC OSX 10.4.5 with Slimserver 6.2.1)

LastFM seems to install ok and I get the LastFM settings on the
Slimserver browser interface at Home / Server Settings / Internet

However the SlimScrobbler plugin doesn't seem to work as playing music
doesn't update recent tracks on my lastFM profile and there is no
evidence that SlimScrobber has loaded on Home / Server Settings /
Plugins - there isn't a plug-ins check box for SlimScrobbler and
SlimScrobber doesn't appear on the debug logs with d_plugins enabled
(see below)

Slimserver plugins directory contains the following:

2006-02-21 19:43:34.5478 Registering screensaver
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5483 Registering screensaver
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5485 Registering screensaver
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5621 Adding Favorites::Plugin to menu: PLUGINS
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5659 Registering screensaver
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5664 Adding LastFM::Plugin to menu: RADIO
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5675 Adding RadioIO::Plugin to menu: RADIO
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5690 Removing SlimTris from menu: GAMES
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5693 Adding Picks::Plugin to menu: RADIO
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5710 Adding Live365::Plugin to menu: RADIO
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5820 Adding RssNews to menu: PLUGINS
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5824 Registering screensaver
2006-02-21 19:43:34.5827 Adding ShoutcastBrowser::Plugin to menu: RADIO


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-18 Thread mikerob

Craig, James (IT) Wrote: 
 It should work on all SlimServer supported platforms.

lastFM doesn't seem to be working on my system - MAC OSX 10.4.5 with
Slimserver 6.2.1.

- I downloaded SlimScrobbler v0.34 then copied and the
directory SlimScrobbleSupport to ~/Library/SlimDevices/Plugins

- stopped and started Slimserver

- On the Slimserver web browser interface, went to Home / Server
Settings / Plugins but couldn't see anything associated with
Audioscrobbler as described in the ScrobblerReadMe file so it doesn't
look as if the plug in has loaded properly.

Any ideas?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: More Last.FM problems

2006-02-17 Thread mikerob

Is the lastFM plugin supported with Slimserver on Mac OSX?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SoftSqueeze + Visualisers?

2005-11-20 Thread mikerob

I was prompted by this posting from Jim Larson to
try to combine music playing on my SB2 + hifi with an iTunes visualiser
playing on my TV for the ultimate in home audio-visual experiences!

The way I did it was to synchronise the SB2 with SoftSqueeze on my
PowerBook, then use Nicecast to broadcast the Softsqueeze audio from a
URL and point iTunes to the URL.  I could then connect the PowerBook to
the TV and see the iTunes visualiser while music was playing on the SB2
(the PowerBook and TV were obviously both on mute)

There is a delay between the SB2 and the iTunes audio but the
visualisers are so abstract, I don't think this really matters.  One
issue is that you don't get the track information because Nicecast is
in the way.

I'd be interested if there were suggestions of a better way to
integrate the SB/SoftSqueeze with computer-based visualizers.  

For example, there is a visualiser called G-Force from (free and commercial versions) that
integrates with a number of players including iTunes, Windows Media,
Foobar, Winamp and others - I wonder what it would take to integrate
with SoftSqueeze, or maybe integrate Softsqueeze with open-source
visualisers (if they exist) ?

I thought the whole audio-visual experience of music on the SB and a
visualiser on the TV was pretty cool - now I need to borrow a PC
projector to display the visualiser on the wall...


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: New addon anouncement - Incoming phone call display

2005-11-01 Thread mikerob

Mark.Bennett Wrote: 
 Beyond your current plans of caller ID support, you could turn this
 into an answering machine. Capture messages for unanswered calls
 to a file, display on the SB that messages are waiting, and play
 them back through any SB in the house.
 This sort of technology could also allow different greeting messages
 to the answer phone depending on who is calling!
 I think that this sort of technology would be a fantastic add-in to

This functionality is covered by existing open source projects such as and therefore it may
be easier to interface these applications with Slimserver rather than
reinvent the wheel within Slimserver code.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: New addon anouncement - Incoming phone call display

2005-10-31 Thread mikerob

max.spicer Wrote: 
 I can't see why this wouldn't work with the slimp3.  It should work with
 US CallerID, but you may find I've made some uk-specific assumptions.  

There are two different types of caller ID display used in the UK... BT
have their own method and the cable companies have either the US method
or the BT method depending what type of local exchange you are
connected to!

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