Re: [pygame] Line collision detection?

2012-02-20 Thread stabbingfinger
Or if you like spoilers maybe somebuddy has some Python code you can rip,
like this guy:

Specifically, functions line_intersects_line and point_in_poly.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Miriam English m...@miriam-english.orgwrote:

 You could use the point of intersection between two lines.

 One line is the bullet trajectory.
 The other line is the target trajectory.
 You have to take into account the time of the intersection too.
 If the intersection falls inside the target at the right time for both
 projectile and target then it is a hit.

 Paul Bourke gives a simple explanation with C code examples at:**geometry/lineline2d/
 That's for 2D. The 3D solution would be more complex, but not too much.

 It could be simplified by making bullets travel instantaneously if
 distance is negligible. In fact if that's the case there may be an even
 simpler way of solving whether a line intersects a volume.


- Miriam

 Julian Marchant wrote:

 Hi, I tried searching the internet for an answer, but didn't find
 anything, so I'll ask here.

 One problem with normal collision detection I'm sure we're all aware of
 is the problem that objects moving too fast can pass through other objects
 without a collision happening. I'm experiencing this problem with a
 scrolling shooter I'm working on because both bullets and enemies move
 pretty fast, one enemy is very small, and the frame rate is usually
 somewhat low (maybe 30 FPS) on the machine I'm targeting.

 Now, obviously, I intend to make other changes which will help, e.g.
 making these tiny enemies bigger, but I'd like to tackle the problem
 directly. There are two ways I can think of: The first way, which I easily
 could implement and would be most effective, is to move the bullets in
 steps and do collision detection each step. I have done something like this
 in a previous game and it worked well, but it seems like overkill in this
 game (the bullet subrect is only 5x5 pixels) and it isn't perfect anyway.

 The second way, which I would prefer, is to detect collision with a line
 from the bullet's new position to the bullet's previous position. I've seen
 this discussed on the Game Maker Community. The problem with this is I have
 no idea of how this could be done in a remotely efficient manner. The only
 method I can think of is to check every individual pixel one at a time,
 which is obviously not a good idea. Bullets can move diagonally, so just
 checking the x or y position won't work.

 So, in a nutshell, my question is: how could I do line collision
 detection like this in a relatively efficient way?

 If you don't have any failures then you're not trying hard enough.
  - Dr. Charles Elachi, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Re: [pygame] pygame performance limits

2011-11-23 Thread stabbingfinger
Hi, Armor Nick.

Some common bottlenecks I've encountered:

rendering many images per frame
brute force collision checking
computationally intensive logic and AI
real-time image transformation
heavy usage of images with SRCALPHA
2D and 2.5D layering

These are easy limits to hit early on especially in scrollers, platformers,
and bullet hell type games, or when you start adding environment and GFX.

But there are clever techniques that pygamers have developed to deal with
them in the form of cookbook recipes, libraries, and modules. Many issues
can be easily mitigated by selecting a culling technique or two to reduce
the number of things processed each game loop.

Some people popping into IRC lately seem easily frustrated by these
challenges, wanting an inefficient workload to just perform well. I can
understand the sentiment. But I personally get an immense amount of
pleasure from conquering these challenges. :)

When I started pygame three years ago I was told you can't do a scrolling
action-RPG: it's too much work for the CPU. Since then, computers became a
significantly faster and several people have produced reasonably impressive
action-RPGs, as well as other genre.

For some examples one only has to look among the top places at,
where pygame competes with the likes of pyglet, cocos2d, and rabbyt, all of
which have the proclaimed advantage of 3D acceleration. It's become clear
to me that for most hobby games the only real limitation is the
resourcefulness of the programmer.

I personally haven't yet hit a wall with Python or pygame that forced me to
look at another framework or a natively compiled language, and I've done a
few relatively ambitious projects.

That may seem like a biased representation of Python's and pygame's
capabilities, but I assure you it's not. A few times a year my eyes wander
to other game development libraries or engines, but I keep coming right
back to pygame.

Hope that perspective helps.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Chris Smith wrote:

 You can use Renpy for graphic novels. SNES RPG's would be no problem. For
 AI and other things, python might be slow but you will probably be
 surprised how far you can go with it. It'll certainly be easier than going
 the C++ route (although I'm not a C++ fan, to be honest... I'd use Lisp if
 I needed the code to be faster).

 On 23 November 2011 21:47, Nick Arnoeyts wrote:

 I'm actually not quite sure what I'm going to write yet. Either an RPG in
 the style of SNES-era Final Fantasy, or a visual novel (if you know
 Higurashi or Clannad). I'm not (yet) interested in 3D and I would certainly
 do something like that in C++.

 Pygame is probably fast enough for the graphics, but I was wondering how
 performance would be for AI and other calculations.

 yours truly

 2011/11/23 Chris Smith

 You can't really compare the language C++ with the library Python.

 You could compare C++ / SDL with Python / Pygame, and probably C++ would
 be faster (but maybe by not as much as you think)... but it would certainly
 take a lot more time to write the code.

 As to what you can do with Pygame, well it is a 2D library that I find
 fast enough for most things. In some ways I think Pygame is a little
 'old-school': Pygame does not do a lot for you, but it gets out of the way,
 and perhaps most importantly, it's small enough to fit in my mind but big
 enough to do what I want.

 Unless you develop as part of a team you need 3D, you are unlikely to
 choose a project that Pygame cannot handle in some way.

 Perhaps you could tell us more about what you wanted to write... that
 would make it easier to tell you if Pygame could do this for you.


 On 23 November 2011 21:07, Nick Arnoeyts wrote:

 Hey everyone

 I was wondering what the limits of pygame performance are. What is the
 absolute maximum kind of game that can be written with it, and what kinds
 of things are better done in pure C++ than python?

 This is probably a question that's asked periodically on the mailing
 list, so I apologize in advance.

 Yours truly

 Armor Nick

Re: [pygame] Students Interested in Pygames Community

2011-10-22 Thread stabbingfinger
Hi, Elinor.

There may be an opportunity to provide answers to the questions frequently
asked on IRC channel #pygame. Tutorials do exist, and people use them. More
than a few pygame neophytes often come to the channel looking for a fast
track to pygame mastery. They don't want to read the API docs, articles, nor
look for examples outside the few tutorials available on

The questions' typical preamble: I'm looking at Punch the Monkey, but I
can't figure out how to...

Alas, even the venerable Punch the Monkey tutorial is not simple enough in
some circumstances. It is clear that there will always be an influx of
people who would appreciate a progressive collection of focus tutorials,
each small enough to digest with ease. A very useful feature would be
references (URL or module.Class.component) to the key pygame features they
demonstrate, linking the practical example to its API documentation.

Here are some of the questions I remember. The ones with oo (two o's) are
significantly more advanced than Punch the Monkey.

o  When I render my FPS in a font, it keeps overwriting itself and I can't
read it. (simple/proper game loop setup)
o  How do I manipulate Rect objects? (in all the various ways)
oo  How do I use sprite.Group, et al? (progression, simple to complex usage)
o  How do I test collisions? (this seems to be arcane to neophytes, though
the sprite.Group and Rect classes seem pretty straightforward)
oo  How do I handle collisions? (stop, rebound, slide along edges)
oo  How can I detect collisions between different shapes? (sprite.Group
supports custom collided callbacks; and there are other ways that don't
involve pygame)
oo  How can I detect pixel-perfect collision? (various handling involving
non-axis aligned math a bonus)
oo  How can I detect collisions for bullet or line-of-sight scenarios?
o  After a while my game window says Not Responding. (basic event
oo  How can I make parts of my game process pygame events differently
oo  I want an intro, a menu, a game loop, a high score, a credits... How do
I connect all these without having one monolithic, spaghetti tangle Game
oo  How can I tint my surfaces, or overlay effects such as patterns?
oo  My game world is bigger than the screen. How do I manage the world and a
camera to update and draw only the visible parts of the world? (many
libraries do this, but they are not tutorials; people most often seek entry
to this concept so they can learn by writing their own library)

#pygame denizens can probably come up with many more.


Re: Re: [pygame] Students Interested in Pygames Community

2011-10-21 Thread stabbingfinger
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 4:48 AM, René Dudfield wrote:

 Yeah, and music programming is fun too.  As well, text adventures - with
 natural language processing - can teach a lot about language.

Upon René's mention of text it occurs to me that pygame sports an
international community, but I don't often see internationalization in our
games. I'm sure I could figure it out if I took the time, but if there were
an simple, extensible module (a la and a tool for
managing it we might see more of that. We may not see many translations, but
the capabilities would be there if someone wanted to contribute a
translation to an existing game.


Re: [pygame] Fill a Rect object with color?

2009-11-07 Thread stabbingfinger
Lemme borrow Russell's method to show what I think is your missing 
piece: some way of getting a boom tower's rectangle onto the game's 
playfield (the main PyGame surface). Run it, and left-click the mouse to 
change the state of the boom tower.

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
class BoomTower:
   def __init__(self, bounds, normal_color, fire_color):
   self.normal_image = pygame.Surface((bounds.w,bounds.h))
   self.normal_image = self.normal_image.convert()
   self.normal_image.fill(normal_color) ## Set the colour to the 

   self.fire_image = pygame.Surface((bounds.w,bounds.h))
   self.fire_image = self.fire_image.convert()
   self.current_image = self.normal_image
   def get_current_image(self):
   return self.current_image
   def shoot(self):
   ## Your other code here
   if self.current_image is self.normal_image:
   self.current_image = self.fire_image
   self.current_image = self.normal_image
   def draw(self, surface, pos):
   rect = self.current_image.get_rect() = pos
   surface.blit(self.current_image, rect)
s = pygame.display.get_surface()
r = pygame.Rect(50,50,100,100)
boom_tower = BoomTower(r, Color(white), Color(red))
while 1:
   for event in pygame.event.get():
   if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:


Russell Cumins wrote:
I'm not 100% sure what you are wanting to change the colour so forgive 
me if I'm going off on a tangent here. From what you have said thus 
far I am assuming you want to change the colour of the BoomTower 
object when it if firing.

What I would do is this...

class BoomTower:
def __init__(self,position,size,colour,fireColour):
self.colour = colour
self.fireColour = fireColour
self.rect = Rect(position,size)
self.image = Surface(size)
self.image.fill(colour) ## Set the colour to the default

def shoot(self,...):
...## Your other code here

You probably need to add some more code elsewhere to change the colour 
back for when the BoomTower object is not firing.