[pygtk] Re: segfault when using gtk.glade.set_custom_handler() on windows

2006-05-18 Thread Abel Daniel
Johan Dahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can you put this in bugzilla?
> It would be great if you can trim down the test case even further, not
> having a single unnecessary line usually helps us to track the bug down.
filed as bug no. 342270 (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=342270)

I filed it on the pygtk component, even though I'm not sure it is a
bug in pygtk. After all, it might be a bug in the installers (or the
way they are compiled).

Sorry I couldn't figure out how to include the glade XML in the .py
file, (gtk.glade.XML doesn't seem to have a "create from XML string"
option or at least I didn't find one).

And also sorry for creating 3 mails for one bugreport, couldn't figure
out how to attach files to the original bugreport, or how to attach
two files at once.

Abel Daniel

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] segfault when using gtk.glade.set_custom_handler() on windows

2006-05-17 Thread Abel Daniel


I'm trying to create a windows installer for a small app that uses
python + pygtk + gtk with the 'py2exe + innosetup' method. For that I
first have to get the app working with hand-installed python + pygtk +
gtk, of course (so that I can run py2exe and copy the necessary dll-s).

I installed python-2.4.3.msi from python.org,
pygtk-2.8.6-1.win32-py2.4.exe from
http://www.pcpm.ucl.ac.be/~gustin/win32_ports/ and
gtk-win32-2.8.14-rc1 from http://gladewin32.sourceforge.net/
(I'm using windows 2000 as an OS)

Small 'Helloworld' apps work, but I get a segfault when calling
gtk.glade.set_custom_handler(). Attached is a small example which

I also tried to use the gtk installer from
http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html (version
gtk+-2.8.9-setup-1.zip) instead of the ones from gladewin32, but in
that case even 'helloworld' apps crash with a 'libglib.dll not
found' error message. (where  is the version, etc.) such a dll
file is installed by the gimp-win installer to a directory that is on
the PATH, so I think that the pygtk bindings should be able to find
it. Any ideas what else should be set?

I guess the segfaults when calling gtk.glade.set_custom_handler() are
due to some internal mismatch (perhaps because python and gtk where
compiled with different compilers?). But the above should work (as
that is the "recommended way" as far as I could see). And I bet that
_some_ people have installed python + pygtk + gtk with basically the
same method. Which exact installers and versions have you used?

(I would like to avoid having to compile anything, if at all
possible. Using older versions would be acceptable, however.)

Thanks in advance,
Abel Daniel

#!/usr/bin/env python
# originally from a tutorial which was:
#Licence: GPLv2.0
#Copyright: Dave Aitel

import sys

import pygtk
#tell pyGTK, if possible, that we want GTKv2

import gtk
import gtk.glade
import gobject

def insert_row(model,parent,firstcolumn,secondcolumn):
return myiter

class appgui:
  def __init__(self):
In this init we are going to display the main serverinfo window
print "this is where the segfault happens:"
print "we wont reach this"
self.wTree=gtk.glade.XML (gladefile,windowname)

dic = { "on_button1_clicked" : self.button1_clicked,
"on_serverinfo_destroy" : (gtk.main_quit)}
self.wTree.signal_autoconnect (dic)

  def button1_clicked(self,widget):
  print "button clicked"
  def custom_maker(self, *args, **kw_args):
  print args, kw_args
  l = gtk.Label('Foo')
  return l

where demogtk.glade is:

  Server Info








  Mon, 01 May 2006 10:08:53 




pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Multiple selection in treeview, was: Re: CellRendererText doesn't have clicked signal now what?

2005-02-19 Thread Abel Daniel
Thomas Mills Hinkle writes:

> An additional query -- does anyone know if it's possible to select and
> arbitrary range of a treeview, a la spreadsheets? I'd like to let the
> user, for example, select four rows of one column so that I could
> offer e.g. a "fill down" action.
Sure. You have to enable "multiple selection mode" by calling


After that, the user can use the usual Shift + click and Ctrl + click
to select multiple rows.
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] gnome-canvas demo (partially) ported to python

2005-02-13 Thread Abel Daniel

As an exercise, I converted about half of the canvas-demo
(from libgnomecanvas) to python. The tarball is at:

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] popup menu when multiple selection is in use in TreeView

2005-02-06 Thread Abel Daniel

The FAQ entry 13.17 on popup menus in TreeViews
has the unfortunate feature that it forces the selection to be the row
that is clicked. (The line "treeview.set_cursor( path, col, 0)" )

This means that if multiple selection is allowed in the Treeview, and
one selects multiple lines then right-clicks, the previous selection
is lost.

Obviously this is not the right thing to do as other programs in this
situation change the selection as if a normal mouseclick with the same
modifier keys would have been pressed. (So if the ctrl is pressed,
they add that row, if shift is pressed, they select the rows between
the two clicks, etc.)

How should I implement that?

The current version works if no modifier-keys are pressed.
Handling ctrl correctly is pretty easy.
The bigger problem is shift. It seems to me that the accepted meaning
of shift-click in a list is "select all rows between this and the
place of last click". How could I get the place of the last event?

Would it be easier if I would simply generate a fake left-click event
with the right modifier keys? How could I do this?

Thanks in advance,
Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] What is gtk.CellEditable usefull for?

2004-09-21 Thread Abel Daniel

According to 

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08337.html

CellEditable can't be used to implement an editable cellrenderer in
python. However, there _is_ a gtk.CellEditable in pygtk:


If it can't be used for editable cells, what is this gtk.CellEditable
class usefull for? Are there any examples of it's usage?[1] Shouldn't
the class's intended purpose be noted in the docs? (Especially the
fact that it can't yet be used for the most obvious task )

Abel Daniel

[1] or the usage of other interfaces, for that matter (like gtk.CellLayout)
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] inconsistency in treeview dnd behaviour in a certain case

2004-07-28 Thread Abel Daniel

I have a 'feature' I discovered and can't decide whether to file a
bug, or a faq entry or what.

Make a TreeView which has some rows, but there is space at the end
where there are no rows (i.e. the window/scrolledwindow is bigger than
the TreeView). Enable drag&drop. Drag a row so that it would be
dropped on the empty space at the end. Notice that there _is_ a line
after the last row indicating that it will be dropped there. Drop the
row, and notice that the app raises an exception and doesn't do the
drop. (As an example app the one provided in
is perfect.)

Reason: the 'drag-data-received' signal's handler uses
TreeView.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y) to find out the place of the
drop. In this case, however, as the drop position doesn't have rows
underneath, it returns None.
And TreeView.get_drag_dest_row() returns None in this case, too. (Try
it out by catching the exception in the above example code and
printing the values)

The real suprise is that in the UI, the line appears, so one would
guess the drop should work, and so should .get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y),
but it doesn't.

This is at least a documentation bug, as
gtk.TreeView.get_drag_dest_row()'s entry in the API docs says

"Returns: a 2-tuple containing the tree path and the drop position
relative to the tree path"

That is, it doesn't mention returning None.

However, I think only fixing this as a documentiation bug isn't the
best idea.

Making a work-around for this isn't too dificult, as the return values
in both cases should be (to match what the UI is showing with the
black line):

   ((len(TreeView.get_model()),) ,gtk.TREE_VIEW_DROP_AFTER)

(at least I think so, not tested.)
so one can simply catch the exception and use these values.

However, this would mean every drag&drop-handling TreeView would need
this workaround, which would be really unfortunate (and not at all
pythonic, and so on.)

For somebody writing an App which uses dnd in a TreeView, the best
solution would be if TreeView.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y) would work in
this case, too. (So this is what I would like, if it doesn't break
something else.)

Abel Daniel

ps. all this with 
 >>> gtk.gtk_version
(2, 4, 4)
I'm using the 2.3.94-1 .deb package from debian experimental
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] freeze when trying to dynamically update menus

2004-07-23 Thread Abel Daniel

I was trying to implement dynamic menus. The idea is that the
menu-items are created when the menu is activated (shown). This would
be for an undo-menu where the menu-items would name the previously
done editing actions, so dynamically creating the menu is vital.

With a bit of help from #pygtk (on gimpnet) I came up with the
attached code. (Most of the code is the itemfactory example from the
pygtk tutorial.) The problem appears if the dynamically created menu is
the first sub-menu from the menubar. When activating this menu the
second time, the app freezes and I get a lot of the following messages
on stderr:

   (itemfactory.py:2223): Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkwidget.c: line
   3359 (gtk_widget_event): assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT
   (widget, event)' failed

(It looked like one for each redraw.)

(This means that I have to go to a console with Ctrl-Alt-F2 and kill
the app. X is unusable after triggering the bug, as the app won't give
up focus, so mouseclicks go nowhere.)

If the dynamically created menu is the second sub-menu from the
menubar, (which means the menuitem which's 'activated' signal triggers
the re-creation of the menu is not on the menubar, but in a submenu)
it works fine.

In the attached code, the menu Options->Test works, but the top-level
Test does not.

Is this a bug in my code? 

Thanks in advance,
Abel Daniel

#!/usr/bin/env python

# example itemfactory.py

import gtk
import time

class ItemFactoryExample:
# Obligatory basic callback
def print_hello(self, widget, data):
print "Hello, World!"

def update_menu(self, widget):
#print 'updating'
menu = gtk.Menu()
menu_item = gtk.MenuItem(label=str(t))
menu_item.show() #??

#print 'updated:', t

# This is the ItemFactoryEntry structure used to generate new menus.
# Item 1: The menu path. The letter after the underscore indicates an
# accelerator key once the menu is open.
# Item 2: The accelerator key for the entry
# Item 3: The callback.
# Item 4: The callback action.  This changes the parameters with
# which the callback is called.  The default is 0.
# Item 5: The item type, used to define what kind of an item it is.
#   Here are the possible values:

#   NULL   -> ""
#   "" -> ""
#   ""  -> create a title item
#   ""   -> create a simple item
#   ""  -> create a check item
#   "" -> create a toggle item
#   ""  -> create a radio item
#-> path of a radio item to link against
#   ""  -> create a separator
#   "" -> create an item to hold sub items (optional)
#   "" -> create a right justified branch 

def get_main_menu(self, window):
accel_group = gtk.AccelGroup()

# This function initializes the item factory.
# Param 1: The type of menu - can be MenuBar, Menu,
#  or OptionMenu.
# Param 2: The path of the menu.
# Param 3: A reference to an AccelGroup. The item factory sets up
#  the accelerator table while generating menus.
item_factory = gtk.ItemFactory(gtk.MenuBar, "", accel_group)

# This method generates the menu items. Pass to the item factory
#  the list of menu items

menuitem = item_factory.get_widget('/Test') # <-- SWITCH HERE !!!
menuitem.connect('activate', self.update_menu)
menuitem = item_factory.get_widget('/Options/Test')
menuitem.connect('activate', self.update_menu)

# Attach the new accelerator group to the window.

# need to keep a reference to item_factory to prevent its destruction
self.item_factory = item_factory
# Finally, return the actual menu bar created by the item factory.
return item_factory.get_widget("")

def __init__(self):
self.menu_items = (
( "/_File", None, None, 0, "" ),
( "/File/_New", "N", self.print_hello, 0, None ),
( "/File/_Open","O", self.print_hello, 0, None ),
( "/File/_Save","S", self.print_hello, 0, None ),
( "/File/Save _As", None, None, 0, None ),
( "/File/sep1", None, None, 0, ""

[pygtk] Re: How to focos a TreeView's cell?

2004-03-13 Thread Abel Daniel
Mauricio Téllez writes:

> Hi, I have a ListStore with 3 column of type gobject.TYPE_STRING,
> the first and thirth columns are editable, but the second is not. I
> have an "Add" button that when I click it append a new row to the
> model, so I want that the first cell in the view's new row get
> selected and ready to insert text (as if I clicked the cell),
You can use TreeView.set_cursor(path, focus_column, start_editing) to
start editing the cell.  (with start_editing=True)

You say you want the "new row get selected". I think that the row
doesn't need to be selected to start editing it. I think the cursor (a
dashed line around the row) needs to be on the row, but it doesn't
needs to be selected (which changes the rows' background to blue).

If you _do_ want the row to be selected, you can do that with
sel = TreeView.get_selection()
sel.select_path( path ) 

> and that when I finished with that cell, the thirth cell get
> "activated". I already use the "edited" signal of the render to get
> the text inserted and put that text in the model.
That means you simply have to call TreeView.set_cursor(...) in the
function you handle the 'edited' singal with.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: On displaying a TreeView and selecting the right element...

2004-03-12 Thread Abel Daniel
Martin Gadbois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to display a TreeView and have the initial selection to be
> the last saved value.
   [ ...code snipped... ]
> How to select the right initial value in a gtk.TreeView when
> displaying it?
> I would like to show the initial selection when I display the
> TreeView but it works only when I press the "Action" button.
> Is that a bug or a feature?
> Notice the "Selected:" printed on the screen: it contains the right
> value.
> How do an experimented Gtk coder would do that?

I don't know as I wouldn't call myself experienced :), but this version
seems to work:

# rest of the code not changed
def dir_dialog():
ds = gtk.Dialog("Select directory")
model = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
for cnt in range(5):
root = model.insert(None,cnt,[ item[cnt]  ])
model.insert(root,0,[ "." ])

tv = gtk.TreeView(model)

col= gtk.TreeViewColumn("",gtk.CellRendererText(),text=0)
ds.vbox.pack_start(tv)# this is changed: in your version this
b = gtk.Button("Action")  # part was at the end of the
b.connect("clicked",doit,tv)  # dir_dialog() function
ds.action_area.pack_start(b)  #
ds.show_all() # end of changes

sel = tv.get_selection()

# This select_path() does nothing to the display...
sel.select_path( (2,) ) 
tv.set_cursor( (2,), None, False ) # an extra line added to set cursor, too

s = tv.get_selection().get_selected()
print "Selected:",model.get_value(s[1],0)


Moving the 'display the widgets' code before the 'set selection' part
apparently fixes it.  This, of course, only sets the selection and
will leave the cursor (a dashed box around the row) at the first
row. The tv.set_cursor line sets this to the selected row, too. (This
might or might not make sense in your case.)

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: comparision between pygtk & other pyGUI

2004-03-05 Thread Abel Daniel
"Somesh Bartakke"  writes:

> can you tell mw comparision points bet pygtk annd other gui tools ?
I think you'll find several comparisons with a little googling, 
(some usefull bits might also be found in the paralell thread 
"IDLE-Gtk / Should PyGtk be proposed for the Python 2.4 release?")
but here is mine:

I have some (not much) experience with Tkinter, pyGtk and (even less) wxPython.

IMHO, Tkinter is a really fine gui toolkit. The problem is that it is
old. This means it won't really get new stuff (like new widgets) and
it will look out-of place in modern desktops. If you only want a
simple gui, like a couple of buttons and entry fields, Tkinter is
really easy. If you need a toolkit for something bigger, choose pygtk

In comparison with pygtk, wxPython is really bad. When I fooled around
with it, I could segfault it pretty easily. Of course, these segfaults
where my fault (supplying a bad argument somewhere, using a wrong
callback, etc.) but getting a verbose error message is _much_ more
helpfull than getting a simple "Segmentation fault", which tells
_nothing_ about _what_ you are doing wrong. One of the reasons I use
python is because error messages and crashes actually make sense. So
getting segmentation faults from a toolkit is really bad. It is
especially bad when you would want to play around in the interactive

Apart from that, parts of wxPython look really ugly. For example, in
wxMenu, you apparently need to use numerical constants to define menu
options. That might be fine when you are coding in C or C++, but in
Python it looks awfully bad.
(an example: http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/DragAndDrop
some selected lines:
 # Declare GUI Constants 
 menu1.Append(MENU_FILE_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit Application") 
 EVT_MENU(self, MENU_FILE_EXIT, self.CloseWindow) 

Here, the code is using a numerical constant to refer to an object. Doing that
in Python is truly stupid.)

In fact, wxPython is so bad somebody created a 
"A friendly python-like wrapper for wxPython."
(Of course, with this he will have wrappers 3 deep (wax - wxPython - wxWindows - gtk)!)

I have the feeling that wxPython is a great toolkit _if_ you are
coming from C++ or MFC or somesuch. It might be great compared to
windows gui programming, but its sure not better than pygtk.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] how to use set_widget method of TreeViewColumn?

2004-02-22 Thread Abel Daniel

I tried column.set_widget(gtk.Label('foo')),
but instead of what I expected (getting a label in the header, the
same as passing in 'foo' when creating the TreeViewColumn), I got
an empty, about 9 pixel wide, empty header.

What am I doing wrong? 

Abel Daniel

--- example code: ---
import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject

class App(gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):

scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)

model = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
tree_view = gtk.TreeView(model)

cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('spam', cell, text=0)
column.set_widget(gtk.Label('foo')) # <- !!! toggle this line

model.insert(None, 1, ("some content",) )
for i in range(5):
model.insert(None, i, ("some more content",) )


self.set_default_size(500, 400)
self.tree_view = tree_view

if __name__ == '__main__':

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] removing keybindings

2004-02-13 Thread Abel Daniel

How can I remove keybindings added with gtk.binding_entry_add_signal()?

I would like to make my app to have modes, a bit like the vi
editor. Launching a mode would change some keybindings. I figured I
can add the keybindings with gtk.binding_entry_add_signal() when the
mode is started, but the problem is, how do I remove them when the
user exits the mode?

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] multi-line cellrenderertext in C was: Re: VBox in a treeview?

2004-02-10 Thread Abel Daniel
Graham Ashton writes:

> Apologies for responding to my own message, but I found a way to achieve
> the same result (multi-line text inside a cell) by drawing a pango
> layout directly onto the treeview widget.

Apparently others want multi-line text in trees, too, so here is my version:
(first release, not really polished, but should work. It should be good 
enough for debugging, but not for end-user release.)

It is a C widget, you need to compile the widget part first. It can
also be edited, the editing is handled by a TextView which is modified
to implement the CellEditable interface. I will use it in an outliner
program I am working on.

I also tried the 'draw a pango layout on the widget' idea, but I
decided against it. Can't exactly remember why, I think I had problems
with setting the cell size. You set it to be big enough, right? So
there will be a varying amount of space below each cell. Doesn't that
look ugly?

Abel Daniel -- abeld.web.elte.hu

pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: help, creating dynamic treeview

2003-12-29 Thread Abel Daniel

iip  writes:
> Is anyone have experience creating dynamic liststore for browsing
> data? so I can add column or delete column in the list when the
> application run.

>From a bit of experimenting, this is what I found:

making a dynamic liststore like this most likely won't work. If you
make your own TreeModel (by inheriting from gtk.GenericTreeModel or
gtk.ListStore and overriding methods) you will need a on_get_n_columns
method, which should return the number of columns. However, this is
called only once (at least I couldn't make it get called again), so I
don't see any way to tell the treeview that the number of columns has

As a work-around you could create a new model with the required number
of columns, ad use TreeView.set_model() to make the TreeView display
that. (This switch will close all leafs you have opened in the tree,
but as you want a list, and not a tree, that won't affect you.)

Maybe you could avoid having to create treemodels all the time by
making an extensible treemodel you can add columns to(by subclassing
one of the existing ones) and telling the treeview that the treemodel
has changed with TreeView.set_model(model) (i.e. setting the model to
the existing one).

(Note that if you want to change what is displayed, you need to add a
column to the _treeview_, which can be done the same way as adding
columns when you create the treeview, and works fine.)

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: swap rows in TreeView

2003-12-20 Thread Abel Daniel

Johannes Jordens writes:
> I'd like to implement moving a row in a TreeView,
> specifically in a ListStore, up/down via two buttons. I have implemented
> moving the row downwards using the iter_next(iter) function so that
> I have an iter on the row below the one currently selected.
> But: there is no corresponding function to iter_next if one wants to
> have an iter on the preceding row (at least I couldn't find one).
> So I figured that there must be some function to turn an iter into a
> path

I think you need the .get_path(iter) method of TreeModel

(just to make sure: iter_next and similar methods don't move a row,
you have to do that by removing and reinserting the row. But I guess
you already know that :) )

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: creating new signals and keybindings in subclassed widgets

2003-10-25 Thread Abel Daniel

Lorenzo Gil Sanchez  writes:

> Try changing the __init__ method to:
> def __init__(self, model, *a, **kw):
> self.__gobject_init__()
> self.set_model(model)
Gee, thanks a lot, that helped.

> Anyway, I run into other problem: when I type CTRL+Up the signal is
> emitted but this is what i get:
> (widgettest.py:2227): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_binding_entry_activate():
> binding "__main__+HnbTreeView::Up": signal
> "move-to-sibling" in the `__main__+HnbTreeView' class ancestry
> cannot be used for action emissions

Well, adding gobject.SIGNAL_ACTION to the signal's flags made that go
away.  (And in the C code for treeview similar signals, like
'move-cursor' are created with those flags so I guess that's the way
to do it.)

(So it now looks like this:
 'move-to-sibling' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | gobject.SIGNAL_ACTION,
  gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,))

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] creating new signals and keybindings in subclassed widgets

2003-10-24 Thread Abel Daniel

I'm trying to create a modified TreeView which would have a bit
different style of moving around. (Like pressing up and down would
only move to the next sibling and wouldn't move if there are no
siblings in that direction, pressing left would move to the parent
node and close that subtree, etc.)

I thought the best way of doing this is to subclass TreeView, add new
signals (like 'move-to-signal', 'ascend-and-close' etc.) and create
default keybindings.

Just to try out this idea, I wrote the following test:

class HnbTreeView(gtk.TreeView):
""" TreeView with modified keybindings """

 'move-to-sibling' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
def __init__(self, model, *a, **kw):
gtk.TreeView.__init__(self, model, *a, **kw)

def do_move_to_sibling(*a, **kw):
print 'called'
print a
print kw

gtk.binding_entry_add_signal(HnbTreeView, gtk.gdk.keyval_from_name('Up'),
 gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 'move-to-sibling',
 gobject.TYPE_INT, 1)


The gobject tutorial at
mentions that:
If you define custom properties or signals in your new class you can't
call the superclass __init__ method in your __init__ method or it will
overwrite your property definitions. You should call the
__gobject_init__ method instead.

Apparently this is my problem. If I call gtk.TreeView.__init__,
nothing happens, and the new signal is not usable (Control-Up does the
same as Up in itself, and if I try to emit the signal with
treeview.emit(...) I get a "TypeError: unknown signal name".) If I
leave out the call to gtk.TreeView.__init__(), I get a completly blank
widget. (Which does have the new signal as I can with treeview.emit())

Is creating new signals in subclasses of existing widgets impossible?

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: hide certain rows in treeview

2003-10-12 Thread Abel Daniel

Yang Zheng writes:
> Is it possible to not show certain rows in a treeview that is attached
> to a treestore?  I know you can display only certain columns, but what
> if there are some rows in a treestore structure that I do not want to be
> displayed?  Can I set a flag and have it skipped?

I don't know how much this will help, but here are a few links I
happened to bump into:

I found a thread about filtering treeviews. It starts at:
according to:
(in the same thread) it will be in gtk 2.4. In the meantime you might
have to use treemodelfilter from libegg, maybe by wrapping it

In this case
might help.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: problems with TreeView...

2003-09-29 Thread Abel Daniel
Abel Daniel writes:
> Christian Reis  writes:
>> -> FAQ 13.36 (wow, 36 entries)
>> http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq13.036.htp
> Strange, I only see 21 in that category.
Arrgh, you moved them. Sorry.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: problems with TreeView...

2003-09-29 Thread Abel Daniel
Christian Reis  writes:
> -> FAQ 13.36 (wow, 36 entries)
> http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq13.036.htp
Strange, I only see 21 in that category.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: problems with TreeView...

2003-09-28 Thread Abel Daniel

Thomi Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> however, now all the columns display the first name! I'm not sure i completely
> understand this... i associated the correct data with the correct columns in 
> the "model" part of the thing
But you also have to tell the CellRenderer which column to get the
data from. You set up the column with:
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("First Name", renderer, text=1)
#   ^^
There with 'text=1' you tell the column to get the text from column 1
of the model. (Column numbers start with 0, so the column 1 in your
model is the 'first_name'.)

So you should have 'text=0' for the first column, 'text=1' for the
next, and so on. And if you want to avoid repetitive code, you can do
something like:
  column_headers=['EID', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Home Phone', 'Cell Phone']
  for i in range(5):
  renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
  column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(column_headers[i], renderer, text=i)
Instead of repeating that three lines five times.

Also, where you load the data into the ListStore, you have the line:
  for i in range(4):
Don't you want range(5) instead? range(4) is [0, 1, 2, 3] so you'll
get four columns, but it seems like you want 5.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: A question about gtk.TreeView

2003-09-11 Thread Abel Daniel
"Jeff Cutsinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  [...drag & drop not working...]
> class PlaylistModel(g.ListStore):
>   ...snip...
>   def drag_data_received(self, dest, selection_data):
> rox.info(str(dest))
> rox.info(str(selection_data))
> return g.FALSE
>   def row_drop_possible(self, dest, data):
> return g.TRUE
> def window(player):
>   ...
>   tree=g.TreeView(model=PlaylistModel(player))
>   ...
>   tree.enable_model_drag_dest([('text/uri-list', 0, 0)], gdk.ACTION_COPY |
This is just a wild guess, but shouldn't you call those two
on_drag_data_received() and
on_row_drop_possible() ?

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: Creating custom CellRenderer

2003-09-11 Thread Abel Daniel
Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think I know where is your problem. I just compared your code with
> Johan code and look what he does in his on_render method:
> def on_render(...):
> x_offset, y_offset, width, height = self.on_get_size(widget,
> cell_area)
> So that's why the method on_get_size is called the second time with a
> valid value for cell_area.
> Hope it helps
No it doesnt. Whatever on_get_size returns at that call has no effect on the
size of the cell. (Since the return value is used in on_render and not by the
TreeView or whatever gtk code.)

I think I would need a way to set the size of the cell, but I see nothing like
that in the API docs. Is there something I could use for this?

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Re: Creating custom CellRenderer

2003-09-10 Thread Abel Daniel
Lorenzo Gil Sanchez writes:
> I think you should check if cell_area is None in your on_get_size()
> method because IIRC only the first time that is called it is None. I
> don't know why btw.
The problem is that it isn't called again, no matter what I do with the
window (iconize, resize, etc.).

Does this mean that it is impossible to create a CellRenderer that adjustes
it's height according to it's width?

> http://www.daa.com.au/pipermail/pygtk/2003-January/004239.html
that was where I started from when creating mine.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

[pygtk] Creating custom CellRenderer

2003-09-03 Thread Abel Daniel


As a beginner pygtk user, I'm trying to make a TreeView which has
multi-line cells. Each node would contain about 1-4 lines of text. If
I were to use a gtk.CellRendererText, only 1 line would be visible,
and the user would have to scroll horizontally to see the rest of the
text. I want the full text to be visible, by having it wrap if it is
more than one line.

The best solution would be using a TextView as a CellRenderer. But it
looks like normal widgets can't be used like that. (Is there a reason
for this? One would think that CellRenderers would be very similar to
normal widgets.)

So I guess my best bet is making a custom CellRenderer. I thought
something like this would work:

import pygtk

import gtk
import gobject
import pango

class MyCellRenderer(gtk.GenericCellRenderer):
def __init__(self):
def on_render(self, window, widget, background_area,
  cell_area, expose_area, flags):
context = widget.get_pango_context()
layout = pango.Layout(context)
widget.style.paint_layout(window, gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.TRUE,
  cell_area, widget, 'footext',
  cell_area.x, cell_area.y,

def on_get_size(self, widget, cell_area):
return 0,0,100,100 # return something big enough


class Tree(gtk.TreeView):
def __init__(self):
self.store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING,
self.set_size_request(300, 200)

rend = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('First', rend, text=0)

rend = MyCellRenderer()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Second', rend)

def insert(self, name):
iter = self.store.append()
   0, name)

long_string="""long-long string for testing asdf asdf asdf asdf adsf asdf asdf
 asdasdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf
w = gtk.Window()
w.connect('delete-event', gtk.mainquit)
t = Tree()


The immedate problem is that layout.set_width() apparently expects
something other than pixels. If I do layout.set_width(20),
get_pixel_size() will return a width of 195 pixels. I couldn't find
anything in the documentation about the units set_width() expects or
how to convert number of pixels to it.
Where is this documented, and how could I handle the conversion?

Even if I somehow manage to convert pixels to this unit system, I will
have another problem:
I want the width of the text to adjust to the width of the TreeView
widget. The height of the text should adjust to the amount of text in
that given node. The problem is, that as I understand it, the
CellRenderer has to calculate the size needed in on_get_size(). But I
couldn't find a way to get the size of the TreeWidget (or rather, the
size left for the cell after indentation, the little icon showing
expandedness, etc.) in that method. cell_area is None there. I can
access the width of the cell from on_render(), (it seems to be
cell_area.width)  but I don't see a way to change the height of the
cell there. 
Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks in advance,
Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/