[PyKDE] PyKDE Factoids

2004-05-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
In looking for DCOP-enabled KDE apps tonight, I ran across cxxmetric in 
kde3/bin, which will compute the number of code lines/comments/blank lines in 
a set of h/cpp files.

Running it on PyKDE shows a little over 1.25 million lines of C++ code. That's 
excluding comments or blank lines. There's some duplication of h files in the 
various module subdirectories and extra/, but I'd guess that still puts PyKDE 
over 1 million LOC (and there are more modules coming)

Those are mostly generated automatically by sip of course - I doubt the amount 
of actual written lines of C++ code is more that a few thousand lines. PyKDE 
binds about 700 classes and over 10,000 methods..

Now you know why it takes so long to compile.



Re: [PyKDE] dcop

2004-05-25 Thread Jim Bublitz
On Tuesday 25 May 2004 20:22, Amand Tihon wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been playing with pyKDE and DCOP these last few days, and I must say
> it is not really easy. The main problem being I haven't been able to find
> any documentation (as soon as I have something working, I'll put it on the
> wiki).
> Up to now, I've managed to implement void functions.
> But either there's something I didn't understand, or the python prototype
> of DCOPObject.process() should be reviewed.
> Currently, the replyType and replyData are passed as arguments (as it is in
> C++). Their types are respectively QCString and QByteArray.
> The replyType is not a real problem, as I can set it with the setStr()
> method. However, pyKDE offers very few ways to interract with a QByteArray.
> And since it is passed as reference, I cannot build one from a python
> string.
> I'd like to be able to return at least a bool, an int, a QCString or a
> QCStringList. I've already tried to play with some QDataStream, etc, but
> pyKDE doesn't support the stream operators << and >>, and I couldn't obtain
> any result.
> Perhaps the process() method should return a tuple of (bool, [something]) ?
> I don't know if it would be perfect, though.
> Does anyone know how to solve this ?

It always cheers me up when someone asks about something I'm in the middle of.
I basically got a PyKDE-adapted version of pydcop (from kde-bindings - written 
by Torben Weis and Julian Rockey) working this afternoon. Here's the basic 
code to call a DCOP method and get the result back:

[methods from kicker/Panel are int panelSize () and 
void addURLButton (QString)]

app = KApplication (...)

d = DCOPApplication ("kicker, app.dcopClient ())
ok, pSize = d.Panel.panelSize () # pSize gets the int from the call
ok =  d.Panel.addURLButton (QString ("http://kde.org";))

(the QString (...) may not be required - haven't tested it yet).

That's all that's required. The dcop extension (one .py file and two global 
functions added to the PyKDE kdecore lib) will take care of marshalling the 
arguments (you have to provide the correct argument value types and count), 
calling the function and demarshalling the replyData. The underlying methods 
are available if you want to/need to do it the hard way. The kdecore 
functions allow you to easily pack and unpack a QByteArray (using a 

No << or >> operators yet though (function calls instead) - maybe in the 
future, although the interface above makes them un-needed. You need to borrow 
the dcopClient instance from a KApplication (the second param in the 
DCOPApplication call).

The methods above always return at least a bool ('ok' - the status value from 
the DCOP call -True== success, False == Failure), and a value if the method 
isn't void.

I'm in the process of figuring what types to support, but most of the common 
Qt and KDE classes that DCOP uses will be supported - for the most part 
supporting a type is trivial. Not sure about the template types yet (for 
example, QMap). Also, docs are needed and I need to decide if some exceptions 
are required or if what's already there is sufficient.

I already had the basic QByteArray/QDataStream code done, and with what PyKDE 
has available plus the elegant interface the KDE guys named above wrote (and 
I stole) it's a pretty slick little package. Not much code at all.

It may not be finished for the next PyKDE release, but I'll probably include 
it anyway, as it's pretty usable already.  I still have to look at handling 
the various string types (transparently I hope) and passing in things like 
lists or dicts from Python. There should be something available in a couple 
of weeks.

The other things I haven't looked at yet at all are DCOP enabling apps you 
write using PyKDE or handling DCOP signals, but there's code I can steal for 
that too.



[PyKDE] dcop

2004-05-25 Thread Amand Tihon

I've been playing with pyKDE and DCOP these last few days, and I must say it 
is not really easy. The main problem being I haven't been able to find any 
documentation (as soon as I have something working, I'll put it on the wiki).

Up to now, I've managed to implement void functions.

But either there's something I didn't understand, or the python prototype of 
DCOPObject.process() should be reviewed. 

Currently, the replyType and replyData are passed as arguments (as it is in 
C++). Their types are respectively QCString and QByteArray.
The replyType is not a real problem, as I can set it with the setStr() method.
However, pyKDE offers very few ways to interract with a QByteArray. And since 
it is passed as reference, I cannot build one from a python string.

I'd like to be able to return at least a bool, an int, a QCString or a 
QCStringList. I've already tried to play with some QDataStream, etc, but 
pyKDE doesn't support the stream operators << and >>, and I couldn't obtain 
any result.

Perhaps the process() method should return a tuple of (bool, [something]) ? I 
don't know if it would be perfect, though.

Does anyone know how to solve this ?


Amand Tihon

Description: signature

[PyKDE] Systray icons in PyQt

2004-05-25 Thread Torsten Marek
Hello all,
for a project of mine, I need a systray icon. I know that it is possible 
to get a one with PyKDE and there is a solution for PyGtk, but not for 
PyQt itself. But the code is rather easy and I found out that the ppl of 
qjackcontrol implemented a systray icon in Qt for themselves, using the 
spec + sample code from freedesktop.org (sorry, but I'm too lazy right 
know to find out all the links). All you need to do is to call some 
functions in libX11.so. For that, you need the Display 
(qt_x11_display()) and the WindowID (QWidget.winId())

So far, there are several ways to do the C calls from Python:
- extension module
- Pyrex
- ctypes
I chose the ctypes way and after some hassle (mostly typos!), I got it 
to actually work. It's not very advanced by now. To try it out, just 
replace the icon filename with something icon on your system. I put in 
all values in good faith and they are poorly documented right now, but 
I'll fix that later on.

I'll go to bed now
Torsten Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ID: A244C858 -- FP: 1902 0002 5DFC 856B F146  894C 7CC5 451E A244 C858
www.keyserver.net -- wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net
import sys
import qt
from ctypes import *

class SystrayIcon(qt.QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent = None, name = ""):
qt.QLabel.__init__(self, parent, name, qt.Qt.WMouseNoMask | qt.Qt.WRepaintNoErase | qt.Qt.WType_TopLevel | qt.Qt.WStyle_Customize | qt.Qt.WStyle_NoBorder | qt.Qt.WStyle_StaysOnTop)
self.setMinimumSize(22, 22);

libX11 = cdll.LoadLibrary("/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so")
# get all functions, set arguments + return types
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay = libX11.XDefaultScreenOfDisplay
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.argtypes = [c_void_p]
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay.restype = c_void_p

XScreenNumberOfScreen = libX11.XScreenNumberOfScreen
XScreenNumberOfScreen.argtypes = [c_void_p]

XInternAtom = libX11.XInternAtom
XInternAtom.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int]

XGrabServer = libX11.XGrabServer
XGrabServer.argtypes = [c_void_p]

XGetSelectionOwner = libX11.XGetSelectionOwner
XGetSelectionOwner.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int]

XSelectInput = libX11.XSelectInput
XSelectInput.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_long]

XUngrabServer = libX11.XUngrabServer
XUngrabServer.argtypes = [c_void_p]

XFlush = libX11.XFlush
XFlush.argtypes = [c_void_p]

# XClientMessageEvent
class data(Union):
_fields_ = [("b", c_char * 20),
("s", c_short * 10),
("l", c_long * 5)]
class XClientMessageEvent(Structure):
_fields_ = [("type", c_int),
("serial", c_ulong),
("send_event", c_int),
("display", c_void_p),
("window", c_int),
("message_type", c_int),
("format", c_int),
("data", data)]
# XEvent struct
class XEvent(Union):
_fields_ = [("xclient", XClientMessageEvent)]

XSendEvent = libX11.XSendEvent
XSendEvent.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_long, c_void_p]
XSync = libX11.XSync
XSync.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int]

dpy = int(qt.qt_xdisplay())
trayWin  = self.winId();

print "mywinid: 0x%x" % trayWin

screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy)
iscreen = XScreenNumberOfScreen(screen)
selectionAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S%i" % iscreen, 0)
managerWin = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, selectionAtom)
print "managerWin: 0x%x" % managerWin
if managerWin != 0:
XSelectInput(dpy, managerWin, 1L << 17)
print managerWin
if managerWin != 0:
k = data()
k.l = (0, 0, trayWin, 0, 0)
ev = XClientMessageEvent(33, #type
 0, # serial
 0, # send_event
 dpy, # display
 managerWin, # window
 XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", 0), # message type
 32, # format
XSendEvent(dpy, managerWin, 0, 0, addressof(ev))
XSync(dpy, 0)

img = qt.QImage("/usr/share/rattlesnake/pixmaps/rattlesnake64.png")
pm = qt.QPixmap()
pm.convertFromImage(img.smoothScale(22, 22), 0)

Re: [PyKDE] Implementing un-enabled Qt modules

2004-05-25 Thread Gordon Tyler
Eron Lloyd wrote:
How difficult would it be to provide wrappers for modules in Qt currently not 
enabled in PyQt, such as XML and Networking? In developing applications, I 
can see the benefits of having a single API for even these items as opposed 
to the python equivalents.
Since your application is written in Python and will be the same across 
all platforms, why not use the Python XML and networking APIs? They're 
more "pythonic" and should be easier to use than the designed-for-C++ Qt 


[PyKDE] Implementing un-enabled Qt modules

2004-05-25 Thread Eron Lloyd
How difficult would it be to provide wrappers for modules in Qt currently not 
enabled in PyQt, such as XML and Networking? In developing applications, I 
can see the benefits of having a single API for even these items as opposed 
to the python equivalents.


[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]


[PyKDE] Scribbling on QTextEdit/QTextBrowser

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Sparks

I'm playing with PyQT under Linux at the moment... I'm wondering - is
there a way of mixing _something like_ QPainter with both/either
QTextEdit/QTextBrowser. The scenario I'm thinking of is scribbling notes
on these as annotations.  (for example running on a PDA/tablet PC2)
Something similar to DHTML layers would be the ideal sort of scenario...

The question I have is this - is this possible with PyQT?

I've looked at the QGL overlay stuff, but this seems to be very dependent
on facilities in your display system. (That wouldn't be a problem, but it
appears the X-Server for my graphics card is one of the ones that doesn't
support overlay!)

Failing that, does anyone know of a way of anchoring something like a
QPainter widget inside QTextEdit/QTextBrowser in the same way you would
anchor an image ? (This might actually be a more appropriate approach IMO)

Any comments/pointers very much appreciated :)



Re: [PyKDE] 10.0 official rpms for PyKDE

2004-05-25 Thread Steve Simmons
On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 10:03:59AM -0700, Jim Bublitz wrote:

> That being the case, I'd be shooting myself in the foot by doing a release 
> ahead of the official KDE 3.3 rpms and not testing against those. Usually, I 
> only build against the latest KDE on SuSE, but test earlier versions against 
> Mdk and RH. 

Well, if I wasn't convinced this was in good hands before I certianly
am now.  I'll wait patiently for SuSE rpms that will be ready, well,
when they're ready.

Thanks for the work, Jim.

Steve Simmons
   Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman
she meets and then teams up with three complete stangers to kill again.
-- TV listing for the movie, The Wizard of Oz, in the Marin Paper.


Re: [PyKDE] 10.0 official rpms for PyKDE

2004-05-25 Thread Paul Evans
On Tuesday 25 May 2004 10:03, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> > The problem is that during the last couple of weeks there was not a
> > single day when all of the parts of the whole were stable at the same
> > time ;-)
> I believe you'll find that mentioned in the Book of Revelations as sign of
> the end of the world. :)

I think it's actually '1st Bublitz, Ch 3, verses 7-9' :-)

I was only asking, because I'm not as handy as many on this list and I often 
have a tough time compiling it all, so I really dread when I have to install 
something elsewhere.

I've used chkinstall before to make rpms, but then the target box seems to 
need to be *just* like mine or it will fail to install.

Regards, Paul Evans


Re: [PyKDE] Newbie MDI question

2004-05-25 Thread Gordon Tyler
John Fabiani wrote:
When I create a QMainWindow (my main window) I add my menu's etc...from 
my menu actions I want to open a window in the space below the menu.  
The type of window is the question.  Is the type of the new window also 
a QMainWindow (my child window)without menu's?  If this is correct - can 
the child window receive events from the main window menu/toolbar 
etc...  If not what is the correct type of window do I use?
Your main window should contain a single QWorkspace widget which is then 
the container for QWidgets which are rendered as MDI child windows.

For more information: http://doc.trolltech.com/3.2/qworkspace.html

[PyKDE] Newbie MDI question

2004-05-25 Thread John Fabiani
I'm a newbie (not only with PyQT but also Python).  But I do have 
experience with M$ windows Visual FoxPro. So in the VFP world we use a 
MDI format for our programs.  I'd like to continue this practice.  So 
the question:

When I create a QMainWindow (my main window) I add my menu's etc...from 
my menu actions I want to open a window in the space below the menu.  
The type of window is the question.  Is the type of the new window also 
a QMainWindow (my child window)without menu's?  If this is correct - can 
the child window receive events from the main window menu/toolbar 
etc...  If not what is the correct type of window do I use? 

I know this may sound a little to simple but all the other GUI systems I 
have looked at used a different window type for child windows.


Re: [PyKDE] 10.0 official rpms for PyKDE

2004-05-25 Thread Jim Bublitz

> Same with the "unofficial" SUSE RPMs.

> My target is to build a set of upgraded "Qt/KDE Python tools" including
> Python 2.3.4, SIP 4.0, the latest stable PyQt, PyKDE 3.11, and Eric 3.4.2.

> The problem is that during the last couple of weeks there was not a
> single day when all of the parts of the whole were stable at the same
> time ;-)

I believe you'll find that mentioned in the Book of Revelations as sign of the 
end of the world. :)

> It would be great if we could get the "Python tools" in sync with the
> next major KDE release (3.3), i.e. at the time KDE is released the
> upgreaded Python bindings are available, too ...

KDE 3.2.3 is due in the next few weeks (last time I looked at the KDE release 
schedule), and the next PyKDE release should be ready very shortly after 
that.  Phil has just released sip 3.10.2 (which the next PyKDE release will 
require) and hopefully the last sip4 rc (which PyKDE should work with), so 
sip 4.0 should be fairly close. Phil is also planning a PyQt update shortly. 
So everything should be in sync then.

From what I've looked at, KDE 3.3 won't change a lot in kdelibs (which is all 
PyKDE cares about), and I'm planning on tracking the betas and rc releases. 
If the last kdelibs 3.3rc is binary compatible with the final release, I 
could have PyKDE complete *before* the final. But then in theory, 3.3 is 
supposed to be binary compatible with 3.2, I believe.

The problem in doing that is that the final rpms from SuSE, Mankdrake and 
whatever RH/Fedora is doing now are never compatible with "official" KDE 
source code (I get the source either from kde.org or uk.kde.org) - eg 
KFileShare::setShared on SuSE 3.1.x later rpm releases, similar stuff on Mdk 
or RH, QXEmbed with some distros, etc. It only takes one modified or deleted 
method to make PyKDE essentially unusable - PyKDE binds nearly every method 
in the kdelibs modules it supports, which most apps don't do. 

That being the case, I'd be shooting myself in the foot by doing a release 
ahead of the official KDE 3.3 rpms and not testing against those. Usually, I 
only build against the latest KDE on SuSE, but test earlier versions against 
Mdk and RH. 

I have enough problems when I do test (eg, the current problems with kdeui not 
finding kdefx on Mdk 10.0, which doesn't happen on Mdk 9.x, any SuSE after 
8.1 or RH9.x). 

With PyKDE now up-to-date with sip and PyQt and vice versa (which wasn't the 
case earlier in the year), it shouldn't take much more than a week to have a 
KDE3.3 version available.



Re: [PyKDE] QWaitCondition seems to cause deadlock

2004-05-25 Thread Phil Thompson
On Tuesday 25 May 2004 1:14 pm, Shin-ichi MORITA wrote:
> Hi,
> I found another one ...
> QThread.wait() dosen't have /ReleaseGIL/ as well.
> I hope this is the last.

Thanks - just made it for 3.12.



Re: [PyKDE] Hoping this would be the correct forum for pyqt

2004-05-25 Thread Phil Thompson
On Tuesday 25 May 2004 2:39 pm, John Fabiani wrote:
> Just wondering - did I join the correct forum?  I'm looking for the PYQT
> list/forum - is this it?
> John




[PyKDE] Hoping this would be the correct forum for pyqt

2004-05-25 Thread John Fabiani
Just wondering - did I join the correct forum?  I'm looking for the PYQT 
list/forum - is this it? 


Re: [PyKDE] QWaitCondition seems to cause deadlock

2004-05-25 Thread Shin-ichi MORITA

I found another one ...
QThread.wait() dosen't have /ReleaseGIL/ as well.

I hope this is the last.

> It
> > looks like it's missing 
> > on QMutex.lock() as well. Tonight's snapshot
> should
> > be fixed.

Do You Yahoo!?


Re: [PyKDE] 10.0 official rpms for PyKDE

2004-05-25 Thread Joachim Werner
Simon Edwards schrieb:
On Monday 24 May 2004 08:04, Paul Evans wrote:
Hi Simon,
Have you made any moves that way or...?

I was planning to spit RPMs out once PyKDE has been declared stable and 
Same with the "unofficial" SUSE RPMs.
My target is to build a set of upgraded "Qt/KDE Python tools" including 
Python 2.3.4, SIP 4.0, the latest stable PyQt, PyKDE 3.11, and Eric 3.4.2.

The problem is that during the last couple of weeks there was not a 
single day when all of the parts of the whole were stable at the same 
time ;-)

It would be great if we could get the "Python tools" in sync with the 
next major KDE release (3.3), i.e. at the time KDE is released the 
upgreaded Python bindings are available, too ...

If we are in sync with KDE (which implies that we are also in sync with 
the SUSE LINUX release schedules) I can make official SUSE packages. 
That's much harder (or even impossible) inbetween releases.

My main focus here is on SIP/PyQt/PyKDE. Those should be in sync. 
Changing the Python version or updating to a new Eric is less pain ...

As I can see from the KDE 3.3 feature plan that Simon has already opted 
to take care of this ;-)

Joachim Werner