Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-27 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-25 11:30:12 -0500, Mario S. Mommer said:

In the realm of pure logic, ad hominems are logically invalid,

We don't live in the realm of pure logic (whatever that would mean - 
pretty sure no human beings exist in the realm of pure logic, so there 
is no homo hominis to make an ad hominem argument against in the land 
of pure logic...)

Here in the real world, no amount of the rigid application of pure 
logic is going to substitute for the very necessary social skill of 
inferring the motives of a participant to a debate.

Again, not all ad hominem arguments are ad hominem fallacies. JH has 
repeatedly trumpeted the virtues of languages whose adoption by others 
brings him financial gain, and repeatedly made pejorative statements 
about other languages in newsgroups for these other langauges, in a 
clear attempt to drum up clients for his training consultancy.

Pure logic alone won't help you here; the ordinary human social skill 
of inferring a person's motives does.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-24 16:19:49 -0500, toby said:

And furthermore, he has cooties.

Once again, not all ad hominem arguments are ad hominem fallacies. 
Financial conflict of interest is a prime example of a perfectly valid 
ad hominem argument.

People who parse patterns but not semantics are apt to fall into the 
error of believing that "ad hominem" automatically means "logically 
invalid." This is not the case.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-24 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-23 11:34:14 -0500, Keith H Duggar said:

You don't understand the implications of your own words:

   "having a financial interest in the outcome of a debate makes
   anything that person says an advertisement for his financial
   interests, not a fair assessment."

is substantially different from

   "render his arguments in the debate inherently suspect."

They are substantially the same, your jesuitical nit-picking 
notwithstanding; JH is an untrustworthy source on matters relating to 
the languages he sells training for.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-23 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-23 10:08:12 -0500, Keith H Duggar said:

There is a well-known name for such illogical reasoning: ad hominem.

You don't understand ad hominem:

"The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy,[2] but it is not always 
fallacious. For in some instances, questions of personal conduct, 
character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.[3]"

Source: <>

Sometimes the person's conduct and motives *are relevant* to the point 
under discussion. Financial conflict of interest is a perfect example 
where it *is* legitimate and relevant to explore a person's motives and 
conduct outside of the debate.

In this case, JH's conduct outside of the debate (i.e., the fact that 
he earns his living by selling tools and training for a particular set 
of languages) and his motives (i.e., he is therefore financially 
motivated to present these languages in the best possible light and to 
trash-talk other languages), render his arguments in the debate 
inherently suspect.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-22 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-22 11:25:34 -0500, scattered said:

And you don't think that [JH] could write a book about Haskell
if he honestly came to think that it were a superior all-aroung

Until he actually does, he has a financial interest in trash-talking 
Haskell. This makes anything he says about Haskell suspect.

 The fact that he *didn't* mindlessly reject [musical note lang] in favor of
[Irish Ship Of The Desert] when [musical note lang] came out (despite 
the fact that at the time his company
was deeply (exclusively?) invested in [Irish Ship Of The Desert] and 
arguably had a vested
interest in having [musical note lang] fail to gain support) suggests 
that he is able

to fairly evaluate the merits of other languages.

No, it suggests that he saw that supporting the Irish Ship Of The 
Desert meant going up against Microsoft, so he jumped to the MS 
supported variant of the Donut Dromedary.

You miss the fundamental point; having a financial interest in the 
outcome of a debate makes anything that person says an advertisement 
for his financial interests, not a fair assessment.

Doubtless he has
biases, but there is no reason to think that they are any greater than
the bias of any programmer who has invested substantial amounts of
time in becoming fluent in a particular language.

Just the opposite. A person who makes his living by being paid to 
program in a language he has developed some expertise in (rather than 
selling books on it and training for it) has no financial interest in 
seeing others develop expertise in it - they would just represent 
competition. By contrast, one who sells training and books for a 
language profits directly when others take an interest in that 
language. Their financial interests are in fact opposite.

JH profits when people take an interest in languages he sells training 
for; a working lisp programmer sees additional *competition* when 
someone else develops expertise in common lisp.

But an advocate isn't a judge. Nobody is handing down binding
decisions here - they are just advocating their positions.

Now you're arguing our point; JH is an *advocate* with a clear conflict 
of interest which prevents him from presenting anything but the most 
one sided, and therefore largely useless, assessment. His writing 
should be seen as a paid advertisement, not as a fair treatment of 
programming languages.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-22 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-22 08:12:27 -0500, said:

All opinions are biased.

All opinions show some bias. Not all opinions represent what is usually 
called a "conflict of interest." Since JH makes his living selling 
tools and training for certain languages, he has a severe conflict of 
interest wrt asessing the value of various other languages. If these 
other languages are just as good or better than those he makes his 
living from, it would be very damaging to his livlihood for him to 
admit this fact. As a result, he is a completely unreliable source on 
the question.

This is why judges must recuse themselves from both civil and criminal 
trials if they have some significant conflict of interest. The law 
recognizes that we cannot expect a fair judgement from someone who 
stands to profit significantly if the judgement goes one way or the 
other. Similarly, we cannot expect a fair judgement on the relative 
value of various language tools from a person whose livlihood depends 
on the audience choosing only those certain language tools that he 
sells services and training for.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: "Strong typing vs. strong testing"

2010-10-01 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-10-01 22:44:11 -0400, Paul Rubin said:

I have no idea what that fancy algorithm is doing, but the number it
prints appears to be the 2000th Fibonacci number rather than the 1000th.

I think you're mistaken. fib(0) = 0, fib(1) = 1, fib(2) = 1, fib(3) = 2 
... fib(11)= 89 ...
fib(1000) = 


you like we can do it iteratively instead, which, as in haskel, takes 
no perceptible time:

CL-USER 133 > (defun fib (x)
   (if (< x 1) 0
  repeat x
  for previous = 0 then result
  and result = 1 then (+ result previous)
  finally (return result

CL-USER 134 > (compile 'fib)

CL-USER 135 > (time (fib 1000))
Timing the evaluation of (FIB 1000)

User time=0.000
System time  =0.000
Elapsed time =0.000
Allocation   = 60088 bytes
0 Page faults


relevant points are:

1. common lisp implementations produce fast code
2. the result of fib(1000) is going to overflow c integer types

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: "Strong typing vs. strong testing"

2010-10-01 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-10-01 16:47:02 -0400, BartC said:

I had a quick look at Lisp to see if your claims had any basis. I tried 
this program:

(defun fib (n)
   (if (< n 2)
   (+ n (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)) )

But it gave the wrong results and it took ages to figure out why. Even 
after downloading a working version for comparison, it's was difficult 
to spot the extraneous 'n' (I think I was concentrating on getting the 
round brackets all in the right places).

I saw it immediately, but I'm familiar with lisp and you are not - 
those two parentheses (what you call "round brackets") on a line by 
themselves are a dead giveaway.

I thought you were saying that Lisp (and dynamic typing in general) was 
better for pointing out errors? The above error in C would have been 
picked up more easily I think (due to less parentheses clutter, and 
more obvious separators between terms).

As for speed, executing fib(38) took about 60 seconds on my machine 
(gnu clisp with no switches set). (Compared with 3.5 seconds, for my 
own interpreted, dynamic language, and 0.6 seconds for C.)

Compiled lisp is fast, but you need to actually compile it:

CL-USER 96 > (defun fib (n)
(declare (optimize speed (debug 0)))
(if (< n 2)
  (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)

CL-USER 97 > (compile 'fib)

CL-USER 98 > (time (fib 38))
Timing the evaluation of (FIB 38)

User time=0.888
System time  =0.002
Elapsed time =0.877
Allocation   = 142568 bytes
0 Page faults

which is in the same range as your .6 seconds for your equivalent c program.

What happens when you want fib(1000) or fib(100)? Then the naive 
recursive version isn't very useful (it's just too slow), and the 
result is going to overflow c integer types.

in lisp:

CL-USER 118 > (defun fact (n) (if (zerop n) 1 (* n (fact (1- n)

CL-USER 119 > (defun fib (n)
   (/ (loop for k from 1 to n by 2
sum (/ (* (expt 5 (/ (1- k) 2)) (fact n))
   (fact k) (fact (- n k
  (expt 2 (1- n

CL-USER 120 > (compile 'fact)

CL-USER 121 > (compile 'fib)

CL-USER 122 > (time (fib 1000))
Timing the evaluation of (FIB 1000)

User time=0.760
System time  =0.007
Elapsed time =0.748
Allocation   = 474522008 bytes
147 Page faults




Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-26 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-26 17:04:23 -0400, Roy Smith  said:

needs to have a very highly developed sense of theoretical purity to look
down their noses at the language that drives one of the highest volume web
sites on the planet.

It's nothing to do with theoretical purity and everything to do with 
practicality. php has a limited range of utility. Within that range, 
it's clearly quite useful. Python is useful for a greater range of 
tasks which makes it a more generally useful (and in this sense, 
better) language.

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-26 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-26 09:16:39 -0400, (Aahz) said:

There are plenty of expert C++
programmers who switched to Python;

"plenty" is an absolute term, not a relative term. I sincerely doubt 
that the majority of python users were formerly *expert* C++ 

your thesis only applies to the
legions of people who found it difficult to learn C++ in the first place.

No, my thesis applies to the overwhelming majority of programmers who 
found it more difficult to *master* (i.e., not merely use) C++ as 
opposed to mastering python. BTW, this is a *complement* not a dis; 
python is a better language than C++ precisely because it is more 
sensibly and elegantly designed than C++ and therefore easier to master.

php represents the same process but farther down the ladder, as it 
were. There's often a tradeoff between ease of mastery and power. 
python hits a sweet spot for many tasks and many programmers, 
especially as compared to C++ (or even lisp, which though more powerful 
than python is more difficult to master. lisp beats C++ on both counts 
imho - more powerful *and* easier to master). php hits a sweet spot 
only in a very restricted domain. Beyond that, it is clearly inferior 
to python which has greater power, but is more difficult to master.

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-25 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-25 00:55:26 -0400, Carl Banks  said:

But please don't put it on the same level as PHP.  Their situations
have almost nothing in common.

Their situations have much in common; Python attracted programmers away 
from (for example) C++, becuse python is easier to master; Then php 
came along and attracted programmers away from (for example) python, 
because php is easier to master.

This doesn't mean they're on the same level - in fact, if you read 
carefully you'll see my original post said as much: python attracted 
average programmers; php attracted mediocre programmers and even some 
non-programmers, which means that php is clearly a lesser language than 

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-24 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-23 23:51:02 -0400, Carl Banks  said:

On Jul 23, 5:52 pm, Rui Maciel  wrote:

fft1976 wrote:

How do you explain that something as inferior as Python beat Lisp in
the market place despite starting 40 years later.

Probably due to similar reasons that lead php to become remotely relevant


Well, the only reason PHP became relevant because it was an


 (emphasis added)

deploy solution in a single application domain, the web, that happened
to explode.

i.e., Python "beat" lisp because it is ~70% of lisp in a form that is 
much more palatable to the average programmer, just as php became 
popular because it is powerful enough to do websites and, most 
importantly, apprehensible to mediocre programmers and even some 

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-24 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-23 13:15:00 -0400, Isaac Gouy  said:

I get
the feeling I'm missing the joke?

Yes, you are missing the joke. The point is that if python is 60x 
slower than C, even if there were not a GIL, it would require running 
the python program on a 60 core machine just reach parity with C. The 
existence of the GIL means that in reality you'd probably need a 
several hundred core machine running python just to equal what C can do 
on one core. Hence the 13375p34k pseudo quote - "teh slowness on all ur 

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2009-07-21 19:06:02 -0400, Neil Hodgson 

   Python uses native threads.

So it can be teh-slowness on all ur cores!


The global interpreter lock doesn't help much either.

Raffael Cavallaro


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-21 05:37:27 -0400, milanj  said:

Someone should mention Clozure CL -
As you can see there is os x, freebsd, linux, solaris and windows port
and all of them use native threads (python still use green threads ?)
and development is pretty alive, they did planty of developing last
year[s], ccl licence permits you to deliver closed source programs ...
CCL is promising bright feature to CL since looks like the insist of
building stable implementation across most arch in use today

Hear, hear!
Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Lisp for the C21

2007-05-05 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2007-05-04 11:32:14 -0400, Paul Rubin  said:

> Anyone who didn't love lisp in the 20th century has no heart.
> Anyone who still loves it in the 21st, has no head.

By the same logic we should all be conservative Republicans. Given this 
implication, I'll stick with lisp, thanks.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 12:52:34 -0500, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Implementing pattern matching does not mean imitating Haskell or OCaml.

We were explicitly comparing lisp with haskell and ocaml. Adding 
features built into haskell and ocaml but not present in ANSI common 
lisp would therefore constitute imitating haskell and ocaml in the 
context of this discussion. Surely you don't think I'm unaware of the 
fact that haskell and ocaml weren't the first languages to use some 
form of pattern matching. I acutally used SNOBOL once upon a time.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 12:49:46 -0500, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> For example, when faced with a problem best solved using pattern matching
> in Lisp, most Lisp programmers would reinvent an ad-hoc, informally
> specified and bug-ridden pattern matcher of their own.

No, I think most of us would use an exising lisp pattern matcher, like 

>> By asking this question you've implicitly admitted that to solve it *as
>> he thought of it* in a pure functional language would require
>> reconceptualizing it (i.e., the aforementioned "jumping through
>> hoops").
> You are saying that solving it as he solved it requires a different
> solution. How does that make Lisp any different to the next language?

Give kenny some credit for not being a complete idiot. Cells was 
originally designed to keep UI elements in sync with an internal 
application model. The UI domain is I/O, i.e., a side effect. To do 
this lazily invites situations where an inherently unpredictable user 
action forces a complex series of constraints to be computed before 
anything can be displayed to the user, so the user must wait while the 
lazy system catches up. To do this eagerly means that at any time, any 
unpredictable user action will cause already computed state to be 
displayed, because everything has been kept up to date automatically 
all along.

I'm saying that he conceived of the problem in the most natural way - 
state with mutations - and implemented it that way. He was not forced 
by his language to reconceive it purely functionally, have haskell 
implement the default lazy semantics, only to require the programmer to 
find an escape hatch from this default laziness since what he really 
wants is eager evaluation of side effects (i.e., I/O - syncing of model 
state with GUI display).

People habitually think of the world as state and mutations of state. 
We've been doing so for a minimum of tens of thousands of years, quite 
possibly a million or more. People are good at thinking about mutation. 
Maybe this should tell us something about the desirability of certain 
programming language semantics and that referential transparency is a 
bit overrated.

>> We don't want to reconceptualize everything according to a particular 
>> paradigm, we want the flexibility to write the solution to
>> the problem in the terms we think and talk about it, not the
>> procrustean bed of pure functional semantics.
> Of the programming paradigms that can be implemented in Lisp, Lisp doesn't
> exactly make them easy. Moreover, every time you pick a random Lisp library
> off the wall to implement some feature already found in most other
> languages, you fragment the already tiny user base into even fewer people.

Not all lisp programmers will be solving the same sorts of problems as 
each other, so naturally they'll be using different sets of libraries. 
This use of different sets of libraries for different tasks doesn't 
constitute laguage fragmentation.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 07:54:28 -0500, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> After all,
> Haskell and OCaml are more popular that any given Lisp variant with similar
> features (e.g. pattern matching), AFAIK.

What doublespeak!

haskell and ocaml are more popular than any lisp library that tries to 
imitate Haskell and ocaml. So what! This only speaks to the relative 
unpopularity of imitating these features of haskell and ocaml when you 
already have lisp.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-17 07:54:28 -0500, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> What if eager impurity isn't the "very nature" of the problem but, rather,
> is the very nature of Tilton's chosen solution?

That's the whole point which you keep missing - that a programming 
language is expressive precisely to the extent that it allows you to 
express the solution in the *programmer's* chosen form, not the 
paradigm imposed by the language.

You look down your nose at cells, but if that's the way kenny conceived 
of the problem - as a graph of changing state, why should he be forced 
to reconceptualize it according to someone else's notion of programming 
correctness (be that pure functional or any other paradigm)?

By asking this question you've implicitly admitted that to solve it *as 
he thought of it* in a pure functional language would require 
reconceptualizing it (i.e., the aforementioned "jumping through 
hoops"). We don't want to reconceptualize everything according to a 
particular paradigm, we want the flexibility to write the solution to 
the problem in the terms we think and talk about it, not the 
procrustean bed of pure functional semantics.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-16 13:58:37 -0500, Jon Harrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Why do you think that uniform syntax is necessary to provide new paradigms
> when it is equivalent to infix syntax?

Because it doesn't require one to write a parser for each new syntax 
for each new paradigm.

> In what way is Haskell's support for imperative programming limited?

It requires one to frame everything in functional terms or to jump 
through the hoop of monads.

> Can you give an example of a Lisp macro that does something useful that you
> can't do in these other languages?

It isn't a question of "can't do in these other languages," it's a 
matter of "can't do as easily in these other languages." Look at kenny 
tilton's cells. Its a dataflow paradigm built largely of macros. It 
goes completely against the semantics of haskell - cells is all about 
the eager evaluation of side effecting state mutation. Could you do it 
in haskell? Yes, in the greenspun/turing-completeness sense, but not 
nearly as easily as in common lisp, because the very paradigm - eager 
evaluation combined with side effecting state mutation - goes against 
the basic semantics of haskell. You'd have to jump through extra hoops 
to build a system whose very nature contradicts two of the semantic 
foundations of haskell - laziness and absense of side effects.

Then there's the issue of the new syntax. Easy to build in lisp without 
learning another language - lisp macros use lisp. What little I've seen 
of caml4p looks like perlesque line noise. Ultimately I think that the 
defaults of both haskell and ocaml - functional, static typing, 
non-uniform syntax - are things I don't want as defaults, but as 
options for later in the development of only certain pieces of code. I 
don't want to be required to jump through the pure-functional, 
must-use-monads-for-any-side-effects, static-type, non-uniform-syntax 
hoops to express my ideas. It makes me less flexible in dealing with 
individual parts of a program differently.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-16 08:21:59 -0500, Paul Rubin  said:

> It never occurs to Lisp programmers that Lisp, too, might be a Blub.

Of course it does - Thats why we try ocaml and haskell etc. It's just 
that we don't see the useful features of these languages as being 
sufficiently useful to compensate for their lack of the ability to 
easily do syntactic abstractions over a uniform syntax. There's no 
question that other languages have some features that common lisp does 
not (and vice versa). Lispers just can't abide being locked into a 
particular paradigm because a language doesn't have the basic features 
(macros and uniform syntax) necessary to provide new paradigms for 
ourselves when needed or wanted.

For example, a common lisp with optional static typing on demand would 
be strictly more expressive than common lisp. But, take say, haskell; 
haskell's static typing is not optional (you can work around it, but 
you have to go out of your way to do so); haskell's pure functional 
semantics are not optional (again, workarounds possible to a limited 
extent). This requires you to conceive your problem solution (i.e., 
program) within the framework of a particular paradigm. This lock-in to 
a particular paradigm, however powerful, is what makes any such 
language strictly less expressive than one with syntactic abstraction 
over a uniform syntax.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-12-12 19:18:10 -0500, "George Sakkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> If you mistakenly select an extra parenthesis or omit one, it's
> the same thing.

Because you can't mistakenly select an extra paren or omit one in a 
lisp-aware editor. Whether its a commercial lisp IDE or emacs, you 
don't manually select s-expressions. You put your cursor/point at one 
paren and you tell the editor - with a keystroke or a mouse click - to 
find the matching paren and select everything contained between the two.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-17 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-17 07:03:19 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I don't see static checking and explorative programming as opposites.
> Of course, in practice, environments that combine these don't seem to 
> exist (except maybe in experimental or little-known state).

Right. Unfortunately the philosophical leanings of those who design 
these two types of languages tend to show themselves as different 
tastes in development style - for example, static type advocates don't 
often want a very dynamic development environment that would allow a 
program to run for testing even when parts of it arent defined yet, and 
dynamic type advocates don't want a compiler preventing them from doing 
so because the program can't yet be proven statically correct. Dynamic 
typing advocates don't generally want a compiler error for ambiguous 
typing - for example, adding a float and an int - but static typing 
advocates generally do. Of course there's little reason one couldn't 
have a language that allowed the full range to be switchable so that 
programmers could tighten up compiler warnings and errors as the 
program becomes more fully formed. Unfortunately we're not quite there 
yet. For my tastes something like sbcl*, with its type inference and 
very detailed warnings and notes is as good as it gets for now. I can 
basically ignore warnings and notes early on, but use them to allow the 
compiler to improve the code it generates once the program is doing 
what I want correctly.

[*] I don't mean to exclude other common lisp implementations that do 
type inference here - I just happen to use sbcl.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-16 17:59:07 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I think it's easier to start with a good (!) statically-typed language 
> and relax the checking, than to start with a dynamically-typed one and 
> add static checks.
> With the right restrictions, a language can make all kinds of strong 
> guarantees, and it can make it easy to construct software where static 
> guarantees abound. If the mechanisms are cleverly chosen, they 
> interfere just minimally with the programming process. (A classical 
> example it Hindley-Milner type inference systems. Typical reports from 
> languages with HM systems say that you can have it verify thousand-line 
> programs without a single type annotation in the code. That's actually 
> far better than you'd need - you'd *want* to document the types at 
> least on the major internal interfaces after all *grin*.)
> With a dynamically-typed language, programming style tends to evolve in 
> directions that make it harder to give static guarantees.

This is purely a matter of programming style. For explorative 
programming it is easier to start with dynamic typing and add static 
guarantees later rather than having to make decisions about 
representation and have stubs for everything right from the start. The 
lisp programming style is arguably all about using heterogenous lists 
and forward references in the repl for everything until you know what 
it is that you are doing, then choosing a more appropriate 
representation and filling in forward references once the program gels. 
Having to choose representation right from the start and needing 
working versions (even if only stubs) of *every* function you call may 
ensure type correctness, but many programmers find that it also ensures 
that you never find the right program to code in the first place. This 
is because you don't have the freedom to explore possible solutions 
without having to break your concentration to satisfy the nagging of a 
static type checker.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-16 05:22:08 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> And this is a typical dynamic type advocate's response when told that 
static typing has different needs:
> "*I* don't see the usefulness of static typing so *you* shouldn't 
want it, either."

But I haven't made this sort of argument. I never said you shouldn't 
use static typing if you want to. There are indeed types of software 
where one wants the guarantees provided by static type checks. For 
example, software that controls irreplaceable or very expensive 
equipment such as space craft, or software that can kill people if it 
fails such as software for aircraft or medical devices. The problem for 
static typing advocates is that most software is not of this type.

There is a very large class of software where user inputs are 
unpredictable and/or where input data comes from an untrusted source. 
In these cases run-time checks are going to be needed anyway so the 
advantages of static type checking are greatly reduced - you end up 
doing run-time checks anyway, precisely the thing you were trying to 
avoid by doing static analysis. In software like this it isn't worth 
satisfying a static type checker because you don't get much of the 
benefit anyway and it means forgoing such advantages of dynamic typing 
as being able to run and test portions of a program before other parts 
are written (forward references to as yet nonexistent functions).

Ideally one wants a language with switchable typing - static where 
possible and necessary, dynamic elsewhere. To a certain extent this is 
what common lisp does but it requires programmer declarations. Some 
implementations try to move beyond this by doing type inference and 
alerting the programmer to potential static guarantees that the 
programmer could make that would allow the compiler to do a better job.

In effect the argument comes down to which kind of typing one thinks 
should be the default. Dynamic typing advocates think that static 
typing is the wrong default. The notion that static typing can prove 
program correctness is flawed - it can only prove that type constraints 
are not violated but not necessarily that program logic is correct. It 
seems to me that if we set aside that class of software where safety is 
paramount - mostly embedded software such as aircraft and medical 
devices - we are left mostly with efficiency concerns. The 80-20 rule 
suggests that most code doesn't really need the efficiency provided by 
static guarantees. So static typing should be invoked for that small 
portion of a program where efficiency is really needed and that dynamic 
typing should be the default elswhere. This is how common lisp works - 
dynamic typing by default with static guarantees available where one 
needs them.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-16 05:22:08 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> And this is a typical dynamic type advocate's response when told that 
> static typing has different needs:
> "*I* don't see the usefulness of static typing so *you* shouldn't want 
> it, either."

But I haven't made this sort of argument. I never said you shouldn't 
use static typing if you want to. There are indeed types of software 
where one wants the guarantees provided by static type checks. For 
example, software that controls irreplaceable or very expensive 
equipment such as space craft, or software that can kill people if it 
fails such as software for aircraft or medical devices. The problem for 
static typing advocates is that most software is not of this type.

There is a very large class of software where user inputs are 
unpredictable and/or where input data comes from an untrusted source. 
In these cases run-time checks are going to be needed anyway so the 
advantages of static type checking are greatly reduced - you end up 
doing run-time checks anyway, precisely the thing you were trying to 
avoid by doing static analysis. In software like this it isn't worth 
satisfying a static type checker because you don't get much of the 
benefit anyway and it means forgoing such advantages of dynamic typing 
as being able to run and test portions of a program before other parts 
are written (forward references to as yet nonexistent functions).

Ideally one wants a language with switchable typing - static where 
possible and necessary, dynamic elsewhere. To a certain extent this is 
what common lisp does but it requires programmer declarations. Some 
implementations try to move beyond this by doing type inference and 
alerting the programmer to potential static guarantees that the 
programmer could make that would allow the compiler to do a better job.

In effect the argument comes down to which kind of typing one thinks 
should be the default. Dynamic typing advocates think that static 
typing is the wrong default. The notion that static typing can prove 
program correctness is flawed - it can only prove that type constraints 
are not violated but not necessarily that program logic is correct. It 
seems to me that if we set aside that class of software where safety is 
paramount - mostly embedded software such as aircraft and medical 
devices - we are left mostly with efficiency concerns. The 80-20 rule 
suggests that most code doesn't really need the efficiency provided by 
static guarantees. So static typing should be invoked for that small 
portion of a program where efficiency is really needed and that dynamic 
typing should be the default elswhere. This is how common lisp works - 
dynamic typing by default with static guarantees available where one 
needs them.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-16 11:29:12 -0400, Raffael Cavallaro 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]'espam-s'> said:

> In software like this it isn't worth satisfying a static type checker 
> because you don't get much of the benefit 
> anywaytext Dx¤description£text Dx¢fromname
> as being able to run and test portions of a program before other parts 
> are written (forward references to as yet nonexistent functions).

I don't what bizarre key combination I accidentally hit here, but the 
original read:

In software like this it isn't worth satisfying a static type checker 
because you don't get much of the benefit anyway and it means forgoing 
such advantages of dynamic typing as being able to run and test 
portions of a program before other parts are written (forward 
references to as yet nonexistent functions).


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-16 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-16 05:22:08 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> And this is a typical dynamic type advocate's response when told that 
> static typing has different needs:
> "*I* don't see the usefulness of static typing so *you* shouldn't want 
> it, either."

But I haven't made this sort of argument. I never said you shouldn't 
use static typing if you want to. There are indeed types of software 
where one wants the guarantees provided by static type checks. For 
example, software that controls irreplaceable or very expensive 
equipment such as space craft, or software that can kill people if it 
fails such as software for aircraft or medical devices. The problem for 
static typing advocates is that most software is not of this type.

There is a very large class of software where user inputs are 
unpredictable and/or where input data comes from an untrusted source. 
In these cases run-time checks are going to be needed anyway so the 
advantages of static type checking are greatly reduced - you end up 
doing run-time checks anyway, precisely the thing you were trying to 
avoid by doing static analysis. In software like this it isn't worth 
satisfying a static type checker because you don't get much of the 
benefit anyway
as being able to run and test portions of a program before other parts 
are written (forward references to as yet nonexistent functions).

Ideally one wants a language with switchable typing - static where 
possible and necessary, dynamic elsewhere. To a certain extent this is 
what common lisp does but it requires programmer declarations. Some 
implementations try to move beyond this by doing type inference and 
alerting the programmer to potential static guarantees that the 
programmer could make that would allow the compiler to do a better job.

In effect the argument comes down to which kind of typing one thinks 
should be the default. Dynamic typing advocates think that static 
typing is the wrong default. The notion that static typing can prove 
program correctness is flawed - it can only prove that type constraints 
are not violated but not necessarily that program logic is correct. It 
seems to me that if we set aside that class of software where safety is 
paramount - mostly embedded software such as aircraft and medical 
devices - we are left mostly with efficiency concerns. The 80-20 rule 
suggests that most code doesn't really need the efficiency provided by 
static guarantees. So static typing should be invoked for that small 
portion of a program where efficiency is really needed and that dynamic 
typing should be the default elswhere. This is how common lisp works - 
dynamic typing by default with static guarantees available where one 
needs them.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-14 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-14 16:36:52 -0400, Pascal Bourguignon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> In lisp, all lists are homogenous: lists of T.

CL-USER 123 > (loop for elt in (list #\c 1 2.0d0 (/ 2 3)) collect 
(type-of elt))

i.e., "heterogenous" in the common lisp sense: having different dynamic 
types, not in the H-M sense in which all lisp values are of the single 
union type T.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-14 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-14 15:04:34 -0400, Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Um... heterogenous lists are not necessarily a sign of expressiveness. 
> The vast majority of cases can be transformed to homogenous lists 
> (though these might then contain closures or OO objects).
> As to references to nonexistent functions - heck, I never missed these, 
> not even in languages without type inference :-)
> I don't hold that they are a sign of *in*expressiveness either. They 
> are just typical of highly dynamic programming environments such as 
> Lisp or Smalltalk.

This is a typical static type advocate's response when told that users 
of dynamically typed languages don't want their hands tied by a type 
checking compiler:

"*I* don't find those features expressive so *you* shouldn't want them."

You'll have to excuse us poor dynamically typed language rubes - we 
find these features expressive and we don't want to give them up just 
to silence a compiler whose static type checks are of dubious value in 
a world where user inputs of an often unpredictable nature can come at 
a program from across a potentially malicious internet making run-time 
checks a practical necessity.


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-14 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-06-14 09:42:25 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Torben Ægidius 
Mogensen) said:

> It takes longer for the average
> programmer to get the program working in the dynamically typed
> language.

Though I agree with much of your post I would say that many here find 
the opposite to be true - it takes us longer to get a program working 
in a statically typed language because we have to keep adding/changing 
things to get the compiler to stop complaining and actually compile and 
run a program which would be perfectly permissible in a dynamically 
typed language such as common lisp - for example - heterogeneous lists 
and forward references to as yet non-existent functions.


Re: "Only one obvious way..."

2006-05-08 Thread Raffael Cavallaro
On 2006-05-08 02:51:22 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> The phrase "only one obvious way..." is nearly the most absurd
> marketing bullshit I have ever heard; topped only by "it fits your
> brain". Why are so many clearly intelligent and apparently
> self-respecting hard-core software engineers repeating this kind of
> claptrap?

Really should read "only one obvious way to people with a similar 
background and little creativity" or "it fits your brain if you've 
mostly programmed in algol syntax languages and alternative ideas make 
said brain hurt."

trimmed to c.l.python and c.l.lisp
