Re: [R] AIC function and Step function

2008-11-27 Thread Steven McKinney
Hi Dana,

Many thanks to Christos Hatzis who sent
me an offline response, pointing out the
new functions that make this much
easier than my last suggestions:
methods() and getAnywhere()

> methods("extractAIC")
[1] extractAIC.aov* extractAIC.coxph*   extractAIC.glm* extractAIC.lm*  
[6] extractAIC.survreg*

   Non-visible functions are asterisked
> getAnywhere("extractAIC.coxph")
A single object matching ‘extractAIC.coxph’ was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for extractAIC from namespace stats
with value

function (fit, scale, k = 2, ...) 
edf <- length(fit$coef)
loglik <- fit$loglik[length(fit$loglik)]
c(edf, -2 * loglik + k * edf)


Thank you Christos.

That said, one of the advantages of getting
the source code is that it has comments that
are stripped out when the code is sourced into R

e.g. from the command line

> getAnywhere(AIC.default)
A single object matching ‘AIC.default’ was found
It was found in the following places
  registered S3 method for AIC from namespace stats
with value

function (object, ..., k = 2) 
ll <- if ("stats4" %in% loadedNamespaces()) 
else logLik
if (length(list(...))) {
object <- list(object, ...)
val <- lapply(object, ll)
val <-, function(el) c(attr(el, 
"df"), AIC(el, k = k)
names(val) <- c("df", "AIC")
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
else AIC(ll(object), k = k)

>From the source file

#  File src/library/stats/R/AIC.R
#  Part of the R package,
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at

 Return the object's value of the Akaike Information Criterion
 (or "An Inf.. Crit..")

AIC <- function(object, ..., k = 2) UseMethod("AIC")

## AIC for logLik objects
AIC.logLik <- function(object, ..., k = 2)
-2 * c(object) + k * attr(object, "df")

AIC.default <- function(object, ..., k = 2)
## AIC for various fitted objects --- any for which there's a logLik() 
ll <- if("stats4" %in% loadedNamespaces()) stats4:::logLik else logLik
if(length(list(...))) {# several objects: produce data.frame
object <- list(object, ...)
val <- lapply(object, ll)
val <-,
  c(attr(el, "df"), AIC(el, k = k)
names(val) <- c("df", "AIC")
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
} else AIC(ll(object), k = k)

Steven McKinney

Molecular Oncology and Breast Cancer Program
British Columbia Cancer Research Centre

email: smckinney +at+ bccrc +dot+ ca

tel: 604-675-8000 x7561

Molecular Oncology
675 West 10th Ave, Floor 4
Vancouver B.C. 
V5Z 1L3

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Re: [R] AIC function and Step function

2008-11-27 Thread Steven McKinney
Hi Dana,

Of course the only true way to know what the
AIC calculations are is to read the source
code.  From within R, what with namespaces,
that is becoming increasingly difficult.

The AIC() function is not too hard to find
from R.

function (object, ..., k = 2) 

So now we know that AIC is in the stats package.

> objects("package:stats", all=TRUE)
  [1] ".MFclass" ".checkMFClasses"  ".getXlevels"  
  [5] "ARMAacf"  "ARMAtoMA" "Box.test" "C"  

so all we are seeing is the AIC generic method shown above.

Very often an S3 method will have a 'default'
method, so let's see if we get lucky:

> stats:::AIC.default
function (object, ..., k = 2) 
ll <- if ("stats4" %in% loadedNamespaces()) 
else logLik
if (length(list(...))) {
object <- list(object, ...)
val <- lapply(object, ll)
val <-, function(el) c(attr(el, 
"df"), AIC(el, k = k)
names(val) <- c("df", "AIC")
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
else AIC(ll(object), k = k)

so there is the basic AIC method.
There are some references to logLik, so
let's look for a 'logLik' method too.

> stats:::AIC.logLik
function (object, ..., k = 2) 
-2 * c(object) + k * attr(object, "df")

If anyone knows how to reveal all these methods
without having to guess, I'd like to know of easier
ways to find these methods.  objects() doesn't
reveal them, showMethods() doesn't appear to,
and in my attempts, this occurred:

> methods(class = "AIC")
Error : cannot allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb
R(352,0xa0350074) malloc: *** mmap(size=2023526400) failed (error code=12)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Error in as.environment(pos) : 
  no item called "get(".__S3MethodsTable__.", envir = asNamespace(i))" on the 
search list
R(352,0xa0350074) malloc: *** mmap(size=2023526400) failed (error code=12)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

So it's just not easy finding these functions at the
command prompt.

Thankfully R is open source, so I downloaded the latest
R-2.8.0.tar.gz to directory
and untarred it all.  Navigate to
and you're looking at all the stats package R scripts.  There's
155 files in there, one named AIC.R so that looks promising.
Look in AIC.R and you'll see the two functions shown above,
but not the extractAIC bunch.  Where to look for the rest?

There are many ways to look for extractAIC - you
could grep the files from a unix shell, etc.

Here's a script I use to allow easier perusal of
R source code.  This script will concatenate all
the R source files in a directory into one file,
with file name and path descriptors between
files in the output. 

### 8<  ###
inputDir <- 

outputDir <- paste(inputDir, "/temp", sep = "")

outputFile <- "AllRScriptFiles.R"
outputDirFile <- paste(outputDir, outputFile, sep = "/")

if ( !file.exists(outputDir) ) {

cat(paste("### All files from dir", inputDir, "\n\n"), file = outputDirFile)

## Get list of all files in dir
fileNames <- list.files(path = inputDir, pattern = "\\.R$", full.names = TRUE)
ofcon <- file(outputDirFile, open = "at")
for (fi in seq(along = fileNames)) {
  fni <- fileNames[fi]
  fc <- readLines(fni, n = -1)
  cat(paste("\n\n# File", fni, " #\n\n"), file = outputDirFile, append 
  writeLines(fc, con = ofcon)
### 8<  ###

After running this script, navigate to
with your favourite editor, and edit the file AllRScriptFiles.R
(Of course you will substitute your own directory names in all this.)

Find extractAIC, and you'll see it came from file

You'll see extractAIC methods for classes coxph, survreg, glm, ...
and you can see all the calculations.

extractAIC <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) UseMethod("extractAIC")

extractAIC.coxph <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...)
## seems that coxph sometimes gives one and sometimes gives two values
## for loglik
edf <- length(fit$coef)
loglik <- fit$loglik[length(fit$loglik)]
c(edf, -2 * loglik + k * edf)

extractAIC.survreg <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...)
edf <- sum(fit$df)
c(edf, -2 * fit$loglik[2] + k * edf)

extractAIC.glm <- function(fit, scale = 0, k = 2, ...)
n <- length(fit$residuals)
edf <- n  - fit$df.residual
aic <- fit$aic
c(edf, aic + (k-2) * edf)

extractAIC.lm <- function(fit, scale = 0, k

[R] AIC function and Step function

2008-11-27 Thread Dana77

I would like to figure out the equations for calculating "AIC" in both
 "step() function" and "AIC () function". They are different. Then I  
just type "step" in the R console, and found the "AIC" used in "step()  
function" is "extractAIC". I went to the R help, and found:

"The criterion used is

AIC = - 2*log L + k * edf,
where L is the likelihood and edf the equivalent degrees of freedom (i.e.,
the number of free parameters for usual parametric models) of fit.

For linear models with unknown scale (i.e., for lm and aov), -2log L is
computed from the deviance and uses a different additive constant to logLik
and hence AIC. If RSS denotes the (weighted) residual sum of squares then
extractAIC uses for - 2log L the formulae RSS/s - n (corresponding to
Mallows' Cp) in the case of known scale s and n log (RSS/n) for unknown
scale. AIC only handles unknown scale and uses the formula n log (RSS/n) - n
+ n log 2π - sum log w where w are the weights."

Now, my question is what code I should use to look at the exact calculation
process in the AIC()function and extractAIC() function in R? Thanks!

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Re: [R] Troubles with the format of dates

2008-11-27 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Perhaps just this:

Lines <- "DATUM   P1  P2
2006-11-16  425.21  423.99
2006-12-15 425.12   423.97
2007-01-16  425.16  424.06"

DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE, = TRUE)
DF$DATUM <- chron(DF$DATUM, format = "y-m-d", out.format = "d.m.y")
plot(P1 ~ DATUM, DF)

# or using the zoo package this:

z <- read.zoo(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE,
FUN = function(x) chron(x, format = "y-m-d", out.format = "d.m.y"))

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Kathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear useRs,
> I'm struggling again with date-related stuff: I am using R to draw water 
> levels at certain measuring
> stations. My data comes as a tab-delimited text file and looks like this:
> DATUM   P1  P2
> ...
> 2006-11-16  425.21  423.99
> 2006-12-15 425.12   423.97
> 2007-01-16  425.16  424.06
> ...
> (measurements started in July 2004 and still continue on a monthly or 
> bi-weekly basis)
> This is then plotted using this code:
> a<-read.table("", sep="\t", header=TRUE, na.strings=c(0))
> x<-as.Date(a$DATUM)
> plot(x, a$P1, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(as.Date("2004-07-01"), 
> as.Date("2009-01-01")),
> ylim=c(423,428), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="Kote [m a.s.l.]",
> main="Dummy Plot")
> points(x, a$P2, col="red", pch=17, type="o", lty="dotted")
> axis(2, at=423:428, tck=1, col="gray60")
> axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"),
> by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"),
> by="month"), tck=1, col="gray60")
> So far, I've been using this type of date format (-mm-dd) because that 
> was the only way I could
> get  the whole thing to work when I started using R. However, living in 
> Switzerland, I would prefer
> the dates to read 16.11.2006 i.e. or 16. Nov. 2006 (preferably 
> using German names for
> the months, if possible).
> I've used the chron package to convert my dates to day mon year (16 Nov 2006, 
> with or without
> spaces), i.e. I replaced the second line of code with:
> x<-format(chron(as.character(a$DATUM), format="y-m-d", out.format="day mon 
> year"))
> but then I can't plot them any more, because as.Date() no longer is the 
> correct function and R gives
> me an error saying there is an invalid xlim-value. Can someone please point 
> me in the right
> direction?
> I could easily change the input data to be in format, if that 
> helps.
> Thanks for your help,
> Kathi
> --
> DropNet AG - Das Unternehmen fuer Ihren Internet-Auftritt!
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Re: [R] Package Iso

2008-11-27 Thread Rolf Turner

I have just uploaded a revised version of the Iso package to  

on CRAN.  It should be available soon.  I have fixed the bug that was
pointed out to me by the two addressees.  I have also added a new  
to the package; it returns a step function representation of the  

regression if requested to do so.

Please let me know if I have introduced any new bugs in the revision  



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Re: [R] "xreg" in ARIMA modelling.

2008-11-27 Thread David Stoffer

The help file states: "The exact likelihood is computed via a state-space
representation of the ARIMA process, and the innovations and their variance
found by a Kalman filter."   It is possible to include exogenous variables
(xreg) this way, but one can only assume this is done [only one person knows
for sure... the person who wrote the final version of arima(), and I hope he
chimes in to this].  If this is the case, then there is a likelihood
evaluation and AIC [or similar criteria, e.g., BIC and so on] would apply.

00alastair00 wrote:
> Hello, 
> Does anyone know how the parameter estimates are calculated for xreg
> variables when called as part of an arima() command, or know of any
> literature that provides this info?  In particular, I was wondering if
> there is a quick way to compare different combinations of "xreg" variables
> in the arima() fit in the same way that you would in multiple regression
> (using AIC & R^2 etc.).  
> Thanks very much!

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism 
by those who have not got it.  George Bernard Shaw
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[R] s4 object

2008-11-27 Thread Laurina Guerra
Hola muy buen dia!! Me podrían explicar de una manera sencilla en que
consiste y como funciona la clase s4 object. Se les agredeceria mucho su mas
pronta respuesta!

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Re: [R] if then statement problem

2008-11-27 Thread Gustavo Carvalho
If I understood your problem correctly, you are just missing a couple of things:

q = which(apply(p.unique,2,function(x)all(x==r)) == TRUE)

Also, you should probably change this line:


To something like this:




On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Salas, Andria Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really need help with an if then statement I am having trouble with.  A 
> brief explanation of what I am trying to do: I have a p matrix of all 
> permutations of a vector of length 3 filled with either 1s or -1s (these make 
> up the columns).  The p.unique matrix is the unique columns of the p matrix; 
> here, they are identical but in my real script this will not always be the 
> case.  I want to be able to take a randomly generated vector and see which 
> column in the p.unique matrix, if any, match the random vector.  If there is 
> a match, I get an integer returned that tells me which column is the match.  
> If there is no match, I get the response integer (0).  I want to write an if 
> then statement that allows me to do different things based upon if there is a 
> match to one of the columns in the p.unique matrix or not.  Below is a sample 
> script plucked from bits of my "master script" that show this problem.  The 
> vector "r" was made to not match any columns in p.unique.  If it did, "c" w!
>  ld equal the integer representing the matching column, and since it does 
> not, I want c to equal the vector (0,0,0).  My if then statement is not 
> working (I keep getting the error that my argument is of length zero), so I 
> would really appreciate any help anyone can provide me.  Thanks for all of 
> your help previously and in advance for the help with this problem!!  Happy 
> Thanksgiving!
> p=as.matrix(,rep(list(c(-1,1)),3)))
> p=t(p)
> p.unique=unique(p,MARGIN=2)
> r=c(2,2,2)
> q=which(apply(p.unique,2,function(x)all(x==r)))
> if(q>0){c=p.unique[,q]};{c=c(0,0,0)}
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Re: [R] Regression Problem for loop

2008-11-27 Thread Jorge Ivan Velez
Dear ales,
Try this:

# Data
# set.seed(123)

# All info for coefficients. First 4 columns # correspond to the intercept
and the next for to the slope

 Estimate Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)   Estimate Std. Error   t value
x1 -0.3740663  0.3416852 0.2586267 0.1991565 -1.4463559  1.7156617 0.2216156
x2 -0.3972439 -0.5951867 0.2622604 0.3475569 -1.5146930 -1.7124872 0.2044207
x3 -0.1486117 -0.4973452 0.2063296 0.1890952 -0.7202638 -2.6301317 0.5112057
x4 -0.2408166  0.2314570 0.3159543 0.3260189 -0.7621881  0.7099497 0.4884137
x5 -0.4113849  0.4442002 0.1950218 0.1539688 -2.1094303  2.8850004 0.1025563
x6 -0.2652903  0.1900581 0.3264551 0.4945158 -0.8126393  0.3843318 0.4620218



On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 4:03 AM, ales grill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have wrote a code for a linear regression. I want to
> write a loop for so, that I can get estimate for pavlues for six
> predictors.
> But I am getting for estmate for only last one. How can I get pvalues for
> all my  predictors in a loop??
> Anticipating your help
> Thanks
> Ales
> > mat<-matrix(rnorm(36),nrow=6)
> > mat
>[,1]  [,2]   [,3]   [,4]
>   [,5][,6]
> [1,]  1.10536338 -0.7613770 -1.7100569 -1.8762241 -0.36579280  0.6465219
> [2,] -1.34836804 -0.2174270 -0.1153477 -0.1727683 -1.88406206  1.7484955
> [3,]  0.96814418 -2.1483727  0.5839668 -1.2361659  0.04592844  1.9937995
> [4,]  0.01960219 -1.2339691  0.8290761  0.1002795 -0.15952881  0.3969251
> [5,]  1.62343073  1.3741222 -1.2045854  0.4180127 -0.09898615  1.3575119
> [6,] -0.95260509 -0.1522824 -1.4257526  1.0057412 -1.20068336 -0.4306761
> > res<-rnorm(6)
> > res
> [1]  0.2045252 -0.9824761  0.7727004  0.6439993  1.8005737  1.0167214
> >
> > pval<-NULL
> >
> > for(i in c(1:6))
> + {
> + reg<-lm(res~mat[,i])
> + reg
> + pval[i]<-reg$p.value
> + }
> > pval
> > reg
> Call:
> lm(formula = res ~ mat[, i])
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept) mat[, i]
> 0.8195  -0.2557
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Re: [R] Simultaneous Comparison of Factor Structures

2008-11-27 Thread John Fox
Dear Mark,

Although I would like, at some point, to add this feature, the sem package
doesn't fit multiple-group models.


John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Mark Heckmann
> Sent: November-27-08 10:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: [R] Simultaneous Comparison of Factor Structures
> Dear R Users,
> I have a situation where I want to compare the factor structures of two
> samples that were administered then same test.
> AMOS as well as SAS provide the option of simultaneous comparison of
> structures like it was proposed by Jvreskog (1971, Simultaneous factor
> analysis in several populations).
> Is there a way to do that in R? I am not sure if it is possible to model
> kind of comparison with e.g. the sem package and if it is possible, how to
> it.
> A lot of thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Mark Heckmann
>   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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[R] Help with "replicate"

2008-11-27 Thread Alex99

Hello everyone,
I have a file called "trans" which has 100 records (rows) and 60 columns.
I need to make 2 samples (with 5 records in each) out of this file with no
replacement, so I used "replicate".
The sampling part works fine and I called the outcome "result".

my problem is then I need to calculate the correlation matrix for each
sample. I used "" and called the outcome "CORE". but the problem is
when I get my out put it's not separated for each sample. they are all
together and I need them to be separated. just to give U an idea I copy and
paste the out put:

616  1. -0.08522865 -0.15018785 -0.12462239 -0.04279605
783 -0.08522865  1. -0.02986738 -0.04731350  0.33191790
805 -0.15018785 -0.02986738  1.  0.15483873 -0.08998425
134 -0.12462239 -0.04731350  0.15483873  1.  0.16290948
217 -0.04279605  0.33191790 -0.08998425  0.16290948  1.
607  1. -0.12662932  0.16116459 -0.03479445 -0.03479445   *(from
here is for the 2nd sample)
604 -0.12662932  1.  0.01298701 -0.06168397 -0.06168397
698  0.16116459  0.01298701  1. -0.03925343 -0.03925343
639 -0.03479445 -0.06168397 -0.03925343  1. -0.01694915
989 -0.03479445 -0.06168397 -0.03925343 -0.01694915  1.
does any one has any idea how can I separate the result for 2 samples? 

This is my code:
result=replicate(2,trans[,sample(colnames(trans),5,replace =
FALSE)],simplify=FALSE),lapply(result,function(x) cor(x)))

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[R] if then statement problem

2008-11-27 Thread Salas, Andria Kay
I really need help with an if then statement I am having trouble with.  A brief 
explanation of what I am trying to do: I have a p matrix of all permutations of 
a vector of length 3 filled with either 1s or -1s (these make up the columns).  
The p.unique matrix is the unique columns of the p matrix; here, they are 
identical but in my real script this will not always be the case.  I want to be 
able to take a randomly generated vector and see which column in the p.unique 
matrix, if any, match the random vector.  If there is a match, I get an integer 
returned that tells me which column is the match.  If there is no match, I get 
the response integer (0).  I want to write an if then statement that allows me 
to do different things based upon if there is a match to one of the columns in 
the p.unique matrix or not.  Below is a sample script plucked from bits of my 
"master script" that show this problem.  The vector "r" was made to not match 
any columns in p.unique.  If it did, "c" wou!
 ld equal the integer representing the matching column, and since it does not, 
I want c to equal the vector (0,0,0).  My if then statement is not working (I 
keep getting the error that my argument is of length zero), so I would really 
appreciate any help anyone can provide me.  Thanks for all of your help 
previously and in advance for the help with this problem!!  Happy Thanksgiving!



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[R] How to optimize a trading singal generator (for-loop)?

2008-11-27 Thread Michael Zak

Hi guys,

I've got some performance troubles with my trading signal generator,  
which indicates when the system goes long or short.
I'm playing with some historical data and the for-loop isn't doing his  
job very efficient. Is there some vectorial solution for this?

Here the for-loop:

> trade.long  <- 0
> trade.short <- 0
> for (j in peak.days : dim(commodities[[i]])[1]) {
># Trading Signal Long
> 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "High"] >= commodities[[i]][j,  
"HighestHigh"] && trade.long == 0) {

>commodities[[i]][j, "Long"] <- 1
>trade.long <- 1
> 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "Low"] <= commodities[[i]][j, "emaH"] &&  
trade.long == 1) {

>commodities[[i]][j, "Long"] <- -1
>trade.long <- 0
># Trading Signal Short
> 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "Low"] <= commodities[[i]][j, "LowestLow"]  
&& trade.short == 0) {

>commodities[[i]][j, "Short"] <- 1
>trade.short <- 1
> 	if (commodities[[i]][j, "High"] >= commodities[[i]][j, "emaL"] &&  
trade.short == 1) {

>commodities[[i]][j, "Short"] <- -1
>trade.short <- 0
> } # for (j in peak.days : dim(commodities[[i]])[1])

Any ideas are very appreciated, because this for-loop takes about 2 -  
3 hours to finish...

Thank you, Michael

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Re: [R] 1-Pearson's R Distance

2008-11-27 Thread William Revelle

At 5:00 PM +0100 11/27/08, Claudia Beleites wrote:

Hi Rodrigo,

afaik, (1 - r_Pearson)/2 is used rather than 1 - r_Pearson. This gives a
distance measure ranging between 0 and 1 rather than 0 and 2. But after all,
dies does not change anything substantial.
see e.g. Theodoridis & Koutroumbas: Pattern Recognition.

I didn't know of the proxy package, but the calculation it straightforward
(though a bit wasteful I suspect: first the whole matrix is produced, and
as.dist cuts it down again to a triangular matrix):

as.dist (0.5 - cor (t(x) / 2))

Take care wheter you want to use x or t(x).

HTH Claudia

From the law of cosines, d = sqrt(2(1-r)) is a somewhat more 
appropriate transformation of a Pearson correlation to a distance.

Although this is monotonically related to the (1-r)/2, by taking the 
square root  it will lead to somewhat different solutions in 


William Revelle
Department of Psychology
Northwestern University
Attend  ISSID/ARP:2009

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Re: [R] R and SPSS

2008-11-27 Thread Applejus

Thanks all!

Tobias Verbeke wrote:
>>There exists a R plug-in for SPSS. You can find it on the SPSS website.
> ... and there is a page on the R wiki:
> HTH,
> Tobias
 I have a code in R. Could anyone give me the best possible way (or just
 ways!) to integrate it in SPSS?

>>> I would doubt you could do this, but for the least "provide commented,
>>> minimal, self-contained, reproducible code." It would help if you were
>>> more specific.
>>> Liviu
>>Alain Guillet
>>Statistician and Computer Scientist
>>SMCS - Institut de statistique - Université catholique de Louvain
>>Bureau d.126
>>Voie du Roman Pays, 20
>>B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
>>tel: +32 10 47 30 50
>>  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Re: [R] 1-Pearson's R Distance

2008-11-27 Thread Thomas Petzoldt

Rodrigo Aluizio wrote:

Hi again List,

Well this time I?m writing for a friend (really J). He needs to create a
distance matrix based on an abundance matrix using the 1-Pearson?s R index.
Well I told him to look at the proxy package, but there is only Pearson
Index. He needs it to perform a clustering. Well, as soon as he told me
there proxy only had the Pearson index I thought: ?He could just do
something like


But I didn?t tell him that because I?m not sure it?s the same thing, and it
probably will generate a strange cluster with the braches ends distant from
the base?

He told me that Statistica 7.0 has this Index, but he doesn?t own it. So? Is
there a way on R to do this correctly?


Thanks for the attention.

The help file of dist has an example how to do this:


## Use correlations between variables "as distance"
dd <- as.dist((1 - cor(USJudgeRatings))/2)

Note the division by 2! Correlations can be between -1 ... +1 and 
negative distances make no sense.

Another approach is r^2, but this has, of course, a different 


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Re: [R] as.numeric in data.frame, but only where it is possible

2008-11-27 Thread hadley wickham
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Kinoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to convert my "character" sequences in my matrix/
> data.frame into "numeric" where it is possible.
> I would also like to retain my alphabetic character strings in their
> original forms.
> "5.1" >   5.1
> "hm" >  "hm"
> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> mode(k) <- "numeric"
> # ln1  coerces numeric chars into "character"  and
> # ln2  replaces alphabet chars with NA  (with warnings)
> #   => OK as matrix can't have mixed types
> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> g<, stringsAsFactos=FALSE)

Try this:

g <, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
g[] <- lapply(g, type.convert)



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Re: [R] 1-Pearson's R Distance

2008-11-27 Thread Claudia Beleites
Hi Rodrigo, 

afaik, (1 - r_Pearson)/2 is used rather than 1 - r_Pearson. This gives a 
distance measure ranging between 0 and 1 rather than 0 and 2. But after all, 
dies does not change anything substantial.
see e.g. Theodoridis & Koutroumbas: Pattern Recognition. 

I didn't know of the proxy package, but the calculation it straightforward 
(though a bit wasteful I suspect: first the whole matrix is produced, and 
as.dist cuts it down again to a triangular matrix):

as.dist (0.5 - cor (t(x) / 2)) 

Take care wheter you want to use x or t(x).

HTH Claudia

Claudia Beleites
Dipartimento dei Materiali e delle Risorse Naturali
Università degli Studi di Trieste
Via Alfonso Valerio 6/a
I-34127 Trieste

phone: +39 (0 40) 5 58-34 47

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Re: [R] Troubles with the format of dates

2008-11-27 Thread Kathi
Thank you _SO_ much, Petr, you helped me again. That worked like a charm, 
exactly what I needed! 


On Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:01:29 +0100, Petr PIKAL wrote
> Hi
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 27.11.2008 14:20:17:
> > Dear useRs,
> > 
> > I'm struggling again with date-related stuff: I am using R to draw water
> > levels at certain measuring 
> > stations. My data comes as a tab-delimited text file and looks like 
> this:
> > 
> > DATUM   P1   P2
> > ...
> > 2006-11-16   425.21   423.99 
> > 2006-12-15 425.12   423.97 
> > 2007-01-16   425.16   424.06 
> > ...
> > 
> > (measurements started in July 2004 and still continue on a monthly or 
> bi-weekly basis)
> > 
> > This is then plotted using this code:
> > 
> > a<-read.table("", sep="\t", header=TRUE, na.strings=c(0))
> > x<-as.Date(a$DATUM)
> > 
> > plot(x, a$P1, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(as.Date("2004-07-01"), 
> as.Date("2009-01-01")), 
> > ylim=c(423,428), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="Kote [m a.s.l.]", 
> > main="Dummy Plot")
> > points(x, a$P2, col="red", pch=17, type="o", lty="dotted")
> > axis(2, at=423:428, tck=1, col="gray60")
> > axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
> > by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
> > by="month"), tck=1, col="gray60")
> > 
> > So far, I've been using this type of date format (-mm-dd) because 
> that was
> > the only way I could 
> > get  the whole thing to work when I started using R. However, living in 
> > Switzerland, I would prefer 
> > the dates to read 16.11.2006 i.e. or 16. Nov. 2006 
> (preferably 
> > using German names for 
> > the months, if possible). 
> > 
> > I've used the chron package to convert my dates to day mon year (16 Nov 
> 2006, 
> > with or without 
> > spaces), i.e. I replaced the second line of code with:
> > 
> > x<-format(chron(as.character(a$DATUM), format="y-m-d", out.format="day 
> mon year"))
> Although I am not an expert in time/date functions it seems to me 
> that you just want your labels to be in your preferred format. If it 
> is the case
> labels = format(seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
> by="month"), "%d.%m.%Y")
> in your call to axisDate can help you to achieve it.
> Regards
> Petr
> > 
> > but then I can't plot them any more, because as.Date() no longer is the 
> > correct function and R gives 
> > me an error saying there is an invalid xlim-value. Can someone please 
> point me
> > in the right 
> > direction?
> > 
> > I could easily change the input data to be in format, if that 
> helps.
> > 
> > Thanks for your help,
> > 
> > Kathi
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > DropNet AG - Das Unternehmen fuer Ihren Internet-Auftritt!
> > 
> > __
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> >
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DropNet AG - Das Unternehmen fuer Ihren Internet-Auftritt!

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Re: [R] as.numeric in data.frame, but only where it is possible

2008-11-27 Thread Héctor Villalobos

On 26 Nov 2008 at 22:53, Kinoko wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to convert my "character" sequences in my matrix/
> data.frame into "numeric" where it is possible.
> I would also like to retain my alphabetic character strings in their
> original forms. "5.1" >   5.1 "hm" >  "hm"
> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> mode(k) <- "numeric"
> # ln1  coerces numeric chars into "character"  and
> # ln2  replaces alphabet chars with NA  (with warnings)
> #   => OK as matrix can't have mixed types

Perhaps there is a simpler solution, but this should work:

 k <- matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1 ,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)

 write.table(k,"'xx.txt", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="'\t", 
 k <- read.table("xx.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t")

> k<-matrix(c("aa", "bb", 1,2, 4.3, 0), nrow=2)
> g<, stringsAsFactos=FALSE)
> g[,2]
> # returns:
> # [1] 1 2
> # Levels: 1 2
> # hm... let them be levels then...
> sum(g[,2])
> # going down in flames
> g[,2] <- as.numeric(g[,2])
> sum(g[,2])
> # is the winner of the day,
> # but I have a hunch that there must be something more trivial/general
> solution.
> - I'm looking for something like,
> as.numeric.if.possible=TRUE) ,
> if possible.
> - Mainly, I don't know in advance if a column has alphabetical or
> numeric characters. -  I have relatively large matrices (or a
> relatively slow PC) (max 100,000 x 100 "cells"), if that matters
> *** *** *** *** ***
> Another related problem of mine is to create data.frames with mixed
> types (it should be possible, shouldn't it).
> d<-data.frame("b"=seq(1,3))
> d<-cbind(a,b)
> typeof(d)
> # "d" was coerced into "character"

## In this case you can do:

 a <- c("aa", "bb", "cc")
  d <- data.frame(a=a, b=seq(1, 3))

## or

  d <- data.frame(b=seq(1, 3))
   d$a <- c("aa", "bb", "cc")

> any help is greatly appreciated,
> gabor
> __
> mailing list
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> and provide commented,
> minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Héctor Villalobos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 La Paz, Baja California Sur, MÉXICO

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[R] Simultaneous Comparison of Factor Structures

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Heckmann
Dear R Users,


I have a situation where I want to compare the factor structures of two
samples that were administered then same test.

AMOS as well as SAS provide the option of “simultaneous comparison of factor
structures” like it was proposed by Jöreskog (1971, Simultaneous factor
analysis in several populations).

Is there a way to do that in R? I am not sure if it is possible to model
this kind of comparison with e.g. the sem package and if it is possible, how
to do it.


A lot of thanks in advance!



Mark Heckmann

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Re: [R] Finding Stopping time

2008-11-27 Thread Gustaf Rydevik
Hi Debanjan,

It would be more likely that you get a response if your question was more clear.
Your code is very difficult to read, and it doesn't help that you
don't provide any context, or comment your code with "### This is
calculating the average" kind of statements.
What are you trying to do?

Anyhow, after quite a bit of effort trying to understand what you've
done, I found your (simple!)
Since you are resetting the "k" counter after your first try, you need
to change your "k" constant in that big quantity you're calculating to
(k-N[j-1]), like this:
T[k] <-

As an aside, try not to use variables defined outside a function in
the function code (in this case your "x"). It makes the code more
difficult to follow, and far more likely to break.



On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Debanjan Bhattacharjee
> Can any one help me to solve problem in my code? I am actually trying to
> find the stopping index N.
> So first I generate random numbers from normals. There is no problem in
> finding the first stopping index.
> Now I want to find the second stopping index using obeservation starting
> from the one after the first stopping index.
> E.g. If my first stopping index was 5. I want to set 6th observation from
> the generated normal variables as the first random
> number, and I stop at second stopping index.
> This is my code,
> alpha <- 0.05
> beta <- 0.07
> a <- log((1-beta)/alpha)
> b <- log(beta/(1-alpha))
> theta1 <- 2
> theta2 <- 3
> cumsm<-function(n)
>  {y<-NULL
>   for(i in 1:n)
>   {y[i]=x[i]^2}
>   s=sum(y)
>   return(s)
>  }
> psum <- function(p,q)
>   {z <- NULL
>for(l in p:q)
>   { z[l-p+1] <- x[l]^2}
>ps <- sum(z)
>   }
> smm <- NULL
> sm <- NULL
> N <- NULL
> Nout <- NULL
> T <- NULL
> k<-0
>  x <- rnorm(100,theta1,theta1)
>  for(i in 1:length(x))
>   sm[i] <- psum(1,i)
>   T[i] <-
> ((i/2)*log(theta1/theta2))+(((theta2-theta1)/(2*theta1*theta2))*sm[i])-(i*(theta2-theta1)/2)
>   if (T[i]<=b | T[i]>=a){N[1]<-i
>  break}
> for(j in 2:200)
> {
>  for(k in (N[j-1]+1):length(x))
>{  smm[k] <- psum((N[j-1]+1),k)
>   T[k] <-
> ((k/2)*log(theta1/theta2))+(((theta2-theta1)/(2*theta1*theta2))*smm[k])-(k*(theta2-theta1)/2)
>   if (T[k]<=b | T[k]>=a){N[j]<-k
>  break}
> }
> }
> But I cannot get the stopping index after the first one.
> Tanks
> --
>[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> __
> mailing list
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> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Gustaf Rydevik, M.Sci.
tel: +46(0)703 051 451
address:Essingetorget 40,112 66 Stockholm, SE

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Re: [R] Error in Comprting Risks Regression

2008-11-27 Thread Arthur Allignol


That will be difficult to help with
the little information you gave.

Please read the posting guide
and what's at the bottom of this

Best regards,
Arthur Allignol

kende jan wrote:
Dear All,

I am trying to run the
following function (a CRR=Competing Risks
Regressionmodel) and
receive the error in solve.default.  Can
anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? 

Error in solve.default(v[[1]])
  Lapack routine dgesv  : system is exactly singular

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Re: [R] Reshape with var as fun.aggregate

2008-11-27 Thread locklin . jason
Thanks, that works fine.
Jason Locklin, B.Sc. Hons.
University of Waterloo

On Wednesday 26 November 2008 19:49:48 you wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> The reason you are getting this error is that the latest version of
> reshape uses fun.aggregate(numeric(0)) to figure out what missing
> values should be filled in with.  Unfortunately there was a brief
> period in R versions when var(numeric(0)) returned an error rather
> than a missing value.  You can work around the problem by manually
> specifying fill = NA.
> Regards,
> Hadley
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:05 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I used to be able to use variance for fun.aggregate, but since I
> > upgraded from R 2.6 to 2.7 (Ubuntu hardy to intrepid), it no
> > longer works.
> >
> >> library("reshape")
> >> data("french_fries")
> >> ffm <- melt(french_fries, id=1:4, na.rm = TRUE)
> >> cast(ffm, rep ~ treatment, length)
> >
> >  rep   1   2   3
> > 1   1 579 578 575
> > 2   2 580 579 580
> >
> >> cast(ffm, rep ~ treatment, mean)
> >
> >  rep123
> > 1   1 3.207772 3.177336 3.024522
> > 2   2 3.181207 3.115544 3.277759
> >
> >> cast(ffm, rep ~ treatment, var)
> >
> > Error in fun.aggregate(data$value[0]) : 'x' is empty
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > __
> > mailing list
> >
> > PLEASE do read the posting guide
> > and provide
> > commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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Re: [R] par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) not working

2008-11-27 Thread David Winsemius

Have you looked at the TeachingDemos package?

David Winsemius

On Nov 27, 2008, at 7:18 AM, mentor_ wrote:


First, I do some calculation, then a plot. Add some lines and texts  
to the

Second, do some further calculation, then a plot. Add again some  
lines and

texts to the plot.
Third, do some further calculation, then
Fourth, .

After a plot is complete (means the plot itself, lines and texts) I  

like to click 'enter' to see
the next complete plot (again the plot itself, lines and texts) and  
so on.

par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) is not working,  

Any Ideas?


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Sent from the R help mailing list archive at

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Re: [R] Regression Problem for loop

2008-11-27 Thread David Winsemius

On Nov 27, 2008, at 9:49 AM, David Winsemius wrote:

Have you looked at results of str on a regression object? I would  
not think that there would be a single p.value associated with such  
a beast, but that there might be if you examined individual  

? coefficients

That wasn't on as on point as I thought. Take a look at this screen  

> x <- 1:5; coef(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x))
(Intercept)   x
   -0.7 1.5

> str(coef(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x)))
 Named num [1:2] -0.7 1.5
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "(Intercept)" "x"
> anova(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: c(1:3, 7, 6)
  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)
x  1 22.5000 22.5000  15.698 0.02872 *
Residuals  3  4.3000  1.4333
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> str(anova(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x)))
Classes ‘anova’ and 'data.frame':   2 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Df : int  1 3
 $ Sum Sq : num  22.5 4.3
 $ Mean Sq: num  22.5 1.43
 $ F value: num  15.7 NA
 $ Pr(>F) : num  0.0287 NA
 - attr(*, "heading")= chr  "Analysis of Variance Table\n" "Response:  
c(1:3, 7, 6)"

> anova(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x))$"Pr(>F)"
[1] 0.02871561 NA
> anova(lm(c(1:3,7,6) ~ x))$"Pr(>F)"[1]
[1] 0.02871561

David Winsemius

On Nov 27, 2008, at 4:03 AM, ales grill wrote:

Dear all,
   I have wrote a code for a linear regression. I want to
write a loop for so, that I can get estimate for pavlues for six  
But I am getting for estmate for only last one. How can I get  
pvalues for

all my  predictors in a loop??

Anticipating your help


  [,1]  [,2]   [,3]   [,4]
[1,]  1.10536338 -0.7613770 -1.7100569 -1.8762241 -0.36579280   
[2,] -1.34836804 -0.2174270 -0.1153477 -0.1727683 -1.88406206   
[3,]  0.96814418 -2.1483727  0.5839668 -1.2361659  0.04592844   
[4,]  0.01960219 -1.2339691  0.8290761  0.1002795 -0.15952881   
[5,]  1.62343073  1.3741222 -1.2045854  0.4180127 -0.09898615   
[6,] -0.95260509 -0.1522824 -1.4257526  1.0057412 -1.20068336  


[1]  0.2045252 -0.9824761  0.7727004  0.6439993  1.8005737  1.0167214


for(i in c(1:6))

+ {
+ reg<-lm(res~mat[,i])
+ reg
+ pval[i]<-reg$p.value
+ }




lm(formula = res ~ mat[, i])
(Intercept) mat[, i]
   0.8195  -0.2557

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__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Regression Problem for loop

2008-11-27 Thread David Winsemius
Have you looked at results of str on a regression object? I would not  
think that there would be a single p.value associated with such a  
beast, but that there might be if you examined individual coefficients.

? coefficients

David Winsemius

On Nov 27, 2008, at 4:03 AM, ales grill wrote:

Dear all,
I have wrote a code for a linear regression. I want to
write a loop for so, that I can get estimate for pavlues for six  
But I am getting for estmate for only last one. How can I get  
pvalues for

all my  predictors in a loop??

Anticipating your help


   [,1]  [,2]   [,3]   [,4]
[1,]  1.10536338 -0.7613770 -1.7100569 -1.8762241 -0.36579280   
[2,] -1.34836804 -0.2174270 -0.1153477 -0.1727683 -1.88406206   
[3,]  0.96814418 -2.1483727  0.5839668 -1.2361659  0.04592844   
[4,]  0.01960219 -1.2339691  0.8290761  0.1002795 -0.15952881   
[5,]  1.62343073  1.3741222 -1.2045854  0.4180127 -0.09898615   
[6,] -0.95260509 -0.1522824 -1.4257526  1.0057412 -1.20068336  


[1]  0.2045252 -0.9824761  0.7727004  0.6439993  1.8005737  1.0167214


for(i in c(1:6))

+ {
+ reg<-lm(res~mat[,i])
+ reg
+ pval[i]<-reg$p.value
+ }




lm(formula = res ~ mat[, i])
(Intercept) mat[, i]
0.8195  -0.2557

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[R] 1-Pearson's R Distance

2008-11-27 Thread Rodrigo Aluizio
Hi again List,

Well this time I’m writing for a friend (really J). He needs to create a
distance matrix based on an abundance matrix using the 1-Pearson’s R index.
Well I told him to look at the proxy package, but there is only Pearson
Index. He needs it to perform a clustering. Well, as soon as he told me
there proxy only had the Pearson index I thought: “He could just do
something like


But I didn’t tell him that because I’m not sure it’s the same thing, and it
probably will generate a strange cluster with the braches ends distant from
the base…

He told me that Statistica 7.0 has this Index, but he doesn’t own it. So… Is
there a way on R to do this correctly?


Thanks for the attention.

MSc.   Rodrigo Aluizio
Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR
Laboratório de Micropaleontologia
Avenida Beira Mar s/n - CEP 83255-000
Pontal do Paraná - PR - BRASIL
Fone: (0**41) 3455-1496 ramal 217
Fax: (0**41) 3455-1105

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Re: [R] How to create a string containing '\/' to be used with SED?

2008-11-27 Thread David Winsemius

What do you mean by "doesn't work" and "the \\" are removed?

> a <- "..\\/path\\/file"

> a
[1] "..\\/path\\/file"

> cat(a)

David Winsemius

On Nov 26, 2008, at 7:46 PM, ikarus wrote:

Thanks Sean!!

I followed you suggestion to use gsub() and it worked perfectly!
I still can't create a string with inside "\/"  (e.g., a <-
doesn't work, R complains and the \\ are removed), but I don't care,
gsub() does the same job as sed and without using any system call.

seanpor wrote:

Good morning,

You do not need to quote a forward slash / in R, but you do need to  
a backslash when you're inputting it... so to get a string which  

contains "blah\/blah"... you need to use "blah\\/blah"

Unless this is a very very big file you shouldn't need to go out to  
as gsub() should work adequately... and probably quicker and  
cleaner.  So

something along the lines of.. (UNTESTED!!! since I don't have a
reproduceable example)

tmp1 <- readLines(configurationFile)
tmp1 <- gsub("^instance .*", paste("instance = ", data 
$instancePath, "/",

data$newInstance, sep = ""), tmp1)

I'm working on 50mb text files, and doing all sorts of  
manipulations and I
do it all inside R under windows XP...  reading a 50mb text file  
the 100mb network and doing a gsub() on most lines takes an elapsed  

seconds on this office desktop.



ikarus wrote:

Hi guys,
I've been struggling to find a solution to the following issue:
I need to change strings in .ini files that are given in input to a
program whose output is processed by R. The strings to be changed  

"instance = /home/TSPFiles/TSPLIB/berlin52.tsp"

I normally use Sed for this kind of things. So, inside R I'd like to
write something like:

command <- paste("sed -i 's/^instance .*/instance = ",
  data$newInstance, "/' ", configurationFile, sep  
= "")


This will overwrite the line starting with "instance " using  
"instance =

In the example I gave, data$instancePath = /home/TSPFiles/TSPLIB/  

data$newInstance = berlin52.tsp

The problem is that I need to pass the above path string to sed in  


However, I couldn't find a way to "create" such a string in R. I  
tried in

several different ways,
but it always complains saying that '\/' is an unrecognized escape!

Any suggestion?


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[R] Odp: Troubles with the format of dates

2008-11-27 Thread Petr PIKAL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 27.11.2008 14:20:17:

> Dear useRs,
> I'm struggling again with date-related stuff: I am using R to draw water 

> levels at certain measuring 
> stations. My data comes as a tab-delimited text file and looks like 
> DATUM   P1   P2
> ...
> 2006-11-16   425.21   423.99 
> 2006-12-15 425.12   423.97 
> 2007-01-16   425.16   424.06 
> ...
> (measurements started in July 2004 and still continue on a monthly or 
bi-weekly basis)
> This is then plotted using this code:
> a<-read.table("", sep="\t", header=TRUE, na.strings=c(0))
> x<-as.Date(a$DATUM)
> plot(x, a$P1, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(as.Date("2004-07-01"), 
> ylim=c(423,428), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="Kote [m a.s.l.]", 
> main="Dummy Plot")
> points(x, a$P2, col="red", pch=17, type="o", lty="dotted")
> axis(2, at=423:428, tck=1, col="gray60")
> axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
> by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
> by="month"), tck=1, col="gray60")
> So far, I've been using this type of date format (-mm-dd) because 
that was
> the only way I could 
> get  the whole thing to work when I started using R. However, living in 
> Switzerland, I would prefer 
> the dates to read 16.11.2006 i.e. or 16. Nov. 2006 
> using German names for 
> the months, if possible). 
> I've used the chron package to convert my dates to day mon year (16 Nov 
> with or without 
> spaces), i.e. I replaced the second line of code with:
> x<-format(chron(as.character(a$DATUM), format="y-m-d", out.format="day 
mon year"))

Although I am not an expert in time/date functions it seems to me that you 
just want your labels to be in your preferred format. If it is the case

labels = format(seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
by="month"), "%d.%m.%Y")

in your call to axisDate can help you to achieve it.


> but then I can't plot them any more, because as.Date() no longer is the 
> correct function and R gives 
> me an error saying there is an invalid xlim-value. Can someone please 
point me
> in the right 
> direction?
> I could easily change the input data to be in format, if that 
> Thanks for your help,
> Kathi
> --
> DropNet AG - Das Unternehmen fuer Ihren Internet-Auftritt!
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Re: [R] lmer refuses nested random factors

2008-11-27 Thread ONKELINX, Thierry
Dear Martin,

How many levels has PLANT? Does it is an ID for the individual plants? In that 
case it is pointless to add it to a random effect. Because then each group at 
the higest level would contain only one observation.

There is a mailing list dedicated to mixed effects models: R-Sig-mixed-models.



ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and 
Cel biometrie, methodologie en kwaliteitszorg / Section biometrics, methodology 
and quality assurance
Gaverstraat 4
9500 Geraardsbergen
tel. + 32 54/436 185

To call in the statistician after the experiment is done may be no more than 
asking him to perform a post-mortem examination: he may be able to say what the 
experiment died of.
~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher

The plural of anecdote is not data.
~ Roger Brinner

The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure 
that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data.
~ John Tukey

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Verzonden: donderdag 27 november 2008 13:29
Onderwerp: [R] lmer refuses nested random factors

I am trying to run the following model in R

 > lmer(leaves.eaten~Geocytotype+(1|TEST/ 

My experimental setup is 41 replicates (TEST) of an experiment in  
which there are three Geocytotypes of a plant species in each TEST,  
and two plant pseudoreplicates per Geocytotype in each test (i.e.  
3*2=6 plants per test). So my random factors are trying to examine/ 
account for variation between replicates and between pairs of plants  
in each test. The response variable is counts of damaged leaves on  
each plant hence the poisson distribution.

When I try and run the model I get this error message (sorry but it  
is in French):

 >Erreur : length(f1) == length(f2) is not TRUE
 >De plus : Warning messages:
 >1: In PLANT:TEST :
 > l'expression numérique a 246 éléments : seul le premier est utilisé
 >2: In PLANT:TEST :
 > l'expression numérique a 246 éléments : seul le premier est utilisé

This however is not connected as far as I can tell to the structure  
of the data because I checked the lengths of all the variables and   
if I run the same model design using lme function (without the  
family=poisson of course) and the model computes perfectly fine with  
the correct group sizes:

 >Number of Observations: 246
 >Number of Groups:
 > 41 123

I couldn't find this error mentioned in any other posts on the list.  
Can someone enlighten me as to how to get around this intractable  
problem? My crude solution is to go around the obstacle by computing  
the mean of each plant pair and using a GLM with poisson distribution  
and ignore random effects.


Martin Henery

Post doctoral researcher
Département de Biologie/Ecologie & Evolution
Université de Fribourg

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[R] Troubles with the format of dates

2008-11-27 Thread Kathi
Dear useRs,

I'm struggling again with date-related stuff: I am using R to draw water levels 
at certain measuring 
stations. My data comes as a tab-delimited text file and looks like this:

DATUM   P1  P2
2006-11-16  425.21  423.99  
2006-12-15 425.12   423.97  
2007-01-16  425.16  424.06  

(measurements started in July 2004 and still continue on a monthly or bi-weekly 

This is then plotted using this code:

a<-read.table("", sep="\t", header=TRUE, na.strings=c(0))

plot(x, a$P1, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01")), 
ylim=c(423,428), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="Kote [m a.s.l.]", 
main="Dummy Plot")
points(x, a$P2, col="red", pch=17, type="o", lty="dotted")
axis(2, at=423:428, tck=1, col="gray60")
axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
by="month"), labels=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), 
by="month"), tck=1, col="gray60")

So far, I've been using this type of date format (-mm-dd) because that was 
the only way I could 
get  the whole thing to work when I started using R. However, living in 
Switzerland, I would prefer 
the dates to read 16.11.2006 i.e. or 16. Nov. 2006 (preferably using 
German names for 
the months, if possible). 

I've used the chron package to convert my dates to day mon year (16 Nov 2006, 
with or without 
spaces), i.e. I replaced the second line of code with:

x<-format(chron(as.character(a$DATUM), format="y-m-d", out.format="day mon 

but then I can't plot them any more, because as.Date() no longer is the correct 
function and R gives 
me an error saying there is an invalid xlim-value. Can someone please point me 
in the right 

I could easily change the input data to be in format, if that helps.

Thanks for your help,


DropNet AG - Das Unternehmen fuer Ihren Internet-Auftritt!

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[R] Error in Comprting Risks Regression

2008-11-27 Thread kende jan
Dear All,

I am trying to run the
following function (a CRR=Competing Risks
Regressionmodel) and
receive the error in solve.default.  Can
anyone give me some insights into where the problem is? 

Error in solve.default(v[[1]])
  Lapack routine dgesv  : system is exactly singular

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[R] par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) not working

2008-11-27 Thread mentor_


First, I do some calculation, then a plot. Add some lines and texts to the
Second, do some further calculation, then a plot. Add again some lines and
texts to the plot.
Third, do some further calculation, then
Fourth, .

After a plot is complete (means the plot itself, lines and texts) I would
like to click 'enter' to see
the next complete plot (again the plot itself, lines and texts) and so on.

par(ask=TRUE) and devAskNewPage(ask=TRUE) is not working, unfortunately?
Any Ideas?


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[R] "xreg" in ARIMA modelling.

2008-11-27 Thread 00alastair00

Does anyone know how the parameter estimates are calculated for xreg
variables when called as part of an arima() command, or know of any
literature that provides this info?  In particular, I was wondering if there
is a quick way to compare different combinations of "xreg" variables in the
arima() fit in the same way that you would in multiple regression (using AIC
& R^2 etc.).  

Thanks very much!

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[R] Odp: what is there in a numeric (0)?

2008-11-27 Thread Petr PIKAL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 27.11.2008 11:48:32:

>  Hello!
>  I will repeat my question :what is there in a numeric(0)?
>  In a function, I have several matrices with dimensions 288x1, also 
> with dimensions 
>  0x1 (numeric(0)).
>  But I really do not know in which matrix there are elements or not.
>  So, these matrices that do not contain anything, if I am saying this 
> correctly, I would like to make them
>  matrices with the same dimensions as the first ones but with NA 
elements and 
> the ones with elements to remain as they 
>  are.
>  For this reason, I thought to use the ifelse command. But I have 
> determining the arguments of this ifelse...
>  I tried to use: 
>  A1 <- ifelse(nrow(A)==0,matrix(rep(NA,288),288,1),A)
>  If A is a matrix with elements, then I get a A1 matrix with replicated 
> times its first element, but I want the 
>  initial A matrix. If A is a matrix with no elements (numeric(0)) then I 
> only 1 NA. 

It is not a work for ifelse but for if. You want to test only one 
comparison not a vector of values.

if(nrow(mat)==0) A1 <- matrix(NA, 288,1) else A1 <- A


> So, how can I test if there are elements in my matrix and if there are 
> return itself the matrix and if there are not to get a matrix 288x1 with 
> Thank you for your time!
> Ismini
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[R] lmer refuses nested random factors

2008-11-27 Thread HENERY Martin
I am trying to run the following model in R

 > lmer(leaves.eaten~Geocytotype+(1|TEST/ 

My experimental setup is 41 replicates (TEST) of an experiment in  
which there are three Geocytotypes of a plant species in each TEST,  
and two plant pseudoreplicates per Geocytotype in each test (i.e.  
3*2=6 plants per test). So my random factors are trying to examine/ 
account for variation between replicates and between pairs of plants  
in each test. The response variable is counts of damaged leaves on  
each plant hence the poisson distribution.

When I try and run the model I get this error message (sorry but it  
is in French):

 >Erreur : length(f1) == length(f2) is not TRUE
 >De plus : Warning messages:
 >1: In PLANT:TEST :
 > l'expression numérique a 246 éléments : seul le premier est utilisé
 >2: In PLANT:TEST :
 > l'expression numérique a 246 éléments : seul le premier est utilisé

This however is not connected as far as I can tell to the structure  
of the data because I checked the lengths of all the variables and   
if I run the same model design using lme function (without the  
family=poisson of course) and the model computes perfectly fine with  
the correct group sizes:

 >Number of Observations: 246
 >Number of Groups:
 > 41 123

I couldn't find this error mentioned in any other posts on the list.  
Can someone enlighten me as to how to get around this intractable  
problem? My crude solution is to go around the obstacle by computing  
the mean of each plant pair and using a GLM with poisson distribution  
and ignore random effects.


Martin Henery

Post doctoral researcher
Département de Biologie/Ecologie & Evolution
Université de Fribourg

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[R] Odp: dataframe

2008-11-27 Thread Petr PIKAL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] napsal dne 25.11.2008 05:30:52:

>  hi there
> I have a dataframe
> abc 123 345
> abc 345 456
> lmn 567  345
> hkl 568 535
> lmn 096  456
> lmn 768 094
> i want the uniques of column 1 and there corresponsing column 2 and 3
> output
> abc 123 345
> lmn 567  345
> hkl 568 535
> cbind(DF1[,1],DF1[which(unique(DF1[,1]),c(2,3)])
> but didnt work

If test is your data frame


shall selecte first unique items.


P.S. Not necessary to post your question several times.

> kindly let me know how to go abt it
> ramya
> -- 
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[R] Help processing large data

2008-11-27 Thread mitras

Dear all,
  I have one problem to handle a large dataset...
It looks like:
"read" "no" "length"
2 2 144
7 7 47490
9 9 310944
11 11 10089
14 14 13152
17 17 27363 and so on
There are 13 rows

>From this table I need to make a table like 
2_1 2 100
2_2 2 44
7_1 7 100
7_2 7 100
7_474 7 100
7_475 7 90
9_1 9 100
9_2 9 100 and so on...

In words: I want to divide the 3rd column by 100  to keep the length 100 and
increasing no of rows needed, where no will be same for all increased rows,
but the read will be changed like 2_1,2_2 and so on..
Please let me know if any one can help.
Thanks a lot in advance.
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Re: [R] R and SPSS

2008-11-27 Thread Tobias Verbeke
>There exists a R plug-in for SPSS. You can find it on the SPSS website.

... and there is a page on the R wiki:


>>> I have a code in R. Could anyone give me the best possible way (or just
>>> ways!) to integrate it in SPSS?
>> I would doubt you could do this, but for the least "provide commented,
>> minimal, self-contained, reproducible code." It would help if you were
>> more specific.
>> Liviu
>Alain Guillet
>Statistician and Computer Scientist
>SMCS - Institut de statistique - Université catholique de Louvain
>Bureau d.126
>Voie du Roman Pays, 20
>B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
>tel: +32 10 47 30 50
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[R] what is there in a numeric (0)?

2008-11-27 Thread jass

 I will repeat my question :what is there in a numeric(0)?

 In a function, I have several matrices with dimensions 288x1, also matrices 
with dimensions  
 0x1 (numeric(0)).
 But I really do not know in which matrix there are elements or not.
 So, these matrices that do not contain anything, if I am saying this 
correctly, I would like to make them
 matrices with the same dimensions as the first ones but with NA elements and 
the ones with elements to remain as they 
 For this reason, I thought to use the ifelse command. But I have problems 
determining the arguments of this ifelse...
 I tried to use: 
 A1 <- ifelse(nrow(A)==0,matrix(rep(NA,288),288,1),A)

 If A is a matrix with elements, then I get a A1 matrix with replicated 288 
times its first element, but I want the  
 initial A matrix. If A is a matrix with no elements (numeric(0)) then I get 
only 1 NA.  
So, how can I test if there are elements in my matrix and if there are to 
return itself the matrix and if there are not to get a matrix 288x1 with NAs?
Thank you for your time!


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Re: [R] survreg and pweibull solved for any distribution

2008-11-27 Thread Andrew Beckerman

Dear all -

Following up my own post, having found a Terry Therneau post about the  
value of predict(model,type="quantile"),

the following code ammendment produces what I was intending to see.   
It clear that the 0.5 quantile is the inflection point.  And predict()  
has the value of being distribution independent, and producing valid  
SE estimates.

lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(time, status)~ 1, data=lung, dist='weibull')

curve(pweibull(x, scale=exp(coef(lung.wbs)), shape=1/lung.wbs 
$scale,lower.tail=FALSE),from=0, to=max(lung$time))

lines(survfit(Surv(time,status)~1, data=lung), col="red")


However, one last technical question.  In an intercept only model, how  
do you specify newdata to get just a single estimate?  In the above  
example I used unique against the model predictions evaluated at every  
datapoint.  But with no terms on the RHS of the model, how do you (can  
you) specify new data?

Best wishes,

On 26 Nov 2008, at 16:27, Andrew Beckerman wrote:

Dear all -

I have followed the thread the reply to which was lead by Thomas  
Lumley about using pweibull to generate fitted survival curves for  
survreg models.

Using the lung data set,

lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(time, status)~ 1, data=lung, dist='weibull')
curve(pweibull(x, scale=exp(coef(lung.wbs)), shape=1/lung.wbs 
$scale,lower.tail=FALSE),from=0, to=max(lung$time))

lines(survfit(Surv(time,status)~1, data=lung), col="red")

Assuming this is correct, why does the inflection point of this  
curve not match up to the exp(scale parameter)?  Am I wrong in  
assuming that the scale represents the inflection, and the shape  
adjusts the shape around this point?  I think I am perhaps  
confusing the scale and the median with the inflection point  

One can visualise the mismatch with:


Many thanks for the clarification

R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)
attached base packages:
[1] splines   datasets  utils stats graphics  grDevices  
methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] survival_2.34-1 Hmisc_3.4-3 lattice_0.17-15 MASS_7.2-44
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] cluster_1.11.11 grid_2.8.0  tools_2.8.0


Dr. Andrew Beckerman
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield,
Alfred Denny Building, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
ph +44 (0)114 222 0026; fx +44 (0)114 222 0002

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[R] Regression Problem for loop

2008-11-27 Thread ales grill
Dear all,
 I have wrote a code for a linear regression. I want to
write a loop for so, that I can get estimate for pavlues for six predictors.
But I am getting for estmate for only last one. How can I get pvalues for
all my  predictors in a loop??

Anticipating your help

> mat<-matrix(rnorm(36),nrow=6)
> mat
[,1]  [,2]   [,3]   [,4]
[1,]  1.10536338 -0.7613770 -1.7100569 -1.8762241 -0.36579280  0.6465219
[2,] -1.34836804 -0.2174270 -0.1153477 -0.1727683 -1.88406206  1.7484955
[3,]  0.96814418 -2.1483727  0.5839668 -1.2361659  0.04592844  1.9937995
[4,]  0.01960219 -1.2339691  0.8290761  0.1002795 -0.15952881  0.3969251
[5,]  1.62343073  1.3741222 -1.2045854  0.4180127 -0.09898615  1.3575119
[6,] -0.95260509 -0.1522824 -1.4257526  1.0057412 -1.20068336 -0.4306761
> res<-rnorm(6)
> res
[1]  0.2045252 -0.9824761  0.7727004  0.6439993  1.8005737  1.0167214
> pval<-NULL
> for(i in c(1:6))
+ {
+ reg<-lm(res~mat[,i])
+ reg
+ pval[i]<-reg$p.value
+ }
> pval
> reg

lm(formula = res ~ mat[, i])
(Intercept) mat[, i]
 0.8195  -0.2557

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Re: [R] Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list (Digest mode)

2008-11-27 Thread Gábor Csárdi
With igraph, do

read.graph(filename, format="ncol", directed=TRUE)

I just noticed that the 'directed' option is not documented, sorry about that,

ps. please give a proper subject to your emails...

On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Weijia You <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi friends,
> Is there anyone who happened to import data set in the "DL" format into R
> for further analysis?
> In the package of "network", there's only a method named "read.paj()".
> So now, I have to get the dl file from the original data set, and use UCINET
> to convert it to .net file. It's too complicated.
> :(
> In the package of "igraph", edgelist is one the format which can be
> imported, however, weight can not be expressed. As for the format "ncol",
> weight is considered, but it's always undirected.
> Thank you for comments and suggestions!
> Best!
> Weijia
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Re: [R] Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list (Digest mode)

2008-11-27 Thread Weijia You
Hi friends,

Is there anyone who happened to import data set in the "DL" format into R
for further analysis?

In the package of "network", there's only a method named "read.paj()".
So now, I have to get the dl file from the original data set, and use UCINET
to convert it to .net file. It's too complicated.

In the package of "igraph", edgelist is one the format which can be
imported, however, weight can not be expressed. As for the format "ncol",
weight is considered, but it's always undirected.

Thank you for comments and suggestions!



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Re: [R] Error in sqlCopy in RODBC

2008-11-27 Thread Dieter Menne

BKMooney wrote:
> I tried your suggestion...
> library(RODBC)
> channel = odbcConnectAccess("db.mdb")
> sqlCopy(channel,"Select * from tab","newtab",destchannel=channel,
>   safer=TRUE,append=TRUE,rownames=FALSE,fast=FALSE)
> odbcClose(channel)
> however, I am still running into errors, both when appending to an
> existing table, or creating a table if the destination table does not
> exist.  
> The code I am using is: 
> query <-  " select * from tblHistorical where MyDate between '2008-11-21'
> and '2008-11-25' ; "
> sqlCopy(RemoteChannel, query, "NewTable", destchannel=LocalChannel,
> safer=TRUE, append=TRUE, rownames=FALSE, fast=FALSE)

This is confusing: did you get an error trying my code, or did you get an
error with your
code? RODBC is very context dependent, and chances are close to zero that
you get
a useful reply when you do not provide an example or even not run the
example provided
in your environment.

Did you try the select statement directly in a query? '2008-11-25' or


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PLEASE do read the posting guide
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Re: [R] R and SPSS

2008-11-27 Thread Alain Guillet

There exists a R plug-in for SPSS. You can find it on the SPSS website.

Hope it helps.


Liviu Andronic wrote:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Applejus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a code in R. Could anyone give me the best possible way (or just
>> ways!) to integrate it in SPSS?
> I would doubt you could do this, but for the least "provide commented,
> minimal, self-contained, reproducible code." It would help if you were
> more specific.
> Liviu

Alain Guillet
Statistician and Computer Scientist

SMCS - Institut de statistique - Université catholique de Louvain
Bureau d.126
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: +32 10 47 30 50

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