2004-11-13 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
I'll be placing a new Windows version of GSAS onto the CCP14 web site 
immediately. The fixes are noted below. As usual thanks to all, especially 
those who find bugs & errors.
Bob Von Dreele
Nov. 13, 2004
1. Fixed problem in CW function nos. 3-5 (Finger, Cox & Jephcoat function) 
where an odd crash 
occured at high 2-theta & very particular selections of coefficients. Error was 
the "reverse" 
of the one that was fixed by a trig substitution on 12/2/2002 (#2 below). This 
change results
in an extremely small change in the fit for high angle reflections. Thanks to 
Cranswick for pointing  out the problem.
2. Added facility to GEOMETRY for producing a list of all spins for a magnetic 
phase in the 
unit cell. Thanks to Brian Toby for this modification.
Oct. 31, 2004
1. Improvements to the Pawley refinement for better stability. Modify .REF 
output file 
format for very large fosq values. Add more editing options for Pawley 
2. Modify functions for profile #5 so that Dij are now directly proportional to 
deviations of metric tensor elements and not dependent on crystal symmetry.


2005-01-27 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Title: Message

A new version of 
GSAS for Windows has been downloaded to the CCP14 web server. The changes are 
relatively minor. They involve another "tweak" of the FCJ profile functions and 
an update of the atmdata.dat file. See remarks below. Some remaining issues 
1) The Pawley 
refinement doesn't appear to work with more than one phase - I'll need to sort 
that out soon.
2) There is a fix to 
the recent output option for magnetic moments in GEOMETRY but it isn't 
implemented yet.
As usual, please let 
me know of any problems, bugs, ect. Your comments really 
Bob Von 
Jan. 26, 20051. Updated neutron scattering 
lengths in atmdata.dat file to match those given in the "Neutron Data 
Booklet". This will not change any current refinement unless a new atom type is 
inserted in your experiment file. New experiment files will contain the new 
atom values. Changes were generally very small. The old atmdata.dat file is 
in gsas\data as "oldatmdata.dat".Dec. 10, 20041. Yet another fix to the 
Finger, Cox & Jephcoat peak shape function where it could crash fora 
peak at exactly 90.000 deg 2-theta. Thanks to Jim Kaduk for finding this 

new GSAS

2005-03-22 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Title: Message

A new version of the 
Windows GSAS has been placed on the CCP14 web site. The changes from the Jan. 
27, 2005 version are relatively modest. These are:
Mar. 22, 20051. 
Corrected some of the parameter names for the P. Stephens peak shape parameters. 
These were mostly for hexagonal/trigonal lattices.2. A new version of 
WRITSPINS has been put in GEOMETRY thanks to Brian Toby. Output is nowin 
full agreement with drawings made by VRSTPLOT.Feb. 7, 20051. Corrections 
made to the expressions for Dij in functions #5 so that the 
are true. Note the 
difference between this and what was given in the 9/26/04 version of the 
GSAS Manual, p 164 where the conversion factor shown was pi/9000.2. An 
error in VRSTPLOT which sometimes incorrectly plotted "red" magnetic vectors 
when all  "black" magnetic operators were used.
As usual please let 
me know of any bugs, etc. you may find.
Bob Von 

new GSAS

2005-06-08 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Title: Message

A new Windows 
version of GSAS has been placed on the CCP14 web site. There are some changes 
since the Apr. 7, 2005 release. These are:
June 8, 20051. 
Modified GENLES so that the Marquardt matrix modifier is changed before the 
current cycle. It will decrease by 20% or less depending on the ratio 
squared of the minimization function from the current cycleto that of the 
previous cycle. Previously, it was modified after the cycle completed. This 
change improvedLS stability for refinements that required this matrix 
modifier (extreme damping).2. Modified the spherical harmonics so that 2500 
coefficients are now permitted (old limit was 594). Itdoesn't mean of course 
that one can actually refine that many with a given data set but you can 
try.3. Modified RAWPLOT to allow simultaneous refinement of 75 Bragg peaks; 
I've used it for 56 and this worksjust fine.May 17, 20051. Modified 
FITSPEC so that a multiple scattering and absorption correction is applied to 
vanadiumdata used for neutron TOF incident intensity measurements according 
to J.M. Carpenter, Rev. Sci. Inst. 40, 555-556 (1969). FITSPEC will ask for 
diameter of vanadium rod used in cm &write the radius on record 
'INS   VRAD  '. If you change rods, edit this record by 
hand.2. A new GSAS program has been written, GSAS2MAP, which converts GSAS 
Fourier maps to other formats.This facility had been embedded in FORPLOT but 
is now separate. The maps that can be produced are:a) ascii file suitable 
for input to FOX (very big files!), b) DN6 "brix" format readable by a number 
ofprotein graphics programs (includes SPDBV and O), and c) the CCP4 map 
format which is more widely readable by protein graphics programs (including 
SPDBV, O and COOT - real nice!). The CCP4 map file formatwants the space 
group number (!) not the symbol. Consequently, GSAS2MAP will ask for the space 
group number(once) and will keep it for future reference by putting it on 
the "SG SYM" record in your EXP file. Bewarned that "nonstandard" space 
group settings may be either unknown to CCP4 or have peculiar space 
groupnumbers (i.e. larger than 230). A list of the allowed ones are in 
\gsas\data\CCP4_space_groups.txt.Apr. 13, 20051. Eliminated some extra 
references to parameters not appropriate for nondiffraction histograms (e.g. 
scales) that were occasionally created.2. Fixed some errors in gsas2cif 
namely long lines for anisotropic thermal parameter records, missing sig on 
unit cell volume & underscores in atom type names.As usual let me know 
of bugs & requests.
Bob Von 

new gsas

2007-05-03 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi All,
New versions of GSAS for Windows and Fedora-5 have been placed on the CCP14 web 
server. The changes are as follows:
May 2, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in a histogram.
2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein software CNS.
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read correctly.
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and over limited 
sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot.
As usual let me know of bugs, "features", etc. you may find. The RedHat 
Enterprise & MacOSX versions will be made later.
Bob Von Dreele


2007-06-13 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi Everyone,
New Windows and Linux versions of GSAS have been downloaded to the CCP14
web site. The changes (since 2/2007) are:
June 12, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in a
2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein
software CNS.
3. Two new features have been added to the Pawley refinement menu: 
The 'P' option produces a Wilson plot of the Pawley extracted
intensities. The plot is made as ln[/f^2] vs Q. A well formed
Wilson plot will show deviations at low Q but will form a "reasonably"
straight line of negative slope (= -). In this approximation the
x-ray f is that for a neon atom/10 so the intercept is ln(scale) where
scale is in terms of unit cell contents of electrons for x-ray patterns.
For neutron data the scale is in terms of unit scattering lengths per
unit cell. Significant deviations in this Wilson plot can arise from
misfit background and peak profiles.
The 'W' option permits the inclusion of a restraint to a Pawley
refinement that the extracted intensities conform to a Wilson plot of
specified scale and .
4. The utility program overlp.exe is now included in gsas\exe. It
computes the overlap factors as defined in Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst.
40, 133-143 (2007). Input is one or more .REF files from reflist, one
for each histogram. Overlp produces a .TXT file named after the first
.REF file. It is a table of overlap values for each reflection, columns
are: reflection no., 2-theta, 1st histogram overlap factor &
multihistogram overlap factor. Last column shows the effect of using
multiple data sets on the reflection overlap. This .TXT file can be read
into a spreadsheet program for plotting.
5. The PVE file now conains RF**2, Rp and Rwp for each histogram. These
are found at the top of the file before the individual parameter
6. The Pawley reflection keys have been modified. They are now 'HKL
nN' instead of 'HKL   Nn'. This facilitates adding more
reflection records.
7. The space group symbol now has all extraneous spaces removed so that
only one will be between axial fields. Tabs are converted to spaces
(done for all typed in input in any case).
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and over
limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot.
As usual, let me know of bugs, errors, "wants", etc.
Since I now have an Intel Mac on my desk, I'll try to make a matching
OSX version (wish me luck!).
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2007-11-12 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi All,
I have placed new Windows, MacOSX (for Intel) & Fedora 5 versions of
GSAS on the ccp14 web site. changes are:
Nov. 12, 2007
1. Oops, forgot some arrays - GSAS now WILL do up to 200,000 profile
points in a single powder pattern.
2. A new weight modification for powder data is available. In histogram
editing (same as where histograms are inserted) the "F" option is used
to set the weight factors for the powder histograms. The first value
("weight factor" - FACTR) is a constant multiplier (default = 1.0) for
all the powder profile weights. The second value ("weight balance" -
WTM) changes the relative weighting between the low and high ends of the
pattern (default WTM = 0.0). If WTM > 0.0 then 
 w' = w*FACTR*exp(-WTM*T)(this will down weight the high T part
of the pattern)
If WTM < 0.0 then
w' = w*FACTR*[1-exp(-WTM*T)](this will down weight the low T
part of the pattern)
where w is the weight obtained typically from 1/esd**2, T is either
2-theta in centidegrees or neutron TOF in microsec. The weight
modification is applied when POWPREF is run. Non-zero values of WTM can
be used to "force" a refinement to fit one end or the other of a pattern
(at the expense of the other end) to facilitate jumping out of local
false minima. Very small values of WTM are quite effective; in an
initial trial with x-ray powder data, I set WTM=+/-0.001 and then back
to WTM=0 for a sequence of protein refinements.
3. After considerable thought and a read of the paper "A Study of
Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy Estimation and Model
Selection" by R. Kohavi, Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
(1995), I have reinstalled the facility for producing an "Rpfree" for
powder data. It was originally introduced on Apr. 15, 2004 (it was
removed July 25, 2005). The note given at the time of introduction was:
2. There is now an option in histogram editing to set aside a certain
fraction of the profile points in a powder pattern to calculate an Rfree
and Rwfree. This replaces the old 'S' option (which didn't work anyway).
The Rfree & Rwfree values appear in the .LST file (not on screen) and in
the EXP file. In my initial tests these seem to follow the Rp & Rwp
values closely through the entire course of a refinement but maybe you
all will see wilder behavior in your refinements. Note that you set two
things for this - one is the percentage of points to set aside (1-10%)
and a random number seed. The seed ensures that the selection of points
remains the same for all runs of POWPREF; this will change if seed is
changed or if profile limits & excluded regions are changed. If you want
to use this it should be set very early in the analysis; setting it for
just the final refinement cycles somewhat defeats its purpose.
The maximum fraction that can be now set aside is 50%; powder data is
usually very overdetermined in comparing number of profile points to
number of parameters so this is not unreasonable. I have further
modified HSTDMP and POWPLOT so that the Rpfree points are easily seen
(plots as blue crosses while those used in the refinement are red). It
should be noted that this "holdout" method is not strictly speaking a
"cross-validation" according to Kohavi (but then again neither is the
"Rfree" commonly evaluated for protein structure refinements). 

I hope you find these useful. Please let me know if you use these & what
your experience with them is. As usual pleasle let me know about bugs &
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2000-06-09 Thread Bob Von Dreele

There is a new version of GSAS for MS-DOS/Win95/98/NT now available. The 
changes are to implement the adjustable "convergence criterion" in GENLES. 
Thanks to Riccardo Vivani for pointing out the "v" option (that didn't 
work) in the LS controls menu. This option now works as intended. The 
convergence criterion is now just a test against the sum(shift/esd)**2 for 
the variables in GENLES. Previously this test was also against the 
sum(shift/esd)**2 of the parameters for each class (scales, profile coeff., 
background, atom parms., etc.). This latter set of tests have now been 
removed. The second modification is a change to the presentation of the 
plots in POWPLOT, etc. The values shown along each axis are now more 
"natural" so that a 2-theta range will show "20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 
120.0" and hence will be closer to publication format. You should know that 
the "eps" and "ps" output files from POWPLOT are easily modified to change 
the text and the font. For example the line

/Cf {/Courier findfont} bind def

found near the top of the file could be changed to

/Cf {/TimesNewRoman-Bold findfont} bind def

to change all the printed font to Times New Roman Bold; this gives a very 
spiffy plot. Explore this file and you'll find other easily changed items 
that will improve its appearance.
Bob Von Dreele


2001-03-12 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
New versions of GSAS for MS-DOS/Winxx and Linux have been placed on the ftp 
site A new copy of the GSAS Manual has also been 
placed there. The changes are in the latest GSAS News and are:

1. Each powder histogram may now have a weight factor. By default the value 
is 1.0;
it can be changed in the histogram editing menu after which POWPREF must be 
run to
implement it. This can be used to change the relative weighting of 
different powder
histograms or to "shift" a high chi**2. Caution is advised in using this 
2. The number of terms in each atom constraint is now 500; it was 100. This 
has not
been explicitly tested but should work.
3. An error in lattice parameter constraints has been fixed.
4. The maximum size of Fourier maps is 5M elements. The size of a section 
is now
arbitrary; this limit used to be 23000 imposed in FORPLOT.
5. An attempt has been made to fix a bug in the twin calculation routine. 
The old
one only seemed to work for neutron magnetic structures. It should be noted 
refinement of a "Flack" parameter can be done with the twin option by 
entering a
twin element with the inversion matrix.
6. RAWPLOT now has an option to output the fitted profile appended after 
the peak
fitting results.
7. The torsion angle restraint has been changed to have pseudopotential 
for the angle.
8. The output of several restraints have been changed to be more consistent 
each other.

I'm working on preparing a new SGI version as well.
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2001-03-16 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
The last version inadvertently had a particularly bloated version of EXPEDT 
(~20Mb) that may have caused memory allocation errors particularly in 
WinNT/2000. I have fixed this and a few other things as well and placed new 
MS-DOS/Win and Linux versions on the ftp server
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2001-03-26 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
I have made a new "flavor" of GSAS for MS Windows. You'll find it in the 
directory "windows" at It is a new 
compilation with the g77 compiler for Windows so that the code is identical 
to that used for the Linux version of GSAS. The biggest change is that the 
graphics is now "true" Windows graphics (i.e. not DOS graphics). The 
executables are also "true" 32 bit (i.e. not DOE extended 32 bit) and run 
in a console window. This version will work in any of Win95/98/NT4/2000. 
The graphics is produced in a separate window which has a multitude of 
viewing options; a given run of a GSAS graphics program will produce 
multiple windows each with a plot. These can be horizontally or vertically 
tiled or laid in a cascade. Each plot can be copied for pasting elsewhere 
(Word or PowerPoint). The plots have extensive zoom and scrolling 
capability for getting a close look and each plot can be dynamically 
resized. The two choices for the plot style are either black on white or 
visa versa.
This version must be considered a "beta test" as there a few features & 
1) Each GSAS program creates a zero length file with the same name as the 
program with no extension. These will clutter up a directory and may be 
deleted any time. I have no idea where these files come from. Any advice 
would be welcome.
2) The cursor/keyboard behaves differently when a plotting program has an 
active cursor. The keyboard gives no real response in Win2000 (maybe WinNT 
too) but works fine in Win98(95?). The mouse always seems to work. There 
maybe some machine dependence with this behavior.
3) The experiment and raw powder data files are fixed length direct access. 
This is as it always been. For this new version each record is 82 
characters long and have a CR/LF as the last two characters on each record. 
This makes the files appear to be like "text" files for DOS/Windows so they 
may be examined & edited without conversion. A routine CNVFILE has been 
included to convert unix style direct access files to this file structure. 
Moreover, EXPEDT, etc. will convert these files "on the fly". This is very 
similar to what the DOS & Linux versions have done recently. I have 
prepared a new Linux version that will behave in exactly this same way but 
am not quite prepared to release it yet.
4) The graphics can be stunningly slow if run at the same time as a big 
GENLES refinement is run. This is probably a function of processor speed & 
memory. I saw this on my 633MHz/128Mb laptop.
5) The distribution kit does not include PC-GSAS.EXE as it fails badly on 
WinNT/2000. The QBASIC routine gsas.bas & gsas.bat work fine. Don't tell 
Bill G. but I included a old copy of qbasic.
6) Pay special attention to the README as the installation instructions are 
slightly different from the DOS version of GSAS.
Have fun with it and let me know of any bugs that show up.
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2001-04-09 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi Everyone,
I have a new version of PC-GSAS.EXE that works in both Win95/98 and 
WinNT/2000 and have put the executable in There is also a new version for 
Linux in the directory /linux-beta. The main change is to make the exp & 
raw powder data files direct access with 82 character records each 
terminated with CR/LF. Thus, these files can be easily read and edited 
without any need for conversion. Their structure is identical to that for 
MS Windows so these files can be moved between operating systems without 
conversions as well. EXPEDT in Linux should convert your old Linux files to 
the new format. A conversion utility, CONVFILE, is also provided to do this 
job. Because of this format change Brian Toby's expgui may need some 
revision - Brian is working on this - but I wanted folks to try this 
version & let me know of bugs. This Linux version was compiled on RedHat 
7.0 and linked to the downward compatible libraries so it should run in 
RedHat 6.2 or better (& equivalent).
Bob Von Dreele


2001-05-31 Thread Bob Von Dreele

I have placed new Windows and Linux versions of GSAS on the ftp site.
Changes are as follows
1. A new version (0.99.7a) of the GRWin library is now used. GSAS now uses the
"mscvrt" version of the g77 libaries. The previous version used the 
"crtdll" libaries.
Consequently the Windows behavior is changed for graphics. The GRWin window 
is now
always "on top" (i.e. above the console & other windows). Do not minimize 
or delete the
GRWin window as that will cause the GSAS routine to crash if another plot 
is requested.
Just slide the GRWin window off to one side or resize it to a postage stamp 
if it is in the way.
2. The cursor/keyboard now works correctly in all Win versions.
3. Eight simultaneous plots are allowed in all Windows versions of GSAS. 
The ninth
plot overwrites the first, the tenth overwrites the second, etc.
4. gsas2cif now works and produces the calculated background correctly.
5. The line width for the Windows graphics routines has been increased. The 
"emf" (encapsulated metafile) files can then be used to "insert" into a 
Word or
PowerPoint document which will print nicely.
A remaining mystery:
1. Empty files (expedt, genles, etc.) are created in Windows under certain 
Those of you who are using Win2000 please look at the "readme" file as 
there is an easier
way to set the correct "environment variables" GSAS needs to run correctly. 
No more
editing the "autoexec.bat" file.
Please let me know of any problems.
Bob Von Dreele


2001-06-11 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
I've placed new Windows & Linux GSAS distribution kits on the ftp server. 
There are some substantial changes in the installation and operation for 
this version. It is important to look at the "readme" file (yes, even you 
old hands). See below for details.
Bob Von Dreele

GSAS News...
June 11, 2001
Fixes & changes.
1. Missing font file (grfont.dat) placed in Windows distribution kit.
2. Error in phi/psi torsion angle restraint editing routine fixed.
3. EXPTOOL fixed to handle new file formats.
4. Program "GEOMETRY" now called correctly from PC-GSAS.
5. The Windows gsaskit.exe distribution kit now includes the GSAS Manual as 
a pdf file.
Use Adobe Reader to read it. The kit is now created as a self extracting 
that automatically creates the correct directory structure (i.e. the "-d" 
is no longer
6. The QBASIC GSAS interface has been removed from the Windows kit.
7. A modification of the "registration" procedure for EXP files is given in 
the "readme"
file. It gives better behavior of the console window running each GSAS routine.
8. The appropriate macro files for setting up complete restraints for 
protein powder
refinement for the 20 natural amino acids are now in \gsas\macros. You are 
on your own
for other types of "macromolecules" and any possible ligand molecules (i.e. 
NAG, etc.).
9. The "old" versions of the experiment files are now numbered "EXPNAM.Onn" 
where nn is a hexadecimal value. These form a back history of your 
experiment files as your work
progresses. By entering "D" (delete) in the first menu in EXPEDT you can 
backup for as
many previous versions as you have retained on your disk drive. Once you 
have entered
"D" you cannot change your mind so be careful about going back to a 
previous version.
The largest version extension is ".OFF" (i.e. 255 versions). It is not 
clear what will
happen if you exceed this. If you are close to this limit I recommend 
deleting all
"EXPNAM.Onn" files; the next run of EXPEDT or GENLES will generate 
(Thanks to Allen Larson for this one).
10. Experiment names are no longer restricted to 8 characters. The entire 
file name
including path is restricted by the operating system to 255 characters. 
However, GSAS
experiment names and the path should not have imbedded blanks.

new GSAS

2004-04-16 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi all,
There is a new version of GSAS for Windows; Linux to follow soon. The changes are:
GSAS News...
April 15, 2004 (tax day in USA)
1. A small cosmetic fix to the g-value editing routine.
2. There is now an option in histogram editing to set aside a certain fraction of the 
profile points in a powder pattern to calculate an Rfree and Rwfree. This replaces the 
old 'S' option (which didn't work anyway). The Rfree & Rwfree values appear in the .LST
file (not on screen) and in the EXP file. In my initial tests these seem to follow the
Rp & Rwp values closely through the entire course of a refinement but maybe you all
will see wilder behavior in your refinements. Note that you set two things for this - 
one is the percentage of points to set aside (1-10%) and a random number seed. The seed
ensures that the selection of points remains the same for all runs of POWPREF; this
will change if seed is changed or if profile limits & excluded regions are changed. 
If you want to use this it should be set very early in the analysis; setting it for
just the final refinement cycles somewhat defeats its purpose.
3. After some experience, I've had to set the integration controls for the Finger, Cox
& Jephcoat axial divergence profile function back to where I had them a few years ago.
Too many ripples. New version will be a bit slower but more accurate.

Please let me know of your experiences with Rfree, especially if it differs much from 
Rp. I'd like to know circumstances when this happens to get an idea of how useful a 
diagnostic it is. I'm thinking of doing the same for the single crystal histograms - 
any comments?
Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS

2004-04-17 Thread Marcelo J.G. Silva

Hello Bob Von Dreele and all,
I am Marcelo Gomes da Silva, PhD Student at 
About this new version,  is it avaliable for 
downlaod already?
If so, where?
Appreciate everybody's attention.
- Original Message - 
From: "Von Dreele, Robert B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rietveld list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 11:18 AM
Subject: new GSAS
> Hi all,> There is a new version of GSAS for Windows; 
Linux to follow soon. The changes are:>  > GSAS 
News...> April 15, 2004 (tax day in USA)> 1. A small cosmetic 
fix to the g-value editing routine.> 2. There is now an option in 
histogram editing to set aside a certain fraction of the > profile points 
in a powder pattern to calculate an Rfree and Rwfree. This replaces the > 
old 'S' option (which didn't work anyway). The Rfree & Rwfree values appear 
in the .LST> file (not on screen) and in the EXP file. In my initial 
tests these seem to follow the> Rp & Rwp values closely through the 
entire course of a refinement but maybe you all> will see wilder behavior 
in your refinements. Note that you set two things for this - > one is the 
percentage of points to set aside (1-10%) and a random number seed. The 
seed> ensures that the selection of points remains the same for all runs 
of POWPREF; this> will change if seed is changed or if profile limits 
& excluded regions are changed. > If you want to use this it should 
be set very early in the analysis; setting it for> just the final 
refinement cycles somewhat defeats its purpose.> 3. After some 
experience, I've had to set the integration controls for the Finger, Cox> 
& Jephcoat axial divergence profile function back to where I had them a few 
years ago.> Too many ripples. New version will be a bit slower but more 
accurate.> > Please let me know of your experiences with Rfree, 
especially if it differs much from Rp. I'd like to know circumstances when this 
happens to get an idea of how useful a diagnostic it is. I'm thinking of doing 
the same for the single crystal histograms - any comments?> 
Enjoy,> Bob Von Dreele> > 

new GSAS

2004-04-17 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi All,
I suppose I need to remind folks about where to find the new GSAS. It is always at
The Windows version was put there on Friday 4/16/04.
Bob Von Dreele

From: Marcelo J.G. Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 4/17/2004 7:56 AM

Hello Bob Von Dreele and all,
I am Marcelo Gomes da Silva, PhD Student at PennState.
About this new version,  is it avaliable for downlaod already?
If so, where?
Appreciate everybody's attention.
- Original Message - 
From: "Von Dreele, Robert B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rietveld list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 11:18 AM

> Hi all,
> There is a new version of GSAS for Windows; Linux to follow soon. The changes are:
> GSAS News...
> April 15, 2004 (tax day in USA)
> 1. A small cosmetic fix to the g-value editing routine.
> 2. There is now an option in histogram editing to set aside a certain fraction of 
> the 
> profile points in a powder pattern to calculate an Rfree and Rwfree. This replaces 
> the 
> old 'S' option (which didn't work anyway). The Rfree & Rwfree values appear in the 
> .LST
> file (not on screen) and in the EXP file. In my initial tests these seem to follow 
> the
> Rp & Rwp values closely through the entire course of a refinement but maybe you all
> will see wilder behavior in your refinements. Note that you set two things for this 
> - 
> one is the percentage of points to set aside (1-10%) and a random number seed. The 
> seed
> ensures that the selection of points remains the same for all runs of POWPREF; this
> will change if seed is changed or if profile limits & excluded regions are changed. 
> If you want to use this it should be set very early in the analysis; setting it for
> just the final refinement cycles somewhat defeats its purpose.
> 3. After some experience, I've had to set the integration controls for the Finger, 
> Cox
> & Jephcoat axial divergence profile function back to where I had them a few years 
> ago.
> Too many ripples. New version will be a bit slower but more accurate.
> Please let me know of your experiences with Rfree, especially if it differs much 
> from Rp. I'd like to know circumstances when this happens to get an idea of how 
> useful a diagnostic it is. I'm thinking of doing the same for the single crystal 
> histograms - any comments?
> Enjoy,
> Bob Von Dreele

Re: new GSAS

2005-03-23 Thread Maxim Avdeev
Oops, sorry. Please disregard my last e-mail.
The "Reply" button is a dangerous one...


Another new GSAS

2005-04-07 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Title: Message

Well, when on a 
A new version of 
GSAS for Windows has been placed on the CCP14 web site. As you can see from the 
notes below this has significant changes. The powder graphics has been improved 
with a new font, a high/low resolution option and the availability of variable 
scaling ranges. The other most important change is a modification of the PC-GSAS 
routine and bat file which eliminates the need for setting environment variables 
and perhaps rebooting your machine when GSAS is installed. Please read the 
"readme.txt" file carefully when you install this version of GSAS as the 
procedure is different (& simpler).
Apr. 6, 20051. 
Added option of high resolution plots to POWPLOT & RAWPLOT. In high 
resolution mode allpoints (up to 9) are plotted while in default low 
resolution mode only 5000 are plotted.Previous versions only plotted 2400 
points so there will be improvement even in low resolution.High resolution 
mode is slow so it is best used for final plots before publication. 2. Added 
facility to POWPLOT and RAWPLOT for up to 4 differently scaled plot regions. The 
scalingis given as a caption near the bottom of the plot. Only powder 
patterns have this scaling option;it is not used for other 1-D plots 
produced in GSAS.3. Changed the graphics font from "Normal" (very plain 
single stroke letters) to "Roman" (similar to Times-Roman). Looks nicer but 
they aren't filled in characters.4. A start has been made on a Z-matrix 
style constraint for side chains in macromolecules. A newitem has been added 
to the least squares menu but it does not "do" anything yet.March 31, 
20051. Increased the number of peaks fitted simultaneously in RAWPLOT to 
50.2. A major change in the way gsas programs are invoked from pc-gsas.exe. 
Both pc-gsas.bat and pc-gsas.exe have been modified so that the environment 
variables needed are invokedimmediately before each gsas program is run thus 
eliminating the need to set them ineither the autoexec.bat file 
(Win95/98/ME) or in the system/user environment space (WinNT/2K/XP)thus 
simplifying installation of gsas. This change also solves two problems:a) 
The mysterious zero byte files (e.g. "expedt") which appeared in the user 
working directoryare now eliminated. These were created in error by each 
gsas program as it tried to determinethe "Distribution Date" for that 
version of gsas.b) The "Distribution Date" for each gsas program is now 
correct and is the date/time that Icompiled/linked it in making up that 
particular version of gsas. You can check this by examining the "properties" 
of any of the gsas executable programs (not pc-gsas.exe) and comparing the 
"Modified" dateshown by Windows with the "Distribution Date" shown in the 
GSAS banner when the program is run. Theyshould be identical. There will be 
differences of a few seconds between the various programs; that reflects the 
exact time they were linked.When you install this version of gsas please 
carefully read the "readme.txt" file as the installationis different from 
earlier ones. You may wish to remove all environment variables for gsas & 
PGPLOT_FONT from your computer as they are no longer needed. If you run gsas 
from batch files you will need to modify them as directed in the readme.txt 
Please let me know 
of any problems particularly as the changes are pretty major for the 
Bob Von Dreele

New GSAS kits

2007-02-15 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
There are 3 new versions of the GSASkit on the ccp14 download web site.
The Windows version and two linux versions were created. The major
change is that the restrictive format requirements for raw powder data
files has been lifted. No longer are they read as direct access with
fixed length records but are read as ordinary sequential files. Note
that the internal record formats are unchanged - see the GSAS Manual for
details. The number of points in a powder pattern is now 12. The
linux versions now match the Windows version. Please look at
gsasnews.txt for the changes since the last full update (4/20/2006).
As usual please let me know of any bugs, "features", etc. that you find.
Bob Von Dreele

Another new GSAS

2007-02-23 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
I have just down loaded 3 new versions of GSAS to the ccp14 web site.
These are for MS Windows, RedHat Enterprise 4 linux & Fedora 4 linux.
The last two are not interchangable as the former has more of the
libraries within the distribution. The changes are a) a bug fix for
gsas2cif and b) improvements to the powder graphics routines. After
seeing the recent discussion in the Rietveld e-mail list, I added the
options of Q-space and sqrt(I) powder pattern plotting. I also
"improved" the appearance of these plots by using the "real" Greek
characters where ever needed (theta, mu, etc.) and superscripts for
powers of 10. All this works quite nicely in Windows and linux
(X-windows) graphics.
As usual - let me know of bugs & "features".
Bob Von Dreele

RE: new gsas

2007-05-09 Thread Ling Yang
Dear Dr. Von Dreele,

What is the unit of scattering length density in GSAS from the Fourier
output, for different types of Fourier maps respectively? Sometimes huge
values are obtained for Patterson plot. Is there a way to normalized the
values, for example, to number of electrons/A^3?
Many thanks.

Ling Yang

-Original Message-
From: Von Dreele, Robert B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: new gsas

Hi All,
New versions of GSAS for Windows and Fedora-5 have been placed on the CCP14
web server. The changes are as follows:
May 2, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in a
2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein software
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and over
limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot.
As usual let me know of bugs, "features", etc. you may find. The RedHat
Enterprise & MacOSX versions will be made later.
Bob Von Dreele

Re: new gsas

2007-05-11 Thread Sven Vogel

Hi Bob,

I am not yet using the latest version (I am analyzing textures of a 
triclinic phase since a week, so there is always something running), 
but the bugs I believe I found are reasonably far away from the 
mainstream and your reported updates that they are probably still in 
the current version:

- when I do spherical harmonics analysis with two phases and I am in 
the harmonics menu (o o h), I have to issue "p 2" twice to get to the 
2nd phase, the first time it just lists phase 1 coefficients again. 
Not a big deal, just my scripts needed some updating for two phase 
texture fits (which makes me think that that bug hasn't been there always).
- when I use my vacuum measured Vanadium spectrum as I_inc (Type 10), 
RAWPLOT refuses to normalize. POWPLOT does it correctly, so the file 
is there, the IPARM file should be good etc. RAWPLOT just gives the 
non-normalized spectrum.

BTW: MAUD is getting useful now, just slow, not automatable etc. I 
seem to have a case where spherical harmonics in GSAS and MAUD give a 
significantly different answer than WIMV in MAUD, just FYI. Also FYI 
- HIPPO DAQ is moving to Linux, we'll see how that goes. One 
advantage is supposedly that we'll get save times of the order of a 
few seconds now. Frans has taken over a lot of the DAQ stuff.

have a nice weekend!


At 15:26 5/3/2007, you wrote:

Hi All,
New versions of GSAS for Windows and Fedora-5 have been placed on 
the CCP14 web server. The changes are as follows:

May 2, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in 
a histogram.

2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein software CNS.
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read correctly.
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and 
over limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot.
As usual let me know of bugs, "features", etc. you may find. The 
RedHat Enterprise & MacOSX versions will be made later.

Bob Von Dreele

Re: New GSAS

2007-06-13 Thread doebbler
Excellent! I will, of course, be happy to test the new mac version when 
you get it :-)


Von Dreele, Robert B. wrote:

Hi Everyone,
New Windows and Linux versions of GSAS have been downloaded to the 
CCP14 web site. The changes (since 2/2007) are:
June 12, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in a 
2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein 
software CNS.
3. Two new features have been added to the Pawley refinement menu:
The 'P' option produces a Wilson plot of the Pawley extracted 
intensities. The plot is made as ln[/f^2] vs Q. A well formed 
Wilson plot will show deviations at low Q but will form a "reasonably" 
straight line of negative slope (= -). In this approximation the 
x-ray f is that for a neon atom/10 so the intercept is ln(scale) where 
scale is in terms of unit cell contents of electrons for x-ray 
patterns. For neutron data the scale is in terms of unit scattering 
lengths per unit cell. Significant deviations in this Wilson plot can 
arise from misfit background and peak profiles.
The 'W' option permits the inclusion of a restraint to a Pawley 
refinement that the extracted intensities conform to a Wilson plot of 
specified scale and .
4. The utility program overlp.exe is now included in gsas\exe. It 
computes the overlap factors as defined in Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 
40, 133-143 (2007). Input is one or more .REF files from reflist, one 
for each histogram. Overlp produces a .TXT file named after the first 
.REF file. It is a table of overlap values for each reflection, 
columns are: reflection no., 2-theta, 1st histogram overlap factor & 
multihistogram overlap factor. Last column shows the effect of using 
multiple data sets on the reflection overlap. This .TXT file can be 
read into a spreadsheet program for plotting.
5. The PVE file now conains RF**2, Rp and Rwp for each histogram. 
These are found at the top of the file before the individual parameter 
6. The Pawley reflection keys have been modified. They are now 'HKL   
nN' instead of 'HKL   Nn'. This facilitates adding more 
reflection records.
7. The space group symbol now has all extraneous spaces removed so 
that only one will be between axial fields. Tabs are converted to 
spaces (done for all typed in input in any case).
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read 
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and over 
limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot.
As usual, let me know of bugs, errors, "wants", etc.
Since I now have an Intel Mac on my desk, I'll try to make a matching 
OSX version (wish me luck!).

Bob Von Dreele

Re: New GSAS

2007-06-13 Thread doebbler

Yeah- sorry bout that guys.


New GSAS Manual

2000-08-29 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi all,
A pdf version of the new GSAS Manual has been put on the distribution site in the directory manual. The technical 
descriptions are fully up-to-date for all functions used in GSAS. The file 
format descriptions particularly for raw powder data have been completely 
redone and there is now a new exercise for lab x-ray powder diffraction data.
One should refer to this version of the Manual for any work using GSAS.

A.C. Larson and R.B. Von Dreele, "General Structure Analysis System 
(GSAS)", Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LAUR 86-748 (2000).

Please let me know of any errors or omissions as I plan to fix any that are 
found and reissue the manual as needed.
Bob Von Dreele

Re: new GSAS

2001-03-26 Thread Brian H. Toby


  Before you release a Linux version, we should chat about compilers.
Redhat 7.0 is probably not a good choice. I have to run but I'll try to
give you a call tomorrow.


Bob Von Dreele wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have made a new "flavor" of GSAS for MS Windows. You'll find it in the
> directory "windows" at It is a new
> compilation with the g77 compiler for Windows so that the code is identical
> to that used for the Linux version of GSAS. The biggest change is that the
> graphics is now "true" Windows graphics (i.e. not DOS graphics). The
> executables are also "true" 32 bit (i.e. not DOE extended 32 bit) and run
> in a console window. This version will work in any of Win95/98/NT4/2000.
> The graphics is produced in a separate window which has a multitude of
> viewing options; a given run of a GSAS graphics program will produce
> multiple windows each with a plot. These can be horizontally or vertically
> tiled or laid in a cascade. Each plot can be copied for pasting elsewhere
> (Word or PowerPoint). The plots have extensive zoom and scrolling
> capability for getting a close look and each plot can be dynamically
> resized. The two choices for the plot style are either black on white or
> visa versa.
> This version must be considered a "beta test" as there a few features &
> glitches:
> 1) Each GSAS program creates a zero length file with the same name as the
> program with no extension. These will clutter up a directory and may be
> deleted any time. I have no idea where these files come from. Any advice
> would be welcome.
> 2) The cursor/keyboard behaves differently when a plotting program has an
> active cursor. The keyboard gives no real response in Win2000 (maybe WinNT
> too) but works fine in Win98(95?). The mouse always seems to work. There
> maybe some machine dependence with this behavior.
> 3) The experiment and raw powder data files are fixed length direct access.
> This is as it always been. For this new version each record is 82
> characters long and have a CR/LF as the last two characters on each record.
> This makes the files appear to be like "text" files for DOS/Windows so they
> may be examined & edited without conversion. A routine CNVFILE has been
> included to convert unix style direct access files to this file structure.
> Moreover, EXPEDT, etc. will convert these files "on the fly". This is very
> similar to what the DOS & Linux versions have done recently. I have
> prepared a new Linux version that will behave in exactly this same way but
> am not quite prepared to release it yet.
> 4) The graphics can be stunningly slow if run at the same time as a big
> GENLES refinement is run. This is probably a function of processor speed &
> memory. I saw this on my 633MHz/128Mb laptop.
> 5) The distribution kit does not include PC-GSAS.EXE as it fails badly on
> WinNT/2000. The QBASIC routine gsas.bas & gsas.bat work fine. Don't tell
> Bill G. but I included a old copy of qbasic.
> 6) Pay special attention to the README as the installation instructions are
> slightly different from the DOS version of GSAS.
> Have fun with it and let me know of any bugs that show up.
> Bob Von Dreele


Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology
FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562

Re: new GSAS

2001-03-26 Thread Bob Von Dreele

I'm out till next Monday (Chicago - APS). The compiler is g77-2.95.2 and is 
the same for both Windows and RedHat 7.0. I had little or no problem with it.
At 05:28 PM 3/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
>   Before you release a Linux version, we should chat about compilers.
>Redhat 7.0 is probably not a good choice. I have to run but I'll try to
>give you a call tomorrow.
>Bob Von Dreele wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> > I have made a new "flavor" of GSAS for MS Windows. You'll find it in the
> > directory "windows" at It is a new
> > compilation with the g77 compiler for Windows so that the code is identical
> > to that used for the Linux version of GSAS. The biggest change is that the
> > graphics is now "true" Windows graphics (i.e. not DOS graphics). The
> > executables are also "true" 32 bit (i.e. not DOE extended 32 bit) and run
> > in a console window. This version will work in any of Win95/98/NT4/2000.
> > The graphics is produced in a separate window which has a multitude of
> > viewing options; a given run of a GSAS graphics program will produce
> > multiple windows each with a plot. These can be horizontally or vertically
> > tiled or laid in a cascade. Each plot can be copied for pasting elsewhere
> > (Word or PowerPoint). The plots have extensive zoom and scrolling
> > capability for getting a close look and each plot can be dynamically
> > resized. The two choices for the plot style are either black on white or
> > visa versa.
> > This version must be considered a "beta test" as there a few features &
> > glitches:
> > 1) Each GSAS program creates a zero length file with the same name as the
> > program with no extension. These will clutter up a directory and may be
> > deleted any time. I have no idea where these files come from. Any advice
> > would be welcome.
> > 2) The cursor/keyboard behaves differently when a plotting program has an
> > active cursor. The keyboard gives no real response in Win2000 (maybe WinNT
> > too) but works fine in Win98(95?). The mouse always seems to work. There
> > maybe some machine dependence with this behavior.
> > 3) The experiment and raw powder data files are fixed length direct access.
> > This is as it always been. For this new version each record is 82
> > characters long and have a CR/LF as the last two characters on each record.
> > This makes the files appear to be like "text" files for DOS/Windows so they
> > may be examined & edited without conversion. A routine CNVFILE has been
> > included to convert unix style direct access files to this file structure.
> > Moreover, EXPEDT, etc. will convert these files "on the fly". This is very
> > similar to what the DOS & Linux versions have done recently. I have
> > prepared a new Linux version that will behave in exactly this same way but
> > am not quite prepared to release it yet.
> > 4) The graphics can be stunningly slow if run at the same time as a big
> > GENLES refinement is run. This is probably a function of processor speed &
> > memory. I saw this on my 633MHz/128Mb laptop.
> > 5) The distribution kit does not include PC-GSAS.EXE as it fails badly on
> > WinNT/2000. The QBASIC routine gsas.bas & gsas.bat work fine. Don't tell
> > Bill G. but I included a old copy of qbasic.
> > 6) Pay special attention to the README as the installation instructions are
> > slightly different from the DOS version of GSAS.
> > Have fun with it and let me know of any bugs that show up.
> > Bob Von Dreele
>Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
>voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology
>FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562

Re: new GSAS

2001-03-29 Thread Jonathan WRIGHT


Ask and it shall appear! I'm very impressed by your speedy creation of the
new GSAS windows version. I've not found any of these zero length files
yet, so maybe that's platform specific? No file named expedt has turned up
anywhere on my hard disks. Thinking back I remember there used to be a bug
in the runtime library of g77 under windows which crashed gdb when you
opened a scratch file. It's unlikely, but this might have been part of a
work around for that bug. I can't remember if that was platform specific

One very minor issue which I was confused by: If I give a lattice parameter
as 5.43094 it gets read in as 5.430941 (with an extra 1). If I specify the
same with a few extra zeros, 5.43094000, then it gets read in correctly.
This seems a little bizarre, but it's probably only important for people
who share my silicon fetish :)

Best wishes,


Re: new GSAS

2001-04-02 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Dear Jon,
The Windows version of GSAS shares the rounding behavior of the Linux 
version and is different from the old DOS version. All of GSAS is single 
precision so silicon fetishes are limited to about 6 places.
At 04:54 PM 3/29/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Ask and it shall appear! I'm very impressed by your speedy creation of the
>new GSAS windows version. I've not found any of these zero length files
>yet, so maybe that's platform specific? No file named expedt has turned up
>anywhere on my hard disks. Thinking back I remember there used to be a bug
>in the runtime library of g77 under windows which crashed gdb when you
>opened a scratch file. It's unlikely, but this might have been part of a
>work around for that bug. I can't remember if that was platform specific
>One very minor issue which I was confused by: If I give a lattice parameter
>as 5.43094 it gets read in as 5.430941 (with an extra 1). If I specify the
>same with a few extra zeros, 5.43094000, then it gets read in correctly.
>This seems a little bizarre, but it's probably only important for people
>who share my silicon fetish :)
>Best wishes,

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Anthony Manerbino

Another question regarding GSAS.  Which version of expgui runs best on the
win2000 platform?  Is EXPGUI a program used in place of the EXPEDT routine
in GSAS? 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: new GSAS

Hi Everyone,
I have a new version of PC-GSAS.EXE that works in both Win95/98 and 
WinNT/2000 and have put the executable in There is also a new version for 
Linux in the directory /linux-beta. The main change is to make the exp & 
raw powder data files direct access with 82 character records each 
terminated with CR/LF. Thus, these files can be easily read and edited 
without any need for conversion. Their structure is identical to that for 
MS Windows so these files can be moved between operating systems without 
conversions as well. EXPEDT in Linux should convert your old Linux files to 
the new format. A conversion utility, CONVFILE, is also provided to do this 
job. Because of this format change Brian Toby's expgui may need some 
revision - Brian is working on this - but I wanted folks to try this 
version & let me know of bugs. This Linux version was compiled on RedHat 
7.0 and linked to the downward compatible libraries so it should run in 
RedHat 6.2 or better (& equivalent).
Bob Von Dreele

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Peter Y. Zavalij

I have installed the last one and it's working fine under W2000

Dr. Peter Y. Zavalij  University Crystallographer
Materials Research Center, SUNY at Binghamton
Tel: (607)777-4298Fax: (607)777-4623

-Original Message-
From: Anthony Manerbino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: new GSAS

Another question regarding GSAS.  Which version of expgui runs best on the
win2000 platform?  Is EXPGUI a program used in place of the EXPEDT routine
in GSAS?

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 4:43 PM
Subject: new GSAS

Hi Everyone,
I have a new version of PC-GSAS.EXE that works in both Win95/98 and
WinNT/2000 and have put the executable in There is also a new version for
Linux in the directory /linux-beta. The main change is to make the exp &
raw powder data files direct access with 82 character records each
terminated with CR/LF. Thus, these files can be easily read and edited
without any need for conversion. Their structure is identical to that for
MS Windows so these files can be moved between operating systems without
conversions as well. EXPEDT in Linux should convert your old Linux files to
the new format. A conversion utility, CONVFILE, is also provided to do this
job. Because of this format change Brian Toby's expgui may need some
revision - Brian is working on this - but I wanted folks to try this
version & let me know of bugs. This Linux version was compiled on RedHat
7.0 and linked to the downward compatible libraries so it should run in
RedHat 6.2 or better (& equivalent).
Bob Von Dreele

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Anthony Manerbino

When 'registering' GSAS experiment files with the windows operating system
the file extension .exp is used when I register another routine such as
powpref I attempt to use the same extension (.exp).  The problem I'm
encountering is registering the extension .exp multiple times, are you only
able to link the extension to one subroutine at a time.

 Anthony M.


RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Kurt Leinenweber


As far as I know, Windows only allows one unique program to automatically
open files with a particular extension.  :-{

Kurt L

-Original Message-
From: Anthony Manerbino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:40 AM
Subject: RE: new GSAS

When 'registering' GSAS experiment files with the windows operating system
the file extension .exp is used when I register another routine such as
powpref I attempt to use the same extension (.exp).  The problem I'm
encountering is registering the extension .exp multiple times, are you only
able to link the extension to one subroutine at a time.

 Anthony M.


RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Davide Levy

That's true, but you can associate as many program you want and you can
choose between them by using the right button of the mouse

>-Original Message-
>From: Kurt Leinenweber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 10 April 2001 17:00
>Subject: RE: new GSAS
>As far as I know, Windows only allows one unique program to automatically
>open files with a particular extension.  :-{
>   Kurt L
>-Original Message-
>From: Anthony Manerbino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:40 AM
>Subject: RE: new GSAS
>When 'registering' GSAS experiment files with the windows operating system
>the file extension .exp is used when I register another routine such as
>powpref I attempt to use the same extension (.exp).  The problem I'm
>encountering is registering the extension .exp multiple times, are you only
>able to link the extension to one subroutine at a time.
> Anthony M.

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi Guys,
Only one program can "open" a file but you can resister many programs that 
appear in the pull down menu when you "right click" a registered file name. 
I have mine setup with 6-7 different gsas programs available for an exp 
file. The "readme" gives directions for setting this up.
Bob Von Dreele
At 07:59 AM 4/10/01 -0700, you wrote:
>As far as I know, Windows only allows one unique program to automatically
>open files with a particular extension.  :-{
> Kurt L
>-Original Message-
>From: Anthony Manerbino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:40 AM
>Subject: RE: new GSAS
>When 'registering' GSAS experiment files with the windows operating system
>the file extension .exp is used when I register another routine such as
>powpref I attempt to use the same extension (.exp).  The problem I'm
>encountering is registering the extension .exp multiple times, are you only
>able to link the extension to one subroutine at a time.
>  Anthony M.

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Anthony Manerbino

Is the program expgui used instead of the routine expedt for entering
structural information and bring experimental patterns into GSAS?


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: RE: new GSAS

Hi Guys,
Only one program can "open" a file but you can resister many programs that 
appear in the pull down menu when you "right click" a registered file name. 
I have mine setup with 6-7 different gsas programs available for an exp 
file. The "readme" gives directions for setting this up.
Bob Von Dreele
At 07:59 AM 4/10/01 -0700, you wrote:
>As far as I know, Windows only allows one unique program to automatically
>open files with a particular extension.  :-{
> Kurt L
>-Original Message-
>From: Anthony Manerbino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 7:40 AM
>Subject: RE: new GSAS
>When 'registering' GSAS experiment files with the windows operating system
>the file extension .exp is used when I register another routine such as
>powpref I attempt to use the same extension (.exp).  The problem I'm
>encountering is registering the extension .exp multiple times, are you only
>able to link the extension to one subroutine at a time.
>  Anthony M.

RE: new GSAS

2001-04-10 Thread Peter Y. Zavalij

Windows 2000 does allow to associate many program to the same extension
using "Advance" button.

Dr. Peter Y. Zavalij  University Crystallographer
Materials Research Center, SUNY at Binghamton
Tel: (607)777-4298Fax: (607)777-4623

Another new GSAS

2001-04-13 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi Everyone,
Found another bug. The conversion of neutron TOF to d-spacing in the peak 
fitting routine in RAWPLOT was in error. It's now fixed and new Windows & 
Linux versions are on the ftp site. The Linux version (and a new readme) 
has been placed in the /linux directory. /linux-beta has been removed.
Bob Von Dreele 

Re: Another new GSAS

2007-02-23 Thread Klaus-Dieter Liss
Bo, that sounds so promising! I am busy on the week end with 
commissioning our new machine. hope, a student of mine can test it on 

thanks a lot, klaus-dieter.

Von Dreele, Robert B. wrote:

I have just down loaded 3 new versions of GSAS to the ccp14 web site. 
These are for MS Windows, RedHat Enterprise 4 linux & Fedora 4 linux. 
The last two are not interchangable as the former has more of the 
libraries within the distribution. The changes are a) a bug fix for 
gsas2cif and b) improvements to the powder graphics routines. After 
seeing the recent discussion in the Rietveld e-mail list, I added the 
options of Q-space and sqrt(I) powder pattern plotting. I also 
"improved" the appearance of these plots by using the "real" Greek 
characters where ever needed (theta, mu, etc.) and superscripts for 
powers of 10. All this works quite nicely in Windows and linux 
(X-windows) graphics.

As usual - let me know of bugs & "features".
Bob Von Dreele


Dr. Klaus-Dieter Liss
Research Scientist, Bragg Institute
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
PMB 1, Menai NSW 2234, Australia

T: +61-2-9717+9479
F: +61-2-9717+3606
M: 0419 166 978

RE: RE: new gsas

2007-05-09 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Units for all Fourier maps are electrons/A^3, and electrons squared/A^3
for Patterson maps. Maps are computed from the "absolute scale"
structure factors. No "rescaling" is needed.
Bob Von Dreele

R.B. Von Dreele
IPNS Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4814

-Original Message-
From: Ling Yang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: RE: new gsas

Dear Dr. Von Dreele,

What is the unit of scattering length density in GSAS from the Fourier
output, for different types of Fourier maps respectively? Sometimes huge
values are obtained for Patterson plot. Is there a way to normalized the
values, for example, to number of electrons/A^3? Many thanks.

Ling Yang

-Original Message-
From: Von Dreele, Robert B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 5:26 PM
Subject: new gsas

Hi All,
New versions of GSAS for Windows and Fedora-5 have been placed on the
CCP14 web server. The changes are as follows: May 2, 2007 1. A new
record in the .EXP file has been defined: 'HSTnn  NFOBS' the number of
observed reflections for each phase in a histogram. 2. REFLIST now can
prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein software CNS. Apr. 14,
2007 1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read
correctly. 2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were
missing. 3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse
and over limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot. As usual
let me know of bugs, "features", etc. you may find. The RedHat
Enterprise & MacOSX versions will be made later. Best, Bob Von Dreele

new GSAS for Mac

2007-07-05 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi All,
After some thrashing around and getting used to the unique Apple
approach to computers, I now have made a MacOSX version of GSAS. This
supercedes the one prepared by Brian Toby and is identical to the
Windows/Linux versions released about a month ago (June 12). It was
compiled with g77 and thus should be very similar to that on the other
machines. I do note that the various operating systems & g77 do not
"round" in exactly the same way so there will be very small differences
between "identical" runs on each. See the specific notes from
gsasnews.txt on this below. Please note that this is a "beta" test
version. It did "pass" all my tests but one never knows Please let
me know of any oddities you may find.
Bob Von Dreele
1. A new GSAS kit is now available at the CCP14 web site. It is for the
MacOS10.4 on Intel operating system. This differs from the one currently
mg provided by Brian Toby. This one is built using a version of the g77
Fortran compiler that closely matched that used for Windows & Linux.
Your Mac must be runnig OS10.4 (not 10.3 or earlier) and have the X11
optional package installed. Because the setup on a Mac is complicated by
the changes Apple has made to the BSD Unix operating system, I suggest
you download & install Brian Toby's version first and then download &
install the new one from CCP14 on top of it thus replacing the GSAS
executables, etc. with the new ones. One should consider this to be much
more of a "beta" test version of GSAS as there may be undetected errors
because of the newness of the platform for GSAS.

new gsas ftp site

1999-03-23 Thread Bob Von Dreele

To all,
To keep the hackers at bay, Los Alamos National Lab. has installed a
firewall in front of most of its computers. is now
inaccessible from the outside. I have created a new public ftp site for
gsas at Los Alamos. It is:

The distribution kits for MS-DOS (Win95,98 & NT), SGI-IRIX, HP-UX and
Intel-Linux along with the PDF form of the manual are located at this site.
These have not been updated from the ones previously available from mist. I
hope to get a new version of gsas out soon. The new site is more robust and
hopefully faster than the old one; you should be able to do downloads from
web browsers, etc.
Please let me know of any problems with the new site.
Bob Von Dreele

New GSAS for PC's

2000-07-06 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
I have placed new versions of the GSAS distribution kits for both MS-DOS 
and Linux on the ftp distribution site. Here are the last two sets of 
entries in the gsasnews.txt file so you can see what has been changed.

GSAS News...
July 3, 2000
Some more changes:
1. The residuals listed for Rietveld refinements have been changed. The 
listings for "All"
have been replaced by ones for "-Bknd". This is to give an indication of 
the quality of
the fit to the Bragg contribution to the powder pattern. The new Rwp and Rp 
residuals are
defined as follows:

Rp = sum{abs(Yo-Yc)*abs(Yo-Yb)/Yo}/sum{abs(Yo-Yb)}

Rpw = sqrt[sum{w*[(Yo-Yc)*(Yo-Yb)/Yo]^2}/sum{w[Yo-Yb]^2}]

2. The output file from RAWPLOT from fitting of reflecton positions has two 
formats appended to the end. These are 1) fitted positions suitable for 
reinput to
RAWPLOT and 2) fitted d-spacings suitable for input to CRYSFIRE (R. 
Shirley's indexing
3. The choice of screen graphics now includes a "Z" option for no onscreen 
A choice of hardcopy device is immediately made and every plot made is 
assumed to be
"saved" as hardcopy. This change was made to facilitate use of GSAS 
graphics routines
in batch mode.
Both the Windows and Linux versions of GSAS have been updated with these 
June 9, 2000
A few more changes:
1. The convergence criterion in GENLES has been changed to allow 
modification of
the lower limit for the sum(shift/esd)**2. In least squares controls 
editing there
is now the "V" option for changing this limit.
2. The presentation of the axes for POWPLOT, etc. has been improved.

All the best,
Bob Von Dreele


2001-04-10 Thread Brian H. Toby

Anthony Manerbino wrote:
> Is the program expgui used instead of the routine expedt for entering
> structural information and bring experimental patterns into GSAS?

In a word, yes. 

EXPGUI does only a fraction of what EXPEDT does, but I would like to
think it is pretty useful. See
for more info.


P.S. The current version should work fine with the latest GSAS release
for Windows, but I have not yet gotten my act together for the "beta"
Linux release.

Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology
FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562


2001-04-11 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Attached is the new Linux version (with fixes). This has the new VERSION 
version and a fix to the texture stuff. Apparently the g77 version of atan2 
doesn't know what to do with atan2(0,0). Use this one for the SGI.



2001-04-11 Thread Armel Le Bail

Hello Bob,

>Attached is the new Linux version (with fixes). 


Now that the GSAS Fortran source is in the mailboxes 
of > 300 subscribers of the Rietveld mailing list as well 
as in the list archives, may I add it in the Crystallography
Source Code Museum ?-).



2001-04-11 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi Armel,
Ah well. I did have that as a plan a long time ago. Well I do the 
"official" version.
At 08:41 PM 4/11/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello Bob,
> >Attached is the new Linux version (with fixes).
>Now that the GSAS Fortran source is in the mailboxes
>of > 300 subscribers of the Rietveld mailing list as well
>as in the list archives, may I add it in the Crystallography
>Source Code Museum ?-).


2001-04-12 Thread Davide Levy

Dear Bob,
I have a couple of question:
1) when I try to use LINUX GSAS powpref and genles say that exp file it is
not complete, but Expedt read it after a conversion. what I should do? I
already tried to use convert but nothing change!
2) is it correct that using PC-GSAS the windows automatically close after
the program finish? From my point of view it should better to have the
possibility to read the refinement results

all the best

>-Original Message-
>From: Bob Von Dreele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 11 April 2001 21:29
>Subject: Re: new GSAS (EXPGUI)
>Hi Armel,
>Ah well. I did have that as a plan a long time ago. Well I do the
>"official" version.
>At 08:41 PM 4/11/01 +0200, you wrote:
>>Hello Bob,
>> >Attached is the new Linux version (with fixes).
>>Now that the GSAS Fortran source is in the mailboxes
>>of > 300 subscribers of the Rietveld mailing list as well
>>as in the list archives, may I add it in the Crystallography
>>Source Code Museum ?-).


2001-04-12 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Dear Davide,
At 11:40 AM 4/12/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear Bob,
>I have a couple of question:
>1) when I try to use LINUX GSAS powpref and genles say that exp file it is
>not complete, but Expedt read it after a conversion. what I should do? I
>already tried to use convert but nothing change!

That is the proper response from EXPEDT with an old Linux EXP file; the 
file is permanently fixed. The old one is still around as a CRD file. Get 
rid of any old "convert" routine and use CNVFILE to fix EXP & rawfiles.

>2) is it correct that using PC-GSAS the windows automatically close after
>the program finish? From my point of view it should better to have the
>possibility to read the refinement results

Yes, but I like the windows to stay open too. I havn't found out how tho. 
Any suggestions are welcome.

>all the best
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Bob Von Dreele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: 11 April 2001 21:29
> >Subject: Re: new GSAS (EXPGUI)
> >
> >
> >Hi Armel,
> >Ah well. I did have that as a plan a long time ago. Well I do the
> >"official" version.
> >Bob
> >At 08:41 PM 4/11/01 +0200, you wrote:
> >>Hello Bob,
> >>
> >> >Attached is the new Linux version (with fixes).
> >>
> >>Ooops.
> >>
> >>Now that the GSAS Fortran source is in the mailboxes
> >>of > 300 subscribers of the Rietveld mailing list as well
> >>as in the list archives, may I add it in the Crystallography
> >>Source Code Museum ?-).
> >>
> >>Armel
> >>
> >>
> >


2001-04-14 Thread Larry W. Finger


At 08:06 AM 4/12/01 -0600, you wrote:

>>2) is it correct that using PC-GSAS the windows automatically close after
>>the program finish? From my point of view it should better to have the
>>possibility to read the refinement results
>Yes, but I like the windows to stay open too. I havn't found out how tho. 
>Any suggestions are welcome.

In my Visual Basic Shell for GSAS, I call the following batch file rather 
than the executable directly. One only needs to keep the window open for 
GENLES and a few other programs.

@echo off
%1 %2 %3 %4

I named the script vb-gsas.bat, thus the call to GENLES is vb-gsas.bat 
genles experiment.exp. The extra arguments take care of any contingencies.


1400 Colorado St.Phone: +1 (240) 463-2051
Boulder City, NV 89005  FAX:   +1 (209) 844-9855 < Note New URL and E-mail address


2001-04-16 Thread Bob Von Dreele

I knew about this but was hoping that there was a way within Windows to 
keep the window open.
At 06:53 PM 4/14/01 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:06 AM 4/12/01 -0600, you wrote:
>>>2) is it correct that using PC-GSAS the windows automatically close after
>>>the program finish? From my point of view it should better to have the
>>>possibility to read the refinement results
>>Yes, but I like the windows to stay open too. I havn't found out how tho. 
>>Any suggestions are welcome.
>In my Visual Basic Shell for GSAS, I call the following batch file rather 
>than the executable directly. One only needs to keep the window open for 
>GENLES and a few other programs.
>@echo off
>%1 %2 %3 %4
>I named the script vb-gsas.bat, thus the call to GENLES is vb-gsas.bat 
>genles experiment.exp. The extra arguments take care of any contingencies.
>Larry W. Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>1400 Colorado St.Phone: +1 (240) 463-2051
>Boulder City, NV 89005  FAX:   +1 (209) 844-9855
> < Note New URL and E-mail address

Re: new GSAS for Mac

2007-07-05 Thread willb

Dear all,

All the changes to help download GSAS for Mac OSX 10.4 Intel have been  
implemented at CCP14. Please be aware that CCP14 also mirrors all of  
Brian Toby's EXPGUI+GSAS software contained at NIST. Should hopefully  
find all that is necessary from:

William Bisson

Quoting "Von Dreele, Robert B." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi All,
After some thrashing around and getting used to the unique Apple
approach to computers, I now have made a MacOSX version of GSAS. This
supercedes the one prepared by Brian Toby and is identical to the
Windows/Linux versions released about a month ago (June 12). It was
compiled with g77 and thus should be very similar to that on the other
machines. I do note that the various operating systems & g77 do not
"round" in exactly the same way so there will be very small differences
between "identical" runs on each. See the specific notes from
gsasnews.txt on this below. Please note that this is a "beta" test
version. It did "pass" all my tests but one never knows Please let
me know of any oddities you may find.
Bob Von Dreele

1. A new GSAS kit is now available at the CCP14 web site. It is for the
MacOS10.4 on Intel operating system. This differs from the one currently
mg provided by Brian Toby. This one is built using a version of the g77
Fortran compiler that closely matched that used for Windows & Linux.
Your Mac must be runnig OS10.4 (not 10.3 or earlier) and have the X11
optional package installed. Because the setup on a Mac is complicated by
the changes Apple has made to the BSD Unix operating system, I suggest
you download & install Brian Toby's version first and then download &
install the new one from CCP14 on top of it thus replacing the GSAS
executables, etc. with the new ones. One should consider this to be much
more of a "beta" test version of GSAS as there may be undetected errors
because of the newness of the platform for GSAS.

New GSAS on all platforms

2007-09-28 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
Hi All,
I have placed on the ccp14 ftp server new versions of GSAS for Windows,
RedHat Enterprise 4, Fedora 5 and Mac OSX 4. The changes are:
1. The maximum number of profile points in an individual powder pattern
is now 200,000.
2. The program OVERLP has been extensively modified. The computation of
the overlap factor has been changed to be more "rational" (the earlier
version may have been in error). An additional file, name.HKL, is now
output which has the  values, their sigmas, derived Fobs values
from averaging the individual F^2 values and phases . The FWHM is
modified by the overlap factors to give an "effective" FWHM taking into
account of the extra information gained from the reflection
displacements between multiple histograms. It also tabulates an
effective "completeness" table by data collection "shell".
3. The restraints have been extensively modified to handle 2-site
disorder in protein structures. Alternate atom sites must be indicated
as "A" and "B" in the PDB name (the 4th character in the name). The
alternate atoms must be collected together by residue in the atom list,
"A"s before "B"s as is usually generated by e.g. Coot. Three or more
site disorder is not addressed.
4. The coupled torsion angle restraint ("Ramachandran restraint") has
been further modified. It now follows a pattern similar to that used for
torsion restraints. Tables of pseudopotential terms are inserted, each
with a unique name (e.g. "ALA-1") into a single histogram. The
restraints are then inserted each with one of these names to indicate
which pseudopotential surface is to be used for that restraint. This way
all coupled restraints can be contained within a single histogram rather
than having ~30 individual histograms one for each type. There is now
just a single Macro file, "2-torsion.mac", that is needed to generate
these restraints. Users with old protein structure EXP files who want to
continue using them will need to use a "hand editor" (e.g. PFE) to
remove the old histograms and modify the HTYPE & NHST records. Then in
EXPEDT insert the new "R" restraint type histogram using 2-torsion.mac.
5. The CNS output file from reflist has been changed. Apparently CNS
wants Fobs & phase (0-360 deg) not Fa & Fb.
As usual, let me know of errors, bugs, "features" and other things as
you try this out.
Bob Von Dreele

New GSAS kit for Windows

2001-06-08 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Hi everyone,
I have placed a new GSAS distribution kit for Windows on the ftp server Below is an excerpt from the GSASNews...

June 8, 2001
Fixes & changes.
1. Missing font file (grfont.dat) placed in distribution kit.
2. Error in phi/psi torsion angle restraint editing routine fixed.
3. EXPTOOL fixed to handle new file formats.
4. The gsaskit.exe distribution kit now includes the GSAS Manual as a pdf file.
Use Adobe Reader to read it. The kit is now created as a self extracting 
that automatically creates the correct directory structure (i.e. the "-d" 
is no longer
5. The QBASIC GSAS interface has been removed.

The main change is the nature of the gsaskit.exe file itself. It is now a 
much friendlier
self extracting file as it will automatically create the proper file 
structure for GSAS. We
are working toward a full featured install wizard for GSAS and this is one 
of the steps.
Please let me know of any difficulties, but it is important to read the 
readme file.
Bob Von Dreele

Re: problem with the new GSAS

2001-06-04 Thread Bob Von Dreele

Dear Howard & (All),
As you aren't the first to complain about this - I'll have to fix the gsaskit.
Bob Von Dreele
At 12:55 PM 6/1/01 +0100, you wrote:

>I may be doing something silly here. But, I downloaded the latest version 
>of GSAS, all appears to be well until I do a powplot. I can't get any 
>fonts in the powplot window and I'm confronted with the error "unable to 
>read font file: grfont.dat
>use environmental variable PGPLOT_FONT to specify location etc"
>I noticed that the new gsaskit fails to produce the grfont.dat file, and 
>also fails to produce the pgl directory, where it should be according to 
>the attached readme.txt. When I make the directory gsas\pgl\ and add 
>grfont.dat, powplot produces the familiar error messages and no fonts.
>Is there an easy solution to this problem?
>Howard Harvey.
>Royal Institution of Great Britain.

new GSAS/EXPGUI release for Mac OSX (Intel & PPC)

2007-01-20 Thread Brian H. Toby
I'd like to announce two new GSAS/EXPGUI releases for Macintosh  
computers running OSX 10.4 (not 10.3) that bring the Mac up-to-date  
with the April 2006 release of GSAS for Windows and Linux.

There is a release for older Macs with PowerPC CPUs (G4/G5). This  
version completes the GSAS test suite in about half the time of the  
previous release:  
(14 Mb)

The increase of speed is due to use of g77 compiler optimization.

There is also a release compiled for newer Macs with Intel CPUs.  
Comparing a 1.67 GHz G4 laptop with a 1.66 GHz Intel mini, this  
release runs the GSAS test suite again about twice as fast as the new  
optimized PPC version: 
+expgui_Intel_2007Jan15.dmg (32 Mb)
This required a switch to a newer compiler (g95).  While it completes  
the test suite fine, it should be considered as beta-test since the  
test do not exercise all of the code. If any questionable results are  
obtained, before reporting a bug, confirm that the PPC GSAS version  
in emulation (rosetta) or the Windows version produce a different  
result with the same input and .EXP files.

For those interested: with a dual core Mac, two GSAS runs do complete  
in almost exactly the same amount of time as a single job; Also, PPC  
emulation is something like a factor of 5 slower than running GSAS  
