Re: [sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread daly

> > Again I have to credit Sebastian Pancratz and Fredrik Johansson here
> > for raising the standard in flint. I thought I had been producing
> > beautiful code until Sebastian started rewriting some of it for
> > me. :-)

I downloaded Flint and looked at the source code and documentation.
First, I applaud you on the PDF. It looks very nice and it includes
quite a bit of information. I especially liked the hyperlinks to
Wolfram's site and the fact that you included a bibliography.
The inline mathematics is very useful (a TeX advantage).

As an experiment I tried to understand "Bell Numbers", of which I
know nothing. Since the algorithm for "bell_number_vec_recursive"
is small I can see what is being computed. However, I also see that
"bell_number_vec" contains a magic number 7000 as the defining
value to split the computation. One advantage of a literate form
of the documentation would be the obvious need to explain this
number. The pdf simply says that it "Automatically switches..."
but not when or why.

The hard part of a fully literate document is the need to explain
the special "tricks" that make an algorithm fast. Mathematically
they might not matter but computational math hinges on the details.
Many an algorithm in Sage has been carefully tuned to get speed
and it is this careful tuning that makes the algorithm worthwhile.
It also makes it obscure. But this tuning includes crucial knowledge
that cannot be reverse-engineered and is only known to the author.
Eventually the author dies, as has happened with several Axiom authors.

If a future maintainer needed to port Flint to run on the ARM
or the Apple5 or the GPU/CPU/APU setup what are the critical things
to optimize? Is 7000 machine independent? Knowing these details is
the difference between a classroom algorithm and a world class one.
If I write Bell Numbers in Axiom, does 7000 matter?

The reason to favor a fully-embedded literate program is that you
can't ignore or hide any implementation detail. The magic number
7000 would cry out for an explanation. Keeping the code in one
file and the documentation in another file makes it trivial to 
skip details. A peer review of a literate program would certainly
notice that this was skipped.

I am tempted to make a literate paper about bell numbers that
is built on your code but I'd obviously make a fool of myself
in front of a crowd of number theorists :-) Never the less,
a small "pamphlet" on the implementation of Bell Numbers would
make a good starting example to critique. I would be willing
to provide the tools and techniques if you'd be willing to 
provide the explanations. Feel free to decline.

Tim Daly

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[sage-devel] porting sage to OS X 10.7

2011-07-26 Thread William Stein
Hi Sage Developers,

To help with porting Sage to OS X 10.7, I bought 10.7, installed it, and
setup a public-facing machine (actually, the old
with OS X 10.7 and *XCode 4.1* installed on it.If you had an account on
the old computer, then you automatically still have
an account on this computer.   It's

So try to build Sage!   Report and fix issues.   And if you're somebody
"upstream" who wants to port something in Sage to OS X 10.7 (e.g., numpy?),
you might want to use this computer for that purpose.

We really need Sage to fully 100% work with XCode 4.x and 10.7.

 -- William

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread daly
> > In regular mathematics it is standard practice to fully document, that
> > is, show the complete proof of your findings. In computational maths
> > we do not do this. There is no particular reason why we don't except
> > that it is not the expected behavior.
> Unfortunately this is rarely true these days. In regular mathematics
> it is now very common for there to be large leaps between steps.
> Usually the more advanced the mathematician the less detail that is
> expected. Graduate students spend a lot of time filling it in.
> But your point regarding computational mathematics is spot on. It is
> very common to find code completely undocumented in any way. There is
> a substantial disparity in attitudes here.

What concerns me is the long run. We are at the very beginning of a
new science of computational mathematics. The early systems are the
"newton's notebooks" of this science. Most of them are locked up in
companies (MMA, Maple, Derive, Macsyma, etc.). But companies die and
take their software with them, for example, Macsyma. (For company
deaths see the last few minutes of:

If we are to have a firm foundation for computational mathematics it
is necessary that we begin to build the citation trail of algorithms
available in a public, published way. Why are we wasting time and
effort reinventing algorithms? Why can't I find executable algorithms
along with their theory? Why can't I attend a talk, download the
literate paper, and execute the algorithm while the talk is ongoing?

> When I began my massive rewrite of flint from scratch I decided that
> each function would have a complete description and justification of
> the algorithm (if not well-known) in an associated text file, with
> references and proofs if necessary. Sebastian Pancratz came along and
> saw these text files and decided to write a parser that automatically
> turned them into pdf documentation!

Excellent! Although I'd much rather follow Knuth and have a literate
document I find it outstanding that you have created these. Can you
point to a URL as an example?
> >
> > We could raise the bar of expected behavior by having algorithms fully
> > explained in the source code along with citations of theory sources. We
> > could include a section on limitations, boundary conditions, examples,
> > assumptions, and test cases. This is not as challenging as it sounds
> > if it is done by the original author. It is extremely hard to recover
> > or discover this information after the fact.
> To a good extent this is done in most of the Sage library. I agree
> this should be the expected standard.
I am unaware of this, which is clearly my fault. 
Can you point to an example you consider literate?

> Again I have to credit Sebastian Pancratz and Fredrik Johansson here
> for raising the standard in flint. I thought I had been producing
> beautiful code until Sebastian started rewriting some of it for
> me. :-)
> >
> > Knuth proposed the idea of "literate programs" which combine the
> > actual source code with the human language text as a single document.
> > The document re-arranges the source code for ease of explanation and
> > includes the usual paper sections on background, theory, along with
> > a bibliography citing prior (literate) work. (See Queinnec, Christian
> > ``Lisp in Small Pieces'' ISBN 0-521-56247-3 for a literate example)
> My favourite example of this is Jonesforth. I highly recommend anyone
> who has not read this program to do so immediately. It is one of the
> most beautiful documents you can obtain for free. And you get yourself
> a Forth implementation at no extra cost.
All page references to Jonesforth seem to time out. 

I am writing a similar document for the Clojure language. 
The literate document contains a full implementation of Clojure.
Unpacking the document creates a Clojure REPL and a PDF of the
documentation (well, as far as it has gotten at this point).
pdf   :

> I don't personally do literate programming in the sense you intend it,
> with rearranged code so that it reads more naturally. But for very
> complex and touchy pieces of critical code I sometimes add formal
> justifications for every line of code. A good example of this is the
> bitpacking code in flint.
> >
> > We could take small steps in this direction, possibly by hosting a
> > "literate program" track at conferences or workshops to encourage the
> > more literate among us to show examples and build up the technology.
> I could certainly imagine a talk being constructed around an actual
> program. I might try this one day and see how it goes.
I would like to see Sage have some small step in this direction but
I have no idea where to start. I know next to nothing about number
theory so I couldn't begin to rev

[sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Bill Hart

On Jul 26, 7:02 pm, daly  wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-07-26 at 08:30 -0700, Bill Hart wrote:

> To paraphrase your above comment, I believe that we need to raise the
> standards of computational mathematics further toward being "a
> respectable sport".
> Consider your observation:
>    "Of course properly citing Pari and the algorithm used and checking
>     under what conditions the result is meaningful, etc, assumes that
>     these things are well documented and accessible. So, a positive step
>     the Pari developers could take is to make it easy to read the source
>     code for a given function in Pari, much as Sage has done for Sage
>     library code, and to document the algorithms used and where they are
>     published and what their restrictions are."
> In regular mathematics it is standard practice to fully document, that
> is, show the complete proof of your findings. In computational maths
> we do not do this. There is no particular reason why we don't except
> that it is not the expected behavior.

Unfortunately this is rarely true these days. In regular mathematics
it is now very common for there to be large leaps between steps.
Usually the more advanced the mathematician the less detail that is
expected. Graduate students spend a lot of time filling it in.

But your point regarding computational mathematics is spot on. It is
very common to find code completely undocumented in any way. There is
a substantial disparity in attitudes here.

When I began my massive rewrite of flint from scratch I decided that
each function would have a complete description and justification of
the algorithm (if not well-known) in an associated text file, with
references and proofs if necessary. Sebastian Pancratz came along and
saw these text files and decided to write a parser that automatically
turned them into pdf documentation!

> We could raise the bar of expected behavior by having algorithms fully
> explained in the source code along with citations of theory sources. We
> could include a section on limitations, boundary conditions, examples,
> assumptions, and test cases. This is not as challenging as it sounds
> if it is done by the original author. It is extremely hard to recover
> or discover this information after the fact.

To a good extent this is done in most of the Sage library. I agree
this should be the expected standard.

Again I have to credit Sebastian Pancratz and Fredrik Johansson here
for raising the standard in flint. I thought I had been producing
beautiful code until Sebastian started rewriting some of it for
me. :-)

> Knuth proposed the idea of "literate programs" which combine the
> actual source code with the human language text as a single document.
> The document re-arranges the source code for ease of explanation and
> includes the usual paper sections on background, theory, along with
> a bibliography citing prior (literate) work. (See Queinnec, Christian
> ``Lisp in Small Pieces'' ISBN 0-521-56247-3 for a literate example)

My favourite example of this is Jonesforth. I highly recommend anyone
who has not read this program to do so immediately. It is one of the
most beautiful documents you can obtain for free. And you get yourself
a Forth implementation at no extra cost.

I don't personally do literate programming in the sense you intend it,
with rearranged code so that it reads more naturally. But for very
complex and touchy pieces of critical code I sometimes add formal
justifications for every line of code. A good example of this is the
bitpacking code in flint.

> We could take small steps in this direction, possibly by hosting a
> "literate program" track at conferences or workshops to encourage the
> more literate among us to show examples and build up the technology.

I could certainly imagine a talk being constructed around an actual
program. I might try this one day and see how it goes.

> Raising the standards for published mathematical software will help
> us all in the long run. We can look forward to a time when we can
> read, understand, and cite particular Pari and Sage algorithms which
> are their actual implementations in literate form.

It's not the only important step that needs to be taken though.

My epiphany regarding automated program checking came when I
serendipitously encountered a fantastic book on Prolog on the exact
same day that I sat down to implement Damas-Hindley-Milner type
inference for an interpreter I have been writing. I marvel that a 20
line implementation of the unification algorithm saves me so much
hassle. After this little epiphany I have not had any problems seeing
the future. Type inference and unification have been around for ages,
but I feel like someone who has been in a time machine and returned
and who has to sit around and watch the inevitable development of the
compiler technology that I have already seen. Progress feels like a
slow motion replay.


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[sage-devel] Re: Vector space morphism equality

2011-07-26 Thread Rob Beezer
OK, maybe I figured this out.  The parent of my vector space
morphisms, a vector space homset, was not coercing a vector space
morphism properly, so when trying to compare two vector space
morphisms they had unequal parents.

For the record, this was made obvious by calling
canonical_coercion(f, g)  on the two morphisms I wanted to compare,
which raised an informative error.

Thanks for the replies, William and Jason - the key bit was buried
down in the vicinity of some comparison functions in
sage.structure.element, which I might not have found without the


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[sage-devel] Re: Vector space morphism equality

2011-07-26 Thread Jason Grout

On 7/26/11 12:03 PM, William Stein wrote:

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Rob Beezer>> wrote:

I've built a class for vector space morphisms, aka linear
transformations.  Mostly this just extends free module morphisms,
while making a few distinctions between behavior for vector spaces
versus modules over rings.  Everything seems to be working fine, but I
cannot get equality testing to work.

Equality testing of free module morphisms ends up in a __cmp__()
method for "matrix morphisms."  My vector space morphisms extend free
module morphisms, which in turn extend matrix morphisms.  If  f  and
g  are two free module morphisms, then

f == g,  f.__eq__(g),  f.__cmp__(g)

all employ the matrix morphism method  __cmp__()  and do the right
thing.  However, if  f  and  g  are two of my vector spaces morphisms,
then  f.__cmp__(g)  does the right thing, but  f == g   and
f.__eq__(g)  give the wrong answer (False for equal morphisms) and
never "reach down" to employ the  __cmp__  method in the base matrix
morphism class.

Any hints, or places to look for guidance?  No amount of searching the
developers guide, reference manual, or forums has landed me in the
right place.  A 95%-complete patch is up at
which has all the details, but there is little point in wading through
all that, unless you were interested in reviewing it once
complete.  ;-)

Did you overload *both* __cmp__ *and* __hash__?

To fill in some references, please see:


in particular:

"This field is inherited by subtypes together with tp_richcompare and 
tp_hash: a subtypes inherits all three of tp_compare, tp_richcompare, 
and tp_hash when the subtype’s tp_compare, tp_richcompare, and tp_hash 
are all NULL."

I thought there was a note in the Cython documentation about the 
relationship between inheriting __cmp__ and __hash__, but I can't seem 
to find anything in either the docs or the FAQ.


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Re: [sage-devel] Adding new unit tests

2011-07-26 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 07/26/11 15:31, Burcin Erocal wrote:
>> How's this looking?
> It is a good start. Here are some suggestions:
> - The code blocks should be preceeded with :: and indented. More
>   information is available here:
> - Since the file only contains integration tests, 
>   sage/symbolic/integration/ is a better place for it IMHO.
> - I am not sure if a separate comment block is necessary for each test.
>   I guess this makes sure that the test environment is always clean. It
>   might add up to the time since it starts Sage so many times though.
> You can create a new ticket on trac and upload the patch there so it
> doesn't get lost.

Thanks for the tips. I'll make the suggested changes, and re-export the
patch with an associated ticket.

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[sage-devel] Re: Vector space morphism equality

2011-07-26 Thread Rob Beezer
On Jul 26, 12:03 pm, William Stein  wrote:
> Did you overload *both* __cmp__ *and* __hash__?

The matrix morphism class implements just __cmp__, with no __hash__.

Existing free module morphism class implements neither, my new vector
space morphism class implements neither.

Free module morphisms behave properly with respect to equality (eg
==), making calls to the matrix morphism __cmp__ in the process.

Vector space morphisms can "see" and use the matrix morphism __cmp__,
but the  ==  syntax won't behave properly.


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Re: [sage-devel] Adding new unit tests

2011-07-26 Thread Burcin Erocal
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011 12:20:35 -0400
Michael Orlitzky  wrote:

> On 07/20/11 13:26, Burcin Erocal wrote:
> > 
> > If you are adding tests only for integration, starting a new file
> > sage/symbolic/ might be better.
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > Don't forget to mention the ticket number in the test.
> > 
> How's this looking?

It is a good start. Here are some suggestions:

- The code blocks should be preceeded with :: and indented. More
  information is available here:

- Since the file only contains integration tests, 
  sage/symbolic/integration/ is a better place for it IMHO.

- I am not sure if a separate comment block is necessary for each test.
  I guess this makes sure that the test environment is always clean. It
  might add up to the time since it starts Sage so many times though.

You can create a new ticket on trac and upload the patch there so it
doesn't get lost.



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Re: [sage-devel] Vector space morphism equality

2011-07-26 Thread William Stein
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Rob Beezer wrote:

> I've built a class for vector space morphisms, aka linear
> transformations.  Mostly this just extends free module morphisms,
> while making a few distinctions between behavior for vector spaces
> versus modules over rings.  Everything seems to be working fine, but I
> cannot get equality testing to work.
> Equality testing of free module morphisms ends up in a __cmp__()
> method for "matrix morphisms."  My vector space morphisms extend free
> module morphisms, which in turn extend matrix morphisms.  If  f  and
> g  are two free module morphisms, then
> f == g,  f.__eq__(g),  f.__cmp__(g)
> all employ the matrix morphism method  __cmp__()  and do the right
> thing.  However, if  f  and  g  are two of my vector spaces morphisms,
> then  f.__cmp__(g)  does the right thing, but  f == g   and
> f.__eq__(g)  give the wrong answer (False for equal morphisms) and
> never "reach down" to employ the  __cmp__  method in the base matrix
> morphism class.
> Any hints, or places to look for guidance?  No amount of searching the
> developers guide, reference manual, or forums has landed me in the
> right place.  A 95%-complete patch is up at
> which has all the details, but there is little point in wading through
> all that, unless you were interested in reviewing it once
> complete.  ;-)

Did you overload *both* __cmp__ *and* __hash__?


> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> To post to this group, send an email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> URL:

William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Vector space morphism equality

2011-07-26 Thread Rob Beezer
I've built a class for vector space morphisms, aka linear
transformations.  Mostly this just extends free module morphisms,
while making a few distinctions between behavior for vector spaces
versus modules over rings.  Everything seems to be working fine, but I
cannot get equality testing to work.

Equality testing of free module morphisms ends up in a __cmp__()
method for "matrix morphisms."  My vector space morphisms extend free
module morphisms, which in turn extend matrix morphisms.  If  f  and
g  are two free module morphisms, then

f == g,  f.__eq__(g),  f.__cmp__(g)

all employ the matrix morphism method  __cmp__()  and do the right
thing.  However, if  f  and  g  are two of my vector spaces morphisms,
then  f.__cmp__(g)  does the right thing, but  f == g   and
f.__eq__(g)  give the wrong answer (False for equal morphisms) and
never "reach down" to employ the  __cmp__  method in the base matrix
morphism class.

Any hints, or places to look for guidance?  No amount of searching the
developers guide, reference manual, or forums has landed me in the
right place.  A 95%-complete patch is up at
which has all the details, but there is little point in wading through
all that, unless you were interested in reviewing it once
complete.  ;-)


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Jason Grout

On 7/26/11 11:03 AM, William Stein wrote:

(Sorry if anybody's favorite Sage component is missed in the attached
diagram -- these were just the notes for my talk, and the diagram I
actually drew was by hand with chalk and had ... below some spots to
emphasize incompleteness.)

Nice; I think it's funny how Jmol is pictured in the center, but not 
mentioned :).  Matplotlib should also probably have been in the python 
list, as it's a well-used component of Sage.

But all in all, this is a great diagram!


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread daly
On Tue, 2011-07-26 at 08:30 -0700, Bill Hart wrote:
> Hi Simon,

> Of course properly citing Pari and the algorithm used and checking
> under what conditions the result is meaningful, etc, assumes that
> these things are well documented and accessible. So, a positive step
> the Pari developers could take is to make it easy to read the source
> code for a given function in Pari, much as Sage has done for Sage
> library code, and to document the algorithms used and where they are
> published and what their restrictions are.
> A lot of Pari code is especially difficult because it uses messy stack
> allocation all over the place. This is not thread safe and it is
> difficult to read and contribute to. If I wanted to make Pari really
> easy to contribute to and understand, I'd probably use garbage
> collection for all but the core arithmetic routines. I'd still make
> the core threadsafe though. I believe flint2 proves that this is
> possible in an efficient manner without messy stack allocation
> routines.
> The Pari developers might also like to consider people who wrote the
> Sage wrapper for Pari as contributing to Pari and credit them as
> such.
> It is in matters like these that Sage has taken a massive first step
> towards making Computational Number Theory a respectable sport. Whilst
> it doesn't address all the issues I raised in my earlier post, it has
> taken the field from being a mass of poorly documented, broken, non-
> portable, incompatible code lying around on people's hard drives or
> locked up in inscrutable closed implementations to being a unified
> distribution which meets some minimum standards. The code in the Sage
> library is open and easily accessible. Every function has a docstring
> and doctests (alright, that's a lie, but it's almost true). Library
> code is subjected to some kind of peer review. References to papers
> are provided. And moreover, Sage builds on multiple platforms and is
> tested regularly so it is more useful for some people. These are all
> very important first steps in bringing the field into good repute.
> None of these things seems to have hurt the popularity of Sage.
> Having said that, I personally find it very difficult to trace through
> which algorithm is used in what regime in Sage. I once made some
> comments about which algorithms were used in Sage in a certain regime
> and someone lambasted me for getting it wrong. I subsequently
> carefully checked it through, following the rabbit warren of function
> calls across multiple interface boundaries through many files
> separated across vast reaches of the Sage directory tree and I am
> convinced I had the details substantially right. Of course if we just
> relied on Sage documentation to tell us what algorithm is being used
> in which package, we'd get it wrong much of the time, because that
> relies on the documentation having been maintained correctly. But at
> least Sage makes a step in the right direction. I've had similar
> issues trying to trace through the linbox package to figure out which
> algorithm is used.


To paraphrase your above comment, I believe that we need to raise the
standards of computational mathematics further toward being "a 
respectable sport". 

Consider your observation:
   "Of course properly citing Pari and the algorithm used and checking
under what conditions the result is meaningful, etc, assumes that
these things are well documented and accessible. So, a positive step
the Pari developers could take is to make it easy to read the source
code for a given function in Pari, much as Sage has done for Sage
library code, and to document the algorithms used and where they are
published and what their restrictions are."

In regular mathematics it is standard practice to fully document, that
is, show the complete proof of your findings. In computational maths
we do not do this. There is no particular reason why we don't except
that it is not the expected behavior.

We could raise the bar of expected behavior by having algorithms fully
explained in the source code along with citations of theory sources. We
could include a section on limitations, boundary conditions, examples,
assumptions, and test cases. This is not as challenging as it sounds
if it is done by the original author. It is extremely hard to recover
or discover this information after the fact.

Knuth proposed the idea of "literate programs" which combine the
actual source code with the human language text as a single document.
The document re-arranges the source code for ease of explanation and
includes the usual paper sections on background, theory, along with
a bibliography citing prior (literate) work. (See Queinnec, Christian
``Lisp in Small Pieces'' ISBN 0-521-56247-3 for a literate example)

We could take small steps in this direction, possibly by hosting a
"literate program" track at conferences or workshops to encourage the
more literate among us

[sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Bill Hart

On Jul 26, 5:59 pm, William Stein  wrote:

> When doing such investigations, we care greatly that the data we get is
> correct.  We just don't care so much that the program producing it be
> *proven* correct in a formal and technically rigorous sense.

I understand that you qualified that with "such investigations" in
reference to my example of investigating conjectures and gathering
numerical evidence etc. And I agree with you in that context.

However, I wish to emphasise the point I am making that the issues of
correct data and rigorous programming methods are very much related.
We are currently doing this ad hoc. It will in future be largely
automated. And where it is not, it will be part of producing code to
publication standard.

I only wish to emphasise the point so that in a few decades time you
will see how absolutely certain I was of that fact at this moment.

That is to take nothing away from the important work of FoCM and
similar ventures to improve attitudes. That is important too and I
believe very relevant to Pari.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread William Stein
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Bill Hart wrote:
> Regarding rigor, mathematics itself went through a phase where
> informal arguments were displaced with formal ones. Likewise, informal
> computer programs will eventually give way to formally verified ones,
> and this will naturally be embraced by mathematicians. You are right
> that this will not directly have an effect on Number Theory
> computations as they are currently done because people will continue
> to use computers as a tool to investigate conjectures and collect
> numerical evidence and so on. They care little about whether the
> program is correct.

When doing such investigations, we care greatly that the data we get is
correct.  We just don't care so much that the program producing it be
*proven* correct in a formal and technically rigorous sense.

When people begin justifying their programs in their papers, (which
> will of course also be electronic in the future), then the field will
> become more academically sound and eventually the problems it
> currently has will become a thing of the past. At the moment the field
> (if you can even call it that) has a serious image problem. People
> speak about working on computation in whispers as though it is sinful.

There are other things happening in the world of mathematics that are
helping with this image problem.  For example, I was just at FoCM 2011 [1]
and did not get this impression about computation, and there was a very wide
range of mathematics represented (everything from numerical PDE's to
Computational Topology to Number Theory).   And there were certainly some
well respected mathematicians among the participants (e.g., Steven Smale,
Gunar Carlson, etc.).   The people who build communities (major conference
series / proceedings volumes) like the FoCM organizers are helping.


> This is possibly something you don't encounter as a computer
> scientist.
> Bill.
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Bill Hart

On Jul 26, 1:51 am, rjf  wrote:

> I hope that Bill was hoping to stir up some dissenting opinions.

Yes, naturally.

However, it looks to me that you have simply recorded the way things
currently are. People will do whatever they feel like. That's true by

Regarding rigor, mathematics itself went through a phase where
informal arguments were displaced with formal ones. Likewise, informal
computer programs will eventually give way to formally verified ones,
and this will naturally be embraced by mathematicians. You are right
that this will not directly have an effect on Number Theory
computations as they are currently done because people will continue
to use computers as a tool to investigate conjectures and collect
numerical evidence and so on. They care little about whether the
program is correct.

I'm also not talking about program proving in the sense that people
usually mean it. I simply mean that compiler technology will give more
confidence in implementations by virtue of the fact that they will
check things currently left unchecked. This will obviously be picked
up by serious mathematicians, namely the ones who are currently
growing up with computers and who come to care about rigor, and will
be made a formal part of doing mathematics with computers. I don't
envision some centralised authority imposing conditions on published
work. It will simply become part of mathematics de rigueur. Reearchers
will not risk submitting papers that may be rejected on the grounds of
inappropriate formal justification of their code for the standard of
journal they are submitting to.

When people begin justifying their programs in their papers, (which
will of course also be electronic in the future), then the field will
become more academically sound and eventually the problems it
currently has will become a thing of the past. At the moment the field
(if you can even call it that) has a serious image problem. People
speak about working on computation in whispers as though it is sinful.
This is possibly something you don't encounter as a computer


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Bill Hart
Hi Simon,

After reading what you wrote, I fully agree with you. Your distinction
between citing a citation and citing the original work is a useful
one. This would happen naturally if you focused on identifying the
algorithm and understanding its limitations, as I recommended. But
they way you have put it is more nuanced and sensible.

Actually, regarding thin wrappers, nothing irritates me more than a
programmer saying "we have just implemented feature X in system Y"
when what they mean is they "wrapped function W from external library
Z" and called it an "implementation" of feature X.

[This issue actually grates on me a lot. I recently saw the most
absurd example of this. Someone claimed they had "implemented" a C
REPL. It turned out to be a Python program which took the C code you
entered and passed it to GCC via the command line. It was completely
and totally broken and didn't even preserve state. Now, it turned out
that a group at CERN has actually been working on a real C++ REPL
called Cling, for analysing data from the LHC (something like 25
petabytes of serialised C++ objects a year after filtering). I could
imagine some miscreant wrapping the whole Cling project in Python and
claiming they have implemented a C++ REPL. At least the Sage library
has many new and interesting implementations of original algorithms
which build on the functionality it "wraps".]

As for citation, unfortunately professional mathematicians rarely have
time to learn anything about programming and so often you find less
than adequate details when they cite computer software. I've been at a
Pure Maths conference for a week and a half and I've seen computers
mentioned twice. The first time no credit was given at all (though it
was almost certainly Pari). The second time the entire credit was
"SAGE", although the speaker took care to acknowledge the help of John
Cremona in helping them perform the computation. In that case I
believe the computation was possibly done entirely in Pari via Sage.
It looked to be computation of class numbers and unit groups of some
number fields, although I am not 100% sure of this. The speaker was
delighted that "computers can do these things". Of course computers
can't do anything. Better to cite the person who did the
implementation. And did that speaker realise that the computation was
subject to the GRH or worse? They may be excused for not going into
great detail if the computation was as mundane as I thought it was. It
seems to fall into the category of "by a well known result...".

The situation we really need to be worried about is where some special
algorithm is used which makes a given computation possible where it
was not otherwise. If my computation relied critically on multiply two
large polynomials of degree ten billion, I might want to mention that
I used flint via Sage, in case the reader haplessly tries to do this
in Pari or some system that only supports polynomials of length up to

Of course properly citing Pari and the algorithm used and checking
under what conditions the result is meaningful, etc, assumes that
these things are well documented and accessible. So, a positive step
the Pari developers could take is to make it easy to read the source
code for a given function in Pari, much as Sage has done for Sage
library code, and to document the algorithms used and where they are
published and what their restrictions are.

A lot of Pari code is especially difficult because it uses messy stack
allocation all over the place. This is not thread safe and it is
difficult to read and contribute to. If I wanted to make Pari really
easy to contribute to and understand, I'd probably use garbage
collection for all but the core arithmetic routines. I'd still make
the core threadsafe though. I believe flint2 proves that this is
possible in an efficient manner without messy stack allocation

The Pari developers might also like to consider people who wrote the
Sage wrapper for Pari as contributing to Pari and credit them as

It is in matters like these that Sage has taken a massive first step
towards making Computational Number Theory a respectable sport. Whilst
it doesn't address all the issues I raised in my earlier post, it has
taken the field from being a mass of poorly documented, broken, non-
portable, incompatible code lying around on people's hard drives or
locked up in inscrutable closed implementations to being a unified
distribution which meets some minimum standards. The code in the Sage
library is open and easily accessible. Every function has a docstring
and doctests (alright, that's a lie, but it's almost true). Library
code is subjected to some kind of peer review. References to papers
are provided. And moreover, Sage builds on multiple platforms and is
tested regularly so it is more useful for some people. These are all
very important first steps in bringing the field into good repute.
None of these things seems to have hurt the popularity of Sage.


Re: [sage-devel] Sage & Pari

2011-07-26 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
On 2011-07-25 21:57, Karim Belabas wrote:
> We badly need feedback at a higher level, from developpers or would-be
> developpers, regarding the features they think are lacking in Pari, and
> are preventing them from developping in Pari the way they would like to.
I'm sorry to say this (I would certainly like it the other way) but it
has happened at least twice to me that I wrote some code for PARI (not
adding huge new features but some smaller things) and that the response
from the developers was not really positive.  So I personally do not
feel very welcome.

PARI days sounds like a very good idea.

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