[sage-support] Re: Mac OS X Sage App

2008-07-13 Thread Greg Landweber

>> (1) Is there anyone else in the Sage community interested in working
>> on this Mac OS X app? Preferably with Mac OS X programming experience,
>> but I could also use some help with the Unix side of things.

> I have some experience with the Mac OS X side of things and some with
> the Unix side. I'm certainly willing to help. I don't know if you've
> done this, but building Sage as a Framework and using PyObjC might make
> things easier after the initial pain of setting everything up.

I investigated PyObjC when I started this project, and I learned that
the support for PyObjC in Mac OS X is not as strong as one might
think. If this is going to become a serious Mac application, rather
than just a simple wrapper, then it probably makes the most sense to
use Objective-C.

> If you use TextMate for your coding, there is a Mercurial bundle (and
> a XCode bundle). Alternatively, we probably could set up a Subversion
> repository somewhere. I know that git has a git-svn gateway, I'm not
> sure if Mercurial has the same.

It's easiest to use XCode's editor, and I think subversion is the way
to go. I cannot set up a subversion server at my college, but I can
try to do it on my cohomology.com server.

-- Greg

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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[sage-support] Mac OS X Sage App

2008-07-12 Thread Greg Landweber

> One more question for Greg: What happened to the OSX Sage app you
> showed at Dev1? We are really anxious to get it merged into Sage since
> it looked really cool :)
> Cheers,
> Michael

I've been scrambling to finish a commercial iPhone application, which
should be done any day now. Then I'll return to the Mac OS X Sage app.
The version I showed at Dev 1 needs a lot of work before it can be
merged into the Sage distribution, but this does bring up a few

(0) I would like to invite suggestions from everyone for what they
would like to see in a Mac OS X Sage app.

(1) Is there anyone else in the Sage community interested in working
on this Mac OS X app? Preferably with Mac OS X programming experience,
but I could also use some help with the Unix side of things.

(2) What is the best way to make the code available, with the intent
of merging it into the Sage distribution? This is not Python code that
is part of Sage, but rather a platform-specific wrapper. I would be
happy to post the code-in-progress on my own site and link to it from
the Sage Wiki. The Mac OS X XCode development environment has GUI
support for CVS, Subversion, and Perforce version control, but does
not explicitly support Mercurial.

-- Greg

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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[sage-support] Re: Notebook sign-up email

2008-07-11 Thread Greg Landweber

I am running a Sage notebook server for my students. Every time one of
my students creates an account, the notebook sends the student an
e-mail with a link to confirm their e-mail address. However, that
e-mail gets bounced back to the server since my machine is not
authorized to send e-mail messages. However, the bounced back message
cannot be delivered since my server does not support incoming mail,
and the message gets stuck in my college's mail queue. Then I get
nasty messages from my college's unix system administrator.

I want to turn off the "feature" of the notebook that sends out e-mail
messages to everyone who creates an account. As far as I can tell, you
can use your newly created account to log in to the notebook, even
without receiving the e-mail and confirming your e-mail address.

My students and I are able to use Sage just fine. I just want to avoid
the complaints from my sysadmin about the bounced e-mail being sent by
my server.

-- Greg

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Matthew Miller
> Greg,
> It's not clear from your message, but are you running Sage locally or
> are you trying to get an account on a remote Sage installation?
> If it is a local Sage installation then no emails need to be sent for
> any reason in order to have the notebook interface work.
> Clarify things if you don't get Sage to work. Take care.
> Matt
> >

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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[sage-support] Notebook sign-up email

2008-07-11 Thread Greg Landweber

When you sign up for a Sage Notebook account, Sage sends an e-mail to
the address you provide giving you a link to complete the

First of all, the "Sign up for a Sage Notebook account" says that the
e-mail is needed if you forget your password, but makes no mention of
the fact that the e-mail will be needed immediately to complete the
registration process. If Sage asks for a user's e-mail address, it
should correctly indicate what that e-mail address is for. Otherwise,
e-mail from the Sage notebook is technically spam.

Secondly, I am running the Sage notebook on a machine which my
college's support staff will not allow to run a mail server (all of
the mail on campus needs to be handled by their own antiquated
servers, which has less storage space than my iPod to store e-mail for
2000 users). Is there any way to turn off the sending of e-mail from
the Sage Notebook?

-- Greg

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
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[sage-support] Notebook insecure by default

2008-05-26 Thread Greg Landweber


I just noticed that as of Sage 3.0.1, the notebook has default
secure=False. While that is all well and good for localhost use, I run
a Sage notebook server, and I need to set secure=True. I would happily
do so explicitly, except that I have my computer configured to
automatically start the sage notebook from the command line, and I
have not been able to get Sage to change the secure setting from the
command line.

My current working Sage command is:

/Applications/sage/sage -notebook ~/.sage/sage_notebook 8000 greg.bard.edu

but starting with Sage 3.0.1, this opens an insecure server, which on
startup tells me that I must be crazy. According to the notebook?
help, if I wanted to run in secure mode I would need to use the

/Applications/sage/sage -notebook ~/.sage/sage_notebook 8000
greg.bard.edu 0 True

However, sage is complaining about the "0", presumably for the
port_tries parameter, giving me the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/sage/local/bin/sage-notebook", line 14, in 
line 143, in __call__
return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
line 266, in notebook_twisted
port = find_next_available_port(port, port_tries)
line 91, in find_next_available_port
for port in range(start, start+max_tries+1):
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Is it treating the max_tries parameter as a string?

-- Greg

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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[sage-support] Re: XDroplets for SAGE integration to Mac OS X

2008-04-29 Thread Greg Landweber

You don't need any fancy droplets or applets. You can just use the
following AppleScript to activate Sage (take this script and save it
as an AppleScript application, then put it in the same directory as
the "sage" UNIX executable):

tell application "Finder"
set myFolder to container of (path to me) as string
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
do script (POSIX path of myFolder) & "sage"
end tell

If on the other hand you want to start the notebook and don't need the
terminal window in front, you can use the following AppleScript to
open a terminal window in the background and start Sage in notebook

tell application "Finder"
set myFolder to container of (path to me) as string
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
do script (POSIX path of myFolder) & "sage --notebook"
end tell

What else did you folks have in mind in terms of Mac OS X integration?

-- Greg

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The README file for SAGE's Mac OS X version mentions that easier
>  environment integration would be in order, were a Mac OS X developer
>  to help. I don't need it myself – I actually prefer to call SAGE
>  manually after opening a terminal window – but has anyone looked into
>  XDroplets [1]?
>  XDroplets is "[a] set of launchers that better integrate X11 programs
>  with the Mac OS X environment", along with an application to create
>  new launchers. I haven't bothered to give it much of a look, but since
>  the launchers are (according to the project page) AppleScript droplets
>  [2], I'd bet they will work independently of XDroplets; it should be
>  easy, then, to create an XDroplet launcher for SAGE and include it in
>  the Mac OS X distribution.
>  [1] http://www.rhythmiccanvas.com/software/xdroplets/index.html
>  [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppleScript#Applets_and_Droplets
>  --
>  Ja ne,
>  Helio Perroni Filho
>  Memory Leak
>  http://xperroni.blogspot.com
>  >

Gregory D. Landweber
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bard College

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