Re: [Samba] Password policy doesn't work (pdbedit)

2009-09-15 Thread Gareth Cummings
I had the same problem when I set a password policy using pdbedit and 
tdbsam as the backend... turns out the policy would only apply to new 
accounts and not existing ones.  However if I got the existing users to 
reset their passwords manually the account policy would kick in. 

Radek wrote:



I'm using samba 3.0.24 and Debian 4.0. As a password backend I use

I set password policy: Length - 8 signs, Password history - 3, password
complexity - script, maximum password age - 30 days


The password length and complexity works, but password history and
maximum password age doesn't.


I tried do the same on test machine (samba 3.2.5) and it works fine (users
and settings I took from my working Samba 3.0.24) . 


What can I do about that? What should I check? Any ideas?


Pdbedit shows correct settings but the password must change time is 19 jan
2038 04:14:07 CET


Thanks and regards

Radek Bojek


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[Samba] Password issue

2008-12-12 Thread Gareth Cummings


Running Samba version 3.0.22-13.18 on Suse 10.1 using a tdbsam backend 
as a PDC.

I created a new policy using the pdbedit tool (mim. password length, 
amount of times a bad password can be entered before getting locked out 
etc).  This policy is working fine apart from one issue.  Users must 
reset their passwords every 90 days.  Again this works user is prompted 
to change password and login and go's ahead and changes it and logs in.

The problem is after the user changes his password and logs in any other 
application in the users profile that uses a password to authenticate 
seems to loose their password as well...e.g. all our users would have 
Skype accounts and also be using Outlook as their mail client (not 
Exchange its a cyrus IMAP setup we are using) after changing their 
windows login Skype cannot sign in automatically the user needs to 
re-enter their password and the same goes for any email accounts setup 
in Outlook, the user is prompted for each account password again.

Anybody ever seen this before?  I presume this has nothing to do with 
Samba but something got to do with the way Windows caches passwords?  
However I have been unable to find anything on how to fix this so I am 
turning to this list in the hope someone has seen this behaviour before

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [Samba] Samba PDC, can't login into WinXP without network connection

2008-10-09 Thread Gareth Cummings

John Price wrote:

I've setup a Samba PDC (3.0.28a). I can join the domain
with a Windows XP sp3 laptop and logon with no problems,
but if I try to logon while the laptop is not connected to
the network, it will not allow it.

The system cannot log you on now because the domain
DOMAIN is not available.

I have the following policies set on the windows machine:

Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache (in
case domain controller is not available) 10 logons

Interactive logon: Require Domain Controller
authentication to unlock workstationDisabled

I know that there should be a way for windows to cache the
logon so that the PDC does not have to be available.

Samba config attached.

Any help would be appreciated.

Do a |pdbedit -Lv username and make sure that the DOMAIN line contains 
the correct domain name, if it doesn't do the following and it should 
fix it for you


|pdbedit -i tdbsam -e smbpasswd
pdbedit -i smbpasswd -e tdbsam

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Re: [Samba] Running a login script

2008-03-20 Thread Gareth Cummings

I found the following link very good when setting up my domain

Mike Stewart wrote:

Thanks Charles,

I think you're right, what I'm trying to accomplish is probably better/easier 
with a Domain Controller.  However, I'm surely brain-dead as I've tried to set 
the box up as a Domain Controller and although my Windows machine will login in 
to the domain it still won't run the script so I think I must be missing 
something.  Domain Controllers are a completely new thing to me so it's no 
surprise I'm struggling :-(

If anyone has a simple example smb.conf file that does all this and any other 
hints I'd much appreciate it.


Mike... struggling, exhausted, frustrated 

- Original Message -
From: Charles Marcus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 March 2008 20:26:47 o'clock (GMT) Europe/London
Subject: Re: [Samba] Running a login script

On 3/19/2008, Mike Stewart ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I had assumed that the smb.conf entry for logon script = %U.bat was 
all that would be needed and would pick up the user's name and 
password as they logged into the server (through a desktop shortcut) 
and run that script which would map the required drives etc.

Basically what we want is to set up all our Win2000 PCs to log into 
windows as a generic staff member then when they click on the desktop 
shortcut they are prompted for their server username  password 
and... hey presto all their network drives appear in My Computer.

I'm trying real hard to understand why you wouldn't just set the server 
up as a proper domain controller... it makes stuff like this brain-dead 


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Re: [Samba] Problems with Samba

2008-03-14 Thread Gareth Cummings

Are you sure there are no issues with the client machine?



I administrate a server (debian etch) on which runs samba, version 3.0.24-6et. Everything worked fine until today. I tried to logon on the server via a clientmachine (win2k, winxp), but i got an error, System cannot logon because domain not reachable.  (it is possible to ping the server and to establish a shortcut (to logon) to the server - that works). I have no idea what happens. The logfiles of smbd, nmbd are ok to mind, there is no advise for an error (..startet...becomes_domain_controller etc.). I already tested my sambaconfiguration via testparm, no problems. A simple restart of sambe didn't help too. testparm also shows the right name for the workgroup etc. Does anyone have an idea, where the problem could be? 

The last changes i did on the server where updates via aptitude. 


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Re: [Samba] windows admin == ???

2007-10-01 Thread Gareth Cummings
Create a group on your samba box called domainadm or whatever you like, 
make sure your username is part of this group then map this group to the 
windows group Domain Admins using this command:

net groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup=Domain Admins unixgroup=domainadm type=d

You should now be able to log in to a windows box with that username and 
have full windows admin rights.

Vadim Vatlin wrote:

Hi there..
How can I create user which will be fully equal windows user 

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Re: [Samba] Clearing account lockout

2007-09-12 Thread Gareth Cummings

The following will reset the flags to the default setting clearing the lock:

pdbedit -r -c [] administrator

Gaiseric Vandal wrote:

I recently am migrating my PDC from NT4 to Samba 3.025.  Apparently due to a
mismatch between the capitalization of the Windows account and the Unix
account (Administrator vs administrator) I managed to lock the account
before catching the discrepenacy.

# pdbedit -v administrator
Unix username:Administrator
NT username:  Administrator
Account Flags:[ULX 
Bad password count  : 5 

I reset the bad password count  field with the following command 
	pdbedit -z -u administrator

However, the account is still locked and I can not clear the lock (X) flag.

# pdbedit -v administrator
Unix username:Administrator
NT username:  Administrator
Account Flags:[ULX 
Bad password count  : 5  

# pdbedit -z -u administrator
pdb_update_autolock_flag: Account Administrator administratively locked out
 no bad password time. Leaving locked out.

# pdbedit -c [UX administrator
pdb_update_autolock_flag: Account Administrator administratively locked out
 no bad password time. Leaving locked out.
Can only set [NDHLX] flags

Resetting the lockout duration doesn't help either

# pdbedit -P lockout duration -C 5
account policy lockout duration description: Lockout duration in minutes
ult: 30, -1 = forever)
account policy lockout duration value was: 30
account policy lockout duration value is now: 5

Any ideas?

I added a 2nd account to the unix DomainAdmins group (which is mapped to
the windows group) but that doesn't seem to give automatically add it to the
NT Domain Admins group .  This group had been in the Domain Admins group
on the NT4 machine.



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Re: [Samba] backup samba domain accounts

2007-07-09 Thread Gareth Cummings

You need to back up /var/lib/samba as well.

Martin Miethe wrote:

Hi Newsgroup,

I use SAMBA as PDC with MS Terminal Server 2K3.
I dont use LDAP.

For backing up the domain accounts, I secure /etc/samba on daily base.

Yesterday I made a test: I set up a new machine with Samba and copied 
my backup /etc/samba (1 day old) to the new machine - Samba started 
just fine.

But now, most of the users could not login to the Terminal Server (but 
some were able to)! The users do not change their password. So it seems

Samba and Windows are out of sync (on base of some ID?).

I have noticed that Windows now lists some cryptic IDs 
(S1-1-5-21-12423535) instead of the usernames in the User 

When I re-add the domain account to my Windows Server, Windows creates 
me an empty profile. This is really bad and means I would need to copy 
all the profiles to the new Folder!

How can I simply backup my Domain accounts? I don't really want to set 
up a BDC and LDAP. I would like to have everything out of the office.

If this doesn't work, does anyone know how I can point the profiles
in Windows to the new location, without copying them?

Just want to be prepared if I would need it one day.

Please help...Thanks a lot in advance.

best regards

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Re: [Samba] Rebuild Samba Server: Do my XP clients need to rejoin domain?

2007-03-30 Thread Gareth Cummings
I recently did a similar upgrade, moving from Suse 9.3 to 10.2(the 10.2 
was installed on a new machine).  I copied over the relevant files 
(which for me on Suse where /var/lib/samba, /etc/samba, /etc/passwd, 
/etc/group), configured samba on the new box, shutdown the old samba and 
started the new samba and I did not have to rejoin any machine to the 

Aaron Souza wrote:


I would like to upgrade our Fedora Core 3 Linux server (hosting samba,
among other services) to Cent OS 4.4. However, if I reformat the array
and install Cent OS 4.4 and copy back all the samba files (and other
files), do my Windows XP Clients have to re-join the domain? I ask
this because I have 150 machines and going to each one and leaving the
domian and rejoining essentially the same domain would be a major time

Has anyone recovered a samba server from a fatal crash (or other
reason) and had any luck with windows xp clients and not having to
go to each client?

Samba Version: 3.0.14

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Samba] Domain Admins with Samba 3.024

2007-02-14 Thread Gareth Cummings

I am having the same problem on 3.23d, had it working fine with on 3.0.10.

The users in the domain admin group can add machines to the network but 
do not have admin rights on the actual PCs'

Neil Jolly wrote:

I can't seem to get the Domain Admins group members to be recognisd as
administrators on domain member PCs.Running net groupmap list yeilds the

Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-1288424760-4211430746-2168377316-512) - admin

--irrelevant groups omitted--

Running net rpc group members Domain Admins yeilds:


Looging in as administrator on a network connected domain member  I get
only normal restricted user priviledges. What am I missing here folks?


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Re: [Samba] I want install samba on debian

2007-01-19 Thread Gareth Cummings

Have a look at this:

Samantha Bandara wrote:
I am very beginners for samba. I want to install samba on Debian. I want maintain file server. We have 50 PCs that are running on WinXP I want connect these PCs to PC it run on Debian .

Over IP Range is

What are the main step to install samba on debian .
DNS server is must or not?
Can you help me thanks



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[Samba] Change existing accounts policy using pdbedit

2006-12-13 Thread Gareth Cummings


Running Samba version 3.0.22-13.18 on Suse 10.1

I have just converted our smbpasswd to a tdbsam passdb backend so I 
could use the pdbedit tool.  I created a new policy using the pdbedit 
tool and it works fine for new accounts however I am wondering is there 
any way in applying this policy to existing accounts?


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[Samba] Joining windows client to Samba Domain

2006-10-03 Thread Gareth Cummings


I have recently set-up Samba 3.0.10-0.1 on Suse 9.1.  All is working 
fine, I can create users, groups, see my network shares, grant access to 
them etc.  Recently I have tried to set-up the Samba server as a PDC, I 
have configured the smb.conf and from looking through different 
tutorials and notes it seems to be correct.  However when I try and add 
a windows client to the domain I get an error in regards to the client 
being unable to look up the domain name on the wins server. 

As far as I can make out I have configured the samba server correctly to 
be a wins server by adding the wins support = Yes to the smb.conf file 
however for some reason I am still unable to verify the domain name via 
the client.  I do not think this is a client issue as it is able to join 
a different Samba domain on a different network.  Below is my smb.conf 
file I was hoping someone could help.

   workgroup = TEST
   passwd chat = *New*Password* %n\n*Re-enter*new*password* %n\n 

   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
   syslog = 0
   name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
   add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m '%u'
   delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r '%u'
   add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g'
   delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g'
   add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G '%g' '%u'
   add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d 
/var/lib/nobody '%u'

   logon script = scripts\login.bat
   logon path =
   logon drive = X:
   domain logons = Yes
   preferred master = Yes
   wins support = Yes
   comment = Home Directories
   valid users = %S
   read only = No
   browseable = No
   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /data/%U
   valid users = %S
   read only = No
   comment = Accounting Files
   path = /data/accounts
   valid users = %G
   read only = No
   comment = Financial Service Files
   path = /data/finsvcs
   valid users = %G
   read only = No/

Can anybody see what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Gareth Cummings
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