Re: Loom/Phoenix Integration with Plexus

2006-07-14 Thread peter royal

On Jul 14, 2006, at 4:28 AM, Jason van Zyl wrote:
After meeting Mauro in London we got chatting and eventually  
started talking about containers, which lead to talking about Loom/ 
Phoenix and Plexus. One thing lead to another and I asked if we  
could possibly merge the contain and component code. A little email  
exchange ensued and Peter Donald, Peter Royal, Mauro, Paul agreed  
to the merger. Johan is away but I am going to assume he would be  
fine with it. The promise is to keep things working for existing  
Loom/Phoenix users, other then that we benefit by getting some  
excellent code. The developers of Loom/Phoenix don't have a lot of  
time so there might not be much input there but there is a vast  
store of good code and awesome components.

Technically how the merger will proceed I will work on but I wanted  
to now ask the rest of the Plexus developers what they think about  
the merger of the code. I think this will be awesome personally.

cc'ing the james-dev list, as I'm sure they'll be interested in this  
news as users of Phoenix.



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Re: IMAP Draft: Cluster

2006-07-14 Thread peter royal

On Jul 14, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Joachim Draeger wrote:
How much does it cost to keep an idle thread allocated? Is it only  

memory or using a lot of memory or does the JVM need cpu time to deal
with them?
Do you recommend using SEDA instead of MINA?

MINA would let you implement a SEDA-style architecture.



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Re: slf4j and avalon

2006-07-13 Thread peter royal

On Jul 12, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Stefano Bagnara wrote:

peter royal wrote:

On Jul 12, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:
anyone had get it to work to get the slf4j logs logged with  
avalon ? I
know there is a wrapper. If it works like aspected we will maybe  

to  slfj for jSPF ..
You'll probably want to make a wrapper similar to how commons- 
logging works with Avalon.

I found a wrapper that allow you to provide an Avalon Logger  
implemented over commons-logging but now viceversa.

The fact is that we have an AvalonLogger instance and we want the  
library to use that specific instance: is it possible?

perhaps, via classloader isolation.

I really like the Avalon Logger way to manage loggers via DI as any  
other service and I don't understand why most logging libraries  
works with static factories.

i agree :)



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Re: slf4j and avalon

2006-07-12 Thread peter royal

On Jul 12, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:

anyone had get it to work to get the slf4j logs logged with avalon ? I
know there is a wrapper. If it works like aspected we will maybe  

to  slfj for jSPF ..

You'll probably want to make a wrapper similar to how commons-logging  
works with Avalon.

With that said, if you're thinking of MINA, I've been pondering  
pulling out SLF4J and having our own abstraction, as others have  
wondered why we're not using JCL (and I'm not keen on that for its  
warts, at least as a requirement in the core)



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Re: JAMES-418 and SVN tagging

2006-01-02 Thread peter royal

On Dec 30, 2005, at 1:27 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
I built peter sources after an upgrade of avalon/excalibur  
libraries to

the latest official stable releases. I also removed jdk 1.3
compatibility jars that are not needed for james 2.3.0 that will be
1.4+ only.

So you did the build, or Peter?

I just shared copies of the source that I had been using.

IIRC peter sources are from 

I don't know what is the svn version used in the peter version. I  

checked the latest trunk and it worked fine.

I just want to identify exactly which code is used, and then tag it  
so that we don't have a repeat of an earlier fiasco, when no one  
knew which code had been used for our Phoenix drop, and it was  

What I had sent was an older CVS checkout, the code in the svn url  
above is a bit newer, but very similar.

It would be cool if proyal, leosimons or niclas could tag that  

as phoenix 4.2 or something similar.

If you'll just pick a branch of Phoenix, do the build and test, and  
let me know which code you picked, I'll see that the branch is  
tagged.  Far as I'm concerned, the tag can be called FOR_JAMES_2.3.

You may just want to import what I sent into the james repo and  
maintain your own copy, might be best :)


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Re: Switch to Loom 1.0RC3

2005-09-18 Thread peter royal

On Sep 10, 2005, at 1:25 PM, Stefano Bagnara wrote:

my company deploys the phoenix trunk. its not the tip, but
its a 4.1 alpha release from early 2003. it has been solid
with zero problems, which is why we're still using it.

Is there a list of known bugs of the current trunk?

not that i know of.

Why did noone made a release of it?

avalon fell apart.

Are you using it with bundled old excalibur libraries or did you  


the 'old' libraries.

I would like to know more about persisted configuration.
I've seen I can enable it from the kernel.xml but I don't know what  


you really want to use it in conjunction with schema validation of  
block config, that way you can see if there are merge errors.

by default, in ${phoenix.home}/conf, it will look for a directory  
with the app name, and then individual XML files named after the  
block (so a block named 'myblock' would be 'myblock.xml')

the information in myblock.xml is then 'merged' into the  
configuration in the SAR. elements that have excalibur- 
configuration:merge='true' as an attribute will be merged with an  
element of the same name in config.xml. if you have multiple elements  
with the same name, you can also add an attribute named 'excalibur- 
configuration:key-attribute' with a value of an attribute name that  
uniquely identifies elements of the same name.. so given the  
following in config.xml

  b id=oneuno/b
  b id=twodos/b

and a myblock.xml of

  a excalibur-configuration:merge=truefoo/a
  b excalibur-configuration:merge=true excalibur- 
configuration:key-attribute=id id=twobar/b


will yield this to the app:

  b id=oneuno/b
  b id=twobar/b


peter royal

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Re: Switch to Loom 1.0RC3

2005-09-09 Thread peter royal

On Sep 7, 2005, at 7:46 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

I'm not sure I would like to use phoenix-trunk: does any
other project use it?

Does anyone use LOOM?

i know of no deployments. not saying that there are any, just that  
its not public.

my company deploys the phoenix trunk. its not the tip, but its a 4.1  
alpha release from early 2003. it has been solid with zero problems,  
which is why we're still using it.

my suspicion as to why there are few loom deployments is that we  
(loom) have done zero advertising.  all the hype is around the new  
'lightweight' containers, so new users end up going towards the  
bright lights. and existing users already have something solid, so  
why change if there's no reason to.

From what Peter Royal told me, I understood that development on  
dead.  And we don't have access to the code.  I'd like to hear from  

regarding Loom vs Phoenix, but he seemed willing to help us update the

if anyone wants to hack on loom, just speak up :)

from an application POV, Loom is the unreleased Phoenix HEAD.  
internally, the Avalon interfaces were ripped out of the kernel and  
replaced with 'DNA', but this is  
transparent to hosted applications (they still use the Avalon  

really, i can't think of a good reason why i would recommend loom to  
an existing phoenix user. i'd say use the unreleased phoenix first.

fwiw, as asked earlier in the thread, the version of phoenix you have  
in your svn trunk supports configuration validation as well as  
persisted configuration outside of the SAR. it was never very well  
documented, but i wrote it, so i'm happy to share details for the  
curious :)

also, if anyone else is interested in forward *migration* from  
phoenix (evolution not revolution), send me a private message.. its a  
topic i've been thinking a lot about recently, and i have my pet use- 
cases, but i'm curious to know what others want out of a container as  

(please cc me on replies as i'm not on the list)

peter royal

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